Regenerative Braking Strategy for Motor Hoist by Ultracapacitor
106AUTO TIMENEW ENERGY AUTOMOBILE | 新能源汽车浅谈新能源汽车再生制动对制动踏板感的影响徐申敏 韩友国 吴洪涛 张庆奇瑞新能源汽车股份有限公司 安徽省芜湖市 241002摘 要: 随着汽车市场的发展,人们对制动系统的要求不仅仅在于制动距离的长短,而且对制动系统踏板感的舒适性提出了更高的要求,踏板感的好坏是消费者能够直接感知的一项重要性能。
关键词:再生制动 踏板感传统的汽油车制动减速度反馈由基础液压制动提供,而新能源汽车存在再生制动,减速度由再生制动和液压制动共同叠加产生。
图1 新能源汽车制动力示意图1 踏板感和再生制动的定义动态制动情况下,踏板力与车辆减速度、踏板行程与车辆减速度的关系所构成的制动特性,称为车辆的制动踏板感。
2 再生制动对踏板感影响目前市面上新能源汽车再生制动均具有不同档位调节功能,再生制动具有低、中、高三档,为区分差异对某款车型进行最高档和无能量回收对比测试,分析再生制动对踏板感影响。
2.1 传统真空助力器车型测试结果动态踏板感测试方法:车辆载荷为空载,车辆动力电池SOC <80%,加速到110km/h 左右,松开加速踏板滑行,当车速达到100km/h 左右时,缓慢平稳的踩下制动踏板(踩制动踏板速率为50mm/s),当减速度超过8m/s 2时松开制动踏板,测试2种工况下的踏板感数据。
一,1 these “hauling ways” initially had a surface of stone slabs or timber baulks,shich soon proved unsatisfactory as the loads carried inevitably grew heavier.这种拖拉方式起初依靠石板或木梁的平面进行,但随着载重的不断增大,证明这种方式是不可行的。
2within that definition there is a host of variations in forms of propulsion,details of track structure,train make-up or “consist”,dominant class of traffic and so on which fall within the meaning of the term “railway”.在该定义下,有许多不同形式,如驱动方式、轨道结构、列车组成、交通管辖等都落在地铁这个术语的范畴内3the “trackbed” comprises the ballast and any subballast layers and is there to support the track,to drain water from the bottom of the sleepers and to distribute the imposed track load to such s degree that the subgrade can resist the imposed bearing pressure adequately.道床由道砟和所有底层道砟组成,从而支撑轨道,从轨枕底排水,并且分散施加在轨道上的载荷,以致路基足以承受的压力程度4 combining the vehicles into trains is important in increasing the capacity of a narrow transportation corridor, particularlary important in providing needed mobility without wasting vast areas of real estate.将车辆连接组成列车,对增大这种狭长通道交通方式的运用能力至关重要,特别是提供了必需的资产流动以避免造成大量不动资产的浪费。
湖南大学文献信息检索课综合实习报告成绩_____________检索课题:(中文名称)电子驻车制动技术及其应用(英文名称) electronic brake technology and application 姓名__周日蔚______ _ 学号___20080410130___ 院(系)_机械与运载工程学院____ 专业___车辆工程0802_课题名称:电子驻车制动技术及其应用Electronic brake technology and application一、研究目的、内容及意义:通常车辆安装的手动刹车在车辆停稳后用于稳定车辆,但由于手刹使用时间较长效率会明显降低,而且如果手刹效果不好将导致发动机制动的情况,减少车辆寿命。
二.查询要点及检索关键词中文检索词:1电子 2驻车 3制动 4技术 5应用 6智能制动英文检索词:7electron* 8brake* 9technolog* 10applicat* 三.所选数据库及检索范围:1. 国内文献检索范围:2. 国外文献检索范围四.检索策略1.中文检索提问式S1:1*2*3S2:1*3S3:S1*(4+5)S4:6S5:S3*(4+5)2.英文检索提问式S6:7*8S7: S1*(9+10)五.检索结果1、期刊全文数据库检索1).从中文全文数据库中进行检索(2种或以上数据库)数据库1:中国期刊全文数据库 (CNKI-CJFD) 检索年限:1999-2009 检索式:S1检出实际篇数:16题录2篇:题录1:郭立书; 施正堂; 张正兵; 马志敏; 张赫.电子驻车制动系统[J]农业机械学报, 2008年 12期题录2:李瑞源;电子制动系统不再遥远液压制动系统将逐渐淘汰[J]轻型汽车技术2008年 04期数据库2 :中国科学引文数据库 (CSCD)检索年限:不限检索式:S2检出实际篇数:1题录:郭立书施正堂张正兵张赫马志敏.电子制动器执行机构参数的仿真试验研究 [J]公路交通科技,2008,25(7):151-1542).从西文全文数据库中进行检索(2种或以上数据库)数据库1:外文期刊整合服务系统 (FMIF)检索年限:不限检索式:S6检出篇数:7题录(2篇):题录1:Electronic brakes struggle to get traction - Systems improve; cost a downside Automotive News0005-1551, Volume 82, Issue 6297, 2008, Pages 32H题录2:MECHATRONISCHE GESENKBIEGEMASCHINE E-BRAKE:Per Riemenantrieb zu hoherenStuckzahlen Industrie Anzeiger 0019-9036, Volume 128, Issue 42, 2006, Pages 56-57数据库2:EBSCO-ASP 学术期刊数据库 (EBSCO-ASP)检索年限:1999-2008检索式:S6检出篇数:5题录(2篇):∙题录1:Fault diagnostics in power electronics based brake by wire systems.全文可用By: Masrur, M. A.; Wu, H.-J.; Mi, C.; Chen, Z.-H.;Murphey, Y. L.. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part D -- Journal of Automobile Engineering, Jan2008, Vol. 222 Issue 1, p1-11, 11p, 6 charts, 6 diagrams, 2 graphs; DOI:10.1243/09544070JAUTO385; (AN 29346433)Database: Academic Source PremierElectric Vehicle.全文可用By: Donghyun Kim; Hyunsoo Kim. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers -- Part D -- Journal of Automobile Engineering, Jun2006, Vol. 220 Issue 6, p683-693, 11p, 1 chart, 7 diagrams, 5 graphs; DOI: 10.1243/09544070D00605; (AN 21360778)Database: Academic Source Premier2.文摘数据库从中文文摘数据库中进行检索(1种或以上数据库)。
一.1.the internal combustion engine 内燃机2. a reciprocating engine 往复发动机3.exhaust emissions 废气排放4.fuel consumption燃料燃烧5.fuel economy 燃油经济性bustion chamber燃烧室7.hybrid-electric vehicle 混动汽车8.mass production大规模生产9.dual-fuel vehicle 双燃料汽车10.air-cooled engine 风冷式发动机二.1. A diesel engine compresses its cylinder air on its compresstion stroke before anyfuel enters the cylinder2.The internal combustion engine is the one most commonly used in theautomotive field.3.According to the fuel energy used,the internal combustion engines are alsodivided into gasoline engines,and diesel engine.4.The piston converts the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy.5.The power production cycle consists of four strokes of the position in areciprocating engine.6.The engine is generally considered the “heart” of an automobile7.This four strokes cycle of piston within the cylinder is repeated time and again topush the vehicle foreard.8.There are actually various types of engines such an electric engines,steamengines,and internal combustion engines.1. compression ratio : the total volume divided bv the compression volume2. internal combustion engine : burning their fuel inside their cylinders3. engine : a heart of an automobile4. stroke : the movement of the piston within the cylinder and the distance of piston travel5. reciprocating : the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder6. gasoline : a mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum.四.1.If you know something about ordinary gasoline engines, you will have notice thatdiesel engines, in many respects, work in the same way as gasoline engines.(柴油机的工作方式在很多方面和汽油机是一样的)2.The engine is the source of power that makes the car and the truck move.(使得汽车行驶)3.As it would not be reasonable to have to stop the engine every time it wasrequired to stop the car.(每次都到停车)4.Some of parts make the car move comfortable or better looking, but most ofthem are to make it run.(有些部件使得汽车更舒适或更美观)5.Not all of this heat can be used, and if allowed to remain in the engine, it wouldsoon destroy it.(如果让其热量保留在发动机中)一、1.gasoline engine 汽油机 low-speed driving condition在低速行车条件下3.achieve a variety of different objectives 达到各种不同的目的4.higher energy density高能量密度5.electric motor 电动机6.air conditioning空调装置7.regenerative braking 反馈制动8.power source动力源9.resource consumption 资源消耗10.dashboard display汽车仪表板显示二、1.The engine converts the expanding force of combustion into rotary force used topropel the vehicle.2.The gasoline engine and electric motor shut off automatically so that energy isnot wasted in idling.3.Clean cities uses hybrid electric vehicles as a way for coalitions to reducepetroleum consumption.4.Any vehicle without a transmission could be made to move but not smoothly.5.The electric motor applies resistance to the drive-train causing the wheels toslow down.6.The engine turns a high-speed generator, producing electricity.7.An intelligent power-control system determines the most efficient operation ofthe engine and energy storage system.8.If 10000 hybrid-electric vehicles were on the road rather than current standardvehicles, substantial reductions in emissions and fuel use would occur annually.1. transmission: an automotive assembly of gears by which power is transmitted from the engine to a driving axle.2. parking : to put or leave (a vehicle) for a time in a certain location.3. start : to set into motion , operation, or activity.4. battery : a single cell, such as a dry cell, that prouduces an electric current.5. braking : to reduce the speed of with or as if with a brake.四、1.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)2.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)3.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)4.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)5.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)6.We want hybrid-electric vehicle that reflect the spirit of the time and vehicleconcepts that express their individuality.(要能反映出时代精神)7.There are various types of engines such as electric motors, steam engines andinternal combustion engines.(电动机、蒸汽机和内燃机)8.The transmission is a speed and power changing device.(一个使速比变化的装置)9.Scientists have still been making efforts to concentrate the future developmentof engines on the three targets: reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhaustedemissions, and reducing engine noise.(减少耗油量、降低废气排量以及降低发动机噪声)10.Hybrid system are increasingly becoming more prevalent in light-duty vehicles,but also in transit buses and other heavy-duty vehicles.