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1.1 甲方同意按照本合同约定的条件向乙方销售货物,乙方同意购买。

1.2 本合同项下的货物为:_______(货物的名称、规格、型号、数量等)。


2.1 交货地点:_______。

2.2 交货时间:_______。


3.1 货物的价格按照_______(单价或总价)计算,金额为人民币_______元整(大写:_______元整)。





4.1 甲方保证所售货物符合国家质量标准,并对货物的质量负责。

4.2 质保期:自货物交付并验收合格之日起_______年。


5.1 甲方未按约定时间交付货物的,应向乙方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:_______。

5.2 乙方未按约定时间支付货款的,应向甲方支付违约金,违约金的计算方式为:_______。


6.1 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

6.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向合同签订地人民法院提起诉讼。


7.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。

甲方(盖章):_______ 乙方(盖章):_______

代表(签名):_______ 代表(签名):_______

签订日期:_______ 签订日期:_______


Sales Contract Template (Chinese-English bined)

Contract Number: _______

Party A (Seller): _______

Party B (Buyer): _______

Based on the "Contract Law of the People's Republic of China" and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B here enter into this contract on the principles of equality, voluntariness, frness, and good fth, regarding the sale of goods from Party A to Party B. The following terms and conditions are agreed upon:

Article 1 Contract Subject

1.1 Party A agrees to sell the goods to Party B in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, and Party B agrees to purchase the goods.

1.2 The goods covered this contract are: _______ (name, specifications, model, quantity, etc.).

Article 2 Delivery

2.1 Delivery Place: _______.

2.2 Delivery Time: _______.

Article 3 Price and Payment

3.1 The price of the goods shall be calculated based on _______ (unit price or total price), with a total amount of RMB _______ Yuan (in words: _______ Yuan).

3.2 Party B shall make the payment in the following manner:

(1) _______% of the total contract price as an advance payment within _______ days after the signing of the contract;

(2) _______% of the total contract price as a progress payment within _______ days after the delivery and acceptance of the goods;

(3) The remning _______% of the contract price as a retention payment, which shall be pd within _______ days after the expiration of the warranty period.

Article 4 Quality Warranty

4.1 Party A warrants that the goods sold ply with the national quality standards and shall be responsible for the quality of the goods.

4.2 Warranty Period: _______ years from the date of delivery and acceptance of the goods.

Article 5 Liability for Breach of Contract

5.1 If Party A fls to deliver the goods within the agreed time, Party A shall pay liquidated damages to Party B. The calculation method for the liquidated damages is: _______.

5.2 If Party B fls to make the payment within the agreed time, Party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A. The calculation method for the liquidated damages is: _______.

Article 6 Dispute Resolution

6.1 The conclusion, performance, interpretation, and resolution of disputes under this contract shall be governed the
