The Joy Luck Club


英文电影赏析——The Joy Luck Club

英文电影赏析——The Joy Luck Club
Amy Tan
Amy Tan
• Born in 1952 in Oakland, California to Chinese immigrant parents, Amy Tan followed her own path. Over the objections of her mother, she majored in college in writing and linguistics and pursued a career in business writing. Amy Tan's first fiction efforts were short stories. These attracted an agent, Sandra Dijkstra, who sold what became The Joy Luck Club to Putnam's. When published in 1986 The Joy Luck Club spent 40 weeks on The New York Times Bestseller list. It was nominated for the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award and was a recipient of the Commonwealth Gold Award and the Bay Area Book Award. The Joy Luck Club was adapted into a feature film in 1994, for which Amy Tan was a coscreenwriter with Ron Bass and a coproducer with Bass and Wayne Wang.



Suyuan Woo, Jing-Mei "June" Woo
• 定义:是由相互关联的一系列故事构成,它必须兼 顾各个故事的独立性和整本书的整体性,最后达到 两者间的平衡,它是一种介于松散的短篇小说集 与连贯的长篇小说之间的文学体裁 。 • 《喜福会》的结构:全书16个故事,分成4个部分 ,每部分又包含4个故事,每部分中的4故个事分别由 来自4个家庭的母亲或女儿讲述 • 电影的结构不同:分成4个部分,每个部分包括2 个故事,每个部分都着重一个家庭,共有8个故事 。电影最开始的时候有一个序。 • 以下内容基于电影
About The Book & Film
BOOK • 1989 • a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan • focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods • four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters • each woman, both mothers and daughters, (with the exception of one mother, Suyuan Woo, who dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part comes after a parable. FILM • In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang. Ms Tan served as Co-producer and Co-screenwriter with Ron Bass for the film adaptation of The Joy Luck Club.

The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club

Part 2 Culture Reflection
Section A Chinese Immigration to the United States Task 4 Work in groups and hold a full discussion. Chinese immigrants have made lasting and tremendous contributions to their adopted country and become an integral part of the US population. What aspects of the traditional Chinese character and values may contribute to their success?
Section B Character Analysis
Task 2 Work in pairs. Focus on the following scenes, discuss the symbolic meaning of the characters‟ acts and fill in the blanks.
Work in groups and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living bi-culturally.
Part 1 Movie Exploration
Section A Movie Story
The Joy Luck Club consists of four interwoven stories about generational and cultural clashes and communications between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-born daughters.



