英语教学法第二版 复习提纲

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Unit 1 Language and Learning
1. Language:” Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.”
5. The language learning theory underlying an approach or method usually answers two questions:
1) What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in language learning?
2) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated?
6.1) Process-oriented theories are concerned with how the mind processes new information, such as habit formation, induction, making inference, hypothesis testing and generalization.
2) Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, what kind of input learners receive, and the learning atmosphere.
2. Three views of language
Structural view: language as a linguistic system
The functional view: a linguistic system but also as a means for doing things.
The interactional view:a communicative tool
3. Four Language Learning Theories
1Behaviorist theory
A stimulus-response theory of psychology
Audio-lingual method
Cognitive theory
Language as an intricate rule-based system
Language competence (knowledge of language system)
Constructivist theory
The learner constructs meaning based on his/her own experiences and what is already known.
Socio-constructivist theory
“Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD); scaffolding
Emphasizing interaction and engagement with TL in a social context
4. What makes a good language teacher
professional competence
Ethic devotion: warm-hearted, caring, enthusiastic, hardworking, well-prepared Professional qualities: resourceful, well-informed, professionally-trained, authoritative, disciplined, accurate, creative
Personal styles: patient, attentive, flexible, humorous, dynamic, intuitive
5. How can one become a good language teacher
W allace’s (1991) ‘reflective model
Stage 1: language development
Stage 2: learning, practice, reflection
Goal: professional competence
Unit 2 Communicative Principles and Activities
1. The ultimate goal of foreign language teaching is to enable the students to use the
foreign language in work or life when necessary.
1. The goal of CLT is to develop students‟ communicative competence.
2.What is communicative compentence?
3.Try to list some of its components and their implication to teaching.
Communicative compentence refers to both the knowledge about the language and the knowledge about how to use the language appropriately in communicative situations. According to Hedge, it includes five components.
Linguistic competence --- knowledge of the language itself, its form and meaning Pragmatic competence --- the appropriate use of language in social context
Discourse competence--- one‟s ability to create cohere nt written text or conversation and the ability to understand them (ability to express or to understand a topic logically and coherently by effectively employing or comprehending the cohesive markers used in the discourse /ability to initiate, develop, enter, interrupt, check, or confirm in a conversation)
Strategic competence--- strategies one employs when there is communication breakdown due to lack of resources
Fluency---- one‟s ability to …link units of speech together with facility and without strain or inappropriate slowness or undue hesitation
4.Implications for teaching and learning:
Linguistic competence
Teachers need to help learners
----achieve accuracy in the grammatical forms of the language;
----pronounce the forms accurately;
----use stress, rhythm, and intonation to express meaning;
----build a range of vocabulary;
----learn the script and spelling rules;
----achieve accuracy in syntax and word formation.
Pragmatic competence
Teachers need to help learners
---learn the relationship between grammatical forms and functions;
---use stress and intonation to express attitude and emotion;
---learn the scale of formality;
---understand and use emotive tone;
---use the grammatical rules of language;
---select language forms appropriate to topic, listener, or setting, etc.
Discourse competence
Teachers need to help learners
----take longer turns, use discourse markers and open and close conversations;
----appreciate and be able to produce contextualised written texts in a variety of genres; ----be able to use cohesive devices in reading and writing texts;
----be able to cope with authentic texts.
Strategic competence
Teachers need to enable learners
----to take risks in using the language;
----to use a range of communicative strategies;
----to learn the language needed to engage in some of these strategies, e.g. …What do you call a thing that/person who…‟
Teachers need to help learners
-----deal with the information gap of real discourse;
-----process language and respond appropriately with a degree of ease;
-----be able to respond with reasonable speed in …real time”.
5. Richards and Rodgers(1986:72)three principles of Communicative language teaching
1) Communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.
2) Task principle: Activities in which language is used for carrying out meaningful task
promote learning.
3) Meaningfulness principle: Language that is meaningful to the learner supports he learning process.
