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新编英语教程 6 练习册答案【篇一:新编英
语教程 6 练习册中译英】
>unit 1
1. 因为缺乏资本,整个计划失败了。
(fall through)
the whole plan fell through for want of fund.
2. 牛顿被公以为是世界上最优秀的科学家之一。
newton is acknowledged as one of the world ’s most eminent scientists.
3. 他对生产成本的估量老是正确无误。
he calculates the cost of production with invariable accuracy.
4. 企业发言人的不负责任发言遇到了严苛谴责。
the spokesman of the corporation was berated for his irresponsible words.
5. 这名商业银行的年青职员看出那张十英镑的假币。
the young clerk from the commercial bank spotted the
counterfeit ten-pound note.
6. 这个精壮的经理马上行动了起来。
the efficient manager acted promptly.
7. 请把候补名单上她的名字换成你的名字。
please substitute her name for yours on the waiting list.
8. 她感觉她在当地综合医院任实习医师是一段可贵的经验。
she found that her internship in the local general hospital was
a rewarding experience.
9. 不要叹息过去的不幸,抖擞起来向前看。
don’t lament your past misfortunes. keep your chin
up and look to the future.
unit 2
1. 富兰克林在他的《自传》里力劝读者要节俭。
franklin exhorted readers to be diligent and thrifty in his autobiography.
2. 谁能证明这署名无讹?(attest to)
who can attest to the genuineness of the signature?
3. 人们给他起了“小家伙”的外号,因为就他年纪而言,他看上去长
(dub) he is dubbed “tiny ” because he looks so
small for his age.
4. 他试图为自己拒绝接受这一劝说辩白。
he tried to rationalize his refusal to take the advice.
5. 他的一番话惹起了我们的不满。
his words incurred our displeasure.
6. 要我们在这么短时间内达成这一工作几乎是不行能的。
it is virtually impossible for us to finish the work within such a short time.
7. 他频频思虑这个手术可能会产生的结果。
he ruminated over the likely consequences of the operation.
8. 这个地域的报业很兴盛。
the newspaper business in the region is flourishing.
9. 掌握英语需要废寝忘食的努力。
it takes assiduous efforts to acquire a good command of
unit 3
1. 没有确实的凭证来表示他是有罪的。
there is no tangible evidence to indicate that he is guilty.
2. 我判定被告是无辜的。
i affirmed that the accused was innocent.
3. 那边的防守工事仿佛难以攻破。
the defenses there seemed impregnable.
4. 破坏跟着战争而来。
war is accompanied by destruction.
5. 他蛰居在自己的田舍里。
he remained secluded in his
6. 这类迷信以前在那个地域十分广泛。
the superstition used to be prevalent in that region.
7. 有些人珍爱友情赛过全部。
some people cherish friendship more than anything else.
8. 他们为此次旅游已经准备了足够的食品。
they have got adequate food for the journey.
9. 他说的和他做的不相一致。
(be consistent with)
what he says is not consistent with what he does.
unit 4
1. 这些大学一年级学生都充满青春活力。
the freshmen are all youthfully exuberant.
2. 他的态度沉静,脸上的表情不行解读。
his attitude was bland and his expression was ueadable.
3. 我中学的女校长是一位性格平和的年青女子。
the headmistress of my middle school was a genial young
4. 这位哲学家在思虑,这是否是历史的必由之路?(inevitable)
the philosopher is pondering on whether this is the inevitable course of events in history.
5. 这部电影是由海鸣威的一部小说改编而成的。
the film was adopted from a novel written by hemingway.
6. 作为法官,你应当向来保持不偏不倚的态度。
as a judge, you should remain impartial all long.
7. 他所作相关创新的建议值得我们郑重考虑。
his suggestion for innovation merits our serious
8. 他在企业里向来处于一个很低的附属地位。
he remains in a very subordinate position in the company.
9. 他没有向他朋友求援,而是马上采纳行动。
he acted prompted without turning to his friends for help.
unit 5
1. 很多年青人喜爱这位散文家的华美文体。
a lot of young people appreciate the essayist ’s florid style.
2. 这教授是一位热忱的环境保护主义者。
the professor is a fervent environmentalist.
3. 他们在是去仍是留的问题上举棋不定。
they wavered between going and staying.
4. 我不会让那些烦忧事阻碍我的工作。
(interfere with)
i won ’t let my troubles interfere with my work.
5. 我喜爱看孩子们游戏。
(take delight in)
i take delight in watching children play.
6. 这家产办理掉能够获取相当大的一笔金额。
(be disposed of)
the property can be disposed of for a good sum of money.