The Joy Luck Club told by Jing-mei Woo1. Why was Jing-mei taking part in the Joy Luck Club?Because her mother had died and she was asked by her father to be “the fourth corner” at the game2. How many Joy Luck Clubs have there been?There have been two Joy Luck Clubs.3. Why did Jing-mei’s mother form the Joy Luck Club in Kweilin?She formed the club in Kweilin to give herself and some friends a diversion from the horrors of war.4. Why did the women in the club call it Joy Luck?Because the women hoped to be lucky, and that hope was their only joy5. What surprising information did Jing-mei finally learn from her mother’s story about leaving Kweilin?She finally realized that her mother had left her two daughters behind.6. How do the people at the San Francisco Joy Luck Club eat?They eat as though they had been starving.7. Why did “the aunties” give Jing-mei $1200 in an envelope?They collected the money so that Jing-mei could go to China and meet her half-sisters.8. What do “the aunties” want Jing-mei to tell her sisters in China?They want her to tell her half-sisters about her mother.9. What surprising thing does Jing-mei tell her “aunties” about her own mother? Jing-mei tells her “aunties” that she really doesn’t know anything about her mother.10. What does Jing-mei promise “the aunties” at the end of the story?She promises that she will tell her sisters everything about her mother.Scar told by An-Mei Hsu1. What did An-mei’s mother do to become a ghost?An-mei’s mother became a ghost by showin g disrespect for her family.2. What did it mean in An-mei’s family to become a ghost?That everyone was forbidden to talk about the person3. Why did An-mei’s grandmother say bad things about her own grandchildren? She said bad things so that ghosts would think the children were not worth stealing.4. What happened to the greedy girl in An-mei’s grandmother’s story?She grew fatter and fatter and finally poisoned herself after refusing to say whose child she carried.5. In An-mei’s grandmother’s story, wha t happened to the little girl who refused to listen to her elders?She refused her aunt’s request and a little ball fell from her ear and all her brains poured out.6. Why was An-mei told never to say her mother’s name?Because to say her mother’s name was to spit on her father’s grave7. In Scar, what is the definition of shou?Shou is having no respect for ancestors or family.8. What is An-mei’s “know-nothing face”?It is the face she puts on when she doesn’t want to reveal her true emotions.9. What does An-mei remember about her mother from when An-mei was four? She remembers that her mother returned to the family and was chased away the same night after An-mei was burned by the hot soup.10. After An-mei was burned, what did her grandmother tell her that made her get better fast?Her grandmother told her that her mother had left and would forget An-mei ifAn-mei didn’t get better fast.11. What does An-mei’s mother do to show her love and respect for her own mother?She returns to her family and cuts off a piece of her own flesh, puts it in a soup, and serves it to her dying mother.12. In the story, what does An-mei learn from her own mother?She learns that one’s love and respect for one’s mother is deep within one’s bones.The Red Candle told by Lindo Jong1. How did Lindo Jong become engaged to her future husband, Tyan-yu?A match was arranged through a matchmaker when Lindo was two and Tyan-yu was only one.2. How did Lindo first become a member of the Huang household?When she was twelve, her family moved away and sent her to live with the Huang family.3. What gift did Lindo’s mother give to Lindo as the family moved away?She gave Lindo her chang, a necklace made out of a tablet of red jade.4. How specifically did Tyan-yu make Lindo cry the first night she lived in his house?By complaining that the soup was not hot enough, spilling the bowl as if it were an accident, waiting until she sat down before demanding more rice, and asking why she had such an unpleasant face when looking at him5. What d id Lindo’s mother-in-law instruct the servants to teach Lindo?She instructed them to teach her to perform a variety of household duties so that she would be a good, obedient wife.6. What promise did Lindo make to herself on her wedding day?She promised herself that she would always remember her parents’ wishes but would never forget herself.7. Why was Lindo unafraid while she was led down a path on her wedding day? Because she could see what was inside herself8. What was the red candle’s significance a nd what was supposed to happen to it? The red candle symbolized Lindo’s marriage to Tyan-yu, and it was supposed to be lit at both ends and kept burning all night long.9. What lie did the matchmaker’s servant tell?She said that the red candle had burned at both ends all night long.10. What mark on Tyan-yu did Lindo use to “prove” her marriage was rotting? She used a small black mole on his back.11. How did Lindo escape from the marriage to Tyan-yu?She convinced them that the pregnant servant girl was really of imperial blood and was Tyan-yu’s spiritual wife.2412. Specifically what is the significance in the story of the Festival of PureBrightness?It is the day on which Lindo carried out her plan and a day she still celebrates by taking off all her bracelets and remembering the day when she finally knew a genuine thought and could follow where it went.The Moon Lady told by Ying-ying St. Clair1. What does Ying-yin say her earliest recollection is?Her earliest recollection is telling the Moon Lady her secret wish.2. Why does the amah tell Ying-ying that she must keep her wishes secret? Because if she tells her secret wishes, it will no longer be a wish but will becomea selfish desire3. How did Ying-ying wind up in the water?She fell off the back of the boat.4. What is the ultimate fate of the Moon Lady?To live on the moon while her husband lives on the sun; to forever seek her own selfish wishes5. What was the effect on Ying-ying of listening to the Moon Lady’s story?The story made Ying-ying cry and shake with despair.6. What does the Moon Lady represent for Ying-ying?The Moon Lady represented an illusion, a wish granted that could not be trusted.7. What wish did Ying-ying ask for from the Moon Lady?She asked to be found.8. How does Ying-y ing’s story reflect her life and that of her daughter?She says that she and her daughter are both lost.SECTION 2 - THE TWENTY-SIX MALIGNANT GATESRules of the Game told by Waverly Jong1. What was “the art of invisible strength” that Waverly’s mother ta ught her?It was a strategy for winning arguments and gaining respect from others.2. How did Waverly’s mother demonstrate the art of invisible strength to Waverly?She gave Waverly a gift of salted plums precisely because she kept quiet and didn’t request them.3. How did Waverly learn to play expert chess?In the beginning she taught herself and then she played with Lau Po.4. What would Waverly’s mother say when she attended Waverly’s chess exhibition games outdoors?Waverly’s mother would say, “Is luck.”5. Why did Waverly run away?Because her mother was embarrassing her and showing off6. How did Waverly’s mother treat her when she returned home after running away?Her mother treated her as though she didn’t exist.7. What was Waverly’s mother’s view of “rules”?She believed that people from foreign countries must learn the American “rules.”8. At the end of the story, who is Waverly’s imaginary chess opponent?Her mother is her imaginary chess opponent.The Voice from the Wall told by Lena St. Clair1. What is the final thing the dead beggar says when he returns?He says that the worst is on the other side.2. How did the American immigration authorities categorize Lena’s mother? They categorized her as a “displaced person.”3. Why does Lena want to k now “the worst possible thing that can happen” to her?She felt that if she knew the worst possible thing, then she could avoid it.4. Why did Lena start telling lies?She started telling lies to prevent bad things from happening in the future.5. What was Lena’s great hope when the family moved out of Oakland?That she might be able to leave all the old fears behind6. What did Lena hear through the wall of the new apartment?She heard the mother and daughter next door arguing violently.7. Why did the girl from next door leave her own apartment?She left because her mother kicked her out of her apartment.8. How did the girl from next door get out of Lena’s bedroom?She climbed out onto the fire escape and back into her own apartment.9. What happened later that night after the girl and her mother had argued? The girl and her mother cried and laughed and shouted with love.10. What hope did Lena have after watching the girl next door with her mother? That things could be better than they appeared.Half and Half told by Rose Hsu Jordan1. What did Rose’s mother used to carry to church services at the First Chinese Baptist Church?A small leatherette Bible2. What makes Rose sure that her mother knows the Bible is still under a table leg in her kitchen?Because her mother is not the greatest housekeeper and yet the Bible is still clean white after twenty years3. How did the decision making start and then change in Rose’s marriage?In the beginning, her husband made all of the decisions but then he lost a malpractice lawsuit and wanted her to make all of the decisions for them.4. What did Rose find out “faith” was?Rose found that “faith” was an illusion that somehow one is in control.5. What was the name of Rose’s mother’s little Chinese book and what was i n it? The Twenty-six Malignant Gates showed how children are predisposed to certain dangers on certain days based on their Chinese birthdates.6. What did Rose and her mother do early on the morning after Rose’s brother drowned?They went back to the beach to try to find him.7. Why did Rose’s mother throw her blue sapphire ring into the water?She thought that it would divert the Coiling Dragon so that he would release her son from the water.8. Why did Rose’s mother throw an inner tube attached to a fishi ng pole into the water?She believed that it would locate her lost son.9. When her mother gave up finding Bing, what emotion did Rose feel?She felt blinding anger.10. When Rose took the Bible out from under the table leg, what did she find written in it?She found her brother’s name written in it in erasable pencil under “Deaths.”Two Kinds told by Jing-mei Woo1. What made Jing-mei’s mother think that Jing-mei could be a prodigy?She thought anyone could be anything they wanted to be in America.2. What did Jing-mei’s mother