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Part I Listening C o m p e r h e n sio n
Section A
In this section, yon will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the th r ee choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cent r e.
1. Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In a swimming pool.
B.In a bank.
C.On a plane.
B [听力原
M: This is your passbook. The interest rate will automatically adjust depending on how much you have in the account.
W: Oh, that's good. There's something else. I'd like to apply for a mortgage, please.
M: Certainly, I'll make you an appointment with our mortgage adviser.
根据录音中的关键词和短语passbook(存折)、interest rate(利率)、account(账户)和apply for a mortgage(申请住房贷款)等,可推测对话的发生地点为银行,故答案选B。

2. What is said about houses in Britain?
A.People tried to make money by buying houses.
B.The price of houses is rising thus people would rather rent one.
C.Most people raise their children in rented houses.
A [听力原
W: Could you tell me whether people in Britain prefer to rent houses or buy them?
M: It's now bred into them that they should buy their house rather than rent it. Buying a property is seen as a very sound investment now.
W: It makes sense.


3. Which one is right according to the conversation?
A.The house is next to the farm.
B.The kitchen has just been decorated.
C.The woman is interested in the house.
C [听力原
W: Rebecca Truman speaking.
M: This is Fox and Connor, the estate agents. I think we've found a house that you may be interested in. It's in Redhill, near the station, as you requested. It's a rather attractive four-bedroomed 1930s redbrick property. It's in very good decorative order, with a fitted kitchen. Would you like to view it?
W: Yes, I think it's worth a look.
对话中男士介绍自己所在公司为房地产代理商(the estate agents)Fox and Conner,指出已找到一处对方可能会感兴趣的房屋(I think we've found a house that you may be interested in),接下来介绍了有关该房子的情况,根据女士的回答“I think it's worth a look”(我感觉值得一看),可知C项正确。

4. What is the danger mentioned in the conversation?
A.The business ended up bankrupt.
B.Working together may ruin their friendship.
C.The business can't survive the world economic crisis.
B [听力原
W: So you started your business with your best friend. Friends working in the same business could be a recipe for disaster.
M: Yes, so we kept warning ourselves of the danger. And we found later that we each brought what the other lacked.
W: Good for you.
录音中女士对于男士和最好的朋友一起创业的看法是“朋友在同一行工作可能会造成灾难(a recipe for disaster)”,男士对此表示赞同,提到“所以我们时刻都在提防这样的危险出现”,因此答案为B项。

5. What does the woman mean?
A.Working as a journalist is as being a recorder.
B.It's a journalist's job to convey only optimistic attitude to readers.
C.A journalist should convey the information as it is.
C [听力原
W: I honestly think that a journalist's job is solely to convey to his or her readership as unambiguous a factual account of what's happening as possible.
M: You mean like a professional recorder of the news?
W: Yes, I think it's up to people themselves to decide their own point of view and then effect changes.
对话中女士提到其认为,新闻记者的工作就是尽可能清晰如实地报道所发生的事情(unambiguous a factual account of what's happening as possible),而由读者自己决定如何看待这件事,并作出改变。


Section B
In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. Daring the pause, read the questions, each with th r ee choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cent r e.
Conversation O n e
1. According to the writer, what is a good book?
A.It tells something about readers' real life.
B.It has a clear and coherent plot.
C.It broadens readers' thought.
C [听力原
M: Today I'm talking to a writer who has recently published her first novel. Susan Moore, welcome to the programme.
W: Nice to be here.
M: I'll start by asking you-what do you think makes a good book? I don't mean necessarily financially, but popular with readers.
W: It should have something that lifts the reader beyond the page. The story is the vehicle for wider understanding.
M: So you don't think it's enough for a book to be written just to entertain?
W: What I've tried to do in my novel is to be thought-provoking without losing the fun.
M: So you think it's good for readers to make their own pictures of What's happening.
W: Yes, and a good book has layers to it-like peeling an onion-and each layer tells you something more about the characters or life. You can reread at different times in your life and it'll always have something new to say. M: What did you find most difficult?
W: I think getting the time scale right, because I don't have a chronological plot. It's more a series of flashbacks.
M: Well, good luck with your books, both written and unwritten.
本段录音是对刚发表了第一部小说的作家的采访,节目主持人首先提出“什么使一本书成为好书(受读者欢迎)”,该作者回答说一本好书应该“have something that lifts the reader beyond the page”,而里面讲的故事则是扩展视野的媒介(the vehicle for wider understanding),C项与之表达意思相符。