7. 在促销期间,购物中心挤满了人群。
the mall was thronged with people during the sales
promotion. 8. 他们终于在远处看到了灯光。
(perceive) the
perceived a light in the distance in the end.
9. 你应当认真想一想这一行动可能会产生的结果。
you should reflect on the likely consequences of this
unit 6
1. 假定这是真的,我们该怎么办呢? (assumption)
what should we do on the assumption that it is true?
2. 你应当申请一份你适合做的工作。
(be suited for)
you should apply for a post you are suited for.
3. 你厌烦了城市的繁忙工作,盼望农村的安静。
(crave for)
feeling tired of the busy life in the city, he craved for peace and quiet in the countryside.
4. 他沉迷在莎士比亚的十四行诗。
(be immersed in)
he was immersed in shakespearian sonnets.
5. 这件事太不足挂齿了,不专心慌意乱。
this matter was too trivial to feel upset
6. 毕业典礼对我们全部的人来说是一件重要的事。
the commencement was a momentous occasion for all of us.
7. 很大的讲课量把他们搞得疲惫不堪。
a very happy teaching load exhausted them.
8. 他在学术研究方面变现相当平凡。
he gave a mediocre performance in academic studies.
9. 他从绘画中获取很大的乐趣。
he derives great satisfaction from painting.
unit 7
1. 从你的话中我猜想你准备离职。
i assume from your remarks that you are going to quit your job.
2. 我们应当努力划分真切与虚假。
(distinguish between?and?)
we should try to distinguish between truth and falsehood.
3. 他老是谨小慎微地不冒犯人。
(be wary of)
he is always wary of giving offence.
4. 作为一名法官,你不该当做出果断的决定。
as a judge, you should not make arbitrary decisions.
5. 他是一个拥有国际名誉的艺术家。
he is an artist of international prestige.
6. 他以为自己的成功有好几个要素。
he attributed his success to several factors.
7. 这些断垣残壁是诺曼人征服英国期间留下的古迹。
the fragements of walls are vestiges of the norman
8. 他吸烟、饮酒甚多,伤害了健康。
(to the detriment of)
he smoked and drank a lot, to the detriment of his health.
9. 你最好缩短你那冗长的演讲词。
(interminable) you’d
better cut your interminable speech short.
unit 8
1. 我们反对无休止地贪求权益的欲念。
we are opposed to an insatiable lust for power.
2. 我们的一些观点正在不知不觉地发生变化。
some of our notions are changing imperceptibly.
3. 不用要的开销减少了我们的存储。
unnecessary spending diminished our savings.
4. 这是蓄意的欺侮,我气得颤抖。
it was a deliberate insult, so i trembled with rage.
5. 关于浪漫主义诗人来说,自由高于全部。
to the romantic poets, freedom is supreme.
6. 沉迷于寻花问柳之中有害你律师的生涯。
indulgence in pleasure will ruin your career as a lawyer.
7. 我们对传统的美德表示敬意。
we pay homage to the traditional
virtues. i consider our duty sacred.
9. 一些革命者看到了政府的无能。
some revolutionists saw the impotence of the government.
unit 9
1. 他租不起房屋,更不用说买房了。
(let alone)
he can ’t even afford to rent a house, let alone buy one .
2. 编写没有权益对一部文学作品的原文进行任意办理。
liberties with) the editor is not entitled to take liberties with the text of a literary work.
3. 我十几岁的时候开始迷上了文学。
(take to)
i began to take to literature in my teens.
4. 寝室已经改装成书斋。
the bedroom has been converted into a study.
5. 多年来这个错误使他烦忧不堪。
the mistake has plagued him for many years.
6. 上海被以为是世界上最大的城市之一。
(rank v.)
shanghai ranks as one of the largest cities in the world.
7. 工地不停地传来噪音,我们通宵未眠。
the incessant noise from the construction site dept kept us
awake all night.
8. 她为自己马上不得不单独一个人生活感觉丧气。
she felt depressed at the prospect of having to live on her own.
9. 他们决定撤消合同。
they have decided to nullify the contract.
unit 10
1. 只管年老,他仍旧在学习法语。
despite his advanced age, he is still
learning french.
2. 他又穷又病,状况可怜。
(plight) he was
in a piteous plight, poor and ill.
3. 为了找到解决这个问题的方法,已经做了好多的实验。
(in an attempt to) many experiments have been made in an attempt to find a solution to the problem.
4. 女孩一般比男孩发音清楚。
a girl tends to be more articulate than a boy.