lose in China?She lost her mother and father, her family home, her first husband, and her twin baby daughters.3. How did Jing-mei first envision herself as a prodigy?She envisioned herself as a dainty ballerina, the Christ child, or Cinderella.4. What would perfection have meant for Jing-mei while she was waiting to become a prodigy?That her parents would adore her, she would be beyond reproach, and she would never feel the need to sulk for anything5. Why did Jing-mei’s mother read so many magazines?To find stories of remarkable children6. What happened to all of Jing-mei’s mother’s early efforts to find out what kind of prodigy Jing-mei should be?They failed totally.7. What was wrong with Jing-mei’s piano teacher and how di d his defect affect her playing?He was deaf and therefore could not tell whether Jing-mei was playing well or not.8. What piece did Jing-mei select for the talent show in the church hall?The piece was called “Pleading Child.”9. Who was the only person in the church hall who thought Jing-mei’s performance was good?The only person was her deaf piano teacher.10. What did Jing-mei realize after she had played both “Pleading Child” and “Perfectly Contented” a few times?She realized that the two pieces were two halves of the same song. AMERICAN TRANSLATIONRice Husband told by Lena St. Clair1. What does the saying, “If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold,” mean?That one thing is always the result of another2. What does Lena’s mother see?Lena’s mo ther sees the bad things that will affect her family.3. What are the three things that Lena’s mother predicted that came true?A miscarriage, a bank failure, and Lena’s father’s death4. What does Lena think her mother will see during her visit with her and Harold? Whatever is wrong5. What physical aspect of Lena’s house does her mother connect with a feeling? She says the slant of the floor makes her feel as if she is “running down.”6. What food does Harold not realize that Lena doesn’t eat?Ice cream7. Why does Harold hate it when Lena cries?He thinks it’s manipulative.8. Why does the marble end table collapse?It collapses because it is not sturdy.9, When Lena says, “I knew it would happen,” what questions does her mother ask?“Then why you don’t stop it?”Four Directions told by Waverly Jong1. What did Waverly want to tell her mother at lunch?She wanted to tell her mother that she was getting married again.2. What did Waverly’s mother do when she found that Waverly had eloped with her first husband?She threw her shoe at them.3. Why did Waverly first stop playing chess as a child?She first stopped because she felt her mother was trying to take all the credit for her winning.4. What special thing could Waverly’s mother do to change Waverly’s v iew of a person?She could make Waverly see each of the person’s traits in a new, negative way.5. What mistake did Rich make about the wine at the dinner with Waverly’s family?He drank two full glasses while everybody else had a half-inch “just for taste.”6. Why was Waverly so anxious that her mother was the queen while she, Waverly, was the pawn?Because then Waverly could only run away while her mother could move in all directions7. In what way was Waverly confused about where her mother came from? She thought her mother was born in Taiwan, but her mother was really born in Taiyuan.8. What trip is Waverly contemplating at the end of the story and with whom would she travel?She is contemplating a trip to China made by herself, her mother, and Rich. Without Wood told by Rose Hsu Jordan1. When Rose was little, what did she believe her about her mother and mirrors? She believed a mirror could see only her face but that her mother could see her inside out even when Rose was not in the room.2. Why did Ro se’s mother say that Rose was “without wood”?She explained that Rose was confused all of the time because she listened to too many people.3. Why did Rose stay in bed for three days?She stayed in bed for three days because her husband had left her and she was unable to make the simplest decisions.4. Where did Rose tell Ted she was going to live?She said she was going to continue to live in the house they had shared while they were married.5. When Rose says that Ted is hulihudu, what does she mean?She means that he is confused.6. What does Rose’s mother plant in Rose’s garden?Rose’s mother plants weeds in her garden.Best Quality by Jing-mei Woo1. What is Jing-mei’s “life’s importance” gift from her mother?It is a jade pendant on a gold chain.2. Why did Jing-mei’s mother not want to keep the crab that had lost a leg? Because a missing leg on a crab is a bad sign on a Chinese New Year3. Why did Jing-mei leave the room while the crabs were being steamed?She left the room because she could not bear to remain while the crabs died. 4. How do Jing-mei and her mother disagree in regard to Waverly Jong?Jing-mei admires her while her mother says that Waverly is like a crab, always walking sideways, moving crooked.5. How did Waverly insult Jing-mei professionally?She said that her firm had decided that Jing-mei’s freelance work was unacceptable.6. Who got the crab with the missing leg?Jing-mei’s mother did.QUEEN MOTHER OF THE WESTERN SKIESMagpies told by An-mei Hsu1. In what way does An-mei say that all people born girls are alike?They are all like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going same way.2. What did it mean to An-mei to be raised “the Chinese way”?It meant being taught to desire nothing, to swallow other people’s m isery, and to eat one’s own bitterness.3. How did An-mei’s mother dishonor her widowhood?She became the third concubine to a rich man.4. What did the turtle in the pond do to An-mei’s tears?The turtle ate An-mei’s mother’s tears.5. What happened to th e eggs that poured out of the turtle’s beak?They became birds.6. What emotion is usually associated with the magpies?The emotion is joy.7. What did the turtle tell An-mei’s mother as he drifted back into the pond?He told An-mei’s mother that it is use less to cry.8. How did An-mei learn not to listen to something meaningless calling to her? She learned this by learning to ignore the loud sound of the clock on her bedroom wall.9. Why did An-mei’s mother send An-mei out of their bedroom at night? Because Wu Tsing had arrived and wanted to be with her10. Why did An-mei’s mother become Wu Tsing’s concubine?He raped her, thus giving her no choice but to stay with him as his concubine. 11. How did An-mei’s mother die?She poisoned herself.12. What promise did Wu Tsing make to An-mei’s mother after she died?That he would raise her son and daughter as his honored children13. What does An-mei say that her daughter’s psychiatrist is?Just another bird drinking from Rose’s misery14. How did the tired Chinese peasants get rid of the birds that were drinking their tears and eating their seeds?They clapped their hands, banged sticks on pots and pans, and shouted at the birds to die.Waiting Between the Trees told by Ying-ying St. Clair1. How has Lena St. Clair unknowingly insulted her mother by giving her the guest bedroom in her home?Because the guest bedroom in Chinese custom should be the biggest and best bedroom and Lena’s guest bedroom is tiny2. What did Lena do when she was born?She sprang from her mother like a slippery fish.3. When Ying-ying was a young girl in Wushi, she was lihai. What does that mean? It means that she was wild and stubborn.4. When did Ying-ying begin to know things before they happened?She began to know these things the night her aunt got married when Ying-ying was sixteen.5. What sign happened to convince Ying-ying that she would marry the man who was a guest at her house?A large wind blew in from the north and the flower on the table nearby split from its stem and fell at her feet6. Why did Ying-ying’s husband leave her?He left her to live with an opera singer.7. What is the difference between what Lena sees in her mother and what her mother really is?Lena sees a small old lady but Ying-ying really is a tiger lady.8. Why, according to Ying-ying, is the tiger gold and black?Because the gold side leaps with its fierce heart while the black side stands still with cunning and patience9. Why does Ying-ying abort her first child?She aborts the child because she hates her hus band, the child’s father.10. What did Ying-ying do for ten years at the country home of her cousin’s family?She waited between the trees.11. What did Ying-ying give up when she married St. Clair?She gave up her spirit.12. At the end of the story, what does Ying-ying want to do for her daughter?She wants to give her daughter her own spirit.Double Face told by Lindo Jong1. Why does Waverly Jong want to go to China?She wants to go to China for her second honeymoon.2. Why does Waverly especially want to be Chinese?Because it is so fashionable3. Why could Lindo’s children not have American circumstances and Chinese character?Because the two things do not mix4. Who first taught Lindo about America?An American-raised Chinese girl in Peking5. What kind of job did Lindo get in the cookie factory?She got a job forming Chinese fortune cookies out of hot dough.6. What was the fortune inside the cookie that Lindo gave to Tin?The fortune was, “A house is not home when a spouse is not at home.”7. Why does Waverly like the fact that she and her mother have crooked noses? She likes their crooked noses because she thinks they make her and her mother look devious or two-faced.8. At the end of the story, what is Lindo wondering about?She is wondering what she has lost in coming to America and what she has gotten back in return.A Pair of Tickets told by Jing-mei Woo1. Why does Jing-mei feel different as her train leaves the Hong Kong border and enters Shenzhen, China?Because she is becoming Chinese2. Where is Jing-mei meeting her two half-sisters?She is meeting them in Shanghai.3. How did the half-sisters learn that their mother was dead?They learned that their mother was dead when Auntie Lindo wrote a letter to them as Jing-mei asked her to do.4. How did Jing-mei learn the details of what happened to her half-sisters?She learned the details from her father.5. Why did Jing-mei’s mother actually leave the babies?She left the babies because she thought she was going to die and didn’t want them to die with her.6. Who found the babies?The babies were found by an old peasant woman.7. What are the two different Chinese meanings of Suyuan, Jing-mei’s mother’s name?“Long Cherished Wish” and “Long-Held Grudge.”8. What are the meanings of Jing-mei’s name?“Just pure essence” and “younger sister。