2. What is said about the entertaining part of books?
A.All books should be as entertaining as possible.
B.Besides providing fun, books should be thought-provoking as well.
C.Books should be based on authors' own funny experience.
B 当节目主持人问道“所以你认为写一本书的目的不仅仅是为了娱乐”时,作者回答指出“我在写这本小说时,试图在不失去趣味(without losing the fun)的同时,达到发人深省(thought-provoking)的效果”,因此B项符合录音内容。

3. Which one below is correct?
A.The plot of the book isn't arranged according to time sequence.
B.The book is about the art of cooking.
C.Readers will find lots of interesting pictures in the book.
节目最后主持人问到,写这本小说最困难的部分是什么,作者回答说是“getting the time scale right”,即对时间的把握,给出的原因是“I don't have a chronological plot. It's more a series of flashbacks”(该书的故事情节不是按时间顺序发展的,而是采取了一系列的倒叙手法),因此A项正确。

Conversation T wo
1. What does Dr Emily Gardiner do?
A.She works in a third-world country.
B.She is a cereal production expert.
C.She studies tropical plants.
B [听力原
M: Dr Emily Gardiner is an economist from Lancashire University. She specializes in the study of cereal production in tropical areas. So Dr Gardiner, since you spent a lot of time abroad, you must have had some unusual experience.
W: Yes, recently I went on a two-week trip to study the grain trade in a third-world country. A few days after I arrived, my local guide and interpreter said that they didn't think we'd be able to go on our first trip to the East because the main city was waist-deep in water and the ferries that crossed the big rivers were unable to cross. M: Then where did you go at last?
W: We went to the South instead. But after I arrived, the main rail link was cut off and the lines were dangling limply into a really swollen river, which kept on rising.
M: How did it affect you, I mean, were you marooned?
W: The house where I was living was quite seriously affected. The first day the water rose about half a metre, and the children paddled in it. Many women fled from it but were finally drowned and then eaten by big black ants which invaded the house.
M: Were you able to get around? Did you have to take a boat?
W: No, I walked around without any shoes! At first I was told that a lot of the deaths there have been because of snake bites. But we were quite a long way from the rice-fields where the snakes abound, so I bargained on the fact that there wouldn't be too many!
M: Did you see what was happening in the poorer areas?
W: I did. The houses on the lower ground are really like tents made of rush matting supported by bamboo poles and as the water gets deeper, people are forced to move to higher places taking their houses with them.
M: And what about food supplies?
W: Well, it was quite impressive how they had managed to move all their stock well above flood level. The price of grain varied by about a hundred percent.
M: Did the government take some measures to control the price?
W: Yes, it tried to sell some of its stock on the open market at low prices in a vain effort to bring down prices, and meanwhile it organized soup kitchens in conjunction with local charities.
M: How did you manage to get out because the airport was under water for a lot of the time?
W: I only got out because there happened to be a spare seat on a flight. Anyway, it was one of the most spirited take-offs I've ever had.
M: But you lived to tell the tale.
W: Yes.
录音开始男士对Dr Emily Gardiner进行介绍时,提到“She specializes in the study of cereal production in tropical areas”(她专业从事热带地区谷物生产的研究),可知Dr Emily Gardiner的身份是B项中的“谷物生产专家”。