16. Littlewood’s (1981)classification of communicative activities:
1). Functional communicative activities:
2). Social interaction activities:
(1). Functional communicative activities:
~ Identifying pictures
~ Discovering identical pairs
~ Discovering sequences or locations
~ Discovering missing information
~ Discovering missing features
~ Discovering "secrets"
~Communicating patterns and pictures
~ Communicative models
~ Discovering differences
~ Following directions
~ Reconstructing story-sequences
~ Pooling information to solve a problem
(2). Social interaction activities:
~ Role-playing through cued dialogues
~Role-playing through cues and information
~Role-playing through situation and goals
--Role-playing through debate or discussion
~ Large-scale simulation activities
~ Improvisation
17.Ellis (1990) has listed six criteria for evaluating communicative classroom activities:
1). Communicative purpose:
2). Communicative desire:
3). Content, not form:
4). Variety of language:
5). No teacher intervention:
A task is believed to have four components:
a purpose,
a context,
a product.
6.Differences between PPP and TBLT
1.The way students use and experience language in TBLT is radically different from PPP. Free of language control
A genuine need to use language to communicate
A free exchange of ideas
Appropriateness & accuracy of language form in general, not production of a single form A genuine need for accuracy and fluency
2TBL can provide a context for grammar teaching and form-focused activities.
A task-established context
Encouraged to think, analyze, not simply to repeat, manipulate and apply A more varied exposure to natural language
Language forms not pre-selected for focus
Learner-free selection of language
Fluency accuracy (+fluency)
Integrated skills practised
Problems with CLT
1.Is it practical in the Chinese context?
2.How to design the syllabus for classroom teaching?
3.Is it suitable for all age level of learners or all competence level of learners? Constraints of TBLT
1.It may not be effective for presenting new language items
2.Time: teachers have to prepare task-based activities very carefully.
3.Culture of learning
4.Level of difficulty
Unit 3National English Curriculum
3.1 A brief history of foreign language teaching in China
1A phase of restoration (1978-1985)
2A phase of rapid development (1986-1992)
3A phase of reform (1993-2000)
4A phase of innovation from 2000
2,Designing principles for the National English Curriculum
1) Aim for educating all students, and emphasize quality-oriented education.
2) Promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences.
3. Develop competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability
4) Pay close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation
5. Attach particular importance to formative assessment, and give special attention to the development of competence.
6. Optimize learning resources, and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language.
3.3Goals and objectives of English language teaching
The new curriculum is designed to promote students‟ overall language ability
3.4 Design of the National English Curriculum
Nine competence-based levels
Level 2,For 6th graders
Level 5,For 9th graders
Level 7,For senior high school leavers
Unit 4 Lesson Planning
18. Lesson planning
Lesson planning means making decisions in advance about what techniques, activities and materials will be used in the class.
19. Why is lesson planning necessary?
1)Makes teachers aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson, so as to plan the activities and choose the techniques accordingly;
2)Helps teachers distinguish the various stages of a lesson and see the relationship between them so that the activities of different difficulty levels can be arranged properly and the lesson can move smoothly from one stage to another;
3)Gives teachers the opportunity to anticipate potential problems so that they can be prepared;
4)Gives teachers, esp. novice ones, confidence in class;
5)Raises teachers‟ awareness of the teaching aids needed;
6)Planning is a good practice and a sign of professionalism
21. There are four major principles behind good lesson planning:
Variety means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.
Flexibility means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.
Learnability means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students. Of course, things should not be too easy either. Doing things that are beyond or below the students' coping ability will diminish their motivation (Schumann, 1999).
Linkage means the stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.
24. Lesson planning should be done at two levels:
Macro planning is planning over time, for instance, the planning for a month, a term, or the whole course.
micro planning: is planning for a specific lesson, which usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes. 25.Macro planning involves:
1) Knowing about the course:
2) Knowing about the institution:
3) Knowing about the learners:
4) Knowing about the curriculum/syllabus
5)Knowing about the textbook
6)Knowing about the objectives
26. The advantage of a concrete teaching plan:
Teachers can follow it in the class and check what they have done;
The plan will be the basis of a record of what has been covered in class;
It will make it easier to make achievement tests later;
It will be good records for the entire course.
4.4 Components of a Lesson Plan
1.Background information
2.Teaching aims
nguage contents and skills
4.Stages and procedures
5.Teaching aids
6.end of lesson summary
7.optional activities and Assignments
8.after-lesson reflection
28. The aims of a lesson include:
language components to present,
communicative skills to practice,
activities to conduct
materials to be used
teaching aids to be used.
Unit 5 Classroom Management
1.What is classroom management?
Classroom Management refers to the way teachers organize what goes on in the classroom.
