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SECTIONI Listening Comprehension
This section is designed to test yourability to understand spoken English.You will hear aselection of recorded materials and you must answer thequestions that accompany them.There are two parts in this section,Part A and Part B.
Remember,while you are doingthe test,you should first put down your answers in your test book let.At the end of thelistening comprehension section.you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET 1.
If you have any questions.you mayraise your hand now you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.
Now look at Part A in your test booklet.
You will hear lo short dialogues.For eachdialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.Choose the correctanswer—A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.YOu will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you willhear each dialogue only once.1.What willthe man buy for his father’s birthday?
[A]A tie.
[B]A shirt.
[D]A wallet.
2.What do weknow about Ted?
[A]He isa history teacher.
[B]He is a geography teacher.
[C]He isthe woman’s neighbor.
[D]He is the woman’s colleague.
3.What doesthe woman suggest the man should do?
[A]Havea healthy diet.
[B]Get rid of his anger.
[C]Stopasking questions.
[D]Keep his feelings back.
4.What do weknow about the cheese?
[A]It ison the shelf.
[B]It is too expensive.
[C]It isin short supply.
[D]It is no longer flesh.
5.What doesthe man ask the woman to do?
[A]Answerthe phone for him.
[B]AskMr.Miller to phone later.
[C]AskMr.Miller to hold on a moment.
[D]TellMr.Miller he will phone back later.
6.Why is thewoman in London?
[A]Sheis on holiday.
[B]She is on a business trip.
[C]Sheis working for a company there.
[D]She wants to establish a company there.
7.What do welearn about the woman’s sister from the dialogue?
[A]Shelikes watching football games.
[B]Sheis a fan of a local football team.
[C]Sheis a keen football player herself.
[D]Shelikes the local women football players.8.Whathappened to the woman yesterday?
[A]Shewas almost cheated by a telephone call.
[B]Shegot a phone call from a special number.
[C]Shewas overcharged by the phone company.
[D]Sheprepared for her vacation with her friend.
9.Why does theman recommend rowing?
[A]Itrequires few professional skills.
[B]It exercises many parts of the body.
[C]It isa new item of fitness programs.
[D]It is popular with most club members.
10.What do weknow about the company?
[A]Itneeds new employees badly.
[B]It gives quick responses routinely.
[C]It isa newly established business.
[D]It is very cautious in decision。
Part B
You willhear fourdialogues or monologues.Before listening to each one,you will have
to readeach of the questions which accompany it.While listening,answer eachquestion by choosing A,B,C or D.After listening,you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question.You will .hear therecording only once.
Questions11—13 are based on a conversation between a woman and her neighbor.
11.What doesthe woman want the man to do for her?
[A]Deliverher package.
[B]Sign for her package.
[C]Findthe property manager.
[D]Talk to the property manager.
12.How long hasthe man lived in the apartment?
[B]One week.
[D]One year.
13.What problemdoes the woman have?
[A]Shehas run out of flour for baking cakes.
[B]Sheis ignorant of how to operate the stove.
[C]Somethingis going wrong with her stove.
[D]Somethingis going wrong with her timer.
Questions14~17 are based on the following conversation between a man and woman abouttaking a vacation.
14.What doesthe man think of Curacao?
[A]It isdifficult to reach.
[B]It is a tourist paradise.
[C]It isa perfect place for sports.
[D]It is an ordinary tropical island.
15.Why does thewoman hesitate to make her decision to go to Curacao?
[A]Shethinks it is too far.
[B]She thinks it is too crowded.
[C]It isnot safe to go there.
[D]It is not the right time to go there.
16.What is thewoman probably going to do?
[A]Packup for the trip.
[B]Make her reservations.
[C]Bookher airline ticket.
[D]Contact her travel agent.
17.Who is thewoman talking to?
[B]Her husband.
[C]Hertravel agent.
[D]Her health advisor.
