Zero-field splitting of Kondo resonances in a carbon nanotube quantum dot




• 证明思路 • 解的唯一性:假设有两个不同的最大解,那么由局部柯西-利普希茨
定理可以证明其重叠部分的值相同,将两者不同的部分分别延伸在重 叠部分上,则会得到一个更“大”的解(只需验证它满足微分方程), 矛盾。因此解唯一。
• 解的存在性:证明需要用到佐恩引理,构造所有解的并集。 • 扩展至高阶常微分方程 • 对于一元的高阶常微分方程
Φ(yn),使得 ,这样,如果这个序列有一个收敛点 y ,那么y为函数Φ的不动
点,这时就有 ,于是我们构造出了一个解y。为此,我们从常数函数开始。 令 这样构造出来的函数列 中的每个函数都满足初始条件。并且由于 f 在 U
中满足利普希茨条件,当区间足够小的时候,Φ成为一个收缩映射。根据完 备空间的不动点存在定理,存在关于Φ的稳定不动点,于是可知微分方程(1) 的解存在。
• 局部唯一性:在包含点t0的足够小的J区间上,微分方程(1)的解是唯一的
• 这个定理有点像物理学中的决定论思想:当我们知道了一个系统的特性(微
分方程)和在某一时刻系统的情况(x(t0) = x0)时,下一刻的情况是唯一确 定的。
• 局部定理的证明 • 一个简洁的证明思路为构造一个总是满足初始条件的函数递归序列yn + 1 =
• 柯西在常微分方程中的主要贡献在于深入
考察并证明了存在唯一性定理。其中主要定 理为“柯西-利普希茨定理 ”
此定理最早由柯西于1820年发表,但直到 1868年,才由鲁道夫·利普希茨给出确定的 形式。
• 局部定理 • 设 为一个完备的有限维赋范向量空间(即一个巴拿赫空间),f为一个取值在
• 只需构造向量 和相应的映射 ,就可以使得(2)变为 。这时的初始













