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A Perfect Planet. 完美星球
All life in the oceans 海洋中的所有生物
depends on the continuous movement of water. 依赖于海水持续不断的运动
There are not five separate oceans on Earth, 地球上的五大洋并不是彼此隔绝的
but just one... 它们如同一个整体...
whose parts are linked by powerful, unceasing currents. 部分海域由汹涌不绝的洋流连通Every drop of seawater on Earth 地球上的每一滴海水
rides these currents, 凭借着洋流破浪前行
taking a thousand years to complete a single circuit. 在千年之后形成了一个闭环
And where there are currents... 有洋流的地方...
there is life. 就有生命
there is life. 海洋
Off the coast of South Africa, 在南非海岸
dolphins are on the hunt. 海豚集体出发捕猎
They have found a cold-water current 它们发现了一处寒流
and are now travelling along it looking for food. 于是紧随洋流去寻找食物
Gannets follow them. 鲣鸟也跟了上来
They know that doing so is the fastest way to a meal. 它们知道这样做是获取美餐的最快方式A shoal of mackerel - 一群鲭鱼出现了
just what the dolphins have been looking for. 这正是海豚找寻的目标
They encircle the fish, driving them into a bait ball, 海豚把鱼群团团围住驱赶它们形成球状and then trap them against the surface 然后把鱼群困在水面
to prevent them from escaping to deeper water. 阻止它们逃回深海
Now the fish are within range of the dive-bombing gannets, 现在
who hit the water at 50 miles an hour. 入水速度可达每小时80公里
A sudden gathering of thousands of predators 转眼间数千个捕食动物
brought together by the flow of currents. 就被汹涌的洋流聚集到了一起
Last to the feast are sharks. 最后加入宴席的是鲨鱼
In these vast open waters, 在一望无际的远洋中
finding food would be all but impossible 找到食物是几乎不可能的
without currents, 如果没有洋流的话
the highways of the seas 大海中的高速公路
that bring this life together. 将海洋动物们汇聚到一起
When the bait ball has been dispersed, 当球状鱼群消失后
all that is left are scales drifting downwards. 现场只剩了向下飘落的鱼鳞They are part of a slow, never-ending blizzard of organic waste
that eventually settles on the sea floor. 缓缓沉降最终落在海底
But it doesn't stay here for ever. 但它们不会永远留在这里
The currents sweep it back up into the sunlit surface waters...
where it nourishes clouds of phytoplankton... 那里生长着一片片的浮游植物... simple microscopic plants that are the pastures of the seas.
There are thousands of different kinds, 浮游植物的种类有数万种
and together they produce half of all the oxygen in the atmosphere...
more than all our forests and jungles combined.
And by absorbing carbon, 浮游植物能吸收二氧化碳
they are our greatest ally in combating climate change.
Plankton are the foundation of almost all life in the ocean,
for in those places where the currents bring nutrients to the surface, 在一些地区洋流会将营养物质带到海洋表面
they multiply in astonishing numbers... 浮游植物得以大量繁殖...
turning the ocean green. 甚至海水也呈现出绿色
The currents travelling through our oceans 大海中流动的洋流
bring life to seas 为海水带来了生机
that would otherwise be marine deserts. 没有它们大海将如同荒漠
The Galepagos Islands lie in the path of one of them, 加拉帕戈斯群岛就位于洋流的途经之处the deep-flowing Cromwell Current 位于深水区的克伦威尔寒流
that runs for 6,000 miles across the Pacific. 横跨太平洋长度可达9000多公里
As it approaches Fernandina Island, 靠近费尔南迪纳岛时
it rises and delivers nutrients into its shallows. 寒流上涌将营养物质输送到了浅滩
And it also brings life to this otherwise barren island. 它也为原本荒凉的岛屿带来了生机Iguanas. 海鬣蜥
There are thousands of them. 光这里就聚集着数千只
And yet there's nothing on the island for these vegetarians to eat.
Or... 或者说...
almost nothing. 几乎没有
Cormorants bring seaweed ashore with which to make their nests.
