


3.41 电流规格 .............................................................................................................. 13 3.5 791 2象限调速器所用的熔断器和电抗器...................................................................... 14
ETD 790直流调速器
页码:2 /86
ETD 790直流调速器 电流预测控制
6.4e 模拟输出 .............................................................................................................. 39 6.4f 422/485串行口....................................................................................................... 41 6.4g 直流测速电机反馈接线 ......................................................................................... 42 6.4h 用于指示输入和输出的LED指示器 ....................................................................... 43 6.5 RS 232、CAN总线、编码器1、编码器2的连接器....................................................



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3.本公司只对机器本身存在的问题负有保修和维修责任,对于因误操作、 自行维修或者其它意外情况所引起的事故或由此引起的任何损坏不负 任何责任,也不对因此造成的其它间接损失负责。

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刀片极其锋利,请在使用时注意安全, 以免发生意外。


请确定您需剪切的胶纸宽度一、注意事项设置键确认键后退键前进键选择键手动与自动切换键开始键感应插头剪刀盒数码管支撑架滚轮二、部件及功能描述尊敬的顾客:您好! 首先感谢您选用我公司的ZCUT-200产品,谨致谢意! 为了便于我们给您提供更满意的服务,同时也更好的保障您的权益,对于我司所有产品我们提供以下条款的售后服务:请您认真阅读此条例。

一:适用范围说明: 本条款适用于ZCUT-200产品。


但以下情况除外:1.使用时人为造成的产品损坏;2.未经双方协商授权,擅自对产品维修或改动;3.因错误操作和安装、不正确使用、意外事故或其它不可以抗力而引起的损坏4.无有效购买凭证或提供不符合我公司生产的产品信息;5.其他非产品本身质量缺陷引起的异常情况二:品质承诺: "客户至上,服务第一"的宗旨,为客户提供满意的售后服务。



自由运转指令 BX 输入端
外部报警输入 端
复位信号输入 RST 端
X1、X2、 多 段 频 率 选 择 X3 输入端
FWD-CM 之间接通,正转运 FWD-CM 与 REV-CM 同时接通时,
REV-CM 之间接通,反转运行, 行时,而成为暂停。 断开则减速停止
JP6C-T9 变频器使用手册
1、 检查变频器是否在运输过程中造成损伤,查看铭牌,确认与订货是否相符,若有问题请与本公 司或代理商、经销商联系。 同时,请说明产品型号、规格、编号及购买日期和破损程度。
2、搬运产品时,请务必抓稳机体。若只抓住盖板或部件,可能摔坏变频器。 3、产品的保修 顾客购买产品之日起一年内为产品保修期,但下述情况时,即使在保修期内,也是有偿服务:
主电路端子功能说明(表 2-1)
JP6C-T9 变频器使用手册
外部制动电阻器连接端子 连接外部制动电阻(0.75~22kW)(选用件)
W 三相中的任意两相。
(3) 请勿以主电路的通断电来进行变频器的运行和停止操作。必须用触摸面板的 运行 和 停止 键或
(4) (5)
以控制电路端子 FWD(REV)与 CM 接通、断开来操作。 变频器的[P1、P(+)]端子是连接 DC 电抗器的端子,出厂时接有短接片。对于 37kW 以上的变频 器,需配置 DC 电抗器,在连接 DC 电抗器时,请卸掉短接片后连接。图(2-4)。 变频器的[P(+)、DB]端子是连接制动电阻的端子。对于 22kW 以下机型,需要外部制动电阻, 连接于[P(+),DB]端子上(图 2-5)。30kW 以上机型,则需同时配制动单元和制动电阻。制动单 元须连接在变频器与外部制动电阻器之间(图 2-6)。制动电阻配线长度应在 5m 以下,且应绞合。 若不用变频器 P(+)和 P(-)端子,则使其开路。如果短路或直接接入制动电阻,则会损坏变频器, 务必警惕小心。 变频器接地端子 PE:根据安全规则,为了变频器安全和人身安全,以及降低噪声,变频器必须 接地。接地电阻应小于或等于国家标准规定值,且用黄/绿双色线接到变频器的专用接地端子 PE 上。



MENU: 主菜单功能按钮ENT : 退出按钮UP :菜单向上选择DOWN: 菜单向下选择+ :增加参数的值—:减少参数的值注意区分:长按和短按1,持续按键2秒以上。

2,持续按键不超过1秒(微调显示)(编码方式)(比赛时间指示)(模式选择)(用户名)(型号选择)*电池电压指示:检测当前电源电压的值(如果电池电压低于8.5V后,BUZZER每隔5S发一次提示音*编码方式:发射机的发射数据的编码格式(包含PPM和PCM)*模式选择:用户参数编号显示(最多8组可以选择)*用户名字:当前用户的名字(用户名可以自定义,最长8个字符)*微调指示:副翼,升降,方向,油门通道的微调指示*型号选择:机种型号选择(飞机,直升机,滑翔机)*比赛时间:比赛倒计时(最长时间99分59秒)长按MENU键进入主菜单设置(大约2秒)(系统设置)(基本功能设置)*系统设置(SYSTEN SETTING):对系统的初始化设定*基本功能设置(FU NC SETTING):机种功能参数设定*使用UP DOWN选择SYSTEN SETTING和(FU NC SETTING。

然后,短按(1秒左右)MENU确定进入相应菜单或者按EXIT键退出设置菜单*菜单每动作一次BUZZER发一次声音*如果是菜单中参数调到最大值后,继续按按钮,BUZZER将不会发出音系统设定功能*MODEL SELE :模式选择*MODEL NAME :用户名称编辑*TYPE SELE :机种型号的选择*MODEUAT :调制模式选择*STICK SET :控制杆的模式选择(左右手油门互换)*COPY :复制成初始化3-1模式选择(MODEL SELE)*功能说明:为不同机种的操作调出不同用户的设定*系统总共包含8种模式,也就是说能够存储8种不同形式的设置为不同的用户,每次使用只要选择它就能够调出相应的设置。

*使用UP DOWN按钮选择,如果选择第一项其他颜色会翻转*然后短按MENU选择保存并返回上一项菜单,按EXIT键不保存并返回上一项菜单)3-2用户名称编辑(MODEL NAME*功能说明:编辑用户的名称*使用UP ,DOWN按钮选择,如果选择某一项其颜色会翻转,使用(—),(+)选择不同的字符,包含有(数字,字母等,空格)。

AURORA 9CH 遥控器说明书中英文对照

AURORA 9CH 遥控器说明书中英文对照
Table of Contents 目录
Section One 第一章 Introduction 引言
2........Introduction 引言
3........Table of Contents 目录
6........ Steps for Aurora Programming Success 掌握 Aurora 编程的步骤 Using this Manual 使用本手册 Quick Set-up Guides 快速设置指南 Aurora Software Architecture Explained Aurora 软件架构说明
Section One
9 通道 2.4GHz 航模飞机计算机无线电遥控系统
Introduction 简介
Welcome to the Aurora experience! 欢迎体验Aurora遥控器! The Aurora 9 is Hitecs most sophisticated R/C transmitter and allows the user to choose between 72MHz FM, Hitecs QPCM and our new “Advanced Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum”AFHSS 2.4GHz signal technology. Aurora 9 是 Hitecs 公司最精密的遥控发射机,允许用户在 72 MHz FM、Hitecs QPCM 以及全新的“高级跳频展频”AFHSS 2.4GHz 信号技术之间进行选择。
Common Model Functions to ACRO, GLID and HELI 固定翼、滑翔机和直升机通用的模型功能





























圆锥破碎机[键入文字][键入文字] 颚式破碎机使用说明书郑州市长城重工机械有限公司目录1.敬告用户 (1)2.产品特点 (1)3.产品用途 (1)4.常用颚式破碎机的规格和技术参数 (2)5.结构简述及装配 (3)6.颚破的安装、操作和维修 (10)一、敬告客户为了确保本机正常工作,充分发挥本机应有的性能,希望使用单位在使用本机之前首先熟悉本机说明书,并按照说明书技术要求进行操作。






五、 结构简述及装配图1 颚式破碎机结构图1.定颚(衬板)2.边护板(上)3.动颚衬板4. 动颚5.肘板6.拉紧装置(弹簧和拉杆)7. 边护板(下)8.带轮9.轴承 10.轴承 11.偏心轴 12.飞轮颚式破碎机以电动机为动力,通过电动机皮带轮,由三角皮带和槽轮驱动偏心轴,使动颚按预定轨迹作往复运动。