(正日益变得更加流畅)U5E11. The power train has two maan functions :it conveys powerfrom the engine to the wheels , and it changes the amount of torque2. The power train consists of an engine , a transmission ,a clutch , a drive shaft and differential3. The feature of a manual transmission is to deliver enginepower to the front wheels and rear wheels4. manual transmissions usually have five speeds , which means that the output shaft can rotate faster than the input5. There are several basic components in the clutch , suchas the flywheel , clutch disk , pressure plate , release bearing and linkage.6 Automatic transmissions are used not only in many rear-wheel-dnve and four-whe el-dnve ve- lcles, but In most front-wheel-dnve ones1.T2. T3. F4. F5. T6. FE21. manual transmission 手动变速器2. automatic transmission自动变速器3.planetary gear set 行星齿轮组4. Transaxle assembly驱动桥总成5. differential gear 差速器6. clutch pedal离合器踏板7.gearshift lever 变速杆8. release bearing分离轴承9. engine braking 发动机制动10.torque converter液力变矩器E31.If you’ve read about manual transmissions you know hat an engine is connectedto a transmission by way of a clutch.2.Cars with an automatic transmission have no clutch that disconnects thetransmission from the engine. Instead, they use an amazing device called a torque converter.3.One important function of the power train is to transmit the power of the engineto the wheels.4.The type of transmission ( manual or automatic) determines how the slip joint isconnected to the drive shaft.5.The clutch is located between the back of the engine and the front of thetransmission6.The face of the flywheel that touches the clutch disc is made of iron Even if theflywheel were aluminum , the face is iron.7.When the operator presses the clutch pedal ,the clutch release lever or fork .8.The clutch release bearing in most cases, is a ball bearing assembly with amachined face on one side.E41.clutch : any of various devices for engaging and disengaging two working engagingand disengaging two working parts of a shaft2.shaft: a long, generally cylindrical bar, especially one that rotates and transmits power3.transmission : a speed and power changing device4.gearshift : a mechanism for changing from one gear to another in a5.transaxle : an automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive6.flywheel: a heavy-rimmed rotating wheel used to minimize variations in angular velocityE51.The power is then carried from the engine through the power train to the car (通过传动系扒发动机传递到车轮) so that the wheels turn and the car moves.2.( 如果汽车变速器需要修理和更换)If your car transmission needs repairs orreplacement,you’ve come to the right phone.3.If you wanted a top speed of 80 km/h,then the gear ratio would be similar tothird gear ( 速比相近于3 挡) ,in most manual transmission cars .4.The torque converter does not require any regular maintenance or adjustments( 不要求定期维护或调整) ,but it may be possible to change the transmission fluid .5.The drive shaft can be. either open or enclosed , depending on the type of driveused (取决于所使用的驱动类型)U6E11 If your brakes can work properly , good brakes are essential for safety during dn、ruvtg.2. The disk brake is the best brake which is generally due to its simpler design , lighteri .elju Ind better braking performance.3 Brake linings used to be made maxnly of metals., because of ats heat absorbing propertlcb4Caliper is an important part, and it must be replaced if it indicates a sign of leak!ng lbfa_e Eutd. .lc5 The reason why we still have cars wlth drum brakes ls cheap.6.Drum brakes consist of some parts , such as a backing plate, brake shoes , brake dm. .1, wheel cylnder, return springs and an automatic or self-adjusting system.. brake shoes a brake1.T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. FE21.brake system制动系统2. the parking brake驻车制动器3.the service brake system行车制动系统4. the disk brake盘式制动器5.the hand brake 手制动6.the brake shoe制动蹄片7.drum brake 鼓式制动器8. brake pads制动块9brake performance 制动性能10. brake fluid制动液E31.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is thebreaking system.2.Brake fluid is a special liquid for use in a hydraulic brake system.3.The small forces applied to the brake pedal usually produce relatively largeforces.4.The rate of slowing down or retardation is governed by the speed of conversionof energy.5.Brake is a friction device for converting the power into heat by means of friction6.To decelerate and stop the moving automobile, the service brake are usuallyused.7.The brake lining of a friction maternal are secured to the shoes by brass8.The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub.E41 brake : the means of bringing to rest a moving vehicle in a shortest possible distance.2 service brake : stop or slow a car by depressing and releasing the brake pedal.3 hand brake : keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground.4 drum brake : a backing plate , brake shoes , wheel cylinder , return springs etc.5 parking brake : hold the automobile at rest.E51.An automobile brake system is actually a friction device to change power intoheat(实际上就是一种把动力转变成热量的摩擦装置).2.Basically , automobile brakes are of two types: the mechanical brakes and thehydraulic brakes (机械制动器和液压制动)3.The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is theautomobile brake system (汽车制动系统).4.There are two brake shoes at each wheel. The bottoms of the shoes are heldapart by an adjuster. The tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder(蹄片顶部由轮缸分别固定)5.Brake lines are steel tubing with copper and lead coating to prevent rust andcorrosion ( 以防锈蚀)U7EXERCISE 11. T2. F3. F4. F5. T6. F1 . The most important function of the suspension system ls to supply comfortable , safe nde cot- trol2. According to the article , we know that there are five basic types of spnngs used ln sus,eT"-sions :coil spring , leaf spring , torsion bar spring , traction,barand air spnngn3. The disadvantage of a coil spring ls its compactness , lack of moving parts , and excellentweight supporting characteristics.4. According to e passage , leaf springs are often used on the front suspension of front drive vehtcles5. When the coil springs , leaf springs , torsion bar spring ,L air springs ls defected , thls couldd cause the car to bounce up and down without any control6. Shock absorber movement ls limited by forcing fluid , d which causes the shock absorber to causes the shock absorbercompress or extend at a slow rate.EXERCISE 21.suspension system 悬架系统2.front suspension system前悬架系3.air compressor 空气压缩机4.torque tube传递转矩管5.axle housing alignment 桥壳定位6.coil spring 螺旋弹簧7.lower control arm 下控制臂8.rebound clip缓冲夹9.traction bar 牵引杆10.control arm控制臂EXERCISE 31.The leaf springs or leaves. most commonly used tn automobiles is' made up ofseveral long plates ,2.Suspension refers to the use of the front and rear springs to suspend a vehicle ' srear springs to suspend a vehicle sprung weight3.Shock absorber are hydraulic restricting devices used to hmt the speed of springaction.4.The car frame is connected to the axles by springs which absorb road shock5.The coil springs is made from a length of steel rod wound Into a coil.6.The front-suspension system must allow the wheels to move up and down.7.In operations, the lower control arms pivot up and down , twisting the torsionbars spring.8.Rebound clips are place along the spnng to prevent separahon of the leaveswhen the spring rebounds.EXERCISE 41.coil spring : a round bar of spring steel wound into the shape of a coil2.leaf spring : several layers of spring steel stacked one upon the other3.torsion ba r : spring a long solid steel shaft held at one end to the suspension s control arm4.air spring : a rubber bag or bladder full of air5.shock absorber : a hydraulic device by forcing fluid through passages or orifices6 suspension : use of the front and rear spring to suspend a vehicleEXERCISE 51.We all Know that springs are the major component(弹簧是主要部件) .nautomobile suspension.2.The automobile suspension is one of the major automobile system (汽车的主要系统之一。
重庆理工大学2015年 本科汽车专业英语试卷A
2014~2015 学年第 1 学期
共 4 页
· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 密· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·封· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·线· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 学生答题不得超过此线
2. A sedan has an enclosed body with a maximum of 4 doors to allow access to the passenger compartment. The design also allows for storage of luggage or other goods. A sedan can also be referred to as a saloon and traditionally has a fixed roof. There are soft-top versions of the same body design except for having 2 doors, and these are commonly referred to as convertibles.