1. What is the meaning of the title? What is its role in this film?2. What historical events and themes does this film touch upon?情景一:打麻将3. Why does June and her mother sit in the east?4. How to describe the relationship between members of the Joy Luck Club?5. What does June’s narration “I n me, they see their own daughters. Just as ignorant of all the hopes and dreams...our mothers brought to this country.” imply?片段二和三:练习钢琴,才艺比赛6. How do Suyuan and Lindo compete with each other?7. What does June’s “I could only be me” mean? Do you agree with her?8. Does June play well in the talent show? After the talent show, what does Junesuppose?9. “This is not China. You can’t make me.” From this we can see what is June’s understanding about China?片段四和五:Waverly 失约,下棋10. Why does Lindo think “keep your promise to your mother” is very important?11. Why do they want to go to the beauty parlor?12. What kind of power makes Waverly become the chess champion?13. To whom does Lindo brag about Waverly’s success?14. When Waverly says she wishes Lindo wouldn’t tell everyone she is her daughter,what does Lindo think?15. How does Waverly think about her failure as chess champion?片段六:母亲拜访Lena家How does Lena understand her mother? What kind of person is her mother?What is Lena’s and her husband’s “economic strategy” after their marriage?Why doesn’t Lena mention to Harold that she can’t eat ice-cream?What do Yingying’s words “Oh, yes, she has lost so much weight. You cannot see her any more.” imply?What does the broken vase symbolize?What does Yingying teach her daughter to do?片段七Rose 和TedHow does Rose know Ted?Do they know each other long? What is Ted’s attitude toward their relationship and what is Rose’s?What is Ted’s family background? Is it different from Rose’s?What does Mrs. Jordan try to talk about with Rose? From this, we can see, what is the attitude of the American mainstream society to ethnic minorities?片段八June 和妈妈新年晚宴Why does June say Waverly is “sneaky”?What do June and Waverly argue about? And who wins in the end?Why does June feel humiliated?What is the conflict between Suyuan and June?Why does Suyuan prefer to use “hope” instead of “expect”? What is the difference?Why does Suyuan give her pendant to June?Why does Suyuan always emphasize “best quality”?讨论题:1. The Joy Luck Club is noteworthy for its universal theme of mother- daughter relationship. Try to explore the relationship between each mother and daughter and compare and contrast their relationship. Think about the following questions:What is the mothers’ original hope when they come to America? Do their daughters understand their intentions and hopes?What are the conflicts between Suyuan and her daughter, and Lindo and her daughter? Do they reconcile? In what way they reconcile with each other(thinking about scenes,their dialogues)?What problems do Rose and Lena have in their marriage? And what causes their problems?How do Anmei and Yingying teach their daughters to solve their problems and gain strength?At the beginning, can the daughters understand their mothers? And why? Later,do they understand their mothers? And in which way?2. As a Chinese –American, in some way Amy Tan describes the conflict between the first and the second generation of Chinese Americans. It also shows the culture differences between Chinese and Americans. Try to make a contrast from the following points of view.EducationMarriageTable manners or dinner customs3. Themes: discuss the fact that many films have an important message. This may be a comment on society, human relationships or values. Brainstorm the main issues/ themes in this film.One of the dominant themes of twentieth-century American literature has been the search to define the self. This search has variously explored the influences of history , economics, religion, family, genders, and ethnicity, Characters must reconcile themselves with these forces before they are able to face the future? In what ways do the daughters in the film come to terms with these influences?4. This film uses lots of symbols. Try to pick up some symbols, and think about what they stand for and what roles they play in this film.5. This film uses a lot of narrations. How do these narrations connect each story together? Do you think that this way of using narration is more like a film-making technique or something from a novel?电影梗概synopsisThe setting is in modern-day San Francisco, at a party for June, who is about to embark on her first journey to China. At this gathering we meet June’s friends and relatives while, in flashbacks---and sometimes flashbacks within flashbacks---eight human stories unfold, those of four women born into traditional Chinese culture andtheir adult daughters, all born as Americans.Each of these stories is ultimately interwoven with the others as we observe the tragedies and triumphs experienced by these older women, and the traditions their daughters have, in some cases, chosen to ignore---or unwittingly embraced in a distorted form. How each comes to terms with these situations is the crux of the film. How the stories are told is the film’s main strength.June’s mother, Suyuan, has recently passed away without ever knowing what happened to the two baby daughters she was forced to abandon years before. Suyuan came to America in 1947, having lost her family during the war. She did not know her daughters were rescued. Now remarried, she settles in San Francisco, has a daughter June, and starts the Joy Luck Club with three other women,. The four form strong friendship. As she grows up, June and her mother struggle to understand one another. They never completely resolve their differences and Suyuan dies unexpectedly. At the next meeting of the Joy Luck Club, her mother’s friends tell June that Suyuan’s twin daughters have been found. They give her a check so she can visit them. As the novel ends, she meets her sisters in Shanghai.The second set of stories focuses on Lindo who is coerced into an unhappy marriage as a teen. She marries Tyan-yu, but he never sleeps with her. Unable to tell her domineering mother –in-law the truth, she devises a clever plan and is released from her marriage honorably. She comes to San Francisco and marries Tin Jong. They have three children. Waverley is a child chess prodigy. She and her mother maneuver through their differences throughout her childhood and into her adulthood. Their differences climax over Waverly’s fiancé, Rich Schields, and finally the two women reconcile.The third series of stories focuses on Anmei, who lives with her grandmother because her mother has been disowned. When Anmei is nine, her grandmother dies; and Anmei leaves with her mother to live in the home of a wealthy man and his other wives. Anmei learns how her mother was forced into a dishonorable second marriage and why she has no control over her own life. Her mother’s subsequent suicide provides Anmei a better life. The life of Anmei is shaped by her widowed mother’s tragic experiences as a concubine as an adult, Anmei comes to San Francisco. She and her husband have seven children, including Rose. Rose marries Ted, a wealthy man, who has an affair and divorces her. Rose is overwhelmed but recovers.The fourth series of stories focuses on Yingying. Born into a wealthy family, she is a spirited child and later grows into a haughty young woman and marries a crude man who abandons her after she becomes pregnant. Yingying, the abused wife, spends much of her life in a self-imposed state of psychological punishment for an act she committed as a young mother. Then years later she marries Clifford St. Clair, an American exporter, even though she doesn’t love him. They come to San Francisco and have one daughter, Lena. As an adult Lena marries Harold Livotny, who takes advantage of her. Yingying feels responsible for raising so powerless a daughter. She wants to encourage Lena to speak up for herself.Singularly, each of these stories offers a compelling and vivid portrait of a mother-daughter relationship. Taken together, they add up to a masterful whole thatgoes straight to the heart. All of their experiences in pre-revolutionary China have a direct bearing on the lives of their daughters, who end up re-learning the same agonizing lessons in modern-day America.Memorize the following lines.参考书目《博学英语•英美影视欣赏》黄际英侯丹王丽娟选编《哈佛蓝星双语明珠导读•喜福会》The Joy Luck Club《英语电影教程下》朱维芳编著。