2、动颚部件 (1) 结构特征:动颚为整体优质铸钢结构,其内孔以及凹槽等部位经过精确加工与检测,确保工作时安全、可靠。



三菱电动叉车 48V 80V 110V 140V 系列 电动叉车 使用说明书

三菱电动叉车 48V   80V   110V   140V 系列 电动叉车 使用说明书

CODEELECTRICFORKLIFT TRUCKSSUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO.,LTD., manufacturer of forklift trucks and materials handling equipments, uses a quality management sys-tem certified compliant with ISO9001.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO.,LTD., manufacturer of forklift trucks and materials handling equipments, uses an environmental manage-ment system certified com-pliant with ISO14001.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALSS HANDLING continually upgrades and improves its products. Actual features and specifications may therefore differ slightly from those described in this catalog.SUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING SALES CO., LTD.2-18, Heiwajima 3-chome, Ota-ku, Tokyo, 143-0006 JAPAN Phone: 81-3-6404-3262 Fax: 81-3-6404-3272Manufactured bySUMITOMO NACCO MATERIALS HANDLING CO., LTD.2-75, Daitoh-cho, Obu-shi, Aichi-ken, 474-8555 JAPAN Phone: 81-562-48-5251 Fax: 81-562-48-5396Powerful, high-speed forklifts for efficient handling of large, heavy loads!Rugged power, nimble footwork, and excellent controllability. Incorporating the latest in electronics technology, SUMITOMO’s new range of 3.5~4.0 ton large electric forklifts can handle heavy loads and large, cumbersome goods with ease and reliability. Outstanding working performance that beats the pack!Top class speedHigh-performance motors installed fortravel and goods handling, to boostoperation efficiency and shift large,heavy loads smoothly and speedily.Compact bodyUnbelievably compact body for aheavy-duty forklift. Nifty maneuveringround narrow warehouse aisles.Heavy-duty head guardLarge, heavy-duty head guard keeps operator safe.All the features needed for comfort on the jobOperational dataincluding several hour meters, travel distance, and charging time, are recorded for weekly periods.Operator can select from 3 working modes: ‘energy-saving’ mode, mid~high power plus hyper mode, and ‘my’ mode, which allows operator to make own settings.For security, password entry feature requires a numeric code to be input before the vehicle can be switched ON. Up to 10 codes can be pre-set.Display shows data according to vehiclestatus: speedometer and battery dischargeindicator during travel, and digital clock and battery dischargeindicator when stationary.Auto power-OFFPower switches OFF automatically if the vehicle is not operated for more than 15 mins. Power is not wasted due to operator’s oversight.Tilt-adjustable steering wheelSteering wheel can be adjusted at the most comfortable angle for the operator.Easy-to-readmulti-display screenMulti-display screen gives data on vehicle status, including travelspeed, battery discharge indication, password entry, and operation management.Open step for easy accessWide, low step for ready mounting/dismounting, despite the vehicle’s large size.Adjustable seatOperator’s seat slides forward/back for adjustment at the optimal position to keep operator free of fatigue over long stretches.High energy-saving performanceAll the braking energy generated when reducing speed, by releasing accelerator, applying brake, shifting levers, etc., as well as inertia inmast, is returned to the batteries for high energy efficiency.•Neutral regenerative•Brake pedal regenerative •Shift lever regenerative •Hydraulic regenerativeAdvantages of AC drive systemMotor1. Simple, robust structureStator coil and rotor are only major components. Bearing only part that may require replacement.2. Maximum torque is limited, reducing risk of overheatingThermo sensor reports stator coil temperature to control system, to protect motor from overheating. Transistors in the controller are similarly protected.3. Large torque at high speedLarge torque even in mid- to high-speed range allows good acceleration.4. Large regenerative torqueLarge regenerative torque provides good maneuverability.Controller1. No F/R contactor or regenerative contactor requiredCrisp response, reduced maintenance, and less noise.2. Regenerative braking throughout speed rangeRegenerative braking from zero to top speed improves driveability and recovers more energy.3. Excellent control across speed rangeConsistently high controllability from low to high speed.SpecificationsModel PerformanceCapacity kgWith load center at mmMax. Lifting height A mmStandard free lift B mmTilt of mast (Forward/backward ) C/D digreeTravel speed Unladen km/h(Standard tread) Laden km/hLiftingspeed Unladen mm/sLaden mm/sMinimum turning radius E mmEqual aisle width mmDimensionsOverall length with forks G mmOverall width H mmHeight Canopy guard I mmExtended mast J mmCollapsed mast K mmFork length L mmFork spread Max.-Min. M/N mmWheelbase O mmTread Front/Rear P/Q mmGround clearance Mast R mmUnladen weight w/ standard battery kgw/o battery kgTireFront wheelsBack wheelsElectrical ComponentsControl type DriveHoistSteeringDrive motor T ypeRated output kWHoist motor T ypeRated output kWPower steer motor T ypeRated output kWBattery compartment W L Hmm Battery capacity Minimum Volt Ah/hr Maximum Volt Ah/hr Dual TireOverall width mmTread Front mmUnladen weight w/o battery kgT yre size Front 8FB35PZX 3,5006003,0101506/1218.017.04803702,5702,3003,9401,3602,2154,2502,1701,0701,200-3001,8551,130/1,1401405,7204,3902.50-15-16PR (I)7.00-12-12PR (I)FET inverter FET inverter IGBT chopper AC induction 10.3AC induction 20.9DC permanent magnet 1.2710 1,028 78072 440/572 600/51,7601,3054,4407.00-15-10PR (I)8FB40PZX 4,0006003,0101456/1218.016.54803502,7202,3704,0851,3602,2804,2502,1701,0701,200-3002,0001,130/1,1401405,9504,4102.50-15-18PR (I)7.00-12-12PR (I)FET inverter FET inverter IGBT chopper AC induction10.3AC induction20.9DC permanent magnet1.2800 1,028 78072 600/572 700/51,7601,3054,4607.00-15-10PR (I)8FB35PZX 8FB40PZX ControlsAuto-power-OFFRegenerative braking Neutral regeneration (*1)Ramp start (*2)Neutral start (*3)Accelerator pedal adjustment (*4)Traction power adjustment (*4)Hoist speed limit (*4)Tilt speed limit (*4)Travel speed limit (*5)BDI interrupt (*6) Multi-displayBattery discharge indicator Digital clockMulti hour metersSpeedometer Safety monitor Operation managementPassword entry (*7) LightsHeadlights (*8)Turning indicators Back buzzerTilting steering wheelSuspension seatBattery Ah/5HR (72V)440 600700 Main Accessories*1 Releasing accelerator during travel activates regenerative braking to slow vehicle speed.*2 When starting on a grade, automatic torque adjustment prevents roll-back.*3 If the key is switched ON with travel lever engaged or accelerator depressed, vehicle is held stationary and an error message is displayed.*4 Acceleration, and power, hoist and tilt speeds can be adjusted to match job requirements.*5 Max. speed can be set to conform with workplace speed limit.*6 When battery charge falls below 20%, hoist speed is first reduced by 50%, then fork operation stops altogether, to prevent damage to batteries.*7 10 different codes can be pre-set.*8 With warning buzzer.OptionalLoad Capacity Charts8FB35PZX 3002000230026002900320035003800400500600700Load center (mm)L o a d c a p a c i t y (k g )800900100011001200S4.0m/4.5m/5.0 mast 8FB40PZXL o a d c a p a c i t y (k g )3002500280031003400370040004300400500600700Load center (mm)800900100011001200S4.0m/4.5m/5.0 mastMasts8FB35/40PZX 3000mm3300mm 3500mm 3700mm 4000mm4300mm 4500mm 4700mm 5000mm 5300mm 5700mm 6000mmMax. lifting heightStandard mast High mast3-stage full-free mast full-free mastOptions•Long fork•Extension fork •High backrest •Wide carriage •Double tires•Pneumatic solid tires •Colored tires •Windscreen•Rear view mirror•Left-hand shift levers •Working lights •Rotating lights•Forward/reverse chime•Forward/reverse melody alarm •Battery top up device •Spare batteryDimension chart。