2014~2015 学年第 1 学期
Regenerative braking 再生制动
In this method, although motor is made to run as a generator, but the current instead of being fed to a resistance is fed to the mains 主管道,电源.
制动系统应该坚固、简单、易于驾驶员控制和操作。它无需太多 维护,并且应该是可靠的。
Braking phase: free running
During this period, the motor develops enough torque [tɔːrk] 转矩 to overcome 克服 the friction 摩擦力 and wind resistance and hence 由此 the locomotive runs at constant speed. This is shown by the portion [ˈpɔːrʃn] 部分 AB of the curve [kɜːrv] 曲线.
当机车以一定速度运行时,如果要在短距离内停车,则应使用制 动器。为此,提供了压在车轮上进行减速的闸瓦。
Magnetic braking
Braking through Plugging
反接制动是电机的一种制动方式,它通过反接相序,使电机产生起阻 滞作用的反转矩以便制动电机。
Resistance braking
v.列举 adj.令人满意的,可取的,渴望的 adj.稳健的 adv.同时地 adj.首要的 adj.主要的,最重要的 adj.不竭的,用不完的 v.使筋疲力尽;使疲惫不堪 v.滑行
1 前言
能源危机和环境污染使得大力发展电能参与驱动 的汽车成为时代的需求[1],而分布式驱动电动汽车在动 力性、经济性和操纵稳定性方面都有集中式驱动系统无 可比拟的优势[2]。电动汽车可依靠复合制动系统进行制 动能量回收,在电池技术不能取得突破性进展的情况 下,能量回收是提高车辆续驶里程的重要途径[3]。复合 制动策略根据制动系统的不同分为并联式和串联式:并 联式指电机制动力直接按比例叠加到液压制动力之上, 适用于传统制动系统,易于实现,成本低,但能量回收率
Yu Zhuoping1,2, Shi Biaofei1,2, Xiong Lu1,2, Han Wei1,2 (1. School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804; 2. Intelligent Automotive Research Institute, New
汽车技术 · Automobile Technology
余卓平 1,2 史彪飞 1,2 熊璐 1,2 韩伟 1,2
(1.同济大学,汽车学院,上海 201804;2.同济大学,新能源汽车工程中心,智能汽车研究所,上海 201804)
Considering the motor power generation efficiency, total motor efficiency with different front and rear motor force
distribution coefficients is calculated offline, thus the optimal motor force distribution coefficient is obtained according to
2023年新高考英语二轮拔高班复习资料阅读理解训练题型:说明文题组训练(六)姓名:班级:学校:错题号:(2022·湖北襄阳·襄阳四中校考模拟预测)Public toilets around the globe have a reputation for being dark, dirty and dangerous. Tokyo recently unveiled new restrooms in two public parks that aim to address those concerns. For one thing, they are brightly lit and colorful. For another, they are transparent. This way, those who need to go can check out the cleanliness and safety of the toilets without having to walk inside or touch a thing.Japan has long experimented with toilets, resulting in lids that open, and close automatically and seats that warm up. But the new toilets—designed by Shigeru Ban, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect—are made out of a “smart glass.”The toilets were installed in Tokyo in September. Set up in front of a cluster of trees in the Shibuya District, the toilets stand out like a Mondrian painting.When occupied and locked properly, the colored glass toilets become frosted (磨砂的) and opaque (not transparent). When the door is unlocked, an electric current rearranges the crystals in the glass to allow more light to pass through, creating a transparent effect. The toilets were presented as another futuristic and aesthetically (美学地) pleasing example of the country’s technological advancements.The predecessor to Tokyo’s transparent toilets appeared in Switzerland in 2002, when designer Olivier Rambert unveiled two glass restrooms in the city of Lausanne. They had a safety feature that automatically opened the doors and turned the glass transparent if sensors detected no motion for 10 minutes. That could possibly help users who fall unconscious and need medical attention.1.What’s the purpose of the design of new restrooms?A.To make the parks tourist attractions.B.To settle the problems with public toilets.C.To maintain the standards of public toilets.D.To achieve a breakthrough in toilet construction.2.How does the “smart glass”function?A.By cutting off electricity. B.By giving off colorful light.C.By sensing the health of people. D.By changing the order of crystals.3.What can we learn about the transparent toilets?A.They cause the concerns about privacy.B.They are decorated with artists’paintings.C.They are pioneered by Japanese architects.D.They combine technological and artistic elements.4.Which can best describe the safety feature of glass restrooms in Switzerland?A.Conventional. B.Humanized.C.Simplified. D.Recreational.(2023·重庆·统考模拟预测)The human brain is a complex organ. It stores everything we go through, from our life experiences to our skills, our preferences, all thethings that form our personality and our existence are stored in our brains alone as memories. With age, this complex structure often begins to deteriorate. The memories become harder to recall, we start forgetting things and our brain functions become weaker and slower with each passing day.Dementia and Alzheimer’s are mental disorders that can lead to many painful experiences. More so when you see your own friends or family members suffer from it. But there are some who do not let even such problems bring them down. Paul Harvey, an 81-year-old orchestra conductor, is one such person. Last September, Harvey’s son Nick recorded a video of his father playing one of his compositions on the piano and posted it on Twitter. He suffers from Dementia too and wanted to show the world tat even this mental disorder could not take music away from his father. The old man gained appreciation and love from millions of people on the internet.Paul went against the diagnosis and proved that music truly does reach places even words or actions cannot. He put his music out in the world in the form of a single recorded by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. The funds raised by selling the records of this single will be going to the Alzheimer’s Society and Music for Dementia. The campaign is to make music available for free to patients who suffer from conditions like Alzheimer’s and Dementia.To mark the day since his video went viral. he was also invited to conduct the BBC Philharmonic orchestra and given a chance to play two of his compositions at their studio, located in Salford. It is truly a heart-warming story.5.What does the underlined word “deteriorate”in Paragraph 1 mean?A.Become worse. B.Develop slowly. C.Break down completely. D.Improve quickly. 6.How did people react to the video?A.They appreciated it. B.They felt greatly upset.C.They didn’t care much. D.They misunderstood him.7.What does Harvey’s story mainly show?A.It shows that music can solve any medical problem.B.It shows that disease cannot defeat everyone.C.It shows that a kid can help a badly-ill father.D.It shows that love of internet can never be changed.8.Why is Harvey’s story a heart-warming story?A.Because Harvey’s disease can be dealt with in time.B.Because Harvey is recovering from a terrible illness.C.Because others can help Harvey get rid of his disease.D.Because others can offer good opportunities to Harvey.(2022·广东·惠州一中校联考模拟预测)The world’s biggest electric vehicle —a 45-ton mining dump truck named the eDumper —may have to give up its throne. The newcomer, powered with both electricity and a reserve of hydrogen fuel, is going to steal that title as the largest electric mining truck.London-based Anglo American is developing the beast of a machine —it weighs 290 tons —as part of its sustainable mining vision. The conceptual work is done, but U.K-based Williams Advanced Engineering will bring the truck to life. The idea is to replace the vehicle’s diesel engine (柴油机) with a high-power modular lithium-ion battery (锂电池). “We are delighted to be involved in this innovative and exciting project which shows the potential of battery technology that can adapt to increased demands, from automotive and motorsport to ‘heavy duty’industrial applications,”Craig Wilson, managing director of Williams Advanced Engineering, said.While the eDumper —a mining truck used to move stones from the sides of mountains in Switzerland —relies entirely on pure electricity and pure physics for power, the Anglo American truck will use both a lithium-ion battery and a hydrogen fuel cell (电池) module. Altogether, the new truck will have over 1,000 Kilowatt hours of energy storage. Hydrogen fuel is a clear fuel that produces only water as a by-product when consumed in a fuel cell. It’s typically produced from natural gas, nuclear power, or renewable windand solar power. Adding hydrogen fuel cells to the vehicle’s battery will allow the truck to run for longer periods of time without recharging.There’s also a third type of power that comes into play with the Anglo American truck: kinetic (动力的) energy created through the process of regenerative braking (再生制动系统). When an electric vehicle —be it the Anglo American truck, or the eDumper —rolls down a hill, that movement creates electrical energy for the battery as you brake. The electric motors power the car through the battery’s stored energy, but can also become mini generators that return some energy back to the battery.After Anglo American finishes test trials with the truck, the firm will conduct studies to understand how the truck’s power units can be used to provide energy storage in other applications.9.What can be known about “the eDumper”?A.It weighs more than 290 tons.B.It is powered by hydrogen fuel.C.It will no longer be the largest electric truck.D.It will discourage buyers for being expensive.10.What can be inferred from Craig Wilson’s words?A.Battery technology is the key to updating vehicles.B.Battery technology is the basis of manufacturing trucks.C.The development of the lithium-ion battery is limited.D.The future of the lithium-ion battery is promising.11.What is the benefit of adopting hydrogen fuel cells?A.It can save a lot of money.B.Vehicles become more eco-friendly.C.It has no environmental impact at all.D.Vehicles no longer need to be recharged.12.According to paragraph 5, which of the following can be a feature of regenerative braking?A.Autonomous braking. B.Energy transformation.C.Simple operation. emission.