The Joy Luck Club

The Joy Luck Club

Cherishing the time with your mother .
A Cultural Interpretation of Maternal Love in the Joy Luck阿姨 及其女儿
林多阿姨 女儿:威莉 苏及女儿 君
Lindo Jong, Waverly Jong Jong,
An-Mei Hsu, Rose Hsu Jordan AnHsu,
Mother here represents the maternal culture, conceived offspring, and eager to a kind of look in the eyes; Mother is also shows the cultural inheritance of the kind of people, they experienced the rebellious youth, after having children and return to traditional. They long for the daughter no longer bear had taken his misfortune, placed their infinite hope, according to his own ideas to start planning their future; Daughters born in free country, the pursuit of freedom don't want to be control, also often feel that mother's idea the absurd and funny, and the resolve of the invisible generation gap formation paranoid, it is cultural ravines, and emotional diaphragm. The mother forced his daughter are doing, whether to play the piano, play chess, and men economic independence, have is a western things and behavior, this is one of the big western culture and eastern culture contrast, is also a pressing need to change the emotions lead to deviation. \"The joy luck club\" so club\ of female story very moving, and what's more, there are the Rachel portman is spectacular · the soundtrack of the infected mood and at the end of the film, the three have not meet sister embrace together cry, I know that's false, tears still quiet wetting the eyes



《喜福会》折射出的中西文化观念差异电影《喜福会》根据华裔美国女作家谭恩美(AmyTan)的成名作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)改编而成,和其小说畅销一样,改编的电影也在国内外引起了强烈的反响。



















Copyright © Wondershare Software
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
The Joy Luck Club is a 1993 American movie about the relationships between Chinese-American women and their Chinese mothers.
Copyright © Wondershare Software
The Joy Luck Club (1989)
a best-selling novel
In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang
Copyright © Wondershare Software
谭恩美(Amy Tan)
家成她院美美 。 名因,国国 ,处后加华 成女取州裔 为作得奥作 当《语克家 代喜言兰。 美福学, 国会硕曾 的》士就年 畅而学读出 销一位医生 作举。学于
Copyright © Wondershare Software
Copyright © Wondershare Software
Copyright © Wondershopyright © Wondershare Software
Copyright © Wondershare Software
Copyright © Wondershare Software
The stories told from the eyes and minds of their American-born daughters

Daughters are tales of what it means to American, with parents, especially mothers, who have had very different beginnings.