1. 证明度量空间中的开球是开集。

2. 证明度量空间中的闭球是闭集。

3. 证明度量空间中的极限点的性质。

4. 证明完备度量空间中的柯西序列收敛。

5. 证明拓扑空间中开集的交、并仍然是开集。

6. 证明拓扑空间中闭集的有限交、任意并仍然是闭集。

7. 证明拓扑空间中紧致集的闭子集仍然是紧致的。





Tunable Kondo effect in a single donor atomnsbergen 1,G.C.Tettamanzi 1,J.Verduijn 1,N.Collaert 2,S.Biesemans 2,M.Blaauboer 1,and S.Rogge 11Kavli Institute of Nanoscience,Delft University of Technology,Lorentzweg 1,2628CJ Delft,The Netherlands and2InterUniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC),Kapeldreef 75,3001Leuven,Belgium(Dated:September 30,2009)The Kondo effect has been observed in a single gate-tunable atom.The measurement device consists of a single As dopant incorporated in a Silicon nanostructure.The atomic orbitals of the dopant are tunable by the gate electric field.When they are tuned such that the ground state of the atomic system becomes a (nearly)degenerate superposition of two of the Silicon valleys,an exotic and hitherto unobserved valley Kondo effect appears.Together with the “regular”spin Kondo,the tunable valley Kondo effect allows for reversible electrical control over the symmetry of the Kondo ground state from an SU(2)-to an SU(4)-configuration.The addition of magnetic impurities to a metal leads to an anomalous increase of their resistance at low tem-perature.Although discovered in the 1930’s,it took until the 1960’s before this observation was satisfactorily ex-plained in the context of exchange interaction between the localized spin of the magnetic impurity and the de-localized conduction electrons in the metal [1].This so-called Kondo effect is now one of the most widely stud-ied phenomena in condensed-matter physics [2]and plays a mayor role in the field of nanotechnology.Kondo ef-fects on single atoms have first been observed by STM-spectroscopy and were later discovered in a variety of mesoscopic devices ranging from quantum dots and car-bon nanotubes to single molecules [3].Kondo effects,however,do not only arise from local-ized spins:in principle,the role of the electron spin can be replaced by another degree of freedom,for example or-bital momentum [4].The simultaneous presence of both a spin-and an orbital degeneracy gives rise to an exotic SU(4)-Kondo effect,where ”SU(4)”refers to the sym-metry of the corresponding Kondo ground state [5,6].SU(4)Kondo effects have received quite a lot of theoret-ical attention [6,7],but so far little experimental work exists [8].The atomic orbitals of a gated donor in Si consist of linear combinations of the sixfold degenerate valleys of the Si conduction band.The orbital-(or more specifi-cally valley)-degeneracy of the atomic ground state is tunable by the gate electric field.The valley splitting ranges from ∼1meV at high fields (where the electron is pulled towards the gate interface)to being equal to the donors valley-orbit splitting (∼10-20meV)at low fields [9,10].This tunability essentially originates from a gate-induced quantum confinement transition [10],namely from Coulombic confinement at the donor site to 2D-confinement at the gate interface.In this article we study Kondo effects on a novel exper-imental system,a single donor atom in a Silicon nano-MOSFET.The charge state of this single dopant can be tuned by the gate electrode such that a single electron (spin)is localized on the pared to quantum dots (or artificial atoms)in Silicon [11,12,13],gated dopants have a large charging energy compared to the level spac-ing due to their typically much smaller size.As a result,the orbital degree of freedom of the atom starts to play an important role in the Kondo interaction.As we will argue in this article,at high gate field,where a (near)de-generacy is created,the valley index forms a good quan-tum number and Valley Kondo [14]effects,which have not been observed before,appear.Moreover,the Valley Kondo resonance in a gated donor can be switched on and offby the gate electrode,which provides for an electri-cally controllable quantum phase transition [15]between the regular SU(2)spin-and the SU(4)-Kondo ground states.In our experiment we use wrap-around gate (FinFET)devices,see Fig.1(a),with a single Arsenic donor in the channel dominating the sub-threshold transport charac-teristics [16].Several recent experiments have shown that the fingerprint of a single dopant can be identified in low-temperature transport through small CMOS devices [16,17,18].We perform transport spectroscopy (at 4K)on a large ensemble of FinFET devices and select the few that show this fingerprint,which essentially consists of a pair of characteristic transport resonances associ-ated with the one-electron (D 0)-and two-electron (D −)-charge states of the single donor [16].From previous research we know that the valley splitting in our Fin-FET devices is typically on the order of a few meV’s.In this Report,we present several such devices that are in addition characterized by strong tunnel coupling to the source/drain contacts which allows for sufficient ex-change processes between the metallic contacts and the atom to observe Kondo effects.Fig.1b shows a zero bias differential conductance (dI SD /dV SD )trace at 4.2K as a function of gate volt-age (V G )of one of the strongly coupled FinFETs (J17).At the V G such that a donor level in the barrier is aligned with the Fermi energy in the source-drain con-tacts (E F ),electrons can tunnel via the level from source to drain (and vice versa)and we observe an increase in the dI SD /dV SD .The conductance peaks indicated bya r X i v :0909.5602v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 30 S e p 2009FIG.1:Coulomb blocked transport through a single donor in FinFET devices(a)Colored Scanning Electron Micrograph of a typical FinFET device.(b)Differential conductance (dI SD/dV SD)versus gate voltage at V SD=0.(D0)and(D−) indicate respectively the transport resonances of the one-and two-electron state of a single As donor located in the Fin-FET channel.Inset:Band diagram of the FinFET along the x-axis,with the(D0)charge state on resonance.(c)and(d) Colormap of the differential conductance(dI SD/dV SD)as a function of V SD and V G of samples J17and H64.The red dots indicate the(D0)resonances and data were taken at1.6 K.All the features inside the Coulomb diamonds are due to second-order chargefluctuations(see text).(D0)and(D−)are the transport resonances via the one-electron and two-electron charge states respectively.At high gate voltages(V G>450mV),the conduction band in the channel is pushed below E F and the FET channel starts to open.The D−resonance has a peculiar double peak shape which we attribute to capacitive coupling of the D−state to surrounding As atoms[19].The current between the D0and the D−charge state is suppressed by Coulomb blockade.The dI SD/dV SD around the(D0)and(D−)resonances of sample J17and sample H64are depicted in Fig.1c and Fig.1d respectively.The red dots indicate the po-sitions of the(D0)resonance and the solid black lines crossing the red dots mark the outline of its conducting region.Sample J17shows afirst excited state at inside the conducting region(+/-2mV),indicated by a solid black line,associated with the valley splitting(∆=2 mV)of the ground state[10].The black dashed lines indicate V SD=0.Inside the Coulomb diamond there is one electron localized on the single As donor and all the observable transport in this regionfinds its origin in second-order exchange processes,i.e.transport via a vir-tual state of the As atom.Sample J17exhibits three clear resonances(indicated by the dashed and dashed-dotted black lines)starting from the(D0)conducting region and running through the Coulomb diamond at-2,0and2mV. The-2mV and2mV resonances are due to a second or-der transition where an electron from the source enters one valley state,an the donor-bound electron leaves from another valley state(see Fig.2(b)).The zero bias reso-nance,however,is typically associated with spin Kondo effects,which happen within the same valley state.In sample H64,the pattern of the resonances looks much more complicated.We observe a resonance around0mV and(interrupted)resonances that shift in V SD as a func-tion of V G,indicating a gradual change of the internal level spectrum as a function of V G.We see a large in-crease in conductance where one of the resonances crosses V SD=0(at V G∼445mV,indicated by the red dashed elipsoid).Here the ground state has a full valley degen-eracy,as