Ngu phap nhom2










现对中枢性镇咳药磷酸二甲啡烷进行简单介绍:一、品种概况1.申报品种磷酸二甲啡烷原料、片剂、散剂、糖浆别名:磷酸二甲吗喃,二甲吗喃2.制剂剂型及规格片剂10mg散剂10% 100mg糖浆0.25% 500ml3.适应症本品适用于上气道炎、肺炎、支气管炎、肺结核、肺癌、慢性支气管炎等引起的咳嗽。















Density and Diversity of Herpetofauna Usinga Transect Method Implemented in a CoconutPlantation(Cocos nucifera L.)Ridwan Syarif(B),Rijal Satria,Fitra Arya Dwi Nugraha,and Irma Leilani Eka Putri Department of Biology,Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,Universitas NegeriPadang,Padang,Indonesia*******************Abstract.Plantation openings are to blame for Indonesia’s highest rates of forestloss.The goal of this study was to use the transect approach in Simbur Naik Village,Muara Sabak Timur District,Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency,“Jambi Province”todetermine the diversity and density of herpetofauna in a coconut plantation.Pitfalltraps and glue traps were used in conjunction with the transect design method toobtain the data.The transect design comprises of10parts,each measuring50min length and1m in breadth on the left and right.Five glue traps and one pitfalltrap were put along each transect.The herpetofauna of Simbur Naik village’scoconut plantation typically exhibits poor environmental conditions.Thefindingsindicate that Fejervarya limnocharis is the dominant species and that the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and species richness index of the Margalef herpetofauna inthe Simbur Naik village coconut plantation are both low.The coconut plantationnear Simbur Naik village has a herpetofauna density of0.1to3.4individuals per100m2.Keywords:Simbur Naik Village·Herpetofauna·Indonesia·Diversity·Coconut Plantation1IntroductionThe rate of loss of primary forest cover is highest in Indonesia.[1].In the period2009–2013,the loss of forest cover in Indonesia was1.13million hectares annually.The amount of forest cover being lost in Indonesia is comparable to three footballfields being lost each minute[2].For the Sumatra region,most of the land is used as agricultural land,plantations,mining,industrial and residential areas[3].One of the main causes of Indonesia’s declining forest cover is the rising global demand for plantation-produced goods[4].One of the widely developed plantations,apart from oil palm and rubber,is the coconut plantation(Cocos nucifera L.).Jambi Province has coconut plantations covering an area of119,100hectares and is one of the largest on the island of Sumatra after Riau [5].Especially in East Tanjung Jabung Regency,the area of coconut plantations is58,505 hectares.With an area of58,505hectares,the expansion of the coconut plantation area is predicted to continue[6].©The Author(s)2023M.Fadilah et al.(Eds.):IcoBioSE2021,ABSR32,pp.240–248,2023.https:///10.2991/978-94-6463-166-1_32Density and Diversity of Herpetofauna241 One of the impacts of changing forests to plantations is wildlife[7]where conver-sion of forests to plantations can reduce species richness and abundance,and change community composition,in particular,can eliminate forest species[8].In the end,bio-diversity will be threatened with loss and those who survive will try to adapt to the new environment[7,9,10].One of the wild animals impacted by the change of forests is the herpetofauna.Because herpetofauna,especially amphibians,are animals that are sensi-tive to changes in habitat[11].Increased habitat fragmentation correlates with changing environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity and makes many species more vulnerable to population decline,including Herpetofauna[12,13].There has not yet been much study on the herpetofauna populations in coconut farms.On the other hand,groups of frogs and toads are bioindicator groups[14]that are sensitive to habitat changes[11].Research in the plantation area was mostly carried out on rubber and oil palm plantations,while the research by[15]on coconut plantations in Gorontalo,Sulawesi was limited to the lizard group(Scincidae).Information on how herpetofauna diversity in coconut plantations needs to be explored more deeply for the benefit of taxonomy,ecology and conservation.The purpose of this study is to quantify the variety of the herpetofauna in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village,East Muara Sabak sub-district,East Tanjung Jabung district,Jambi province.2Materials and MethodsThe transect design method[16]was used with pitfall traps[17]and glue traps[18] to collect the data.This was done by tracing the transects which found10pieces with each transect having a length of50m with a1m left and right width.Transects were explored in the morning at08.00WIB untilfinished and at night at20.00WIB until finished.Each transect also installed a trap bucket with a volume of0.0225m3m3which was planted into the soil to a depth of40cm with the mouth of the bucket parallel to the soil surface.Pitfall traps are installed during the day and checked at night the next day[3].In the pitfall trap,litter is included as a shelter for trapped animals[3].The glue trap was installed at07.00WIB and checked before noon.There are5glue traps for each transect on the prepared board/triple.The distance between glue is10m[19]. Each observation was carried out by measuring abiotic factors such as air temperature, humidity,soil temperature,air temperature,air pH and soil pH(Fig.1).Data were analyzed using the following indices:1.Margalef species richness index(Dmg)[20]Dmg=(S−1)(S−1) Ln Ln NThe value of the species richness index is divided into the following criteria:if 0<Dmg≤2.5,it means that the species richness index is low,if2.5<Dmg≤4, it indicates a moderate level of species richness,and if Dmg>4it indicates a high level of species richness.2.Diversity index(H’)Shannon-Wiener[21]H =−ni=1pi ln pi242R.Syarif et al.Fig.1.Research location map.Sampling locations were marked with transect readings 1,2,and 3.The diversity index value is divided into several criteria,namely:If H’1denotes low diversity index,H’3denotes moderate diversity index,and H’>3denotes high diversity index.3.Evenness Index [21]E =H ln (S )The magnitude of E’<0.3indicates that the evenness of the species is low,E’=0.30.6the evenness of the species is classified as moderate and E’>0.6means that the evenness of the species is classified as high.4.Simpsons dominance index (D’)[22]D = (Pi )2If a particular type or species dominates the community,the dominance index value is close to one (1),and if it is close to zero (0),no types or species dominate the community.5.Population density [23]D =Ni A NiA3Result and DiscussionThe field survey was conducted for 7days with a total sampling area of 1000m 2m 2.A total of 45individuals were observed consisting of 2types of amphibians and 3types of reptiles.The most common species found were F .limnocharis and the least were I.biporcatus ,E.multifasciata and I.braminus 1individual each (Table 1).The species obtained in this study were also found in the studies of [3]and [24]which were also carried out in disturbed habitats,namely oil palm plantations,but in [24]I.braminus was not found.The species obtained are common species with low conservationDensity and Diversity of Herpetofauna243 Table1.Species of amphibians and reptiles in coconut plantationNo Class Family Species1Amfibi Dicroglossidae Fejervarya limnocharis,Gravenhorst,18292Bufonidae Ingerophrynus biporcatus,Gravenhorst,18293Reptil Gekkonidae Hemidactylus frenatus,Dumeril and Bibron,18364Scincidae Eutropis multifasciata,Kuhl,18205Typhlopidae Indotyplhops braminus,Daudin,1803value that easily adapt to disturbed habitats[3].The species E.multifasciata was also found in[15]whose research location was in a coconut plantation.In the coconut plantation,Simbur