2. Why didn't she go to the East of the third-world country?
A.The city was flooded with waist-deep water.
B.There were no vehicles to cross the big rivers.
C.It was too far and she did not have enough time.
对话中Dr Emily Gardiner讲述到最近她去一个第三世界国家进行有关谷物贸易的研究,她的本地导游兼翻译告诉她“they didn't think we'd be able to go on our first trip to the East because the main city was waist- deep in water”,可知她没有去该国东部地区的原因是该国主要城市里水深及腰,船只无法通过。


3. How was her trip to the South?
A.She didn't make it to the south.
B.She got trapped there because of the flood.
C.She enjoyed the trip very much.
录音中Dr Emily Gardiner提到她最终去了该国南部地区(We went to the South in stead),但她到达后,主要铁路干线被洪水切断,轨道在不断上涨的河水中晃来晃去,于是男士问到“were you marooned”(你被围困了吗),由此可知Dr Emily Gardiner到南方后由于洪水的原因被困。


4. What is said about the flood in the South?
A.It was about one-meter deep.
B.Big black ants died and floated in the water.
C.Many women got drowned.
谈及其当时在该国南方被洪水所困的情况时,Dr Emily Gardine指出她到的第一天洪水就涨了一米,并提到“Many women fled from it but were finally drowned...”,可知此次洪水中有很多妇女试图逃离而最终溺亡。


5. How did Dr Gardiner cross the water?
A.She swam across the water.
B.She walked around with bare feet.
C.She crossed the water by boat.
当男士问她最后是否乘船离开时,Dr Emily Gardine立刻给予了否定,并指出“I walked around without any shoes”,可知她是光脚穿过水流的,其中without any shoes对应B项中的with bare feet。

6. What is said about the local people in the poorer areas?
A.Their houses are made of stones.
B.They abandoned their houses.
C.They moved to higher places with their houses.
被问及当地人的情况时,Dr Emily Gardine提到较低地面上的房屋其实是由灯芯草席和竹竿所建成的帐篷,随着水变得越来越深,人们被迫带着房子搬到地势更高的地方(move to higher-places taking their houses with them)。


7. How did the government fight against the soaring price?
A.It sold some of its stock at low prices.
B.It provided relief fund for the local people.
C.It appealed for international aid.
录音接近最后Dr Emily Gardine指出洪水地区谷物价格有极大变动,于是男士问及当地政府采取何种措施控制价格,Dr Emily Gardine的回答中提到“it tried to sell some of its stock on the open market at low prices in a vain effort to bring down prices...”,可知政府通过在公开市场上低价销售一些股份,以试图平抑物价。


Section C
In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cent r e.
1. Why is Francis Ford Coppola mentioned?
A.He won the honor twice as Michael did.
B.He won the honor together with Michael.
C.He is the hero in the movie Amour.
A [听力原
The top prize of the prestigious Cannes Film Festival in France, the Palme d'Or, has been awarded to the film Amour by the Austrian director Michael Haneke. Michael Haneke's Love, or Amour, takes place in the apartment of an old couple as their lives reach their ends. Despite the gloomy-sounding theme, it was very well received by critics in Cannes. Michael Haneke won the Palme d'Or with The White Ribbon in 2009, and now joins the likes of Francis Ford Coppola as a two-time winner of the top prize.
新闻开头指出Michael Haneke凭借电影Amour获得戛纳电影节最高奖项——金棕榈奖,最后描述到“Michael Haneke在2000年凭借The White Ribbon再次获得金棕榈奖,从而成为像Francis Ford Coppola一样两次获得该奖项之人”。