we will show in thefinal paragraph.There is a similar feature in sample J17at V G∼414mV in Fig.1c (see also the red cross in Fig.1b),although that is prob-ably related to a nearby defect.Because of the relative simplicity of its differential conductance pattern,we will mainly use data obtained from sample J17.In order to investigate the behavior at the degeneracy point of two valley states we use sample H64.In the following paragraphs we investigate the second-order transport in more detail,in particular its temper-ature dependence,fine-structure,magneticfield depen-dence and dependence on∆.We start by analyzing the temperature(T)dependence of sample J17.Fig.2a shows dI SD/dV SD as a function of V SD inside the Coulomb diamond(at V G=395mV) for a range of temperatures.As can be readily observed from Fig.2a,both the zero bias resonance and the two resonances at V SD=+/-∆mV are suppressed with increasing T.The inset of Fig.2a shows the maxima (dI/dV)MAX of the-2mV and0mV resonances as a function of T.We observe a logarithmic dependence on T(a hallmark sign of Kondo correlations)at both resonances,as indicated by the red line.To investigate this point further we analyze another sample(H67)which has sharper resonances and of which more temperature-dependent data were obtained,see Fig.2c.This sample also exhibits the three resonances,now at∼-1,0and +1mV,and the same strong suppression by tempera-ture.A linear background was removed for clarity.We extracted the(dI/dV)MAX of all three resonances forFIG.2:Electrical transport through a single donor atom in the Coulomb blocked region(a)Differential conductance of sample J17as a function of V SD in the Kondo regime(at V G=395mV).For clarity,the temperature traces have been offset by50nS with respect to each other.Both the resonances with-and without valley-stateflip scale similarly with increasing temperature. Inset:Conductance maxima of the resonances at V SD=-2mV and0mV as a function of temperature.(b)Schematic depiction of three(out of several)second-order processes underlying the zero bias and±∆resonances.(c)Differential conductance of sample H67as a function of V SD in the Kondo regime between0.3K and6K.A linear(and temperature independent) background on the order of1µS was removed and the traces have been offset by90nS with respect to each other for clarity.(d)The conductance maxima of the three resonances of(c)normalized to their0.3K value.The red line is afit of the data by Eq.1.all temperatures and normalized them to their respective(dI/dV)MAX at300mK.The result is plotted in Fig.2d.We again observe that all three peaks have the same(log-arithmic)dependence on temperature.This dependenceis described well by the following phenomenological rela-tionship[20](dI SD/dV SD)max (T)=(dI SD/dV SD)T 2KT2+TKs+g0(1)where TK =T K/√21/s−1,(dI SD/dV SD)is the zero-temperature conductance,s is a constant equal to0.22 [21]and g0is a constant.Here T K is the Kondo tem-perature.The red curve in Fig.2d is afit of Eq.(1)to the data.We readily observe that the datafit well and extract a T K of2.7K.The temperature scaling demon-strates that both the no valley-stateflip resonance at zero bias voltage and the valley-stateflip-resonance atfinite bias are due to Kondo-type processes.Although a few examples offinite-bias Kondo have been reported[15,22,23],the corresponding resonances (such as our±∆resonances)are typically associated with in-elastic cotunneling.Afinite bias between the leads breaks the coherence due to dissipative transitions in which electrons are transmitted from the high-potential-lead to the low-potential lead[24].These dissipative4transitions limit the lifetime of the Kondo-type processes and,if strong enough,would only allow for in-elastic events.In the supporting online text we estimate the Kondo lifetime in our system and show it is large enough to sustain thefinite-bias Kondo effects.The Kondo nature of the+/-∆mV resonances points strongly towards a Valley Kondo effect[14],where co-herent(second-order)exchange between the delocalized electrons in the contacts and the localized electron on the dopant forms a many-body singlet state that screens the valley index.Together with the more familiar spin Kondo effect,where a many-body state screens the spin index, this leads to an SU(4)-Kondo effect,where the spin and charge degree of freedom are fully entangled[8].The ob-served scaling of the+/-∆-and zero bias-resonances in our samples by a single T K is an indication that such a fourfold degenerate SU(4)-Kondo ground state has been formed.To investigate the Kondo nature of the transport fur-ther,we analyze the substructure of the resonances of sample J17,see Fig.2a.The central resonance and the V SD=-2mV each consist of three separate peaks.A sim-ilar substructure can be observed in sample H67,albeit less clear(see Fig.2c).The substructure can be explained in the context of SU(4)-Kondo in combination with a small difference between the coupling of the ground state (ΓGS)-and thefirst excited state(ΓE1)-to the leads.It has been theoretically predicted that even a small asym-metry(ϕ≡ΓE1/ΓGS∼=1)splits the Valley Kondo den-sity of states into an SU(2)-and an SU(4)-part[25].Thiswill cause both the valley-stateflip-and the no valley-stateflip resonances to split in three,where the middle peak is the SU(2)-part and the side-peaks are the SU(4)-parts.A more detailed description of the substructure can be found in the supporting online text.The split-ting between middle and side-peaks should be roughly on the order of T K[25].The measured splitting between the SU(2)-and SU(4)-parts equals about0.5meV for sample J17and0.25meV for sample H67,which thus corresponds to T K∼=6K and T K∼=3K respectively,for the latter in line with the Kondo temperature obtained from the temperature dependence.We further note that dI SD/dV SD is smaller than what we would expect for the Kondo conductance at T<T K.However,the only other study of the Kondo effect in Silicon where T K could be determined showed a similar magnitude of the Kondo signal[12].The presence of this substructure in both the valley-stateflip-,and the no valley-stateflip-Kondo resonance thus also points at a Valley Kondo effect.As a third step,we turn our attention to the magnetic field(B)dependence of the resonances.Fig.3shows a colormap plot of dI SD/dV SD for samples J17and H64 both as a function of V SD and B at300mK.The traces were again taken within the Coulomb diamond.Atfinite magneticfield,the central Kondo resonances of both de-vices split in two with a splitting of2.2-2.4mV at B=FIG.3:Colormap plot of the conductance as a function of V SD and B of sample J17at V G=395mV(a)and H64at V G=464mV(b).The central Kondo resonances split in two lines which are separated by2g∗µB B.The resonances with a valley-stateflip do not seem to split in magneticfield,a feature we associate with the different decay-time of parallel and anti-parallel spin-configurations of the doubly-occupied virtual state(see text).10T.From theoretical considerations we expect the cen-tral Valley Kondo resonance to split in two by∆B= 2g∗µB B if there is no mixing of valley index(this typical 2g∗µB B-splitting of the resonances is one of the hall-marks of the Kondo effect[24]),and to split in three (each separated by g∗µB B)if there is a certain degree of valley index mixing[14].Here,g∗is the g-factor(1.998 for As in Si)andµB is the Bohr magneton.In the case of full mixing of valley index,the valley Kondo effect is expected to vanish and only spin Kondo will remain [25].By comparing our measured magneticfield splitting (∆B)with2g∗µB B,wefind a g-factor between2.1and 2.4for all three devices.This is comparable to the result of Klein et al.who found a g-factor for electrons in SiGe quantum dots in the Kondo regime of around2.2-2.3[13]. The magneticfield dependence of the central resonance5indicates that there is no significant mixing of valley in-dex.This is an important observation as the occurrence of Valley Kondo in Si depends on the absence of mix-ing(and thus the valley index being a good quantum number in the process).The conservation of valley in-dex can be attributed to the symmetry of our system. The large2D-confinement provided by the electricfield gives strong reason to believe that the ground-andfirst excited-states,E GS and E1,consist of(linear combi-nations of)the k=(0,0,±kz)valleys(with