Naik village has a Margalef species richness index with a value of1.05which is relatively low.The shannon-winner diversity index value is0.77which indicates that the diversity value is low.The herpetofauna evenness index value in the coconut plantations of Simbur Naik village was classified as moderate with a value of0.48and the dominance index value was0.60which means that there are species that dominate(Table2).In the coconut plantations of Simbur Naik village,the highest density was found in F.limnocharis species with3.4individuals/100m2m2and the lowest density was I.biporcatus,E.multifasciata and I.braminus with0.1individuals/100m2m2 (Table3).The wealth index(Dmg)of herpetofauna species found in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village is low with a value of1.05.This result is lower than the wealth Table2.Herpetofauna diversity index in coconut plantationIndex ValueMargalef’s Wealth(Dmg)1,05Shannon-Winner Diversity(H’)0,77Species Evenness(E)0,48dominance(D)0,60Table3.The density of herpetofauna species in coconut plantationSpecies Density(individual/100m2m2)F.limnocharis3,4I.biporcatus0,1H.frenatus0,8E.multifasciata0,1I.braminus0,1244R.Syarif et al.index in oil palm plantations in South Sumatra province which has an index value of3.9[25]and is also lower than a secondary forest with a value of3.6and old oil palm with a value of3.34[24].According to[25]the wealth index is influenced by canopy cover and bottom cover.The coconut plantation in Simbur Naik village does have a very simple vegetation structure,this plantation only has a crown of coconut leaves,and very little ground cover in the form of grass because the owner of the garden always cleans it regularly and does not have piles of dead wood.According to[28] said that the density of understorey variations can have a positive effect on the wealth of amphibians,understorey can provide shelter for herpetofauna.According to[27] increasing heterogeneity of vegetation types is an attempt to increase the richness of a species.Herpetofauna diversity in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village has a low diver-sity index value(H’)with a value of0.77.The low diversity of herpetofauna is caused by a homogeneous plant habitat[7].Some ecological traits(forest structure,streamlined river substrate,and scarcity of accessible litter and wood chips)look homogenous in planta-tions[28].The coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village are dominated by coconut plants,the river substrate which is close to the coconut plantation area is very simple because the river is always dredged to avoid silting and the herpetofauna microhabitat is minimal.The herpetofauna evenness index on coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village is moderate,namely0.48.The results of this evenness index are lower than the research by[25]where the herpetofauna evenness index in oil palm plantations in South Sumatra province which is relatively high at0.79is also lower than[24]in old oil palm plantations with a value of0,93.[25]and[24]have a denser canopy cover that affects temperature and humidity.The presence of herpetofauna is also influenced by sunlight which can affect the environmental temperature so that the herpetofauna response tends to be active as long as the light intensity allows[19,30].According to[31],factors that affect species density include environmental factors and the topography of the location.Topography is related to differences in activity and space use patterns of each type of herpetofauna,while environmental factors relate to how a species is able to survive and respond to existing conditions.The stability of communities was described using the species evenness index [32].This low evenness points to an unstable distribution of the herpetofauna[33].The herpetofauna dominance index in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village has a value of0.60which means close to1.This indicates that there are species that dominate.F.limnocharis species was the most common species found compared to other species,so it dominated the coconut plantation area of Simbur Naik village.This is evidenced by the discovery of34individual species of F.limnocharis in this study. The F.limnocharis species is a species that is tolerant of various habitats[3].The highest species density in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village was F.lim-nocharis with3.4individuals/100m2m2and the lowest were I.biporcatus,E.multifasci-ata,and I.braminus with0.1individuals/100m2m2.The high density of F.limnocharis because F.limnocharis is the most dominant species among other herpetofauna.In the coconut plantations of Simbur Naik village,the density value of amphibians ranges from 0.1to3.4individuals/100m2m2,which is higher than[9]whose density values rangeDensity and Diversity of Herpetofauna245 from0.1–0.30individuals/100m2m2.This difference can be caused by differences in the sampling area and the length of the sampling time.According to the study’sfindings,Simbur Naik village’s coconut plantations had a low variety(H’)of herpetofuana.,this showed that the diversity in coconut plantations in Simbur Naik village was not complex and community stability was low.According to[35],if an ecosystem has a more varied physical environment,theflora and fauna community there will be more complex,and the diversity of species will be larger. The low diversity of herpetofauna in the Simbur Naik village plantation indicates that there are species that dominate at that location as said by[36]when the diversity of an area is low,it means that there are species that dominate the area.In accordance with the results of this study,the dominance index was high,meaning that there was one that dominated,namely F.limnocharis.Based on the results of the even distribution of herpetofauna species in the coconut plantations of Simbur Naik village,which are classified as moderate and the distribution is not stable,it indicates that the distribution of individuals of each species tends to be depressed by the environment.Many factors affect the evenness of species including the availability of animals as prey,vegetation type,climate,micro-habitat and sunlight[30,36,37].Plantations are included in the habitat disturbed by human activities.Based on this research,herpetofauna tend to be depressed by the environment.The existing herpeto-fauna will always adapt to the existing environment to the limit of its tolerance.If it cannot survive,the herpetofauna will continue to decrease or even be non-existent.According to[38]herpetofauna can function in knowing environmental conditions because her-petofauna is animals that depend on the existing environmental temperature.Depressed herpetofauna will experience a population decline so that it can reduce the existing ecological balance[39].4ConclusionsThe herpetofauna of Simbur Naik village’s coconut plantation typically exhibits poor environmental conditions.Thefindings indicate that Fejervarya limnocharis is the dom-inant species and that the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and species richness index of the Margalef herpetofauna in the Simbur Naik village coconut plantation are both low. The coconut plantation near Simbur Naik village has a herpetofauna density of0.1to 3.4individuals per100m2.Acknowledgments.For supporting this work under contract number837/UN3513/LT/2021,the author(F A D Nugraha)is grateful to Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Padang.References1. 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中药名整理中药读法来源出处简称如下:王建设先:华侨大学文学院教授张永树先:泉州市中医院主任医师崔闽鲁先:福医大二院中医科主任医师林赋赋先:泉州电视台《泉州讲古》讲古侬福先:泉州电视台《泉州第一炮》主持侬陈双凤先:泉州寿星药店老药师第一章解表药第一节发散风寒药1.