NO : CS 5940N02金翰牌工棠用缝纫械GOLDEN WHEEL INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE Ti t-OL AAτAAI nu nuυ 产气υF气υ//// nU OLA哇AAI nu nU Fhd Fhd 一-P、u nδρlνρEU INSTRUCTION MANUAL 操作手册后欠莉3月支f分手于严良乏〉司CHEE SIANG INDU STRIAL CO., LTD. 2016.02.041. SETTING UP 安裝1. Inserting the Needle裝置機針CAUTION: Switch off the machine! Danger ofinjury by unintentional starting ofthe machine!●Set the needle bar at its highest point.●Loosen screw 1.●Push needle 2 fully into the needle bar (thelong needle groove must face to the front.)●Tighten screw 1.注意:關閉電源!防止無意中啟動機器!◆ 將針棒提升到最高位置◆ 鬆開螺絲1◆ 將機針2插入至針棒底部(機針的長勾槽朝向正前方)◆ 擰緊螺絲12. Threading the Needle Thread and Regulating its Tension 穿針線與調整線張力●Thread the needle thread as shown in theleft figure.●Regulate the needle thread by turningknurled nut 1.◆ 如左圖所示穿針線◆ 旋轉螺帽1調整針線的張力3. Threading the Looper Thread and Regulating its Tension 穿底線與調整線張力●Open the looper cover and swing out thread guide plate 1.●Thread the looper thread as shown in the figure below and pull it under guide plate 2.●Regulate the looper thread by turning knurled nut 4.◆ 打開勾針護蓋及過線導引板1◆ 如上圖所示穿底線並繞過導線板2的下方◆ 旋轉螺帽4調整底線的張力2. CARE AND MAINTENANCE 維護與保養1. Machine Oil Level 油位高度Caution: Check oil level before each use.●The oil level must be between the markingsin the inspection glass.●If required, refill oil through hole 1.Caution: Only use oil with a mean viscosity of22.0mm²/s at 40°C and a density of0.865 g/cm³at 15°C!注意:每次使用前需檢查油位的高度◆ 油位的高度須介於兩個刻度線之間◆ 必要時,由加油孔1補充潤滑油注意:需使用潤滑油黏度約22.0mm²/s(在40°C時)且密度約0.865 g/cm³(在15°C時)2. Lubricating the Top Feed Joints 潤滑上送料連桿●Lubricate the points marked in theillustration with a drop of oil once a weekor after the machine has stood still forlonger periods.Caution: Only use oil with a medium viscosityof 10.0 mm²/s at 40°C and a density of0.847 g/cm³at 15°C.◆ 每週一次或長期不使用時在圖示的箭頭指示部位添加潤滑油注意:需使用潤滑油黏度約10.0mm²/s(在40°C時)且密度約0.847 g/cm³(在15°C時)3. Checking and Adjusting the Air Pressure 檢查與調整空氣壓力●Before operating the machine, always checkthe air pressure on gauge 1.●Gauge 1 must show a pressure of 6 bar.●If necessary adjust to this reading.●To do so, pull knob 2 upwards and turn it sothat the gauge shows a pressure of 6 bar.◆ 在操作機器之前,請檢查壓力表1的空氣壓力◆ 壓力表1的壓力須指示在6 bar◆ 必要時,調整壓力至此值◆ 調整時,將旋鈕2往上拉,轉到指針指示壓力在6 bar位置,再壓下旋鈕23. ADJUSTMENT 機器的調整1. Control and Adjustment Aids 控制與輔助調整設置Note: By inserting the adjustment pin (ø5mm) to the marked holes 1, 2, 3and 4 with, the desired needle barpositions can fixed exactly.備註:利用調整用平行銷(ø 5mm)插入對應1, 2, 3及4的記號孔時,可得到準確的針棒位置●Turn the balance wheel until the needle bar is approximately in the desired position.●Insert the adjustment pin into the appropriate hole and apply pressure.●Turn the balance wheel slightly backwards and forwards, until the pin locks into the rear crankrecess, in this way the main shaft of the machine is locked.Adjustment hole 1 = top dead centre of the needle bar (t.d.c.)Adjustment hole 2 = bottom position of top feed dogAdjustment hole 3 = bottom dead centre of the needle bar (b.d.c.)Adjustment hole 4 = neutral position of main feed dog and differential feed dog◆旋轉手輪使針棒到達所需的大略位置◆將調整用平行銷插入對應的記號孔,並施以適當的推力◆稍微前後轉動手輪使平行銷插入凸輪的溝槽中,以鎖定機器的主軸調整記號孔1 = 針棒上死點調整記號孔2 = 上送料齒下死點調整記號孔3 = 針棒下死點調整記號孔4 = 主送料齒與差動送料齒的中立位置2. Needle to Needle Hole 機針與針孔位置 Requirement1. As seen from the direction of feeding, needle 5 should be in the centre of the needle hole.2. The distance between needle 5 and the front edge of the needle hole should be approximately0.8mm. 調整需求調整需求::1. 從送料方向觀察,機針5必須對準針孔的中心2. 機針5與針孔前緣的距離需約為0.5mm● Loosen screw 1 and 2.● Adjust needle bar frame 3 according to requirement 1) and tighten screw 1.● Loosen screw 4 and turn needle bar frame 3 according to requirement 2).● Tighten screws 2 and 4.◆ 鬆開螺絲1與2◆ 根據調整需求1) 調整針柱座3的左右位置,然後擰緊螺絲1◆ 鬆開螺絲4,根據調整需求2) 調整針柱座3的前後位置◆ 擰緊螺絲2與43. Preliminary Adjustment of Needle Height 機針高度的初步調整 Requirement調整需求CS-5940 With the needle bar at t.d.c. (adjustment hole 1), the distance X between the needle plate and the needle tip should be 11 mm.當針棒在上死點時(調整記號孔1),針尖端與針板面的距離須等於11 mmCS-5941 With the needle bar at t.d.c. (adjustment hole 1), the distance X between the needle plate and the needle tip should be 14 mm.當針棒在上死點時(調整記號孔1),針尖端與針板面的距離須等於14 mm● Bring needle bar 1 to t.d.c.● Adjust needle bar 1 (screws 2) according to the requirement.◆ 將針棒1提升到上死點◆ 根據調整需求(鬆開螺絲2)設定針棒1的高度4. Neutral Position of Main Feed Dog 主送料齒的中立位置 Requirement調整需求When the stitch length is set at “0”, there should be no feeding motion of the main feed dog 7. 當縫目長度設定在「0」的位置時,主送料齒無前後運動● Unscrew set screw 1 and nut 2 (stitch length limitation disengaged).● Bring stitch length adjustment lever 3 to “0” mark.● Loosen screw 4 to such an extent that crank 5 can be rotated on the shaft with some resistance. ● While turning the balance wheel continuously, adjust crank 5, so that crank 6 does not move. ● Tighten screw 4.Note: Screw 1 and nut 2 remains loosened for further adjustments.(Stitch length limitation is still disengaged).◆ 鬆開螺絲1與螺帽2(解除縫目長度限制)◆ 將縫目長度調整桿推到「0」的刻度位置◆ 鬆開螺絲4至一有限的程度使擺動臂5可在軸上旋轉並具有阻力◆ 連續轉動手輪,並調整擺動臂5,使擺動臂6不轉動◆ 擰緊螺絲4注意:螺絲1與螺帽2仍然保持鬆開狀態,以便做後續的調整(縫目長度限制仍然保持在解除狀態)5. Neutral Position of Differential Feed Dog 差動料齒的中立位置 Requirement調整需求With the stitch length set at “0” and the adjustment gauge 1 fitted, there should be no movement of the differential feed dog 5.當縫目長度設定在「0」的位置且調整治具1裝入時,差動送料齒5無前後運動● Set stitch length at “0”.● Fit adjustment gauge 1.● Loosen screw 2 to such an extent that crank 3 can be moved on the shaft with some resistance. ● While turning the balance wheel continuously, adjust crank 3, so that crank 4 does not move. ● Tighten screw 2.Note: Adjustment gauge 1 remains fitted for further adjustments.◆ 將縫目長度設定在「0」的刻度位置 ◆ 裝入調整治具1◆ 鬆開螺絲2至一有限的程度使擺動臂3可在軸上旋轉並具有阻力 ◆ 連續轉動手輪,並調整擺動臂3,使擺動臂4不轉動 ◆ 擰緊螺絲2注意:調整治具1仍然保持裝入狀態,以便做後續的調整When the stitch length is set at “4” and the needle bar is positioned at neutral position of feed dog (adjustment hole 4) and the adjustment gauge 8 is fitted, the main feed dog and the differential feed dog should not move when roller 5 is operated.當縫目長度設定在「4」的位置,針棒設定在送料齒的中立位置(調整記號孔4),且調整治具8在裝入狀態,當推動滾輪5時,主送料齒與差動送料齒無前後運動● Slightly loosen screws 1 and 2 (4 screws).● Bring needle bar to adjustment hole 4 and adjust stitch length to “4”.● While moving roller 5 up and down continuously, turn eccentrics 6 and 7 so that the cutout is visible and the cranks 3 and 4 do not move. ● Tighten screws 1 and 2.◆ 稍微鬆開螺絲1與2(共4個螺絲)◆ 將針棒移到調整記號孔4的位置,以及將縫目長度設定在「4」的位置◆ 上下推動滾輪5,同時調整偏心輪6與7的位置,使擺臂3與4無運動。