z in the electricfield direction)[10,26].As momentum perpen-dicular to the tunneling direction(k x,see Fig.1)is con-served,also valley index is conserved in tunneling[27]. The k=(0,0,±k z)-nature of E GS and E1should be as-sociated with the absence of significant exchange interac-tion between the two states which puts them in the non-interacting limit,and thus not in the correlated Heitler-London limit where singlets and triplets are formed.We further observe that the Valley Kondo resonances with a valley-stateflip do not split in magneticfield,see Fig.3.This behavior is seen in both samples,as indicated by the black straight solid lines,and is most easily ob-served in sample J17.These valley-stateflip resonances are associated with different processes based on their evo-lution with magneticfield.The processes which involve both a valleyflip and a spinflip are expected to shift to energies±∆±g∗µB B,while those without a spin-flip stay at energies±∆[14,25].We only seem to observe the resonances at±∆,i.e.the valley-stateflip resonances without spinflip.In Ref[8],the processes with both an orbital and a spinflip also could not be observed.The authors attribute this to the broadening of the orbital-flip resonances.Here,we attribute the absence of the processes with spinflip to the difference in life-time be-tween the virtual valley state where two spins in seperate valleys are parallel(τ↑↑)and the virtual state where two spins in seperate valleys are anti-parallel(τ↑↓).In con-trast to the latter,in the parallel spin configuration the electron occupying the valley state with energy E1,can-not decay to the other valley state at E GS due to Pauli spin blockade.It wouldfirst needs toflip its spin[28].We have estimatedτ↑↑andτ↑↓in our system(see supporting online text)andfind thatτ↑↑>>h/k b T K>τ↑↓,where h/k b T K is the characteristic time-scale of the Kondo pro-cesses.Thus,the antiparallel spin configuration will have relaxed before it has a change to build up a Kondo res-onance.Based on these lifetimes,we do not expect to observe the Kondo resonances associated with both an valley-state-and a spin-flip.Finally,we investigate the degeneracy point of valley states in the Coulomb diamond of sample H64.This degeneracy point is indicated in Fig.1d by the red dashed ellipsoid.By means of the gate electrode,we can tune our system onto-or offthis degeneracy point.The gate-tunability in this sample is created by a reconfiguration of the level spectrum between the D0and D−-charge states,FIG.4:Colormap plot of I SD at V SD=0as a function of V G and B.For increasing B,a conductance peak develops around V G∼450mV at the valley degeneracy point(∆= 0),indicated by the dashed black line.Inset:Magneticfield dependence of the valley degeneracy point.The resonance is fixed at zero bias and its magnitude does not depend on the magneticfield.probably due to Coulomb interactions in the D−-states. Figure4shows a colormap plot of I SD at V SD=0as a function of V G and B(at0.3K).Note that we are thus looking at the current associated with the central Kondo resonance.At B=0,we observe an increasing I SD for higher V G as the atom’s D−-level is pushed toward E F. As B is increased,the central Kondo resonance splits and moves away from V SD=0,see Fig.3.This leads to a general decrease in I SD.However,at around V G= 450mV a peak in I SD develops,indicated by the dashed black line.The applied B-field splits offthe resonances with spin-flip,but it is the valley Kondo resonance here that stays at zero bias voltage giving rise to the local current peak.The inset of Fig.4shows the single Kondo resonance in dI SD/dV SD as a function of V SD and B.We observe that the magnitude of the resonance does not decrease significantly with magneticfield in contrast to the situation at∆=0(Fig.3b).This insensitivity of the Kondo effect to magneticfield which occurs only at∆= 0indicates the profound role of valley Kondo processes in our structure.It is noteworthy to mention that at this specific combination of V SD and V G the device can potentially work as a spin-filter[6].We acknowledge fruitful discussions with Yu.V. 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lifetime-enhancedtransport in a few-electron Si/SiGe double quantum dot, Nature Physics4,540(2008)7Supporting InformationFinFET DevicesThe FinFETs used in this study consist of a silicon nanowire connected to large contacts etched in a60nm layer of p-type Silicon On Insulator.The wire is covered with a nitrided oxide(1.4nm equivalent SiO2thickness) and a narrow poly-crystalline silicon wire is deposited perpendicularly on top to form a gate on three faces.Ion implantation over the entire surface forms n-type degen-erate source,drain,and gate electrodes while the channel protected by the gate remains p-type,see Fig.1a of the main article.The conventional operation of this n-p-n field effect transistor is to apply a positive gate voltage to create an inversion in the channel and allow a current toflow.Unintentionally,there are As donors present be-low the Si/SiO2interface that show up in the transport characteristics[1].Relation between∆and T KThe information obtained on T K in the main article allows us to investigate the relation between the splitting (∆)of the ground(E GS)-andfirst excited(E1)-state and T K.It is expected that T K decreases as∆increases, since a high∆freezes out valley-statefluctuations.The relationship between T K of an SU(4)system and∆was calculated by Eto[2]in a poor mans scaling approach ask B T K(∆) B K =k B T K(∆=0)ϕ(2)whereϕ=ΓE1/ΓGS,withΓE1andΓGS the lifetimes of E1and E GS respectively.Due to the small∆com-pared to the barrier height between the atom and the source/drain contact,we expectϕ∼1.Together with ∆=1meV and T K∼2.7K(for sample H67)and∆=2meV and T K∼6K(for sample J17),Eq.2yields k B T K(∆)/k B T K(∆=0)=0.4and k B T K(∆)/k B T K(∆= 0)=0.3respectively.We can thus conclude that the rela-tively high∆,which separates E GS and E1well in energy, will certainly quench valley-statefluctuations to a certain degree but is not expected to reduce T K to a level that Valley effects become obscured.Valley Kondo density of statesHere,we explain in some more detail the relation be-tween the density of states induced by the Kondo effects and the resulting current.The Kondo density of states (DOS)has three main peaks,see Fig.1a.A central peak at E F=0due to processes without valley-stateflip and two peaks at E F=±∆due to processes with valley-state flip,as explained in the main text.Even a small asym-metry(ϕclose to1)will split the Valley Kondo DOS into an SU(2)-and an SU(4)-part[3],indicated in Fig1b in black and red respectively.The SU(2)-part is positioned at E F=0or E F=±∆,while the SU(4)-part will be shifted to slightly higher positive energy(on the order of T K).A voltage bias applied between the source and FIG.1:(a)dI SD/dV SD as a function of V SD in the Kondo regime(at395mV G)of sample J17.The substructure in the Kondo resonances is the result of a small difference between ΓE1andΓGS.This splits the peaks into a(central)SU(2)-part (black arrows)and two SU(4)-peaks(red arrows).(b)Density of states in the channel as a result ofϕ(=ΓE1/ΓGS)<1and applied V SD.drain leads results in the Kondo peaks to split,leaving a copy of the original structure in the DOS now at the E F of each lead,which is schematically indicated in Fig.1b by a separate DOS associated with each contact.The current density depends directly on the density of states present within the bias window defined by source/drain (indicated by the gray area in Fig1b)[4].The splitting between SU(2)-and SU(4)-processes will thus lead to a three-peak structure as a function of V SD.Figure.1a has a few more noteworthy features.The zero-bias resonance is not positioned exactly at V SD=0, as can also be observed in the transport data(Fig1c of the main article)where it is a few hundredµeV above the Fermi energy near the D0charge state and a few hundredµeV below the Fermi energy near the D−charge state.This feature is also known to arise in the Kondo strong coupling limit[5,6].We further observe that the resonances at V SD=+/-2mV differ substantially in magnitude.This asymmetry between the two side-peaks can actually be expected from SU(4)Kondo sys-tems where∆is of the same order as(but of course al-ways smaller than)the energy spacing between E GS and。