麻黄ma5hong5(,王建设先/普闽)∕boo5hong5(崔闽鲁先)∕mua5hong5(陈双凤 2.桂枝kui3ki1 3.紫苏叶tsi2soo1hioh8(附:紫苏梗tsi2soo1kinn3) 4.生姜tshinn1kiunn1(附:生姜皮tshinn1kiunn1pher5生姜汁tshinn1kiunn1tsap4)(陈双凤先) 5.香蕾hiunn11u5(陈双凤先)/hiong11u5? 6.荆芥king1kai3(陈双凤先)(别名:假苏ka2soo1?)(荆芥穗king1kai3sui7,荆芥梗king1kai3kinn2(陈双凤先)) 7.防风hong5hong1 8.羌活khiong1uah8Q 陈双凤先)/khiong1huat8(台日) 9. 藁本koo2pun210. 白芷piak8tsi2(王建设先/张永树先)(陈双凤先说pch8tsi2,似误)11. 细辛se3sin1(陈双凤先)12. 苍耳子tshong1ni2tsir2(附:苍耳草tshong1ni2tshau2)(陈双凤先)13. 辛夷sin1i514. 葱白tshong1peh8(陈双凤先)/tshang1pch8?15. 胡荽oo5sui1?16. 桎柳thing11iu217. 鹅不食草gia5put4sit8tshau2第二节发散风热药18. 薄荷poh8ho3(陈双凤先)/poh8ho519. 牛劳子gu5pong5tsi2(陈双凤先)∕giu5pong5tsir2?20. 蝉蜕siam5thue3(陈双凤光)21. 桑叶song1hioh8(陈双风先/林赋赋先)(.民间一般叫娘仔叶niu5a2hioh8)22. 菊花kak4hue1(杭菊hang5kak4)23. 蔓荆子ban7king1tsir2(陈双凤先)24. 柴胡tsha5oo525. 升麻sing1ba5/sing1mua5大词典:《闽南方言大词典》泉汇:《当代泉州音字集》普闽:《普通话闽南方言词典》台日:《台日大辞典》台华:台华辞典原英:《厦英大辞典》26.葛根kuah4kun1(陈又义风光)(附:葛花kuah4hue1,干葛kan1kuah4)27.淡豆豉tam6tau7si7(附:大豆黄卷tua7tau7ng5kerng2?)28.浮萍phu5phing5(陈双凤先)∕phu5phio5Q台日)/hu5phing5(普闽)(藻PhiO5)29.木贼bok8tshat8(陈双凤第二章清热药第一节清热泻火药30.石膏tsioh8koi31.寒水石han5tsui2tsioh8(陈双凤先)32.知母ti1bu2(台日)/ti1bio2(滕双凤先)(陈双风先说即两项计有侬说)33.芦根1oo5kun134.天花粉thian1hua1hun2(陈又义凤光)35.竹叶tiak4hioh836.淡竹叶tam6tiak4hioh837.鸭跖草ah4tsiak8tshau2/ah4tsiah4tshau2(大词典:厦)R38.桅子ki1tsi1(ki1tsir2)39.夏枯草ha7koo1tshau2(陈双凤先/崔闽鲁先)/he7koo1tshau2Q台日)(陈双凤先说即两项计有侬说)40.决明子kuat4bing5tsir2(崔闽鲁先/陈双凤先)41.熊胆him5tann2(附:引流熊胆粉in21iu5him5tann2hun2,猪胆tir1tann2,蛇胆tsua5tann2)42.谷精草kok4tsing1tshau2(一般叫谷精珠kok4tsing1tsu1(陈双凤光))(谷精子kok4tsing1tsi2)43.密蒙花bit8bon g5hue1(陈双凤先)44.青箱子tshing1siong1tsir2(陈双凤先)/tshinn1siunn1tsi2(台H)第二节清热燥湿药45.黄苓ng5khim546.黄连ng5ni547.黄柏ngpeh448.龙胆(草)Iing5tann2(tshau2)(陈双凤先)49.苦参khoo2serm150.白鲜皮peh8sian2pher5(陈双凤先)第三节清热解毒药51.金银花kim1gun5hue1(附:忍冬藤1im2tong1tin5(陈双凤先))52.连翘Iian5kiau5(崔闽鲁先/陈双凤.先)∕1ian5khiau3(台日)53.大青叶tua7tshinn1hioh8(薛双凤先)54.板蓝根pan21am5kun1(陈双凤先)55.青黛tshinn1tuinn7(陈又义凤先)/tshing1tai7(台日)56.(绵马)贯众(bian5ma2?)kuan3tsiong357.三Y苦saπι1a1khoo2(,陈双凤先)58.蒲公英poo5kong1ing1(黄花地丁ng5hue1tue7ting1)59.紫花地丁tsi2hue1tue7ting1(陈双凤先)60.重楼tiong51io5(.陈双凤先)61.木芙蓉叶bok8phu5∕hu5iong5hioh862.野菊花ia2kak4hue1(陈双凤先)63.四季青si3kui3tshing1(四季春si3kui3tshun1,伶四季青无同药)(陈双凤先)64.鱼腥草hir5tshing1tshau2Q陈双凤先)65.金养麦kim1kio5beh8(陈双凤先)66.穿心莲tshuan1sim11ian5(球双风先)67.半边莲puann3pinn11ian5(半枝莲PUann3ki11ian5)(陈双凤先)68.山慈菇suann1tsir5koo1(陈双凤先)69.漏声1au31oo5(族或氏先)70.白花蛇舌草pch8hue1tsua5tsih8tshau271.大血藤tua7huih4tin5Q陈双凤72.败酱草pai7tsiunn3tshau2Q陈双凤先)(附:墓回头boo7hue5thau5?)73.土茯苓thoo2hok81ing5(陈双凤先)74.白薮peh81iam2?75.白头翁piak8thio5ong1(王建设先/张永树先)76.马齿宽bc2khi2hian6(照字读)/be2khi2kian3(陈双凤先,似误)?Q民间一我叼猪母菜tir1bu2tshai3(王建设先/崔闽鲁先))77.鸦胆子ah4tann2tsi2(陈双凤先)78.秦皮tsin5pher5(陈双凤先)/tsin5phi579.地锦草te7kiπι2tshau2(康双凤先)80.射干sia7kan181.山豆根suann1tau7kun1(陈双凤先)(附:北豆根pak4tau7kun1)82.马勃ma2put8(照字读)/ma2puat8(陈双凤先,似误)?83.朱砂根tsu1seikun184.木蝴蝶bok8oo5tiap8(陈双凤先)(故纸koo3tsua2)85.土牛膝thoo2gu5tshiak4(陈双凤先)86.肿节风tsiong2tsiat4hong1(陈又义凤先)87.拳参kun5serm188.绿豆1iak8tau7(附:绿豆衣1iak8tau7i1)第四节清热凉血药89.生地黄serng1te7hong5(生地SCrngite7,地黄te7hong5,熟地黄SiOk8te7hong5,熟地SiOk8SI)(王建设先/张永树先)<有侬读“黄”字做白读ng5,为错误)90.玄参hian5serm1(陈双凤先:一般叫元参guan5serm1)91.牡丹皮boo2tan1pher5(陈双凤92.赤芍tshiah4sioh8(芍药sioh8ioh8白芍pch4sioh8)93.紫草tsi2tshau2(,陈双凤先)94.水牛角tsui2gu5kak4(犀角sai1kak4)第五节清虚热药95.青蒿tshing1hoo1Q照字读)/tshing1koo1(陈双凤先,似误)96.白薇peh8bi5(陈双凤先)97.地骨皮tc7kut4pher5(.陈双凤先)98.银柴胡gun5tsha5oo599.胡黄连oo5ng5ni5第三章泻下药第一节攻下药100.大黄tua7ng5(陈双凤光)/tai7hong5?101.芒硝bong5siau1(附:玄明粉hian5bing5hun2,陈双凤先:一般叫元明粉guan5bing5hun2)(朴硝phok4siau1,牙硝ge5siau1)102.番泻叶haun1sia3hioh8103.芦荟1oo5hue7(旗双风免)第二节润下药104.火麻仁her2InUa51in5105.郁李仁hiok41i21in5(陈双凤先:按道理着读“郁”李仁hiok41i21in5,但是一般也有侬读“修”李仁ut41i21in5)106.松子仁siong5tsir21in5(陈双凤先)第三节峻下逐水药107.甘遂kam1sui7108.京大戟king1?tai7kiak4(附:红大戟ang5tai7kiak4)109.芫花guan5hue1110.商陆siong11iok8111.牵牛子khan1gu5tsir2(康农风光)112.巴豆pa1tau7113.千金子tshian1kim1tsir2(薛双凤先)第四章袪风湿药第一节袪风寒湿药114.独活tok8uah8(陈双凤先)/tok8huat8(台日)115.威灵仙UiI1ing5Sian1(民间一般叫百条根pah4tiau5kun1)(三建7登免/屋闺若先)116.川乌tshuan1oo1(附:草乌tshau2OoI(薛双凤先)∕tsho2Oo1(台日))117.薪蛇ki5tsua5(附:金钱白花蛇kim1tsinn5pch8hue1tsua5)118.乌梢蛇OOIsiau1tsua5(陈双凤先)(附:蛇蜕tsua5thue3(廖双双先))119.木瓜bok8kua1(陈双凤先)/bok8kue1?120.蚕沙tsham5sa1(泉州讲古旁白,陈双凤先同)/tsham5sua1Q泉州讲古林赋赋先)(一般叫娘仔屎niu5a2sai2)121.伸筋草tshng1kun1tshau2(陈双凤先)122.寻骨风sim5kut4hong1123.松节siong5tsiat4(陈双凤124.海风藤hai2hong1tin5125.青风藤tshing1hong1tin5126.丁公藤ting1kong1tin5127.昆明山海棠khun1bing5suann1hai2tong5128. 雪上一枝蒿suat4siong7it4ki1hoo1?129. 路路通1oo71oo7thong1第二节袪风湿热药130. 秦充tsin5kau1131. 防己hong5ki2132. 桑枝song1ki1(桑芽song1ga5)(冰赋就;⅛)133. 稀釜草hi1hiam1tshau2臭梧桐(叶)tshau5ngoo5tong5(hioh8)海桐皮hai2tong5phcr5Q 陈又义凤先)络石藤1ok8tsioh8tin5(陈双凤先)雷公藤1ui5kong1tin5老鹳草Iau2∕1au6kuan3tshau2?穿山龙tshng1suann11ing5丝瓜络si1kue11ok8第三节袪风湿强筋骨药141 .五加皮goo2∕ngoo2ka 1phi5Q 台日)(陈双凤先读"皮”做白读PhCr5,待定)142 .桑寄生song1kia3serng1Q 陈双凤先)(台目做SOngkia3sinn1/song1ki3sng1)(棚寄生hak8kia3SerngI (原双友先))143 .狗脊kau2tsit4(原双双先)144 .千年健tshian11ian5kian3?145 .雪莲花seh4?Iian5hue1(附:天山雪莲thian1san1suat4?Iian5)146 .鹿衔草1ok8ham5tshau2147 .石楠叶tsioh81am5hioh8第五章化湿药148 .(广)毒香(kong2)hok4hiong1(崔闽鲁先/陈双凤先)149 .佩兰pue71an5(崔闵鲁先)150 .苍术tshong1tsut8151 .厚朴hio6phak4(泉汇)/hio6phok4Q 陈双凤先)152 .砂仁sa11in5(陈双凤先)153 .(白)豆夔(pch8)tau7khio3(附:豆蔻壳tau7khio3khak4)154 .草豆蔻tshau2tau7khio3(陈双凤先)155 .草果tshau2ker2(陈双风光)/tshau2koo2(台斤)第六章利水渗湿药第一节利水消肿药156 .茯苓hok81ing5(附:茯苓皮hok81ing5pher5,茯神hok8sin5)(白茯苓PCh8hok81ing5,赤茯苓tshiah4hok81ing5)157 .猪苓tir11ing5158 .泽泻tiak8sia3134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139.140.159.慈饮仁i3i21in5(惹米i3bi2)160.赤小豆tshiah4sio2tau7161.冬瓜皮tang1kue1pher5(附:冬瓜子tang1kue1tsi2)(陈双凤先)162.玉米须giok8bi2tshiu1(陈双凤先)163.葫芦hoo51oo5164.香加皮hiong1ka1phi5(陈双凤先读"皮”做自读PhCr5,待定)165.泽漆tiak8tshat4166.螃⅛⅛1io5koo1(民间一般叫涂猴thoo5kau5)167.枳棋子tsi2ku2tsir2(陈双凤先读做tsi2koo3tsir2)?第二节利尿通淋药168.车前子kir1/tshia1tsian5tsir2(附:车前草kir1/tshia1tsian5tshau2)169.滑石kut8sit8/kut8tsioh8170.木通bok8thong1(附:川木通tshuan1bok8thong1)171.通草thong1tsho1(陈双凤先)172.瞿麦ku5beh8173,篇蓄pian2thiok4(陈双凤先)174.地肤子te7hu1tsir2(陈双凤先)175.海金沙hai2kim1sua1(陈双凤先)(附:海金沙藤hai2kim1sua1tin5)176.石韦tsioh8ui5Q陈双凤先读“法”做ui2,以共)177.冬葵子tong1khui5tsir2(陈双凤光)/tong1kui5tsir2178.灯心草ting1sim1tshau2179.革菊pi1hai1(陈双凤先)(pi1hai7也可?)第三节利湿退黄药180.茵陈initin5(球双凤;⅛)(绵茵陈mi5initin5(薛双凤先),北茵陈pak4initin5又叼牛至gu5tsi3(陈双凤先),茵陈蒿initin5hoo1)181.金钱草kim1tsinn5tshau2182.虎杖hoo2tiong6(.陈双凤先)183.地耳草tc7ni2tshau2(陈双凤先)184.垂盆草sui5phun5tshau2(陈双凤先)185.溪黄草khue1ng5tshau2(陈双凤先)186.鸡骨草kue1kut4tshau2(陈双凤先)187.珍珠草tin1tsu1tshau2(陈双凤先)/tsin1tsu1tshau2第七章温里药188.附子hu3tsir2189.肉桂IiOk8kui3(王建设先/张永树先)(官桂kuan1kui31陈双风光)/kuann1kui3(台日)(陈双凤先说即两项计有侬/},桂皮kui3pher5)190.干姜kan1kiunn1(炮姜phau3kiunn1姜炭kiunn1thuann2)191.吴茱萸ngoo5tsu11u5(茱萸,福先/普闽i台日作ts∖Λ1u5,,然廖双凤先作tsu1i5,似误,应为受普通话影响兮谐音S萸,大词典:文ir5,^1ir5;又正;1u5)192.(公)丁香(kong1)ting1hiunn1(廖双凤先)(附:母丁香bu2ting1hiunn1)(鸡舌香kue1tsih8hiunn1)193.小茴香sio2hue5hiong1(陈双凤先)(附:八角茴香PUCh4kak4hue5hiong1)(大茴香tua7huc5hiong∖(陈双凤先),莽草bong2tshau2)194.花椒hue1tsio1?(附:椒目tsio1bok8)195.高良姜koo11iong5kiunn1196.胡椒hoo5tsio1197.单芨pit4puat8(陈双凤先)198.革澄茄pit4ting5kio5199.山泰san11ai7(陈双凤先)第八章理气药200.陈皮tin5phi5(附:橘核kiat4hut8,橘络kiat4hut8,橘叶kiat4hioh8,化橘红hua3kiat4hong5)(橘红kiat4hong5∕ang5,橘皮kiat4pher5)(橘红,台日昨kiat4hong5,陈双凤先说一般叫kiat4ang5)201.青皮tshing1phi5Q台日)/tshinn1pher5(陈双凤光)202.枳实tsi2sit8(附:枳壳tsi2khak4)203.木香bok8hiong1(陈双凤先)/bak8hiunn1(台日/厦英)(青木香tshinn1bak8 hiunn1(台H))204.香附hiong1hu3205.乌药oo1ioh8206.沉香tim5hiunn1207.檀香tuann5hiunn1208.川楝子tshuan11ian7tsi2(陈双凤先)209.荔枝核Iian6∕nui6tsi1hut8210.佛手put4tshiu2/hut8siu2?211.香椽hiunn1inn5(台华)/hiunn1iunn2Q陈双凤光)212.玫瑰花mui5kui3hue1213.甦白hai7piak8(陈双凤先)214.大腹皮tua7hok4pher5Q陈双凤/tai7hok4phi5Q台日)215.柿蒂khi6ti3216.刀豆to1tau7217.甘松kam1siong5(陈双风光)218.九香虫kau2phang1thang5(薛双凤先)219.娑罗子sua11o5tsir2220.绿萼梅1iok8gok8mui5(梅花mui5hue1)221.天仙藤thian1sian1tin5第九章消食药222.山楂san1∕sian1tsa1223.(六)神曲(IiOk8)sin5kak4(附:建曲kian3kak4)224.麦芽beh8ge5225.稻芽tiu6ge5(粟芽tshiak4ge5)(附:谷芽kok4ge5)226.莱瓶子1ai5hok8tsir2(廖双凤先)227.鸡内金kue11ai6kim1(陈双凤先)/1ue7kim1(台日)(其所叼鸡眩膜ku。