2. What is the opinion of the majority of countries to the proposal?
A.They were opposed to the proposal.
B.They supported the proposal.
C.They were disappointed at the proposal.
B [听力原
A proposal to declare the South Atlantic sanctuary for whales has been defeated at the International Whaling Commission despite backing from most countries of the meeting. The Latin American plan failed to get the 2/3 majority required. Environmental groups expressed disappointment at the outcome, but a BBC correspondent says some suggested in private that the idea had been merely symbolic as there's no whaling taking place in the region.
新闻首句便指出“尽管大多数参会国都支持(backing from most countries of the meeting)在南太平洋建立鲸鱼保护区,但该提案还是在国际捕鲸委员会上被否决了”。


3. What is the opinion reflected in the news?
A.It was too early for Facebook to go public.
B.Investors are optimistic about the shares of Facebook.
C.Investors need to be cautious with Facebook's shares.
C [听力原
There's been a roller-coaster day of trading in shares in the social networking site Facebook after one of the world's biggest ever business floatations. Facebook shares jumped by more than 10% within minutes of making their stock market debut on New York's Nasdaq exchange, but they later dropped back to close just 23 cents above their initial offering price. It's early days yet, but this won't be seen as a good start.


4. What intrinsically leads to the inquiry?
A.The scandal of interest rate manipulation by Barclays Bank.
B.The bankruptcy of some local banks.
C.The criticism of leading global banks.
A [听力原
The British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced a new inquiry into the banking sector following the revelations about interest rate manipulation by Barclays Bank. The inquiry will be carried out by a parliamentary committee and will hold most of its meetings in public. The announcement of the inquiry comes in response to a barrage of criticism aimed at the banking industry in recent days. Other global banks are suspected of similar offenses. The review will be carried out by members of both houses of the British parliament, and they will have the power to question witnesses under oath, including sitting MPs.

5. Why is the earthquake hitting Japan in March last year mentioned?
A.To support the idea that GPS could be used to predict earthquakes and tsunami.
B.To illustrate that Japan suffered a lot due to the misuse of GPS.
C.To show that GPS played a significant role in helping Japan decrease the loss.
A [听力原
Scientists at a German research institute say satellite data from Global Positioning Systems, or GPS, could be used to provide much faster tsunami warnings. The scientists say they've analysed data gathered from over 500 GPS stations at the time a devastating earthquake hit Japan in March, 2011. They say it could have been used to predict both the correct magnitude of the quake and the size of the resultant tsunami in just three to four minutes, faster than the traditional methods.



Section D
Event: The wreckage of Airship Hindenburg
Time: May 6th, 1937
Journey: 1 -New Jersey
B a c k g r o und:
·Developed in both Europe and the United States.
·To carry 2 over long distances.
·Built to 3 the great luxury transatlantic liners
·245 meters long with a 4 of 41 meters.
·Cruise at a speed of 125 km/h
·By 1937 it had carried 1000 passengers and transported 5 and cars
Safety M e a s u r es:
·6 had been taken to prevent accidents
·A smoking room was pressurized to prevent gas from entering it
·7 and matches were checked before passengers and crew entered the ship
·8 were used in the construction to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks
Cause: 9 was ignited by static electricity
Result: All airships were 10 until now.
At 7:20 pm on May 6th 1937, the world's largest airship, the Hindenburg, floated majestically over Lakehurst airport, New Jersey, after an uneventful crossing from Germany. There were 97 people on board for the first Atlantic crossing of the season. Suddenly radio listeners heard the commentator screaming "Oh, my God! It's broken into flames. It's flashing terribly." 32 seconds later, the airship had disintegrated and 35 people were dead. The Age of the Airship was over.
The Hindenburg was the last in a series of airships which had been developed over 40 years in both Europe and the United States. They were designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances. The Hindenburg could carry 50 passengers accommodated in 25 luxury cabins with all the amenities of a first class hotel. All the cabins had hot and cold water and electric heating. There was a dining room, a bar and a lounge with a dance floor and a baby grand piano. The Hindenburg had been built to compete with the great luxury transatlantic liners. It was 245 metres long with a diameter of 41 metres. It could cruise at a speed of 125 km/h, and was able to cross the Atlantic in less than haft the time of a liner. By 1937 it had carried 1000 passengers safely and had even transported circus animals and cars.
The Hindenburg was filled with hydrogen, which is a highly flammable gas, and every safety precaution had been taken to prevent accidents. It had a smoking room which was pressurized in order to prevent gas from ever entering it. Both passengers and crew were searched for cigarette lighters and matches before entering the ship. Special materials, which were used in the construction of the airship, had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks, which might cause an explosion.
Nobody knows the exact cause of the Hindenburg disaster. Sabotage has been suggested, but experts at the time believed that it was caused by leaking gas which was ignited by static electricity. The most surprising thing is that 62 people managed to escape. The fatalities were highest among the crew, many of whom were working deep inside the airship. After the Hindenburg disaster, all airships were grounded and, until recently, they have never been seriously considered as a commercial proposition.
(录音首句便指出世界上最大的飞艇兴登堡号(the Hindenburg)从德国顺利启程后(after an uneventful crossing from Germany),在新泽西的莱克赫斯特机场上准备着陆。


