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Progress in Treatm ent of Patients with A cquired Pneum onia in Elderly Com m unities
SONG W en-ming.LUO Xue-ping
(Afi liatedHospital ofGuilin Medical College,Guilin Guangxi 541000)
58 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
World Latest Medicine Information(Electronic Version)2018 Vo1.18 No.06
· 综 述 ·
老年社 区获得性肺炎患者 的治疗研究进展
术 爻 骆 沣 盘灌 -
{l 棒 医 院 l鼍l鞭; 院 § 雏i掉 5410c{{
摘 要 : 虽然社会的不断进步 ,人 民物质 文化 生活水平 不断提 高,但 是人 民生活的大环境却 日益严峻 ,因此 ,不断有新型耐 药菌株 的 出现 ,甚至超级细菌的出现,导致人 民的身体素质随之下降 ,从而住院患者不断增多。而更严 峻的是 ,我国已经逐步步入老龄化社会 , 老龄人 口数量不断增加 ,因此 ,老年社 区获得性肺 炎 (community—acquired pneumonia,CAP)患者亦不断增 多,老年 CAP患者合 并 基础疾 病多,发病时首发症状常常不 以呼 吸道症 状为主,因此无论在疾病诊 断上还 是治疗上更 因受到 医务工作者 的重视 。CA P 是指 医院外感染的肺实质炎症 ,是威胁老年 患者健康 的主要疾病之一。当老年患者感染 CAP,一方面会加重老 年患者基础疾病 的严重程度, 另一方 面原有 的基础疾病也会使得患者 CAP的病情会短期内快速加重 ,甚至危及 生命 。因此,如何能够提早诊断、治疗老年 CAP患 者成为首要工作重点。对于此类疾病 ,虽然现 已有完善的治疗指南 ,但老年患者入 院症状 不典 型,因此 导致老年 CAP患者诊治难度 仍然有增无减 。本研究主要就老年 CAP患者的治疗研究进展进行分析 ,客观阐述老 年 CAP患者的流行病学特征病原 学特 点、临床表 现和治疗 方案 ,以期降低病死率,提 高老年患者生活质量。 关键词:社区获得性肺炎 ;老年 ;综述 中 图 分 类 号 :R563.1 文 献 标 识 码 :A DOI:10.19613/j.cnki.1671—3141.2018.06.024 本 文 引用 格 式 :宋文选 ,骆雪萍 .老年社 区获得性肺炎患者的治疗研 究进展 U】.世界最新医学信息文摘 ,2018,18(06):58—60.
A BSTRA CT:A lthough the progress of the society,people’s material and cultural life level unceasing enhancem ent,but the people’s living environm ent is increasingly serious.therefore.there have been new the em ergence of resistant strains。and even the em ergence of superbugs,1cad to people’s physica1 quality drops,thereby increasing hospitalized pat ients.A nd what is m ore serious,our country has gradually stepped into an aging society,aging population continues to increase,therefore,the elderly commun ity—acquired pneumonia (community .acquired pneumonia.CAP patients were also increased,in elderly patients with CAP with basic diseases.symptoms at f irst symptom s often do not give priority to with respiratory symptom s.so both in disease diagnosis and treatm ent is more attention by the medical workers.CAP refers to the pulmonary parenchymal inflamrnation of the hospita1.which is one of the major diseases that threaten the health ofelderly patients.W hen older patients infected with CAP,on the one hand.will increase the severit y oft he elderly patients with basic diseases.on the other hand t h e basis ofthe origina1 disease w ill make the CA P will increase rapidly in the short term . even 1ife threatening.Therefore.how to m ake early diagnosis and treatment of elderly CAP patients is a priorit y.For such diseases. although there are wel1.established guidelines for treatm ent,the sym ptoms of hospitalization in elderly patients are not typical,so the diagnosis and treatm ent of elderly patients is still increasing.This study mainly analyzed the progress of treatm ent of elderly CAP patients.and objectively elaborated the epidemiological characteristics of elderly CAP patients Etiology,clinical manifestations and treatment regimens are used to reduce the mortality rate an d improve the qualit y of life of elderly patients. KEY W oRDS:Community—acquired pneumonia;Old age:Rou n dup