2020-202英语北师大版选修7课件:Unit20Lesson3 ScientificBreak
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20世纪最重要的科学家之一是阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦。1905年的 夏天,这个直率的年轻人正在摇着他一岁大的孩子,突然灵感产 生了。“E=mc2”诞生了。E=mc2显示出质量很小的物质怎样能 产生出令人难以置信的巨大能量。之后爱因斯坦又在他的“相对 论”中表明,就连时间、质量和长度也不是持久不变的——它们 随着人们看待它们的角度不同而有所改变。
and weighed over 30 tonnes. With 18,000 tubes, thousands of
circuits and 6,000 switches, it used so much energy that when it was turned on, the lights in the local town went out!
1929年,又一个意义深远的发现诞生了,发现者是一个苏格 兰牧羊人家的孩子。去度假之前,生物学家亚历山大·弗莱明把一 个带有细菌的盘子放在了实验室里。回来后,他注意到不同寻常 的东西。他仔细检查了一下,发现盘子里有青色的霉斑,其周围 的细菌都被消灭了。原来这些青色的霉斑正是青霉素的自然形 态,弗莱明意识到青霉素是杀灭细菌的有效方法。
通讯随着移动电话的引入而改变,我们通信的方式从写信变 成发电子邮件。我们开始在世界各地飞行,同时,科学家们发现 怎样分离原子,而原子以前被认为是宇宙中最小的物质微粒。
Although it is impossible to choose the most important discovery, it is possible to single out a few pioneers of the 20th century. Here are five of them.
Unit 20 New Frontiers
Lesson 3 Scientific Breakthroughs
课文预习必读01 考点词汇习必读 01
Pioneers of Science ①If you had to choose the single most important discovery of the 20th century, you would have a real dilemma on your hands. In just 100 years,the world changed completely. ②Amazing discoveries were made in medicine, communications and transport, not to mention our knowledge of the world and space. ③Medical advances ranged from discovering the causes of diseases under microscopes to surgical procedures replacing diseased organs with donated ones.
虽然不可能选择最重要的发现,但是挑选出20世纪的几个先 驱者是可能的。以下是他们中的五位人物。
One of the 20th century's premier scientists was Albert Einstein. ⑥In the summer of 1905, this outspoken young man was rocking his one-year-old baby when he was suddenly inspired. “E =mc2” was born. E=mc2 showed how a small piece of mass could produce an unbelievable amount of energy. Einstein then showed in his “theory of relativity” that not even time, mass or length are constant—they change according to our experience of them.
In 1929, another far-reaching finding was made by the son of a Scottish shepherd. Before he went on holiday, biologist Alexander Fleming left a dish with bacteria in it in his laboratory. When he came back, he noticed something strange. ⑦He double-checked and saw a blue mould in the dish around which the bacteria had been destroyed. This blue mould was in fact the natural form of penicillin, which Fleming realised could be used to kill bacteria.
Einstein had already become world-famous when a young ex-lawyer, returning from the First World War, started work in California. Using the most high-powered telescope of the time, he began the long, slow process of exploring our galaxy. Edwin Hubble was about to make astronomy's greatest breakthrough of the century. He discovered small areas of mist which were in fact galaxies like our own, millions of light years away from us, which proved that the universe was vastly larger than had previously been thought.
These pioneers of the 20th century were all dedicated to improving the quality of human life on earth, but sometimes breakthrough discoveries that have affected our lives today happened by mistake! For example, we are all grateful for the handy microwave oven that allows us to prepare meals in minutes and we have Percy Spencer to thank. This inventor, with 120 patents to his name, discovered microwaves when he was experimenting with radars and noticed a chocolate melting in his pocket.
这些20世纪的先驱者们都致力于提高地球上人类生活的质 量,但是,有时候,影响我们今天生活的突破性发现却是由于错 误而发生!例如微波炉让我们在几分钟内就能把饭准备好,对于 它给我们带来的方便我们都心怀感激,这一点我们得感谢珀西·斯 宾塞。这位用他的名字命名的专利达120项的发明家,在做雷达试 验时,发现口袋里的一块巧克力熔化了,从而发现了微波的方 法。
科学发展的先驱者 如果要选择20世纪最重要的发现,你将会面对一个真正的难 题。仅仅一百年,世界就完全变了。人们在医药、通讯和运输方 面做出了令人惊叹的发现,更不用说我们对世界和太空知识的发 现了。医学的进步包括从在显微镜下发现疾病的起因到用捐赠器 官替代病变器官这样的外科手术过程。
④Communications changed with the introduction of mobile phones and the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing. ⑤We started flying around the world and meanwhile, scientists figured out how to split the atom,previously thought to be the smallest particle of matter in the universe.
A few years later, penicillin was being mass-produced and helping to save the lives of millions. ⑧Fleming remained modest about the amazing outcome of his discovery. “Nature made penicillin,” he said,“I just found it.”
就在爱因斯坦的名字响彻世界之时,一个战前当过律师,刚 刚从第一次世界大战的战场回来的年轻人开始了他在加利福尼亚 的工作。凭借一台在当时倍数最高的望远镜,他开始了漫长的对 我们的星系的探索。埃德温·哈勃即将取得那个世纪天文学上最伟 大的突破。他发现了像薄雾状的一块区域,这块区域实际上是和 我们的星系一样的星系,离我们有几百万光年之远。这个发现证 明了宇宙比我们以前想象的要大得多。
若干年后,青霉素被大规模生产,帮助挽救了上百万人的生 命。尽管他的发现具有惊人的成效,但是弗莱明对此很谦逊。 “大自然创造了青霉素,”他说,“我只是发现了它。”
⑨During the Second World War, when Fleming's discovery was first helping to cure people, the US Navy was looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their missiles. ⑩The navy turned to Eckert, an engineer, and Mauchly, a physicist, to wrestle with the problem and produce a machine to do the job. Although they only finished after the war in 1946, it did not matter. This huge machine was the world's first computer, but it was nothing like our computers today. ⑪It measured 100 feet long by over 10 feet high
第二次世界大战期间,青霉素被第一次使用,这时美国海军 正在致力于寻找提高导弹命中率的方法。海军方面向工程师小埃 克特和物理学家莫克利寻求帮助,请他们解决这个问题并制造一 台能完成工作的机器。虽然他们直到战后的1946年才研制出这台 机器,但这无关紧要。这台巨大的机器是世界上的第一台计算 机,但是它一点儿也不像我们今天的计算机。它长100英尺,高10 多英尺,重30多吨。内含18,000个电子管,几千块电路板和6,000 个开关。它的耗电量如此巨大,以至于它一开机,当地镇上所有 的电灯都会熄灭!