Firstbeat Bodyguard 2 心率监测设备说明书

Firstbeat Bodyguard 2 心率监测设备说明书

Abstract — Firstbeat Bodyguard 2 (BG2) is a beat-to-beat heart rate monitoring device which is targeted for long-term monitoring of heart rate variability (HRV) and physical activity. Device records ECG with electrodes, processes the signal with an integrated algorithm and provides beat-to-beat R-to-R interval (RRI) as an output with 1ms resolution. We tested the accuracy of the BG2 RRI extraction against standard clinical ECG derived RRI during rest and different types of physical activity (walking, running, biking) in 19 healthy volunteers. BG2 detected on average 99.95% of the heartbeats (0.05% of beats missed) and had 0.16% extra beat detection rate, with 2.96ms (0.54%) mean absolute error (MAE) in RRI as compared to the standard ECG. When Firstbeat artifact correction was applied to the data, erroneous detections were further reduced (0.04% extra detections, 0.02% missed beats). BG2 provides accurate data for HRV analysis; RMSSD difference between BG2 and clinical ECG derived HRV was -1.30ms after the artifact correction. It can be concluded that BG2 provides an accurate method for long term HRV monitoring during daily life.Index Terms —Firstbeat Bodyguard 2, RR interval, heart rate variability, accuracyI. I NTRODUCTIONHeart rate variability (HRV) provides significant clinical information about the health status of an individual [1]. Chronic stress and effort at work are related to cardiac autonomic functions and can be examined by using HRV [2]. HRV is also related to subjective well-being [3]. For any HRV analysis, accurate and error-free RRI acquisition is critical.The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Firstbeat BG2 device (Firstbeat Technologies Ltd, Jyväskylä, Finland) combined with an offline beat correction algorithm by Firstbeat. The accuracy of BG2 was compared to standard clinical ECG with off-line R-wave detection.II. METHODSA. SubjectsTwenty-one healthy volunteers (15 males and 6 females; 31.3 ± 10.7 years old) participated in the study. All participants were nonsmokers and physically moderately active performing some type of physical activity weekly. Two subjects were excluded from the final analysis because of lost electrode contact during the recording. Therefore, nineteen subjects were included in the statistical evaluation of accuracy.B. Testing protocolTotal testing time was 50 minutes and contained activities from rest to intensive exercise (Table 1).C. Data acquisitionRRI were acquired with the Firstbeat BG2 wearable heart rate monitor on 1ms resolution. Two-channel reference ECG signal (256Hz) was recorded with the Embla Titanium [4]. The Embla Titanium is a multi-parameter wearable recorder designed for acquiring several biosignals including ECG. The reference device electrodes were placed according to the instructions for a 2-channel Holter measurement [5]. The BG2 and disposable electrodes were set up on a subject’s body according to the instructions in the user manual. Skin was cleaned using alcohol before the placing of the electrodes. The disposable electrodes and cables were fastened with medical tape to decrease the level of possible motion artifacts.D. Signal processingThe BG2 RRI signal was derived from the device after the recording and processed with the Firstbeat artifact correction method [6]. Both original BG2 RRI and corrected BG2 RRI were used in the analysis.Jakub Parak, Ilkka Korhonen Department of Signal Processing Tampere University of TechnologyTampere, FinlandAccuracy of Firstbeat Bodyguard 2 beat-to-beatheart rate monitorTABLE IT ESTING PROTOCOL TASKS AND DURATIONActivityDuration [min]Rest sitting 4:00 Lying on bed 6:00 Standing,1:00 Walking 3km/h - 0% inclination 3:00 Walking 3km/h - 5% inclination 3:00 Walking 3km/h - 10% inclination 3:00 Walking 5km/h - 0% inclination 3:00 Walking 5km/h - 5% inclination 3:00 Walking 5km/h - 10% inclination 3:00 Running 9km/h - 0% inclination 3:00 Running 11km/h - 0% inclination 3:00 Rest sitting 6:00 Cycling 60 rpm 3:00 Cycling 90 rpm 3:00 Rest sitting 4:00The reference ECG was analyzed with the Kubios HRV tool [7]. Visual inspection was used to select the channel with better ECG RAW signal quality for every subject. An automatic R-peak detection algorithm contained in the HRV tool was applied on the selected channel. In this procedure, QRS complexes were re-sampled at 2048 Hz with sinc-interpolation prior to R-peak detection. This approach reduces the quantization error caused by low ECG sampling rate [8].Manual beat correction was performed to verify correct R- wave detection in the reference signal. Arrhythmias (ectopic beats) were identified by using algorithm for heart timing signals [9] and excluded from the final statistical evaluation and comparison. Before statistical evaluation the BG2 RRI and reference RRI signals were synchronized in time with 1 ms precision by applying cross-correlation function on the derivation of the signals.RRI detection accuracy was evaluated by the number of missed beats (%), extra detections (%), mean error, and mean absolute error (MAE) between the BG2 RRI and reference RRI. Error in HRV was evaluated by calculating the difference between RMSSD derived from both signals. Calculations were done both prior and after the artifact correction.III. R ESULTSFigures 1 and 2 show an example of the BG2 2 RRI and the reference RRI prior (Fig 1) and after (Fig 2) the artifact correction.Fig. 1. Extra and missing beats detection in original recorded data.Fig. 2. Extra and missing beats detections in offline algorithm corrected data.Table 1 contains statistical evaluation of the accuracy of the original real-time beat detected data without the artifact correction. Table 2 shows results of the detections corrected by applying the offline artifact correction algorithm.The BG2 device correctly detected 99.95% of all heartbeats. When the artifact correction was applied, 99.98% of all heartbeats were correctly detected. MAE was 2.27% after the artifact correction, and the mean difference in RMSSD was -1.30ms. This difference may be partly related to lower sampling rate of the reference ECG signal.IV. CONCLUSIONThis study explored the accuracy of the Bodyguard 2 beat-to-beat heart rate monitor. The heart rate monitor was tested in various conditions during several tasks according to the testing scenario protocol. The results showed that BG2 is an accurate device for monitoring HRV. When applied with an artifact correction, the beat detection rate is very high and allows accurate HRV analysis in various conditions.R EFERENCES[1] Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the NorthAmerican Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology (1996). Heart rate variability: standards of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use. Circulation , 93 (5), 1043-65.[2] Uusitalo A et al. (2011). Heart rate variability related to effort at work.Applied Ergonomics , 42 (6), 830-838.[3] Geisler FCM. et al. (2010). The impact of heart rate variability onsubjective well-being is mediated by emotion regulation. Personality and Individual Differences, 49 (7), 723-728.[4] Embla (2011). Emba Titanium device. Available:/index.cfm/id/42/titanium [Online cited 2013 November 7][5] Schiller (2011). Schiller electrode placement for Holter MT-101 (andMT-101 nano) with 2-channel recording [Online cited 2013 November 7]. Available: /watch?v=Mwb2ZffQEtk[6] Saalasti S et al. (2004). Artefact Correction for Heartbeat Interval Data.Advanced Methods for Processing Bioelectrical Signals. Available: /userData/firstbeat/download/saalasti_et_al_pro bisi_2004_congress.pdf[7] Biosignal Analysis and Medical Imaging Group (2012). Kubios HRV- Heart Rate Variability Analysis Software [Online cited 2013 November 7]. Available:[8] Tarvainen M. P. et al. (2013). Kubios HRV - Heart rate variability analysissoftware. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, in press. [9] Mateo J and Laguna P (2003). Analysis of heart rate variability in thepresence of ectopic beats using the heart timing signal. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 50 (3), 334-343.Time [s]R R I [s ]Firstbeat original dataTime [s]R R I [s ]Firstbeat corrected dataTABLE IIS TATISTICAL EVALUATION OF THE ORIGINAL RECORDED DATA (R EAL-TIME BEAT DETECTIONS IN B ODYGUARD DEVICE)Activity Extra beats [%] Missing beats [%] Mean error[ms]Mean absoluteerror [ms]Mean absoluteerror [%]RMSSD error[ms]rest 0.45 0.26 -0.70 4.31 0.67 7.99 walking 0.19 0.08 -0.30 2.81 0.47 4.44 running 0.96 1.12 1.50 10.42 2.34 20.54 cycling 0.06 0.06 0.10 2.93 0.55 7.50 global 0.37 0.30 -0.06 4.45 0.83 9.87TABLE IIIS TATISTICAL EVALUATION OF THE OFFLINE CORRECTED DATA (O FFLINE ARTIFACT CORRECTION ALGORITHM IN F IRSTBEAT S PORTS SW)Activity Extra beats [%] Missing beats [%] Mean error[ms]Mean absoluteerror [ms]Mean absoluteerror [%]RMSSD error[ms]rest 0.07 0.03 -0.21 2.43 0.32 -3.18 walking 0.00 0.00 -0.02 1.79 0.26 1.38 running 0.12 0.09 -0.46 2.97 0.72 -2.48 cycling 0.00 0.00 -0.02 2.30 0.40 1.92 global 0.04 0.02 -0.16 2.27 0.38 -1.30。



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Nichicon 电容器产品说明书

Nichicon 电容器产品说明书


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中药靶向外泌体防治糖尿病肾脏病的新进展*陈宇1, 黄国东2△, 覃婷3, 范氏泰和2, 王慧玲1, 莫超1(1广西中医药大学研究生院,广西 南宁 530000;2广西中医药大学附属国际壮医医院,广西 南宁 530000;3广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院,广西 南宁 530000)New progress in prevention and treatment of diabetic kidney disease bytargeting exosomes with traditional Chinese medicineCHEN Yu 1, HUANG Guodong 2△, QIN Ting 3, PHAM Thithaihoa 2,WANG Huiling 1, MO Chao 1(1Graduate School of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine , Nanning 530000, China ; 2Guangxi International Zhuang Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine , Nanning 530000, China ; 3Ruikang Hospital Affiliated to Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine , Nanning 530000, China. E -mail : 644781538@ )[ABSTRACT ] Diabetic kidney disease is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus , which may evolve into end -stage renal disease with the progression of diabetes mellitus. Exosomes are microvesicles secreted by cells , containing nucleic acids , proteins , lipids and other active substances , which play an important role in maintaining cell homeostasis and mediating signal communication between cells. With the gradual deepening of medical research , exosomes have been found to be closely related to fibrosis , inflammation , oxidative stress , autophagy and other pathological changes , which in⁃volve signal transduction of multiple pathways , such as TGF -β1/Smads , NF -κB/NLRP3, PTEN/PI3K/AKT , IRF1/Rab27a and mTOR. Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of inheritance , and the clinical effect of Chinese herbal medi⁃cine in the treatment of diabetic kidney disease is definite. The research on the molecular mechanism of Chinese herbal medicine in modern medicine is getting more and more mature. Now , Chinese scholars have found that Chinese herbal medicine can play a therapeutic role in diabetic kidney disease by regulating the release and biological function of exo⁃somes , targeting exosomes to interfere with signal transmission between cells , and using exosomes as carriers. This article combs and summarizes the mechanism of exosomes in diabetic kidney disease and the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine , in order to provide new ideas for the prevention and treatment of diabetic kidney disease.[关键词] 糖尿病肾脏病;外泌体;中药[KEY WORDS ] diabetic kidney disease ; exosome ; traditional Chinese medicine [中图分类号] R259; R587.1; R363.2 [文献标志码] Adoi : 10.3969/j.issn.1000-4718.2023.09.017糖尿病肾脏病(diabetic kidney disease , DKD )是由糖尿病(diabetes mellitus , DM )所导致的慢性肾脏病,是DM 最严重的微血管并发症,临床上以持续性白蛋白尿和(或)估算的肾小球滤过率进行性下降为主要特征。



发表时间:2019-11-25T15:15:32.963Z 来源:《建筑学研究前沿》2019年17期作者:尹斌[导读] Nam Khan 2级水电站位于老挝Luang Probang(琅勃拉邦)东南约30公里的Nam Khan河上。

中国水利水电第十工程局有限公司四川成都 610072 摘要:南坎2水电站截流设计因地制宜采用围堰一次性拦段河床,土石围堰全年挡水,隧洞导流的导流方案。


1 工程概况
1.1 工程条件Nam Khan 2级水电站位于老挝Luang Probang(琅勃拉邦)东南约30公里的Nam Khan河上,是Nam Khan河规划三个梯级电站中的第2级。