CoolCat 电子效果器说明书

CoolCat 电子效果器说明书

InstructionsCHORUS CC-1TRANSP ARENT OVERDRIVE CTO-1MET AL CM-1TREM OLO CT-1DRIVE CO-1FUZZ CF-1DISTORTION CD-1MET ALII CM-2VIBE CV-1©Cool Cat 2008Printed in ChinaEEC Agent:John Hornby Skewes &Co.,Ltd.Salem House,Parkinson Approach,Garforth,Leeds LS252HRUKCONGRA TULA TIONS!Y ou now own THE VERY COOLESTgear ever made.Enjoy!FOOT SWITCH Activates the effect .LEDIndicates that effect is ON.INInsert guitar cable here.EFFECT KNOBS See features for each model.DC 9VInsert AC adaptor here.Make sure the adaptor is9V olts,Center Negative +-(•–-and at least 300mA.Danelectro adaptor is recommended.Note:Y ou can use battery or 9V olt adaptor to power your “Cat”.F or CV-1model,we recommend using adaptor power only due to the high current draw of this circuit.OUT Insert amp cable here.ST ACKED KNOB Available on some models.A QUICK LOOK A T YOUR NEW COOL CA T!:HERE IS AN OVERVIEW OF FEA TURES COMMON TO ALL COOL CA T MODELS:SETTING THE CONTROLS::Some Cool Cat models have “stacked”controls.T o set those controls,move the entire control set (top and bottom knobs)together ,until you have set the lower knob to desired position,then adjust the top knob to where you want it .NOTE:The terms “Clockwise ”and “Counterclockwise ”mean the movement of the controls from this view:Now turn to the “F eatures”pages for your model of Cool Cat!ClockwiseclockwiseThe Cool Cat Chorus gives you all of the classic chorus sounds,and more -with more control than you’ve had before.CONTROLS:DEPTH:Controls the intensity of the Chorus,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).The Depth control interacts with the Speed control in this fashion:slower speed settings can take higher depth settings.As Speed increases,Depth may need to be reduced.Higher settings may cause light-headedness!SPEED:Controls the speed of the Chorus,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).This control will have no effect unless the Depth control is set higher than minimum (off).MIX /E Q:These controls are stacked,the inner control adjusts mix and the outer control adjusts chorus eq.(These controls have no effect unless the pedal is on.)T urning the Eq knob can be tricky ,here’s how to do it:turn both knobs at the same time until the Eq is where you want it ,then adjust the Mix control.When the Mix control is fully counter-clockwise,there is no chorus effect –it’s 100%dry .When the Mix control is set tomaximum,all you’ll hear is the effected signal –100%wet .By setting this control in-between minimum and maximum you can choose the perfect dry to wet ratio.A normal setting would be at 12:00(50%dry ,50%wet).Lowering the Mix control makes the Chorus more subtle;raising the Mix takes the sound towards vibrato.The Eq control adjusts to tone of the chorus only ,leaving your dry signal unaffected.Think of it as a high frequency roll-off for the wet signal.If the Chorus sounds too “sparkle-y”,try turning down the Eq control.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember ,these are just starting points.)F or a Classic Chorus sound,simply set all controls to 12:00.This may cause complaints from your band,as the Classic Chorus sound has been used to extremes.Let’s be a bit more creative:“Sky Blue Sky”(Great for rhythm players,so subtle the band might let you leave it on all night…)Depth –9:30Speed –10:30Mix /Eq –9:30/Min.(7:00)“Spin-Cycle”(Like a rotating speaker on “fast”,227pounds lighter .)Depth –9:00,may need to be reduced at highest speed setting Speed –4:30to Maximum (5:00)Mix /Eq –12:00/Wide open (Bonus:change the Mix setting to maximum and you get Vibrato,otherwise knownas the difference between a trombone and a lawn mower.)The T ransparent Overdrive lets more of your guitar’s voice shine through,even at high overdrive settings.V ery useful foreverything from modern Country to American and British Rock.CONTROLS:GAIN:Sets the amount of overdrive applied to the signal,counter-clockwise is minimum overdrive,turn clockwise to increase overdrive.As overdrive increases,low frequencies will “bloom”slightly .TREBLE /BASS:Adjusts the tone of the overdrive sound.The two controls are stacked;the inner control is forT reble,the outer for Bass.These controls cut and boost –they are flat (no effect)at 12o’clock.T uning the T reble control counter-clockwise from 12:00cuts the treble,advancing the T reble control beyond 12:00boosts the T reble.The Bass control operates in the same fashion.T urning the Bass knob can be tricky ,here’s how to do it:turn both knobs at the same time until the Bass is where you want it ,then adjust the T reble control.Don’t be surprised if you leave these controls set nearly flat .VOLUME:This control adjusts overall volume when the T ransparent Overdrive is turned ually ,the V olume control isset to be a little louder than the bypassed signal,or loud enough to serve as a solo setting.There is lots of volume boost available,so you can get even low gain settings loud enough.With high gain settings,the V olume control adds another dimension of gain that will generate even more overdrive.Be careful –this pedal goes way beyond eleven!BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.HINT :Don’t forget to try setting your guitar’s volume and tone controls lower than their maximum:the T ransparent Overdrive won’t “collapse”on you like other pedals.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember ,these are just starting points.)“Country ’T ude”(single coil pickups;add three chords and the truth,goes well with fried chicken –and chicken pickin’)Gain:9:30T reble /Bass:12:00(flat)/12:00(flat)V olume:1:30“Leeds Crunch ”(use with bridge pickup and play some big windmill chords -how high can you leap?)Gain –1:30T reble /Bass –12:00(flat)/12:00V olume –11:30“W oman T one”(use withyour neckpickup,roll offyour guitar’s tone control and follow your soul;great with Gain –Wide open!T reble /Bass –Wide open!/wide open!V olume –Wide open!(or as much asyour amp can handle –W ARNING:down,this setting is LOUD!)This Metal pedal is different:it’s almost like having an amp at your feet.Back in the1960’s,players ran one amp into another (DANGEROUS-don’t try this yourself without help from a qualified technician)to get over-the top-distortion.One famous guitarist used a factory public address amp in front of his guitar amp for his blistering tones.That’s the idea of the Metal pedal, but BE CAREFUL–this thing is LOUD!CONTROLS:GAIN:Adjusts the amount of distortion.As thiscontrol is increased,the pedal gets louder–MUCH louder.Higher settings will also increase noise-it’s the price you pay for this much fun-so learn the secret:don’t stop playing!TREBLE/MID:Adjusts the tone of the overdrive sound.The two controls are stacked;the inner control is for T reble,the outer for Mid.Like the Bass control,these controls cut and boost–they are flat(no effect)at12o’clock.T urning the Mid knob can be tricky,here’s how to do it:turn both knobs at the same time until the Mid is where you want it,then adjust the T reble control.VOLUME/BASS:These are stacked controls,theinner control is V olume and the outer control is Bass.T urning the Bass knob can be tricky,here’s how to do it:turn both knobs at the same time until the Bass is where you want it,then adjust the T reble control.The volume control operates in the standard fashion:from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise).The Bass control is a cut and boost control–it is flat (no effect)at12o’clock.T uning it lower than12o’clock cuts the bass,turning it past12o’clock boosts it.The amount of volume available is HUGE,so BE CAREFUL! Start with your amp and the V olume control turned down.At high settings,the Metal pedal will pulverize the front end of your amp.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember,these are just starting points. Also,the Metal pedal may not behave quite the way you expect it to,so experimentation is a must.)“Scoop O’Licorice”(Sweet&strong,modern&tight,dark& gritty-like heavy metal ice cream–try with a dropped“D”tuning) Gain–11:00T reble/Mid–11:30/Min.(7:00)V olume/Bass–12:00/11:30“M eat Pie”(Like the famous pastry from The Land Down Under; hot,goo-ey and satisfying.Sustain for days.Add ketchup and a lager.) Gain–1:30T reble/Mid–Min.(7:00)/10:00V olume/Bass–9:30/9:30“Chonk”(Insert fave punk anthem here and w ail aw ay…)Gain–9:00T reble/Mid–9:30/12:00V olume/Bass–9:15/11:30TheCool Cat T remolo is a classic reborn,recreating one of the first electric guitar effects from the 50’s with a modern twist .CONTROLS:DEPTH:Controls the intensity of the T remolo in Soft mode,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).When the Hard /Soft control is set to Hard,the Depth control is disabled.HARD /SOFT :This rotary switch has two positions,Hard and Soft ,and it effects the shape of the tremolo’s modulation.Soft is the sound of a traditional tube amp tremolo,characterized by a gentle,rounded rise and fall of your guitar’s volume.Hard is more abrupt –the rise and fall is replaced by more of an on /off motion.Selecting Hard disables the Depth control.SPEED:This controls the speed of the T remolo,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).The Speed control will have no effect unless the Depth control is set higher than minimum (off),or the Hard /Soft control is set to Hard.