passengers and cargo (讲述完兴登堡号灾难后,录音中接下来介绍了当时飞艇建造的背景,提到建造飞艇的目的是“进行乘客和货物的长途运输”(They were designed to carry passengers and cargo over long distances)。

compete with
(随后录音中讲述到“The Hindenburg had been built to compete with the great luxury transatlantic liners”,即当时建造兴登堡号飞艇是为了与当时的豪华大西洋班轮竞争。

(关于兴登堡号飞艇的规格,录音中指出“I t was 245 metres long with a diameter of 41 metres”,即长245 米,直径41米。

circus animals
(根据录音中提到的“By 1937 it had carried 1000 passengers safely and had even transported circus animals and cars”,可知该空应填circus animal s“马戏团的动物”。

Every safety precaution (介绍完兴登堡号飞艇的建造背景后,录音中谈到兴登堡号飞艇所采取的安全措施,首先就提到“兴登堡号飞艇内充满了极易燃烧的氢气,因此采取了各种安全预防措施(every safety precaution)以防止事故发生”。


Cigarette lighters
(接下来录音中提到“Both passengers and crew were searched for cigarette lighters and matches before entering the ship”,即登飞艇前,乘客和机组人员都会被搜查是否带有打火机和火柴。

Special materials
(该部分最后指出“Special materials, which were used in the construction of the airship, had been chosen to minimize the possibility of accidental sparks...”,即飞艇是选用特殊材料建造的,目的是将出现意外火花的可能性降到最低。

Leaking gas (录音最后部分谈到没有人知道导致兴登堡号灾难的确切原因,当时的专家认为事故是
泄露的气体(leaking gas)被静电点燃而造成的。

(根据录音最后一句“After the Hindenburg disaster, all airships were grounded and. until recently, they have never been seriously considered as a commercial proposition”,可知兴登堡号灾难后,所有的飞艇被停止起飞,直到现在把飞艇用于商业用途的提议也未得到严肃对待。



Part ⅡVocabulary and S t r u c t u r e
There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the cente r.
1. It was a shame and bad taste to be an alien after twenty years' living in a foreign country and it is no use pretending .
D 句意:在国外生活了20年,仍被看做是外国人是一件令人感到羞愧的事,装出一副事不关己的样子也无济于事。





2. For the time , the best solution to the congestion may be to control the number of vehicles.

for the time being为固定搭配,指“目前,暂且”。

3. The boys had set out on a_ day despite a warning form the National Weather Service that small boats should stay off the water in that kind of weather.
B 句意:尽管国家气象局警告说大风天小的船只不应下水,这帮男孩还是出发了。





4. So far in her life, Kaori Sasaki has had guns pointed in her face, been shot in the leg, been to the refugee camps and land mines.
句意:目前在她生命中,Kaori Sasaki曾被人用枪指过脑袋,腿被枪打伤过,在难民营待过,也躲避过地雷。