1.2 自然条件(1)水文、气象。



3points#1.Which drawing is the central part of the picture with the star?Gambarajah yang manakah menunjukkan bahagian tengah gambar bintang tersebut?以下哪个图案是星星图片中间的部分?(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)#2.Which houses are made using exactly the same pieces of triangular or rectangular shape?Rumah-rumah yang manakah dibina menggunakan bahagian segitiga dan segiempat yang sama?以下哪几间屋子是由完全相同的三角形和长方形组成的?(A)1,4(B)3,4(C)1,4,5(D)3,4,5(E)1,2,4,5#3.When Koko the Koala does not sleep,he eats50grams of leaves per hour.Yesterday,he slept20hours.How many grams of leaves did he eat yesterday?Apabila Koko si Koala tidak tidur,dia memakan50gram daun setiap jam.Semalam,dia telah tidur selama20jam.Berapa gram daun yang dimakan olehnya semalam?当Koko这只树熊不睡觉时,它每小时能吃50克的叶子。


请问它昨天共吃了多少克的叶子?(A)0(B)50(C)100(D)200(E)400#4.Maria subtracts and gets as results the numbers from 0to 5.She connects the dots,starting at the dot with the result 0and ending at the dot with the result 5.Which figure does she get?Maria membuat operasi tolak dan mendapat hasil daripada 0hingga 5.Dia menyam-bungkan titik-titik tersebut bermula dari titik bernilai 0dan berakhir dengan titik bernilai 5.Gambarajah manakah yang dilukis olehnya?Maria 使用减法并获得从0至5的答案。



(越、汉)实用越南语第一课问候常用语句:1.Chào anh! 你好!2.Anh có khỏe không? 你身体好吗?3.Anh đi đâu thế? 你去哪?4.Tôi đi nhà hát,còn anh?我去剧院,你呢?5. Đi nhé,chào nhé.走啦,再见。

6. Đi chợ à? 上街啊?7.Tạm biệt (Huy)! 再见!8.Hẹn gặp anh ngày mai. 明天见。

9.Rất hân hạnh được gặp ông. 真高兴见到您。

10.Trên đường có thuận lợi chứ? 路上顺利吗?场景会话A.Chào anh,anh có khỏe không? 你好,你身体好吗?Cảm ơn chị,tôi vẫn khỏe,còn chị? 谢谢你,我一直很好,你呢?Cảm ơn,tôi cũng khỏe. 谢谢,我也很好。

Tạm biệt chị. 再见。

Tạm biệt anh. 再见。

B.Em chào anh ạ! 您好!Chào em! 你好!Anh đi đâu thế? 您去哪儿?Đi nhà hát,còn em? 去剧院,你呢?Em về nhàạ. 我回家。

Đi nhé,chào nhé. 走了,再见吧。

生词:chào 你好,再见(敬辞)anh 兄,哥,你(男性)có助词,无意义không 与có连成có…không结构……吗khỏe 健康,身体好đi 去,往đâu 哪里thế语气词,无意义tôi 我nhà hát 剧院nhé语气词,无意义chợ市场,集市tạm biệt 再见(暂别)hẹn 约定gặp 会面,见面ngày mai 明天hân hạnh 荣幸,高兴rất 很được 能够,可以ông 先生cảm ơn 谢谢vẫn 一直cũng 也chị姐,你(女性)em 弟,妹về回,返,归nhà家句型练习:1.Cháu chào cụ (ông, bà, cô,chú) ạ.太爷爷(爷爷、奶奶、阿姨、叔叔)好!2.Anh (chị, ông) có khỏe không?你身体好吗?3.Tôi (vẫn) bình thường.我(一直)很好。


Abies spp.:
Silver fir
Thuja spp.:
Northern white cedar,
Eastern arbor vitae
Thuja spp.:
Antrocaryon spp:
Bouchi cassoun,
Caju-acu,Caju damata,Caschou,Cashu,Espave,

生物 化学 养殖类越南语

生物 化学 养殖类越南语

行业专业越语名词Töøvöïn g chuye n nga n h理想蛋白质: protein ly töôûn g矿物元素: khoa n g nguye n to有机矿物质元素: nguye n to khoa n g höõu cô无机矿物质元素: nguye n to khoa n g vo cô氨基酸水平: tie u chua n acid amin氨基酸利用率(AAA) : ty le ha p thu acid amin氨基酸平衡: ca nño i acid amin纤维: cha t xô (celullose)脂肪: cha t be o (lipid)灰份: tha n h pha n tro营养需要: dinh döôõn g thie t ye u残渣: ca n ba微量元素: nguye n to vi löôïn g平均体重: the tro n g bình qua n日增重: ta n g tro n g trong nga y.采食量: löôïn g thöùc a nñöôïc söûdu n g (söùc a n)适口性: tính ngon mie n g,tính kha u vò饲料消化能含量: ha m löôïn g na n g löôïn g tie u ho a (DE) trong thöùc a n饲料代谢能含量: ha m löôïn g na n g löôïn g trao ño i cha t (ME) trong thöùc a n. FCR(饲料/增重): ty le chuye n ho a thöùc a n so vôùi söïta n g tro n g (thöùca n/ta n g tro n g).能量蛋白比: ty le na n g löôïn g & protein赖氨酸能量比: ty le na n g löôïn g & lysin总磷(Total P): phospho to n g (to n g löôïn g phospho)瘦肉率: t y le na c成活率: ty le so n g受胎率: ty le thu thai产子率: ty le sinh青年母猪: na i tô后备母猪: na i ha u bò怀孕母猪: na i mang thai哺乳母猪: na i nuo i con去势公猪: heo (ñöïc) thie n比例: ty le断奶: cai söõa配种: pho i gio n g乳猪初始重: the tro n g heo con sô sinh出栏体重: the tro n g xua t chuo n g钱肉比: ty le tie u to n chi phí so vôùi so löôïn g thòt thu ñöôïc. 品牌: nha n hie u ha n g ho a, thöông hie u拉稀: tie u cha y肉质: cha t löôïn g thòt产蛋率: ty leñe tröùn g滴水度: ty le nöôùc trong thòt heo饵料系数: he so thöùc a n ca高粱: cao löông小麦: tie u ma c h次粉: bo t mì棉子粕: ba ha t go n羽毛粉: bo t lo n g vu乳清粉: Whey powder乳糖: ñöôøn g lactose石粉: bo tña磷酸氢钙: calcium hydrophosphate (DCP)反刍动物: ño n g va t nhai la i细胞: te ba o细胞壁: tha n h te ba o吸收率: ty le ha p thu留香时间: thôøi gian löu höông染色剂: cha t la mño i ma u, ta o ma u水分: tha n h pha n nöôùc碱: kie m (Alkali)碱性环境: mo i tröôøn g kie m酸性环境: mo i tröôøn g acid淀粉: tinh bo t有害菌: vi khua n co ha i有益菌: vi khua n coích乳酸: acid lactic日粮: thöùc a n ha n g nga y日增重: ta n g tro n g ha n g nga y氨气: khí Ammonia鹌鹑: chim cu t包膜: ma n g bao bo c be n ngoa i包被: ma n g bo c, a o bo c be n ngoa i 保存剂: cha t ba o qua n贝壳粉: bo t so比重: ty tro n g必须氨基酸: acid amin ca n thie t病菌: vi khua n (germ)不饱和脂肪酸: acid be o kho n g ba o ho a (acid fatty)药物残留: to nño n g thuo c沉积物: cha t la n g ño n g臭味: mu i ho i出肉率: ty le thòt thu ñöôïc (dressing percentage) sau khi tröøñi no ita n g, xöông, lo n g.v.v…雏鸡: ga con, ga tô传染: truye n nhie m初清筛: ma t sa n g thöùnha t trong he tho n g sa n g lo c cu a ma y mo c thie t bò.促生长: thu cña y ta n g tröûông催化剂: cha t xu c ta c分子: pha n töû大蒜素: Alenin (to i)代谢: trao ño i cha t地下水污染: o nhie m nguo n nöôùc nga m电解质: cha tñie n gia i调研: ñie u nghie n载体: cha tñe m (carrier)定量: ñònh löôïn g胴体: tha n thòt (cô the heo ña tröøñi no i ta n g)毒素: ño c to(Toxin)T-2毒素: ño c to Trichothecene T-2毒性: ño c tính犊牛: nghe短期利益: lôïiích nga n ha n, lôïiích tröôùc ma t 断奶窝重: the tro n g löùa cai söõa断奶重: the tro n g cai söõa发酵: le n men发酵罐: bình ñöôïc söûdu n g cho vie c le n men. 喷雾干燥: phun söông sa y kho发育不全: pha t trie n kho n g ña yñu繁殖: sinh ñe, sinh so i na y nôû遗传: di truye n基因: gene (ye u to di truye n)糖蜜: ræ ma tñöôøn g粉碎机: ma y nghie n制粒机: ma y e p vie n混合机: ma y tro n孵化率: ty le tröùn g nôû氟超标: Flour vöôït qua quy ñònh氟: Fluor赋形剂: ta döôïc (excipien)干物质: va t cha t kho杆菌肽锌: Zinc bacitracin汞: thu y nga n骨粉: bo t xöông呼吸道疾病: be n h ñöôøn h ho ha p污染环境: o nhie m mo i tröôøn g活性: hoa t tính僵猪: heo co i降解: gia n pha n角质: cha t söøn g酵素: men (enzyme)净含量: ha m löôïn g tònh净肉率: ty le thòt nguye n cha t.净增重: ta n g tro n g tònh酒精: co n抗病力: kha na n g kha n g be n h抗体: kha n g the抗营养因: nha n to kha n g dinh döôõn g 链球菌: Chain coccus流产: ñe non, sa y thai流散性: tính pha n ta n绿化胆碱: Choline chloride卵磷脂: Lecithin霉菌毒素: ño c to na m mo c霉菌中毒: ngoño c na m mo c霉味: mu i na m mo c莫能霉素: Monensin木薯渣: ba khoai mì农药残留: to n do n g thuo c tröøsa u 浓度: no n g ño胚胎: pho i thai澎化: e pñu n生石灰: vo i chöa ño t (Quick lime) 苹果渣: ba“tra i” ta o器官: bo pha n (trong cô the)潜伏期: thôøi ky tie m a n球虫病: be n h ca u tru n g色素: sa c to筛网: löôùi ma t sa n g砷中毒: ngoño c Arsenic渗透压: e p tha m tha u。