泽尼克多项式 f

泽尼克多项式 f

泽尼克多项式 f泽尼克多项式(Zernike polynomials)是一类在极坐标系下定义的正交多项式。


泽尼克多项式以荷兰数学家弗里茨·泽尼克(Frits Zernike)的名字命名。




















1.基于能量度量的星载AIS信号自适应码元同步抽取算法 [J], 朱守中;柳征;姜文利
2.一种M-FSK信号的能量度量Viterbi软译码算法性能分析 [J],
3.利用对称性加速实序列FFT的方法及其FPGA实现 [J], 邓宏贵;郭晟伟
4.中国实际GDP序列的非对称性度量和统计检验 [J], 刘金全
5.能量有限实信号对称性度量 [J], 陈勇;袁晓;何小海;罗丽芬









1. 定义和性质

2. 极小投射分解的存在性和唯一性

3. 其他应用










时移参数旳离散化:取决于尺度参数 b = k×a0j , j, k Z
j 0
(a -0jt
变换系数:C j,k
j 0
j 0
f (t), j,k (t)
O f M log2 M , Ow M
傅里叶变换 (Fourier)基
“时频局域性” 图解:Fourier变换旳基(上)小波变换基(中) 和时间采样基(下)旳比较
时间和频率是描述信号旳两个最主要旳物理量。 信号旳时域和频域之间具有紧密旳联络。
时间连续,控制窗口大小旳参数和时移参数离散旳 小波变换。
时间、控制窗口大小旳参数和时移参数都离散旳小 波变换。
假设信号 f(t) L2(R),则它旳连续小波变换定义为:
(W f )(a, b) | a |-1 2
f (t)( t - b ) d t
语音辨认中旳镜向滤波,子带编码,图象处理中旳金 字塔法等几种不有关旳领域。
1988年 Mallat 提出旳多辨别度分析理论, 统一了几种不有关旳领域:涉及语音辨认中 旳镜向滤波,图象处理中旳金字塔措施,地 震分析中短时波形处理等。
当在某一种辨别度检测不到旳现象,在另一 种辨别度却很轻易观察处理。例如:



广义切比雪夫滤波器有限传输零点提取和交叉耦合结构分析1. 引言- 介绍滤波器的基本概念和分类- 简述广义切比雪夫滤波器的提出背景和研究现状- 阐明本文的研究目的和意义2. 广义切比雪夫滤波器有限传输零点提取- 解释广义切比雪夫滤波器的原理和设计方法- 分析有限传输零点(FIR)的定义和性质- 探讨在滤波器设计中如何提取有限传输零点以实现广义切比雪夫滤波器3. 广义切比雪夫滤波器交叉耦合结构- 介绍交叉耦合结构的基本概念和设计- 分析交叉耦合结构的优点和适用条件- 探讨在广义切比雪夫滤波器中如何应用交叉耦合结构4. 数值实验与应用- 设计一组广义切比雪夫滤波器,包括传统结构和交叉耦合结构,比较它们的性能差异- 分析不同参数对于滤波器性能的影响,如通带波纹、阻带衰减等- 应用所设计的广义切比雪夫滤波器在信号处理中,分析其应用效果和实际应用场景5. 结论与展望- 总结广义切比雪夫滤波器有限传输零点提取和交叉耦合结构的研究成果- 点明本文的不足和研究方向- 展望广义切比雪夫滤波器的未来发展,如其在数字信号处理、通信技术等领域的应用前景在现代科技的快速发展中,滤波器作为一种重要的信号处理工具,被广泛应用于通信、图像识别、音频处理等领域。









