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因高变区段分型结果显示,2016年பைடு நூலகம்至2018年初流行的PEDV毒株为G $群,与目前流行的PEDV变异毒株
在同一分支,同源性为92.8% -99.3%,碱基变异数量较大,与国内的经典疫苗株CV777亲缘关系较远,同源
收稿日期:2018-07-15 基金项目国家农业产业技术体系参川兽药创新团队专项(CARS-SVDIP) 作者简介:德西措姆(1983—),女,西藏芒康人,兽医师,主要从事疫病防控工作。E-mail: 449094333@ * 通信作者,王印,E-mail: yaanwangyin@ tom. com
Wtions. The results of S1 gene high-vwiation segmentation showed that We prevalent PEDV strain from 2016 to 2018
was the GII group, which was the same as the current popular PEDV variant strain. The homology was 92. 8% 〜
riod was from December to March. The number of infections in pig farms decreased yeas by year, and the new epi­ demic source increased. 0RF3 gene can be divided into two genotypes, some strains had a smalt number of base mu-
Epidemiological investigation of porcine epidemic diarrPea virus and sepuencc analysis of ORF3 and S1 genet in SicUuan from 2016 to 2018
性为82.7% -87.3%,发病时期更集中,较传统PEDV有轻度后移。结果表明,四川地区规模化猪场PED发
DEXI Cuomu1 , WANG Yin2」,YANG Zexiao2, YAO Xueping2, LUO Yan2, LIAO Changyu2, ZHANG Pengfei2, JIANG Dike2, XIANG Mingyuan2, JIANG Rupiao2, SONG Yong3 (1. Zoogofg Cognta Animal HusOandro Station, Changdu 854499, China; 2. Key LaOoratoro ooAnimal Diseass and Human Health o Sichuan Proviricc, College o Veterinaro Medicine, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China; 3. Ruicu Biological Co. . Ltd. Tianjin 300300, China) Abstraci: To analyze the prevvlence and moleculas genetic evelution oS pig epidemic diarrhea in Sichuan, this study conducted RT-PCR and related epidemiological investigations on 71 cases oS diarrhea collected from June 2016 to June 2018, and ORF3 and S1 genes oS fous positive samples were tested and sequenced. The results showed that the peak incidence days in the past two years were Januag 28 and Februag 11, respectively, and the peak incidence pe-
DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1004-1524. 2019. 09. 04
— 2016 2018年四川地区猪流行性腹泻病毒流行病学调查与 、 ORF3 S1部分基因序列分析
德西措姆1,王印2」,杨泽晓2,姚学萍2,罗燕2,廖倡宇2,张鹏飞2,江地科2,项明源2, 姜瑞姣2,宋勇3
(1.昌都市左贡县畜牧站,西藏昌都854499; 2.川川农业大学动物医学院,动物疫病与人类健康川川省重点实验室,川川成都611130; 3.天津瑞普生物技术股份有限公司,天津300300)
摘 要:为分析四川地区猪流行性腹泻流行状况及分子遗传演化特征,对2016年6月至2018年6月收集的
71份猪腹泻病例进行RT-PCR检测与相关的流行病学调查,并对其中4份阳性样品进行O*S1RF3 基因的检
浙江农业学报 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis, 2019,31(9) : 1423 - 1428
htty ://www. zjnyxb. a
德西措姆,王印,杨泽晓,等.2016-2018年四川地区猪流行性腹泻病毒流行病学调查与ORF3**S1 部分基因序列分析
[J] •浙江农业学报,2019,31(9) : 1423 -1428.