第三方存管系统2.0 证券端接口规范金融事业部2007年8月第1章序言1.1 关键字本规范中恒生、恒生公司均指恒生电子股份有限公司1.2 适用范围本接口规范适用于恒生第三方存管系统银行端与证券端接口。
1.3 修改记录第2章协议解释2.1 遵循标准2.2 恒生通讯机模式本接口是基于TCP/IP协议并遵循类FIX标准设计的,证券端和银行端均需同时支持客户端/服务端的通信方式。
2.2.1通讯数据包头typedef struct _DATAHDR{DWORD dwSignature; /*签名0x742582AF(以网络字节顺序表示为0xAF822574)*/INT iLength; /*数据长度,包括自身包头长度(网络字节顺序)*/DWORD dwOrdinal; /*序数(网络字节顺序)*/DWORD dwChecksum; /*校验和dwChecksum = (((DWORD)iLength << 19) + ((DWORD)iLength >> 13)) ^ ((dwOrdinal << 25) + (dwOrdinal >> 7))*/} DATAHDR, *LPDATAHDR;dwOrdinal在每次连接成功后置0,每次发送时递增,溢出后又从0开始。
2.2.3实际包示例客户端注册请求包结构如下:业务包头内填充值:HeaderVersion = 1,PacketType = 0,Branch = 0,FunctionNo = -30000,SenderID 随意,AddressLevel = 0,DataLength = 5ReturnCode = -30000Databuffer的内容:‘0’(1 Byte)唯一标识(4 Bytes),用于区别同地址的多个连接,一般为进程号。
1FUnitPriceFLOAT 单价 单价 00INTEGER 项目任务内码 项目任务ID 00 1FTaskIDINTEGER 对方科目 对方科目ID 00 1FAccountID2INTEGER 科目内码 科目ID 00 1FAccountIDSTRING 摘要 摘要 00 1FExplanationSTRING 公司代码 公司代码 10 1FBrNoINTEGER 凭证序号 凭证序号 00 2FSerialNumINTEGER 分录数 分录数 00 2FEntryCountINTEGER 审批 审批 00 2FApproveIDINTEGER 会计期间 会计期间 00 2FPeriodFLOAT 贷方金额合计 贷方金额合计00 2FCreditTotalINTEGER 是否审核 0-未审核,1-00 2FChecked3FRightUnKnown 权限 10STRING 用户名称 用户名称 00 3FName3FSCPwdSTRING 结算中心付款单00NT域系统用户10 3FSIDSTRING NT域系统用户代INTEGER 禁用标志 是否禁用 10 3FForbiddenINTEGER 登录方式 00 3FSafeMode原始用户组I00 3FPrimaryGroupINTEGER 原始用户组内码INTEGER 是否离线查询 00 3FIsNeedOfflin3FOfflineRefesINTEGER 每次离线数据是00STRING 描述 描述 00 3FDescriptionSTRING 统一身份认证用00 3FSSOUsernameUnKnown 10 3UUIDINTEGER 人力资源用户 00 3FHRUserINTEGER 权限是否变更 00 3FRightChangedINTEGER 用户内码 用户内部ID 00 3FUserIDINTEGER 关联职员ID 关联职员ID 00 3FEmpID1-是数据授00 3FDataVokeTypeINTEGER 用户数据授权方INTEGER 默认单位 参与核算默认00 4FDefaultUnitI4FNameSTRING 组别名称 计量单位组别00INTEGER 组别内码 计量单位组别00 4FUnitGroupIDSTRING 描述 描述 00 5FDescription5FValueSTRING 参数值 键值代码对应00STRING 说明 说明 00 5FExplanationSTRING 格式 格式 00 5FFormatSTRING 类别代码 类别代码(关00 5FCategoryFLOAT 排序 排序 00 5FSortSTRING 级数 级数 00 5FLevelSTRING 键值代码 键值代码(关00 5FKeyINTEGER 是否只读 0-不是,1-是00 5FReadonlyDATETIME 结束交易日期 结束交易日期00 6FEndTradeDateSTRING 税务登记号 税务登记号 00 6FTaxNumINTEGER 结算方式 结算方式 00 6FSetIDINTEGER 供应商内码 供应商ID(关00 6FItemIDINTEGER 10 6FErpClsIDFLOAT 10 6FMinPOValueSTRING 供应商代码 供应商代码 00 6FNumberINTEGER 核销内码 核销内码 00 100029FVerifyID100029FVoucherIDINTEGER 凭证内码 凭证内码 00INTEGER 序列号 序列号 00 100029FSerial100029FStrikeVoucheINTEGER 冲账凭证内码 冲账凭证内码00DATETIME 日期 日期 00 100029FDateFLOAT 利息核销 利息核销 00 100029FIntVerifyFLOAT 罚息核销 罚息核销 00 100029FOutVerifyINTEGER 类型 类型 00 100029FTypeINTEGER 审核人内码 审核人内码 00 100029FCheckerIDINTEGER 利息内码 利息内码 00 100029FInterID100029FPreparerIDINTEGER 制单人内码 制单人内码 00INTEGER 利率类型 利率类型 00 100030FRateTypeINTEGER 是否审核 是否审核 00 100030FUsed100030FPreparerIDINTEGER 制单人内码 制单人内码 00INTEGER 利率调整内码 利率调整内码00 100030FRateAdjIDINTEGER 审核人内码 审核人内码 00 100030FCheckerIDINTEGER 天数 天数 00 100030FDaysPerUnitINTEGER 贷款内码 贷款内码 00 100030FLoanIDDATETIME 开始日期 开始日期 00 100030FBeginDateFLOAT 利率 利率 00 100030FRateINTEGER 终止日期 终止日期 00 100031FMaxDayINTEGER 起始日期 起始日期 00 100031FMinDaySTRING 描述 描述 00 100031FDescriptionINTEGER 模板内码 模板内码 00 100032FTemplateIDINTEGER 报表分组内码 报表分组内码00 100032FRptGrpID100032FRptIDINTEGER 报表内码 报表内码 00INTEGER 报表类型 报表类型 00 100032FRptTypeSTRING 报表名称 报表名称 00 100032FRptNameSTRING 单据编号 单据编号 00 100033FBillNoFLOAT 金额(本位币) 金额(本位币00 100033FFCyAmtDATETIME 日期 日期 00 100033FDate100033FNewDateDATETIME 新日期 新日期 00DATETIME 旧日期 旧日期 00 100033FOldDateFLOAT 汇率 汇率 00 100033FExRate100033FCheckedINTEGER 是否审核 审核标志 00INTEGER 是否调整 是否调整 00 100033FRateAdjINTEGER 是否调整手续费是否调整手续00 100033FRateHandAdjSTRING 摘要 摘要 00 100033FExplanationINTEGER 调整内码 调整内码 00 100033FRateAdjID100033FRateHandAdjIINTEGER 手续调整内码 手续调整内码00INTEGER 凭证内码 凭证内码 00 100033FVoucherID100033FLoanExtSeria贷款展期序列00INTEGER 贷款展期序列号INTEGER 贷款内码 贷款内码 00 100033FLoanIDINTEGER 制单人内码 制单人内码 00 100033FPreparerID100033FCheckerIDINTEGER 审核人内码 审核人内码 00INTEGER 币别内码 币别内码 00 100033FCyIDINTEGER 贷款展期内码 贷款展期内码00 100033FLoanExtIDFLOAT 金额(原币) 金额(原币) 00 100033FAmtINTEGER 上级内码 上级内码 00 100034FParentIDINTEGER 报表组内码 报表组内码 00 100034FRptGrpIDINTEGER 报表类型 报表类型 00 100034FRptType100034FRptGrpNameSTRING 报表组名称 报表组名称 00INTEGER 审批状态 00 100035FReCheckStatuINTEGER 汇入地城市类型10 100035FRecCityType100035FAcctShowFlagINTEGER 客户资料显示字10INTEGER 付款核算项目I00 100035FPayDetailIDSTRING 付款核算项目信10 100035FPayDetailInfINTEGER 付款单ID 10 100035FPaySettIDINTEGER 对方科目ID 10 100035FAccountIDINTEGER 是否生成凭证 10 100035FIsCreateVoucINTEGER 审批级别 10 100035FAproverLevelINTEGER 审批人 00 100035FReCheckerIDINTEGER 审核状态 00 100035FCheckStatusINTEGER 撤销人 00 100035FCancelerID100035FRecClientNamSTRING 收款单位名称 收款单位名称00收款单位开户00 100035FRecClientBanSTRING 收款单位开户行结算中心凭证00 100035FDesVoucherIDINTEGER 结算中心凭证内STRING 收款单位银行账收款单位银行00 100035FRecClientBanINTEGER 审核人 审核人 00 100035FCheckerIDINTEGER 记账人 记账人 00 100035FPreparerID100035FBillManIDINTEGER 制单人 制单人 00STRING 收款单位代码 收款单位代码00 100035FRecClientNoINTEGER 系统保留 系统保留(关00 100035fidSTRING 单据类型 0-付款单,1-00 100035FTypeINTEGER 币别内码 币别ID 00 100035FCurrencyIDFLOAT 汇率 汇率 00 100035FExchangeRateSTRING 结算日期 结算日期 00 100035FSettleDate100035FRecPreparerSTRING 收款经手人 收款经手 00STRING 付款经手人 付款经手 00 100035FPayPreparerSTRING 中心经手人 中心经手 00 100035FScPreparer100035FAccessoriesSTRING 附件数目 附件张数 00STRING 协议书编号 协议书编号 00 100035FAgreementNumSTRING 备注 备注 00 100035FExplanationDATETIME 审批日期 10 100035FRecheckDateINTEGER 会计年度 会计年度 00 100035FYearINTEGER 会计期间 会计期间 00 100035FPeriodSTRING 日期 日期 00 100035FDateSTRING 结算编号 结算编号 00 100035FNumberFLOAT 账号最新余额 账号最新余额00 100035FNewAcntBalanINTEGER 客户内码 客户ID 00 100035FClientIDINTEGER 账号内码 账号ID 00 100035FAcntIDFLOAT 金额(原币) 金额(原币)00 100035FMoneyFor100035FMoneyFLOAT 金额(原币) 金额(原币)00STRING 中心账号 中心账号 00 100035FScAcnt100035FPayCityTypeINTEGER 汇出地城市类型10STRING 汇入地省份 10 100035FRecProvinceSTRING 汇入地城市 10 100035FRecCityINTEGER 用户内码 用户ID 00 100035FUserIDINTEGER 生成单据标志 是否已生成单00 100035FGenBillSTRING 汇出地城市 10 100035FPayCityDATETIME 单据生成日期 10 100035FGenBillDateSTRING 汇出地省份 10 100035FPayProvinceINTEGER 收款核算项目I10 100035FRecDetailIDSTRING 收款核算项目信10 100035FRecDetailInfDATETIME 审核日期 10 100035FCheckDateDATETIME 取消日期 10 100035FCancelDateSTRING 结算方式 结算方式 00 100035FSettleTypeSTRING 结算号 结算号 00 100035FSettleNumSTRING 用途 用途 00 100035FPurposeINTEGER 源凭证ID1 源凭证ID 10 100035FSrcVoucherID100035FCnApplyBillISTRING 现金申请单ID 10STRING 现金申请单ID 现金申请单I10 100036FCnApplyBillI100036FRecBank付款单位开户00STRING 付款单位开户行付款单位银行00 100036FRecBankAcntSTRING 付款单位银行账100036FCentAcctID INTEGER 中心科目内码 中心科目ID 00100036FPayCity STRING 付款单位城市 付款单位城市00100036FPayProvince STRING 付款单位省份 付款单位省份00100036FPaySettNo STRING 付款单号 付款单号 00100036FDate DATETIME 日期 日期 00100036FPaySettDate DATETIME 业务日期 业务日期 00100036FPayAcctID INTEGER 付款账号内码 付款账号ID 00100036FReCheckerID INTEGER 审批人 审批人 00100036FPaytran STRING 数据池记录键值数据池记录键00100036FCentBankNo STRING 结算中心开户行结算中心开户00100036FReCheckStatu INTEGER 审批状态 审批状态 00100036FCheckStatus INTEGER 审核状态 审核状态 00100036FState STRING 提交状态 提交状态 00100036FAttach INTEGER 附件张数 附件张数 00100036FExplanation STRING 备注 备注 00100036FContractNo STRING 协议书号 协议书号 00100036FBillNo STRING 系统保留 系统保留 00100036FSettleTypeID INTEGER 结算方式内码 结算方式ID 00100036FRateAcnt STRING 手续费账号 手续费账号 00100036FTlxlvl STRING 报文级别 报文级别 00100036FTrantype STRING 转账类型 转账类型 00100036FModifyTime UnKnown 修改时间 修改时间 10100036FPaySettID INTEGER 付款单内码 付款单ID(关00100036FCyID INTEGER 币别内码 币别ID 00100036FAmt FLOAT 金额(原币) 金额(原币)00100036FExchRate FLOAT 汇率 汇率 00100036FSettleNo STRING 结算单号 结算单号 00100036FPreparerID INTEGER 制单人 制单人 00100036FCheckerID INTEGER 审核人 审核人 00100036FVoucherID INTEGER 凭证内码 凭证ID 00100036FChecked INTEGER 审核标志 是否审核 00100036FDeleted INTEGER 删除标志 是否删除 00100036FRecBankType STRING 汇入银行类型 汇入银行类型10100036FCentBank STRING 结算中心开户行结算中心开户00100036FCentBankAcnt STRING 结算中心银行账结算中心银行00100036FRecCity STRING 收款单位城市 收款单位城市00100036FRecClient STRING 收款单位名称 收款单位名称00100036FCentHandler STRING 中心经手人 中心经手人 00100036FPurpose STRING 用途 用途 00100036FRecBankNo STRING 收款人开户行行收款人开户行00100036FPostScr STRING 客户留言 客户留言 00100036FFcyAmt FLOAT 金额(本币) 金额(本币)00100036FRecHandler STRING 付款经手人 付款经手人 00100036FRecClientNo STRING 收款单位代码 收款单位代码00100036FRecProvince STRING 收款单位省份 收款单位省份00100036FRecCityType INTEGER 收款单位城市类收款单位城市00100036FPayCityType INTEGER 付款单位城市类付款单位城市00100036FPayHandler STRING 收款经手人 收款经手人 00100036FPayDetailID INTEGER 付款科目核算项付款科目核算10100036FNotifyBillID INTEGER 对应付款通知单对应付款通知00100036FBankNoteNo STRING 银行票据号 10100036FCheckDate DATETIME 审核时间 审核时间 00100036FReCheckDate DATETIME 审批时间 审批时间 00100037FAccountID INTEGER 账号ID 10100037FUserNameSTRING 用户名 10STRING 收款单凭证字 10 100037FVoucherGroupSTRING 本地编码 10 100037FLocalNumber100037FNBJSTZDVouchSTRING 内部结算通知单10STRING 密码 10 100037FPasswordSTRING 账套编码 10 100037FDBNumberSTRING 付款单凭证字 10 100037FFKDVoucherGrSTRING 本地科目 10 100037FLocalAcct1INTEGER 是否启用多级审10 100038FEnableMultiCINTEGER 是否反审批无需10 100038FReCheckBeginINTEGER 是否金额审批 10 100038FMoneyMultiChINTEGER 是否逐级审批 10 100038FMultiStepGOINTEGER 单据类别 10 100038FbillTypeINTEGER 单据审批级别 10 100038FCtlCheckLeveINTEGER 最大审批级别 10 100038FMaxCheckLeveINTEGER 单据类别 10 100039FbillTypeINTEGER 审批级别 10 100039FCheckLevelINTEGER 审批人ID 审批人ID 10 100039FcheckerID100040FInterRateAdjDATETIME 利率调整日期 10FLOAT 利率 10 100040FRate100040FRateTypeINTEGER 计息类别 10INTEGER 存款科目ID 10 100040FDpstAcctIDINTEGER 存款利率ID 10 100040FDpstIntRateIINTEGER 计息天数 10 100040FRateDaysFLOAT 金额 10 100040FAmtINTEGER 计划模式 NULL10 17FPlanModeINTEGER 核算科目代码 00 65FAcctIDINTEGER 公司代码 10 65FBrNOINTEGER 是否禁用 00 65FDeletedINTEGER 所属部门 00 65FDeptIDINTEGER 是否按上一级进10 67FCheckParentINTEGER 负责人 负责人 00 20FManager6FMobilePhoneSTRING 手机号码 手机号码 00DATETIME 审核日期 10 100042FCheckDateINTEGER 没用 10 100042FRecordIDINTEGER 单据ID 10 100042FBillIDINTEGER 审核人ID 10 100042FCheckerIDINTEGER 审核状态 10 100042FCheckStatus100042FCheckLevelINTEGER 审核级次 10FLOAT 定期利息 10 100043FIntStatFLOAT 合计利息 10 100043FIntAllFLOAT 活期利息 10 100043FIntDpstFLOAT 贷款利息 10 100043FIntLoanSTRING 客户编码 10 100043FClientNumberSTRING 币别名称 10 100043FCyNumber100043FAcctNameSTRING 账号科目名称 10STRING 账号科目编码 10 100043FAcctNumberSTRING 客户名称 10 100043FClientName100043FCyIDINTEGER 币别ID 10FLOAT 委托贷款利息 10 100043FIntLoanConsiFLOAT 透支利息 10 100043FIntOverINTEGER 客户ID 10 100043FClientIDFLOAT 审批金额 10 100044FCheckMaxMoneINTEGER 单据类别 10 100044FBillType100044FCheckLevelINTEGER 审批级别 10INTEGER 计划区域 计划区域 00 9FPlanAreaSTRING 手机号码 手机号码 00 49FMobilePhoneDATETIME 最近修改日期 最近修改日期00 49FLastModifyDaINTEGER 销售计量单位 销售计量单位00 17FSaleUnitIDINTEGER 生产计量单位 生产计量单位00 17FProductUnitIUnKnown 时间戳 时间戳 10 20FModifyTimeSTRING 部门名称 部门名称 00 20FNameSTRING 备注 备注 00 20FNoteSTRING 部门代码 部门代码 00 20FNumberINTEGER 其他应付账款科00 20FOtherAPAcctIINTEGER 流水号 00 100046FID100046FRecCitySTRING 汇入地城市 00INTEGER 汇入地城市类型00 100046FRecCityType100046FRecClientBanSTRING 客户银行 00STRING 客户银行帐号 00 100046FRecClientBanSTRING 客户名称 00 100046FRecClientNamSTRING 汇入地省份 00 100046FRecProvinceSTRING 批准文号 批准文号 00 17FApproveNoINTEGER 是否需要进行订是否需要进行00 17FBookPlanFLOAT 上次盘点日期 上次盘点日期00 17FLastCheckDatFLOAT 销售欠交比例(销售欠交比例00 17FSOLowLimitFLOAT 完工超收比例(完工超收比例00 17FInHighLimitDATETIME 变动日期 00 110082FChangeDateINTEGER 年份 00 110082FYearINTEGER 合并方案类型I00 110082FRptFrameWorkINTEGER 合并方案ID 00 110082FClassIDINTEGER 方案版本 00 110082FClassVerNumbINTEGER 周期 00 110082FPeriodINTEGER 期间 00 110082FCycleIDINTEGER FID 00 110083FIDINTEGER 投资公司ID 00 110083FCompanyFromI110083FCompanyToIDINTEGER 被投资公司ID 00STRING 项目编号 00 110083FItemNumINTEGER 取数类型 00 110083FDataTypeINTEGER 取数来源 00 110083FDataSourceINTEGER 币别 00 110083FCurrencyIDINTEGER 年份 00 110083FYear110083FPeriodINTEGER 期间 00INTEGER 合并方案类型I00 110083FRptFrameWorkINTEGER 合并方案 00 110083FClassIDINTEGER 合并方案版本 00 110083FClassVerNumbFLOAT 借方 00 110083FDebitFLOAT 贷方 00 110083FCreditINTEGER 抵销类型 0-权益法调整00 110083FElimType110083FCycleIDINTEGER 周期 00STRING 备注 00 110083FMemoINTEGER 模板ID 00 110083FTemplateID110084FIDINTEGER 项目ID 00STRING 项目代码? 00 110084FItemNumINTEGER 数据种类 00 110084FDataClassINTEGER 数据类型 00 110084FTypeINTEGER 取数类型ID? 