• 母女双方中西文化差异形成心灵上的 隔阂---异质文化的冲突与母女之间的 代沟 • 女性意识的时代流变---女性的弱者的 地位与女性为求改变的不断抗争,女 性的幸福要靠自己去争取,而不是被 命运安排
• 母女关系一直是推动整个故事向前发展的基本动 力 ,是贯穿整个故事的线索。
• 第三部分,随着女儿的长大,母女关系开始有了改善 的迹象,但还是有矛盾存在 • 女儿开始想了解并接受母亲,她们认真回忆在成长 过程中母亲给她们含蓄而深沉的母爱,并尝试着与 母亲交流,试图让母亲了解自己 • 例如:让母亲了解自己想嫁给一个美国人,想让 母亲了解和接受这个事实,并试着沟通
• 第四部分:女儿意识到母亲的智慧是不容忽视的,母亲的意 见是值得倾听的,因为她们是来自于遥远故土的神灵,带来 了取之不尽的文化宝藏 • 在最开始的时候提到的象征着母亲想要传递给女儿的精神 财富的“鹅毛”这时已经传递给了女儿 • 她们用这“鹅毛”纷纷解决了自己生活中的困难 • 这时母女之间已经可以相互了解,母女关系达到和谐
母女关系将《喜福会》中看似独立的四个部分贯穿起来, 使之成为一个整体 这充分体现了“故事环”的特殊结构: 故事的独立性和整本书的整体性
这四个看似独立的部分 其实都隐含着4对华裔母女关系的4个重要阶段 这又是一个整体
母女关系的 四阶段
• 1、母亲期待将自己的人生感悟 传授给女儿 • 2、母女关系似乎是水火不容, 无法沟通 • 3、母女关系开始有了改善 • 4、母女关系和谐、融洽
• 第二部分,记录了女儿成长过程中与母亲的感情冲突和由于 不能与母亲交流而遭受的精神痛苦,以及长大成人之后仍不 能与母亲沟通的困惑 • 像大多数中国母亲一样,《喜福会》中的母亲对母爱的表达 往往是通过训斥!告诫!提醒实现的,而这正是接受美国教育 的女儿们所不能忍受的,母亲的过分关心和保护在她们看来 则无异于干涉和专制,因此她们总是千方百计试图摆脱母亲 的控制 • 例如:不想学弹琴、母亲拿自己奕棋冠军 四处炫耀 • 这段时期的母女关系似乎是水火不容,无法沟通,充满了冲 突。



The Joy Luck ClubAbstractThe Joy Luck Club is written by Amy Tan,a famous Chinese American writer. In the novel, she presents the stories of four Chinese-immigrant women and their American-born daughters. Each of the four Chinese women has her own view of the world based on her experiences in China and wants to share her experiences with her daughter, and they never cease to try to build a bridge over the cultural differences and conflicts between them and their daughters with their maternal love of vari ous forms. At first the daughters don’t understand their mothers and the Chinese culture that their mothers represent, but as time elapses, the daughters begin to understand and appreciate their mothers' past and accept their mothers in the end. In fact, it is the maternal love the Joy Luck Club mothers extend to their daughters that finally makes their daughters understand them and the Chinese culture that they represent. In this sense, the maternal love not only symbolizes Chinese culture, but more importantly serves as a bridge over the mothers and daughters, and over Chinese culture and American culture.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflicts; understanding; culture; maternal love摘要《喜福会》是美国著名的华裔女作家谭恩美的代表作品。



喜福会观后感中英文5篇范文第一篇:喜福会观后感中英文The Joy Luck Club is about the four Chinese immigrant women and their children grew up in the United States between the respective stories.The title of the novel“ the Joy Luck Club” is the original mothers played mahjong party.These women moved to the United States for decades, but they still think constantly of raised by traditional education, abide by the Chinese for thousands of years the penetration in the blood, women have become almost feudal patriarchal ideology nature.Their common ideal is to strict education, over his daughter, so they can escape their this generation of women's destiny, they become the eyes of a happy woman.However, the mother of the bundle, the girls in their different ways a revolt, in this race, class, gender inequality in American society, two generations of women staged a fight each other to reach the same goal by different routes, by mutual recognition of tragicomedy.In the tragedy and comedy, the deepest impression is not character mouth lay things, but they cannot speak, those unable to touch, carefully conceal mentioning things, is the silence behind something.Here, silence has become a symbol, its huge destructive power to destroy the existence of female self-esteem, self-confidence and courage, so that they are suppressed in the heavy loss of the ability to survive.However once the silence is broken, the destructive power will immediately disappear, have been suppressed for a long time will be the recovery of human nature, the relationship between balance and harmony will be restored.“ The Joy Luck Club” in they and most of the tales are silent and breaking the silence on the main lineof weaving together The Joy Luck Club,“" to give our inspiration: in the United States, is one of the so-called multicultural, namely sub-culture and mainstream culture to maintain a consistent pattern, essentially just a trick to cover other's eyes and ears, and cultural assimilation and psychological aggression cover.Then, with the other minority women, Chinese women only to regain the original self, breaking the silence and gender culture of silence, in their own way to self-esteem, self-confidence, independent life, to enter the ” joy and hap piness".《喜福会》所讲述的是四位华人移民妇女和她们在美国长大的儿女各自之间的故事,喜福会观后感(附英文观后感),观后感《喜福会观后感(附英文观后感)》.小说的题目《喜福会》原是母亲们打麻将的聚会.这些妇女移居美国已有几十年,但她们仍念念不忘从小受过的传统教育,恪守着中国几千年来渗透于妇女血液之中、几乎已成为天性的封建男权的思想.她们共同的理想就是要严格教育、管束自己的女儿,使她们能逃脱自己这一辈女人的命运,成为她们眼中幸福的女人.然而,对于母亲的管束,女儿们则以各自不同的方式一味反抗,在这个种族、阶级、性别不平等的美国社会里,两代女性上演了一出由相互争斗到殊途同归、相互认同的悲喜剧.在这出悲喜剧中,给人留下印象最深的不是人物口中道出的事情,而是那些她们无法启口、无法触及、讳莫如深的事情,是沉默背后的东西.在这里,沉默已经变成了一个象征,它那巨大的毁灭性力量摧毁着女性赖以生存的自尊、自信和勇气,使她们在沉重的压抑之中丧失生存的能力.然而一旦打破沉默,这毁灭性的力量就会立刻消失,被压抑已久的人性就将得到复苏,平衡和谐的关系就会得到恢复.《喜福会》中母女们的悲欢故事大部分都是以沉默和打破沉默这条主线编织起来的.《喜福会》给我们的启示之一就是:在美国,所谓的多元文化,也就是亚文化与主流文化保持一致的新格局,从本质上来说不过是一场掩人耳目的把戏,是对亚文化的同化和心理侵略的掩盖.那么,与其他少数民族的女性一样,华裔女性只有重新找回原本的自我,打破文化的沉默和性别的沉默,按照自己的方式自尊、自信、自主地面对生活,才能最终进入“喜与福”的境界.第二篇:喜福会观后感从《喜福会》看跨文化交流电影《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)以插叙的方式和细腻的手法将四对华裔母女的故事缓缓道出。