But what is building material for a cormorant 然而鸿鹦的建筑材料在海鬣蜥眼中
is food for an iguana. 则是一顿美餐
Both these species evolved here, 这两种动物都是在这座岛屿上演化的
but that doesn't necessarily make them good neighbours. 但它们相处得并不融洽
No matter. 没关系
He knows where there's more elsewhere. 它知道哪里有更多的海草
He's a marine iguana... 它可是海鬣蜥...
the only lizard in the world 世界上唯一一种
that gets its food from the sea. 能在大海里觅食的蜥蜴
The seaweed on which he totally relies 它赖以为生的海草
only grows in abundance here 只在这里大量生长
because of the nutrients brought by the Cromwell Current.
Once in the water, 一但进入水下
he has just 30 minutes to find food. 海鬣蜥的觅食时间只有30分钟
Any longer than that, 如果超过这个时间
and his muscles will seize up and he'll drown... 它的肌肉就会失去力量它便只有死路一条... for, like most reptiles, 和大多数爬行动物一样
he can't handle the cold. 它也不耐低温
Chilly water isn't a problem for a warm-blooded cormorant.
She can swim in it all day, 鸬鹚可以在海水中畅游一天
but can only hold her breath for a few minutes. 但是每过几分钟就需要浮出水面换气
He, on the other hand, 而海鬣蜥
completes his whole half-hour trip 完成30分钟的水下旅行
on one single breath. 仅凭一口气
His flat face and sharp teeth 它扁平的面部和尖锐的牙齿
make him an efficient seaweed-cropping machine, 提高了啃食海草的效率
but with the clock ticking, he must eat fast. 时间紧迫它必须快速进食
The cormorant, having caught its fish, 鸬鹚捕到鱼后
goes back to the surface. 就回到了水面
One last mouthful, 再吃一口海草
and it's also time for the iguana to head for home. 海鬣蜥也要回家了
But to stop his muscles from seizing up in the cold water, 为了防止肌肉在冷水中失去力气he must get back quickly. 它必须抓紧时间赶回岸上
So he could do without the attentions of an inquisitive sea lion.
Dry land is now just 30 metres away, 干燥的陆地就在30米开外
but the biggest hurdle is still to come. 但它还要克服最后一道难关
The surging water now fights against him. 汹涌的海水成为它面前的一道阻碍
He's out, 它成功脱身
but he stayed in the cold so long 但因为浸泡在冷水中太久
that he's lost his strength. 它逐渐变得体力不支
And he's made it. 这只海鬣蜥最终还是成功了
Few reptiles on the planet 地球上很少有爬行动物
have to work harder for a meal than he does. 会为了填饱肚子像它这样拼命
And tomorrow, 明天
he'll have to do it all over again... 它还要再冒一次险...
unless next time 除非下一次
he can outwit his neighbour. 它能赢过自己的邻居
Over 100,000 marine iguanas live on Fernandina...
and each owes its existence to the Cromwell Current 它们的生存完全依靠克伦威尔寒流that brings nutrients to these shores. 向海岸输送营养物质
But there is another, much bigger current 还有一处规模更大的洋流
which carries water from the Pacific 它将太平洋的海水
into the Indian Ocean. 直接输送到了印度洋
On this great journey, 在这场伟大的旅程中
it travels through the islands of Indonesia, 洋流途经印度尼西亚群岛
bringing together life from both oceans. 将两大洋的动物汇聚在一起
A third of all the world's reef fish live here. 全球三分之一的珊瑚礁鱼类生活在这里Some call it the Coral Triangle, 有些人管这里叫“珊瑚礁三角区”
the most diverse marine region on Earth. 这里可以说是地球上最为生机勃勃的海域
The variety here is dazzling, not just of coral, 这里的生物五花八门不仅有缤纷多彩的珊瑚but of animals of all kinds. 还生活着各式各样的动物
Few are stranger than the flamboyant cuttlefish. 火焰乌贼算是其中极为特殊的一种
This is a male, 这是一只雄性火焰乌贼
just five centimetres long. 只有5厘米长
Swimming against the current isn't easy when you're small, 它体形太小很难逆流游动
so, instead, he prefers to walk... 所以它更愿意行走...