亚特兰茅克NGP NGP+系列氮氧生成器产品说明书

亚特兰茅克NGP NGP+系列氮氧生成器产品说明书

Nitrogen generators NGP/NGP+seriesModified atmosphere is the practice of modifying the composition of the internal atmosphere of a package to improve the shelf life. This is commonly used in food or drug packaging. The modification process often tries to lower the amount of oxygen (O2), moving it from 20.9% to 0%, to slow down the growth of aerobic organisms and the speed of oxidation reactions that might take place in food and beverage products.Food & beverageMany applications of the metal industry require a protective atmosphere to prevent oxidation and decarburization of the surface to achieve the required quality.Metal heat treatment NGP/NGP+seriesFire preventionNitrogen is the gas of choice to displace oxygen andprevent explosions. It is mainly used to flush pipingsystem and blanketing of stored explosive or flammable products. The result is safety, reliability and protectionfrom corruption through oxidation.3Y our own independent supply of nitrogen.•Non-stop availability: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.•Significant economies of scale and lower operational costs: no rental charges, transport expenses and bulk user evaporation losses.•No safety hazards when handling high-pressure cylinders.•Easy integration within existing compressed air installations.On-site vs. liquid or bottled gas•Proven technology: simple, reliable and durable.•The exact purity your application demands.•Low operating costs for extra cost-efficiency.•World-class expertise in a unique market offer from compressed air to gas.High reliabilityAtlas Copco’s latest PSA generators extend the advantages of the current range. Total lifecycle cost consists of the initial investment cost of the on-site installation, the service cost, and the energy cost. The NGP range has the lowest investment cost. However,with increasing running time, you are better advised to switch to the NGP +range to reduce energy costs.New generation PSA generators will change the marketNGP/NGP +seriesWith an air factor* of 1.8 (at 95%) to 5.5 (at 99.999%) and a special cycle time modulation algorithm, the running cost of the new NGP +can be reduced by 50%, compared to other N 2generators.* The air factor is calculated by dividing the inlet air your system needs by the amount of N 2it produces. The lower the air factor, the more efficient your nitrogen generation.Total lifecycle cost5•Temperature.•Pressure.•Pressure dewpoint.•Automatic feed air blow-off in case of contamination.•Minimum pressure valve with bypass nozzle for fast start-up.•Eliminates risk of overflow and CMS damage.•High density due to packed bed technology.•Top/bottom equalization.•Protected by dedicated pressure sensor.•Low air consumption.1.Self-protective monitoring of thefeed air quality2.Automatic start-up3.Highest quality adsorbent/CMSNGP/NGP +series•Interface available in 32 languages •Comprehensive maintenance display•Nitrogen flow meter as standard.•Zirconia oxygen sensor with a long lifetime.•Nitrogen pressure dewpoint sensor available as an option.Exceptional reliabilityAir factor (air-to-nitrogen ratio) up to 1.8•Stand-by mode in case no nitrogen is consumed.•Cycle time modulation algorithm = extended cycle time at low nitrogen demand = reduced air consumption at low nitrogen demand.•Automatically regulates to the requested nitrogen pressure and purity.•Extremely easy to change purity.•Off-spec nitrogen monitoring system5.The most complete scope ofsupply6.Outlet pressure reducing valvePremium energy efficiencyThe ultimate energy saverStable purity7Atlas Copco’s NGP/NGP +nitrogen generators use Pressure Swing Adsorption technology to isolate nitrogen molecules from other molecules in compressed air. Oxygen, CO 2, water vapor and other gases are adsorbed. The result is virtually pure nitrogen at the outlet of the generator. The NGP/NGP +Series is a very cost-efficient source of nitrogen used in various industries like food and beverage, metal processing, electronics, and many others.High purity nitrogen supply up to99.999%NGP/NGP +seriesThe Elektronikon ®unit controller is specially designed to maximize the performance of your compressors and air treatment equipment under a variety of conditions. Our solutions provide you with key benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower energy consumption, reduced maintenance times and less stress… less stress for both you and your entire air system.Elektronikon ®MK5 GraphicHigh resolution color display gives you an easy to understand readout of the equipment’s running conditions.•Clear icons and intuitive navigation provides you fast access to all of the important settings and data.•Monitoring of the equipment running conditions andmaintenance status; bringing this information to your attention when needed.•Operation of the equipment to deliver specifically and reliably to your compressed air needs.•Built in remote control and notifications functions provided as standard, including simple to use ethernet based communication.•Support for 31 different languages, including character based languages.Intelligence is part of the packageMonitor your equipment over the ethernet with the Elektronikon ®unit controller. Monitoring features include warning indications,equipment shut-down and maintenance scheduling. An Atlas Copco App is available for iPhone/Android phones as well as iPad and Android tablets. It allows fingertip monitoring of your compressed air system through your own secured network.Online monitoring9Monitor your compressed air installation with SMARTLINKKnowing the status of your compressed air equipment at all times is the surest way to achieve optimal efficiency and maximum availability.Go for energy efficiencyCustomized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room.Increase uptimeAll components are replaced on time, ensuring maximum uptime.Save moneyEarly warnings avoid breakdowns and production loss.SMARTLINKSMARTLINK ServiceA mouse-click reveals the online service log. Get quotes for parts and additional service quickly and easily.SMARTLINK UptimeUptime additionally sends you an e-mail or text message whenever a warning requires your attention.SMARTLINK EnergyEnergy gives you customized reports on the energy efficiency of your compressor room, in compliance with ISO 50001.Evolving towards compressed air managementNGP/NGP +seriesPSA nitrogen generators (NGP ,NGP +)The wide product range and gas flows exceeding 3,000 Nm³/h (NGP/NGP +) make these generators ideal for a variety of demanding applications.High flow capacity•Only requires a supply of drycompressed air.•Plug-and-play.•No specialist installation or commissioning.•Fully automated and monitored includingoxygen sensor as standard.•Service-friendly.Ready to use•Robust design.•Continuous availability (24 hours a day,7 days a week).•Potential risk of production breakdown due to gas running out is eliminated.Exceptional reliabilityNGP/NGP +: nitrogen concentrations from 95% to 99.999%.Desired purity•Low operating expenses.•No additional costs such as orderprocessing, refills and delivery charges.•Limited maintenance costs.Cost savings11Our service plans keep your Atlas Copco nitrogen in excellent shape.Service planAtlas Copco help is available 24/7. We keep spare parts in stock so you are up and running again as quickly as possible.Stand-by solutionsOur specialty rental services meet your temporary compressed air needs. With Customer Centers strategically located around the globe, Atlas Copco Rental can provide a solution for virtually any application.RentalNGP/NGP +seriesNGP SeriesFOD: Free Oxygen DeliveryReference conditionsCompressed air effective inlet pressure: 7.5 bar(g)/108 psi(g). Oxygen outlet pressure: 5 bar(g)/72 psi(g).Ambient air temperature: 20°C/68°F.Pressure dewpoint inlet air: 3°C/37°F.Pressure dewpoint oxygen: -50°C/-58°F.Unit inlet air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010. Minimum refrigerant dryer required to precondition inlet air. Typical oxygen quality 1.2.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010.Operating limitsMinimum ambient temperature: 5°C/41°F.Maximum ambient temperature: 45°C/113°F.Maximum compressed inlet air pressure 10 bar(g)/145 psi(g).NGP +SeriesFND: Free Nitrogen DeliveryReference conditionsCompressed air effective inlet pressure: 7.5 bar(g)/108 psi(g) for NGP, 7 bar(g)/102 psi(g) for NGP+.Nitrogen outlet pressure: 6 bar(g)/87 psi(g).Ambient air temperature: 20°C/68°F.Pressure dewpoint inlet air: 3°C/37°F.Pressure dewpoint nitrogen: -50°C/-58°F.Unit inlet air quality 1.4.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010. Minimum refrigerant dryer required to precondition inlet air. Typical nitrogen quality 1.2.1 according to ISO 8573-1:2010.Operating limitsMinimum ambient temperature: 5°C/41°F.Maximum ambient temperature: 45°C/113°F for NGP,60°C/140°F for NGP+.Maximum compressed inlet air pressure 10 bar(g)/145 psi(g)for NGP, 13 bar/189 psi(g) for NGP+.HNotes15COMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards theenvironment and the people around us. We make performance standthe test of time. This is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。