00 110084FDataTypeFLOAT 数量? 00 110084FAmount110085FIDINTEGER 报表ID 00INTEGER 年 00 110085FYearINTEGER 期 00 110085FPeriod110085FDayDATETIME 日期 00INTEGER 周期ID? 00 110085FCycleIDINTEGER 代管物资科目 代管物资科目00 17FAdminAcctIDDATETIME 出票日期 00 40010FSignDateFLOAT 金额 00 40010FAmountINTEGER 资产关系代码 资产关系代码00 110000FAssetshipIDSTRING 资产关系名称 资产关系名称00 110000FAssetshipNamINTEGER 抵消项目ID 抵消项目ID 00 110001FElimItemIDINTEGER 信用期限 信用期限 00 6FCreditDaysSTRING 传真 传真 00 6FFaxFLOAT 10 6FTaxINTEGER 专营业务员 专营业务员 00 6FemployeeSTRING 10 6FCIQNumberINTEGER 10 6FPriceClsIDFLOAT 10 6FMaxForePayRa6FPOGroupIDINTEGER 10STRING 供应商简称 供应商简称 00 6FShortName6FFaxAcctSTRING 10INTEGER 10 6FPriorityIDSTRING 10 6FcashDiscountDATETIME 开始交易日期 00 6FBeginTradeDaSTRING 法人代表 00 6FcorperateINTEGER 10 6FSaleModeINTEGER 币别ID 币别ID 00 6FcurrencyIDINTEGER 10 6FSetDLineIDINTEGER 应交税金科目代00 6FPayTaxAcctIDINTEGER 现金流量 0-不是,1-是00 1FCashFlowItemINTEGER 结算方式 结算方式 00 1FSettleTypeIDINTEGER 余额方向 0-贷方,1- 借00 1FDC1FMeasureUnitIINTEGER 单位内码 计量单位ID 00FLOAT 原币金额 金额(原币)00 1FAmountForINTEGER 币别 币别ID 00 1FCurrencyIDINTEGER 凭证内码 凭证ID(关键00 1FVoucherIDSTRING 结算号 结算号 00 1FSettleNoFLOAT 数量 数量 00 1FQuantity1FExchangeRateFLOAT 汇率 汇率 00STRING 机制凭证 机制凭证 00 1FInternalIndINTEGER 项目资源内码 项目资源ID 00 1FResourceIDFLOAT 本位币金额 金额(本位币00 1FAmountINTEGER 核算项目 核算项目使用00 1FDetailIDSTRING 业务号 业务号 00 1FTransNoINTEGER 分录号 分录号(关键00 1FEntryID2FCheckerIDINTEGER 审核人 审核人 00STRING 机制凭证 空-手工凭证00 2FInternalIndINTEGER 是否过账 0-未过账,1-00 2FPosted2FGroupIDINTEGER 凭证字内码 凭证字ID 00DATETIME 业务日期 业务日期 00 2FTransDateINTEGER 单据类型 单据类型 00 2FTranTypeINTEGER 出纳员 出纳员 00 2FCashierIDINTEGER 凭证号 凭证号 00 2FNumberINTEGER 10 6FOperIDFLOAT 最大预付比率(10 6FMaxForePayAmSTRING 10 6FContactAcctINTEGER 10 6FBoundAttrSTRING 省份 省份 00 6FProvince6FLastTradeDatDATETIME 最后交易日期 最后交易日期00INTEGER 部门内部 00 310001FDepIDINTEGER 分配标准内码 00 310002FStandardID310002FStdSubIDINTEGER 下设分配标准内00FLOAT 分配标准数值 00 310002FStandarddataFLOAT 完工产品成本 00 310002FOverAmountFLOAT 在产品成本 00 310002FOnlineAmountINTEGER 内码 00 310002FIDINTEGER 年 00 310002FYearINTEGER 期 00 310002FPeriodINTEGER 部门内码 00 310002FDeptIDINTEGER 成本对象内码 00 310002FCostObjIDINTEGER 成本项目内码 00 310002FCostItemIDFLOAT 还原后完工产品00 310002FRevertAmountFLOAT 还原系数 00 310002FRevQuo310002FLevelINTEGER 计算步骤 00STRING 周期段 00 310002FYearPeriodCyDATETIME 段开始日期 00 310002FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310002FPerEndDateINTEGER 材料内码 00 310003FMaterielIDSTRING 批次 00 310003FBatchNo310003FSpendCostObjINTEGER 半成品对应成本00FLOAT 完工产品成本 00 310003FOverAmountFLOAT 在产品成本 00 310003FOnlineAmount310003FOverQtyFLOAT 完工产品耗用数00INTEGER 内码 00 310003FIDINTEGER 年 00 310003FYearINTEGER 期 00 310003FPeriodINTEGER 部门内码 00 310003FDeptIDINTEGER 成本对象内码 00 310003FCostObjIDINTEGER 成本项目内码 00 310003FCostItemIDFLOAT 在产品耗用数量00 310003FOnlineQtyINTEGER 计算步骤 00 310003FLevelSTRING 周期段 00 310003FYearPeriodCyDATETIME 段开始日期 00 310003FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310003FPerEndDate310004FSpendCostObjINTEGER 半成品成本对象00INTEGER 附件张数 附件张数 00 2FAttachments2FFrameWorkID集团组织机构00INTEGER 集团组织机构内DATETIME 凭证日期 凭证日期 00 2FDateFLOAT 借方金额合计 借方金额合计00 2FDebitTotalINTEGER 制单人所属工作制单人所属工00 2FOwnerGroupIDINTEGER 凭证内码 凭证ID(关键00 2FVoucherIDFLOAT 还原系数 00 310004FRev310004FYearPeriodCySTRING 周期段 00DATETIME 段开始日期 00 310004FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310004FPerEndDateINTEGER 内码 00 310005FIDINTEGER 年 00 310005FYearSTRING 抵消项目名称 抵消项目名称00 110001FElimName110001FItemNum抵销项目对应00STRING 抵销项目对应的INTEGER 抵销模板ID 抵销模板ID 10 110002FTempIDSTRING 抵销模板名称 抵销模板名称10 110002FTempNameFLOAT 金额 金额 10 110003FAmountINTEGER 借贷方向 借贷方向 10 110003FDCINTEGER 抵销项目ID 抵销项目ID 10 110003FElimItemIDSTRING 摘要 摘要 10 110003FExpINTEGER 抵销模板ID 抵销模板ID 10 110003FTempIDINTEGER 公司分类ID 公司分类ID 00 110004FClassIDINTEGER 公司分类是否明公司分类是否00 110004FDetailINTEGER 公司分类级别 公司分类级别00 110004FLevelSTRING 公司分类名称 公司分类名称00 110004FName110004FNumberSTRING 公司分类代码 公司分类代码00公司分类的上00 110004FParentIDINTEGER 公司分类的上级INTEGER 公司分类的根I公司分类的根00 110004FRootIDINTEGER 公司分类ID 公司分类ID 00 110005FClassID公司分类中的00 110005FCompanyNumSTRING 公司分类中的公INTEGER 币别ID 币别ID 00 110006FCurrencyIDFLOAT 汇率 汇率 00 110006FExchangeRateSTRING 币别名称 币别名称 00 110006FNameSTRING 币别代码 币别代码 00 110006FNumber汇率计算操作00 110006FOperatorSTRING 汇率计算操作符INTEGER 精度 精度 00 110006FScaleDATETIME 开始时间 00 110006FDateFromDATETIME 截止时间 00 110006FDateTo110007FCheckerSTRING 抵销分录审核 抵销分录审核00DATETIME 抵销分录日期 抵销分录日期00 110007FDay110007FElimNumberINTEGER 抵销分录号 抵销分录号 00INTEGER 抵销分录内部I抵销分录内部00 110007FIDINTEGER 抵销分录期间 抵销分录期间00 110007FMonthSTRING 抵销分录制单 抵销分录制单00 110007FPreparerINTEGER 抵销分录年度 抵销分录年度00 110007FYearINTEGER 是否审核 00 110007FIsChecked110008FCompanyNumSTRING 公司代码 00FLOAT 抵销分录贷方 抵销分录贷方00 110008FCreditFLOAT 抵销分录借方 抵销分录借方00 110008FDebitINTEGER 抵销分录明细I抵销分录明细00 110008FEntryIDSTRING 抵销分录摘要 抵销分录摘要00 110008FExp抵销分录明细00 110008FIDINTEGER 抵销分录明细内是否自动抵销00INTEGER 是否自动抵销生110008FIsAuto抵销分录对应00 110008FItemNumSTRING 抵销分录对应项STRING 对应公司代码 00 110008FTargetCompanINTEGER 币别ID 00 110008FCurrencyIDINTEGER 行业ID 行业ID 00 110009FIndustryIDSTRING 行业性质 行业性质 00 110009FIndustryNameINTEGER 所有制ID 所有制ID 00 110010FOwnershipID110010FOwnershipNamSTRING 所有制 所有制 00INTEGER 内码 00 310004FID310004FYearINTEGER 年 00INTEGER 期 00 310004FPeriodINTEGER 部门内码 00 310004FDeptIDINTEGER 成本对象内码 00 310004FCostObjIDINTEGER 成本项目内码 00 310004FCostItemIDINTEGER 内码 00 310008FID310008FYearINTEGER 年 00INTEGER 期 00 310008FPeriodINTEGER 部门内码 00 310008FDeptIDINTEGER 内码 00 310009FIDINTEGER 年 00 310009FYearSTRING 周期段 00 310012FYearPeriodCyDATETIME 段开始日期 00 310012FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310012FPerEndDateSTRING 周期段 00 310013FYearPeriodCyDATETIME 段开始日期 00 310013FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310013FPerEndDateFLOAT 分配标准数据 00 310017FStandardData310017FAmountFLOAT 金额 00INTEGER 成本项目内码 00 310017FCostItemIDSTRING 周期段 00 310017FYearPeriodCyDATETIME 段开始日期 00 310017FPerBeginDateDATETIME 段结束日期 00 310017FPerEndDateDATETIME 收付款日期 收付款日期 00 210008FSettleDate230018FSettleDateDATETIME 收款日期 收款日期 00DATETIME 收付款日期 收付款日期 00 200019FSettleDateDATETIME 付款日期 付款日期 00 200000FSettleDate200007FOrderQty基本单位业务00FLOAT 基本单位业务执INTEGER 保税监管类型 保税监管类型00 6FManageTypeSTRING 对象接口 其他系统传入00 2FObjectName2FPreparerIDINTEGER 制单人 制单人 00UnKnown 修改时间 修改时间 10 2FModifyTimeSTRING 接口参数 接口参数 00 2FParameterINTEGER 会计年度 会计年度 00 2FYearSTRING 参考信息 参考信息 00 2FReferenceINTEGER 分批 分批 00 290011FIsPartialSTRING 唛头资料大文本唛头资料大文00 290011FGoodsMark_TaFLOAT 保险加成% 保险加成% 00 290011FInsurePlusRaINTEGER 保险险种 保险险种 00 290011FInsureTypeID290011FCommRateFLOAT 明佣比率% 明佣比率% 00FLOAT 明佣金额 明佣金额 00 290011FCommAmountSTRING 单据编号 单据编号 00 290014FBillNoSTRING 分支机构代码 分支机构代码00 290014FBrNoINTEGER 作废标志 作废标志 00 290014FCancellationDATETIME 审核日期 审核日期 00 290014FCheckDateINTEGER 审核人 审核人 00 290014FCheckerIDINTEGER 事务类型 事务类型 00 290014FClassTypeIDSTRING 供应商简码 供应商简码 00 6FShortNumberINTEGER 行业代码 行业代码 00 6FTradeFLOAT 最后交易金额 最后交易金额00 6FlastTradeAmoUnKnown 10 6FModifyTimeDATETIME 最后付款日期 最后付款日期00 6FLastReceiveDSTRING 税务登记号 税务登记号 00 6FTaxIDSTRING 信用额度 信用额度 00 6FCreditLimitSTRING 10 6FLegalPerson6FMinForeReceiFLOAT 最小预收比率(最大预付比率00FLOAT 增值税率 00 6FValueAddRate6FStatusINTEGER 状态 1072-使用,100STRING 电话号码 电话号码 00 6FPhoneAcctSTRING 银行账号 银行账号 00 6FAccount6FCountrySTRING 国家 国家 00FLOAT 最小订金比率(10 6FMinReserveRaSTRING 10 6FAddrAcctSTRING 联系人 联系人 00 6FContact公司及其分公00 6FBrNoSTRING 公司及其分公司STRING 优惠政策 优惠政策 00 6FFavorPolicyINTEGER 应付账款科目代应付账款科目00 6FAPAccountIDINTEGER 是否禁用 是否禁用 10 6FDeletedSTRING 邮编 邮编 00 6FPostalCode6FPhoneSTRING 电话 电话 00STRING 10 6FEmailAcctSTRING 公司主页 公司主页 00 6FHomePageSTRING 10 6FZipAcct预付账款科目00 6FpreAcctIDINTEGER 预付账款科目代STRING 银行 银行 00 6FBankFLOAT 10 6FMaxDebitDateINTEGER 10 6FARAccountIDSTRING 城市 城市 00 6FCityINTEGER 分管部门 分管部门 00 6FdepartmentINTEGER 区域代码 区域代码 00 6FRegionIDINTEGER 偿还能力 00 6FdebtLevel6FMaxDealAmounFLOAT 最大交易金额 最大交易金额00INTEGER 上级內码 上级內码 00 6FParentID2FBrNoSTRING 公司代码 公司代码 10STRING 会计主管 会计主管 00 2FHandlerSTRING 批注 批注 00 2FFootNoteINTEGER 记账人 记账人 00 2FPosterIDSTRING 备注 备注 00 2FExplanationUnKnown UUID UUID 10 2UUIDINTEGER 结算币种 结算币种 00 6FCyIDSTRING 邮件地址 邮件地址 00 6FEmailINTEGER 10 6FLanguageIDSTRING 地址 地址 00 6FAddressFLOAT 最后付款金额 最后付款金额00 6FLastRPAmountSTRING 供应商名称 供应商名称 00 6FName勾稽关系左表10 110011FLExpressUnKnown 勾稽关系左表达INTEGER 勾稽关系内码 勾稽关系ID 00 110011FRelationIDSTRING 勾稽关系操作符勾稽关系操作00 110011FRelationOper勾稽关系右表10UnKnown 勾稽关系右表达110011FRExpressSTRING 勾稽关系名称 00 110011FName110011FNumberSTRING 勾稽关系编码 00FLOAT 允许误差 00 110011FRangeSTRING 公司代码 公司代码 00 110012FCompanyNumINTEGER 币别ID 币别ID 00 110012FCurrencyIDINTEGER 年度 年度 00 110012FYearINTEGER 分类方案内码 00 110012FClassIDINTEGER 是否归档 00 110012FIsHoldenDATETIME 日期 日期 00 110012FDayINTEGER 是否接收模板 是否接收模板00 110012FIsAccepted110012FIsCheckedINTEGER 是否审核 是否审核 00INTEGER 期间 期间 00 110012FPeriod110012FRptContentUnKnown 报表内容 报表内容 10INTEGER 报表大类内码 报表内容ID 00 110012FRptGroupIDINTEGER 报表内容内码 报表内容内部00 110012FRptID110012FPrinterBufUnKnown 打印内容缓冲 10INTEGER 是否审核批复 10 110012FIsAuditINTEGER 能否保存 10 110012FIsChangedINTEGER 报表风格 报表风格 100 110013FBaseRptStyleSTRING 币别名称 币别名称 00 110013FCurrencyNameSTRING 公司名称 公司名称 00 110013FCompanyNameSTRING 公司代码 公司代码 00 110013FCompanyNumSTRING 币别代码 币别代码 00 110013FCurrencyNumINTEGER 报表周期 报表周期 00 110013FCycleIDDATETIME 日期 日期 00 110013FDayINTEGER 是否接收模板 是否接收模板00 110013FIsAcceptedINTEGER 是否审核 是否审核 00 110013FIsChecked110013FPeriodINTEGER 期间 期间 00UnKnown 报表内容 报表内容 10 110013FRptContent110013FRptGroupNameSTRING 报表类别名称 报表类别名称00STRING 报表类别代码 报表类别代码00 110013FRptGroupNum已删除报表内00INTEGER 已删除报表内部110013FRptIDINTEGER 报表类型 报表类型1个00 110013FRptTypeINTEGER 年度 年度 00 110013FYearINTEGER 分类方案内码 00 110013FClassIDINTEGER 报表风格 报表风格 100 110014FBaseRptStyleINTEGER 报表周期 报表周期 00 110014FCycleID是否从模板引00INTEGER 是否从模板引入110014FIsModuleINTEGER 报表类别ID 报表类别ID 00 110014FRptGroupIDSTRING 报表类别名称 报表类别名称00 110014FRptGroupNameSTRING 报表类别代码 报表类别代码00 110014FRptGroupNumDATETIME 修改时间 修改时间 00 110014FUptDateINTEGER 报表创建者 00 110014FRptOwnerINTEGER 借贷方向 借贷方向 00 110015FDirection是否从模板引00INTEGER 是否从模板引入110015FIsModuleINTEGER 是否参与抵销 是否参与抵销00 110015FIsOffsetINTEGER 报表项目ID 报表项目ID 00 110015FItemIDSTRING 报表项目名称 报表项目名称00 110015FItemName110015FItemNumSTRING 报表项目代码 报表项目代码00INTEGER 报表类别ID 报表类别ID 00 110015FRptGroupIDFLOAT 累计数 累计数 00 110016FAccuAmountFLOAT 发生数 发生数 00 110016FAmountSTRING 公司代码 公司代码 00 110016FCompanyNumSTRING 币别代码 币别代码 00 110016FCurrencyNumINTEGER 数据类别 数据类别 00 110016FDataClassDATETIME 日期 日期 00 110016FDayINTEGER 是否新数据 是否新数据 00 110016FIsNewSTRING 报表项目代码 报表项目代码00 110016FItemNumINTEGER 期间 期间 00 110016FPeriodINTEGER 年度 年度 00 110016FYearINTEGER 结束期间 结束期间 00 110017FEndMonthINTEGER 结束年度 结束年度 00 110017FEndYearINTEGER 记录ID 记录ID 00 110017FIDINTEGER 起始期间 起始期间 00 110017FStartMonth110017FStartYearINTEGER 起始年度 起始年度 00对应项目数据00 110017FTableNameSTRING 对应项目数据表报表标准格式10UnKnown 报表标准格式内110018FRptContentINTEGER 报表类别代码 报表类别代码00 110018FRptGroupID110019FRptContent自定义报表内10UnKnown 自定义报表内容自定义报表内00 110019FRptIDINTEGER 自定义报表内部自定义报表名00 110019FRptNameSTRING 自定义报表名称INTEGER 报表创建者 00 110019FRptOwnerINTEGER 上级主管ID 上级主管ID 00 110020FSuperDeptIDSTRING 上级主管名称 上级主管名称00 110020FSuperDeptNam110021FExpSTRING 系统参数说明 系统参数说明00系统参数项目00 110021FKeySTRING 系统参数项目名系统参数项目00STRING 系统参数项目值110021FValueINTEGER 是否有列累计 是否有列累计10 110022FColHasAccuINTEGER 列头 列头 10 110022FColHeader项目分析表内10 110022FContentUnKnown 项目分析表内容INTEGER 报表周期 报表周期 10 110022FCycleIDDATETIME 日期 日期 10 110022FDateSTRING 开始日期 开始日期 10 110022FDateFrom110022FDateToSTRING 结束日期 结束日期 10STRING 名称 名称 10 110022FNameINTEGER 是否有行累计 是否有行累计10 110022FRowHasAccuINTEGER 行头 行头 10 110022FRowHeaderINTEGER 报表类别 报表类型1个10 110022FRptClassINTEGER 分类 分类 10 110022FTypeSTRING 值 值 10 110022FValue项目分析表内10 110022IDINTEGER 项目分析表内部INTEGER 权限码 00 110023FRightCodeINTEGER 报表内码 00 110023FRptIDINTEGER 用户内码 00 110023FUserIDINTEGER 报表类型 00 110023FRptTypeDATETIME 日期 00 110024FDayINTEGER 接收报表内部I00 110024FRptIDINTEGER 币别内码 00 110024FCurrencyIDINTEGER 期间 00 110024FPeriodINTEGER 报表类别ID 00 110024FRptGroupIDSTRING 公司代码 00 110024FCompanyNumINTEGER 报表类型 00 110024FRptType110024FYearINTEGER 年度 00INTEGER 是否接收模板 00 110024FIsAccepted110024FIsCheckedINTEGER 是否审核 00接收报表明细10 110025FIDINTEGER 接收报表明细内DATETIME 接收时间 接收时间 10 110025FTime110025FRptIDINTEGER 接收报表内部I接收报表内部10STRING 备注 备注 10 110025FMemoSTRING 接收状态 接收状态 10 110025FStatusINTEGER 是否新数据 00 110026FIsNewFLOAT 累计数 00 110026FAccuAmountSTRING 币别代码 00 110026FCurrencyNumDATETIME 日期 00 110026FDaySTRING 公司代码 00 110026FCompanyNumINTEGER 期间 00 110026FPeriod110026FYearINTEGER 年度 00FLOAT 发生数 00 110026FAmount110026FTargetCompanSTRING 对应公司代码 00STRING 报表项目代码 00 110026FItemNumINTEGER 起始年度 00 110027FStartYear110027FStartMonthINTEGER 起始期间 00INTEGER 结束年度 00 110027FEndYearINTEGER 记录ID 00 110027FID110027FTableNameSTRING 对应项目数据表00INTEGER 结束期间 00 110027FEndMonthSTRING 对应抵销项目 00 110028FOppositeItemSTRING 抵销项目 00 110028FItemNumINTEGER 勾稽关系内码 00 110029FRelationIDUnKnown 勾稽关系左表达10 110029FLExpressUnKnown 勾稽关系右表达10 110029FRExpressSTRING 勾稽关系编码 00 110029FNumberSTRING 勾稽关系操作符00 110029FRelationOperSTRING 勾稽关系名称 00 110029FNameINTEGER 公式ID 00 110030FFormulaIDUnKnown 右表达式 10 110030FRExpressUnKnown 右表达式包含项10 110030FRightItemNamSTRING 项目名称 00 110030FItemNameSTRING 公式名称 00 110030FName110030FNumberSTRING 公式编码 00DATETIME 日期 00 110031FDay110031FCheckDateDATETIME 审核日期 00FLOAT 持股比例 00 110031FRateINTEGER 取数类型 00 110031FDataTypeINTEGER 币别ID 00 110031FCurrencyIDINTEGER 投资公司ID 00 110031FCompanyFromIINTEGER 合并方案ID 00 110031FClassIDINTEGER 合并方案版本I00 110031FClassVerNumbFLOAT 净资产 00 110031FNetAssetFLOAT 投资收益金额 00 110031FYieldFLOAT 权益法调整数 00 110031FYieldAdjustFLOAT 净利润 00 110031FNetProfitINTEGER 是否审核 00 110031FIsChecked110031FCheckerSTRING 审核人 00INTEGER 被投资公司ID 00 110031FCompanyToIDINTEGER 周期ID 00 110031FCycleIDINTEGER 年 00 110031FYearINTEGER 期 00 110031FPeriodINTEGER 投资收益核对记00 110031FID110032FDayDATETIME 日期 00DATETIME 审核日期 00 110032FCheckDateFLOAT 持股比例 00 110032FInvestRateINTEGER 币别ID 00 110032FCurrencyIDINTEGER 投资公司ID 00 110032FCompanyFromIINTEGER 被投资公司ID 00 110032FCompanyToIDINTEGER 周期ID 00 110032FCycleID110032FYearINTEGER 年 00INTEGER 期 00 110032FPeriodINTEGER 长期股权投资核00 110032FID110032FClassIDINTEGER 合并方案ID 00INTEGER 合并方案版本I00 110032FClassVerNumbFLOAT 权益法调整数 00 110032FInvestAdjustFLOAT 净资产 00 110032FNetAssetFLOAT 长期股权投资余00 110032FInvestFLOAT 股权投资差额 00 110032FInvestDiff。
4.2 数据处理规则:(1)字符不区分大小写(2)数字左补零右对齐,字符右补空格左对齐(3)日期类型为YYYYMMDD(4)金额单位为元(5)行结束标志为回车换行。
4.3文件命名:文件命名规则为:类别码+“_”+报送单位代码+“_”+统计日期.TXT4.4 文件结构定义:文件结构包含文件头、数据字段说明和报送记录三个部分5.数据格式存管银行总部向机构部报送的数据格式 (类别码A)结算公司向机构部报送经纪资金、自营资金的数据格式(类别码B)结算银行向机构部报送结算公司的清算备付金和验资专户账面余额的数据格式(类别码C)存管、结算银行向证监会报备的帐号数据格式(类别码D)上报单位信息类别码E附录:机构编码方案机构编码方案为:A CCC D EEE(本说明为显示清晰在各代码间加空格,在实际代码中没有空格)其中,A为机构行业代码0 中国证监会、交易所、结算公司1 证券公司2 银行CCC为机构总部代码D为机构级别代码:0 内设机构1 分公司或证券公司营业部EEE为内设和分支机构顺序号机构代码说明:1、首批证券公司编号按拼音排序,新增公司依次编号;2、机构代码暂不含银行,待银行获得“《证券交易结算资金管理办法》实施细则”规定的业务资格后再定;3、机构代码暂不含证券公司营业部代码,待证券公司按照编码规则编制本公司下属营业部代码后再定。
51151 个人住房装修贷款 501
51152 个人购买汽车贷款 501
51154 人大额耐用消费品贷款 501
51199 个人其他贷款 501
51211 农村经济合作社贷款 501
51212 农业龙头企业贷款 501
51213 农民专业合作社贷款 501
51234 信息和计算机软硬件服务业贷款 501
51235 租赁和商业服务业贷款 501
51236 水电气生产和供应企业贷款 501