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember ,these are only starting points.)“St-St-Stutter”(Angst and tension.And drama.Kind of like being a teenager .)Depth –(no effect when set to Hard)HardSpeed –3:30–4:00“Cali Contemplation”(Ok,here’s the scene:Zuma Beach in late August ,the sun has set ,everyone’s sitting around a bonfire,you fire up your T remolo,add a little reverb….Y ou do have ac power at your beaches,don’t you??)Depth –12:00SoftSpeed –12:30–1:00“Spy Movie”(May require a baritone guitar ,reverb,and a flat 5Major 7th chord…)Depth –2:30SoftSpeed –2:00The Cool Cat Drive pedal adds a healthy dollop of color to your guitar tone with plenty of crunch and bloom.It’s very responsiveto touch as well as your guitar’s volume and tone controls;while it’s thicker than the T ransparent Overdrive,your guitar’s voice still comes through.CONTROLS:DRIVE:Sets the amount of overdrive from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise).Higher settings have higher distortion,volume and low end bloom.TONE:Adjusts the tone of the Drive,use this to find your tonal“sweet spot.”T urn clockwise for brighter tones and counter-clockwise for darker tones.VOLUME:Controls the overall volume of the pedal from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise),with plenty of range to allow even low drive settings. W ARNING:this pedal has lots of volume,so start with your amp and the V olume control turned down.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember,these are only starting points.)“M ain Street Breakup”(Just enough grit to make things interesting;musical and fat,a great rhythm tone for those songs about the Heartland.)Drive–Minimum(7:00)T one–9:15V olume–2:00“Backyard Bar-B-Q”(Smoky and sweet,this one will take you from Chi-town to St.Louis,Kansas City to Memphis,from Louisiana to T exas.So good!)Drive–10:00T one–9:45V olume–12:00“Grunge P atrol”(Thick and dark,even with your bridge pickup.) Drive–2:00T one–9:30V olume–11:00The Cool Cat Fuzz brings plenty of touch sensitive fuzzygoodness to your guitar;with liquid sustain and a full bottom end.Depending on your guitar ,you may get better results if the Fuzz is the first effect you plug into (rather than being second or third,etc…).T ry reducing your guitar’s volume and /or tone control for even more variation.CONTROLS:FUZZ:Controls the amount of fuzz from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).Higher settings increase fuzz distortion and volume aswell as thickening the tone.Fully clockwise is maximum fuzz,fully counter-clockwise is minimum fuzz.TONE:Rolls off the high frequencies of the Fuzz.Fullyclockwise is maximum treble,fully counter-clockwise is minimum treble.VOLUME:Controls the overall volume of the pedal from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fullyclockwise).The V olume control has plenty of range to allow evenlow Fuzz settings.W ARNING:this pedal has lots of volume,so start with your amp and the V olume control turned down.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember ,these are only starting points.)“Light &Fizzy”(A cool and ugly sound,still has plenty of beef along with the “broken transistor radio”vibe.)Fuzz –9:30T one –Wide open!V olume –1:00“W ooly Mammoth ”(Huge and primitive,turns a sensitive soulful ballad into a beast .)V olume –11:00T one –2:00Fuzz –Wide open!“Birmingham Smithy”(F rom swords and armour to music,Birmingham delivers the heavy e your guitar’s volume control to find a huge range of tones.)V olume –11:30T one –2:00Fuzz –12:30The Cool Cat Distortion brings all the rage of a cranked British tube amp to your tone.Since the60’s,the definitive sound of Rock from London to T okyo.An extremely versatile pedal. CONTROLS:GAIN:Sets the amount of distortion applied to thesignal,counter-clockwise is minimum distortion,turnclockwise to increase distortion.F or the first third of this control’s range,the Distortion is almost an overdrive;the next third takes you into Classic Rock and County tones;the final third gets more extreme,moving into Metal territory.As distortion increases,low frequencies will“bloom”and the pedal will get louder.TREBLE/BASS:Adjusts the tone of the distortion sound.The two controls are stacked;the inner control is for T reble,the outer for Bass.These controls cut and boost–they are flat(no effect) at12o’clock.T uning the T reble control counter-clockwise from 12:00cuts the treble,advancing the T reble control beyond12:00 boosts the T reble.The Bass control operates in the same fashion. T urning the Bass knob can be tricky,here’s how to do it:turn both knobs at the same time until the Bass is where you want it,then adjust the T reble control.Don’t be surprised if you leave these controls set nearly flat.LEVEL:Controls the overall volume of the pedal from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise),with plenty of range to allow even low drive settings. W ARNING:this pedal has lots of volume,so start with your amp and the Level control turned down.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember,these are only starting points.)“Classic Rock Grind”(Y ou know it,you love it–makes an open “E”chord sound“right”.T ry lowering your guitar’s volume control to clean your tone up a little-the Cool Cat Distortion won’t collapse on you.)Gain–9:30T reble/Bass–12:00/12:00Level–2:00“Southern Rock Slide Zone”(T une your guitar to an open chord, put a small pill bottle on your pinky and start slidin’–works great with your neck pickup.)Gain–2:00T reble/Bass–11:15/11:30Level–12:30“Chips&Salsa”(Great solotone,liquid and soulful.)Gain–4:00T reble/Bass–11:30/2:00Level–1:00A deceptively simple pedal-lots of chunk and harmonics with a hair-trigger response.CONTROLS:DISTORTION:Adjusts the amount of distortion from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise).As this control is increased,the pedal gets louder and thicker as well as more distorted.SWITCH(OFF LO HI):This three position switch activates a midrange scoop filter.Off is no filtering,Lo is a moderate scoop, and Hi is an extreme scoop.Because the switch cuts midrange frequencies,you may need to adjust the V olume control upwards to compensate for a slight loss in volume when the Switch is set to Lo or Hi.VOLUME:Controls the overall volume of the pedal from minimum(fully counter-clockwise)to maximum(fully clockwise),with plenty of range to allow even low Distortion settings.W ARNING:this pedal has lots of volume,so start with your amp and the V olume control turned down.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember,these are only starting points.)“M odern Metal”(A massive wall of distortion that leaps from your fingers.Rewards a light touch–a shredder’s delight.) Distortion–3:00Switch–HiV olume–12:00“Eighties Hollywood Metal”(Big hair rawk.The beginnings of scooping.)Distortion–12:00Switch–LoV olume–12:00“Old School Metal”(Metal tone before scooping became the norm.It’s almost a fuzz–try it with your neck pickup.) Distortion–Minimum(7:00)Switch–OffV olume–1:30MET AL II FEA TURESCONTINUED:The Cool Cat “Vibe”is like a prehistoric chorus that has emerged from a swamp.Funky ,inspiring,and addictive.CONTROLS:INTENSITY :Controls the intensity (or depth)of the Vibe,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fullyclockwise).When the Intensity control is set to minimum,the Vibe sound will remain static,regardless of the Speed control.SPEED:This controls the speed of the Vibe,from minimum (fully counter-clockwise)to maximum (fully clockwise).The Speed control will have no effect unless the Intensity control is set higher than minimum (off).MIX:When the Mix control is fully counter-clockwise,there is no Vibe effect –it’s 100%dry .When the Mix control is set to maximum,all you’ll hear is the effected signal –100%wet .By setting this control in-between minimum and maximum you can choose the perfect dry to wet ratio.Notice that adjusting the Mix control subtly alters your tonal balance.NOTE:The Cool Cat Vibe adds a touch of saturation to your sound –this is normal.It’s also possible to make it break up by using super hot pickups or clanging your guitar .If this happens,try a lighter touch,or turn down your guitar’s volume control.BYP ASS:The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages the pedal.SAMPLE SETTINGS:(Remember ,these are only starting points.)“Daydreamer”(Perfect for woolgathering with your favorite guitar .)Intensity –2:00Speed –8:00Mix –12:00“Shimmer”(A fast rotating speaker sound with a 60’s attitude.)Intensity –1:00Speed –3:45Mix –12:30“The W obbler”(Much like the effect on some very rare tube amps from the 50’s –the pitch wobbles slightly like a 45rpm.turntable with an off-center spindle.)Intensity –2:00Speed –1:00Mix –4:30VIBE FEA TURES CONTINUED:。