Questions18~21 are based on the following conversation about renting handba9.18.Why does thewoman want to buy a handbag?
[A]Tocelebrate her birthday.
[B]To carry it on her wedding.
[C]Togive it to Mary as a gift.
D]To attend Mary’s wedding with it.
19.What do welearn about Handbag Hire?
[A]It isthe largest handbag dealer.
[B]It is a famous handbag company.
[C]Itdesigns expensive handbags.
[D]It specializes in renting handbags.
20.How will thewoman place her order?
[B]In person.
[D]On the Internet.
21.How manydays will the woman have to wait for her order?
[C] 4.
Questions22~25 are based on the following conversation on communwation.22.What doesthe man think of good communication?
[A]Itstops people from hurting each other.
[B]Itbrings glory to one’s career.
[C]Itimproves many situations.
[D]Itsolves all problems.
23.How does theman describe himself?
24.What isnecessary for a large group to make a final decision?
[A]Consultingwith other groups.
[B]Letting everyone have his say.
[C]Goingthrough a voting process.
[D]Reviewing past business activities.
25.What doesone have to do to be successful in business?
[A]Gethelp from other group members.
[B]Havethe patience to talk with people.
[C]Stopseeing the world in twisted ways.
[D]Sharetheir achieved results with others.
You have3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET l.That isthe end of Listening Comprehension.
SECTIONⅡ Use of English
Read thefollowing text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C,or D onANSWER SHEET 1.
Bluejeans are probably the single most representative article of American clothing.They were originally 26 by Jacob Davis,a tailor from Nevada,27 ,together with dry-goods sales man Levi Strauss,patented theidea as 28 clothing for miners in l873.Blue jeaRs,also 29 as work clothing,spread among workersof all kinds in the late l9th and early 20th centuries,30 among cowboys,farmers,loggers,and railroadworkers.During the 1950s,31 Marion Brando and James Deanmade blue jeaRs 32 by wearing them in movies,and jeans be。
came part ofthe 33 of teenagers’rebelling.In the l960sand 1970s,this fashion statement exploded as LevI’s 34 a fundamental part of the youth 35 focused on both civil rights and antiwar protests.36 the
late1970s,almost everyone inthe United States wore blue jear, 37 youths all around the world sought after them.38 designers began to create more complicated 39 of blue jeaRs and to 40 their fit,jeaRs beganto express the American emphasis 41 informality and the importance of detail.By stressingthe right label and 42 the right look,blue jeans,43 their worker origins,satirically。
representedthe status consciousness of American fashion and the 44 to get close to the 45 fashion.In 1971,Levi Strauss&Co.received theCoty Fashion Critics’Award,the highest
award of the American fashion industry.26.[A]invented
[B]normally [C]obviously
[D]education 36.[A]Before
[D]Whereas 39.[A]styles
[D]materials 40.[A]create
[D]pursue 41.[A]about
[D]achieving 43.[A]besides
[D]from 44.[A]anxiety [B]eagerness
SECTION IIIReading Comprehension
Part A
Read thefollowing three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET。
Text 1
Back in the early 1990s,I knewlittle about computers beyond what it took to get through a workingday.But here’s what I did know:something huge washappening.It was stirring economies and imaginations and possibilities likenothing I had ever known.I knew the world was changing in ways that meant I shouldn’t counton old assumptions.A nd I knew I had dreams I still hadn’t fulfilled.But I didn’t knowhow to realize them until I met with my old friend,Rollys Rouse,when wehappened to move into the same neighborhood.
Rolly often called me with a stream of ideas.His rate ofidea production per second seemed al- most incredible.Soon we wereon the phone with each other every day.Talking about theInternet.
TalMng about starting a new onlinecompany-maybe together.