51237 水利、环境和公共设施管理业贷款 501
51239 其他商业和服务业贷款 501
51241 住房开发贷款 501
51242 经济适用房开发贷款 501
52153 个人汽车按揭贷款 502
53311 打包放款 503
53312 进口押汇 503
53313 出口押汇 503
53314 出口贴现 503
53315 福费廷 503
53316 非买断型出口保理 503
53317 买断型出口保理 503
53318 进口开证 503
53319 进口保函 503
51214 农产品市场贷款 501
51219 其他农业贷款 501
51221 制造业贷款 501
51222 建筑业贷款 501
51223 采矿业贷款 501
51229 其他工业贷款 501
51231 批发和零售业贷款 501
51232 交通运输和仓储业贷款 501
51233 住宿和餐饮业贷款 501
802 代理发行债券
901 组合产品
月度计划ZBD03上载MS64运行,输入物料,源版本,目标版本02 资源 月度MS02需求 计划方案 123 参数1311 保存月计划内部分解ZMMF01查询月度计划 业务员查自己的零件订单ZR01订单类型ZSD05订单审批调度员,ZSD33科长审批,ZSD03T销售订单计划审批ZPR1接收订单(销售订单信息接口)VA01创建订单,VA05销售订单清单KO01创建内部订单(试制车)ZSD09定义常规、非常规车型MRP运算MD0213131销售订单转生产订单(采购申请;计划行;MRP清单;删除并重新创建计划数据;基本日期将为计划订单确定),末尾带SO说明是生产订单md04库存,需求清单。
查看没有计划订单的销售订单,查看MRP运算结果ZMMF02采购计划分解 计划审批日期、业务员、采购提前期、采购系数、国三,不分平台重新确定供应商zmmf02n 问题点:系数 专用件信息可能没有临时系数、临时价格100-115通用 200之后 专用件采购申请号-采购订单ZME59N 采购组织1000,采购申请 采购组-业务员代码ME80FN物管科采购MD15形成采购订单,车架的单独 MRP控制器004(车架计划员)MD63查看物料独立需求生产计划分解下达CO41转总装计划、计划订单-生产订单下达,形成各车间计划选中进行转换ZPPC02生产订单下达,激活,上载顺序号、流水号,生产版本ZZ1/ZZ2,VIN维护、生产订单上线日期co01/02/03创建生产订单coois生产订单管理平台COHVMD03单个物料MRP运算,生产版本新增的当已经到生产计划后需要从新用此命令进行运算ZPPCO02生产订单顺序号及生产版本维护ZSD03T销售订单审批查看物料管理ZMMF03物管对系统拉料,保管员,正常投料卡,负数投料卡ZMMR03计划变更对应的采购调整清单ZMMF08生成送检单,投料卡打印日期,三方物流,采购订单号:投料数据,追采购订单(没有收货的)有两份订单号,一个零件,两个厂家供货。
中国证券登记结算公司开放式基金数据接口规范中国证券登记结算公司开放式基金系统工作小组二○○三年六月二十三日目录1.引言 (2)2.数据类型定义 (2)3.数据处理 (3)4.加密 (3)5.数据接口 (3)5.1.管理信息格式 (3)5.2.业务数据 (5)5. 3 . 基本信息及部分汇总数据 (47)6.数据字典 (52)7.业务数据组织形式 (62)附录A:交易处理返回代码的取值及含义 (77)附录B:基金帐号编码 (97)附录C:销售人编码 (98)附录D:文件方式接口及通讯草案 (99)附录E:文件类型与业务类型对照表 (102)1.引言为了更好的适应开放式基金市场的需要,使更多的银行和券商顺利的加入到中国证券登记结算公司(以下简称“本公司”)的开放式基金登记结算系统中,推动中国开放式基金市场的发展,本公司以中国证监会制定的开放式基金业务数据接口规范的基础,结合目前主要银行实际应用的开放式基金系统和本公司的系统,制定出开放式基金系统数据接口规范(征求意见稿)。
袋装大米 袋装小杂粮 其他(粮) 瓶装酱油 袋装酱油 瓶装醋 袋装醋 固体调料 调味料(粉) 其他 泡菜(瓶) 泡菜(袋) 水果酱 花生酱 炼奶炼乳 攀司 袋装腌制蛋 盒装腌制蛋 常温肠(袋) 常温腊肉(袋) 鱼罐头 肉罐头 水果罐头 汤罐头 蔬菜罐头 袋装方便面 袋装方便粥 碗装方便面 碗装方便粥 中式粉面 通心粉 八宝粥 其他 袋装儿童粉 米粉 袋装成人奶粉 罐装儿童奶 罐装成人奶粉 麦片 豆粉 藕粉 核桃粉 杏仁霜 芝麻糊 红枣糊 莲子糊 阿华田
G16080200090 G16080300091 G16080400092 G16090100093 G16100100094 G16100200095 G16100300096 G16110100097 G16110200098 G16120100099 G16120200100 G16120300101 G17010100102 G17010200103 G17010300104 G17020100105 G17020200106 G17030100107 G17030200108 G17030300109 G17040100110 G17040200111 G17040300112 G17040400113 G17040500114 G17040600115 G17050100116 G17050200117 G17050300118 G17050400119 G17050500120 G17060100121 G17060200122 G17060300123 G17060400124 G17060500125 G17060600126 G17060700127 G17070100128 G17070200129 G17070300130 G18010100131 G18010200132 G18010300133 G18010400134 G18010500135 G18010600136
魏娟 王千沛 路建勇 赵健 魏芸 郑建兵 苏玉梅 高静 陈绍志 南志 张新理 张家欢 高玉萍 张馨宁 杨恒 郝彩云 童鹏弟 张杰钧 李清艳 王丹丹 高兴海 魏天娇 孙自芳 蔡龙廷 张梓晗 王志花 史雅坤 张洁琼 顾岩梅 魏金香 强发赟 王月 张玉梅 黄耀艳 朱明 张新 吕昭邦 万举兴 张朝晖 岳海龙 刘晶菁 曹婧 武亚红 张正虎 张佳 杨含冰 吴其青 李丽 王世萍 许杰范
-1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00 44.00 54.50 46.00 50.00 47.00 42.50 40.00 45.50 45.00 37.50 42.00 37.50 37.00 43.00 41.00 40.50 45.50 46.00 32.50 31.00 32.00 40.50 -1.00 65.50 52.00 46.00 49.50 48.50 55.00 52.00 56.50 50.00 47.00 44.00 47.00 41.50 46.00 46.00 53.00 46.00 53.00 45.50 44.00
51.2 54.9 53.3 55.8 52.8 46.7 48.0 44.6 54.8 46.3 49.6 53.0 49.7 47.2 53.2 49.1 47.8 49.1 40.8 51.3 43.0 48.5 48.4 47.7 43.0 49.3 41.5 41.6 43.5 46.3 41.3 40.4 42.8 35.5 42.8 42.3 30.6 41.2 30.1 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004 004
§1.1.术语及参考资料COM:Common Object ModelHIS:Hospital Information SystemMIS:Management Information System§1.2.应用模式1.银海医保支付组件库是一组运行在WINDOWS 32位环境下的COM组件,第三方应用软件使用相应的COM组件调用方式来调用它。
§1.3.环境要求§1.3.1.硬件环境2.2新疆(区本级)医保支付接口应用编程接口规范第 3 页 共 101 页§1.3.2. 网络环境§1.3.3. 网络拓扑图医院接口处理网络拓扑图§1.3.4. 系统软件§2.接口描述§2.1.总体描述1.组件库注册在每一台需要进行医保支付业务的客户机上(该客户端也必须能连接到医保网络),通过被动调用的方式将医保支付业务功能嵌入到定点医疗机构的系统中(以下简称HIS);2.接口交易组件库提供了六个公共方法(yh_interface_init 初始化,yh_interface_destroy 资源释放,yh_interface_call业务方法调用,yh_interface_confirm业务办理确认,yh_interface_cancel业务办理取消,yh_interface_getuncertaintytrade不确定交易查询),交易参数组织采用xml(所有社保经办机构交易调用及交易参数统一),差别处理对于HIS透明。
在注销基金账户(BSYWLX=“015”)时,BSJJZH 存放要注销的基金账户。 在增加/撤消交易账户(BSYWLX=“008”/009”)时,BSJJZH(字段:基金账 户)为本系统对投资人的开放基金投资账户,BSDZYJ(字段:电子邮件,字段复 用)存放投资人在销售代理人处开立的交易账户(或称资金帐号/客户号)。
中国证券登记结算有限40 页
2.1 账户资料变更申请库 KFZHBS.DBF
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
2 账户信息接口规范................................ 3
2.1 账户资料变更申请库 KFZHBS.DBF ................... 3 2.2 账户资料变更回报库 KFZHBH.DBF ................... 6
3 交易信息接口规范............................... 10
是整机保修一年收银系列使用说明书适用型号TM-30A /TM-15A / TM-6AJB-30A / JB-15A / JB-6A2009年7月Version2.30A上海友声衡器有限公司 & 上海精函衡器有限公司沪制00000033号沪制00000319号地址:上海市闵行区莘庄工业区春光路99弄58号邮编:201108厂址:上海市崇明县庙镇经济开发区宏海公路349号邮编:202165 公司总机:(021)54831805/6/7/8 技术部总机:(021)54831858传真:(021)54831803 主页:指定代理与售后服务电话:联系人:感谢您使用上海精函有限公司的产品!在您开始使用本产品前,请务必仔细阅读《前言》中的内容,并严格遵守这些事项!1.1注意事项➢确保电源插头和电源线连接正常,使用三芯电源线进行连接,如果使用了拖线板,则拖线板的插口也要是三芯的,确保三芯的地线妥善的与建筑大地连接,以避免漏电的情况。
附件1国库信息处理系统接口报文规范版本号:V2.4中国人民银行二○一三年九月目录1范围 (4)2规范性引用文件 (4)3术语和接口说明 (4)4要求 (7)4.1数据类型定义 (7)4.2数据处理规则 (8)4.3发送次数约定 (8)5接口格式概述 (10)5.1报文接口格式结构 (10)5.2文件接口格式结构 (24)6收入类 (27)6.1实时业务类 (27)6.2批量业务类 (60)6.3信息核对类 (103)6.4报表类 (123)6.5共享信息 (158)7支出类 (175)7.1财政支出 (176)7.2社保支出类 (214)7.3信息核对类 (228)8国债类 (232)8.1国债数据信息 (232)8.2国债对账信息 (256)9辅助类 (266)9.1登录请求(9006) (266)9.2登录应答(9007) (267)9.3退出请求(9008) (267)9.4退出应答(9009) (267)9.5交易状态查询请求(9003) (268)9.6交易状态查询应答(9004) (269)9.7自由格式报文(9105) (270)9.8连接测试请求(9005) (271)9.9公共数据更新通知(9100) (271)9.10通用应答(9120) (285)9.11通用确认应答(9121) (286)9.12通用处理结果通知(9122) (287)9.13状态变更通知(9101) (287)9.14故障通知(9102) (288)9.15强制退出通知(9103) (288)9.16停运启运通知(9104) (289)9.17运行参数通知(9106) (290)9.18银行对账信息重发请求(9112) (291)9.19财政收入核对包重发请求(9116) (292)9.20收入核对包信息重发请求(9113) (293)9.21包明细重发请求(9111) (293)9.22支出核对包重发请求(9117) (294)9.23账户余额查询请求(9001) (295)9.24账户余额查询应答(9002) (296)9.25 TMIS连接测试(9124) (297)10文件格式及内容 (297)10.1 TIPS与征收机关和商业银行交互文件内容 (297)10.2 TBS和TIPS导入导出文件内容 (299)10.3 TIPS与财政机关、商业银行交互文件内容 (320)11附录 (325)A.1代码表 (325)A.1.1预算种类 (325)A.1.2经收类别 (325)A.1.3整理期标志 (326)A.1.4打印付款凭证标志 (326)A.1.5冲正应答 (326)A.1.6税款类型 (326)A.1.7预算级次代码 (326)A.1.8止付类型 (327)A.1.9止付应答 (327)A.1.10企业注册类型(又名登记注册类型) (327)A.1.11转账类型 (328)A.1.12撤销类型 (329)A.1.13撤销应答 (329)A.1.14对账类型 (329)A.1.15包类型 (329)A.1.16当前系统状态 (329)A.1.17验证撤销结果 (329)A.1.18验证撤销标志 (330)A.1.19停运启运标志 (330)A.1.20凭证来源 (330)A.1.21查询类型 (330)A.1.22处理状态 (330)A.1.23处理结果 (334)A.1.24操作标志 (337)A.1.25征收机关类型 (338)A.1.26清算渠道 (338)A.1.27节点所属类型 (338)A.1.28国库级次 (338)A.1.29机构级次 (339)A.1.30科目类型 (339)A.1.31收支标志 (339)A.1.32科目属性 (339)A.1.33节点状态 (339)A.1.34 TIPS导出税票业务类型 (340)A.1.35 TIPS导出税票缴款书类型 (340)A.1.36 TIPS导出退库业务类型 (340)A.1.37 TIPS导出更正业务类型 (340)A.1.38 TBS导出凭证类型 (341)A.1.39 TBS导出国债兑付种类标志 (341)A.1.40账户性质 (341)A.1.41业务种类 (341)A.1.42文件对账类型 (341)A.1.43支出凭证类型 (341)A.1.44导出凭证类型 (342)A.1.45机构类型 (342)A.1.46社保业务类型 (342)A.1.47社保支出凭证来源 (342)A.1.48预算管理类型 (343)A.1.49支付状态 (343)A.1.50拨付结果 (343)A.1.51支付方式 (343)A.1.52验证结果 (343)A.1.53证件类型 (343)A.1.54额度种类 (344)A.1.55故障节点状态 (344)A.1.56网点级别 (344)A.1.57国债种类 (344)A.1.58变更原因 (344)A.1.59信息类型 (345)A.1.60核对类型 (345)A.2XML报文节点标识符对照表 (345)A.3XML报文S CHEMA格式举例 (350)A.3.1征收机关批量扣税、社保机构批量扣费请求(1102) (350)A.4XML报文举例 (361)A.4.1征收机关批量扣税、社保机构批量扣费请求(1102) (361)A.5交易的唯一标识 (367)A.6修改记录 (367)1 范围《国库信息处理系统接口报文规范》(以下简称《规范》),适用于国库信息处理系统与外部系统的交互。
001:中国银联100:邮政储蓄银行102:工商银行103:农业银行104:中国银行105:建设银行301:交通银行302:中信实业银行303:中国光大银行304:华夏银行305:中国民生银行306:广东发展银行307:深圳发展银行308:招商银行309:兴业银行310:上海浦东发展银行403:北京银行418:北京农信北京市1100天津市1200山东省3700辽宁省2100山西省1400河北省1300吉林省2200黑龙江省2300陕西省6100甘肃省6200青海省6300宁夏区6400新疆区6500海南省4600香港区8100澳门区8200上海市2900重庆市5000广东省4400广西区4500湖南省4300湖北省4200江苏省3200浙江省3300内蒙古区1500安徽省3400福建省3500江西省3600四川省5100云南省5300西藏区5400台湾省7100表 1 商户类别代码表 (1)Q/CUP 004—2007II前言本标准对金融零售业务的商户类别代码做了规定.本标准由中国银联股份有限公司在中国人民银行组织制定的《银行卡联网联合技术规范》相关内容的基础上修订.本标准主要修订单位:中国银联技术管理部.本标准主要修订人:刘钟,孙平,黄发国,徐志忠,张爱民,蔡丽薇,徐静雯.Q/CUP 004—20071商户类别代码1 范围本标准规定了金融零售业务的商户类别代码.本标准适用于中国银联股份有限公司成员机构对商户进行分类.本标准中商户类别代码的维护机制参见正在制定的国家标准.2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款.凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本.凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准.ISO 18245:2007 金融零售业务-商户类别代码3 术语和定义商户类别代码 Merchant Category Code根据商户业务,贸易和服务类型对商户进行分类,标识每一类别的代码称为商户类别代码.商户类别代码只对可能会发生金融零售业务的商户类别作了规定.4 商户类别代码规定表1列出了根据数字排序的商户类别代码.商户类别代码表范围代码描述0001-0499 ISO保留使用0500-0599 国家保留使用0000-0699保留使用0600-0699 行业保留使用0700-0741 ISO保留使用0742 兽医服务0743 葡萄酒生产商0744 香槟生产商0745-0762 ISO保留使用0763 农业合作0764-0779 ISO保留使用0780 景观美化和园艺服务0781-0819 ISO保留使用0820-0879 国家保留使用0700-0999农业服务0880-0999 行业保留使用1000-1499保留使用1000-1499 ISO保留使用Q/CUP 004—20072范围代码描述1500-1519 ISO保留使用1520 一般承包商—住宅和商业楼1521-1710 ISO保留使用1711 供暖,管道,空调承包商1712-1730 国家保留使用1731 电气承包商1732-1739 ISO保留使用1740 砖,石,瓦,石膏和绝缘工程承包商1741-1749 ISO保留使用1750 木工工程承包商1751-1760 ISO保留使用1761 屋顶,屋围,金属片(铁皮)安装工程承包商1762-1770 国家保留使用1771 混凝土工程承包商1772-1798 ISO保留使用1799 未列入其它代码的专项贸易承包商1800-2199 ISO保留使用2200-2740 行业保留使用2741 各种出版和印刷服务2742-2790 国家保留使用2791 排版,刻版及相关服务2792-2841 国家保留使用2842 专业清洁,抛光和卫生服务1500-2999承包服务2843-2999 国家保留使用3000-3999保留使用3000-3999 行业保留使用4000-4010 ISO保留使用4011 铁路运输4012-4110 ISO保留使用4111 本地和市郊通勤旅客运输(包括轮渡) 4112 铁路客运4113-4118 ISO保留使用4119 救护车服务4120 ISO保留使用4121 出租车和豪华轿车服务4122-4130 ISO保留使用4131 公共汽车4214 长短途机动车与卡车货运,搬运公司,仓储公司,本地专运公司4215 快递服务(空运,地面运输或海运)4216-4224 ISO保留使用4000-4799运输4225 公共仓储服务-农产品,冷冻品和家用产品Q/CUP 004—20073范围代码描述4226-4299 ISO保留使用4300-4410 国家保留使用4411 轮船及巡游航线服务4412-4456 行业保留使用4457 出租船只4458-4467 行业保留使用4468 船舶,海运服务和供给4469-4510 行业保留使用4511 航空公司4512-4581 行业保留使用4582 机场服务4583-4656 行业保留使用4657-4721 国家保留使用4722 旅行社和旅游服务4723-4783 行业保留使用4784 路桥通行费4789 未列入其它代码的运输服务4790-4799 国家保留使用4800-4811 ISO保留使用4812 通信设备和电话销售4813 行业保留使用4814 电信服务,包括本地和长途电话,信用卡电话,磁卡电话和传真4815 月结电话收费4816 计算机网络/信息服务4817-4820 ISO保留使用4821 电报服务4822-4828 国家保留使用4829 电汇和汇票服务4830-4895 ISO保留使用4896-4898 行业保留使用4899 有线和其它付费电视服务4900 公用事业(电力,煤气,自来水,清洁服务)4901-4974 行业保留使用4800-4999公共事业4975-4999 国家保留使用5000-5012 ISO保留使用5013 机动车供应及新零件5014-5020 ISO保留使用5021 办公及商务家俱5022-5038 ISO保留使用5000-5499零售商店5039 未列入其它代码的建筑材料Q/CUP 004—20074范围代码描述5040-5043 ISO保留使用5044 办公,摄影,影印及缩微摄影器材5045 未列入其它代码的计算机,计算机外围设备5046 未列入其它代码的商用器材5047 牙科/实验室/医疗/眼科医院器材和用品5048-5050 ISO保留使用5051 金属产品服务商和公司5052-5064 ISO保留使用5065 电器零件和设备5066-5071 ISO保留使用5072 五金器材及用品5073 ISO保留使用5074 管道和供暖设备5075-5084 ISO保留使用5085 未列入其它代码的工业用品5086-5093 ISO保留使用5094 宝石和贵金属,手表及珠宝5095-5098 ISO保留使用5099 未列入其它代码的耐用品5100-5110 ISO保留使用5111 文具,办公用品,复印纸和书写纸5112-5121 ISO保留使用5122 药品,药品经营者5123-5130 ISO保留使用5131 布料,缝纫用品和其他纺织品5132-5136 ISO保留使用5137 男女及儿童制服和服装5138 ISO保留使用5139 鞋类5140— 5168 国家保留使用5169 未列入其它代码的化学制品和相关产品5170-5171 ISO保留使用5172 石油和石油产品5173-5191 国家保留使用5192 书,期刊和报纸5193 花木栽种用品,苗木和花卉5194-5197 ISO保留使用5198 油漆,清漆用品5199 未列入其它代码的非耐用品5200 家庭用品大卖场5201-5210 ISO保留使用Q/CUP 004—20075范围代码描述5211 木材和建材卖场5231 玻璃,油漆涂料,壁纸商店5232-5250 ISO保留使用5251 五金商店5252-5260 ISO保留使用5261 草坪花园用品商店(包括苗圃) 5262-5270 ISO保留使用5271 活动房车经销商5272-5291 ISO保留使用5292-5299 行业保留使用5300 会员制批量零售店5301-5308 行业保留使用5309 免税商店5310 折扣商店5311 百货商店5312-5330 行业保留使用5331 杂货店5332-5398 行业保留使用5399 各类综合超市5400-5410 行业保留使用5411 食品杂货店和超级市场5412-5421 行业保留使用5422 冷藏和冷冻肉类供应商5423-5440 行业保留使用5441 糖果店5451 乳制品店5452-5461 行业保留使用5462 面包房5463-5498 行业保留使用5499 各类食品店—便利及专营店5500-5510 ISO保留使用5511 汽车和卡车经销商(新车和旧车)—销售,服务,修理, 零件和出租5512-5520 行业保留使用5521 轿车和卡车经销商(旧车)—销售,服务,维修,零件和出租5522-5530 行业保留使用5531 汽车和家庭用品店5532 汽车轮胎商店5533 汽车配件商店550-5599汽车和运输工具5534-5540 行业保留使用Q/CUP 004—20076范围代码描述5541 汽车服务站5542 自助加油站5543-5550 行业保留使用5551 船只经销商5552-5560 ISO保留使用5561 露营,娱乐和公共事业活动车经销商5571 摩托车商店和经销商5572-5591 国家保留使用5592 房车商5593-5597 国家保留使用5598 雪车商5599 未列入其它代码的各种机动车商,航空器材商和农具商5600-5610 ISO保留使用5611 男子和男童服装及用品商店5612-5620 ISO保留使用5621 妇女时装商店5622-5630 ISO保留使用5631 妇女用品商店5632-5640 国家保留使用5641 儿童婴儿服装商店5642-5650 行业保留使用5651 家庭服装商店5652-5654 国家保留使用5655 运动和马术服装商店5656-5660 国家保留使用5661 鞋店5662-5680 行业保留使用5681 皮货商店5682-5690 行业保留使用5691 男女服装店5697 裁缝,修补,改衣店5698 假发商店5600-5699服装商店5699 各种服装及饰物店5700-5711 ISO保留使用5712 家具,家庭摆品,家用设备销售,制造商(不包含电器)5713 地板铺设服务5714 帏帐,窗帘,室内装潢商店5715 酒精饮料批发商5700-5999各类商店5716-5717 ISO保留使用Q/CUP 004—2007--------------------------------------------------------------------7范围代码描述5718 壁炉,壁炉防护网及配件商店5719 各种家庭装饰专营店5720-5721 ISO保留使用5722 家用电器商店5723-5731 ISO保留使用5732 电子设备商店5733 音乐商店—乐器,钢琴,乐谱5734 计算机软件商店5735 音像制品商店5811 宴会承包商5812 饭店,餐厅5813 饮品店(酒精饮料)—酒吧,酒馆,夜总会,鸡尾酒馆和迪斯科舞厅5814 快餐店5815-5820 ISO保留使用5820-5911 行业保留使用5912 药店,药房5913 未列入其它代码的批发类5914-5915 行业保留使用5915-5920 国家保留使用5921 瓶装酒小卖店(啤酒,果酒,白酒)5922-5930 国家保留使用5931 旧商品店,二手店5932 古玩店-销售,维修和修复服务5933 当铺5934 国家保留使用5935 海上船只遇难救助场5936 国家保留使用5937 古玩复制店5938-5939 国家保留使用5940 自行车商店—销售和服务5941 体育用品店5942 书店5943 文具,办公,学校用品商店5944 珠宝,手表,钟表和银器商店5945 玩具游戏店5946 照相器材店5947 礼品,卡片,装饰品,纪念品商店5948 箱包,皮具店5949 缝纫,刺绣,织物和布料商店5950 玻璃器具和水晶饰品商店Q/CUP 004—20078范围代码描述5951-5959 国家保留使用5960 直销-保险服务5961 国家保留使用5962 电话销售—旅行相关的服务5963 送货上门销售5964 直销—目录邮购商5965 直销—目录邮购与零售兼营的商户5966 直销—呼出型电话行销商5967 直销—接入型电话行销商5968 直销—长期定购或会员制商户5969 未列入其它代码的直销业务和直销商5970 工艺美术商店5971 艺术商和画廊5972 邮票和纪念币商店5973 宗教品商店5974 国家保留使用5975 助听器—销售,服务和用品5976 假肢店5977 化妆品商店5978 打字机商店—销售,服务和出租5979-5982 国家保留使用5983 燃料经销商—燃油,木材,煤炭和液化石油5984-5991 国家保留使用5992 花店5993 雪茄店5994 报亭,报摊5995 宠物商店,宠物食品及用品5996 游泳池—销售,供应和服务5997 电动剃刀商店—销售和服务5998 帐篷和遮阳篷商店5999 其它专营零售店6000-6009 国家保留使用6010 金融机构—人工现金支付6011 金融机构—自动现金支付6012 金融机构—购买商品和服务6013-6049 ISO保留使用6050 行业保留使用6051 非金融机构—外币兑换,非电子转帐的汇票,临时支付凭证和旅行支票6052-6210 ISO保留使用6211 证券公司—经纪人和经销商6000-7299服务提供商6212-6299 ISO保留使用Q/CUP 004—20079范围代码描述6300 保险销售,保险业和保险金6301-6528 ISO保留使用6529-6759 行业保留使用6760 储蓄6761-7010 行业保留使用7011 住宿服务(旅馆,酒店,汽车旅馆,度假村) 7012 分时使用的别墅或度假用房7013-7031 行业保留使用7032 运动和娱乐露营地7033 活动房车场及露营场所7034-7041 行业保留使用7042-7211 国家保留使用7210 洗衣服务7211 洗熨服务—家庭和商业7212-7215 国家保留使用7216 