very, very slowly. 只不过速度很慢
He's a master of camouflage. 它原本是伪装大师
But right now he wants to be noticed. 但现在它希望成为焦点
He's looking for a mate. 它在寻找自己的配偶
His potential partner is a giant by comparison, 它未来的配偶是一个庞然大物
four times his size. 体形是它的4倍
When it comes to courtship, 但说到求爰
being flamboyant isn't enough. 仅有美丽的外表是远远不够的
To win her over, he must dazzle. 要想打动芳心它必须花式表演
His aim... 它的目的
is to deposit a packet of sperm 是将精子排入配偶的外套膜中
inside her mouth. 就在其嘴里
Close... 差一点儿...
but no cigar. 这样还不够
He'll have to turn up the dazzle. 还要再炫目一些
Take two. 再来一次
Bingo! 成功了
His job is done. 它的工作完成了
Now she must find somewhere to lay their eggs. 现在轮到雌性寻找地方产卵了
An old shell will do nicely 这个旧贝壳就挺不错的
if she can slip past the present occupant. 但前提是它能躲过原住民
She fastens her eggs to the underside of the shell, 它将卵产在贝壳的底部
where they'll be safe from predators. 这里可以避开天敌的攻击
The current that brings so much life to the Coral Triangle 为“珊瑚礁三角区”带来活力的洋流now washes the eggs with clean, 也为火焰乌贼的卵
oxygenated water. 带来了洁净富氧的水
After just three weeks, 3个星期后
they start to hatch. 卵开始孵化
Smaller than a human fingernail, 比人的指甲还要小
the hatchlings are now carried by the current 刚孵化出的火焰乌贼被洋流冲向了
to other parts of the reef. 珊瑚礁的其它区域
And in just a few months, 几个月后
this young male 这只年幼的雄性
will be ready to find a female of his own. 就要寻找自己的配偶了
By a stroke of cosmic good fortune, 作为宇宙中的幸运儿
the Earth has a satellite, 地球拥有一颗卫星
the moon, 月球
which orbits our planet every 27 days. 月球每27天环绕地球一周
Its gravitational pull drags our oceans across the planet... 月球的引力作用于地球上的海洋... and so gives us the tides. 并因此形成了潮汐
Unlike currents that stir the open ocean, 和开阔洋面上流动的洋流不同
the tides have their greatest impact on the coasts, 潮汐主要影响的是海岸
flushing them with nutrients from both sea and land.
And nowhere are they more violent and dramatic than here... 世界上最汹涌的潮水就在这里...
Norway's Saltstraumen strait. 挪威的索厄特特劳门海峡
Every six hours, 大约每6个小时
nearly half a billion tonnes of water 这里就有将近5亿吨的海水
are forced through a channel just 150 metres wide. 流过只有150米宽的海峡
Its very narrowness accelerates the water... 狭窄的水道加快了海水的流动速度...
making this the strongest tidal pull in the world. 使得这里成为了世界上潮汐力最强的地方Most animals caught here would be swept away. 大多数动物只要被困在这里就会被海浪冲走But not these tidal specialists. 但这群冲浪专家是例外
Eiders are one of the few ducks 欧绒鸭是为数不多的
that depend totally on the ocean for their survival. 完全依赖海洋生存的鸭子
And they're the only kind strong enough 它们还是唯一一种强壮到
to live permanently in these racing waters. 足以在激流中长期生活的动物
But there is food here, and in great quantity, 这里为它们提供了食物数量可观
for any that can gather it... 见者有份...
mussels. 贻贝
They filter out particles of food brought to them by the tide.