5. 这本手册旨在解读肢体语言。
this handbook is intended to decode body language.
6. 我觉察她对这件事的见解有了变化。
i detected a change in her opinion on this matter.
7. 告急病人的病房在一号楼。
the wards for terminal cases are in building one.
8. 我们一定想法解决那个难题。
(grapple with)
we must grapple with that knotty problem.
9. 他拿着一只里面装满了文件的手提包。
(bulge with)
he carried a briefcase bulging with documents.
unit 11
1. 布谷鸟的鸣声预示着春季的到达。
the cuckoo announces the advent of spring.
2. 我为他没有优秀的举止感觉遗憾。
i deplored his lack of good manners.
3. 他试图获取这个职位的努力白费无获。
his efforts to get the position were futile.
4. 当他描述自己海上历险经历时做出一副沾沾自喜的样子。
he glowed with pride when he described his adventures on the sea.
5. 他们把发言转向更为轻松的话题。
the switched the conversation to a lighter
topic. 6. 你应当把文章中的俚语去掉。
you are supposed to eliminate slang words from the essay.
7. 这些努力旨在惹起人们对这类新的软件的兴趣。
efforts were intended to generate interest in the new software.
8. 这部电影对年青人有着巨大的影响。
the film has a great impact on the young people.
【篇二:新编英语教程 (第三版) unit6练习册答案】
s=txt>1. changed, promising 2. coming, qualified 3. determined
4. spoken, leading, surprising
5. frightening b.1. giving
2. fascinated, rising / rise
3. singing, to do, making
4. keeping, playing, to be, to see, climbing
5. opening
6. to take, shopping, doing, to do
7. to have remembered, to tell, preparing, to do 8. to watch, to read, reading, watching 9. missing, to tell 10. to be taken
11. swimming, cleaning, to do
12. waiting, seeing, missing, to find, to be
6. demanding
7. pleased, soiled
8. complicated
9. interested, exciting, soaked 10. tiring, tired
c.1. for 2. to 3. of 4. on 5. read 6. across 7. about / for
1. speaking
2. before
3. by
4. few
5. developed
6. how
8. in 9. until / till 10. opinion 11. by 12. keep 13. excellent 14. time
8. step 9. or 10. of 11. found 12. from 13. ideas 14. used
15. pleasure 16. from 17. yourself 18. in 19. filled 20. trains 21. but
15. the 16. first 17. represent 18. can 19. language 20. making
21. world
22. meeting 23. things 24. attitude
25. for 22. to 23. of 24. only 25.
vi. sentence rewriting a.
1. whenever he ⋯ bookshop, he ⋯ away from it.
2. whoever he
is, he ⋯ law. 3. wherever he went, poor ⋯ life. 4. whatever you
may say, i ⋯ thing. 5. however hard he tries, he ⋯
6. don ’t ⋯ , whoever repeats it. / whoever repeats it, don ’t ⋯
7. however annoying his behavior is / may be, we ⋯ him.
whatever he ⋯ say, i ⋯ going.
9. keep calm, whatever happens. / whatever happens, keep ⋯
10. the boy ⋯ , wherever he is. / wherever ⋯ , the boy ⋯b.
1. to his great joy, his uncle ⋯ present.
2. much to our relief, the plane ⋯ last.
3. to the surprise of the teacher, yang ling had ⋯ heart.
4. to
our grief, professor hu died of cancer last week. 5. to my satisfaction, his statement is correct.
6. to t he disappointment of the students, the book ⋯
bookshops. 7. to their indignation, john was unfairly
【篇三:新编英语教程 6练习册选择题】
unit 3
1. it is not profitable to provide bus services in districts where the population is widely
2. sand is to glass as clay is to.
3. his test results for the whole term were not very he did well
one week and badly the next.
4. the novelist is a highly
5. mary is so l that she cried for days when her pet died.
6. the rainbow as the sun came fully out
from behind the clouds.
7. now norman has put himself into the patient state of mind
of a chess player.
8. it ’s a good thing to spend some time seeing your own
country from the outside; it helps you to get a sense of .
9. mary gave a long and stagy laugh, wiping away 10. in my
younger and more years my father gave me some advice that
i ’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. 11. away from the busier roads, the atmosphere remains one of calm meditation
and contentment.
12. the cathedral, one of the loveliest and richest in interest in england, was erected in 1382.
unit 6
1. what the student told me about dull work was a of lies.
2. the clerk in the patent office said to his boss: ” look, i am not drunk. i ’m ass aa
judge. ”
3. i am afraid i know nothing about machiavelli because he
was 4. einstein, who worked out his theory of relativity, lived to
a old age.