干洗店7217 室内清洁服务(地毯,沙发,家具表面) 7218-7220 国家保留使用7221 摄影工作室7222-7229 国家保留使用7230 美容理发店7231-7250 国家保留使用7251 修鞋店,擦鞋店,帽子清洗店7252-7260 国家保留使用7261 丧仪殡葬服务7262-7272 国家保留使用7273 婚姻介绍及陪同服务7274-7275 国家保留使用7276 交税准备服务7277 咨询服务—债务,婚姻和个人私事7278 购物服务及会所7279-7294 国家保留使用7295 家政服务7296 出租衣物—服装,制服和正式场合服装7297 按摩店7298 健身及美容室7299 未列入其它代码的其他个人服务7300-7310 ISO保留使用7311 广告服务7312-7320 ISO保留使用7300-7529商业服务7321 消费者信用报告机构Q/CUP 004—200710范围代码描述7322 债务催收机构7323-7332 ISO保留使用7333 商业摄影,工艺,绘图服务7334-7337 ISO保留使用7338 快速复印,复制及绘图服务7339 速记和秘书类服务7340-7341 ISO保留使用7342 灭虫(蝇等)及消毒服务7343-7348 ISO保留使用7349 清洁,保养,门卫服务7350-7360 ISO保留使用7361 职业中介,临时帮佣服务7362-7371 ISO保留使用7372 计算机编程,数据处理和系统集成设计服务7373-7374 ISO保留使用7375 信息检索服务7376-7378 ISO保留使用7379 未列入其它代码的计算机维护和修理服务7380-7391 ISO保留使用7392 管理,咨询和公共关系服务7393 侦探,保安,安全服务(包括防弹车和警犬) 7394 设备,工具,家俱和电器出租7395 照相洗印服务7396-7398 ISO保留使用7399 未列入其它代码的商业服务7400-7406 ISO保留使用7407-7487 行业保留使用7488-7510 国家保留使用7511 行业保留使用7512 汽车出租7513 卡车及拖车出租7514-7518 国家保留使用7519 房车和娱乐车辆出租7520-7522 国家保留使用7523 停车场及车库7524-7529 国家保留使用7530 ISO保留使用7531 车体维修店7532-7533 ISO保留使用7534 轮胎翻新,维修店7530-7799维修服务7535 汽车喷漆店Q/CUP 004—200711范围代码描述7536-7537 ISO保留使用7538 汽车服务商店(非经销商) 7539-7541 ISO保留使用7542 洗车7543-7548 ISO保留使用7549 拖车服务7550-7600 ISO保留使用7601-7606 国家保留使用7607-7621 行业保留使用7622 电器维修7623 空调及冷藏设备维修店7624-7628 国家保留使用7629 电气设备及小家电维修店7630 国家保留使用7631 手表,钟表和首饰维修店7632-7640 国家保留使用7641 家俱维修,翻新7642-7690 行业保留使用7691 国家保留使用7692 焊接维修服务7693-7698 国家保留使用7699 各类维修店及相关服务7700-7799 ISO保留使用7800-7828 ISO保留使用7829 电影和录像带制片,发行7830-7831 ISO保留使用7832 电影院7833-7840 ISO保留使用7841 出租录像带服务7842-7893 国家保留使用7894-7910 行业保留使用7911 歌舞厅,舞蹈工作室和学校7912-7921 行业保留使用7922 戏剧制片(不含电影),演出,票务7923-7928 行业保留使用7929 未列入其它代码的乐队,管弦乐队和各类演艺人员7930-7931 行业保留使用7932 台球,撞球场所7933 保龄球馆7934-7940 行业保留使用7800-7999娱乐场所7941 商业体育场馆,职业体育俱乐部,运动场和体育推广公司Q/CUP 004—200712范围代码描述7942-7959 行业保留使用7960-7990 国家保留使用7991 旅游,展览7992 公共高尔夫球场7993 电子游戏供给7994 大型游戏机和游戏场所7995 博彩业(包括彩票等)7996 游乐园,马戏团,嘉年华等7997 成员俱乐部(体育,娱乐,运动),乡村俱乐部和私人高尔夫球场7998 水族馆,海洋馆和海豚馆7999 未列入其它代码的其他娱乐服务8000-8010 ISO保留使用8011 未列入其它代码的医生和医师8012-8020 ISO保留使用8021 牙科医生,整牙医生8022-8030 ISO保留使用8031 正骨医生8032-8040 国家保留使用8041 按摩医生8042 验光配镜师,眼科医生8043 光学仪器商,光学产品和眼镜商8044-8048 国家保留使用8049 手足病医生8050 护理和照料服务8051-8061 ISO保留使用8062 医院8063-8070 ISO保留使用8071 医学和牙科实验室8072-8098 ISO保留使用8099 未列入其它代码的医疗保健服务8100-8110 ISO保留使用8111 法律服务和律师事务所8112-8210 ISO保留使用8211 小学和中校8212-8219 ISO保留使用8220 大学,学院,专科和职业学院8221-8240 ISO保留使用8241 函授学校8242-8243 ISO保留使用8244 商业和文秘学校8000-8999专业服务和成员服务8245-8248 ISO保留使用Q/CUP 004—200713范围代码描述8249 贸易和职业学校8250-8298 ISO保留使用8299 未列入其它代码的学校与教育服务8300-8350 ISO保留使用8351 儿童保育服务8352-8397 国家保留使用8398 慈善和社会公益服务组织8399-8492 ISO保留使用8493-8640 行业保留使用8641 公民社团和共济会8642-8650 国家保留使用8651 政治组织8652-8660 国家保留使用8661 宗教组织8662-8674 行业保留使用8675 汽车协会8676-8698 行业保留使用8699 未列入其它代码的会员组织8700-8733 行业保留使用8734 测试实验室(非医学)8735-8910 行业保留使用8911 建筑,工程和测量服务8912 装修,装潢,园艺8913-8930 行业保留使用8931 会计,审计,财务服务8932-8998 国家保留使用8999 未列入其它代码的其他专业服务9000-9199 ISO保留使用9200-9210 ISO保留使用9211 法庭费用,包括赡养费和子女抚养费9212-9221 ISO保留使用9222 罚款9223 保释金9224-9291 ISO保留使用9311 纳税9312-9388 行业保留使用9389-9398 国家保留使用9399 未列入其它代码的政府服务9400 使领馆收费9401 国家保留使用9200-9402政府服务9402 邮政服务—仅限政府Q/CUP 004—200714范围代码描述9403-9410 行业保留使用9411 政府贷款9412-9499 行业保留使用9500-9699 ISO保留使用9700-9799 行业保留使用9403-9999其它9800-9999 国家保留使用(注:文件素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
01 68771565 268212 13476 0 49165 47022865 69117 202482 492320 428354 3942660 37291506 692877 117896 1341068 3119090 1806451 153434 67908 163567 520827 27713 4582884
204376 60977 12714 2477216 11431 86473 526930 545277 521296 47555 118045 8842 319796 96247 172813 116756 105271 164033 6490 23409675 6167299 2500514 2054086 4384557 15106457 38516131
365278 126794 117787 5167719 7901 845552 3036028 438278 1498927 40828 1117952 68467 346349 52927 276072 28067 93565 62190 11426 173224493 10955403 10572537 7045599 8947611 37521150 210745642
159461184 917597 444900 0 136632 79566496 215273 534079 443669 8798775 1299830 12303066 2827726 459762 1961252 1430364 555098 649893 203043 312393 637327 324225 4530099
木材加工及 家具制造业 09 13203479 556455 36698 0 0 529468 1144561 2137405 31860103 1654352 597668 9717444 995188 2667139 2750625 1636614 529338 385144 56019 86264 396070 308440 2463791
一级简码表G F D S A H J K L M T R E W Q Y U I O P N B V C X一地在要工上是中国同和的有人我主产不为这民了发以经二级简码表G F D S A H J K L M T R E W Q Y U I O P N B V C XG 五于天末开下理事画现玫珠表珍列玉平不来与屯妻到互F 二寺城霜载直进吉协南才垢圾夫无坟增示赤过志地雪支D 三夺大厅左丰百右历面帮原胡春克太磁砂灰达成顾肆友龙S 本村枯林械相查可楞机格析极检构术要档杰棕杨李要权楷A 七革基苛式牙划或功贡攻匠菜共区芳燕东芝世节切芭药H 睛睦瞭盯虎止旧占卤贞睡睥肯具餐眩瞳步眯瞎卢眼皮此J 量时晨果虹早昌蝇曙遇昨蝗明蛤晚景暗晃显晕电最归紧昆K 呈叶顺呆呀中虽吕另员呼听吸只史嘛啼吵喧叫啊哪吧哟L 车轩因困轼四辊加男轴力斩胃办罗罚较辚边思囝轨轻累M 同财央朵曲由则崭册几贩骨内风凡赠峭迪岂邮凤嶷T 生行知条长处得各务向笔物秀答称入科秒秋管秘季委么第R 后持拓打找年提扣押抽手折扔失换扩拉朱搂近所报扫反批E 且肝须采肛胆肿肋肌用遥朋脸胸及胶膛膦爱甩服妥肥脂W 全会估休代个介保佃仙作伯仍从你信们偿伙亿他分公化Q 钱针然钉氏外旬名甸负儿铁角欠多久匀乐炙镕包凶争色Y 主计庆订度让刘训为高放诉衣认义方说就变这记离良充率U 闰半关亲并站间部曾商产瓣前闪交六立冰普帝决闻妆冯北I 汪法尖洒江小浊澡渐没少泊肖兴光注洋水淡学沁池当汉涨O 业灶类灯煤粘烛炽烟灿烽煌粗粉炮米料炒炎迷断籽娄烃糨P 定守害宁宽寂审宫军宙客宾家空宛社实宵灾之官字安它N 怀导居民收慢避惭届必怕愉懈心习悄屡忱忆敢恨怪尼B 卫际承阿陈耻阳职阵出降孤阴队隐防联孙耿辽也子限取陛V 姨寻姑杂毁叟旭如舅妯九奶婚妨嫌录灵巡刀好妇妈姆C 骊对参骠戏骒台劝观矣牟能难允驻骈驼马邓艰双X 线结顷红引旨强细纲张绵级给约纺弱纱继综纪弛绿经比连续文本练习之一:从实际出发,实事求是一切从实际出发,实事求是,即一切从客观存在着的事实出发,从中引出事物固有的而不是臆造的规律性,作为我们行动的向导,有效地从事改造世界的活动。
Parker Hannifin 400XR精密线性位器系列介绍说明书
Screw Driven TablesThe “400XR” precision linear positioners family hasachieved global recognition for consistent accuracy, reliable performance, high strength, and unmatched versatility. The XRs have excelled in industries such as life sciences, fiber optics and instrumentation, where the highest degree of precision is required. And yet, because of the rugged construction, strength, and sealed design, these units have been used extensively for industrial automation applications (packaging, automotive, etc).The XR family offers an unrivaled array of features and options which are easily matched to fit any application, from the very basic to the highly complex. Premierperformance, modular compatibility, and quick delivery have made these tables the perfect building blocks for precision multi-axis systems.400XR Series Precision Linear PositionersPre-engineered packagePerformance matched components Environmental protection Laser certified precision401XR402XR404XR406XR412XR Limit/home position sensors Multi-axis brackets & adapters 401XR402XR 404XR 406XR 412XR Travel (mm)30060060020002000Load (kg)501001706301470Acceleration (m/sec 2)2020202020S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sEncodersThe linear encoder option offers direct positional feedback of the carriage location. The rotary shaft encoder couples directly to the drive shaft to nullify any incurred mechanical error (particularly useful with the parallel motor mount). Not shown.Shaft BrakeThe electromagnetic shaft brake option couples directly to the drive screw and is employed primarily on vertical axes to halt carriage motion during a power loss. Not shown.Convenient Mounting SlotsContinuous T -slots along the side of the table body provide a convenient means of mounting the table to a worksurface as well as mounting accessories to the table.Positive Pressure PortA standard port (1/8 NPT) for pressurizing the interior to prevent particle intrusion.(Standard on 404XR, 406XR, 412XR units.)Easy Lube SystemA standard option on some models, enables easy access for ballscrew and bearing lubrication.High Strength Aluminum BodyExtruded aluminum housing is precision machined to provide outstanding straightness and flatness.Square Rail Linear BearingThese tables are equipped with square rail carriage support bearings which provide high load carrying capabilities, smooth precise motion and dependable performance.High Efficiency Ballscrew DrivePrecision ground, or rolled ballscrew drive (5, 10, 20, 25, 32 mm lead) offers high throughput, efficiency, accuracy and repeatability.Limit/Home SensorsProximity sensors establish “end of travel” and“home” location and are easily adjustable over entire length to restrict the travel envelope.Motor MountsA large selection of servo and stepper motor sizes plus selectable mounting configurations (in-line, parallel) permit a wide variety of motor mounting possibilities.IP30 Rated Strip SealsAn anodized aluminum cover combined withstainless steel strip seals provide IP30 protection to interior components as well as enhance the overall appearance.512364Screw Driven TablesCarriage equipped with dowel locating holes for repeatable positioning of tooling or payload.401XR (41 mm wide profile)402XR Series (58 mm wide profile)The 401XR and 402XR Series positioners enhance the 400XR family of precision linear positioners, addressing applications which involve precise positioning of smaller payloads within a very small space envelope.address the needs of industries such as photonics, life technology advancements dictate miniaturization of work envelopes.402XR401XRTravel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)MaxScrew Speed (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)401XR 402XR2 mm 10 mm 5 mm 10 mm 401XR 402XR 401XR 402XR501020––20–0.6–––100– 1.0–1001020102020200.9–12.0–10090 1.2 2.3150122012202020 1.1–15.0–10090 1.3 2.6200163016302525– 4.720.0–10090 1.5 2.8300184018402525– 5.2–25.010090 1.7 3.2400––2140–30–––29.0–95– 3.8600––2550–30–––39.0–50–4.8*Accuracy stated is at 20°C utilizing slope correction factor provided.Common SpecificationsPrecision*Standard401XR402XR 401XR 402XR Bidirectional Repeatability 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead µm ±1.3 ±1.3– ±1.3±5 ±12– ±12Duty Cycle%100100100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)50 (110)100 (220)50 (110)100 (220)Axial Load Capacity (1) 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead kgf (lbs) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84) 5.5 (12.1)15.5 (34.2)–38 (84)Drive Screw Efficiency %80808080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)0.03 (4.2)0.086 (12.0)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)0.028 (4.0)0.08 (11.3)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction Diameter 2 mm lead5 or 10 mm lead mm 68–1268–12Carriage Weightkg (lbs)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)0.045 (0.1)0.11 (0.25)* Requires linear encoder option E3 or E4. (1) Refer to life load charts found later in this section. (2) Ratings established at 2 rps.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sParallel Motor Mount(with limit/home sensor pack option)Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsTravel (mm)Positional Accuracy (4) (5)(µm)Straightness & FlatnessInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight(kg)Precision Standard5 mm 10 mm 20 mm 508126 1.68 1.81 2.3460 2.81008126 1.93 2.07 2.6060 3.015010149 2.19 2.32 2.8560 3.3200122010 2.44 2.57 3.1160 3.6250122212 2.69 2.83 3.3660 3.9300142413 2.95 3.08 3.6160 4.2350142615 3.20 3.33 3.8760 4.5400162616 3.46 3.59 4.1260 4.8450192818 3.71 3.84 4.3760 5.1500213419 3.96 4.10 4.6360 5.4550233621 4.22 4.35 4.8860 5.76002540224.474.605.14546.0Screw Driven TablesParallel Motor Mount (with limit/home sensor pack option)406XR Series (150 mm wide profile)The 406XR can position high loads (up to 630 kgf) over distances up to two meters. Because of its size and strength (270 Nm, 200 lb-ft moment load capacity) this durable table is ideal as the base unit in a multi-axissystem. From high resolution to high throughput, selectable ballscrew leads (5, 10, 20, 25 mm) make the desiredresolution/velocity ratio easy to achieve, and stainless steel seal strips alleviate environmental concerns.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max ScrewSpeed (6) (revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)10 mm 20 mm 25 mm1008126 3.34 3.85 5.90–608.7200122010 3.92 4.43 6.48–6010.0300142413 4.50 5.017.06–6011.3400162616 5.08 5.597.64–6012.6500213419 5.65 6.178.22–5513.9600254022 6.23 6.758.80–4415.2700–922536.5137.02–40.614719.2800–942939.9640.47–44.074720.7900–1033243.4143.93–47.524722.21000–1053546.8747.38–50.974723.71250–1184255.5056.01–59.613527.61500–1345064.1464.65–68.242631.41750–1545772.7773.28–76.882035.22000–1596581.4081.92–85.511639.1Common SpecificationsStandardBidirectional Repeatability (5)µm ±1.3±3Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kgf (lbs)630 (1390)630 (1390)Axial Load Capacity (2)0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travelkgf (lbs)90 (198)–90 (198)200 (440)Drive Screw Efficiency %9090Maximum Breakaway Torque 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel Nm (in-oz)0.13 (18)–0.18 (26)0.39 (55)Maximum Running Torque (3) 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm TravelNm (in-oz)0.11 (16)–0.17 (24)0.34 (48)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter 0 to 600 mm Travel 700 to 2000 mm Travel mm 16–1625Carriage Weightkg (lbs)2.7 (5.94)2.7 (5.94)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Axial load for parallel mount is limited to:140 lbs for the 5, 10 and 20 mm lead drives:104 kg (230 lbs) for 25 mm lead drives (3) Ratings established at 2 rps.