He was then developing a plan and he wanted me to be a part of it:we wouldgive people wonderful,whole electronic houses on a CD-ROM and let them modify those homesto their own needs.Try out different windows and doors,different paintcolors and furnishings.When they were satisfied,we would enable themto go online to make the project happen,to get the products and the financing and the。
professionaldesign and construction to help to do it outright.BuildingBlocks was the name Rolly came up with for his new enterprise.Rolly tookthe plunge first.He simply dropped his profitable energy—consultingbusiness to commit himself full time to BuildingBlocks.I soonjoined him after I quit my well—paid job at a newspaper.Together we developed a demo to show the features of our CD—ROM,“The NewAmerican Dream Home”.Then we took it to the annual convention of the National Associationof Home Builders in Boston.All the big companies were there showing off their。
latestproducts.To our delight,nearly everyone was eager to see what we were showing,.includingthe top executives of some enormous companies.When we left,we hadinvitations from them to come to their offices to tell them more aboutBuildingBlocks.
That was the start of my real lifetime dream and BuildBlocks,our company,has been prosperingever since.
46.By“somethinghuge was happening”,the writer refers to_________.
[B]home decoration
[D]high-tech development
47.The textshows that Rolly Rouse is________.
48.BuildingBtocksis a company that helps people to________.
[A]rentideal houses
[B]buy ideal houses
[C]findideal houses
[D]own ideal houses
49.Rolly andthe writer decided to start a company together because they were both________.
[A]expegin architecture
[B]underRaid at their jobs
[C]outof work at the time
[D]interested in e-business
50.At theBoston convention,Rolly and the writer were happy because_________.
[A]theyaroused people’s interest in their products
[B]theysold some of their own products right there
[C]theygot their first orders from some famous building firms
[D]theyhad the opportunity to visit some famous building firms
Text 2
Anxiety disorders are common andrange from lo percent t0 20 percent of children and teens.Girl areusually more likely than boys to report anxiety symptoms or signs.Anxiety runsin families,due to a combination of inherent and environmental factors.Anxiousparents may produce anxiouschildren.When signs are so severe that they interfere with daily lifeactivities,it is time to seek an evaluation from a mental health professional.
Consider the following example of achild who suffered stress disorder.Maria,age l2,was at herphysician’s office awaiting her yearly checkup.A bullet from a gunbattle in the next building tore through the wall and struck her mother in theshoulder.severely wounding her.The mother was rushed to the hospital,but Maria did notknow her fate for several days.
Unable or unwilling to speak,visiblyanxious and fearful,Maria was evaluated by a child doctor in the Sallle hospital severaldays later.He recommended a brief treatment and began by taking Maria to hermother’s bedside.
Maria,reassured that hermother was alive,neveRheless could not be separated from her.During thefollowing weeks she insisted on sleeping with her mother and would not let herout of her
sight.Her motherwas equally shocked,and told her daughter she was suffering great pain.The doctor began a series of playtreatment sessions using dolls and paly surgical instruments in which Mariaperformed operations in her doll hospital.She began to getgreat pleasure in her sessions.Her mother did not recover so quickly,so the doctorrecommended individual treatment for her.
The final sessions involved Mafiaperforming the operation on,not a doll,but her mother,
who submitted to patient status once again.Playing outthe painful theme was extremely beneficial,and with a minimumof interpretation,both were back to their normal functioning by the month’s end.Maria didnot need any medication.
There are many ways of helpinganxious children cope with their fears and worries.A carefa,tevaluationand specific treatment plan can help these children get back on the path ofnormal development.
51.We learnfrom the text that anxiety in a family atmosphere is often________.
52.Peopleshould seek professional help when anxiety begins to________.
[A]appearin their kids
[B]affect their judgments
[C]appearin their families
[D]affect their life activities
53.According tothe text.Mafia suffered from stress disorder because_______.
[A]shewitnessed a gun battle
[B]she was wounded by a bullet
[C]sheworried about her mother
[D]she was scared of her checkup
54.Maria wastaken to her mother’s bedside in the hospital to_______.