5. in a of rage, the muleteer killed his own mule which he had
just bought at the market.
6. i regret to tell you that your application for a job on the assembly line was turned the owner.
7. the 8. fortunately, all the brilliant people who could stand routine obtained their just their lifetime.
9. winston churchill thought that the politician or the professional or businessmen should golf or cultivate some
hobbies to provide themselves with some relaxation.
10. the shepherd was warned never to with the members of
the nobleman ’s family.
11. machiavelli ’s of the prince was acclaimed as one of
the best by literary critics.
12. some people do not like to have their daily upset.
13. it is for a teacher to be walking into the classroom just as his students are
discussing him.
14. you are being thoroughly to the stonemason.
15. when machiavelli played cards with muleteers at the inn,
he dealt.
16. my continual kept the other workmen awake at night
during my ten years as a
17. martin is considered one of the geniuses in our school but
i think his paintings are quite
18. the new office layout seeks to achieve good
communication and information by the
correct juxtaposition of departments.
unit 7
1. as we all know, houses are to be at rest with respect to the earth but the earth
itself is not motionless.
2. smoke particles and other air pollutants are often in the atmosphere, thus forming
3. the nucleus of an atom is composed of swiftly moving
protons and neutrons that are together by very strong forces.
4. louisa may alcott based the characters of her book little women on her sisters
and herself.
5. we believe that women as well as men should be given jobs
in with their
ability and intelligence.
6. all living creatures have some that are passed on from one generation to the
7. over the years,have been written about women who are in leading
positions in politics and business.
8. robert smith ’s reputation was established with the publication of his first poem in 1938 and was by his splendid short stories for children.
9. far worse are the sufferings of the dependents of gambling addicts because they are usually
of all material comforts.
10. germination of seeds begins with the absorption of water, the swelling of the seed,
and the cracking of the seed coat.
11. as a result of his work with louis armstrong
in the late 1920’s, earlhines has
been called the father of modern jazz piano.
12. the motion picture is only a series of still photographs which are viewed in
rapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.
13. squirrels often use their tails to their balance while they are leaping and climbing.
14. the whole area of national an local governments was subjected to a thorough financial
15. you can rest that the talented young secretary
has been
able to confirm what he said in the original report.
16. david was by his family because he worked hand in glove
with a gang of
criminals to rob the commercial bank of jewellery.
17. when the titanic was hit an iceberg during her maiden voyage, the captain was forced to it.
18. is a woman to be more
highly unit 8
1. the whole house was in a dilapidated condition: the door floorboards were nearly rotten.
2. nicholas wanted to be a student of like his grandfather.
3. salzburg is
4. to christians, churches are the of their faith.
5. we can hurt people ’s feelings if we are too
6. susan doesn ’t
even know that angles of less than 90 degrees are called
angles. 7. ancient manuscripts were written on
8. it is important to boost the morale of the soldiers as low
morale can render an army
9. the soldiers in the platoon shined their bayonets in general.
10. the oracles were expected to the future.
11. her guardian warned her never to associate with the
members of that disreputable family. 12. monica rang as i did
not invite her to the long-awaited wedding feast.
13. i have promised susan that i shall play the piano at the
reunion, but i ’m a little
14. as the children were gorging themselves silly after a day ’s outing, they did not take a
single word i was saying to them.
15. emma would rather not eat too much at the banquet: she is
sick of putting on weight.
16. there is no that a day of fasting has been in any way
detrimental to our health.
17. nobody could give me a rough of what the feast might
18. nothing is better than a cup of tea to my thirst after playing
ping pong for three
19. time time we are told that appetite can keep our
expectations alive.
20. morgan asked me to carry the preservation of appetite to
the extent of deliberate fasting but i turned him .
unit 11
1. under certain conditions of stress, these people qualities
they had never known they possessed. 2. around caracas, the
farmland of the valley floor, originally used for growing sugar
cane and coffee, was soon absorbed by the expansion of the
3. the town maintains very many chinese traditions which are
among the highest achievements of those who created the we
now enjoy.
4. many of the newly-built hotels are situated for sightseeing,
business and shopping. 5. the very idea of your taking part in
the beauty competition is
6. in the time wasted in school by saying the meaningless
“er ”, the writer used statistics to illus trate his point.
7. why did the last sentence make a very appropriate for the passage?
8. “i can ’t only tell you the number of refugees crossing the border at the moment, ” the chief of the police department said to me.
9. our firm regrets to inform you that the world processors you ordered last month are。