5. _ the cause may be, the fact remains that temperatures are rising, affecting Alaska for the worse.
C.Now that
D.In case
B 句意:不管原因是什么,事实是气温仍在上升,给阿拉斯加了带来负面影响。



now that既然;既是。

in case假使;以防。

6. The news broadcast reported on the _ danger to coastal cities due to the approaching hurricane.
C 句意:新闻报道称,飓风正在逼近,沿海城市面临着紧迫危险。





7. It seems that most of us want more holidays than we actually get, apart from a small number of workaholics who do not take all the days off they _ .
A.are entitled to
B.belong to
C.attribute to
D.are contributed to
A 句意:除了一小部分工作狂不享受应得的假期,我们中大部分人似乎都想得到比实际更多的假日。

be entitled to有…的资格,有权。

belong to属于;是(某团体、国家等)的成员。

attribute to把某事归因于某人[某事];认为某作品出自某人之手。

contribute to捐献;促成;投稿。

8. It took the jury just ten minutes to find the 58-year-old balding civil servant not guilty of murder, but guilty of manslaughter diminished responsibility.
A.on the grounds of
B.with regard to
C.in respect of
D.in opposition to
A 句意:陪审团只用了十分钟就裁定这位58岁的谢顶公务员基于精神失常过失杀人,而非蓄意谋杀。

on the grounds of以…为理由,根据。

with regard to关于;就。

in respect of关于。

in opposition to反对。

diminished responsibility(由于精神失常)减轻的刑事责任。

9. Sylvie Forrest had a lucky escape yesterday when she arrived at Liverpool Street Station 3 minutes late for her train after being _ in a traffic jam.
B.looked up
C.put up
D.held up
句意:Sylvie Forrest昨天因交通拥堵耽搁,到达利物浦街道车站时晚了三分钟而错过火车,从而也有幸躲过一劫。

hold up耽搁;举起;支撑。

turn up开大;翻起;出现。

look up向上看;拜访(某人);查找。

put up举起;张贴;建造。

place on earth, a continent twice the size of Western 10. Antarctica is the highest, coldest, and most
Europe, capped by ice over two miles thick.
C 句意:南极洲是地球上平均海拔最高、最寒冷和最荒凉的地方,该大陆的面积有西欧两倍之大,并且被两米多厚的冰层所覆盖。





enough money, the state television could 11. According to the survey done among the local residents, _
become much more popular.
C.to give
D.been given
A 句意:根据在当地居民中的调查,如果资金充裕,国家电视台会变得更加受欢迎。


12. I would have gone to the charity party held by the famous film stars, _ for my exam the next day.
A.if it had been
B.if it hadn't been
C.had it been
D.it hadn't been
B 句意:如果不是第二天有考试,我就会去参加著名影星举办的慈善会了。

题干描述与过去事实相反的情况,为虚拟语气,从句为“if+主语+had done”,主句为“主语should/would/could/might+have done”。

根据句意可知,正确答案为B项,相当于hadn't it been。

13. Interviewer: Most people love the circus. Are you ready for tomorrow afternoon's performance?
Circus leader: We'll be working all day and half the night. And _
, by tomorrow morning everything will have been set up in time for the afternoon performance.
Interviewer: Good luck!
B.touch the wood
C.fingers crossed
D.as you promise
C 根据马戏团团长的回答“我们从白天一直忙碌到深夜…到明天早晨,下午的演出一切准备就绪”,及采访者最后提到的“祝你们好运”,可知C项中固定表达fingers crossed“乞求好运,祈求”符合语境。

so to speak可以说,可谓。

as you promise如你所许诺的。

表示“但愿走好运”的另一种表达为touch wood,中间不加定冠词the。

14. Doctor: Take a seat. What seems to be the trouble?
Mr.Williams: I'm not sure, doctor. But I haven't been feeling too well.
Doctor: Mm. _
Mr.Williams: I've been sneezing a lot, and feeling pretty feverish, hot and cold all the time. Oh, and I've got a sore throat.
A.How do you feel in your stomach?
B.I think you must have a touch of flu.
C.That's interesting.
D.What are the symptoms?
D 根据对话中病人的回答“我总是打喷嚏,发烧,忽冷忽热且喉咙痛”,可知医生问他有什么症状,因此D 项符合语境。