喜福会 The Joy luck club 剧情和影评(英文)

喜福会 The Joy luck club 剧情和影评(英文)




这样就好了但是母亲说:It’s too late to change母亲甲(林多阿姨LinDo)1、她五岁那年,在母亲、媒婆和大户人家的共同协商下,订给了这大户人家作媳妇。




















She immigrat es to America
She kills their child to revenge him
They marry
Lena „s husband Harold He believes that by makes everything equal, they can make their love equal as well
With her mother help ,she decides to fight for possession of house and child ,when she divorces
This novel includes many themes For example :1)The misunderstanding between mothers & daughter 2) The clash between generations & cultures 3)The struggle for women to fight for equity But different have different feelings . For me I think all of mothers devote themselves to do everything for their children . So we should understand them , communicate with them ,and love them
Finally, they understand each other
Ying-ying andLena St.Clair
Ying A talented and romantic man He is not at home and sometimes he comes back ,togethe r with a woman A pregnant



用真情感染人的例子英语1. The Power of a Mother's Love:"The Joy Luck Club" by Amy Tan is a poignant novel that delves into the lives of Chinese-American women and the bond they share with their mothers. The emotional depth of the mothers' love and the cultural gaps they bridge with their daughters is a testament to the power of genuine emotion to move readers.2. The Impact of a Father's Sacrifice:In "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Atticus Finch's unwavering moral integrity and his defense of Tom Robinson, despite the societal pressures of the time, is an example of how a father's genuine emotion and actions can inspire and influence others.3. The Strength of Friendship:"Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck portrays the deep friendship between George and Lennie. Their bond, forged through shared dreams and mutual respect, is a powerful example of how genuine emotion can create enduringrelationships that touch the hearts of readers.4. The Resilience of the Human Spirit:"The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank is a heart-wrenching account of a young girl's life during the Holocaust. Anne's candid expressions of hope, fear, and love in the face of unimaginable adversity demonstrate how genuine emotion caninspire resilience and compassion.5. The Transformative Nature of Love:In "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, ElizabethBennet's gradual realization of her true feelings for Mr. Darcy, despite her initial prejudices, is a beautiful example of how genuine emotion can lead to personal growth and transformation.6. The Courage to Speak Out:"I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou is an autobiography that powerfully conveys the author's journey through racism, trauma, and self-discovery. Angelou's raw and honest depiction of her experiences is a compelling example of how genuine emotion can inspire courage and change.7. The Unity of Community:"To Sir, With Love" by E.R. Braithwaite tells the story of a teacher who, through patience and understanding, is able to connect with his students in a challenging urban environment. The emotional bonds formed between the teacher and his students illustrate the unifying power of genuine emotion.8. The Triumph Over Tragedy:"A Man Called Ove" by Fredrik Backman is a novel about a grumpy old man who finds a renewed sense of purpose through his interactions with his neighbors. The story's exploration of grief, love, and community is a touching example of how genuine emotion can lead to unexpected connections and personal redemption.9. The Pursuit of Dreams:"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a tale of a shepherd's journey to follow his dreams. The protagonist's unwavering determination, fueled by his genuine emotions and the wisdom he gains along the way, is an inspiring example of how following one's heart can lead to self-fulfillment.10. The Healing Power of Art:"The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah is a historical novel set during World War II, focusing on the lives of two sisters in France. The younger sister's use of art as a means of expressing her emotions and coping with the horrors of war is a poignant example of how genuine emotion can provide solace and healing in the darkest of times.。


• 对于移居海外的人来说,一切都是不确定 和有待探索的。由于跨越边境后的漂浮状 态,使得他们能够更深刻地理解文化、身 份和种族的建构型。由于旧身份的丧失和 新身份的不确定,在少数文学中,对身份 和共同体的重新想像始终是紧迫的。 • 少数族裔的身份建构不仅取决于他们自己 的努力,还取决于移民国的态度。
• 霍尔认为, 在高语境文化中,人们有着类似的 经历和信息渠道。长期稳定的交流使人们 形成了对周围环境比较一致的反应。 • 因而,在处理大量日常事务时,他们往往不需 要、也不希望得到过多的背景知识。在交 谈中,无需过多的表达,双方就会心领神会,因 为共同的背景知识和想象空间会帮助听者 把说者含糊的意思拼凑起来。 • 在高语境文化中, 人们并不仅仅通过语言来 表达意思,手势、空间的运用,甚至沉默都可 以传递信息 , 他们认为“沉默比语言更有 力” 。
• 新一代华人子女因为生活在与父母截然不 同的文化环境里, 受着美国文化的熏陶, 平 时读的是英文书籍, 而非孔子的经典,往往在 思想上更倾向于接受美国文化与价值观。 • 然而, 无论华裔青年已经美国化到何种程度, 以白人为代表的主流社会依然把他们看作 是少数民族, 是中国人。这使得新生代的华 裔极易产生一种迷茫和身份危机:“我究竟是 谁?”
• 因此,在这种环境中成长起来的华裔第二 代,由于内外压力,他们认同的是宗主国 文化,而故国的文化则是他们需要超越的 对象,女儿们的最终结果就是: “事实上, 除了她的头发和皮肤是中国式的外表,她 的内部,全是美国制造的。” • 这也导致母女间的隔阂。在这一成长故事 中,母女间的交流障碍实质上体现的是两 种不同价值观的矛盾,女儿们不断试图超 越和弃绝以母亲为代表的东方遗产,从而 形成新的主体性。
• 华裔女作家任璧莲(Gish Jen)在一次接受采访中 谈道:“这种对身份的追求是非常美国化的。在中 国的人们不会探讨根的问题。你一旦开始思考身 为爱尔兰裔美国人、非洲裔美国人或华裔美国人 意味着什么时, 那你就是美国人了。” • 《喜福会》中女儿们一旦有了想做中国人的迫切 愿望,这便表明她们已经非常美国化了,不再是中国 人。” • 既然她们已经是美国人了 ,便不用担心被中国文化 同化。她们渴求具有一定的中国气质 ,在某种程度 上也反映了美国人对异域文化的向往。



