简单 天商国贸金融 国际结算 international settlement 小条

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1、which are included in Settlement on commercial credit?
(1)Payment in advance(2)Open account(3)Remittance(4)Collection
2、which are included in Settlement on bank credit?
(1)Letter of credit(2)Bank guarantee
3、what are included in the Control documents?
(1)Lists of specimen of authorized signatures (2)Telegraphic test keys (3)Terms and conditions (4)SWIFT authentic key
4、services provided by correspondent bank
(1)collecting checks,drafts,and other credit instruments
(2)making loan or investments as agents for their customer banks
(3)making credit investigations on firms that borrow in the open market
(4)providing banks with foreign exchange facilities,including commercial and travelers checks (5)providing banks with funds/loans in case of need.
5、clearing principles of international payment system:The sum of payables of all banks should be equal to the sum of receivables.The net credits of the net receiving banks should be equal to net debts(借方)of all net paying banks(债务和信贷平衡)
6、types of endorsement
Blank endorsement:空白背书。


Special endorsement:又称特别背书。


Restrictive endorsement:”支付给被背书人“的指示带有限制性的词语。

Conditional endorsement:”支付给被背书人“的指示是带有条件的。

7、understanding “Acts of a bill of exchange” and fill a bill of exchange
(1)Issuance;(2)Endorsement;(3)Presentment/Presentation;(4)Acceptance;(5)Payment;(6)Dishonor ;(7)Notice of dishonor;(8)Protest;(9)Right of recourse;(10)Acceptance for honor supra
protest;(11)Payment for honor supra protest;(12)Guarantee(13)Discounting
汇票(Bill of Exchange/Postal Order/Draft)是由出票人签发的,要求付款人在见票时或在一定期限内,向收款人或持票人无条件支付一定款项的票据。

8、Classification of a bill of exchange

9. Difference between a promissory note and a bill of exchange
(1) A promissory note is a promise to pay,namely the maker and the payee,主债务人是制票人,only has an original note .(只有一张原始的)
(2) a bill of exchange is an order to pay;namely the drawer, the drawee and the payee.汇票的主债务人承兑前是出票人,承兑后是承兑人.汇票有一套a bill in a set(成套汇票)
10. types of acceptance(1) General Acceptance(普通承兑)(2) Qualified Acceptance(限制承兑)




12、Reimbursement methods(1)Crediting vostro account of the paying bank(2)Debiting remitting bank’s nostro bank(3)Instructing a reimbursing bank to effect payment by debiting the remitting bank’s nostro account(4)Instructing the paying bank to claim reimbursement from another branch of the same bank or another bank with which the remitting bank opens an account (5)According to the payments agreement between two countries
13、type of crossing:General crossing,Special crossing(注明收款银行的名称XXXbank ltd)
14、Types of collection:Documentary
collections跟单托收意指金融单据附带商业票据的托收,或者商业单据不附带金融单据的托收,即并无汇票,单是商业票据的托收Clean collections 光票托收指出口商仅开具汇票而不附商业单据(主要指货运单据)的托收。

D i r e c t c o l l e c t i o n直接托收是这样一种安排,委托人从他的银行即托收行那里获得托收指示的空白格式,由他自己填写,连同托收单据直接寄给买方银行,即代收行。

15、Risks for exporter:(1)货物拒收(2)拒付汇票(3)外汇限制(4)货物丢Exporter’s measures against risks:1调查进口商信誉2考虑进口国的政策和经济条件3考虑进口国的外汇管制4采取预防措施应对风险,立即结算,
16、R i s k s o f i m p o r t e r(1)货物到达前就要交钱,无法验货(2)进口方签署了汇票以后会比合同多一项法律义务,承兑。


17、Financing Under Collection Methods 出口商的有:托收出口押汇。

18、The obligations of the trustee in Trust receipt.(1)to arrange for the goods to be workhorse and issued in the banks name(2)to pay all the proceeds of sale to the bank or to hold them on behalf of the bank(3)not to put the goods in pledge to other persons(4)to return the goods or the proceeds to the bank at any time when requested(5)to settle claims of the bank before liquidation in case of the trustees bankruptcy
19、C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f a l e t t e r o f c r e d i t





