散文翻译 Sweet September

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散文翻译Sweet September

Sweet September

By Hal Borlnd


September is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along t he way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year co nsolidates itself. Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo---begins to sum u p another summer.


With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanis hes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, the n rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and ho ots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind. September is a cha llenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer's ripeness and richness fulfilled.


Some of the rarest days of the year come in the September season-days when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life, when the sky is clear and clean, the air cris p, the wind free of dust. Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut gras s. September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month. Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September. Late thistles make spectacular purple accents. And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, o n the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple.



We think of spring as the miracles time, when opening bud and new leaf proclaim the persistence of life. But September is when the abiding wonder makes itself kno w in a subtler way. Now growth comes to annual fruition, and preparations are co mpleted for another year, another generation. The action ripens and the hickory nut matures. The plant commits its future to the seed and the root. The insect stows tomorrow in the egg and pupa. The surge is almost over and life begins to relax.

新叶悄然吐绿,揭示着生命永恒的主题。在我们看来春天是个布满奇迹的季节。但却是九月让我们不知不觉地感受这种永恒奇迹。此时,一年的成长带来了一度的丰硕, 也为新的一年即将诞生的生命做好了预备。橡子熟了,山桃黄了,植物把未来寄托给种子和根须。昆虫把明天蕴藏在卵蛹之中。奔放的旋律已接近尾声,生命开始归于平静。

The green prime is passing. The trees begin to proclaim the change. Soon the leav es will be discarded, the grass will sere. But the miracle of life persists, the mysteri ous germ of growth and renewal that is the seed itself.


This is the season of the harvest moon. With reasonably clear skies it will be a moonlit week, for the harvest moon is not hasty; it comes early and stays late. There was a time when the busy farmer could return to the fields after supper and continue his harvest by moonlight. There's still harvesting to be done, but much of it now centers on the Kitchen, the late sweet corn, the tomatoes, the root vegetables. The canning, the preserving, the freezing, the kitchen harvest in all its variety, reaches its peak.


First frost comes in the night, a clear, scant-started night when the moon is near its fullness. It comes without a whisper, quiet as thistledown, brushing the comer of a hillside garden. Dawn comes and you see its path-the glistening leaf, the gloaming stem, the limp, blackening garden vine.