[A]start her initial treatment
[B]keep her mom in her sight
[C]sleeptogether with her mom
[D]help with her mom’s recovery
55.To help allanxious kid out,it is suggested to_______.
[A]toleratehis fears and worries
[B]point out his normal grow path
[C]puthim in a particular treatment
[D]ask him to make a self-evaluation
Text 3
Lately,presidentsof some American universities have added inflation to their worry list.They are notconcemed about inflation of prices,but of academicgrades.Larry Summers,president of Harvard.recentlycaused a storm when he told one of the university’s professors he didn’t likegrade inflation.
Insiders say that nearly half thegrades Harvard awards have lately been A or A minus—a lot moreman in the l980s.Is this trend a bad thing,in fact2 And is thisgrade inflation really“inflation”?
To take the second question first,the answeris N0,not stricdy speaking.”Inflation”in grades ought to mean that work of a given standardwould be awarded an ever higher grade,year by year.Thehighest permissible grade would therefore have to keep rising in a ceaselessprocesslon of non-improvement.Because in reality the top grade is fixed,the processis not so much grade inflation as grade compression.This isworse:a distortion in relative prices is more confusing than a uniformupward drift.Grade compression squeezes information out of the system.
But is grade inflation necessarily a bad thing?Theanswer depends on who you are.When students leave Harvard,they carry grades as a sort of currency:a pocketfulof intellectual capital,to bid for jobs or places in graduate schools against graduates fromother universities with other currencies.These positions goto those who can put the most academic cash on the table。
Employersandgraduate schools must decide on the exchange rate,as it were,between aHarvard C student
and an A student from a less distinguishedplace.
Again.overall gradeinflation-the uniform devaluation of the students’ capital-would be telativelyeasy to cope with,working in principle neither to the advantage or disadvantage ofHarvard
graduates.Recruiters.in aposition to see the market for graduates as a whole,would simplyadjust their exchange rate.Compression,however,hasdistributional consequences.The best Harvard students see their grades devalued relativeto those of second.rate Harvard students.That is bad with respect to encouraging students to workharder.
56.The text talksabout the recent storm concerning grade inflation in American universities by focusingon_________.
[B]its features
[D]its purposes
57.In thewriter’s opinion,real grade inflation can occur when the highest permissible grade_______
[A]israised accordingly
[B]is cautiously granted
[C]isstrictly administered
[D]is limited appropriately
58.The writerthinks that grade compression characterizes________.
[A]ajust policy in evaluation
[B]a distorted grading system
[C]afixed criterion for the work done
[D]a relative difference among students
59.As far asjob—seeking is concerned,Harvard grade inflation will benefit________.
[A]itsbest graduates
[B]its ordinary graduates
[C]thejob recruiters
[D]the school authorities
60.With gradeinflation going on in Harvard,it is likely that________.
[A]itsbest students will lack the urge to make progress
[B]itsranking in the US universities will going down
[C]itsadvantages will be overtaken by its disadvantages
[D]itssystem of school score distribution will be in chaos
Read thetexts in which five people are commenting on a magazine article called“The GlobalFishCrisis”。
For question61 to 65,match the name of each person(61 to 65)to one of the statements(A toG)given below. Mark your answers ANSWER SHEET.
Tom Hagen:
I am acommercial fisherman in Alaska.It was an eye—opener to see the destruction and waste in theworld’s fisheries.The Alaska salmon fishery is very well managed,and we don’tsee the destruction occurring elsewhere.Many local peoplecomplain of the many restrictive laws in the fish- cry,but afterreading this article,I’m in favor of even stricter regulation.The sea isthe basis for life on Earth,and we must take care of it.
Jimmy O’Brien:
You didn’ttouch the fishing here in the U.S.where the fisherman is working under the harshest regulations onEarth and the strictest equipment restrictions.We are fishing in afashion that is completelyenvironmentally friendly as required under the Magnuson-Stevens Act.The U.S.keeps importingmore fish from countries that have no requirements on equipment or on theircatch.U.S.fishermen cannot compete with foreign prices so the fishermen’snumbers have been reduced.