And eider ducks love mussels. 而自己也成为了欧绒鸭的美餐
The challenge is reaching them. 如何靠近贻贝是个难题
Eiders seem to be the only creatures 欧绒鸭似乎是唯一一种
that can hold their own in the fast-flowing water... 能够在激流中稳住身体的动物...
so they have the mussels all to themselves. 因此它们可以独享这些贻贝
They swallow them whole, 它们把贻贝一口吞下
shell and all. 连壳也不放过
Each eider duck eats hundreds of mussels a day... 每只欧绒鸭一天能吃掉上百只贻贝...
a year-round feast 这场长达一年的盛宴
that no others can reach. 而其它动物则无法参与
The tides here owe their power 由于海岸边特殊的地理环境
to the unique geography of the coastline. 这里的潮水有着强大的力量
But elsewhere in our oceans, 但是在其它海域
the lay of the land influences tides 陆地的分布影响着潮水
in a very different way. 以一种不同的方式
Here in the Bahamas, 在巴哈马
wide, shallow sandbanks mean the tide moves gently 沙滩宽阔低浅海浪轻柔地
over the sea floor... 冲刷着海底...
turning what would be a sandy desert 将寸草不生的荒漠
into a rich underwater habitat. 变成了富饶的水下栖息地
This is the home of garden eels and razorfish. 这里是花园鳗和连鳍唇鱼的家园
And fresh food arrives for them from deeper waters twice a day.
Life seems unhurried and gentle... 这里的生活不紧不慢一派宁静...
but there is trouble in paradise. 但是麻烦依然存在
These bottlenose dolphins eat razorfish, 这群宽吻海豚以连鳍唇鱼为食
and they're not so easily fooled by vanishing tricks. 它们可不会轻易上当
They scan the sand with echolocating clicks 它们利用回声定位搜寻沙滩
to discover exactly where the razorfish are hiding. 准确地找出了连鳍唇鱼的藏身之地But knowing where they are 但是只知道猎物的位置
is not the same as catching them. 并不代表能够顺利得手
The more the dolphins dig, 宽吻海豚刨得越狠
the deeper the razorfish burrow. 连鳍唇鱼藏得越深
But it's clearly not deep enough. 不过连鳍唇鱼还是稍逊一筹
Blowing jets of water into the sand 宽吻海豚朝沙地喷出水柱
exposes even the most hard-to-reach razorfish. 藏得最深的连鳍唇鱼也会暴露出来Before long, the dolphins have had enough 没过多久宽吻海豚就填饱了肚子
and they move on. 随后便离开了现场
It looks as if they have picked the sand clean... 它们似乎已经把沙滩挑拣得一干二净... but here, at least, 但至少在这里
there really are plenty more fish in the sea. 还是有很多鱼的
Closer to the land, 在更靠近陆地的地方
the same tides bring nourishment 同样的潮水将营养物质
to one of the most threatened of coastal habitats... 带到一处危在旦夕的海岸栖息地... mangrove forests... 红树林...
part land... 这里一部分是陆地...
part sea. 部分是海洋
Mangroves are the only trees 红树是唯一
capable of surviving in salt water 能够在咸水中生长的树木
and are specially adapted to it coming and going twice every day.
As seawater floods in, 海水涌进来时
fish come with it. 鱼类也一起进入了红树林
Here, in the flooded forests, 在海水淹没的树林中
they can find both food and shelter. 鱼类既能找到食物也能找到庇护所
Stingrays ride on the incoming tide. 魟鱼随着涌入的潮水来到了这里
Other commuters follow. 其它动物跟上了它
Young lemon sharks, still far from full-grown, 这只柠檬鲨尚未成年
are looking for food. 它在寻找食物
When the tide is at its highest, 当潮水达到最高点时
even adult lemon sharks 即使是成年的柠檬鲨
can get into the mangroves. 也能游入红树林
A three-metre female 3米长的雌性柠檬鲨
moves cautiously into the shallows. 小心翼翼地游进了浅滩
She can't stay here for long, 此地不宜久留
but then she hasn't come here to hunt. 但是它来这里的目的并非捕猎
She's come to give birth... 它是来分娩的...
returning to the very place where she was born. 这里就是它当年出生的地方
She has nourished the pups inside her body 母亲的在自己体内抚育幼鲨
with a placenta, 用的是胎盘
as we do. 和人类一样
The mangroves provide an ideal nursery for them, 红树林为它们提供了绝佳的育幼环境and placing them here gives them an excellent start, 随着幼鲨在这里顺利开始生命的旅程but that is the end of her parental care. 母子就要分离了
She has to return to deeper water 在潮水退去之前
before the tide goes out. 母亲必须回到深水区
Her young must now fend for themselves. 幼鲨必须学会照顾自己
The pups instinctively take refuge among the roots of the mangroves.