(2022·广东深圳·深圳中学校考模拟预测)“I feel unlikable, lonely and hopeless,”said Lisa, a bright teenager from a loving home. “It seems that nobody wants to become my friend. What's wrong with me?”Like Lisa, many of us experience loneliness. The truth is that all people, no matter what their age or character —even the most outgoing, wealthy and popular —experience loneliness at least sometimes. It's healthy and natural to want to be around people who care. After all, we've all heard “No man is an island.”That's true. We all need others in our lives.Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, explains that if we want friends, we must be friendly and reach out to others. But it has risk. Because we are often afraid of rejection (拒绝), many of us are unwilling to reach out to others. We take a safer way and wait for others to make friends with us. But if we want friends, we've got to get beyond this.If making friends is your goal as well, you need to consider taking some measures (措施).Be willing to take the initiative (主动权). If you see someone whom you would like to know, don't wait for her to make the first move. Get close to her and begin a conversation. Lether know in a nonaggressive (无攻击性的) way that you are interested in being friends with her.Reach out to those who are lonely. When you see someone at school sitting alone, go over and talk to her. And don't let popularity decide whom you reach out to. You'll often be surprised at the beautiful qualities behind a shy appearance.Ask questions. Start your first conversation by asking this possible friend what she likes to do or asking about her family. Be sure to ask questions that cannot be replied with “yes”or “no”. For example, don't ask “Do you have a dog?”Instead, say “So, tell me about your pets.”Avoiding asking “yes”or “no”questions makes your possible friend not end your communication with a oneword answer.13.Why does the author begin the text with Lisa's worry?A.To set a sad tone.B.To share Lisa's pain.C.To introduce the topic.D.To teach readers a lesson.14.What can be a risk caused by reaching out to others according to the passage?A.Being refused by others.B.Putting ourselves in danger.C.Being treated in a rude way.D.Losing interest in communicating.15.What can we know from Paragraph 5?A.Shy people are hard to talk to.B.Popular people are often easygoing.C.Just waiting for chances will waste our time.D.A proper manner is important in making friends.16.Why does the author suggest not asking “yes”or “no”questions?A.It is considered unfriendly.B.It will leave a bad first impression.C.It shows the poor quality of the speaker.D.It isn't good for keeping a conversation going.(2022·江苏南通·江苏省如东高级中学校考模拟预测)Heat, cold and touch are crucial for experiencing the world around us and for our own survival. But how our bodies actually do it had been one of the great mysteries (神秘) of biology. Scientists who discovered how our bodies feel the warmth of the sun or the hug of a loved one have won the Nobel Prize.David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian, from the US, share the 2021 prize in Medicine or Physiology for their work on sensing touch and temperature. They explored how our bodies convert physical sensations into electrical messages in the nervous system. Their findings could lead to new ways of treating pain.Thomas Perlman, from the Nobel Prize Committee, said: “It was a very important and profound discovery.”Prof David Julius’s breakthrough, at the University of Calfornia, San Francisco, came from investigating the burning pain we feel from eating a hot chilli pepper (辣椒) . He experimented with the source of a chilli’s heat and discovered the specific type of receptor (感觉器官) that responded to it. Further tests showed the receptor was responding to heat and kicked in at “painful“temperatures. This is what happens, forexample,if you you’re your hand on a cup of coffee.This led to a senses of other temperature sensors being discovered. Prof Julius and Prof Ardem Palapoutian found one that could detect cold. Meanwhile, Prof Patapoutian, working at the Scrips Research institute, was also analyzing cells in a dish. Those experiments led to the discovery of a different type of receptor that a was activated (激活)in response to mechanical force or touch. When you walk along a beach and feel the sand under your feet-it is these receptors that are sending signals to the brain.The first heat sensor is also involved’in lasting pain and how our body regulates its core temperature. The touch receptor has multiple roles, from urinating to blood pressure. The Prize Committee said their work had “allowed us to understand how heat, cold and mechanical force can initiate the nerve impulses (刺激) that allow us to perceive and adapt to the world around us.17.What made David and Ardem win the Nobel Prize?A.Mysterious experiences B.Biological discoveries.C.Exploration of sun heat. D.Survival in high temperature.18.What does the underlined word “convert”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Translate. B.Persuade.C.Change. D.Lead.19.Which contributed to the discovery of different temperature sensors?A.Burning hands on a coffee cup. B.The chilli pepper experiment.C.Raising painful temperatures. D.The analysis of cells in a dish.20.What could the discovery be applied to?A.Testing blood pressure. B.Promoting beach tourism. C.Perceiving coffee color. D.Treating some diseases. 参考答案1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.D。
广东六校联盟2023届高三第二次联考英语命题:珠海一中审题:珠海一中本试卷共8 页,共47 小题,满分120 分。
考试用时120 分钟注意事项:1.答题前, 考生务必用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己的姓名和考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
并用 2B 铅笔将对应的信息点涂黑,不按要求填涂的,答卷无效。
2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案,答案不能答在试卷上。
第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
AFour new books to readThe books that are included in this list can meet your reading needs at any time of year.Nobody Will Tell You This but MeBess KalbIn this book, the author shares the advice her beloved grandmother Bobby left her. Bobby was apowerful woman who should never be underestimated, and she w as very knowledgeable about the family’s traditions and secrets. The book proves that family bonds can endure through generations and beyond death.We Came Here to ShineSusie Orman SchnallWe Came Here to Shine focuses on the strong female friendship between an aspiring journalist and an unlucky actress at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Leaning on each other, these two ambitious women struggled against adversity(困境)at a time when women had little say.A Star Is BoredByron LaneFavored by television star Jonathan Van Ness, this novel is partly based on the author’s experiences as the former personal assistant to Carrie Fisher, a legendary American actress. The book follows Charlie Besson, the new assistant to the Hollywood icon, Kathi Kannon. Their three-year journey together is an unforgettable adventure that is funny, heartbreaking, and hopeful.Fast GirlsElise HooperThe story in Fast Girls took place during the 1936 Berlin Olympics, where Betty Robinson, Louise Stokes, and Helen Stephens overcame di fficult pasts to attain Olympic glory as the world’s fastest female athletes. Beyond the athletic journey, they also aimed to challenge the social standards of what females can achieve.21. Who is the character in Bess Kalb’s book?A. Bobby.B. Susie Orman Schnall.C. Carrie Fisher.D. Betty Robinson.22. What kind of book is A Star Is Bored?A. A biography.B. An industry report.C. A real-life based novel.D. A fictional adventure story.23. Which of the following books will you choose if you are interested in sports?A. We Came Here to ShineB. Nobody Will Tell You This but MeC. A Star Is BoredD. Fast GirlsBI enjoy throwing stuff away. I’d love to go full minimalism (极简主义), but my wife and two teenage kids do not share my dream of a house with almost nothing in it. I have tried. When the kids were little, I taught them my two favorite games –“Do We Need It?” and “Put It in Its Place”– and made them play every few months. Their enthusiasm never matched mine.If I’m going to be honest, my own tidying skills are not as great as I’d like. My “discarded” pileis never quite the trash mountain I want because I make up excuses for why things are useful. I consider this unhealthy. I want to be better at moving on.So, this time I found help –the classics for people like me: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Kondo. Kondo’s commitment to her craft is astonishing. Her philosophy is only to keep things you love. Can I go full Kondo? I will try. One central idea is to clean by category. You start by collecting all clothes and gathering them together for consideration. It makes you rethink how you organize. Next, hold each item and ask if it brings you joy. This way you’re choosing what to keep. And that’s how I find myse lf with all my clothes on my bedroom floor. My wife walks by and gives me a look that says I’m nuts. She’s probably not wrong.Somewhere near the bottom of this chaos is my special jacket. I move through the pile: pants, shirts, suits and shoes. Then my la st category: jackets. I haven’t worn the thing in about 30 years. Somehow, it has survived. Now that I’m striving to follow Kondo – surely, its time has come?I hold it in my hand. There is a tear just below the collar that widens as I hold it. It’s litera lly falling apart. Will I ever wear it again? Not a chance. Does it feel good to wear? Does it bring me joy? Actually, yes. At this moment, my daughter walks in. She asks about the jacket. I tell her the story. She thinks I should keep it. It’s cool and unique and full of memories. She is arguing that nostalgia (怀念) is the very reason.I’m not entirely convinced by my daughter’s arguments. I believe in looking ahead, not backward. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s hard to let go. So I gently place the jacket on the “keep” pile.24. What does the underlined word “discarded” probably mean in Paragraph 2?A. adjustedB. reservedC. abandonedD. tidied25. What drives the author to read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up?A. To learn how to categorize.B. To improve his tidying skills.C. To persuade his family members.D. To develop passion for minimalism.26. What is the attitude of the author’s family members toward minimalism?A. They don’t understand itB. They completely support it.C. They are strongly opposed to it.D. They are less passionate about it.27. What’s the best title for the text?A. Knowing when to let goB. Classifying what you loveC. Throwing worn-out clothesD. Keeping valuable possessionsCThe world’s biggest elect ric vehicle — a 45-ton mining dump trucknamed theeDumper —may have to give up its throne. The newcomer, powered with bothelectricity and a reserve of hydrogen fuel, is going tosteal that title as the largestelectric mining truck.London-based Anglo American is developing the beast of a machine— it weighs290 tons — as part of its sustainable mining vision. Theconceptual work is done,but U.K-based Williams Advanced Engineeringwill bring the truck to life. The ideais to replace the vehicle’s diesel engi ne (柴油机) with a high- power modular lithium-ion battery (锂电池). “We are delighted to be involved in this innovative andexciting project which shows the potential of battery technology that can adapt to increased demands, from automotive and motorsport to ‘heavy duty’ industrial applications,” Craig Wilson, managingdirector of Williams Advanced Engineering, said.While the eDumper — a mining truck used to move stones from the sides of mountains inSwitzerland —relies entirely on pure electricity and pure physics for power, the Anglo American truck will use both a lithium-ion battery and a hydrogen fuel cell (电池) module. Altogether, the new truck will have over 1,000 Kilowatt hours of energy storage.Hydrogen fuel is a clear fuel that produces only water as a by-product when consumed in a fuelcell. It’s typically produced from natural gas, nuclear power, or renewable wind and solar power. Adding hydrogen fuel cells to the vehicle’s battery will allow the truck to run for longer periods of time without rechargin g.There’s also a third type of power that comes into play with the Anglo American truck: kinetic (动力的) energy created through the process of regenerative braking (再生制动系统). When an electric vehicle — be it the Anglo American truck, or the eDumper —rolls down a hill, that movement creates electrical energy for the battery as you brake. The electric motors power the car through the battery’s stored energy, but can also become mini generators that return some energy back to the battery.After Anglo American finishes test trials with the truck, the firm will conduct studies to understand how the truck’s power units can be used to provide energy storage in other applications.28. What can be known about “the eDumper”?A. It weighs more than 290 tons.B. It is powered by hydrogen fuel.C. It will no longer be the largest electric truck.D. It will discourage buyers for being expensive.29. What can be inferred from Craig Wilson’s words?A. Battery technology is the key to updating vehicles.B. Battery technology is the basis of manufacturing trucks.C. The development of the lithium-ion battery is limited.D. The future of the lithium-ion battery is promising.30. What is the benefit of adopting hydrogen fuel cells?A. It can save a lot of money.B. Vehicles become more eco-friendly.C. It has no environmental impact at all.D. Vehicles no longer need to be recharged.31. According to paragraph 5, which of the following can be a feature of regenerative braking?A. Autonomous braking.B. Energy transformation.C. Simple operation.D. zero-carbon emission.DDreams, according to Carl Jung, reveal a certain amount of reality hidden during waking consciousness. In Jungian philosophy, the conflict and chaos experienced in dreams finally bring order to our lives. While Jung’s mystical theories are debatable, he was not mistaken about the importance of dreaming. A growing number of reports show that a continuous lack of dreaming is damaging our waking hours in many ways.This trend is causing damage to our immune and metabolic (新陈代谢的) systems, let alone theelectronic products that keep us up late at night are ruining our sleep patterns, which has long-term consequences on our memory system. One study showed that not allowing mice to have adequate amounts of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the stage in which we dream, the mice couldn’t strengthen memories.You might think this is just a sleep problem, but dreaming is inseparable from our nighttime rest. We sleep in cycles (周期), each lasting about 90 minutes; in a sleep cycle, we go through non-REM sleep before hitting REM. As the night progresses, REM sleep periods increase in length while deep sleep (one of the stages of non-REM sleep) decreases. The longer we sleep, the more time we spend in REM, which is why we are often dreaming when waking up in the morning. If we sleep less than seven hours, however, it becomes harder to achieve this level of REM.The combination of sleeping and dreaming acts as an emotional stabilizer. We recover from emotional hurt faster when w e sleep and dream properly. However, we’re not getting enough sleep tocycle through the stages to take advantage of this natural circadian anti-depressant (抗抑郁剂)— dreams. Instead, we get depressed and turn to alcohol or medicines to get to sleep, which only makesthings worse because even one drink leads to late REM while anti-depressants promote deep sleep atthe expense of REM.We’re paying for this lack of dreaming in many ways. For example, a 2021 study stated that compared with quiet rest and non-REM sleep, REM promoted the formation of associative networksand the integration (整合) of unassociated information. V olunteers that experienced more REM sleepwere better equipped for solving problems requiring creative solutions.Rowan Hooper, the managing editor at New Scientist, writes that dreams that include an “emotional core” appear to be a main function of REM sleep and that we should look at sleep patterns as seriously as we do diet and exercise habits.32. What’s Car Jung’s view about dreams?A. They cause chaos.B. They damage immunity.C. They reveal secrets.D. They mirror reality.33. Why is the sleep process explained in paragraph 3?A. To show a dream mainly occurs during REM sleep.B. To prove the minimum sleep time should be seven hours.C. To prove dream problems and sleep problems are attached.D. To show people often dream when waking up in the morning.34. What conclusion can be inferred from paragraph 5?A. Dreaming promotes creativity.B. Dreaming helps fight depression.C. The brain still receives new information during REM sleep.D. The brain is paying the price for having more non-REM sleep.35. What’s the main idea of the passage?A. The importance of sleep lies in dreams.B. The absence of dreams is terrible for us.C. Dreaming patterns are more important than we realize.D. Dreaming has mystical power of strengthening memories.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分12.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
2、再⽣回馈制动再⽣制动(Regenerative braking) 亦称反馈制动,是⼀种使⽤在电动车辆上的制动技术。
4、混合动⼒汽车⼴义上说,混合动⼒汽车(Hybrid Vehicle)是指车辆驱动系统由两个或多个能同时运转的单个驱动系统联合组成的车辆,车辆的⾏驶功率依据实际的车辆⾏驶状态由单个驱动系统单独或共同提供。
通常所说的混合动⼒汽车,⼀般是指油电混合动⼒汽车(Hybrid Electric Vehicle, HEV),即采⽤传统的内燃机(柴油机或汽油机)和电动机作为动⼒源,也有的发动机经过改造使⽤其他替代燃料,例如压缩天然⽓、丙烷和⼄醇燃料等。
5、燃料电池燃料电池(Fuel Cell)是⼀种将存在于燃料与氧化剂中的化学能直接转化为电能的发电装置。
Moto策划书英文回答:Moto X Launch Strategy。
Executive Summary。
The Moto X is a premium smartphone that offers a unique combination of features and customization options. It is designed for consumers who are looking for a high-quality device that is also stylish and affordable. The target market for the Moto X is young professionals andmillennials who are looking for a phone that can keep up with their busy lifestyles.Marketing Objectives。
Increase awareness of the Moto X among the target market.Drive sales of the Moto X by positioning it as thebest value for a premium smartphone.Build a loyal customer base for the Moto X byproviding excellent customer service and support.Target Audience。