Ranger 305 D (CE)OPERATOR’S MANUALIM813August, 2005Safety Depends on YouLincoln arc welding and cutting equipment is des igned and built with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought-ful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, mo t importantly, think before you act and be careful.EN 60974-1Copyright © 2005 Lincoln Global Inc.Mar ‘95Mar ‘95Mar. ‘93ixixfor selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric C ompany product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Page Installation.......................................................................................................................Section A Technical Specifications.......................................................................................................A-1 Safety Precautions........................................................................................................A-2Location and Ventilation................................................................................................A-2Stacking........................................................................................................................A-2Angle of Operation........................................................................................................A-2Lifting.............................................................................................................................A-2Additional Safety Precautions.......................................................................................A-2High Altitude Operation.................................................................................................A-2High Temperature Operation........................................................................................A-2Cold Weather Operation...............................................................................................A-2Towing...........................................................................................................................A-3 Pre-Operation Engine Service..............................................................................................A-3 Oil..................................................................................................................................A-3Fuel...............................................................................................................................A-3Engine Coolant..............................................................................................................A-3Battery Connections......................................................................................................A-3Muffler Outlet Pipe........................................................................................................A-3Spark Arrester...............................................................................................................A-4Remote Control.............................................................................................................A-4 Electrical Connections..........................................................................................................A-4 Machine Grounding.......................................................................................................A-4Welding Terminals........................................................................................................A-4Welding Output Cables.................................................................................................A-4Cable Installation...........................................................................................................A-5 Auxiliary Power Receptacles and Plugs...............................................................................A-5 Standby Power Connections................................................................................................A-5 Connection of Lincoln Electric Wire Feeders................................................................A-5,A-6 ________________________________________________________________________________ Operation.........................................................................................................................Section B Safety Precautions ..............................................................................................................B-1 General Description..............................................................................................................B-1 For Auxiliary Power..............................................................................................................B-1 Engine Operation..................................................................................................................B-1 Break in Period.....................................................................................................................B-1 Add Fuel...............................................................................................................................B-1 Fuel ......................................................................................................................................B-1 Welder Controls............................................................................................................B-2Engine Controls.............................................................................................................B-3Starting and Stopping the Engine...........................................................................B-3, B4Stopping .......................................................................................................................B-4 Welding Operation................................................................................................................B-5 Duty Cycle.....................................................................................................................B-5Constant Current (Stick) Welding..................................................................................B-5Downhill Pipe (Stick) Welding.......................................................................................B-5Tig Welding...................................................................................................................B-5Typical Current Ranges for Tungsten Electrodes.........................................................B-5Wire Welding-CV...........................................................................................................B-6Arc Gouging..................................................................................................................B-6Auxiliary Power.............................................................................................................B-7Extension Cord Recommendations...............................................................................B-7 ________________________________________________________________________________ Accessories.....................................................................................................Section C Field Installed Options / Accessories ...............................................................................C-1 ________________________________________________________________________________WELDING CONTROLS(Figure B.1)CONTROL: The OUTPUT dial is used to preset the output voltage or current as dis-played on the digital meters for the four welding modes. When in the CC-STICK, DOWNHILL PIPE or CV-WIRE modes and when a remote control is connected to the 6-Pin or 14-Pin C onnector, the auto-sensing circuit automatically switches the OUTPUT CONTROL from control at the welder to the remote control.In the CV-WIRE mode, if the wire feeder has volt-age control capability, when the control cable is connected to the 14-Pin Connector, the auto-sens-ing circuit automatically makes OUTPUT C ON-TROL inactive and the wire feeder voltage control When in the TOUCH START TIG mode and whena Amptrol is connected to the 6-Pin Connector, the 2. DIGITAL OUTPUT METERSThe digital meters allow the output voltage (CWIRE mode) or current (CC-STICK, PIPE and TIG modes) to be set prior to welding using the OUT-PUT control dial. During welding, the meter display the actual output voltage (VOLTS) and current (AMPS). A memory feature holds the display of both meters on for seven seconds after welding is stopped. This allows the operator to read the actu-al current and voltage just prior to when welding was ceased.While the display is being held the left-most deci-mal point in each display will be flashing. The accuracy of the meters is +/- 3%.3. WELD MODE SELECTOR SWITCH:(Provides four selectable welding modes)CV-WIREDOWNHILL PIPECC-STICKFIGURE B.14. ARC CONTROL:The ARC C ONTROL dial isactive in the CV-WIRE, CC-STICK and DOWNHILL PIPE modes, and has different functions in these modes. This control is not active in the TIG mode.CC-STICK mode:In this mode, the ARC CONTROL dial sets the short circuit current (arc-force) during stick weld-ing to adjust for a soft or crisp arc. Increasing the dial from –10 (soft) to +10 (crisp) increases the short circuit current and prevents sticking of the electrode to the plate while welding. This can also increase spatter. It is recommend-ed that the ARC CONTROL be set to the minimum num-ber without electrode sticking. Start with a setting at 0. DOWNH ILL PIPE mode:In this mode, the ARC C ON-TROL dial sets the short circuit current (arc-force) during stick welding to adjust for a soft or a more forceful digging arc (crisp). Increasing the number from –10 (soft) to +10 (crisp) increases the short circuit current which results in a more forceful digging arc. Typically a forceful digging arc is preferred for root and hot passes. A softer arc is pre-ferred for fill and cap passes where weld puddle control and deposition ("stacking" of iron) are key to fast travel speeds. It is recommended that the ARC C ONTROL be set initially at 0.CV-WIRE mode:In this mode, turning the ARC C ON-TROL clock wise from –10 (soft) to +10 (crisp) changes the arc from soft and washed-in to crisp and narrow. It acts as an inductance/pinch control. The proper set-ting depends on the procedure and operator prefer-ence. Start with a setting of 0.5. WELD OUTPUT TERMINALS WITHFLANGE NUT: Provides a connection point for the electrode and work cables.6. GROUND STUD: (graphic)Provides a connection point for connecting the machine case to earth ground.7. 14-PIN CONNECTOR:For attaching wirefeeder control cables to the RANGER 305D (C E).Includes contactor closure circuit, auto-sensing remote control circuit, and 42V power. The remote control circuit operates the same as the 6 Pin Amphenol.Note: The 14-pin connector does not include 120V.8. 6-PIN CONNECTOR:For attaching optionalremote control equipment. Includes auto-sensing remote control circuit.9. WELD TERMINALS CONTROL SWITCH:Inthe WELD TERMINALS ON position, the output is electrically hot all the time. ENGINE CONTROLS: (Figure B.2)FIGURE B.2When in the TOUC H START TIG mode and when a Array Amptrol is connected to the 6-pin C onnector the OUT-PUT dial is used to set the maximum current range ofthe CURRENT CONTROL of the Amptrol.The ARC CONTROL is not active in the TIG mode.The RANGER 305D (CE) can be used in a wide varietyof DC TIG welding applications. In general the ‘TouchStart’ feature allows contamination free starting withoutthe use of a Hi-frequency unit. If desired, the K930-2TIG Module can be used with the RANGER 305D (CE).The settings are for reference.RANGER 305D (C E) settings when using the K930-2TIG Module with an Amptrol or Arc Start Switch:• Set the MODE Switch to the TOUC H START TIGsetting.• Set the "IDLER" Switch to the "AUTO" position.• Set the "WELDING TERMINALS" switch to the"REMOTELY CONTROLLED" position. This will keepthe "Solid State" contactor open and provide a “cold”electrode until the Amptrol or Arc Start Switch ispressedWhen using the TIG Module,the OUTPUT control on the RANGER 305D (C E) is used to set the maximum range of the CURRENT CONTROL on the TIG module or an Amptrol if connected to the TIG Module. (See Table B.2.)WIRE WELDING-CVConnect a wire feeder to the Ranger 305D according tothe instructions in INSTALLATION INSTRUC TIONSSection.The RANGER 305D (C E) in the C V-WIRE mode, per-mits it to be used with a broad range of flux cored wire(Innershield and Outershield) electrodes and solid wiresfor MIG welding (gas metal arc welding). Welding canbe finely tuned using the ARC CONTROL. Turning theARC CONTROL clockwise from –10 (soft) to +10 (crisp)changes the arc from soft and washed-in to crisp andnarrow. It acts as an inductance/pinch control. Theproper setting depends on the procedure and operatorpreference. Start with the dial set at 0.For any electrodes the procedures should be kept withinthe rating of the machine. For additional electrode infor-mation see or the appropri-ate Lincoln publication.AUXILIARY POWER:Start the engine and set the IDLER control switch to the desired operating mode. Full power is available regard-less of the welding control settings providing no welding current is being drawn.Simultaneous Welding and Auxiliary Power Loads While welding, the amount of 3-phase Auxiliary power available is reduced.TABLE B.4FIELD INSTALLED OPTIONS / ACCESSORIESK1898-1 SPARK ARRESTOR- Mounts between muf-fler & elbow to eliminate any risk of spark from exhaust. K704 ACCESSORY SET- Includes (10m) 35 ft. of electrode cable and (9.m) 30 ft. of work cable, head-shield, work clamp electrode holder. Cables are rated at 300 amps, 100% duty cycle.K857(7.6m) 25 ft. or K857-1(30.4m) 100 ft. REMOTE CONTROL - Portable control provides same dial range as the output control on the welder. Has a convenient 6 pin plug for easy connection to the welder.Drain the engine oil while the engine is warm toassure rapid and complete draining. It is recommend-ed that each time the oil is changed the oil filter bechanged as well.• Be sure the unit is off. Disconnect the negative bat-tery cable to ensure safety.• Locate oil drain hose and valve in bottom of baseand pull through the hole in the battery access panelon the welder.• Remove the cap from the drain valve. Push valve inand twist counterclockwise. Pull to open and drainthe oil into a suitable container for disposal.• C lose the drain valve by pushing in and twistingclockwise. Replace the cap.• Re-fill the crankcase to the upper limit mark on thedipstick with the recommended oil (see engine oper-ation manual OR engine service items decal ORbelow). Replace and tighten the oil filler cap secure-ly.• Push oil drain hose and valve back into unit, re-con-nect negative battery cable, and close doors andengine top cover before restarting unit.Wash yourhands with soap and water after handling usedmotor oil. Please dispose of used motor oil in amanner that is compatible with the environment.We suggest you take it in a sealed container to yourlocal service station or recycling center for reclama-tion. DO NOT throw it in the trash; pour it on theground or down a drain.ENGINE OIL REFILL CAPACITIESWithout oil filter replacement:• 3.2 liter (3.3 U.S. Quart)With oil filter replacement:• 3.2 liter ( 3.4 U.S. Quart.)Use motor oil designed for diesel engines that meetsrequirements for API service classificationCC/CD/CE/CF/CF-4/CG-4 or CH-4.AC EA E1/E2/E3. Always check the API service labelon the oil container to be sure it includes the lettersindicated. (Note: An S-grade oil must not be used in adiesel engine or damage may result. It IS permissibleto use an oil that meets S and C grade service classifi-cations.)SAE 10W30 is recommended for general, all tempera-ture use, -15C to 40C (5F to 104F).See engine owner’s manual for more specific informa-tion on oil viscosity recommendations.removal/installation. Most latchesare spring loaded to fold back when open. The filter fits tightly over the outlet tube, creating the critical seal on the inside diameter of the filter endcap. The filter should be removed gently to reduce the amount of dust dislodged. There will be some initial resistance, similar to breakingClean Sealing Surface 3of the Outlet Tube Use a clean cloth to wipe the sealing surface. Dust on the outside diameter of theoutlet tube could hindernew filter is inserted.Insert the New7RadialSealô Filter by HandInsert carefully. Seat the new filter by hand, making certain it is completely into the air cleaner housing before latching the cover in place. If the cover hits the filter before it is fully in place, remove the cover and push (by hand) thefilter further intothe air cleanerwith no extra force.Never use the latches on the cover to force the filter into the air cleaner! It is tempting to assume the cover will do the job of seating the filter ñ but it will not! Using the latches to push the filter in could cause damage to the housing and will void theClean the Inside of 4the Outlet Tube Carefully wipe the insideof the outlet tubewith a clean cloth.Dirt accidentlytransferred to theinside of the outlettube will reach theengine and cause wear.(Engine manufacturers says that it takes only a few grams of dirt to ëdustí an engine!) Be careful not to damage the sealing area on the tube.of leaks. A streak of dust onthe clean side of the filterInspect the NewFilter for DamageInspect the new filter carefully,paying attention to the inside ofthe open end,which is thesealing area.NEVER installa damaged filter.This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine isexhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE ” lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。