They're so small 它们的体形很小
they can swim deep into this tangled labyrinth. 可以游入这片错综复杂的迷宫
With the tide fast receding, 潮水很快就退了
even they need to find a place 它们需要找到一片合适的去处
where they won't be left high and dry... 这个地方地势不能高也不能干燥...
a place like this... 就像这里...
a permanent pool 一片不会消退的水塘
in the heart of the mangrove forest. 就在红树林的中心
Only the smallest sharks can get here, 只有体形最小的鲨鱼能进入那里
and only at the highest tides. 并且仅在涨潮之时
The pups will spend the next two years here, 在接下来的两年中幼鲨都将在这里度过perfecting the skills 训练自己的生存技巧
that make them one of the ocean's top hunters. 最终成为海洋中的顶级猎手
And it seems... 现在...
that there's a lot to learn. 它们还有很多东西要学
Got one! 得手了
All life at the coasts 所有生活在海岸附近的动物
has to move to the daily rhythm of the tides, 都必须遵照潮汐的规律而活动
but tides are not the same throughout the year. 但潮水并非全年不变
Every month, 每个月
when our planet, 当地球
the moon and the sun are all aligned, 月球和太阳连成一线时
the increased gravitational pull 不断增加的引力
produces particularly high tides. 会产生极高的潮汐
And this triggers a truly extraordinary event 由此上演了一场动物奇观
on one particular reef in the central Pacific. 在太平洋中部的一处礁石
Thousands of resident surgeonfish 数千只生活在那里的刺尾鱼
begin to assemble on these high tides. 趁着潮水高涨聚集在一起
And they are being followed by one of the largest fish in the sea...
manta rays. 蝠鲼
The rays spend their year moving between coral islands. 蝠鲼每年往返于珊瑚岛之间But it's only now, 但只有在现在这个时候
when the tide is at its highest 当潮水高涨
and the surgeonfish have gathered, 刺尾鱼聚在一起时
that they appear on this particular reef. 蝠鲼才会出现在这片礁石
Their timing is so perfect 它们的时机把握得正好
that they rarely have to wait more than an hour 大约一个小时后
for the event to begin. 这场动物奇观就出现了
At the precise moment when the tide is at its highest, 就在潮水涌到最高点的那一刻
the surgeonfish begin to spawn. 刺尾鱼开始产卵了
They release billions of eggs and sperm into the water. 它们将数十亿颗鱼卵和精子排向水中Breeding in this way gives their fertilised eggs 这种繁殖方式让它们的受精卵
the best chance of being carried on the tide 有很大机会被潮水带走
away from predators that haunt the reef... 从而避开礁石附近的捕食动物...
all except one. 但有一种猎食动物除外
The mantas move in. 蝠鲼逼近了
They gorge on the eggs, 蝠鲼进化出了特别的鱼鳃
filtering them out using specially adapted gills. 可以过滤出鱼卵供自己享用
If the mantas had arrived just an hour later, 假如蝠鲼晚来一个小时
there would have been nothing here for them to eat. 这里的食物就所剩无几了
No-one knows how the mantas are so perfectly in tune 没人知道蝠鲼为什么能如此准确地with the rhythm of the tides. 掌握潮汐规律
But they appear without fail 但蝠鲼就从来没失手过
whenever the surgeonfish spawn. 只要刺尾鱼产卵的时候
Most of the eggs, however, 不过这些鱼卵
are carried out into the open ocean 并没有被蝠鲼一网打尽
before the mantas are able to eat them all. 还是有很大一部分流入了远洋
The rhythms of coastal life 海岸动物的生活
are influenced by another ocean force. 同样会受到另一种自然力量的影响
Winds blowing over the sea so batter the surface 大风吹拂着海面
that it begins to rise and fall. 海水有规律地起起伏伏
These swells may travel far 这些涌浪或许会向远方扩散
and reach the shores of even the most sheltered bays. 抵达最为隐蔽的海湾
As they approach shallower water, 当涌浪靠近浅水区时
they turn into waves. 就会变成波浪
A shoal of hardyheads, 在靠近澳大利亚蜥蜴岛的地方
close to the beach of Australia's Lizard Island. 生活着一群硬头鱼
The clearness of these glassy waters shows 这片水域清澈见底光亮透明
that they lack nutrients. 但缺乏营养物质
But the gentle waves expose food hidden in the sand,
and that's what the hardyheads are looking for. 这就是硬头鱼寻找的目标But...they must beware. 但它们必须提高警惕
Packs of trevally are on the hunt. 一群鲹鱼正在捕猎
The hardyheads stick together. 硬头鱼成群结队
There's safety in numbers. 它们拥有数量上的优势
But they're vulnerable nonetheless. 尽管如此它们还是很容易遭到袭击
They're so small, 硬头鱼体形很小
they can swim in the shallowest waters... 可以游进最浅的水域...