Tiffany Miller:
I wasshocked at the utter lack of regard that the commercial fishing industry hasfor its very ownresources.I’d like to ask these same fishermen who say that they cannot make aliving on the catchlimits set for them:How are you going to make a living when all the fish are gone?
Nathan Kennedy:
Youfailed to note the obvious root cause of the global fish crisis,which is notnew technologies but the explosion of world population.There simplyare not enough fish in the ocean to feed US,and all thefishefies management and conservation in the world will do nothing to stopoverfishing if nothing is done to stem the unsupportable demand for humanconsumption.Peter Paul:
As aperson with some 35 years of membership in various conservation groups,and afterwriting thousands of emails,letters,and protest forms,I arrived at the sad Conclusion that nothing I did mattered one bit.When thecatch drops below the cost of operating expenses,the industry willdie,taking the health of the ocean with it.We will thenall,stand back and wonder why we let it happen
Nowmatch the name of each person(61 to 65)to the appropriate statement.
Note:there aretwo extra statements.
62.Jinmay O’Bfien
[A]Overfishing results fromextensive use of new technologies.
[B]Many people in my place support stricterregulation on fishing.
[C]I think that you failed topoint out the real reason for overfishing.
[D]We are in a very weakposition to compete with other countdes in fishing.
[E]Sooner or later,we will feelregretful about out current fishing practice.
[F]I didn’t know there weresuch damaging ways of fishing around the world.
[G]1 wonder if those fishermenhave ever considered the consequences of exhausting ocean resources.
Youshould write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on ANSWERSHEET 2.
Part A
Write anemail to the organizer,telling about
1)yourinterest in the program;
2)yourqualifications for the task;
3)yourtime available for the task.
Youshould write about l00 words.Do not sign your own name at the end of your email.Use“Wang Lin”instead.
Part B
67.Below is apicture showing that the community newspaper board is covered by advertisements.Look at thepicture and write an essay of about 120 words making reference to the followingtwo points:
1)whatthe problem is and what causes the problem;
2)how toimprove the situation.
1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.C
8.A 9.B l0.A 11.B 12.A l3.C l4.B
15.A 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.D 20.D 21.A
22.C 23.C 24.B 25.D
Part A
1.W:What a fantastictie you’ve got,Adam!
M:Thanks.It’s abirthday gift from my wife.
W:It goes sowell with your shirt.
M:1 wasthinking of giving my father a wallet or a book on his birthday.But it seemsthat a tie is a better choice.
2.M:Great party,isn’t it?Tedand Jane always have great parties.
W:But this ismy first.I only met Ted yesterday.
He and Iteach at the salile sch001.
M:Oh,you’re ateacher?What do you teach?
3.W:Youlook so angry.what happened?
M:Nothing,I’d rather nottalk about it.Just don’t ask.
W:Come on.I think youneed to let off some anger.Not have your feelings held back like that.
It’ll eat your life.
4.M:What’s theproblem?
W:This cheesehas gone bad.It’s past the sale by date.I bought it in thisshop yesterday.M:Well,that’snot really our fault.The supplier is responsible.
W:But you soldit in your shop.I’d like to get my money back,please.
5.W:Stanley,there is aMr.Miller on the phone who wants to talk to you.
M:I’m busy atthe moment.Can you ask him to hold?Tell him I’ll talk with him in a few seconds.
W:Sure,he’s on Line2.
6.M:Are youstaying long?
W:No,unfortunatelyonly a couple of weeks.
M:On business or on holiday?
W:Business,I’m afraid.My companyis setting up all office in London.
7.W:My sister isreally keen on soccer.
M:Really?Whatteam does she support?
W:Not any inparticular.She is an enthusiastic player.She’s on the localwomen’s team.M:Well.If that’sthe case,you really must take me to seeher play sometimes.