得力 ZCUT-9GR 自动带纸器 使用说明书

得力 ZCUT-9GR 自动带纸器 使用说明书

AUTO TAPE DISPENSER INSTRUCTION MANUALThank you very much for buying our tape dispenser ZCUT-9GR. Most of the function is the same as ZCUT-9, but some of additional function such as Removable Roller Unit and Programing Function becomes more convenient.Please read this Instruction Manual carefully.For your safety, please always keep this Instruction Manual for reference, retraining and trouble shooting.Read Before UseP2P3P3P4P5-6 P7P8P8-9 P10P11P11P11P12P12-13 P13P14P14P15P16Read Before UseSafety InstructionsDefinition of Warning and Caution Symbols WarningIdentification of PartsLoad the TapeSet the Tape LengthMode SettingPrograming FunctionHow to Manage a Curling TapeUse Narrow Tape / Use Two Rolls in a Same Time Other FunctionsReplace the Blade UnitMaintenanceError MessagesRoller UnitTrouble ShootingSpecificationsWarrantyIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.Indicate that miss-handing may result in danger and that the operator is at risk of injury, or the machine is at risk of damage.Indicates CautionA symbol within the triangle, or the description, will indicate a specific hazard.A Prohibited ActionA symbol within the circle, or the description, will indicate prohibited action.A Required ActionA symbol within the circle, or the description, will indicate the required action.Definition of Warning and Caution SymbolsWarning CautionThe safety guidelines in this Instruction Manual must be observed in order to prevent damage to the machine or injury to the operator or other persons.The safety guidelines presciribed "Warning " and "Caution" describe possible injury or damage that may be suffered from operating or maintaining the machine in a manner other than as described in this Instruction Manual.Read and follow the safety precautions carefully before reading the Instruction Manual.Safety InstructionsWarningDo not plug in, unplug the cord, or operate the machine with wet hands.Failure to observe this may result in injury due to electric shock.Never insert your finger, or any other body part, or any foreign object into the machine.Failure to observe this may result in injury.Keep hair or loose clothing away from the machine while it is operating.Failure to observe this may result in injury.This machine is intended for industrial use only.Do not allow untrained operators or children to operate the machine. Failure to observe this may result in injury.Turn off the power switch and unplug the machine prior to replacing the blade unit or peforming any maintenance on the machine. Failure to observe this may result in serious injury.Do not use this machine for anything other than its specified applications.Use of the machine for any unintended applications can cause injury to the operator or failure of the machine.POWER SWITCHOUTLETAC CORDINLET◆Plug in the AC CORD to the AC CORD INLET.◆Make sure the POWER SWITCH is off then plug into an appropriate grounded AC outlet.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH on.When the POWER SWITCH is turned on, a buzzer will has a sound.At this moment, the mode is set to MANUAL.◆Press the HOLD DOWN ROLLER RELEASE BUTTON.◆Place a roll of tape in the machine.◆Hold the tape by adjusting the TAPE HOLDERS.Adjust the TAPE HOLDERS to a proper width, slide the TAPE HOLDERADJUST LEVER from the front to the rear of the machine then close it.The TAPE HOLDERS should hold the roll lightly in the center of the cavityof the machine.This is very important because it keeps the tape in the center.The tape passes over the SENSOR in front of the BLADE UNIT.To support a larger roll of tape, pull the LOWER HOLDER out.◆Put the tape on the TAPE FEED ROLLER.◆Press the FWD BUTTON until the tape comes out from the TAPE OUTLET.When using a strong sticky adhesive tape, pull a little bit tape out inpositioning into the TAPE INLET.Press the FWD BUTTON continuously for a few seconds, also help thetape in positioning in the TAPE INLET.◆After the tape is loaded and the TAPE HOLDERS are adjusted, close theHOLD DOWN ROLLER UNIT.◆Press the START BUTTON.Remove the first piece of tape and discard it.Now your ZCUT-9GR is ready to use.◆When you take the roll of tape out from the machine, pull the tape backward and pressing REV BUTTON.+-◆Make sure that blue LED LAMP is off.When the LED LAMP is flashing or turned on, press AUTO/MANUAL MODE and turn off the LED LAMP .◆Press the START BUTTON once, the machine will feed-in a piece of tape then cut it out based on your set length.◆To cut another piece, press START BUTTON again.◆Make sure that the LED LAMP is flashing.When the LED LAMP's lights are off, press AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON and let the LED LAMP to flash.◆Press the START BUTTON once, the machine will feed-in a piece of tape then cut it out based on your set length.When that piece of tape is removed, the machine will feed-in another piece then cut it out.The machine will feed-in and cut a new piece of tape once the piece of tape is remomved.AUTO MODEMANUAL MODE◆Make sure that DISPLAY indicating <cutting length>.The cutting length is always indicates in some alphabets like A,b,C,d,E,F.◆Set the cutting length.Set your needed length by using +/- BUTTON.The cutting length is adjustable in between 5 mm to 999 mm. Can set six different length by using SELECT BUTTON.If you press +/- BUTTON in a short while, the length in changed to 1 mm. And if you press +/- BUTTON longer, if shows fast foraward.CautionThe actual length is differ from the displayed length depends on the type of the tape and its condition.When cutting short length of tape, the length may not cut consistently or tape is jammed.Try several test cuts to insure proper operation.If pressing -BUTTON for setting from b to F , you will be able to set ZERO. However, machine will not start while alarming even though pressing START BUTTON.INDICATE CUTTING LENGTHSET THE CUTTING LENGTHINCREASE NUMBERDECREASE NUMBERA~FSET AUTO / MANUALMANUAL MODE MANUAL MODEAUTO MODECUT and STAND BYREMOVE THE TAPEREMOVE THE TAPETAPE FEEDTAPE FEEDFLASHING LIGHT ONLIGHT OFFAUTO MODEThe machine is able to be programmed.A signal will be shown based on your selected quantity of pieces and it will allcut out. (Maximum 999 pieces.)A buzzer will has sound when the program is finished.You can use the mode either MANUAL or AUTO.◆Press SELECT BUTTON to choose your needed length.◆Press SELECT BUTTON for three seconds then it will indicates "Lcon".◆Press SELECT BUTTON again then it will indicates "P".◆Use +/- BUTTON and set your needed number of quantity.◆Choose AUTO or MANUAL by USING AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON.◆When you press the START BUTTON, the machine will feed-in and cut outa piece of tape for testing purpose.To operate the machine by using MANUAL MODE, press the STARTBUTTON and feed-in a piece of tape after take it out.To operate the machine by using AUTO MODE, the machine will feed-in apiece of tape automatically.◆The signal shows numbers backwards when feeding-in another piece of tape.◆When the DISPLAY indicates "0", the buzzer will has a sound.The DISPLAY indicates the number of pieces that is preset.Please wait until the buzzer stops.If you take the tape out before the buzzer stops, the LED LAMP will flashso you need to press the START SWITCH again.◆If you try to change the mode (AUTO/MANUAL) when machine is operating,just press AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON.◆If remaining P MODE and switching off, the number of cutting set will beregistered.You can preset the quantity of piece which will be cut out. (Maximum 999 pieces)The machine will cut out the pieces based on your selected quantities then itwill stop.◆Press the SELECT BUTTON and decide the length of tape.◆Press and hold SELECT BUTTON so that DISPLAY will indicates "Lcon".◆Set the number of pieces to be cut out by using +/- BUTTON.If you want to set the number of cutting in every 100pcs, please pressAUTO/MANUAL BUTTON while L con description and increase by 100pcsevery time you press. If you want to set the number of cutting in 1-figure or2 figure, please press +BUTTON or -BUTTON.◆When you press the START BUTTON, DISPLAY indicates a signal showsnumbers backwards and cutting continuously.When the DISPLAY indicates "0", the buzzer will has sound then themachine is stopped.To stop the mahicne while running under L-MODE, press the STARTBUTTON.CautionThe number of cutting set will remain registered even if switching off whileL MODE. However, it will be eliminated if pressing SELECT BUTTON longerfor setting.P-MODE (Preset Mode)L-Mode (Loop Mode)A~FL-MODEP-MODEINDICATE CUTTING LENGTH(exp. A-100mm)A~F(exp.100pcs.)(exp. A-100mm)INDICATE CUTTING LENGTHFunction that cuts the material registered from A to F accordingly.As refer to the following figure, operation will keep working.This function may apply every mode.◆Please follow the instruction on page 7.◆Set the cutting length from A to F as you prefer.◆Please set the cutting length in ZERO for between B to F if not necessary.Then skip the position registered with ZERO accordingly and operaterepeatedly.◆Apply the cutting length to your first cutting.◆Press AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON more than 1 second.Then [ . ] will appear on the lower right of Alphabet.◆Press AUTO/MANUAL button and select AUTO MODE or MANUAL MODE.◆Press START BUTTON and tape is ready to take.When setting MANUAL MODE, the next cutting length will be desplayed.When setting AUTO MODE, the next cutting tape is ready to take withdisplaying the cutting length.◆When discontinuing Program Function, please press AUTO/MANUALBUTTON longer and make sure that [ . ] is eliminated.◆Please take the following procedure when using P MODE or L MODE.After setting Programing Function, press SELECT BUTTON and P will bedisplayed.Set the number of cutting and press START BUTTON.Material will be cut until the number reaches ZERO.◆After setting P MODE or L MODE, press AUTO/MANUAL BUTTON if youwant to have Programing Function.AUTO/MANUAL settingUse with P MODE or L MODEA~u:A 100mmSettingexampleConfirm [ . ] descriptionDisplay the first cutting lengthMANUAL MODEAUTO MODEsame time, use the SEPARATOR.RATOR.◆Remove the SEPARATOR from the bottom of body.◆Open the HOLD DOWN ROLLER UNIT.◆◆ Separator.◆ loading tape.◆ the SEPARATOR out of position.both of its' length in a same time.◆Remove the first piece of tape.◆ dispensed.◆Press the HOLD DOWN ROLLER RELEASE BUTTON in order to open the HOLD DOWN ROLLER UNIT.◆Extend the ROLLER LOCK LEVER so that the roller will not turn.◆Close the HOLD DOWN ROLLER UNIT.With the rollers locked, the tension may cause the length to vary. Cut several test pieces in order to adjust the length if needed..FLEXIBLE TAPE SUPPORTWhen you cut the tape longer or cut non-adhe-sive tape / film, use FL-EXIBLE TAPE SUPPORT in order to avoid the tape fall down.ASSIST STANDBased on the tape material or workpiece purpose, use the ASSIST STAND in order to let the body of machine towards a lower level.BE CAREFUL TO HANDLE THE SENSORS①③INSTALL BLADE UNIT②Only Blade is not accepted to be replaced.It needs to change with the whole Blade Unit.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH off.◆Remove the BLADE UNIT by releasing the BLADE UNIT RELEASE LEVER.◆Install the new BLADE UNIT into the body.◆Push down on the housing firmly until it is locked.Make sure that the lower blade is positioned properly, turn the BLADE UNIT over and take a look the bottom edge of the lower blade.Clean the Blade UnitWhen cutting tapes with heavy adhesive, the residue will remain on the blade gradually.It is necessary to remove the BLADE UNIT for cleaning.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH off.◆Remove the BLADE UNIT by releasing BLADE UNIT RELEASE LEVER.◆Put some alcohol on a clean dry cloth, or use a swab to remove the residue.◆Replace the BLADE UNIT. Lubricate the BladeLubricate the blade in order to prevent residue stick on the blade.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH off.◆Remove the BLADE UNIT from the body.◆Locate three oil holes on the back side of the top blade.◆Drip one drop of BLADE OIL into each hole.◆Also lubricate LOWER BLADE GUIDE.◆Do not lubricate over and over again.Wipe the spare oil away by using cotton cloth.◆Replace the BLADE UNIT into the body.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH on.Make several test cuts in order to make sure the tape will not fall down from the TAPE OUTLET. Clean the SensorsThere are two pairs of SENSORS below the TAPE OUTLET.If the opening is covered by tape residue or debris, the SENSORS will not detect the presence tape.Always keep clean around the SENSORS.To protect the SENSOR, clean the openings after removed the BLADE UNIT carefully.FWDREVSTARTSTARTREV Roller UnitWhen waste of tape glue is found, please refer to page 14 and follow the procedure for cleaning ROLLER UNIT.Clean the BodyPut neutral detergent on a damp cloth to clean the body. Do not use alcohol or solvent to clean the plastic parts.The buzzer will has a sound then a message will flash and show on the DISPLAY .E-02 Blade is Out of PositionA signal shows that the blade is not installed well or machine stops because of the thickness or hardness of the tape.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH off.◆Remove the BLADE UNIT by releasing the BLADE UNIT RELEASING LEVER then lift the assembly out of the body.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH on.◆Press the FWD BUTTON and feed -in the tape once, cut the tape in between the TAPE OUTLET and the BLADE UNIT by scissor.◆Press the REV BUTTON to remove the tape.◆Clean the BLADE UNIT and lubricate the LOWER BLADE GUIDE.◆Check the lower blade position and replace the BLADE UNIT.E-03 Motor is StoppedIndicates that the motor is stopped because of overload.◆Press the START BUTTON to clear the error message.◆Press the REV BUTTON to remove the tape.◆Turn the POWER SWITCH off.◆Check the BLADE UNIT and TAPE OUTLET carefully.◆Clear and take away the spare tape waste or sticky residue by using tweezers.(Clean ROLLER UNIT as depens on the condition.)POWER SWITCH IS OFF POWER SWITCH IS ONREMOVE BLADE UNIT CLEAR THE ERROR CLEAR THE ERROR CLEAR THE BLADE FEED THE TAPE REMOVE THE TAPEREMOVE THE TAPE SET THE TAPESET THE TAPEWhen tape jammed, you can remove ROLLER UNIT wihtout using any tools and make sure about the status of Roller Unit.Machine can be stable due to easy cleaning and removal of tape waste.◆◆◆ ① ② ③ ④ ⑥◆ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨◆★ ★★Before returning the machine for repairing, please check the followings.SpecificationsPower Requirement 100-240VAC 50/60Hz Input Voltage Range ±5%Wattage 25WDimensions 116mm(W) x 140mm(H) x 213mm(D)Weight 1.6 KG.Body Material ABSTape Length 5mm ~ 999mm Tape Width 6mm ~ 60mmFeeding Speed 220mm/sec. (using Craft Tape)Max. Outside Dia. of Roll 300 mm Accessories Power Cord2A Fuse [Built-In Inlet]Separator / Guide Plate / Blade OilRemarks ◆The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.◆The length of the tape may differ from the set length depending upon the type of the tape or its condition. ◆Some types of tape available with the machine may not be cut depending upon conditions.Tape curls excessively.The length of the tape is different from the set length.The BLADE can not move smoothly.After removing piece of tape, the next piece does not feed under AUTO mode.The POWER SWITCH is on but the machine can not run.The machine is not grounded.The ROLLER LOCK is disengaged.The adhesive of tape is too strong.The elasticity of tape is too strong.The BLADE UNIT is not in a proper position.The mode is set MANUAL.Some debris are covering on the SENSORS.The tape can not goes through the SENSORS.The tape has extremely low reflectance.The AC CORD is loosen.The FUSE has been blown.Check ground on cord.Engage the ROLLER LOCK to apply tension.Correct the setting after cutting several test pieces.Check the BLADE UNIT and push down on the housing firmly.Set the mode to AUTO.Remove the debris.Use SEPARATOR to narrow the tape lesser than 25mm,Do not bring strong illuminant close around the SENSORS.Some types of tape may not be used under AUTO mode.Check the AC CORD then plug in the outlet firmly.Replace the FUSE.Stop using the machine immediately even though the FUSE is blown again after replace.We warrant to the original purchaser of the product that will be free form defects in material or workmanship for as long as the original purchaser owns the product, when given normal wear and proper usage.The limited warranty for the machine shall be for a period of 180 days form the date of purchase.The spare parts such as Cutting Blades, Rollers, are not covered under the warranty period as they are considered as "wear parts". This warranty is only valid if the product:◆Was not damaged while being installed.◆Was operated in accordance with products's specifications, instructions and any technical support directions.◆Was not modified or damaged by tempering, user error, accident, disaster, abuse, misuse, power supply, power application, alternation, repair, modification, a fix or replacement by someone other than the original product.YAESU KEIKOGYO CO., LTD.39-8, Senju Motomachi, Adachi-Ku,Tokyo, 120-0041, JapanPhone 81-3-3888-8751Fax 81-3-3888-1592PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB SITE/。