even in the body of the waves themselves, 它们甚至能藏入波浪之中
out of the reach of their enemies. 远远避开天敌
But trevally aren't their only concern. 但它们要防范的不只是鲹鱼
Blacktip reef sharks. 这是乌翅真鲨
They are bigger and more powerful than trevally... 它们比鲹鱼体形更大更有力... but not as fast or as agile. 但是速度和灵活性稍逊一筹
The hardyheads are well aware of them, 硬头鱼发现了乌翅真鲨
but so long as they stay just out of reach, 但只要它们保持好距离
they have little to fear. 就没什么可怕的
But now the sharks and the trevally join forces. 现在乌翅真鲨和鲹鱼联合行动Together, they enter the shallows, 它们一同闯入了浅滩
each looking for a chance to attack. 寻找着发起进攻的机会
The trevally make the first move... 鲹鱼率先展开攻势...
and the hardyheads take refuge again in the waves. 硬头鱼以海浪作为掩护
And this is what the sharks have been waiting for. 这正是乌翅真鲨所期待的
Surging forwards, 乌翅真鲨横冲直撞
they chase the hardyheads out of the water... 将硬头鱼赶出水面...
beaching themselves in a daring bid 它们敢于冒着搁浅的危险
to hoover up their prey. 为了捕食猎物
The hardyheads that escape the sharks 硬头鱼躲过鲨鱼袭击之后
swim back out to deeper water... 游回了深水区...
but into the mouths of the trevally. 但却不幸落入鲹鱼的嘴里
Now the receding waves 海浪退去
help to pull the sharks back into deeper water. 乌翅真鲨趁机回到较深的水域
In the chaos, the seabirds get their chance. 混乱之中海鸟得到了绝佳的机会
It's a feeding frenzy 这片只有10厘米深的水域
in only ten centimetres of water. 陷入一阵捕食狂潮
The power of waves is dramatically evident 波浪的威力一目了然
when they crash onto our shores. 在它拍打海岸的时候
But the biggest of all 但最为猛烈的波浪
start far away from land, out at sea. 起始于远离陆地的海洋
Great storms blowing over the surface of the ocean 巨大的风暴从洋面呼啸而过
raise towering walls of water. 形成高大的水墙
Such giant swells can travel for thousands of miles. 如此汹涌的海浪可以穿行数千公里
As they approach land, 当它们靠近陆地时
the shallowing sea floor begins to drag on their undersides, 浅海海底延缓了海浪底部的速度and they topple forward... 海浪顶部继续向前运动...
and break. 然后碎裂
This stirring of the ocean produces great riches. 翻涌的海水裹挟着很多营养物质The Falkland Islands 马尔维纳斯群岛(英称福克兰群岛)
are surrounded by some of the stormiest waters on Earth...