1. Teachers’ roles:
Before the class---Planner
During the class—
1 Controlle
2 Assessor
3 Organizer
4 Prompter
5 Participant
6 Resource-provider
After the class---Evaluator
new roles:
researcher s
2.Rules to follow for making instructions effective
To use simple instructions and make them suit the comprehension level of the
To use the mother-tongue only when it is necessary. (to explain grammar rules or rules for a game or task which may be too complicated to explain in the target
3. What are the most common types of Ss grouping?
Whole class work
Pair work,
Group work,
Individual study:
4.How to maintain discipline?P.79
When students are engaged in learning, they will be disciplined.
Q: How to engage students in learning?
1)Ss are clear about learning purpose;
2)Ss are able to do the work but find it challenging;
3)Ss are emotionally, physically and intellectually involved by the tasks;
4)The presentation, variety and structure of the work and activities generate curiosity and interest;
5)Ss have opportunities to ask questions and try out ideas;
6)Ss can see what they have achieved and how they had made progress;
7)Ss get a feeling of satisfaction and enjoyment from the work.
4. Harmer’s suggestions on measures for undisciplined acts and badly behaving Ss:
1). Act immediately
2). Stop the class
3).Rearrange the seats
4).Change the activity
5).Talk to Ss after class
6).creat a code of behavior
5. In order not to hurt the Ss,Ur’s advice on problems in class:
1).Deal with it quietly
2).Don‟t take things personally 对事不对人
3).Do not use threats
6. What are the functions or purposes of questions?
To focus students‟ attentions
To invite thinking or imaginations
To check understanding
To stimulate recall of information
To challenge students
To assess learning
7How to ask effective question
1)Questions should be closely linked to the learning objectives in the lesson;
2)Questions should be staged so that the level of challenge increases as the lesson proceeds;
3)There should be a balance between closed and open, lower-order and higher-order questions;
4)Wait time is important to allow students to think through their answers;
5)Ss should be provided opportunities to ask their own questions and seek their own answers;
6)A secure and relaxed atmosphere of trust is needed and ss‟ opinions and ideas are valued.
.6. correct dealing with errors and mistakes
we need to be clear whether the task or activity is focusing on accuracy or fluency.
How to correct error:
Direct teacher correction
Indirect teacher correction
Self correction
Peer correction
Whole class correction
Unit 6Teaching Pronunciation
1.The role of pronunciation
On the value of teaching pronunciation, there are different opinions:
1.Students do not need to learn pronunciation because pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability.
2.Failure in pronunciation is a great hindrance to language learn.
2. The goals of teaching pronunciation:目的
Consistency 连贯性: To be smooth natural
Intelligibility可理解性:To be understandable to the listeners
Communicative efficiency: To help convey the speakers‟ meaning
3. Three aspects of pronunciation to teach? Stress, intonation, rhythm
4. One common problem in learning English of Ss: (Neglect stress and intonation)
5. Ways of practicing sounds
Perception practice :Using minimal pairs,Which order,Same or different,Odd one out, Completion
Production practice: Listen and repeat,Fill in the blanks,Make up sentences,Use meaningful context,Use pictures,Use tongue twisters
6. Practicing stress:
1).Two kinds of stress: word-level stress ; phrase-level stress
2).Three ways to show stress pattern of words:Use gestures, use the voice, use the
7. Practicing intonation:
1). There are many subtle ways: surprise, complaint, …sarcasm讥讽,friendliness, threats etc.
2). Two ways to make intonation:Use hand or arm movement to indicate change of intonaton: rising/falling arrows; draw lines
Unit 7. Teaching Grammar
1. What are grammar presentation methods? 演示法
Deductive method演义法; Inductive method归纳法the guided discovery method (引导发现法
2. Deductive method
1). Definition: It relies on reasoning, analyzing and comparing.
2). Steps: giving rules/definition------giving examples
3). Advantages:
To be successful with selected and motivated students;
To save time;
To help to increase students‟ confidence in some exam.
4). Disadvantages:
To teach grammar in the isolated way;
To pay little attention to meaning;
To be often mechanical practice.
3. Inductive method
1).Definition: the teacher induces the learners to realise grammar rules without any form of explicit explanation
2). Steps: give examples-----induce rules
4). Advantages: Inductive method is more effective in that students discover the
grammar rules themselves while engaged in language use,
4. Ur’s definition of grammar practice:
"Practice may be defined as any kind of engaging with结合/保证the language on the part of the learner, usually under the teacher supervision, whose primary
objective(aim/task) is to consolidate learning "(Ur, 1988:11).