维诺算法与comsol维诺算法(Von Neumann algorithm)是一种用于求解偏微分方程的数值方法,它是由美籍匈牙利数学家约翰·冯·诺伊曼(John von Neumann)于20世纪40年代提出的。










与维诺算法相比,COMSOL Multiphysics是一种商业化的多物理场仿真软件,可以用于模拟和求解各种工程和科学领域的物理问题。

COMSOL Multiphysics采用有限元方法(Finite Element Method,FEM)求解偏微分方程,相比维诺算法,它具有以下优势:1. COMSOL Multiphysics提供了广泛的预定义物理模型和方程,可以方便地对复杂的多物理过程进行模拟和求解。

2. COMSOL Multiphysics具有图形界面,用户可以直观地构建几何模型、定义边界条件,并进行后处理和可视化分析。

3. COMSOL Multiphysics采用自适应网格技术,能够根据求解的需要自动调整网格,提高求解精度。

4. COMSOL Multiphysics还提供了丰富的后处理功能,例如二维和三维可视化、数据提取、曲线拟合等,方便用户对仿真结果进行分析和评估。



1.使用Savitzky-Golay滤波器改进的位场ISVD算法 [J], 景小阳;裴婧;许航;解文博
2.一种改进的HOSVD降噪的信道预测算法 [J], 孙德春; 李玉
3.一种基于SVD的改进LTS气动数据异常检测方法 [J], 杨海强;黄俊;黎茂锋;刘志勤
4.一种改进的RK-SVD随机噪声去噪方法 [J], 马中华;程慧勇;戚裕峰
5.一种改进EMD-SVD算法的暂态电能质量扰动信号消噪研究 [J], 布左拉·达吾提;帕孜来·马合木提;董永昌;葛震君

c-r方程 柯西黎曼

c-r方程 柯西黎曼










1. 证明高斯积分定理。



2. 证明柯西积分定理。



3. 研究复变函数的性质。




































操作n次后边长r=(1/3)^n,边数N(r)=2^n,根据公式D=lnN(r)/ln(1/r) , D=ln2/ln3=0.631。


















1.直觉不分明化拓扑空间的分离公理 [J], 蒋沈庆
2.不分明化拓扑中的S-分离公理 [J], 张广济
3.不分明化拓扑中的几乎分离公理 [J], 王瑞英;王尚志
4.不分明化拓扑空间中的b-分离性 [J], 李慧; 王瑞英
5.不分明拓扑空间中集网收敛与分离性 [J], 周忠群



【摘要】本文研究连续逼近选择问题研究结果表明 ,几乎下半连续的集值映射有连续逼近选择 .从而 ,著名的Michael连续逼近选择定理被改进 .应用这个结果。

【作者单位】昆明高等师范专科学校数学系; 云南昆明
1.Sobolev空间中集值映射不动点的连续选择(Ⅱ)——不动点连续选择 [J], 孙广毅
2.p-几乎渐近非扩张型映象不动点具随机误差的迭代逼近 [J], 王俊明;陈建领
3.Banach空间中几乎渐近非扩张型映象不动点的迭代逼近问题 [J], 熊明;王绍荣;杨泽恒
4.一类新的几乎渐近非扩张型映象不动点的三步迭代逼近问题 [J], 邓传现;黄发伦
5.拓扑空间中的连续逼近选择和几乎不动点 [J], 徐裕光