(4) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(5) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(6) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s412XR Series (285 mm wide profile)The 412XR is a rugged heavy duty linear table (285 mm x 105 mm profile) that enables massive loads (up to1470 kgf) to be precisely positioned over distances up to two meters. Single point “easy lube” port is standard on carriage assembly for simple servicing and a convenient adapter plate (#100-6784-01) is available for easy X-Y configuration.An unrivaled array of options combined with mounting compatibility with the smaller 400XR tables makes the 412XR ideal as the base unit for multi-axis positioning of heavier payloads.Travel/Screw Lead Dependent SpecificationsInput Inertia (10-5 kg-m 2)Max Screw Speed (5)(revs/sec)Unit Weight (kg)5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 5, 10, 25 mm 32 mm 15064927.2029.4546.7698.20474239.641.5250661230.2132.4649.78106.28474242.945.0350711533.2335.4852.79114.37474246.248.5650912442.2744.5261.83138.63474256.159.0800942946.7949.0466.35150.76474261.064.210001053552.8155.0672.37166.94454267.671.212501184258.8461.0978.40183.11344174.278.215001345067.8770.1287.44207.38243184.188.717501545775.4177.6694.97227.59182492.497.520001596582.9485.19102.50247.811519100.6106.2Common SpecificationsStandardScrew Leadmm 5, 10, 2532Bidirectional Repeatability (4)µm ±5±5Duty Cycle%100100Maximum Acceleration m/sec 2 (in/sec 2)20 (773)20 (773)Normal Load Capacity (1)kg (lbs)1470 (3241)1470 (3241)Axial Load Capacity kg (lbs)200 (441)460 (1014)Drive Screw Efficiency %9080Maximum Breakaway Torque Nm (in-oz)0.61 (86)0.76 (108)Maximum Running Torque (2)Nm (in-oz)0.55 (78)0.69 (98)Linear Bearing Coefficient of Friction 0.010.01Ballscrew Diameter mm 2532Carriage Weightkg (lbs)12 (27)13 (28)(1) Refer to life load charts found later in thissection.(2) Ratings established at 2 rps.(3) Positional accuracy applies to in-line motorconfigurations only. Contact factory for parallel motor specifications.(4) Consult factory for specifications withlinear encoder.(5) Consult factory for higher screw speeds.Screw Driven Tables400XR Series Life/LoadTh e following performance information is provided as asupplement to the product specifications pages. The following graphs are used to establish the table life relative to the applied loads. The useful life of a linear table at full catalog specifications is dependent on the forces acting upon it. These forces include both static components resulting from payload weight, and dynamic components due to acceleration/deceleration of the load. In multi-axes applications, the primary positioner at the bottom of the stack usually establishes theload limits for the combined axes. When determining life/load, it is critical to include the weight of all positioning elements that contribute to the load supported by the primary axis. Catalog load specifications are rated for 100 million inches of travel or 2,540 km.For final evaluation of life vs load, including off center, tension, and side loads refer to the charts and formulas found on our web site at .S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Series Bearing Life/Load*Refer to Parker’s website for moment loading and other engineering data.*For 401XR and 402XR moment loading capacities, please refer to the maintenance manual.d1d2da 404XR 805728406XR 11490.342.5412XR20519243These charts are to be used inconjunction with the corresponding formulas found in the product manuals at to establish the life/load for each bearing (4 per table).Several dimensions, which are specific to each linear positioning table model, and the load geometry are required for these computations. These dimensions are supplied in the catalog information for each positioner. The dimensions are referenced as follows:d1 bearing block center-to-center longitudinal spacingd2 bearing rail center-to-center lateral spacingda Rail center-to-carriage mounting surfaceScrew Driven TablesSensor / Bracket Detail401XR Limits and Home SensorHome or Limit Sensor OptionsEnd of Travel and Home Sensors for the 400XR series are available in a variety of styles. The sensors can be ordered as part of the table or as separate componentswith the associated mounting hardware or in an enclosed sensor pack. A 5 meter high-flex extension cable (Part No. 003-2918-01) is included for use with the 401XR thru 406XR models having the locking connector option.• NPN (Sinking) or PNP (Sourcing)• Normally Closed (N.C.) or Normally Open (N.O.)• Flying Leads or Locking ConnectorSwitch TypeLogic Cable LengthConnector OptionH2 or L2006-1639-01N.C.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H3 or L3006-1639-02N.O.Sinking 3.0 mF lying Leads H4 or L4006-1639-03N.C.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H5 or L5006-1639-04N.O.Sourcing 3.0 mF lying Leads H6 or L6006-1639-09N.C.Sinking 150 mm Locking Connector H7 or L7006-1639-08N.O.Sinking 150 mmL ocking Connector H8 or L8006-1639-11N.C.Sourcing 150 mmL ocking Connector H9 or L9006-1639-10N.O.Sourcing150 mmL ocking Connector H11 or L11See chart below N.C.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H12 or L12See chart below N.O.Sinking See chart below Sensor Pack H13 or L13See chart below N.C.Sourcing See chart below Sensor Pack H14 or L14See chart belowN.O.SourcingSee chart belowSensor Pack* Applies to 401XR thru 406XR models. 412XR models have limits and homes internally mounted with a connector termination. Sensor triggers (targets)ordered separately.Input Power 5-30 VDC, 20 mA Output 100mA max Wire Color (+) Supply: Brown Code(–) Supply: Blue NO Output: BlackNC Output: WhiteSensor Pack CableDescription Part Number 3 Meters 006-1742-017.5 Meters006-1742-02Wire ColorFunction Pin NumberRed +5 to +24 VDC A Blue Limit 1 (LXR –)B Orange Limit 2 (LXR +)C Green HomeD Black GroundE Green/YellowShieldShield Case406XR with Limit and Home Sensor PackS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sLinear Encoder Options (Tape Scale)A linear position feedback device which mountsdirectly to the table carriage. (Factory installation required.)• 1.0 µm resolution • 0.5 µm resolution • 0.1 µm resolutionNote: Dimensions shown apply tofactory for 412XR dimensions.401XR with Linear Encoder plus Sensor Pack404XR with Brake OptionBrake Assembly OptionElectromagnetic brake assembly used to prevent“backdriving” in vertical applications. The brake option includes a 5 m extension cable. The brake option is easily field installed. The brake option cannot be installed with the rotary encoder option.Table Series Part NumberInput PowerHolding Torque Dimensions (mm)A B 401XR/402XR—————404XR 006-1627-0124 VDC, 0.46 A 2.0 Nm 41.546.0406XR 006-1656-0124 VDC, 0.5 A 4.5 Nm 49.957.5412XR002-1916-0124 VDC, 0.75 A9.0 Nm54.072.0Input Power 5 VDC, 150mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive output Resolution 1.0, 0.5, 0.1 micron Cable Length3 mRotary Encoder OptionModular rotary encoder couples directly to the drive screw for position feedback and is easily field installed. The rotary encoder cannot be installed with the brake assembly option.• 5000 counts/revSpecifications Input Power 5 VDC, 135 mAOutput A/B quadrature and reference mark, differential line drive outputResolution 1250 lines/rev equals 5000 counts post quadrature (1 µm with 5 mm lead ballscrew)Cable Length150 mmScrew DrivenTablesTwo locating dowel pins shown in carriageDowel Pinning Options*Standard dowel pin locating holes are offered on most 400XR units to facilitate repeatable mounting of tooling or payload.*In addition, pinning options are offered for precise orthogonal mounting of the second axis in a multi-axis system. In this case, the bottom side of the table base is match drilled and reamed to the first axis to provide exact orthogonal location. This convenient optioneliminates concerns regarding contamination or damage often associated with machining for locating pins in an assembled unit.*Not available with 401XR or 402XR or 50 mm travel 404XR.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s(2) Mtg. Holes for 401XR/402XRPart Number: 002-2063-01/ 002-2064-01400XR Series AccessoriesRiser Plate AccessoryUsed to raise the table base to provide clearance for motors.401XR 002-2063-01402XR 002-2064-01404XR 002-3619-01406XR 002-3625-01412XR—(2) Mtg. Holes404XRPart Number: 002-3619-01406XRPart Number: 002-3625-01Dimensions (mm)A B C 401XR 65.050.417.0402XR90.075.410.0404XRPart Number: 002-3618-01Toe Clamp AccessoryUsed for convenient outboard mounting of table to a base plate, riser plates, Z-axis bracket, or other 400XR table. All hardware is included.404XR 002-3618-01406XR 002-3624-01412XR002-2160-01406XRPart Number: 002-3624-01412XRPart Number: 002-2160-01Screw DrivenTablesIf the Y-axis is 404XR with 50 mm stroke, a special plate or toe clamp option is required.400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s400XR Multi Axis ConfigurationsThese diagrams show the most popular variations of multi-axis configurations. Both standard and custom brackets are available. Standard X-Y orientation will place the X axis motor at the 6 o’clock position and the Y axis motor at the 3 o’clock position.Figure 1Two Axis (X-Y) Horizontal MountingTwo Axis (X-Z) Vertical Mounting Figure 3Two Axis (X-Y) Inverted MountingFigure 4Two Axis-Carriage to Carriage (Y Axis Inverted)Figure 5Two Axis (X-Y) Cartesian Horizontal Mounting Figure 6Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Cartesian Horizontal MountingFigure 7Three Axis (X-Z-Y) Horizontal Mounting Figure 8Three Axis (X-Y-Z) Horizontal MountingThree Axis (X-Y-Z) Inverted MountingTablesSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23In-Line Motor AdaptersUsed to easily accommodate the mounting of different servo Optional Encoder Enlarged End View(with Encoder and Limit/Home Sensor Pack Option)OptionalShaft 401XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E J 401050XR 50209.382.880.0180.0123.0401100XR 100284.380.340.04160.0160.0401150XR 150334.385.340.05200.0185.0401200XR 200384.390.340.06240.0210.0401300XR300509.392.840.09360.0260.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H I SM 16M240.939.1– 6.5NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.015.6NEMA 17M3740.939.1– 6.5BE 23M6157. (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s402XR DimensionsIn-Line Motor AdaptersSM 16NEMA 17 BE 23SM 23 or NEMA 23Model Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B D J 402100XR 100320.583.54184.0402150XR 150370.583.55214.0402200XR 200420.583.56234.0402300XR 300520.583.58284.0402400XR 400620.583.510334.0402600XR600820.583.514434.0Motor Size Order Code Dimensions (mm)F G H SM 16M240.640.6–NEMA 23/SM 23M357.257.2 4.0NEMA 17M3740.640.6–BE 23M6157.257.28.0Enlarged End ViewOptional Limit/Home Dimensions (mm)TablesSlip Fit .022Slip Fit Top ViewFront ViewBottom View.022View showing slots in extruded baseEnd View404XR DimensionsModel Travel (mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D E F 404050XR502594––––404100XR10030912175.050.085.0404150XR 150********.050.085.0404200XR 20040912175.050.085.0404250XR 250459162150.050.085.0404300XR 300509162150.050.085.0404350XR 350559162150.050.085.0404400XR 400609203225.050.085.0404450XR 450659203225.050.085.0404500XR 500709203225.050.085.0404550XR 550759244300.050.085.0404600XR600809244300.050.085.0Dimensions (mm)NEMA 23SM 16for M3 Screws on 46.69 bolt circlefor M4 Screws on 66.68 bolt circle404XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)TablesS c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEO 70 / SMN060NEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092406XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by partnumber below.NEMA 23 or SM 23406XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unit length is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom of the table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)NEMA 23/SM 23M39.541.0– 34M416.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 34M1716.053.013.585.085.070.0NEO 70M2116.053.0– 92M2916.053.012.592.092.070.0for M5 Screws on 75.00 bolt circlefor M6 Screws on 100.00 bolt circleMotor Pilot66.68 bolt circle for M5 Screws on 98.43 bolt circleMotor PilotTablesX-Y Adapter Plate #100-6784(Used to mount any 404XR, 406XRor 412XR with toe clamps)0.0222 Holes (Top)Slip Fit412T10 and 412T12 are patternedfrom one hole on centerline Bottom ViewEnd ViewTop ViewFront ViewModelTravel(mm)Dimensions (mm)A B C D412T01150764122200412T02250864163300412T03350964163300412T046501264245500412T058001414245500412T0610001614286600412T0712001814327700412T0815002114409900412T091750236444101000412T102000261450121200Dimensions (mm)S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sNEMA 34 or NEO 34MPP092M105 / SMN100412XR In-Line Motor MountingIn-line motor mounting allows the motor to be mounted directly to the drive screw via the selected motor coupling.Used to easily accommodate the mounting of different frame sizes. These adapter plates can be ordered separately by part number below.NEO 70 / SMN060Motor Size Order CodeDimensions (mm)KLMNMPP092M9068.012.0115.097.0M105, SMN100M33100.0–115.0115.0NEMA 34M468.012.0115.097.0NEO 34M1768.012.0115.097.0NEO 70M2168.0–115.097.0NEO 92M2968.012.0115.097.0412XR Parallel Motor MountingParallel motor mounting is employed whenever a shorter overall unitlength is needed. The motor is positioned along the sides or bottom ofthe table as designated by position A, B, or C. (No coupling required.)98.43 bolt circle75.00 bolt circle115.11 bolt circleon75.00 bolt circle100.00 bolt circleScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** 50 mm stroke 401XR may only allow room for 2 sensors in sensor pack.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.Screw Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.* Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. ** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.** Sensors with locking connector include 5 m extension cable. *** Sensor Pack includes 3 m cable.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e sScrew Driven TablesFill in an order code from each of the numbered fields to create a complete model order code.S c r e w D r i v e n T a b l e s。