越南 氧化亚氮

越南 氧化亚氮


















1. TỔNG CÔNG TY CÔNG NGHIỆP XI MĂNG VIỆT NAM - VICEMĐịa chỉ:228 Lê Duẩn – Hà Nội *Tel: (04)8.512425-(04)8.519659-(04)8.519661 *Fax: (04)*Email:*****************Trưởng ban biên tập: Vũ Văn Hiệp - Phó Tổng giám đốc2.GIỚI THIỆU CÔNG NGHỆ SẢN XUẤT XI MĂNG QUANG SƠNXi măng Quang Sơn. Địa chỉ: Xã Quang Sơn, Huyện Đồng Hỷ, Tỉnh Thái NguyênPhone: (0280)3.823228,Fax: (0280)3.823243,Email: ***********************ÔNG TY XI MĂNG HOÀNG THẠCHĐịa chỉ: Thị trấn Minh Tân, Kinh Môn, Hải DươngĐiện thoại: (84) 0320. 3821 092 ; (84) 0320. 3821 833 (84) 0320. 3820 804 ; (84) 0320. 3820 805Fax: (84) 0320. 3821 098Email:****************************Website: 4.CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN XÂY DỰNG SỐ 9 - VINACONEX 9 JOINT STOCK COMPANYTầng 4&5 Toà nhà Vinaconex 9, Lô HH2-2 Khu đô thị Mễ Trì Hạ - Đường Phạm Hùng - Mễ Trì - Từ Liêm - Thành phố Hà NộiTel : (84 4) 35 540 612Fax (84 4) 35 540 615Email:******************5.CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN XI MĂNG HÀ TIÊN 1360 Bến Chương Dương, P. Cầu Kho, Q.1, Tp.HCM, Việt Nam.ĐT: (84-8)38 368 363 - 38 367 195Fax: (84-8) 3836 1278Email: *******************.vnWebsite: .vn6. Nhà Máy Xi Măng Duyên HàĐịa chỉ: Ninh Vân –Hoa Lư – Ninh BìnhĐiện thoại: (030) 276886Fax: (030) 6112687.Công ty Cổ Phần Xi măng và Xây dựng Quảng NinhCông ty Cổ phần Xi măng và Xây dựng Quảng NinhKCN Cái Lân, Phường Giếng Đáy, Hạ Long, Quảng NinhĐT: 84.33.3841 640 – 3841 639Fax: 84.33.3841 653E-mail: *************.vnWebsite: .vn8.XI MĂNG TÂY ĐÔĐịa chỉ: Km 14, Quốc lộ91, Phường Phước Thới, Quận Ô Môn, Tp. Cần ThơĐT: (+84.071) 2471412 - 3862078Fax: +84.071) 3768410 - 386025Email:****************ÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN XI MĂNG ĐỒNG LÂMĐịa chỉ : Thôn Cổ Xuân, Xã Phong Xuân, Huyện Phong Điền, Tỉnh Thừa Thiên HuếĐiện thoại: (+84)54. 3751 702 - 3751 703Fax: (+84) 54. 3751 701Email:****************.vnwebsite: .vnVĂN PHÒNG TẠI TPHCMĐịa chỉ: Lầu 8 cao ốc Alpha, 151 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu, P6, Quận 3, TP. HCM.Điện thoại : (+84) 8 62 903 079Fax : (+84) 8 62 903 07810.Công ty cổ phần Xi măng và khoáng sản Yên báiĐịa chỉ: Thị trấn Yên Bình - Huyện Yên Bình - Tỉnh Yên BáiTel: +84.29.885154Fax: +84.29.885585Email: ******************Văn phòng đại diện tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh: Số 3A - Đường C18 - Phường 12 - Quận Tân Bình - Thành phố HCMTel: 084.8.811 4474Fax: +84.8.811 4472Email: ********************11.Công ty Công ty cổ phần xi măng La Hiên VVMITrụ sở chính của Công ty : Xã La Hiên, Huyện Võ Nhai, Tỉnh Thái Nguyên.Điện thoại : 0280 3829154Fax : 0280.3829056Email : *******************.vnWebsite : .vn12.Công ty Cổ phần Xi măng và Xây dựng Quảng NinhCông ty Cổ phần Xi măng và Xây dựng Quảng NinhKCN Cái Lân, Phường Giếng Đáy, Hạ Long, Quảng NinhĐT: 84.33.3841 640 – 3841 639Fax: 84.33.3841 653E-mail:*************.vnWebsite: .vn13.Xi măng Quang Sơn.Địa chỉ: Xã Quang Sơn, Huyện Đồng Hỷ, Tỉnh Thái NguyênPhone: (0280)3.823228,Fax: (0280)3.823243,.vn/ZoneView.aspx?ID=17&lang=vi-VN14.Xi măng Holcim81-85 Hàm Nghi, Quận 1Tp. Hồ Chí MinhViệt NamĐiện thoại +84 -8-39149000Fax +84-8-3914900115.CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN XI MĂNG SÔNG ĐÀĐịa chỉ: Phường Tân Hòa, Thành phố Hòa Bình, Tỉnh Hòa BìnhĐiện thoại: 02183.854515/855.667Fax: 02183.854138Di động: 0983296225Email: *********************16.Công ty cổ phần Bao bì Xi măng Bút SơĐịa chỉ: Km2, đường Văn Cao, Tp Nam Định, tỉnh Nam ĐịnhĐiện thoại: 0350.383 9353Fax: 0350.384 039517.Công ty cổ phần xi măng Hải VânĐịa chỉ: 65 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Quận Liên Chiểu, Tp. Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam Điện thoại: (84)-511.3842172,fax: (84)-511.3842441Website: www.haivancement.vnEmail: ********************18.Công ty Cổ phần Xi Măng FICO Tây Nin hCopyright by FICO Cement JS.Co, All rights reserved.Tel +84.8.2992040 -84.8.9145211Fax: +84.8.299204019.CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN XI MĂNG HOÀNG LONGĐịa chỉ: Xã Thanh Nghị, Huyện Thanh Liêm, Tỉnh Hà NamĐiện thoại: 84-3513 888 631Fax: 84-3513 754 316Email:**********************20.Công ty Cổ phần Xi măng Sài Sơn tiền thânWeb:/Newsfirst.aspx?hp1=183Địa chỉ: Xã Sài Sơn, Quốc Oai, Hà Tây;Điện thoại: 034. 679377Email:***********************21.Công ty cổ phần x i măng Hoàng Mai- Tại VPĐD: 2649 Phạm Thế Hiển, P.7, Q.8, HCM.- Qua điện thoại: (08)39818370 - (08)39818371- Qua Fax: (08)3981837222.Công ty CP Xi măng Bỉm SơnTrụ sởCông ty: Phường Ba Đình-Thị xã Bỉm Sơn-Tỉnh Thanh Hóa. Tel : 84-37.824.242Fax:84-37.824.046Web:.vnEmail:*****************.vn23.Công ty cổ phần xi măng Lạng SơnAdd:Đường Phai Vệ-Tp.Lạng Sơn-Tỉnh Lạng SơnTel:84-25870195Fax:84-253878623Email:***********************Web:http://.vn24.Nhà máy Xi măng Cẩm PhảKm6, QL18A, P. Cẩm Thạch, thị xã Cẩm Phả, tỉnh Quảng NinhĐiện thoại:84-33-3721996Fax:84-33-3936030Website:http://www.ximangcampha.vn25.Công ty Hữu hạn Xi măng LuksĐỊA CHỈ: THỊ TRẤN TỨ HẠ - HUYỆN HƯƠNG TRÀ - THỪA THIÊN HUẾĐIỆN THOẠI: 054.557012 - 557447 - FAX: 054.55701126.Công ty xi măng hoàng maiWeb:/group.asp?menu=detail&id=477Add:khối 7-TT Hoàng Mai-Quỳnh Lưu-Nghệ AnTel:84-383866170Fax:84-383866648Email:**************************.vn。



Installation | Operation | Maintenance ManualBulfro Flood Early Warning System [BFEWS]Bulfro Monitech Pvt. Ltd.Flat No.2, Janai Apartment, Behind VedviharKothrud Pune 411038 MH IndiaBFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906211Contents1Early Warning Systems (3)2Smart Cities and BFEWS (3)3BFEWS and its components (3)4e-Governance products from Bulfro (4)5BFEWS configurations (4)5.1Integral configuration: typical installations (4)5.2Remote configuration: typical installation (5)6Specifications (5)6.1BFEWS options (5)6.2BFEWS models (5)6.3BFEWS Technical specifications (6)7Mechanical dimensions (8)8Unpacking (8)9Communicator (9)10Installation (9)10.1Steps (to be finalised) (9)11Data download (12)12Troubleshooting (13)BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906212BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 190621 31 Early Warning SystemsEarly Warning Systems EWS are an important component of disaster risk management strategies. One of their purpose is to issue warnings when a flood is likely or imminent. These systems use data from sensors to measure water levels at strategic points in local water basins - like rivers and lakes, or flood defences like dams and embankments - to forecast a potential flood event. These EWS comprise of four major elements as depicted below –The Bulfro Flood Early Warning System BFEWS is a Monitoring and Warning device - and thereby constitutes one of the above key elements of such systems.2 Smart Cities and BFEWSThe Smart Cities Mission promotes the Climate Smart Cities assessment program. Under its Water Management theme, it drives the Flood/Water Stagnation and Risk Management requirements.The BFEWS has been developed to address these requirements. It is an IoT-based Monitoring and Warning system, that continuously monitors the surface levels of water bodies such as canals, lakes and rivers which lie close to or pass through a city.The system is telemetry-enabled, which wirelessly communicates with the control station servers of the local governing bodies. Data from BFEWS is used to generate alerts which enable the local administration to take preventive actions. This helps to mitigate the risk of damages to life and property that could otherwise lead to serious consequences.3 BFEWS and its componentsIt comprises of a sensor connected to a data logger-cum-communicator. The sensor is Ultrasonic for shorter ranges and Radar based for longer ranges. The data from the communicator is transmitted wirelessly to central servers and can be accessed via a web-based UI application. The system has a top-mounted solar panel which charges a battery via an in-built Maximum Power Point Tracking MPPT charging module. The battery powers the communicator, and once charged fully, ensures a backup time of up to 10 days withoutsolar power.BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 190621 44 e-Governance products from BulfroBulfro offers a range of e-Governance and conservation products leveraged with IoT technology. We have developed innovative water governance equipment for groundwater and surface water monitoring, conservation and distribution.Our e-smart systems are grouped under the umbrella Bulfro Monitech. Our disruptive products, like DWLR, PHMC, Flow Monitech and BFEWS are all IoT-enabled devices. The products are highly accurate and reliable, guarantee data safety, are telemetry-enabled and offer live reporting. The product designs are rugged and energy efficient - best suited for remote installations.We are expanding our portfolio bearing in mind the Disruptive Policy of “Any Thing can be Monitored and Prognosed”.5 BFEWS configurationsIntegral: All the components are mounted on and within a weatherproof Stand pole.Remote: The Sensor boom is installed closer to the water body. The weatherproof Stand pole housing the Communicator, battery and the solar panel is mounted remotely. The Communicator and Sensor are interconnected via a signal cable. Note :The illustrations depicted below represent few of the typical installations. The actual installation scheme is decided based on a site survey done by Bulfro team along with the customer.5.1Integral configuration: typical installations5.2Remote configuration: typical installation6 Specifications6.1BFEWS options6.2 BFEWS models6.3BFEWS Technical specificationsBFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906216BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 19062177Mechanical dimensions8UnpackingYou will receive the following components for each of the BFEWS system ordered:Stand pole with communicatorBoom with sensorAntennaBattery with MPPT chargerSolar panelMechanical accessoriesInspect each package for any in-transit damage to the packing. If you notice any damage, please take clear photographs of the damaged packing.Next, open each package carefully and inspect the part for any in-transit damage. If you notice any damage, please inform Bulfro Monitech immediately along with clear photographs of the damaged part and itspackaging.BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906218BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 190621 99 CommunicatorThe Communicator can be operated via the user interface comprising of a set of 4 keys and the display.----------------image --------------Auto turn-off display:In case of Battery powered option, the display automatically turns off 100 sec after power ON. Long press to save a valueConnector types:Note the location and types of connectors on the bottom of the Communicator.----------------image --------------10 Installation10.1Steps (to be finalised)BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 19062110Note: For username and password, contact -Email: ******************Phone: +91 8010849867BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906211111Data downloadThe Communicator transmits the acquired and processed data to a central server at per-configured intervals. To access this data, visit /login.On the login page, enter the username and password provided by Bulfro.The Home page shows the Menu in the left margin and the current BFEWS installations in your organisation.----------------screen images--------------BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 1906211212TroubleshootingNote: For any other functional problems, queries or technical support, contact -Email: ******************Phone: +91 8010849867BFEWS IOM MANUAL D1 19062113。



益富新普派-保腸旺(NU-PEP HN)臨床使用報告、八、>前言:一. 元素飲食使用原因: 元素飲食於臨床上應用已有多年,主要對象有兩類,第一類是先前已使用靜脈營養(parenteral Nutrition),一段時間內準備轉換至腸道營養(Enteral Nutrition)前,給予元素飲食測試腸道功能的復甦能力。