母亲丙 (安美阿姨 An Mei) 女儿丙(露丝 Rose)
安美(An Mei):
借由母亲屈辱的一生 和自杀一事,学会了 在不公平的命运前大 声喊叫,深切体悟出 要珍惜、尊重自己的 价值、
罗丝(Rose): 嫁入豪门后心甘情愿付
出和妥协,放弃深造的 机会,甚至贬低自我, 不再有主见,在婚姻中 被丈夫忽略。听完母亲 的故事,明白珍惜自己 才会被人珍惜的道理后, 重新肯定了自我价值, 挽救了婚姻。
了 小 说 《 喜 福 会 》 (
年 , 谭 恩 美 根 据 外 婆 和 母 亲 的 经 历
年 出 生 于 美 国 加 州 奥 克 兰 。
美 ( ) , 著 名 美 籍 华 裔 女
a The Joy Luck
谭恩美在《命运的反面》里自述曾 在十六岁时,为了新交的男友,和 母亲发生了激烈争吵。母亲把她推 到墙边,举着切肉刀,刀锋压在她 喉咙上有20分钟。最后,她垮了下 来,哭泣着求母亲:“我想活下去, 我想活下去。”母亲才把切肉刀从 她脖子上拿开。在叛逆的青春期, 她出过两次车祸;被人用枪指着抢 劫,几乎被强奸;受到死亡威胁, 几乎被泥石流冲走。20多岁那年, 她最好的朋友在生日那天被入室抢 劫者捆绑勒死,她被叫去辨认尸体, 从此中途辍学,放弃博士学位。 晚 年的母亲还告诉她一个秘密:她在 中国大陆有3个同母异父的姐姐。这 个秘密深深震撼了谭恩美,成了她 创作的主题。
母亲丁 (苏 Su Yuan) 女儿丁 (君 June)
苏 (Su Yuan):
抗战时期被迫遗弃一对 双胞胎女儿,到美国后 再婚,她将所有希望放 在女儿君身上,希望把 她塑造成一个有别于自 己能成为白人社会所接 受的高雅女性。


Contemporary Chinese American Writers
Background Knowledge: There are 3 waves of Chinese immigration to the United States. When did they happen? For what reasons did the Chinese immigrate to the U. S.?
Amy Tan and the novel
Long conversations with her mother evolved
into The Joy Luck Club. Tan created the characters of Rose, Waverly, June and Lena to personify her own questions and concerns. She finally saw that she had to learn about her mother's life in order to understand her own history and personality.
Mother/daughter relationships
Each mother has very strong traditional
Chinese values and had some kind of communication problem with her daughter. To what extent do you think the problems were based on cultural differences? What other reasons can you suggest for conflict in their relationships?



T h e J o y L u c k C l u b《喜福会》英文观后感(总2页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--My Appreciation of the Joy Luck ClubThe first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant things—conflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other.The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, “You can’t make me!” Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn’t Suyuan’s daughter and Suyuan isn’t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan’s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter’s innocent words.This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did.I did n’t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don’t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don’t know why all their sacrifices to the children can’t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don’t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can’t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear. Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American’s individual freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn’t love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinksthat her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly’s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo’s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.I am deeply moved by this scene:Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,, “You don't know, you don't know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I'm four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you.”And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, “Now, you make me happy.” Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shoutat the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation’s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.。

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• focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of Mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods • four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters • each woman, both mothers and daughters, (with the exception of one mother, Suyuan Woo, who dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part comes after a parable.
Suyuan Woo, Jing-Mei "June" Woo Lindo Jong, Waverly Jong Ying-Ying “Betty” St. Clair,Lena St.Clair
An-Mei Hsu, Rose Hsu Jng-Mei’ s mother The founder of the Joy Luck Club To abandon her twin infant daughters To take high expectation to her daughter JingMei and hope she can grow up as she will
• The mothers believe that the daughters will intuitively understand their cryptic utterances, but the daughters don't understand them at all.
Ying-Ying “Betty” St. Clair
Jing-Mei "June" Woo
• • • • The daughter of Suyuan, was born in America Does not understand her mother Lacks ambition and just want to live as herself Finishes her mother’s dream finding the twins
The Joy Luck Club
About The Author
• Amy Tan
• 谭恩美
• 1952年2月19日-
• 出生地:美国加利福尼亚州的奥克兰 • 华裔美国作家 • 以畅销小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club)著 名
• • • • • The Joy Luck Club The Kitchen God’s Wife The Hundred Secret Senses The Bonesetter’s Daughter Saving Fish from Drowning memoir
• 她们的沉默已经不仅仅是话语的消失,而是整个 人的消失,是对自我的不断贬低和最终的抹杀。 这是男权社会中女性终极的悲哀。可叹的是当母 亲的一代已经失去了自我之后,女儿又在不知不 觉中重复着母亲的故事,尽管她曾经是那么激烈 地反抗过母亲的意志。 • 莉娜对这令她有苦难言的男权观念的沉默与忍让 把她推入了一个无言、无奈、无望的境地。一段 婚姻葬送在“男女平等”的生活方式之下
Lena St.Clair
• she gradually becomes her mother's voice and interprets her mother's Chinese words for others. • Lena„s husband, Harold demands financial “equality” . Harold believes that by making everything equal, they can make their love equal as well • Lena feels frustrated and powerless.
• she is a Tiger character. • She lost her first marriage. • Clifford St falls in love with her, but YingYing cannot express any strong emotion • She resolves to call upon the more assertive qualities of her Tiger nature, to appeal to those qualities in Lena