5. Ur’s six factors contribute to successful grammar practice:
1) Pre-learning.
2) Volume and repetition(容量/重复).
3) Success-orientation成功性联系.
4) Heterogeneity多样性.
5) Teacher assistance.
6) Interest.
6. Two categories of grammar practice:
Mechanical practice
Meaningful practice.
1).Mechanical practice involves activities that are aimed at form accuracy.
Two drills in mechanical practice:
(1) Substitution drills (2) Transformation drills
2). Meaningful practice.
In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or
exchange meaning though the students "keep an eye on" the way newly learned
structures are used in the process. Meaningful practice usually comes after
mechanical practice.
7. Using prompts for practice:
1). Using picture prompts. Ss produce sentences based on the pictures provided
2). Using mime or gestures as prompts.
3).Using information sheet as prompts. E.g.:
4). Using key phrases or key words as prompts.
5). Using chained phrases for story telling.
6). Using created situations.
Unit 8 Teaching Vocabulary
1. What does knowing a word involve?
Knowing a word means knowing its pronunciation and stress;
Knowing a word means knowing its spelling and grammatical properties;
Knowing a word means knowing its meaning;
Knowing a word means knowing how and when to use it to express the intended meaning.
Vocabulary learning “involves at least two aspects of meaning
The first aspect involves the understanding of its denotative and connotative meaning.
The second aspect involves understanding the sense relations among words.”Collocation , Synonyms,antonyms,hyponyms, Receptive and productive vocabulary
2. List some ways of presenting new words
1) Try to provide a visual or physical demonstration whenever possible,
2) Provide a verbal context to demonstrate meaning.
3) Use synonyms or antonyms to explain the meanings.
4) Use lexical sets or hyponyms to show relations of words and their meanings.
5) Translate and exemplify,
6) Use word formation rules and common affixes
7) Teach vocabulary in chunks.
8) Think about the context in real life where the word might be used.
9) Think about providing different context for introducing new words.
10) Prepare possible misunderstanding or confusion that student may have.
3. Some vocabulary consolidation activities that can be done in class. (12)
1) Labeling
2) Spotting the differences:
3) Describing and drawing:
4) Playing a game:
5) Using word thermometers:
6) Using word series
7) Word bingo:
9) word association
10) Synonyms and antonyms:
11) categories
12) Using word net-work
13)using the internet resources for more ideas
4. Developing vocabulary building strategies.
1). Review regularly:
2). Guess meaning from context:
3). Organize vocabulary effectively:
4). Use a dictionary:
5)keep a vocabulary notebook
6).Discovery strategies
Unit 9Teaching Listening
1.The reason why such difficulties arise can be quire complicated. however, one major reason for students‟ poor listening is often neglected in language due to
1) Lack of teaching materials (audio and video tapes);
2) Lack of equipment (tape players, VCRs, VCDs, computers);
3) Lack of real-life situations where language learners need to understand spoken English;
2 What do we listen to in everyday life? (Ur, 1996)Loudspeaker announcements
1.Radio news
2.Lesson, lecture
3.Conversation, gossip
5.Watching television
6.Watching movies
7.Telephone conversations
13.Theater show

3. One reason for students' unsatisfactory listening abilities:
There is not enough variety in the materials that they listen to in class. In most cases, the listening materials are daily conversations or stories. But in reality we listen to far more things, regardless of which language is used.
4. The characteristics of listening in real life (adapted from Ur, 1996:106-7):
1) Spontaneity
2) Context
3) Visual clues
4) Listener‟s response
5) Speaker‟s adjustment
5 Two major purposes in listening.
*The first is for social reasons;
*The second is for exchanging information.
6 Principles of teaching listening:
1). Focus on process:
2). Combine listening with other skills:
3). Focus on comprehending meaning:
4). Grade difficulty level appropriately:
7.dels for teaching listening
bottom-up model up- bottom model
the teaching of listening generally follows three stages:
pre-listening stage
while-listening stage,
post-listening stage.
Unit 10Teaching Speaking
1. What is speaking?
Speaking is a skill that the students will be judged upon most in real-life situations.. 1.what are the differences between spoken and written language?
Sentences are often incomplete, ungrammatical, and full of hesitations, false starts, and redundancies.