8.W:I was almostfooled by a telephone call yesterday.
M:What’s itabout?
W:A week’svacation for two.But I realized it was a cheat when they told me to ring a specialtelelghone number to claim the price.
M:WeD,thosecalls are charged at unbelievably high
9.M:I’d like torecommend an extremely efficient work-outmachine at this fitness club.
W:Great!I needyour professional advice.
M:The rowingmachine.So many people just ignore
it,but it’s afull body exercise.It combines strength training with the heart.
10.W:Hi,Mark!I heardyou just had all interview for a newjob?How did it go?
M:I think Idid well:They said they’d make a decision by this Friday.W:ThisFriday?It looks like they want to hire the person as quickly as possible.
Part B
W:Hi,I’m Sally.I live inthe Apartment 324,right next door.1 was wondering if you could do a favor for me.I’mex pecting a package to be delivered,but now I have to goto the property manager.Could you sign the package and hold it for me?
M:Of course.I would behappy to help you out.By the way,I’m John.I moved in here two clays ago.It’s nice to meet you.
W:I’ve bee nliving here for six months.
M:Would youlike to come in for a cup of coffee?
W:N0,thanks.I need to talk to the property manager about some problems with my apartment.
M:What troubleare you having?
W:My electricstove gets too hot.I baked a cake yesterday.After only fiveminutes,the cake was as
hard asa brick.I had the temperature set right.M:Somethingmust be going wrong with it.You’d better talk to the property manager,and get it repaired
as soonas possible.
W:OK.I have to gonow.I really appreciate your help.I’m glad thatyou moved in next door to me.
I’ll bake acake as a housewarming gift as soon as my stoveis working.
M:Sounds great.Well,I’11 see youlater.
W:Bye for now.
W:I reallyneed a vacation.I just can’t decide whe re to go.
M:Have youever been to Curacao?
W:No,I haven’t.It’s so far.
M:Ohm,comeon!In this day and age,nothing is far.
Besides,once you getthere,it’s like being in paradise.I really think youshould consider it.In fact,I suggestyou ask your travel agent about it.W:What’s so。
great aboutCuracao?It’s just another tropicalisland with.a pretty beach.
M:Just anothertropical island?Bright sunny days with blue water rolling upon to the cleanwhite sand.
Gentle winds blowing through the palm trees of clear move at night.Come on!It’s atremendous place to go.
W:Oh,I don’t know.
M:Look!You cango wherever you want.But it’s important that you relax during your vacation.And Curacaois the perfect,place for that.I mean,you can do all the things you like to d0.Play tennis,swim,
read,rest,not tomention eat well and get a great suntan.Why are you sohesitant? Come on! Be adventurous.
W:You’re certainlymaking it sound better by the minute.OK.maybe l’11 check itout wim my travel agent.
M:I suggestyou hurry.This is a very busy time of the
year.Andreservations area’t always easy to get.
And itis absolutely necessary that you have reservations.
w:John,shall we goto Sun Store?I have decided to
buy thatMurrberry handba9.Anyway,I’m not carrying this one to Mary’s wedding.M:But,Jane,why not rentone with Handbag Hire?Instead of$990.pay$50.and you haveit for a whole week.
W:Sounds great,but I neverknew I can rent a handbag.M:Handbag Hire is a new business.It was founded twomonths ago.Its collection covers many designer handbags.W:So…for theprice of one Murrberry,I can use a different bag each week for twenty weeks?
M:Absolutely.And if you likeone of them,you can choose to buy it at a discounted rate.Of coursethe
pricevaries by age and condition.For example,a $1500 Murrberry bag can sell for just$750.W:Great.but how do Irent?By telephone?Or in person? M:Either.And more conveniently,it accepts online orders.W:I’ll do it online now.I still have one more question.Mary's wedding isnext Saturday.There are only five days left.Do I have enoughtime?。