The target audience for the Moto X is youngprofessionals and millennials who are looking for a premium smartphone that is also stylish and affordable. This groupis typically tech-savvy and active on social media. Theyare also more likely to be early adopters of new technology.Marketing Strategy。
第16卷第1期2021年3月电气工程学报Vol.16 No.1Mar. 2021DOI:10.11985/2021.01.020重载铁路再生制动能量利用方案研究刘华伟1耿安琪2何正友2胡海涛2张宏伟2(1. 神华包神铁路集团有限责任公司包头014010;2. 西南交通大学电气工程学院成都611756)摘要:重载铁路运输作为铁路的重要发展方向之一,具有效率高、成本低且运能大的特点。
关键词:重载铁路;再生制动能量;混合储能;经济性中图分类号:TM711Research on Energy Utilization Scheme of Regenerative Braking forHeavy Haul RailwayLIU Huawei1GENG Anqi2HE Zhengyou2HU Haitao2ZHANG Hongwei2(1. Shenhua Baoshen Railway Group Co. Ltd., Baotou 014010;2. School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756)Abstract:As one of the important development directions of railroad, heavy-duty railroad transportation has the characteristics of high efficiency, low cost and large capacity. In recent years, while China heavy-duty railroad capacity has been increasing, it also makes the problem of energy consumption increasingly prominent. A hybrid energy storage based regenerative braking energy utilization scheme is proposed to realize the efficient utilization of regenerative braking energy for heavy-duty railroads by using the complementary performance of storage battery and supercapacitor. The load conditions of the line are analyzed with the measured data of the Shenshuo railroad, and an effective energy management strategy is designed for the hybrid energy storage system, and finally the economics of the system is evaluated based on the measured data. The analysis results verify the effectiveness of the proposed energy management strategy and the good economics of the regenerative braking energy utilization scheme.Key words:Heavy-haul railway;regenerative braking energy;hybrid energy storage system;economy1 引言2019年,全国铁路货运总发送量完成43.98亿吨,增长7.2%[1]。
Regenerative braking system for a vehicle
专利名称:Regenerative braking system for a vehicle 发明人:田端 淳申请号:JP2007047700申请日:20070227公开号:JP4232832B2公开日:20090304专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a vehicular regenerative braking device, capable of changing an increase or decrease the speed of regenerative braking torque by a variable speed mode.SOLUTION: The vehicular regenerative braking device executes regenerative braking of a wheel by a motor/generator 3 coupled to the wheel via a transmission. Especially, the vehicular regenerative braking device changes the change speed of the regenerative braking torque, corresponding to a speed reduction ratio of the transmission 4, when the regenerative braking torque is applied or released. The variable speed mode of the transmission is so set as to be selectable between a normal mode and a sport mode. When the sport mode is selected, the accelerated speed of the regenerative braking torque is set larger than in the normal mode.COPYRIGHT: (C)2007,JPO&INPIT申请人:トヨタ自動車株式会社地址:愛知県豊田市トヨタ町1番地国籍:JP代理人:石田 敬,鶴田 準一,西山 雅也更多信息请下载全文后查看。
未来的自行车的英语作文The Future of Bicycles。
In recent years, we have witnessed remarkable advancements in technology that have transformed various aspects of our lives. From smartphones to self-driving cars, innovation has become an integral part of our society. Aswe look towards the future, it is intriguing to imagine how these advancements will shape the world of transportation, particularly the humble bicycle. In this essay, we will explore the potential developments and features that may define the future of bicycles.One of the most significant changes we can expect tosee in the future of bicycles is the integration ofelectric power. Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, have gained popularity in recent years due to their ability to provide assistance to riders. These bikes are equipped with an electric motor that can be activated to assist with pedaling, making it easier to cover longer distances ortackle steep inclines. As technology continues to improve, we can anticipate even more efficient and powerful electric motors being incorporated into bicycles.The future of bicycles may also involve the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and smart technology. Imagine a bicycle that can analyze traffic patterns,weather conditions, and even the rider's health data to optimize the riding experience. AI algorithms could suggest the most efficient routes, adjust the level of assistance provided by the electric motor based on the rider'sphysical condition, and even provide real-time feedback on posture and technique. Additionally, smart technology could enable bicycles to connect with other devices and systems, such as traffic lights or navigation apps, further enhancing safety and convenience.Another area of potential development in the future of bicycles is the improvement of materials and construction techniques. Lightweight materials like carbon fiber and titanium have already made their way into high-end bicycles, but advancements in manufacturing processes could makethese materials more accessible and affordable. Additionally, the use of 3D printing technology may allow for customizable bicycle frames that perfectly fit therider's body dimensions and preferences. These advancements in materials and construction could result in bicycles that are not only lighter and more durable but also more comfortable and tailored to individual riders.Furthermore, the future of bicycles may see the integration of renewable energy sources. Solar panels integrated into the frame or wheels could harness the power of the sun to charge the electric motor or other devices, reducing the reliance on external power sources. Additionally, regenerative braking systems could be implemented, converting the kinetic energy generated during braking into electrical energy that can be stored and used to power the bicycle. These advancements would not only make bicycles more sustainable but also reduce the need for frequent charging or battery replacements.In terms of design, the future of bicycles may witness a departure from the traditional diamond frame design thathas been prevalent for over a century. As technology allows for greater flexibility in materials and construction, alternative frame designs may emerge. For example, a step-through frame design, similar to those found in someelectric scooters, could become more common, making iteasier for riders to mount and dismount the bicycle. Additionally, folding bicycles may become more compact and lightweight, facilitating easier storage and transportation.Safety is another crucial aspect that will likely be addressed in the future of bicycles. Advanced sensor systems could be integrated into bicycles to detectpotential collisions and alert the rider through haptic feedback or audiovisual cues. Additionally, self-balancing technology, similar to that used in electric hoverboards, could be incorporated into bicycles, making them morestable and reducing the risk of accidents. Furthermore, the development of smart helmets that can detect impacts and automatically call for emergency assistance could greatly enhance rider safety.The future of bicycles may also involve the integrationof connectivity and shared mobility services. Bicyclescould be equipped with GPS tracking systems, allowingriders to easily locate and unlock them through smartphone apps. This connectivity could enable the development ofbike-sharing systems that are more efficient and user-friendly. Additionally, bicycles could be integrated into larger transportation networks, allowing for seamless transitions between different modes of transportation, such as trains or buses.In conclusion, the future of bicycles holds great promise for exciting advancements and innovations. From the integration of electric power and artificial intelligenceto improvements in materials, construction, and safety features, bicycles are poised to become even more efficient, comfortable, and sustainable. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential to prioritize the development of bicycles that are not only technologically advanced butalso accessible and affordable to a wide range of individuals. By embracing these advancements, we can pave the way for a future where bicycles play a more prominentrole in our transportation systems, benefiting both individuals and the environment.。
电动机:motor直流电动机:direct current motor交流电动机:alternating current motor交直流两用电动机:universal motor同步电动机: synchronous motor {siNkrEnEs]笼型同步电动机: cage synchronous motor同步感应电动机:synchronous induction motor磁阻电动机: reluctance motor亚同步磁阻电动机: subsynchronous reluctance motor异步电动机:asynchronous motor {eI`sINkrEnEs}感应电动机: induction motor无刷绕线转子感应电动机:brushless wound-rotor induction motor他励:separately excited自励:self-excited混励:compositely excited并励:shunt串励:series复励:compound excited复励:用以指明电机至少由两个绕组励磁,其中之一是串励绕组绕组:winding初级绕组:primary winding次级绕组:secondary winding主绕组:main winding定子绕组:stator winding转子绕组:rotor winding电枢绕组:armature winding阻尼绕组:damping winding起动绕组:starting winding辅助起动绕组: auxiliary starting winding励磁绕组: excitation winding磁场绕组: field winding试验:性能试验:performance test型式试验:type test重复试验:duplicated test检查试验:routing test 对每台电机在制造完工后所进行的试验,以判明其是否符合标准能也只是砂地或盐池,那上面连小草也长不出来的。
2、The locomotive is a railway vehicle that provides the motive power for a train, and has no payload capacity of its own; its sole purpose is to move the train along the track.