20、B e n e f i t s o f t h e d o c u m e n t a r y c r e d i t:(1)Facilitate financing the documentary
credit(2)provides legal protection(3)assure expert examination of documents
21、Types of transfer全额转让、部分金额转让、不替换发票转让、替换发票转让(第一受益人不愿意别人知道买主)
22、Amendments to the transferable credit:(1)买方的名字和地址改为一受(2)价格可以减少使一受获益(3)交单期、装运期都可以缩短(4)保险金额增加
23、Types of negotiation credit:Free negotiation credit不指定议付行的信用证Restricted negotiation credit指定议付行的信用证
24、Types of revolving credit(1)自动循环:按规定的时间或间隔装运货物议付后(2)通知循环信用证:每次装货议付后,须等待和收到开证银行致受益人通知后(3)定期循环信用证:装货议付后,须经过一定期间方可恢复原金额(4)累计循环信用证:上期未使用之余额可转入下期使用(5)非累计循环信用证:本期尚未使用的余额,不能转入下期使用。

25、Characteristics of transferable credit
(1)A transferable credit is designed to meet the requirements of international trade;
(2)The middleman gets his buyer to apply for an irrevocable credit in the middleman’s favor;
(3)There are two methods allowing for transferring the beneficiary’s rights to a third party assignment and transfer.
26、Comparison back-to-back documentary credit with transferred credit
(1)共同点:A. 均有中间商和第二个受益人;B. 费用可以由第一受益人支付;C. 中间商均可以改变信用证金额、单价、装期和有效期。





E. 对于供货商(第二受益人),接受“背对背信用证”比“可转让信用证”更有利,收款更有保障。

27、Financing under L/C:Financing provided to the exporter(1)打包放款(packing loan):银行提供的一种装船前融资,为信用证金额的80%左右。

(2)Export bill purchase(3)Bill discounted票据贴现(4)Discounting against export commercial invoice商业票据贴现.对importer的(1)Approval of credit line by the issuing bank 开证授信额度(2)Import bill advance (3)Trust receipt信托收据(4)Delivery of the goods against bank guarantee
28、Comparison between the L/G and the L/C(1)保函没有议付行、保兑行、付款行等只有开证行。



29、F u n c t i o n of factoring:(1)credit approval(信用审查)(2)credit protection(3)management of amounts receivable(4)Financing
30、P r o c e d u r e of factoring:Three stages:(1).Application for credit limit and credit
approval(2).Transferable of accounts receivable and financing(3).Collection and settlement
31、C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of forfeiting1、终局性融资便利2、改善现金流量3、节约管理费用4、提前办理退税:办理福费廷业务后客户可立即办理外汇核销及出口退税手续5、规避各类风险6、增加贸易机会7、实现价格转移:可以提前了解包买商的报价并将相应的成本转移到价格中去,从而规避融资成本。

A d v a n t a g e s of factoring to exporters
32、P r o c e d u r e of forfeiting1、签定进出口合同与福费廷合同,同时进口商申请银行担保;2、出口商发货,并将单据和汇票寄给进口商;3、进口商将自己承兑的汇票或开立的本票交给银行要求担保。


33、A d v a n t a g e s a n d d i s a d v a n t a g e s of forfeiting


34、basic functions of guarantees (1)Guarantees are used as secure mechanism for payment of the contract amount 银行保函是付款的安全机制。

(2)A contractor uses a guarantee as default instrument that covers the risk of non-performance or defective performance by the contractor银行保函作为违约工具涵盖了不履约以及履约有缺陷的风险。

35、Types of bank guarantee:(1)In terms of the relationship with the underlying transaction,guarantees can be classified into accessory guarantee and independent guarantee.(2)In terms of methods of issuing the guarantee, a guarantee may be divided into direct guarantee and indirect guarantee.
tender guarantee投标保函,performance guarantee履约保函repayment guarantee还款保函,leasing guarantee租赁保函
advance payment guarantee预付款保函
36、which is belong to payment guarantee

P a y m e n t B o n d、O v e r d r a f t G u a r a n t e e,l o a n g u a r a n t e e Leasing guarantee,compensation trade,commission or any other charges
37、which is belong to credit guarantee.

B i d B o n d/T e n d e r B o n d,Performance Bond,a d v a n c e
P a y m e n t B o n d,q u a l i t y g u a r a n t e e,Retention bonds,maintenance.。