成分券代码Constitue nt Code 成分券名称Constituent Name成分券英文名称ConstituentName(Eng.)交易所Exchange000001平安银行Bank Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000002万科AV anke Co Ltd Shenzhen 000009中国宝安Group Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen 000027深圳能源G roup Co Ltd Shenzhen 000039中集集团Group) Co Ltd Shenzhen 000046泛海控股ings Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000060中金岭南nfemet Co Ltd Shenzhen 000061农产品oducts Co Ltd Shenzhen 000063中兴通讯E Corporation Shenzhen 000069华侨城A Town Co Ltd Shenzhen 000100TCL集团L Corporation Shenzhen 000156华数传媒N G CO., LTD Shenzhen 000157中联重科nology Co Ltd Shenzhen 000166申万宏源oup CO., LTD Shenzhen 000333美的集团oup CO., LTD Shenzhen 000338潍柴动力P ower Co Ltd Shenzhen 000400许继电气lectric Co Ltd Shenzhen 000402金融街olding Co Ltd Shenzhen 000413东旭光电logy Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000415渤海金控lding Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen 000423东阿阿胶e Jiao Co Ltd Shenzhen 000425徐工机械hinery Co Ltd Shenzhen 000503海虹控股Holding Corp Shenzhen 000538云南白药r oup Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000539粤电力Ap ment Co Ltd Shenzhen 000540中天城投G roup Co Ltd Shenzhen 000559万向钱潮n chao Co Ltd Shenzhen 000568泸州老窖o Jiao Co Ltd Shenzhen 000581威孚高科G roup Co Ltd Shenzhen 000598兴蓉环境ment Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000623吉林敖东r oup Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000625长安汽车mobile Co Ltd Shenzhen 000629攀钢钒钛r ces Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000630铜陵有色Group Co. Ltd Shenzhen 000651格力电器nc. of Zhuhai Shenzhen 000686东北证券urities Co Ltd Shenzhen 000709河钢股份S teel Co., Ltd Shenzhen 000712锦龙股份e lopment Inc.Shenzhen 000725京东方A Group Co Ltd Shenzhen 000728国元证券mpany Limited Shenzhen 000729燕京啤酒ewery Co Ltd Shenzhen 000738中航动控ontrols Co Ltd Shenzhen 000750国海证券ities Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000768中航飞机r craft Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen 000776广发证券ities Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000778新兴铸管Pipes Co Ltd Shenzhen000783长江证券mpany Limited Shenzhen 000792盐湖股份dustry Co Ltd Shenzhen 000793华闻传媒e stment Corp Shenzhen 000800一汽轿车W Car Co Ltd Shenzhen 000825太钢不锈s Steel Co Ltd Shenzhen 000826启迪桑德E S CO., LTD.ShenzhenEarth Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 000831五矿稀土000858五粮液e Yibin Co Ltd Shenzhen 000876新希望HE CO., LTD Shenzhen 000883湖北能源G roup Co Ltd Shenzhen 000895双汇发展p ment Co Ltd Shenzheng Steel Co Ltd Shenzhen 000898鞍钢股份000917电广传媒ediary Co Ltd Shenzhenources Co Ltd Shenzhen 000937冀中能源000963华东医药dicine Co Ltd Shenzhen 000983西山煤电P ower Co Ltd Shenzhene utical Co Ltd Shenzhen 000999华润三九NGS CO.,LTD Shenzhen 001979招商蛇口g ineering INC Shenzhen 002007华兰生物002008大族激光r oup Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 002024苏宁云商UP CO., LTD.Shenzhene utical Co Ltd Shenzhen 002038双鹭药业002065东华软件ware Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen 002081金螳螂oration Co Ltd Shenzhenuctor Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 002129中环股份Ningbo Co Ltd Shenzhen 002142宁波银行002146荣盛发展p ment Co Ltd Shenzhennology Co Ltd Shenzhen 002153石基信息002195二三四五r oup Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 002202金风科技nology Co Ltd Shenzhen 002230科大讯飞lytek Co.,Ltd.Shenzhennology Co Ltd Shenzhen 002236大华股份002241歌尔声学GoerTek Inc Shenzhenoducts Co Ltd Shenzhen 002252上海莱士002292奥飞动漫Alpha Group Shenzhen 002294信立泰u ticals Co Ltd Shenzhen 002304洋河股份-Stock Co Ltd Shenzhen 002353杰瑞股份G roup Co Ltd Shenzhenoration Co Ltd Shenzhen 002375亚厦股份002385大北农G roup Co Ltd Shenzhen 002399海普瑞e utical Co Ltd Shenzhen 002410广联达f tware Co Ltd Shenzhennology Co Ltd Shenzhen 002415海康威视e utical Co Ltd Shenzhen 002422科伦药业002450康得新t erial Co.,Ltd.Shenzhenm Tech Co Ltd Shenzhen 002456欧菲光002465海格通信ted Company ShenzhenGroup Co., Ltd Shenzhen 002470金正大ustry Co., Ltd.Shenzhen 002475立讯精密002500山西证券urities Co Ltd Shenzhen 002594比亚迪BYD Co Ltd Shenzhen 002673西部证券ES CO., LTD Shenzhen002736国信证券E S CO., LTD.Shenzhen 002739万达院线NE CO., LTD Shenzhen 300002神州泰岳f tware Co Ltd Shenzhen 300003乐普医疗eijing) Co Ltd Shenzhen 300015爱尔眼科G roup Co Ltd Shenzhenology Co.,Ltd.Shenzhen 300017网宿科技mation Co Ltd Shenzhen 300024机器人300027华谊兄弟Media Co Ltd Shenzhen 300058蓝色光标G roup Co Ltd Shenzhenmation Co Ltd Shenzhen 300059东方财富nology Co Ltd Shenzhen 300070碧水源y Corp Beijing Shenzhen 300104乐视网nology Co Ltd Shenzhen 300124汇川技术300133华策影视m & TV Co Ltd Shenzhen 300144宋城演艺N T CO., LTD.Shenzhen 300146汤臣倍健TH CO., LTD Shenzhen 300251光线传媒Media Co Ltd Shenzhen 300315掌趣科技LM CO., LTD Shenzhen 600000浦发银行t Bank Co Ltd Shanghaimpany Limited Shanghai 600005武钢股份Capital Co Ltd Shanghai 600008首创股份Airport Co Ltd Shanghai 600009上海机场600010包钢股份Union Co Ltd Shanghai 600011华能国际e rnational Inc Shanghaia Bank Co Ltd Shanghai 600015华夏银行600016民生银行k ing Corp Ltd ShanghaiGroup) Co Ltd Shanghai 600018上港集团&Steel Co Ltd Shanghai 600019宝钢股份600021上海电力P ower Co Ltd Shanghaiower Co., Ltd.Shanghai 600023浙能电力orporation Ltd Shanghai 600027华电国际al Corporation Shanghai 600028中国石化600029南方航空irlines Co Ltd Shanghai 600030中信证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 600031三一重工dustry Co Ltd Shanghais Bank Co Ltd Shanghai 600036招商银行600038中直股份o pter Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 600048保利地产G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 600050中国联通ations Co Ltd Shanghai 600060海信电器lectric Co Ltd Shanghaing Bus Co Ltd Shanghai 600066宇通客车600068葛洲坝G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 600085同仁堂entang Co Ltd Shanghai 600089特变电工TBEA Co Ltd Shanghaingfang Co Ltd Shanghai 600100同方股份600104上汽集团Motor Co Ltd Shanghai 600109国金证券rities Co. Ltd.Shanghai 600111北方稀土-Tech Co.,Ltd Shanghai 600115东方航空i nes Corp Ltd Shanghai 600118中国卫星acesat Co Ltd Shanghai 600150中国船舶dings Limited Shanghai 600153建发股份men C&D Inc Shanghai600157永泰能源Energy Co Ltd Shanghai 600166福田汽车Motor Co Ltd Shanghai 600170上海建工uction Co Ltd Shanghai 600177雅戈尔G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 600188兖州煤业Mining Co Ltd ShanghaiGroup) Co Ltd Shanghai 600196复星医药600208新湖中宝n gbao Co Ltd Shanghai 600221海南航空irlines Co Ltd Shanghai 600252中恒集团G roup Co Ltd ShanghaiGY CO., LTD.Shanghai 600256广汇能源Aisino Co.,Ltd Shanghai 600271航天信息600276恒瑞医药dicine Co Ltd Shanghai 600309万华化学r oup Co., Ltd.ShanghaiU nited Co Ltd Shanghai 600315上海家化600317营口港i ability Co Ltd ShanghaiANY LIMITED Shanghai 600332白云山ment Co., Ltd.Shanghai 600340华夏幸福mpany Limited Shanghai 600350山东高速600352浙江龙盛G roup Co Ltd ShanghaiCopper Co Ltd Shanghai 600362江西铜业600369西南证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 600372中航电子M S CO.,LTD.Shanghai 600373中文传媒M edia Co Ltd Shanghai 600383金地集团e Corporation Shanghai 600398海澜之家Home Co.,Ltd Shanghai 600406国电南瑞logy Co., Ltd.Shanghai 600415小商品城G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 600485信威集团r oup Co., Ltd.Shanghain Gold Co Ltd Shanghai 600489中金黄金e utical Co Ltd Shanghai 600518康美药业Moutai Co Ltd Shanghai 600519贵州茅台OUP CO.,LTD Shanghai 600535天士力Mining Co Ltd Shanghai 600547山东黄金ngsten Co Ltd Shanghai 600549厦门钨业hnologies Inc.Shanghai 600570恒生电子ER CO., LTD.Shanghai 600578京能电力600583海油工程e ering Co Ltd Shanghai 600585海螺水泥e ment Co Ltd Shanghai 600588用友网络logy Co., Ltd.Shanghai 600600青岛啤酒ewery Co Ltd Shanghai 600633浙报传媒Group Co.,Ltd Shanghai 600637东方明珠e dia Co., Ltd.Shanghaienergy Co Ltd Shanghai 600642申能股份600648外高桥UP CO., LTD.Shanghai 600649城投控股d ing Co., Ltd.ShanghaiGroup Co.,Ltd Shanghai 600660福耀玻璃600663陆家嘴p ment Co Ltd ShanghaiEnergy Co Ltd Shanghai 600674川投能源e mical Co Ltd Shanghai 600688上海石化600690青岛海尔 Haier Co Ltd Shanghai 600703三安光电onics Co.,Ltd ShanghaiTAL CO.,LTD.Shanghai 600705中航资本600717天津港n Port Co Ltd Shanghai 600718东软集团f t Corporation Shanghai 600739辽宁成大ng Da Co Ltd Shanghaimpany Limited Shanghai 600741华域汽车Group Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 600783鲁信创投600795国电电力p ment Co Ltd Shanghai 600804鹏博士UP CO., LTD.Shanghai 600820隧道股份e ering Co Ltd ShanghaiGroup Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 600827百联股份600837海通证券mpany Limited Shanghai 600839四川长虹lectric Co Ltd Shanghaiower Corp Ltd Shanghai 600863内蒙华电u tical Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 600867通化东宝Group Co., Ltd Shanghai 600873梅花生物600875东方电气r ation Limited Shanghaidings Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 600886国投电力600887伊利股份G roup Co Ltd ShanghaiRATION PLC.Shanghai 600893中航动力600895张江高科p ment Co Ltd Shanghai 600900长江电力P ower Co Ltd ShanghaiANY LIMITED Shanghai 600958东方证券600959江苏有线r ation Limited Shanghai 600998九州通G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 600999招商证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 601006大秦铁路a ilway Co Ltd Shanghai 601009南京银行anjing Co Ltd Shanghai 601016节能风电r Corporation Shanghai 601018宁波港o Port Co Ltd Shanghai 601021春秋航空ines Co., Ltd.Shanghai 601088中国神华Energy Co Ltd Shanghai 601098中南传媒G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 601099太平洋urities Co.Ltd Shanghai 601106中国一重ustries Co Ltd Shanghai 601111中国国航Air China Ltd Shanghai 601117中国化学e ering Co Ltd Shanghai 601118海南橡胶G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 601158重庆水务G roup Co Ltd Shanghaindustrial Bank Shanghai 601166兴业银行Beijing Co Ltd Shanghai 601169北京银行601179中国西电lectric Co Ltd Shanghai 601186中国铁建uction Co Ltd Shanghai 601198东兴证券E S CO., LTD.Shanghai 601211国泰君安ities Co., Ltd.ShanghaiGroup Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 601216君正集团mpany Limited Shanghai 601225陕西煤业601231环旭电子g hai) Co.,Ltd.Shanghai 601238广汽集团r oup Co., Ltd.Shanghai 601258庞大集团Trade Co Ltd Shanghai 601288农业银行China Co Ltd Shanghaiy of China Ltd Shanghai 601318中国平安601328交通银行tions Co LTD Shanghaimpany Limited Shanghai 601333广深铁路601336新华保险urance Co Ltd Shanghai 601377兴业证券urities Co Ltd ShanghaiGroup Limited Shanghai 601390中国中铁k of China Ltd Shanghai 601398工商银行601555东吴证券urities Co Ltd ShanghaiC hina Limited Shanghai 601600中国铝业Group) Co Ltd Shanghai 601601中国太保olding Co.,Ltd Shanghai 601607上海医药601608中信重工E S CO., LTD.Shanghai 601618中国中冶China Co Ltd Shanghai 601628中国人寿mpany Limited Shanghai 601633长城汽车Motor Co Ltd Shanghai 601668中国建筑e ering Co Ltd Shanghai 601669中国电建n of China,Ltd Shanghai 601688华泰证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 601699潞安环能p ment Co Ltd Shanghai 601718际华集团G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 601727上海电气G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 601766中国中车r ation Limited Shanghai 601788光大证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 601800中国交建mpany Limited Shanghair vices Limited Shanghai 601808中海油服601818光大银行t Bank Co Ltd Shanghai 601857中国石油China Co Ltd Shanghai 601866中海集运 Lines Co Ltd Shanghai 601872招商轮船p ing Co., Ltd.Shanghai 601888中国国旅ervice Co Ltd ShanghaiEnergy Co Ltd Shanghai 601898中煤能源601899紫金矿业G roup Co Ltd Shanghai 601901方正证券urities Co Ltd Shanghai 601919中国远洋ldings Co Ltd Shanghai 601928凤凰传媒M edia Co Ltd Shanghai 601933永辉超市s tores Co Ltd Shanghai 601939建设银行truction Bank Shanghaidenum Co Ltd Shanghai 601958金钼股份601969海南矿业n ing Co., Ltd.Shanghai 601985中国核电ower Co.,Ltd.Shanghaik of China Ltd Shanghai 601988中国银行601989中国重工dustry Co Ltd Shanghai 601991大唐发电a tion Co.,Ltd.ShanghaiG Corporation Shanghai 601992金隅股份601998中信银行r ation Limited Shanghai 603000人民网 CO.,LTD ShanghaiCompany Ltd.Shanghai 603288海天味业603885吉祥航空NES Co., Ltd Shanghai 603993洛阳钼业n um Co., Ltd.Shanghai。
06/05/09 11:00:231/3商业度量单位文本"英寸"2平方英寸"3立方英寸%百分比 %O 每千AU 作业单位C3S 立方厘米/秒 CAN 罐 CAR 箱 CCM 立方厘米CD3立方分米CL 厘升CM 公分CM2平方厘米CMS 厘米/秒 CRT Crate D 天数DEG 度 DM 分米DR 鼓 EA each F 法拉FOZ Fluid 美国盎司FT 英尺FT2平方英尺FT3立方英尺FTE 咨询天数G 克 GAL 加仑(美国)GAU Gram Gold GJ 吉焦耳 GLI 克/升 GM 克/摩尔GM2克/平方米 GM3克/立方米 H 小时HL 百公升 HR 小时JKG 焦耳/千克JMO 焦耳/摩尔KAI 千克作用 ingrd.KD3千克/立方分米KG 公斤KGM 千克/摩尔KGS 公斤/秒 KGV 公斤/立方米KJK 千焦耳/千克KJM 千焦耳/克分子06/05/09 11:00:242/3商业度量单位文本KT千吨KVA 千瓦特安培KW 千瓦特 L 公升LB 磅(美国) LHK 每 100 公里升数LMI 升/分 LMS 公升/Molsecond M 米 M-21/平方米 M/S 米/秒 M2平方米 M2S 平方米/秒 M3立方米 M3H 立方米/小时M3S 立方米/秒 MEJ 兆焦耳 MG 毫克MGL 毫克/升 MGQ 毫克/立方米 MHZ Megahertz MI 英里MIN 分钟MIS 微秒ML 毫升MM 毫米MM2平方毫米MM3立方毫米MNM 微牛顿/米 MON 月 MPG 每加仑英里数 (美国)MPS 毫帕斯卡MS 毫秒MS2米/秒平方 MWH 兆瓦特小时 M\H Meter/Hour NAM 纳米NM 牛顿/米 NMM 牛顿/平方毫米NS 纳秒OZ 盎司PAA Pair PAC Pack PAL 调色板 PAS 帕秒PC 件PPB 十亿分比PPM 百万分比商业度量单位文本ROL角色TOM吨/立方米TON吨(美国)TS数千WK星期YD3立方码到公吨天天数年年数码码礕L微克/升礕Q微克/立方米礚微升礛微米06/05/09 11:00:243/3。