1.利用辐射传输-扩散混合模型的DOT图像重建算法 [J], 任晓芳;徐亮
2.自适应步长非局部全变分约束迭代图像重建算法 [J], 王文杰; 乔志伟; 牛蕾; 席雅睿
3.自适应阈值收缩算子的稀疏正则化图像重建算法 [J], 张胜男; 许燕斌; 董峰
4.一种自适应加权欠采样图像重建算法 [J], 班晓征; 李志华
5.自适应阈值收缩算子的稀疏正则化图像重建算法 [J], 张胜男; 许燕斌; 董峰因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0410467v 2 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 25 O c t 2004Zero-field splitting of Kondo resonances in a carbon nanotube quantum dotJ.Nyg˚ard,1,2,∗W.F.Koehl,1N.Mason,1L.DiCarlo,1and C.M.Marcus 11Department of Physics,Harvard University,Cambridge MA 021382Niels Bohr Institute and Nanoscience Center,University of Copenhagen,Universitetsparken 5,DK-2100Copenhagen,Denmark(Dated:February 2,2008)We present low-temperature electron transport measurements on a single-wall carbon nanotube quantum dot exhibiting Kondo resonances at low temperature.Contrary to the usual behavior for the spin-1/2Kondo effect we find that the temperature dependence of the zero bias conductance is nonmonotonic.In nonlinear transport measurements low-energy splittings of the Kondo resonances are observed at zero magnetic field.We suggest that these anomalies reflect interactions between the nanotube and a magnetic (catalyst)particle.The nanotube device may effectively act as a ferromagnetically contacted Kondo dot.PACS numbers:Transport measurements on individual single-wall car-bon nanotubes have demonstrated their potential for nanoscale electronics,1ranging from high performance field-effect transistors to ideal one-dimensional quantum dots with well-defined spin structure.2,3The latter de-vices may even have prospects for solid-state quantum computing based on the electronic spin,4although fun-damental issues regarding spin relaxation and decoher-ence still need further investigations in addition to the requisite progress in device processing.A prominent example of quantum coherence and spin physics in quantum dots is the Kondo effect 5,6.Below the Kondo temperature,T K ,an extended many-body state arises from the interactions between a localized electron spin on the dot and the conduction electrons in the leads.Kondo effects have been found in quantum dots based on carbon nanotubes 7and in single molecule transistors.8In contrast to semiconductor dots,these systems allow for studies of Kondo effects in devices with different types of contacts,e.g.superconducting or magnetic electrodes.A nanotube Kondo dot coupled to superconducting elec-trodes has been realised,9and magnetically contacted quantum dots in the Kondo regime was reported recently in molecular transistors.10We present here experimental data on a nanotube quantum dot,where the Kondo res-onances are split at zero field.We interpret this as evi-dence for coupling of the dot to a ferromagnetic impurity (in the form of a catalyst nanoparticle).Our devices incorporate single-wall carbon nanotubes grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD)on an SiO 2substrate.11Ferric iron nitrate nanoparticles deposited from a solution in isopropyl alcohol acted as catalyst for the CVD process,which was carried out in a tube fur-nace by flowing methane and hydrogen over the sample at 900◦C.This process yielded mostly individual nanotubes with diameters in the range 1-3nm as determined by atomic force microscopy.The nanotubes were contacted by thermally evaporated metal electrodes (35nm Au on 4nm Cr),spaced by 250nm and patterned by electron beam lithography.Highly doped silicon below the 400nm SiO 2cap layer acted as a gate electrode,see Fig.1(a).aSi gateSiO 2DrainSource Nanotubeca of (c)Electron transport measurements were carried out in a dilution refrigerator with a base electron temperature of T el ∼80mK as estimated from the device characteris-tics.The two-terminal conductance was measured using standard lock-in techniques with ∼5mV ac excitation and voltage bias V applied to the source with the drain grounded through a low-impedance current amplifier.In the appropriate range of back-gate voltage,V g ,the room temperature conductance is around 1.8e 2/h and only weakly dependent on gate voltage V g (not shown),indicating that the conducting nanotube is metallic.At low temperature,the differential conductance,d I/d V ,of the tube in the same range of back-gate voltage shows a strong dependence on V g ,as seen in Fig.1(b).The overall characteristics of the device are more clearly seen from the 2D plot of d I/d V as a function of source-drain voltage V and gate voltage V g in Fig.1(c).The dominant dark regions of low conductance are caused by Coulomb2- mKe550 mKV (mV)conduc-V g =−5.10V).resonance,at mK (e).are edges of by the finite source-drain bias.12Moreover,faint light horizontalridges of high conduc-tance around zero bias are seen in Fig.1(c).These ridges occur in a alternating manner,for every second electron added to the nanotube dot.They are consistent with Kondo resonances induced by the finite electron spin S =1/2existing for an odd number N of electrons where an unpaired electron is localized on the tube.7The zero bias resonances are absent for the other regions (with even N )where the ground state spin is S =0.A finite source-drain bias eV ∼kT K suppresses the Kondo effect and the resonances are thus expected to appear as thin horizontal lines at V =0in Fig.1(c),or equivalently as narrow peaks in d I/d V as a function of V .However,we note in Fig.1(b)that in fact a fine splitting of the Kondo peak is observed.Fig.2shows the temperature dependence of the zero bias conductance.We find a nonmonotonic temperature dependence in contrast to the usual Kondo resonances where the linear conductance,G =d I/d V |V =0,scales as G ∼−log(T )for T ≫T K and decreases monotonically with increasing T .In the present device the conductance increases with T up to around 200mK,where G satu-rates at 0.05e 2/h.For higher T (above ∼500mK)G decreases as expected.The accompanying d I/d V plots in Figs.2(b)-(d)show the peak profiles at various tem-peratures.We note that the splitting is only observed at the lowest temperatures,corresponding to the range where G (T )is increasing.Similar behavior is found for the other Kondo resonances in Fig.1(c),although the magnitude of the splittings vary between the different resonances which involve different orbitals.In a previous study of a semiconductor quantum dot in the Kondo regime double resonance peaks were found for an S =1’two-stage’Kondo effect,where two different energy scales result in the appearance of a dip in the peak.13However,this scenario does not apply to our case since the Kondo resonances here only exist for S =1/2as seen from the regular even-odd alternations in Fig.1(c).Application