10、Early locomotives came in a variety of forms. Generally they were designed to run off the supplied current, so locomotive with a direct current (DC) supply had DC motors while alternating current (AC) supplied locomotives with AC motors. AC can be either single or three phase. While the former requires two wires supply, one overhead the other being the truck, three phase requires three supply wires. Three phase locomotives therefore had two overhead supplies, the track being the third.
关键字:电动车能量回收防抱死控制协调策略Abstract:With the problems of energy and pollution cause widespread concern increasingly,more and more people distract their attention to EV.Now the study of EV was matured day by day,the factor of technology has developed to be a whole system.After reading a number of papers,the electrical regenerative braking and anti-locked control coordination strategy were summarized in this paper.Key words:EV electrical regenerative braking anti-locked control coordination strategy1 引言目前车辆使用的制动装置主要形式有机械式、气压式、液压式和气液混合式等。
美国Texas A&M大学的Yimm Gao等提出了评价制动能量回收效率的三种制动力分配控制策略,在此基础上建立了纯电动汽车的制动能量仿真实验模型,针对不同的制动强度进行了仿真实验㈢。
他们提出基于制动能量回收系统的纯电动汽车和混合动力汽车ABS系统的控制策略,通过精确设计电机制动力门限值,使得再生制动系统与ABS 系统可兼容工作战。
外文文献原稿和译文原稿Mecha ni cal and Rege nerative Brak ing In tegrati on for a Hybrid ElectricVehicleAbstractHybrid electric vehicle tech no logy has become a preferred method for the automotive industry to reduce environmental impact and fuel consumption of their vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicles accomplish these reduct ions through the use of multiple propulsion systems, namely an electric motor and internal combustion engine, which allow the elimination of idling, operation of the internal combustion engine in a more efficie nt manner and the use of rege nerative brak ing. However, the added cost of the hybrid electric system has hin dered the sales of these vehicles.A more cost effective desig n of an electro-hydraulic brak ing system is prese nted. The system electro-mecha nically con trolled the boost force created by the brake booster independently of the driver braking force and with adequatetime response. The system allowed for the blending of the mechanical and regenerative braking torques in a manner tran spare nt to the driver and allowed for rege nerative brak ing to be con ducted efficie ntly.A systematic design process was followed, with emphasis placed on dem on strat ing con ceptual desig n feasibility and prelim inary desig n fun cti on ality using virtual and physical prototyp ing. The virtual and physical prototypes were the n used in comb in ati on as a powerful tool to validate and develop the system. The role of prototyp ing in the desig n process is prese nted and discussed.Through the experiences gained by the author during the design process, it is recomme nded that stude nts create physical prototypes to enhance their educati onal experie nee. These experie nces are evide nt throughout the thesis prese nted.1.1 Modern Hybrid Electric VehiclesWith rising gas prices and the overwhelming concern for the environment, con sumers and the gover nment have forced the automotive in dustry to start produc ing more fuel efficient vehicles with less environmental impact. One promising method that is currently being implemented is the hybrid electric vehicle.Hybrid vehicles are defi ned as vehicles that have two or more power sources [25]. There are a large nu mber of possible variatio ns, but the most com mon layout of hybrid vehicles today combines the power of an internal combustion engine (ICE) with the power of an electric motor and energy storage system (ESS). These vehicles are often referred to as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV' s)[25]. These two power sources are used in conjunction to optimize the efficiency and performanee of the vehicle, which in turn will in crease fuel economy and reduce vehicle emissi ons, all while delivering the performance the consumer requires. In 1997, the Toyota Prius became the first hybrid vehicle introduced into mass production in Japan. It took ano ther three years for the first mass produced hybrid vehicle, the Honda In sight, to be in troduced in to the North America n market. The release of the Honda In sight was closely followed by the release of the Toyota Prius in North America a couple of mon ths later [35].Hybrid electric vehicles have the disti net adva ntage of rege nerative brak ing. The electric motor, normally used for propulsion, can be used as a generator to convert kinetic energy of the vehicle back into electrical energy during braking, rather than wasti ng en ergy as heat. This electrical en ergy can the n be stored in an ESS (e.g. batteries or ultracapacitors) and later released to propel the vehicle using the electric motor.This process becomes eve n more importa nt whe n con sideri ng the en ergy den sity of batteries compared to gasoline or diesel fuel. Energy density is defined as the amount of en ergy stored in a system per unit volume or mass [44]. To illustrate this point, 4 kilograms (4.5 litres) of gasoli ne will typically give a motor vehicle a range of 50 kilometres. To store the same amount of useful electric en ergy it requires a lead acid battery with a mass of about 270 kilograms [25]. This dem on strates the n eed forefficient regenerative braking to store electrical energy during driving, which in turn will keep the mass of the en ergy storage system dow n and improve the performa nee and efficie ncy of the HEV.1.2 Research Scope - Regenerative Braking SystemsThe scope of the research presented is to create a low cost regenerative braking system to be used on future economical hybrid vehicles to study the interaction between regenerativeand mechanical braking of the system. This system should be able to con trol the comb in atio n of both rege nerative and mecha ni cal brak ing torque depe nding on driver dema nd and should be able to do so smoothly and safely. Controlling the regenerative braking torque can be done using control algorithms and vector control for induction motors. However, controlling the mechanical braking torque independently of the driver pedal force, while maintaining proper safety back-ups, proved to be more of a challe nge. To overcome this problem, a system was developed that would atte nu ate the pressure in the brake booster in order to con trol the amount of mecha ni cal torque developed by the brak ing system2.1 Hybrid Electric Vehicle OverviewHybrid vehicles have emerged as one of the short term solutions for reducing vehicle emissions and improving fuel economy. Over the past 10 years almost all of the major automotive companies have developed and released for sale their own hybrid electric vehicles to the public. The popularity of hybrid electric vehicles has grown considerably since the turn of the century. With enormous pressure to become more en viro nmen tally frien dly and with un predictable gas prices, the sales of hybrid electric vehicles have in creased dramatically in rece nt years.2.1.1 Hybrid ConfigurationsFor the past 100 years the objective of the hybrid has bee n to exte nd the range of electric vehicles and to overcome the problem of long recharging times [35]. There are three predominant hybrid electric vehicle configurations currently on the market today. These configurations are known as series hybrids, parallel hybrids andseries/parallel hybrids.Each con figurati on has its adva ntages and disadva ntages which will bediscussed in the followi ng sect ions.Series HybridsIn series hybrids the mechanical output from the internal combustion engine is used to drive a generator which produces electrical power that can be stored in the batteries or used to power an electric motor and drive the wheels. There is no direct mechanical connection between the engine and the driven wheels. Series hybrids tend to be used in high power systems such as large trucks or locomotives but can also be used for lower power passe ngervehicles [18]. The mecha ni cally gen erated electrical power is combined with the power from the battery in an electronic con troller. This con troller the n compares the driver dema nd with the vehicle speed and available torque from the electric motor to determine the amount of power required from each source to drive the vehicle. During braking, the controller also switches the power electr onics to rege nerative mode, and directs the power being rege nerated to the batteries [55].There are many adva ntages made possible by the arran geme nt described above. It is possible to run the ICE constantly at its most efficient operating point and share its electrical output between charging the battery and driving the electric motor. By operating the engine at its most efficient operating point, emissions can be greatly reduced and the most electrical power can be gen erated per volume of fuel. This configuration is also easierto implement into a vehicle because it is less complex which makes this method more cost effective.Parallel HybridsIn parallel hybrid configurations the mechanical energy output from the ICE is transmitted to a gearbox. In this gearbox the energy from the ICE can be mechanically combined with a second drive from an electric motor. The combined mechanical output is then used to drive the wheels [35]. In this configuration there is a direct