ideal hunting grounds for rockhopper penguins. 这里是跳岩企鹅理想的狩猎地点
It's the breeding season, 繁殖季节到了
and for the last two weeks, 在过去两周
the males have been incubating the eggs by themselves. 雄性跳岩企鹅必须自己孵蛋They're confined to the nest with nothing to eat, 在配偶出海收集食物的时候
while the females are out at sea collecting food. 它们必须忍饥挨饿留在巢内
All across the colony, 在聚居地
eggs are starting to hatch. 宝宝纷纷破壳而出
This male now has two youngsters to care for. 这只雄性跳岩企鹅要照料两个宝宝But he has no food to give them, 虽然无法提供食物
and he can't leave them unprotected. 但它还是不能离开宝宝们
He can do nothing but wait. 它别无选择只有等待
The females, 雌性跳岩企鹅
after weeks fishing in the stormy seas, 在风暴频发的海面觅食数周后
are now heading for home with food in their crops. 带着收获的美食回家了
There's just one problem. 眼前出现了一个难题
The colony sits at the top of huge cliffs. 它们的家园位于高高的悬崖之上
The waves that make feeding so good here 方便它们觅食的海浪
have now become major obstacles. 如今成为了难以逾越的障碍
Timing is vital. 时机至关重要
Go too early... 太早行动...
and they could be smashed against the rocks. 它们可能会撞上岩石
Too late... 太晚行动...
and they will be carried back out to sea. 它们会被波浪卷回大海
Hooked claws 尖锐的爪子
now help to get purchase on the slippery rocks. 帮助它们攀上了湿滑的岩石
But they're not out of trouble yet. 但它们的麻烦还在后面
Success depends on both judgment... 成功既需要正确的判断...
and luck. 也需要运气
Time and again, the waves drag her back in. 它又一次被海浪拖回了大海
She has to persevere. 它必须坚持下去
The lives of her chicks depend on her safe return. 只有安全回家它的宝宝才能存活下来Finally... 终于...
she's made it. 它成功了
They're not called rockhoppers for nothing. 跳岩企鹅并非徒有虚名
With one more jump, she's home. 再跳一下它就到家了
And just in time. 时间刚刚好
Her chicks are desperately hungry. 它的宝宝们饥肠辘辘
This is their first proper meal. 它们第一次能够饱餐一顿
The oceans have sustained life on our planet for millions of years. 数百万年来
But today, there's growing evidence 但现在有越来越多的证据表明
that this is changing. 情况发生了变化
As our climate warms, 由于气候变暖
polar ice sheets are melting at an alarming rate. 极地冰层正以极其危险的速度融化
In the Arctic alone, 在北极
14,000 tonnes of fresh water 1.4万吨的淡水
are emptying into the sea every second. 在每一秒钟倾入大海
This is slowing the flow of currents around the globe. 这减缓了全球洋流的流动速度And if the atmosphere continues to warm, 而且如果大气层继续变暖的话
ocean circulation could eventually stop altogether. 大洋环流很有可能彻底停止
Our seas would then stagnate, 海洋会陷入停滞
threatening the life within them. 而生活在其中的动物将命悬一线
And there are places in the oceans today 今天地球上的部分海域
where this is already beginning to happen. 已经出现了这种趋势
The Gulf of Thailand. 泰国湾
Eden's whales have lived here for generations. 布氏鲸世世代代生活在这里
But the world around them is changing. 但它们周围的世界正悄然改变
Today, agricultural pollution flowing from the land... 今天农业生产导致的污水...
is beginning to suffocate this sea. 令这片海洋难以呼吸
Many fish now stay closer to the surface, 许多鱼类不得不生活在水面附近
where the waters still contain enough oxygen to survive. 因为只有在那里
Eden's whales depend on these fish. 布氏鲸以这些鱼类为食
They swallow huge quantities of water 它们吞下大量的海水
before filtering out their prey. 然后过滤出食物
It takes a lot of energy 需要耗费很多能量
to drive their 15-tonne bulk through the water. 驱动约15吨重的布氏鲸在水中游动
And with so few fish, 而鱼类这么稀少
the rewards from feeding like this are barely worth it. 觅食就变成了一件事倍功半的事情So, to survive here, 为了在这里生存
the whales have developed a new hunting technique... 布氏鲸掌握了全新的捕食方式... one that requires almost no effort. 这种方式几乎不费体力
They simply open their mouths... 它们只需张开大嘴...
and wait. 然后守株待兔
The panicked fish jump right in. 惊慌失措的鱼儿直接跳入了它的嘴中
Swimming alongside, 在它身旁。