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Synthesis and characterization of manganese dioxidespontaneously coated on carbon nanotubesSang-Bok Ma a ,Kyun-Young Ahn b ,Eun-Sung Lee b ,Ki-Hwan Oh c ,Kwang-Bum Kima,*aDepartment of Metallurgical Engineering,Yonsei University,134Shinchon-dong,Seodaemoon-gu,Seoul 120-749,Republic of KoreabHyundai ECO Technology Research Institute,Yongin-Si,Gyeonggi-Do 449-912,Republic of KoreacNGV,Shinlim-dong,Kwanak-gu,Seoul 151-742,Republic of KoreaReceived 8May 2006;accepted 6September 2006Available online 27October 2006AbstractManganese dioxide (MnO 2)was coated on carbon nanotubes (CNTs)by simple immersion of the CNTs into a KMnO 4aqueous solu-tion.The synthesis mechanism was investigated by in situ monitoring of the reduction potential and pH of the solution and supplemen-tary UV–VIS analysis of MnO À4ions in the Ts were found to act as a reducing agent and substrate for the heterogeneous nucleation of MnO 2in an aqueous KMnO 4solution.The morphology of the CNTs before and after MnO 2deposition was examined using scanning electron microscopy,which showed MnO 2deposited as a thin and uniform layer on the CNTs at an initial pH of 7,but as nano-rods of MnO 2at an initial pH 1.The MnO 2was shown to be a Birnessite-type MnO 2by X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy.The thermal stability of the CNTs,examined by thermogravimetric analysis,was improved by the thin,uniform and continuous coating of MnO 2.Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionCarbon nanotubes (CNTs)[1],including single-walled and multi-walled CNTs are conductive or semiconductive along tubules and quantized cross tubules.The unique physical and chemical properties of CNTs offer unprece-dented opportunities of novel applications [2].Indeed,in the past several years,various potential applications of CNTs have been explored as field-effect transistors [3],sen-sors [4]and templates [5].Manganese dioxide (MnO 2)is one of the most attractive materials due to its ion exchange,molecular adsorption,catalytic,electrochemical,and magnetic properties.It is widely used as catalysts [6]and molecular-sieves [7],and especially as electrode materials in Li/MnO 2batteries [8]because of its energetic compatibility in a reversible lithium electrochemical system.Recently,many studies have investigated MnO 2and CNTs for electrochemical capacitor applications.Among the various transition metal oxide materials for pseudoca-pacitors,amorphous and hydrated ruthenium oxide exhib-its remarkably high specific capacitance ($720F/g)compared with other oxides [9,10].However,its commer-cial use is limited by its high cost.Therefore,a great effort has been devoted to identifying alternative and inexpensive metal oxide electrode materials with acceptable electro-chemical properties.In line with these requirements,MnO 2is a promising electrode material for pseudocapaci-tors on account of its pseudocapacitive behavior,low cost and environmental compatibility [11–16].CNTs have been continuously studied as electrode mate-rials (100–200F/g)for electrochemical capacitors [17,18],as additives to improve the electrode performance of metal oxide [19–25],and as deposition substrates for metal oxide for pseudocapacitors [26–29]because of their chemical sta-bility,good conductivity and large surface area.In addi-tion,CNTs are strongly entangled,providing a network of open mesopores.0008-6223/$-see front matter Ó2006Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.carbon.2006.09.006*Corresponding author.Tel.:+82221232839;fax:+8223125375.E-mail address:kbkim@yonsei.ac.kr (K.-B.Kim)./locate/carbonCarbon 45(2007)375–382Lately,several studies on the synthesis of MnO2/CNT nanocomposites[21–27]have been carried out with the aim of improving the electrochemical utilization of MnO2 and the high rate capability.Previous approaches to the synthesis of MnO2/carbon composite include various methods as physical mixing[24],thermal decomposition [27],ball milling[22],electrodeposition[26],sonochemical synthesis[30],sol–gel[31]and redox reaction[32,33].Because the pseudocapacitive reaction of MnO2is known to be a surface reaction,only the surface or a very thin surface layer of the oxide can participate in the pseud-ocapacitive reaction.Therefore,in the synthesis of MnO2/ CNT nanocomposites,it is ideal to deposit a very thin layer ($nm)of MnO2onto CNTs with a control of the coating layer thickness,surface coverage and phase in order to improve the electrochemical utilization of MnO2.An increase in the effective interfacial area between MnO2 and an electrolyte can increase the electrochemical utiliza-tion of MnO2in the MnO2/CNT nanocomposites.Greater chemical contact and increased contact area between MnO2and CNT can improve the electric conductivity of the electrode due to the high electric conductivity of CNT[28,29].In this study,in order to make MnO2more attractive for pseudocapacitor electrode materials,MnO2was coated spontaneously on CNTs by the simple immersion of the CNTs into a KMnO4aqueous solution.The synthesis mechanism of the heterogeneous nucleation of MnO2on the CNTs was investigated by in situ monitoring of the solution chemistry.2.ExperimentalMnO2was spontaneously deposited onto the CNTs(multi-walled CNTs,ILJIN Nanotech,S=200m2/g)by a direct redox reaction betweenthe CNTs and MnOÀ4.First,200ml of0.01M and0.1M KMnO4(99+%,Aldrich)solutions were heated to70°C using a circulator(FP40,Julabo) and then1.0g of the as-received CNTs was added to the solutions of dif-ferent pHs.The pH of the solution was controlled by0.01M HCl.During the synthesis,temperature of the solution was maintained at70°C by the circulator.The reduction potential of the solution was monitored in situ by measuring the electrode potential(E)with a platinum electrode and a saturated calomel electrode using a potentiostat/galvanostat(VMP2, PRINSTON APPLIED RESEARCH).The pH variation of the solution was also in situ measured with a pH meter(720A,Thermo Electron Cor-poration)and a pH electrode(9107BN,Thermo Electron Corporation). The suspension wasfiltered and washed several times using distilled water, and then dried at100°C for12h in preparation for further analysis.Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)was performed at a heating rate of 10°C/min in air using a thermal gravimetric analyzer(TGA2050,TA instrument)in order to study the structural transformation of MnO2 and the thermal stability of the CNTs.The crystalline phase of the MnO2on the CNTs was determined by X-ray powder diffraction(XRPD) using a diffractometer(D/MAX-IIIC,Rigaku)equipped with a vertical goniometer.Diffraction patterns were taken at room temperature in the range of10°<2H<80°at intervals of0.01°.The Raman spectra were measured with a Jobin-Yvon LabRam HR with LN2cooled CCD multi-channel detector at room temperature using conventional backscattering geometry.The laser light source was the emission of the argon-ion laser at wavelength514.5nm.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)(Sirion,FEI)was used to observe the morphology of the composite powder. UV–VIS(UV-2401PC,SHIMADZU)was used to measure changes in the concentration of MnOÀ4ions during the synthesis process.3.Results and discussion3.1.In situ monitoring of E and pHFig.1shows the change in the E and pH of the solution with time during the synthesis of MnO2/CNT nanocom-posites in the200ml aqueous solution of0.1M KMnO4 containing1.0g CNT at70°C.This change in E and pH of the aqueous KMnO4solution containing CNTs is very similar to that of the solution containing acetylene black reported in our previous work[33].Considering the changes of E and pH during the synthe-sis,Fig.1can be divided into four stages.When CNTs were added to the solution,a rapid drop in the electrode poten-tial and an increase in pH were observed in thefirst stage (stage I).CNTs can be envisaged as roll-up graphene layer sheet,regarding their molecular structure[34].The basic sites,which consist of delocalized p electrons,on the sur-face of the CNTs are responsible for the rise in pH in the first stage since they can act as Lewis bases capable of com-plexing protons to its p structure[35].C p+2H2O!C p H3Oþ+OHÀð1Þwhere C p is the idealized graphized surface having maxi-mum p electrons.The E of the solution for the reduction of MnOÀ4ions to MnO2is a function of pH,as shown in the following reac-tion[36].According to Eq.(2),the MnOÀ4ion needs both protons and electrons for its reduction to MnO2.MnOÀ4þ4Hþþ3eÀ!MnO2þ2H2Oð2ÞE¼E0þRTnFlna MnOÀ4Áa4Hþa MnO2Áa2H2Oð3ÞFig.1.Electrode potential(E)and pH vs.time curves measured duringthe reduction of MnOÀ4ions in the200ml aqueous solution of0.1M KMnO4containing1.0g CNT at70°C.376S.-B.Ma et al./Carbon45(2007)375–382where E is the electrode potential,E0the standard poten-tial,R the gas constant,T the absolute temperature,F the Faraday constant,n the moles of electron participating a redox reaction and a x the activity of x species.The sharp decrease in E can be attributed to the sharp rise in pH of the KMnO4solution caused by the CNT addition.Right after the rapid drop in the E and the increase in pH in thefirst stage,protons,adsorbed at basic sites on the CNT surface during thefirst stage,are expected to bedesorbed as MnOÀ4ions were absorbed,thereby producinga heterogeneous MnO2film on the CNTs.Protons des-orbed from the surface of the CNTs contributed to the slight decrease in pH and the slight increase in E seen dur-ing the initial second stage.It should be noted that the pH stayed relatively constant after the initial decrease in the second stage.This is possibly related to the reduction reac-tion of MnOÀ4ions,since this reaction consumes protonsfrom the CNT surface.The second stage,which is characterized by a potential plateau with respect to time,represents the reduction ofMnOÀ4ions to MnO2by the CNTs.The potential plateauin the second stage corresponds to the reduction potentialof MnOÀ4ions in the aqueous solution containing theCNTs.At the end of the plateau,i.e.,when all the MnOÀ4 ions are reduced,E shifts downward significantly during the third stage(stage III)and is indicative of the completereduction of MnOÀ4ions.In the fourth stage(stage IV),a slight decrease in E and small increase in pH is observed.The measured E corre-sponds to the equilibrium in an aqueous solution after the reaction for given electrochemical cells.No further reaction followed.3.2.UV–VIS analysisFig.2shows the changes in the concentration of MnOÀ4 ions after the addition of1.0g CNT into0.01M KMnO4 200ml solution at50°C.After the addition of CNT into KMnO4solution,a small amount of the solution contain-ing MnOÀ4ions,MnO2and CNT was sampled at regularintervals and cooled rapidly to4°C to prevent any further reaction.UV–VIS spectroscopy was used to measureabsorption spectrum for the MnOÀ4ions in order to inves-tigate the change in the concentration of MnOÀ4ions in thesample solutions.For the UV–VIS spectroscopy measure-ments,it should be noted that the reduction reaction ofMnOÀ4ions to MnO2by the CNTs was performed at thelow KMnO4concentration of0.01M and the low reaction temperature of50°C to quench the reduction reaction effectively in the sampled solution during the preparation step for the UV–VIS spectroscopy.Following the calibration of UV–VIS spectra with stan-dard KMnO4solutions,the concentration of MnOÀ4ions inthe sampled solutions was calculated and plotted against the reaction time in Fig.2.The change in E of the solution is presented in Fig.2for ease of comparison.The concen-tration of MnOÀ4ions decreased monotonously with thereaction time.It should be noted that the time for the com-plete removal of MnOÀ4ions from the solution coincidesexactly with the time for the negative shift of E in the thirdstage at around150min in Fig.2.This confirms that the Eplateau in the second stage in Fig.2represents the reduc-tion of MnOÀ4ions to MnO2by the CNTs.3.3.Effect of pHFig.3shows the changes of E and pH in200ml solu-tions of0.1M KMnO4at different initial pHs containing1.0g CNT at70°C.Before the CNTs were added to thesolution,the solution pH was adjusted by0.01M HCland the corresponding initial solution E was0.66,0.96and1.12for pH7,2.5and1,respectively,as shown inthe inset of Fig.3(a)and(b).The aqueous KMnO4solu-tions with the different pHs have different E values becauseE is a function of the solution pH according to Eq.(3).After the CNTs were added to the solution,as shown inthe inset of Fig.3(a)and(b),pH increased in all the solu-tions due to the adsorption of protons on the surface of theCNTs which caused the rapid drop in E.For the solutionsof initial pH2.5and7,the solution pH instantly jumped topH9and8immediately after the addition of CNT,respec-tively,and then gradually decreased to pH around7overtime.For the solutions of the initial pH1,however,theirpH increased gradually to pH7over time without an immi-nent sharp jump in pH after the addition of CNT becauseof the very high proton concentration in the initial solu-tion.As expected from the pH change in Fig.3(b)andEq.(3),the change in the solution E of the initial pH2.5,7and1over time can be divided into four stages duringthe synthesis of MnO2/CNT nanocomposites.For the solu-tion of the initial pH1,however,the solution pH increasedwithout a peak and gradually approached pH around7inthe later stage,while correspondingly,E sharply decreasedimmediately after the addition of CNT without a dip in thefirst stage and approached the reduction potential in thesecond stage.Different initial pHs of the solutionsdidFig.2.Concentration of MnOÀ4ions and electrode potential(E)vs.timeduring the synthesis of MnO2/CNT nanocomposite in the200ml aqueoussolution of0.01M KMnO4containing1.0g CNT at50°C.S.