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实验九 多克隆抗体的制备,纯化及免疫电泳
⒈ 加深对抗体基本知识的了解。

⒉ 了解多克隆抗体的制备及纯化的基本方法。

⒊ 了解免疫电泳的基本过程和实验依据。

【实验原理】 当将抗原注射入实验动物体内时,一系列抗体生成细胞会不同程度的与抗原结合,受抗原刺激后在血液中产生不同类型的抗体,这种由一种抗原刺激产生的抗体称为多克隆抗体。










0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
初次免疫 二次免疫


特制兔盒;刀片;25G针头;1ml注射器;20 ml 血液收集管;药铲;离心机以及塑料离心管;加样器及加样管;烧杯。

⑴抗原;乙醇;20mM 磷酸缓冲溶液pH7.2。





按压兔子耳根部直至血管突出,然后将针头插入耳部血管的中上部,观察到进针后小心推出活塞收集血液1ml -5ml。


取收集的血液在37°C 恒温箱中放置30分钟以防止激活补体系统,再将试管在4°C放置过夜使血液凝固。






















蛋白A是从Staphylococcus aureus中获得,可与抗体重链的Fc片段相结合。


如果将蛋白A与固相载体相连,例如sepharose CL-4B,这种填料可以成为分离和纯化不同类型,不同亚类抗体或抗体片断的重要工具。


⑴TBS缓冲溶液:6.06g Tris (50 mM), 8.78g NaCl (150 mM)以及0.5g叠氮化钠(0.05%)溶于1L蒸馏水中,并用HCl调节pH 7.4。

⑵中和缓冲溶液:121.2g Tris (1 M), 87.8g NaCl (1.5 M), 0.37g EDTA (1mM)及5g叠氮化钠(0.5%)溶于1L蒸馏水中,并用HCl调节pH8.0。

⑶洗脱缓冲溶液(pH2.7):将3.75g甘氨酸(50 mM)溶解于1L蒸馏水中,用HCl调节pH

⑷洗脱缓冲溶液(pH1.9):将3.75g甘氨酸(50 mM)溶解于1L蒸馏水中,用HCl调节pH

⒈ 准备蛋白A sepharose CL-4B 亲和柱
通常准备5ml 或10 ml 蛋白A sepharose CL-4B 填料,在真空瓶中将等体积的填料和TBS 缓冲溶液混合,搅拌。


将蛋白A sepharose CL-4B 填料缓慢加入玻璃柱中,利用泵控制填充速度为1 ml/分-2 ml/分,避免柱干,利用10倍于床体积并经过预冷的TBS 缓冲溶液平衡柱子。

⒉ 制备抗血清
将抗血清放入冰水或4°C 冰箱中缓慢解冻以避免蛋白质的聚集。

在蛋白质解冻过程中出现的聚集可通过37°C 预热而溶解。

加入固体叠氮化钠至浓度为0.05%,4°C ,15,000xg 离心5分钟,移出澄清的抗血清再经过滤器过滤除去多余的脂。

⒊ 亲和层析 将抗体用TBS 缓冲溶液以1:5的比例进行稀释,再用过滤器进行过滤。

以每分钟0.5 ml 的速度将抗血清上到柱上,为保证抗血清与填料的结合,需连续上柱2次并保留上样流出液。

用TBS 缓冲溶液清洗柱子至A λ280nm <0.008后加pH2.7洗脱缓冲溶液,以0.5ml/min 的速度洗脱至所有蛋白均流下来。

用已经加入100ul 中和缓冲溶液的1.5 ml EP 管分管收集洗脱液,混匀后用pH 试纸检查洗脱液的pH ,如果pH 低于7可利用中和缓冲液调至约pH7.4以防止抗体的变性。