If it is not recorded, spoken language can‟t be listened to again. It is expected to be understood immediately.
Sentences are often carefully constructed and well organized.
Written language is comparatively speaking permanent. It can be read as often as necessary.
3.There are four common features of spoken language:
Using less complex syntax;
Taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences;
Using fixed conventional phrases/chunks;
Using devices such as fillers, hesitation devices to give time to think before speaking.
4.Principles for teaching speaking
1) balancing between accuracy-based practice and fluency-based practices :
2) Contextualizing practice
3) Personalizing practice
4) Building up confidence
5) Maximizing meaningful interactions
6) Helping students develop speaking strategies
7)making the best use of classroom learning environment to provide sufficient language input and practice for the students.
5,factors should be considered in designing speaking tasks
When we design speaking tasks, one important consideration is the language proficiency level of the students.
6.how can we design speaking activities:
1). Maximum foreign talk:
2). Even participation
3). High motivation
4). Right language level
4.Types of speaking activities
Littlewood‟s (1981) framework for defining speaking activities:
Pre-communicative activities
Structural activities
Quasi-communicative activities
Communicative activities
Functional communication activities
Social interaction activities
Some speaking activities
1)Controlled activities
2)semi- Controlled activities
3)communication activities
1). Information-gap activities:
2). Dialogues and role-plays
3). Activities using pictures
4). Problem-solving activities
8,How to organise speaking activities.
Using group work in speaking tasks
☐Design small group work for three reasons:
(1) it increases the time for each student to practise speaking in one lesson;
(2) often ss are afraid of making mistakes or losing face or feel shy speaking in front of a whole class;
(3) speaking in small groups is more natural in real life.
☐Small group work helps ss learn to work cooperatively and helps them develop interpersonal skills—”foste ring development of tolerance, mutual respect and
harmony” (Cooke & Nicholson, 1992:34)
2). The advantages of using group in speaking tasks
Small group work helps students learn to work cooperatively and it helps them develop interpersonal skills. They learn how to work with a wider variety of people Development of tolerance, mutual respect and harmony
Unit 11 Teaching Reading
1. Two types of reading practice in classrooms:
Reading aloud and Silent reading
2. Effective readers do the following:
1) have a clear purpose in reading;
2) read silently;
3) read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word;
4) concentrate on the important bits, skim the rest, and skip the insignificant parts;
5) use different speeds and strategies for different reading tasks;
6) perceive the information in the target language rather than mentally translate;
7) guess the meaning of new words from the context, or ignore them;
8) have and use background information to help understand the text.
3. What is reading
reading is the construction of meaning from a printed or Written message..
4. Skills readers need:
1.Specifying a purpose for reading
2.Planning what to do/what steps to take
3.Previewing the text
4.Predicting the contents of the text
5.Checking predictions
6.Skimming the text for the main idea
7.Scanning the text for specific information
8.Distinguishing main ideas from supporting details
9.Posing questions about the text
10.Finding answers to posed questions
5.The role of vocabulary in reading:
Day & Bamford (1998): efficient reading begins with a lightening-like automatic recognition of words, which frees one‟s mind to use other resources to construct meaning. Helping ss to develop the ability of automatic word recognition is the basis for developing their reading skills.
The way to develop si ght vocabulary is to read extensively (…Familiarity breeds automaticity‟).
6. Some principles for teaching reading(6):
1)The selected texts and attached tasks should be accessible to the students.
2)Tasks should be clearly given in advance.
3) Tasks should be designed to encourage selective and intelligent reading for the main meaning
4) Tasks should help develop students' reading skills
5) Teachers should help the students not merely to cope with one particular text in front of them but with their reading strategies and reading ability in general.
6)Teachers should help the students to read on their own.
7.three models of teaching reading
1). Bottom-up model
letters---words---phrases---clauses---sentences---paragraphs---whole discours
2). Top-down model
background knowledge--- guess meaning from the printed page
3)Interactive model
8. Three stages of reading:
Pre-reading activities;
While-reading activities;
Post-reading Activities
Pre-reading activities;
a). Predicting based on the title
b). Predicting based on vocabulary
c). Predicting based on the T/F questions
2). Setting the scene
* Besides discussing culture bound aspects of the text, we can also set the scene by relating what students already know to what they want to know.
3). Skimming
Skimming means reading quickly to get the gist, i.e. the main idea of the text. Some suggestions may help teachers to set up skimming activities:。