-B.Ma et al./Carbon45(2007)375–382377not affect the overall change in the solution E and pH with time during the reduction of MnO À4ions to MnO 2by CNT.It should be pointed out that the reduction reaction time between the moment of CNT addition and the time for the negative shift of E in the third stage,i.e.,the time required for the complete removal of MnO À4ions from the solutions,decreased with decreasing pH.This indicates that the reduction reaction rate increases with decreasing solution pH.Since more protons in the solution become available for the given concentration of MnO À4ions with decreasing solution pH,an increase in the reaction rate for the reduc-tion of MnO À4ions to MnO 2on CNT is expected with a decrease in pH of the initial T as reducing agentChoi et al.[37]reported the spontaneous reduction of metal ions to metallic form on the sidewalls of the CNTs in aqueous solutions of noble metal ions.They reported that Au and Pt could be deposited spontaneously on the sidewall of the CNTs by a direct redox reaction between the CNTs and metal ions via the immersion of the CNTs in HAuCl 4(Au 3+)and Na 2PtCl 4(Pt 2+)solutions,respec-tively.They explained that the principle for the spontane-ous reduction of the metal ions on the sidewalls of theCNTs is the difference in the reduction potential between the CNTs and the metal ions.Similarly,the spontaneous formation of MnO 2from MnO À4ions on the CNT sidewall may also be explained by the difference in the reduction potential between the CNT and MnO À4ions.The work function of the CNTs was determined to be $5eV.The Fermi level of the CNTs is approximately +0.5V above the potential of the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE),which is well above the reduction potential of MnO À4ions,which is +1.692V (vs.SHE).The relative potential levels may explain the spontaneous electron transfer from the CNTs to the MnO À4ions.MnO 2is known to be thermodynamically the most sta-ble form of manganese species in an aqueous solution con-taining MnO À4ions.MnO À4ions,therefore,tend to oxidize water with the concurrent evolution of oxygen and sponta-neous precipitation of MnO 2[36].Although spontaneous,the reduction reaction of MnO À4ions by water is very slow kinetically.Two identical solutions of 0.01M KMnO 4,one with CNTs and the other without CNTs,were prepared and allowed to sit at room temperature without further treatment and observed for the formation of MnO 2.A few days later,the solution with the CNTs became clearer from the original deep purple which indicates that MnO À4ions were reduced to MnO 2by the CNTs.However,no vis-ible change in color was observed in the solution without the CNTs.It is clear that the CNTs dispersed in an aque-ous solution containing MnO À4ions act as a reducing agent for MnO À4ions and promote the reduction process even at room temperature.Previous approaches to the synthesis of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles on the CNTs have included various methods such as physical evaporation [5],electrodeposition [29],solid state reactions [38],polyol process [39],use of interlinkers [40],spontaneous reduction by CNTs [37]and other chemical routes.In our approach,MnO 2was deposited on the CNTs via simple immersion of the CNTs into an aqueous KMnO 4solution without any addition of chemicals such as reducing agent,surfactant or alcohol that could reduce MnO À4ions to MnO 2.In the present study,the CNTs acted as a reducing agent as well as a sub-strate for the spontaneous deposition of MnO 2in an aque-ous KMnO 4solution.Hence,this process is the simplest method for synthesizing MnO 2on CNTs.It also provides a useful approach for coating other potential metal oxide materials on CNTs using the relative potential difference.3.5.Morphology of MnO 2on CNTFig.4shows SEM images of the CNTs before and after MnO 2deposition in the 200ml aqueous solution of 0.1M KMnO 4with different initial pHs containing 1.0g CNT at 70°C.Each CNT particle is around 20–30nm in size,as shown in Fig.4(a).After MnO 2deposition,the CNT par-ticles became a little thicker with size increased to approx-imately 30–50nm.This indicates that the CNTs acted as a substrate for the heterogeneous precipitation of a verythinFig.3.(a)E vs.time curves and (b)pH vs.time curves measured during the reduction of MnO À4ions by 1.0g CNT in the 200ml aqueous solution of 0.1M KMnO 4at 70°C under different pH conditions of the initial solution.378S.-B.Ma et al./Carbon 45(2007)375–382layer of MnO 2,as shown in Fig.4(b)–(d).The roughness of the MnO 2deposit on the CNTs increased with decreasing pH of the initial solution.MnO 2deposit on the CNTsformed in the solution of the initial solution pH of 1in Fig.4(d)consisted of nano-bar MnO 2while that from the solution of the initial solution pH of 7in Fig.4(b)was of a thin film form.This suggests that the reduction rate of MnO À4ions to MnO 2by CNT might affect the mor-phology of the MnO 2deposit on the CNTs.As shown in Fig.3(a),the time required for the complete removal of MnO À4ions from the solutions decreased with decreasing pH,i.e.,the reduction reaction rate increased with decreas-ing solution pH.Therefore,it was observed that the increased reduction rate of MnO À4ions to MnO 2by CNT with decreasing initial pH of the solution roughened the morphology of MnO 2.3.6.Phase and structure of MnO 2on CNTFig.5shows the XRPD patterns for the CNTs and for MnO 2on the CNTs prepared in the 200ml aqueous solu-tion of 0.1M KMnO 4containing 1.0g CNT at 70°C with different initial pHs adjusted by 0.01M HCl,as well as the XRPD peaks of the reference oxide,birnessite-type MnO 2(JCPDS 42-1317).As shown in Fig.5(b),there are three broad peaks at 2h around 12°,37°and 66°,in addition to those of the CNTs.These three peaks can be indexed to birnessite-type MnO 2including an amorphous phase [41,42].This is consistent with the report by McKenzie [43]on the birnessite-type MnO 2synthesized by the drop-wise addition of hydrochloric acid to a boiling solution of KMnO 4.Previously,we reported the very similar XRPD patterns for the nanocomposites of birnessite-type MnO 2and acetyleneblack [33].However,it is difficult to analyze the structure of MnO 2in detail using XRPD patterns due to their broad and weakpeaks.Fig.4.SEM images of (a)pristine CNT and MnO 2/CNT nanocomposite prepared in the 200ml aqueous solution of 0.1M KMnO 4containing 1.0g CNT at 70°C under (b)pH 7;(c)pH 2.5;(d)pH 1of the initialsolution.Fig.5.XRPD patterns of (a)CNT and (b)MnO 2/CNT nanocomposite prepared in the 200ml aqueous solution of 0.1M KMnO 4containing 1.0g CNT at 70°C,and (c)XRPD peaks of birnessite-type MnO 2(JCPDS No.42-1317).S.-B.Ma et al./Carbon 45(2007)375–382379Raman techniques are useful for analyzing the local structure of MnO2,especially for samples with poor crystallinity,to which it is difficult to apply the Rietveld refinement of XRPD data.Raman spectra for many kinds of MnO2have been well investigated by Julien et al.[41,42]. Many MnO2materials have similar gross structural fea-tures,namely the MnO6octahedral units building the MnO2frame work.MnO2compound classifications are based on the nature of the polymerization of the MnO6 units,in which six oxygen atoms surround a central manga-nese cation in approximately octahedral coordination. Raman shifts are correlated with the M–O bond order and bond lengths.Fig.6shows the Raman spectra of MnO2/CNT nano-composites synthesized by the reduction of MnOÀ4ions toMnO2in the200ml aqueous solution of0.1M KMnO4 containing1.0g CNT at70°C corresponding to the differ-ent initial solution pHs of7,2.5and1.Three major fea-tures for MnO2can be recognized at500,575and 640cmÀ1.The two high wave number bands are dominant in all of the spectra,while the bands in the low-frequency region appear with a significantly weaker intensity.The Raman band at640cmÀ1can be recognized as the symmet-ric stretching vibration(Mn–O)of the MnO6groups.The band located at575cmÀ1is usually attributed to the (Mn–O)stretching vibration in the basal plane of MnO6 sheet[41,42].Fig.6shows that all the reaction products have the Raman spectra of the birnessite-type -parison of the Raman spectra of MnO2synthesized under various pH conditions in this study indicates that the pH of the initial solution had no influence on the phase and the short range ordering of MnO2.Suib et al.[44]have reported the synthesis of different phases of MnO2by a hydrothermal method,in which ini-tial pH played an important role in determining the crystal-lographic form of thefinal products of MnO2.In this study,the pH of the solutions in the second stage was around7during the reduction of MnOÀ4ions to MnO2 by CNT,which may explain the synthesis of the birnes-site-type MnO2regardless of the different initial pHs.3.7.Thermal stability of CNT coated with MnO2Fig.7shows the TGA and DTA of as-received CNT and MnO2/CNT nanocomposites synthesized by the reductionof MnOÀ4ions to MnO2with the CNTs in this study.As shown in Fig.7(b)–(d),the weight loss of MnO2/CNT nanocomposites was observed from25to800°C.From the DTA data of MnO2/CNT nanocomposites,two broad peaks were observed at temperatures near100and340°C. It is believed that the10%weight loss observed under 150°C was mainly due to the liberation of adsorbed and interlayer water[45].This suggests that the MnO2sponta-neously deposited on the CNTs is hydrous and that it is dehydrated when heated.The additional weight loss of 25%between250and400°C corresponds to the loss of oxygen atoms from the octahedral layer framework in rela-tion to the partial reduction of Mn4+to Mn3+[45].CNTs are oxidized to CO2gas over550°C with a large amount of weight loss as shown in Fig7(a)[46].However, for MnO2coated CNT,weight loss of only2%was observed over400°C,as shown in Fig.7(b)–(d).It can be inferred that a thin,uniform and continuouscoating Fig.6.Raman spectra of MnO2/CNT nanocomposite synthesized by thereduction of MnOÀ4ions to MnO2in the200ml aqueous solution of0.1MKMnO4containing1.0g CNT at70°C under different pH conditions of the initialsolution.Fig.7.Thermogravimetric analysis(TGA)and differential thermal analysis(DTA)of(a)as-received CNT and MnO2/CNT nanocomposite synthesized by the reduction of MnOÀ4ions to MnO2in the200ml aqueous solution of0.1M KMnO4containing1.0g CNT at70°C under (b)pH7;(c)pH2.5;(d)pH1of the initial solution.380S.-B.Ma et al./Carbon45(2007)375–382layer of MnO2might protect the CNTs against oxidation.A similar protection against oxygen and air oxidation by coating a thin,uniform and continuous carbidefilms has been reported for carbonfiber[47].4.ConclusionBirnessite-type MnO2was spontaneously deposited on CNTs via simple immersion of the CNTs into an aqueous KMnO4solution.Through in situ monitoring of the reduc-tion potential and pH of the solution and supplementary UV–VIS analysis,the CNTs were found to act as a reduc-ing agent and substrate for the heterogeneous nucleation of MnO2in an aqueous KMnO4solution.This process is the simplest method for synthesizing MnO2on CNTs for electrochemical capacitor applications.Reduction times were measured from the potential plateau in a plot of the reduction potential vs.reaction time.With decreasing ini-tial solution pH,the reaction time for complete reductionof MnOÀ4ions to MnO2was shortened and the morphol-ogy of MnO2roughened,while the phase of MnO2on the CNTs wasfixed to birnessite.Furthermore,the increased thermal stability of the CNTs indicates that a thin,uniform and continuous layer of MnO2was coated on the CNTs.AcknowledgmentsThis work wasfinancially supported by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development(MOE), the Ministry of Commerce,Industry and Energy(MO-CIE),and the Ministry of Labor(MOLAB)through the fostering project of the Lab of Excellency and Hyundai-Kia Motors,and NGV.References[1]Iijima S.Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon.Nature1991;354:56–8.[2]Ajayan PM.Nanotubes from carbon.Chem Rev1999;99:1787–99.[3]Tans SJ,Verschueren ARM,Dekker C.Room-temperature transistorbased on a single carbon nanotube.Nature1998;393:49–52.[4]Kong J,Franklin NR,Zhou C,Chapline MG,Peng S,Cho K,et al.Nanotube molecular wires as chemical sensors.Science2000;287: 622–5.[5]Zhang Y,Dai H.Formation of metal nanowires on suspended single-walled carbon nanotubes.Appl Phys Lett2000;77:3015–7.[6]Segal SR,Suib SL,Foland L.Decomposition of pinacyanol chloridedye using several manganese oxide catalysts.Chem Mater 1997;9:2526–32.[7]Shen YF,Zerger RP,Suib SL,McCurdy L,Potter DI,O’Young CL.Octahedral molecular sieves:preparation,characterization and appli-cations.J Chem Soc Chem Commun1992:1213–4.[8]Thackeray MM,David WIF,Bruce PG,Goodenough JB.Lithiuminsertion into manganese spinels.Mater Res Bull1983;18:461–72. 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