of an external magnetic field will normallyswept from 0.5T to −0.3T (open).cause the S =1/2Kondo resonance to split into two components with a peak spacing ∆V =2E Z /e ,where E Z =(1/2)gµB B is the electron Zeeman energy.5For the resonance in Fig.1(b)the splitting is ∆V ≈0.12mV,which would correspond to an external magnetic field of 0.51T,since g =2.0for the conduction electrons in metallic carbon nanotubes.2Such a large external field offset cannot exist in our experiment.14The magnetic field dependence for the resonance in Fig.2(b)is shown in Fig.3(a).The resonance is split for all fields.At large field the splitting grows as expected for the Zeeman splitting of a Kondo resonance.However,the minimal splitting is in fact achieved at a small finite field B ∼0.15mT,see Fig.3(b).The splitting and asymme-try in field are significant and cannot be explained based on a model of a purely non-magnetic quantum dot in a weak external field.Nanotubes can couple electrically to metal nanoparti-cles.For example,Ref.15demonstrates that a nonmag-netic gold nanoparticle placed in the gap between two nanotube segments can form a single-electron transistor with the nanotubes acting as leads.The sensitivity of the electronic properties of nanotubes to the presence of magnetic particles adsorbed on the tube walls has been proven by low-temperature STM measurements on tubes with Co clusters.16,17We interpret the splitting of the Kondo peak as resulting from contact with a ferromag-netic particle,presumably from the iron-containing cat-alyst material used to grow the nanotubes.11,18Theoret-ical work has shown the Kondo resonances persist when coupling a quantum dot to two ferromagnetic leads,how-ever,the Kondo peaks in d I/d V may split,even in the absence of an external magnetic field.19,20It is antici-pated that this result would also apply for dots cou-pled to just one magnetic lead.It has recently been shown using numerical renormalization group (NRG)theory that the conductance for such a one-magnetic-lead quantum dot would exhibit a nonmonotonic temperature dependence.21These results support our interpretation3that the splitting of the Kondo resonances in our device reflects interactions of the quantum dot with a magnetic impurity.In conclusion we have observed clear splittings of the Kondo resonances in a nanotube dot at zerofield.Inter-estingly,gaps below1meV were recently observed in an-other nanotube quantum dot,22but T or B dependences were not reported,precluding detailed comparison to the present data.We propose that the Kondo resonances in this study has probed the effect of a magnetic impurity on electron transport in a carbon nanotube device.Future experiments allowing gate-controlled interaction with a ferromagnetic particle will provide important further in-formation on the effects of ferromagnetic particles23on quantum transport in nanotubes.Until now all published studies on the effects of defects on nanotube transport have considered nonmagnetic impurities or defects,for instance charge traps in gate oxide,atomic defects,con-taminant particles,kinks,and normal metal particles. Meanwhile,in most fabrication methods for single-wall nanotubes magnetic particles from the catalyst remain in the material after growth,11,24although a catalyst free route for single-wall nanotube synthesis was devised recently.25It should be feasible to probe nanotubes cou-pled deliberately to individual magnetic particles, moving them into contact by AFM manipulation.15Like-wise,it would be desirable to achieve high transparency contacts to lithographically defined ferromagnetic elec-trodes.Nanotubes have already been contacted by mag-netic electrodes,26but in all reported studies the trans-mission was too low to allow for Kondo resonances to form.Notably,controlling or eliminating unwanted inter-actions with magnetic materials will be crucial for exper-iments on spintronics as well as electron spin resonance and quantum computing in nanotubes.We acknowledge J.von Delft,J.Martinek,and M. Sindel for useful discussions.The work was supported by ARO/ARDA(DAAD19-02-1-0039),NSF-NIRT(EIA-0210736),the Center for Imaging and Mesoscale Struc-tures at Harvard University,and the Danish Technical Research Council STVF.∗Permanent address:Niels Bohr Institute,University of Copenhagen,Electronic address:nygard@nbi.dk1P.L.McEuen,M.Fuhrer,and H.Park,IEEE Trans.on Nanotech.1,78(2002).2D.H.Cobden et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.81,681(1998).3P.Jarillo-Herrero et al.,Nature429,389(2004).4D.Loss and D.P.DiVincenzo,Phys.Rev.A57,120 (1998).5D.Goldhaber-Gordon et al.,Nature391,156(1998).6L.Kouwenhoven and L.Glazman,Physics World14(1), 33(2001).7J.Nyg˚ard,D.H.Cobden,and P.E.Lindelof,Nature408, 342(2000).8J.Park et al.,Nature417,722(2002),W.J.Liang et al., Nature417,725(2002).9M.Buitelaar et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.89,256801(2002). 10A.N.Pasupathy et al.,Science306,86(2004).11J.H.Hafner et al.,J.Phys.Chem.B105,743(2001). 12See,e.g.,L.P.Kouwenhoven,C.M.Marcus,P.L.McEuen, S.Tarucha,R.M.Westervelt,and N.S.Wingreen,in Mesoscopic Electron Transport,edited by L.P.Kouwen-hoven,G.Sch¨o n,and L.L.Sohn(Kluwer,Dordrecht,The Netherlands,1997).13W.G.van der Wiel et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.88,126803 (2002).14From the superconducting coil of our cryostat an offset field of no more than10mT can be expected as shown in other experiments.Moreover,care has been taken to avoidany magnetic material in the setup(chip carrier,holder, leads,filters,cryostat parts etc.).15C.Thelander et al.,Appl.Phys.Lett.79,2106(2001). 16T.Odom et al.,Science290,1549(2000).17G.A.Fiete et al.,Phys.Rev.B66,24431(2002).18The overall diamond pattern of the dot was stable for overa month while the device was kept at subkelvin tempera-tures,i.e.the charge states did not change.Details in the excited state spectrum and Kondo peak splittings changed occasionally,possibly reflecting varying interactions with an impurity particle.19J.Martinek et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.91,127203(2003),ibid.91,247202(2003).20M.-S.Choi,D.Sanchez and R.Lopez,Phys.Rev.Lett.92, 056601(2004).21M.Sindel and J.von Delft(unpublished).22B.Babic,T.Kontos,and C.Sch¨o nenberger,cond-mat/0407193.23Even strong coupling to a ferromagnetic oxide such as Fe3O4,which is half-metallic and believed to be fully spin polarized,may influence the electronic properties like for coupling to a magnetic metal.24F.Chen et al.,Appl.Phys.Lett.83,4601(2003).25V.Derycke et al.,Nano Lett.2,1046(2002).26K.Tsukagoshi,B.W.Alphenaar,and H.Ago,Nature401, 573(1999).。