EXOS-9Quick Start Guidev:17.82THANK YOUWe’ve proudly resurrected the iconic Aiwa brand in the passionate pursuit of bringing people together around music. We do this with a simple formula, by creating amazing speakers that deliver the music you love, the way it was meant to be heard.We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen the Exos-9 to enhance your listening experience. Welcome to the Aiwa family.15SAFETY GUIDELINES• Read all instructions• Do not use this apparatus near water.• Clean only with a dry cloth. • D o not use near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus that produce heat. • U nplug this device during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.• T o completely disconnect the speaker from the AC mains, disconnect the power supply from the AC receptacle. WARNING: To reduce the risk of fi re or electrical shock, do not expose this device to rain or moisture.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit diff erent from that to which the receiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure StatementThis device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and consider removing the no-collocation statement.14CONTACT USFor more information about the warranty, and frequently asked questions, please visit CustomerService:************.comWebsite: ai w w w w /ai w @Ai w a_US@Ai wa_AudioBluetooth® and the Bluetooth® logo are registered trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Model identifi cation information:Aiwa Exos-9 XXXX-XXModel number: XXXX (X=blank, 0-9)Power source country code: XX (X=blank, A-Z)For example, Aiwa Exos-9 9001-US© 2017 Aiwa3GETTING STARTED - BATTERYSetting up your Exos-9 couldn’t be easier. First, install the battery pack.There is a small latch on the bottom of the unit that keeps the battery in place. When installing the battery, insert the tabs on the left fi rst, and push the battery in until the latch clicks. To remove the battery, pull the catch on the latch outward.4GETTING STARTED - PAIRINGConnect the power cord to the back of the Exos-9 and power on using the switch. The screen will illuminate. Now you’re ready to listen!The Exos-9 is always available to pair - in other words, there is no need for “pairing mode.” Just turn it on and search for it on your smartphone or other Bluetooth-capable device, or simply tap your phone to the NFC touch-point on top of the speaker.The Exos-9 will remember the last 8 devices paired, and willautomatically connect when in range and powered on.Note: The LINK button is only for connecting two Exos-9 speakers in mirror or stereo mode. Since it’s always in “pairing” mode, there is no need for an extra button just to connect to your device.13WIRELESSLY SYNC SPEAKERSTo wirelessly pair two speakers together to listen to your favorite tunes in mirror or stereo mode, simply press the LINK button onone Exos-9 and then press the LINK button on another Exos-9.Once the two speakers are paired, press the LINK button to cycle through the channel modes. Choose from (L)(R), (L), or (R).Control the audio through the master speaker (the one without the SATELLITE icon lit up) by using the onboard controls or the music source.For optimum pairing, units should be placed within 20 feet of each other with no objects blocking the signal between them. Avoid placing either unit near a router or any device that may cause interference.12CONTROLSPlay/PauseControls playback of audio onyour connected Bluetooth device.Does not aff ect playback throughthe auxiliary-in connection.LinkTwo Exos-9 speakers can bewirelessly connected. Press LINKon both speakers within a fewseconds to initiate the connection.EQ ControlsUse the left/right arrows to select anEQ band or EQ preset. Use the up/down arrows to increase/decreasethe gain when an EQ band is selected.5GETTING STARTED - PAIRINGMake sure Bluetooth is active on your connecting device.Search for nearby Bluetooth devices. The speaker will appearas “Aiwa Exos-9”, simply select to connect.If your device supports NFC pairing, touch it to the NFC iconin the circle on the top of the device, just to the right of thetouch screen.6GETTING STARTED - AUX-INAlmost anything headphones can plug into can play through the Exos-9. MP3 players, CD players, radios, computers, televisions, etc. can be connected with the included 3.5mm audio cable.The Exos-9 will automatically switch to auxiliary input when you connect a device.The screen will show “AUX IN” when this input is active. If it doesn’t switch to the correct input automatically, hold theplay/pause button on the speaker to switch inputs manually.11EQUALIZERThe Exos-9 has a 5-band graphicequalizer so you can adjust the sound to your personal taste or room acoustics.To adjust the equalizer, use the left and right arrows to select an EQ band. The currently selected band will blink. Press the up arrow to increase the gain on a given band, press the down arrow to decrease it.To select the EQ presets, Battery Save Mode, or to turn the EQ off , keep pressing the right arrow to make a selection.The Exos-9 has 4 built-in EQ presets to enhance your music. Preset 1 is for Rock, 2 is for Hip-Hop and Dance, 3 is for Jazz and 4 is for Classical. Try them out and see what sounds best to you -these are only suggestions.10USB PORTSThere are two USB ports on the Exos-9. The port labeled “USB Charge” can be used to charge your mobile device.The Exos-9 fi rmware can be updated using the micro-USB port labeled “Software Update.” Check the Aiwa website () for instructions and new fi rmware versions.USB CHARGESOFTWARE UPDATEPOWER90-130v ~20/40HzLINE IN BLUETOOTH LOCKTo lock the Bluetooth connection to a single device, hold down the RIGHT and LINK buttons. The speaker will remain connected until manually released or until the unit sleeps due to inactivity.7GETTING STARTED - PLACEMENTThe Exos-9 will go anywhere you want great sound, but if you’relooking for a more permanent spot to place the speaker, there are a couple things to keep in mind. Speakers with deep bass extension like the Exos-9 are affected by how close they are to the wall. Bass can be boosted if the back of the speaker is within a few feet of the wall, but if it’s too close to the wall the bass may be dulled. If you would like to improve bass response, try moving the speaker, or adjust the bass using the equalizer.8BATTERY LIFEThe Exos-9 battery lasts for approximately 10 hours playing at moderate volume. Battery life varies with volume and EQ settings. As with all speakers, battery life gets much shorter at very high volumes.To get more play time at very high volumes, use the Battery Save Mode EQ setting. It targets and reduces audio frequencies that use the most power, and can increase battery life by up to 100%.The display sceen and touchpad are designed to turn off after 15 seconds of activity to preserve battery life. Press any button or swipe your fi ngers across the touch pad to reactivate.9CHARGING / POWERThe battery will automatically charge as needed when the speaker is connected to AC power using the included power cord. The cord is a standard PC cord and easily replaceable. The battery level is shown on the display screen. You may continue to use the speaker on AC power while the battery is charging. You can swap a depleted battery with a spare or extended life battery.After 15 minutes of inactivity, the speaker will enter sleep mode to save power. While in sleep mode, it will not connect via Bluetooth or play audio. Connect via NFC or press one of the touch buttons on top of the speaker to wake it from sleep mode.USB CHARGESOFTWARE UPDATEPOWER110-240vLINE IN。














设物料均匀分布,圆盘内的料重为P(㎏),称重传感器受力为F(㎏),则F=C1P (1)(式中C1P为比例常数,它的大小只与P和F关于支点的力臂有关)很明显,当转子均匀送料时,转子每旋转一周所输送的物料正为2P,又设此时测速传感器所检测到的转子的转速信号为n(周/分),则物料的流量Q(t/h)为:Q=2P/100(nx60)=0.12/C1Fn=K1Fn (2)由(2)式得知,通过转子秤物料的流量,取决于称重传感器受力F和测速传感器转速n 的乘积,由此,可求得T(小时)通过转子秤的物料累计量W(吨)。



Evolvingthe way you cutSystem 9 Precision oscillating tip sawRecommended cartridge thicknessImplant model 1.27 mm1.37 mmColumbus–AGC, Ascent, Finn, Maxim,Signature, Vanguard, Vanguard XP –All–Attune, Sigma, True Match –Complete, L.C.S.–Optetrak–Advance, Evolution –Smith & Nephew Gensis II–Journey, Profix, Visionaire –Triathlon –NexGen, Persona–Total knee compatibility matrixOrthopaedic InstrumentsThis document is intended solely for the use of healthcare professionals. A surgeon must always rely on his or her own professional clinical judgment when deciding whether to use a particular product when treating a particular patient. We do not dispense medical advice and recommend that surgeons be trained in the use of any particular product before using it in surgery.The information presented is intended to demonstrate Stryker’s products. A surgeon must always refer to the package insert, product label and/ or instructions for use, including the instructions for cleaning and sterilization (if applicable), before using any of Stryker’s products. Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker’s products in your area.Stryker or its affiliated entities own, use, or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Flex Financial, Precision, Precision Falcon, ProCare, Stryker, System 9, and Triathlon. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. D0000257999 Rev. AA | Copyright © 2023 StrykerStryker Instruments 1941 Stryker Way Portage, MI 49002References1. S.E. Syndney, BEng; S.A. Pickering, MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Orth); C.G.R. Bell, PhD; R. Crawford, MBBS, FRACS, DPhil (Oxon). Orthopedics, 2007; 30;999.2. 25 mm width Precision Cartridge compared to equivalent Stryker Sagittal Saw Blade.3. Applies to 25 mm cut width with Precision Falcon tooth geometry.4. Test performed with automated equipment in test lab environment.Temperature measured in degrees Celsius at blade tip after a single cut of synthetic material.5. Comparing 6725-127-105 to the existing Precision Cartridge (6525-127-105).As the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), we are experts in your new capital and your trusted partner, offering:• proprietary product knowledge and original parts• expert technicians providing the ultimate customer support • loaner equipment to maximize uptime• flexible and unique service solutions for your business Safety and reliability is at the heart of what we do. Using an unauthorized service provider could put your patients at a greater risk and there is potential for a significant drop in performance and reliability of your new capital investment. Contact your Stryker sales rep today to get a customized ProCare Services plan for all of your Stryker equipment.Through Stryker’s Flex Financial business, we provide a range of smart alternatives designed to fit your organization’s needs. We offer flexibility beyond a cash purchase, enabling you to acquire our full portfolio of products. Ask your sales rep for assistance in finding the financial solution that best fits your needs.Aseptic accessoriesProduct no.Description9126-100-000System 9 non-sterile battery charger 9126-110-000Large non-sterile battery 9222-110-000Small non-sterile battery 9126-120-000Large aseptic battery housing 9222-120-000Small aseptic battery housing 9126-130-000Large transfer shield 9222-130-000Small transfer shieldPower tools and accessoriesProduct no.Description (thickness x length x width)9209-000-000 Stryker Precision saw 9110-120-000US System 9 charger9215-000-000System 9 battery pack, large 9212-000-000System 9 battery pack, small6725-127-090Precision Falcon cartridge (1.27 mm x 25 mm x 90 mm)6725-127-105Precision Falcon cartridge (1.27 mm x 25 mm x 105 mm)6425-127-105Precision Standard cartridge (1.27 mm x 25 mm x 105 mm)6720-127-090Precision Falcon cartridge (1.27 mm x 20 mm x 90 mm)6720-127-105Precision Falcon cartridge (1.27 mm x 20 mm x 105 mm)6720-137-105Precision Falcon cartridge (1.37 mm x 20 mm x 105 mm)6725-137-105Precision Falcon cartridge (1.37 mm x 25 mm x 105 mm)Get startedFor questions or to place your order, please contact your sales rep or contact Customer Service.We’ve got you covered。












德龍 TM-MG08CZT(AT) 迷你烤箱 使用說明書说明书

德龍 TM-MG08CZT(AT) 迷你烤箱 使用說明書说明书

迷你烤箱使 用 說 明 書 TM-MG08CZT(AT)目錄使用前的準備安全注意事項 (2)使用注意事項 (5)各部件名稱 (6)使用方法使用前的準備 (7)使用方法 (8)清潔保養 (9)其他規格 (9)烘烤標準 (10)故障排除................................................................................................................................................11使用前請務必仔細閱讀並遵守以下“安全注意事項”,正確使用本產品。


本電器用於家庭或類似場所,如下列所示:●商店、辦公室及其他工作環境之員工廚房區域 ●農莊●旅館、汽車旅館及其他居住型環境 ●民宿型態之環境使用注意事項關於溫度調節●本烤箱通過溫控器點亮或熄滅加熱管,調節烘烤溫度。




各部件名稱■本體■內部■附件烤盤※ 請放在烤網上使用。

※ 請拉到前面再取出。

玻璃窗(兼用作電源開關)使用前的準備■放置1 請放在合適的場所• 請參考第4頁的“安全放置場所”章節後放置本產品。

2 請拆掉固定烤網的扎帶(3處)3請將電源插頭插入插座■預熱初次使用前請預熱。

1 放入烤盤,關閉烤箱門2 請旋轉加熱旋鈕選擇1000W3 請將定時旋鈕旋至5之後開始預熱• 請將定時旋鈕旋至6以上之後旋回5。

※ 結束後會發出“叮-”聲通知空烤結束。

使用方法放入食材※ 烘烤以下食材時,請將附帶的烤盤等放在烤網上。

• 出油食材• 出汁食材• 形狀容易塌掉的食材• 小於網眼的食材●使用鋁箔時,請注意避免接觸加熱管。


※ 請將食材放在烤網中央。

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