connection between the engine and the driven wheels. As in series hybrids the con troller compares the driver dema nd with the vehicle speed and output torque and determ ines the amount of power to be used from each source to meet the dema nd, while obtaining the best possible efficiency. A parallel hybrid also controls rege nerative brak ing similarly to a series hybrid. Parallel hybrids are usually used in lower power electric vehicles in which both drives can be operated in parallel to provide higher performa nee[18].There are a nu mber of adva ntages of a parallel hybrid over a series hybrid. The most importa nt adva ntage is that since only one conv ersi on betwee n electrical and mechanical power is made, efficiency will be much better than the series hybrid in which two conversions are required. Since the parallel hybrid has the ability to combine both the engine and electric motor powers simultaneously, smaller electric motors can be used without sacrificing performanee, while getting the fuel con sumpti on and emissi on reduct ion ben efits. Lastly, parallel hybrids only n eed to operate the engine whe n the vehicle is moving and do not n eed a sec ond gen erator to charge the batteries.Series/Parallel HybridsCombined hybrids have the features of both series and parallel configurations. They use a power split device to drive the wheels using dual sources of power (e.g. electric motor only, ICE only or a comb in ati on of both). While the added ben efits of both series hybrids and parallel hybrids are achieved for this configuration, control algorithms become very complex because of the large nu mber of driv ing possibilities available.2.1.2 Degree of HybridizationSince most HEV son the road today are either parallel or series/parallel, it is useful to define a variable called the ‘ degree)f hybridization to' quantify the electrical power pote ntial of these vehicles.The degree of hybridization ranges from (DOH = 0) for a conventional vehicle to (DOH = 1) for an all electric vehicle [25]. As the degree of hybridizati on in creases, a smaller ICE can be used and operated closer to its optimum efficiency for a greater proportion of the time, which will decrease fuel consumption and emissions. The electric motor power is denoted by Pem and the internal combustion engine power isdeno ted by Pice.Micro HybridMicro hybrids have the smallest degree of hybridizati on and usually con sist of an in tegrated starter gen erator (ISG) conn ected to the engine cran kshaft. The ISG allows the engine to be shut off duri ng brak ing and idli ng to con serve fuel and the n spins the crankshaft up to speed before fuel is injected during acceleration. The ISG also provides small amounts of assist to the ICE during acceleration and acts as a generator to charge the batteries duri ng brak ing. Micro hybrids usually improve fuel economy by about 10 perce nt compared with non hybrids [53].Mild HybridMild hybrids have a similar architecture to the micro hybrid except that the ISG is uprated in power to typically greater than 20 kW. However, the energy storage system is limited to less than 1 kWh [35]. Mild hybrids usually have a very short electric-only range capability but can provide a greater assist to the ICE during accelerations. The electrical components in a mild hybrid are more complex than a micro hybrid and play a greater role in the vehicle operati on. Fuel economy can be improved by 20 to 25 perce nt with a mild hybrid over non hybrid vehicles [53].Full HybridFull hybrids do away with the ISG and replace it with a separate electric motor andalternator/starter that perform the same function. The electric motor has the ability to propel the vehicle alone, particularly in city (stop and go) driving. The energy storage system is upgraded to improve electric-only range capability and the engine is usually dow nsized to improve fuel economy and emissi ons. Full hybrids can achieve 40 to 45 perce nt fuel con sumpti on reduct ions over non hybrids [53].Plug-in HybridPlug-in hybrids are very similar to full hybrids except that they have a much larger ESS that can be connected to an outside electrical utility source for charging. These vehicles use only the electric motor to propel the vehicle with in the range of the batteries and then operate like full hybrids once the batteries have discharged to a predefi ned level.2.1.3 Fundamentals of Regenerative BrakingOne of the most important features of HEV ' s is their ability to recover significant amounts of brak ing en ergy. The electric motors can be con trolled to operate as gen erators duri ng brak ing to convert the kin etic en ergy of the vehicle into electrical energy that can be stored in the energy storage system and reused. However, the brak ing performa nee of a vehicle also greatlyaffects vehicle safety. In an emerge ncy braking situation the vehicle must be stopped in the shortest possible distance and must be able to maintain control over the vehicle 'disection. The latter requires con trol of brake force distributio n to the wheels [12].Gen erally, the brak ing torque required is much larger tha n the torque that an electric motor can produce [12]. Therefore, a mecha ni cal frictio n brak ing system must coexist with the electrical rege nerative brak ing. This coexiste nce dema nds proper design and control of both mechanical and electrical braking systems to ensure smooth, stable brak ing operati ons that will n ot adversely affect vehicle safety.En ergy Con sumpti on in Brak ingBraki ng a 1500 kg vehicle from 100 km/h to 0 km/h con sumes about 0.16 kWh of en ergy based on Equati on 2.2.1 2E pmvIf 25 percent of this energy could be recovered through regenerative braking tech niq ues, the n Equati on 2.2 can be used to estimate that this en ergy could be used to accelerate the vehicle from 0 km/h to about 50 km/h, n eglect ing aerod yn amic drag, mecha ni cal fricti on and rolli ng resista nce duri ng both brak ing and accelerati ng. This also assumesthat the gen erat ing and driv ing modes of the electric motor are 100% effici ent. This suggests that the fuel economy of HEV ' s can be greatly in creased whe ndriving in urban centres where the driver is constantly braking and accelerating. Note that the amount of en ergy recovered is limited by the size of the electric motor and the rate of which en ergy can be tran sferred to the ESS.2.1.4 Methods of Regenerative BrakingThere are two basic rege nerative brak ing methods used today. These methods are ofte n referred to as parallel rege nerative brak ing and series rege nerative brak ing. Each of these brak ing strategies have adva ntages and disadva ntages that will be discussed in this sect ion.Parallel Rege nerative Brak ingDuring parallel regenerative braking, both the electric motor and mechanical braking system always work in parallel (together) to slow the vehicle down [48]. Since mecha ni cal brak ing cannot be con trolled in depe nden tly of the brake pedal force it is con vert ing some of the vehicle 'kineticen ergy into heat in stead of electrical energy. This is not the most efficient regenerative braking method. However, parallel rege nerative brak ing does have the adva ntages of being simple and cost effective. For this method to be used, the mechanical braking system needs little modification and the control algorithms for the electric motor can be easily implemented into the vehicle. This method also has the added adva ntage of always hav ing the mecha ni cal braking system as aback-up in case of a failure of the regenerative braking system. Series Rege nerative Brak ing During series regenerative braking the electric motor is solely used for braking. It is only whe n the motor or en ergy storage system can no Ion ger accept more en ergy that the mecha ni cal brakes are used [48]. This method requires that the mecha ni cal brak ing torque be con trolled in depe nden tly of the brake pedal force and has the adva ntage of being the most efficie nt by cons ki ne vert ing as much of the vehicle energy into electrical energy . The downfall of this method isthat it brings many costs and complexities into the system. For this method to function properly a brake-by-wire system has to be developed which either uses an electro-hydraulic brake (EHB) or an electro-mechanical brake (EMB). Both of these types of brakes require brake pedal simulators and redesig ned brake systems which can become costly. Si nee these systems are brake-by-wire there are also many redu ndan cies required with sen sors, processors and wiri ng for safety which add to the complexity of the system.2.1.5 Current Regenerative Braking SystemsThe current regeneative braking system in most HEV ' s (e.g. Toyota Prius) is themore costly electro-hydraulic brak ing (EHB) system. This system uses a brake pedal simulator, which is separate from the hydraulic braking circuit, to establish driver brak ing dema nd. The braking dema nd is the n proporti oned into a rege nerative and mecha ni cal brak ing dema nd. The mecha ni cal brak ing dema nd is the n sent to a system that contains a high pressure hydraulic pump, accumulator and proportional control valves. The proportional control valves allow the brake line fluid to flow to each wheel at predefi ned pressures determ ined by the brak ing dema nd.译文混合动力电动汽车机械和再生制动的整合摘要为了减少对环境的污染和车辆的燃油消耗,混合动力电动汽车已经成为汽车工业的首选方法。