第二類對象,因疾病或手術造成永久性腸道消化吸收功能不全者,需要長期使用元素飲食,以供給足夠的營養,例如Short Bowel Syndrome(短腸症),Inflammatory Bowel Disease(發炎性腸病變),Cystic Fibrosis(囊腫纖維變性),Ulcerative Colitis(潰瘍性結腸炎>,Chronic Pancreatitis(慢性胰臟炎),Acute Pancreatitis(急性胰臟炎),Radiation Enteritis(輻射性腸炎)等。


新普派-保腸旺(Nu-PEPHN)含高蛋白質(20%熱量),且為100%的水解乳清胜月太(peptide),較游離胺基酸(Free Amino Acid)更易被腸道吸收利用,同時提高脂肪含量(15%熱量),其中50%為不需經過膽汁乳糜化及脂肪酸消化,就可直接經血液吸收的中鏈脂肪酸(medium chain triglyceride),並可提供足夠的必需脂肪酸,至於每日所需的必須維生素、礦物質的含量,每15OOkcal Nu-PEPHN可達到100%5日營養建議需要量(RDNA),彌補目前市售元素飲食的缺點,應是較好的選擇,適宜病患短期與長期使用。




















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• • • • 看下面的例如: 看下面的例如: 大家你一言我一语,谈论得很热闹。 你看看这儿,摸摸那儿,好像对什么都感趣。 有你这句话,什么困难我都不怕了。 你很勇敢,哪儿有危险就冲到哪儿。 对那些代词的用法你们有什么意见? 对那些代词的用法你们有什么意见?
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个人) 你、我、 这(个人) 他 这 … 、那… 这会儿、 这会儿、那会儿 这儿、 这儿、那儿 这些、那些 这些、 这么、 这么、那么 这样、 这样、那样
语句间的 照应衔接作用
指 示
替 代
Page 25
表示作用: 表示作用: 甲:我的女朋友就在这张照片里。 乙:哪个是你的女朋友? 甲:这个 这个。 这个 替代作用: 替代作用: 据报道,中国第一家网络大学于四月一日开学,它由 它 清华大学等高校和北京市科委信息中心共同开办。 语句间的照应衔接作用: 语句间的照应衔接作用: 我给你带来了一本书,这本书 这本书是我最近刚买到的,很 这本书 不错。
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大部分形容词可以重叠使用。 大部分形容词可以重叠使用。重叠后的形容词带 上了较强的描写性。 上了较强的描写性 重叠形式: 重叠形式 单音节: AA 式 单音节 例如:小小/ 红红/ 高高 双音节: 双音节 AABB 式 例如:高高兴兴/ 快快乐乐/ 热热闹闹 部分双音节 双音节形容词还有一种重叠形式:ABAB 式, 双音节 例如:干净干净/ 轻松轻松。
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作谓语 作定语 作状语 作补语
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这里的东西很便宜。 这里的东西很便宜。 很便宜 小王的家很穷 很穷。 小王的家很穷。 我喜欢看她幸福的笑容。 我喜欢看她幸福的笑容。 幸福的笑容 中越两国一直都保持密切关系。 密切关系 中越两国一直都保持密切关系。 大家都积极参加学生自愿活动。 大家都积极参加学生自愿活动。 积极参加学生自愿活动 我们已经彻底解决这个问题了。 彻底解决这个问题了 我们已经彻底解决这个问题了。 他的汉语说得很流利。 他的汉语说得很流利。 流利 衣服洗的很干净 很干净。 衣服洗的很干净。
大部分形容词可以受“ 大部分形容词可以受“很”修饰。 修饰 例如:她长得很漂亮。 很 大家一起玩得很开心。 很 形容词一般不能打宾语。 形容词一般不能打宾语。但少部分形容词在表达 ……怎么样 怎么样” 怎么样” “使……怎么样” “对…… 怎么样”等意思时可以带 宾语。 宾语 例如:你越冷淡 冷淡他,他越舍不得你 (对他冷淡) 冷淡
3,部分词是否定形式,但否定式用 “非”,不能用 “不”。 部分词是否定形式, 部分词是否定形式 例如: “非亲生子女”,不能说 “不亲生子女” “非国有经济”,不能说 “不过有经济” 4,部分非谓形容词除了能作定语外还可以作状语。例如: 部分非谓形容词除了能作定语外还可以作状语。 部分非谓形容词除了能作定语外还可以作状语 大量人员被调走。(定语)
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各类代词概述 语法作用 代词的虚指问题 代词被修饰
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指示代词 疑问代词
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定义:指代人或事物的词。 定义:指代人或事物的词。 语法功能和名词大体相当。具体包括: 语法功能和名词大体相当。具体包括: 个儿 第一人称代词: 第一人称代词:我 第二人称代词: 第二人称代词:你 家 儿
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定义:指 “碧绿” “漆黑” “绿油油” “黑乎 定义 乎” 等派生形式的形容词。 特点: 特点 1,作谓语和定语时一般都要加助词“的”。 例如: “碧绿的草原” “绿油油的秧苗”
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2, 不能受副词 “很” 修饰 修饰。例如: 我们不能说:“很雪白”、“很金黄”、 “很暖洋洋”、“很乱哄哄”、“很黑 咕隆咚” 3, “碧绿” 一类词的重叠形式和一般形容 重叠形式和一般形容 词不同。“碧绿” 不能重叠为 “碧碧绿 词不同 绿” ,只能整体叠用,即按 “ABAB” 形式叠用,属于句法重叠。
定义:指只能出现在谓语的位置上而不能以任何形式 定义 出现在定语位置上。 例如:“这个人很行。” “她的男朋友很精神。” 常用的唯谓形容词:对、准时、迟、全、习、散、顺 常用的唯谓形容词 利、对头、可以 唯谓形容词主要作谓语,但部分词也可以做状语 唯谓形容词主要作谓语,但部分词也可以做状语。 例如:“火车很准时。”
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定义:指只能作定语,不能作谓语的形 定义 容词。非谓形容词一般表示事物的性质。 例如: 例如 “金” “男” “女” “正” “单” “双” “雄” “银” “大型” “野生” “民用” “国产” “外来” “高级”……
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1,不能受副词 “很” 的修饰 不能受副词 2,多数可以进入 “是...... 的”这个表达框架中 多数可以进入 这个表达框架中。例如: “国产汽车” “袖珍词典” “汽车是国产的” “词典是袖珍的”
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“火车准时到达。” (作状语)
定义:指的是 “许多”“好些”“不少” 等少 定义 数词。这些词主要用来在数量上修饰名词。 例如:“许多地方去年都发生了洪涝灾害”。 例如 “我最近买了好些(本)书。 特点:既可以直接修饰名词,也可以加上表示个 特点 体的量词后修饰名词。因此有人把这些词单独列为 “数量词”一类。这些词一般不作谓语 可以归 入非谓形容词。
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(3)加 “把” 例如:个把人、百把条枪 加 “把” 的形式一般在口语中使用,使用频 率不太高,初学汉语的人应该小心。 (4)加 “左右” “上下” “以上” “一下” 例如:三十岁以下(以上) (5)邻近的数序连用 例如:三四十岁、五六百人
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某些同音同形的词属不同的类,例如: 某些同音同形的词属不同的类,例如: “非常”:非谓形容词 ----- 非常时刻 副词 ------------ 非常高兴 “国际”: 非谓形容词 -----国际组织 名词 ------------共产国际
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可以重叠的形容词: 可以重叠的形容词 能够重叠的形容词之战形容词的一小部分。 - 原因:可以重叠的形容词一般限于口语中常用的形容词。 大部分有书面色彩的形容词是不能重叠的。 例如:“漂亮” 和 “美丽” “牢固” 和 “结实” 形容词重叠形式的意思和作用: 形容词重叠形式的意思和作用 形容词重叠后带上了 “程度深” 的语法意义,同时具有 了描写作用。
形容词、 形容词、代词 数词、 数词、量词
07C5 班 第 2 组: 阮秋怀 农氏象 阮文辉
内 容
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定义 分类 语法特点 形容词的重叠
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主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征。 主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征。 形容词用来修饰名词或代词, 形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的 性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏,与否。 性质、状态,和特征的程度好坏,与否。 如“大、高、认真、生动、美丽、精明、 认真、生动、美丽、精明、 可爱、冰凉、初级” 可爱、冰凉、初级”
这些例子中的“ ”“我”“这儿”“那儿”“什 这些例子中的“你”“我”“这儿”“那儿”“什 这儿”“那儿”“ ”“哪儿 称的对象都是不确定的。 哪儿” 么”“哪儿”称的对象都是不确定的。这就是代词的虚 指用法。 指用法。 注意: 注意: 人称代词和指示代词只有在成对使用时才能有虚指意 义。 口语中表达强调语气的一种句子的代词也是虚指用法: 口语中表达强调语气的一种句子的代词也是虚指用法: 这几天太累了,明天星期天,我得水他一天。 天 这里的“ 这里的“他”没有任何所指,作用只是加强说话的 没有任何所指, 语气。 语气。
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状态形 容词
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数量形 容词
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非谓形 容词
唯谓形 容词
指既能作谓语又能作定语的典型形容词。 指既能作谓语又能作定语的典型形容词。 修饰。 这些形容词一般都能受 “很” 修饰。语法意 义上一般表示事物的性质。 义上一般表示事物的性质。 例如: 认真” 漂亮” 例如:“大” “认真” “漂亮” 这个姑娘很漂亮 很漂亮。 这个姑娘很漂亮。
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- 定义:用来表示树木的词是数词,如:一 二 三 半。 定义: - 内容 内容: 基数和序数 序列词
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数词可以分为基数和序数。基数是指数目的多少, 数词可以分为基数和序数。基数是指数目的多少,序数 基数 是指数目的多少 是表示次序的数目。 是表示次序的数目。 基数:一,三,十一,五倍 序数:第一,初一,老二 除了加 “第”等词头的以外,很多情况下直接用基数 等词头的以外, 词表示序数, 词表示序数,如: 我们在十二层。 我们应该坐300路汽车。 “十二”“300”这两个数词其实表示的都是序数,但 并没有使用“第”。
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指示代词都不能被其他词语修饰, 指示代词都不能被其他词语修饰,但是人称代词 中的“ ”“你 ”“他 中的“我(们)”“你(们)”“他(们)”在书 面语中有被其他词语修饰的用法。 面语中有被其他词语修饰的用法。 例如: 例如: 一向谨慎忠厚的她,现在却“发展”成为畏葸 一向谨慎忠厚的她,现在却“发展” 而忧郁。(《矛盾》) 而忧郁。(《矛盾》 。( 年轻好事的他们,两下里就争热起来( 年轻好事的他们,两下里就争热起来(《进 香》) 这些例如结构上的特点是被修饰的代词前必须 有的。 有的。