15. Amy: Why do you feel like living by yourself?
Jean: Well, I've always had to share with my younger sister and she keeps bursting in when I'm trying to have a few moments to myself.
A m y:But wouldn't it be a bore keeping your own place clean and tidy?
Jean: No, because I like to keep thing in order.
A.It doesn't matter, I suppose.
B.You seem to enjoy loneliness.
C.Then we can conclude that your little sister must be adorable.
D.I can see you'll be glad to get some privacy.
D 对话中Jean谈到想要自己一个人住的原因是,跟她一起住的小妹妹总是在她想要独处一会儿时突然出现,Amy问到“但是总是把自己的地方收拾得过于整齐干净不会感到无聊吗”,根据上下文语境可知,此处Amy回答说“我明白了你是想要有一些私人空间”。

Part ⅢC loze
Read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter(s) of the word. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet.
"See that? Men kissing." our lawyer friend snorted into his beer...
It had taken me some months to get used 1 the Provencal delight in physical contact. Like anyone brought up in England, I had absorbed certain social mannerisms. I had learned to keep my distance, to offer a nod instead of a handshake, to ration kissing to female relatives and to confine any public demonstrations of affection on dogs. The Provencal welcome, as thorough as being searched by airport security guards, was, at
first, a 2 (startle) experience. Now I enjoyed it, and I was fascinated by the niceties of the social ritual, and the sign language which is an essential part of any Provencal encounter.
When two unencumbered men meet, the 3 (little) there will be is the conventional handshake. If the hands are full, you'll be offered a little finger to shake. If the hands are wet or dirty, you will be offered a forearm or an elbow. Riding a bicycle or dri 4 a ear does not excuse you from physical contact, and so you will see perilous contortions be 5 performed on busy streets as hands grope through ear windows and across handlebars to find each other. And this is only at the first and most restrained level of acquaintance. A closer relationship requires more demonstrative acknowledgement.
6 our lawyer friend had noticed, men kiss other men. They squeeze shoulders, slap backs, pummel kidneys, pinch cheeks. When a Provencal man is truly pleased to see you, there is a real possibility of coming away from his clutches with superficial bruising. The risk of bodily damage is less where women are concerned, but an amateur can easily make a social blunder if he
7 (calculate) the required number of kisses. In my early days of discovery, I would plant a single kiss,
8 to find that the other cheek was being proffered as I was drawing back. Only snobs kiss once, I was told, or those unfortunates who suffer from congenital froideur (冷漠). I then saw what I assumed to be the correct procedure-the triple kiss, left-right-left, so I tried it on a Parisian friend. Wr
9 again. She told me that triple-kissing was a low Provencal habit, and that two kisses were enough among 10 (civilize) people. The next time I saw my neighbour's wife, I kissed her twice, "Non", she said, "trois" (三次).
(get used to为固定搭配,指“习惯于”,其中to为介词,该句指“普罗旺斯人喜欢身体接触,我是花了好几个月才适应”。

(该空所填词修饰experience“经历”,指“初到普罗旺斯,对方犹如机场保安般彻底的搜身式欢迎仪式,让人真有些不知所措”,因此应当用startle的现在分词形式startli ng“令人吃惊的”。


(本句意为“正在骑自行车或开车并不是避免肢体接触的理由……”,drive a car为固定,搭配,指“开车”,此处应填drive的现在分词形式driving,与riding并列。