在柱中加入10ml,pH1.9洗脱缓冲溶液,按上述方法收集洗脱液至A λ280nm <0.008。


若蛋白浓度低于0.5mg/ml 可加入10%的甘油以便保存,将纯化的抗体分装后在2°C~8°C 保存。

用含0.05%叠氮化钠的TBS 缓冲溶液清洗柱子后将柱子储存在2°C~8°C 环境。

2. 特异性结合目标蛋白
3. 分离已结合蛋白
亲和层析的基本过程 1. 配基与载体相连


免疫电泳又称为γ球蛋白电泳或免疫球蛋白电泳技术,这是一种能够判断血液中三种免疫球蛋白IgM, IgG, IgA含量水平的实验方法。







⑵Tris-巴比妥缓冲溶液:2.24g 巴比妥酸,4.43g Tris,0.053g 乳酸钙及0.065g 叠氮化
钠溶于100ml 蒸馏水中。









Experiment 21 Preparation, Purification of Polyclonal Antibody and Immunoelectrophoresis
⒈Understanding the basic acknowledge of antibody.
⒉Master the methods of preparation and purification of polyclonal antibody.
⒊Understand the procedure and basic principle of immunoelectrophoresis.
Ⅰ Preparation of Polyclonal Antibody
If an antigen is injected into an animal, a number of antibody-producing cells will bind that antigen, albeit with varying degrees of affinity, and so the antibody which appears in the bloodstream will have arisen from several clones of cells, that is it will be a polyclonal antibody. Different antibody molecules in a preparation of polyclonal antibody will bind to different parts of the macromolecular antigen, which are called epitope and will do so with different binding affinities.
The introduction of an antigen into the tissue of a susceptible animal results initially in increased proliferation of lymphocytes in the tissues of the reticule-endothelial system particularly the lymph nodes and the spleen. An animal will show different responses for a primary response and a secondary response as shown in the figure. Antibody is usually detected in the serum from around 7 days after the first injection and persists at a low level for a few days, typically reaching peak titer around day 10. Primary responses often are very weak, particularly for readily catabolized, soluble antigens. The response to the second injection of the same antigen is dramatically different, it shows a considerably increased rate of antibody synthesis compared with the primary response and the antibody persists for a longer period.
The kinetics of the response varies depending upon the antigen and the animal but the relationship between the primary response and the secondary responses is characteristic. The response to third and subsequent injections broadly mirrors that of the second injection. Higher titers of antibody are reached, but more importantly the nature and the quality of the antibodies present in the serum change. These changes are known as the maturation of the immune response and have considerable practical importance because they yield high-affinity antibody preparations. For rabbits, injections are normally given every 4~6 weeks.
⒈Animal:Adult rabbit.
Strainer; razor blade; needle with 25gauage; 1 ml syringe; 20 ml evacuated blood collection tube; Spatula; Centrifuge and plastic centrifuge tube; Pipette man and tip; Beaker.
⑴Antigen; ethanol; 20 mM phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.2;
⑵Freund's complete and incomplete adjuvant
The component of Freund's complete and incomplete adjuvant
The complete adjuvant must be prepared through adding dead mycobacteria in incomplete adjuvant just before you need it.
Antibody level
in serum
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Weeks after initial injection of antigen
⒈Preparation of antigen
The object of preparing the antigen is to present it to the animal in a form that will induce the strongest and most appropriate response. Usually, pure antigens provide the best case for the production of antibodies, so the purification of antigens is necessary before antigen injection. The standard techniques, including column chromatography, differential extraction, and subcellular fractionation are the most useful. If the polypeptide of interest can be seen as a unique band on a SDS/PAGE, then the gel can be used as a final purification step.
Calmly and gently place rabbit in a restrainer. If they are relaxed they bleed much easier. By pressing lightly on the base of the ear, the return of the blood to the body can be restricted and the vein will stand out straight. Insert the needle into the top middle of ear vein, when the needle appears to be in the vein, gently try to withdraw the needle and collect blood. When you have the required amount of blood (1 ml ~5 ml is sufficient for a pre-bleed), remove the needle and apply pressure to the wound. When the bleeding has stopped (~10 seconds), sterilize the ear with ethanol. Remove the rabbit from the restrainer and place it in its cage. Take the collected blood and place
at 37°C for 30 minutes to inactivate complement, place the tube at 4°C overnight to clot. Loosen the clot from the tube wall with a spatula and decant the blood into a plastic centrifuge tube, centrifuge at 4°C 10,000g for 10 minutes. Collect the supernatant and keep at 4°C.
⒊ Antigen Injection
⑴For injection of two rabbits, antigen should be in 1 ml PBS. 100 µg/rabbit of antigen is best, but you can use less and get good results. Prepare Freund's adjuvant by warming in a beaker of warm water, injecting 1 ml of antigen solution into the adjuvant, and vortexing vigorously for 2 minutes to get a good suspension. Draw antigen/adjuvant solution in a 3 ml syringe. Calmly take the rabbit out of its cage and place it on a flat surface for the injection. Four subcutaneous injections are done, two on the lower back and two on the thigh. To inject, rub the hair away from the injection site and sterilize with a squirt of ethanol. Pinch the skin and pull up slightly to pull the skin away from the muscle, insert the needle 1 cm ~2 cm at a 15 degree angle so as not to hit muscle, and inject 500 µl of your inoculum. After the required volume has been injected, let the needle remain in the place for a few seconds, then pull it out and gently rub the injection site so nothing leaks out. Repeat for all four sites and place the rabbit back in its cage. Repeat the process for the other rabbits.
⑵Injections will be done every 4 weeks ~ 6 weeks, with bleeds 7 days ~10 days after each injection according to step 2. Bleeds are performed identically to the pre-bleed, but obtain at least 20 ml per rabbit, with 40 ml being the upper limit for an adult rabbit to prevent anemia.
⒋Bleed and collection
⑴Calmly and gently place rabbit in a restrainer. Rub xylene on the top middle of the ear to dilate the vein. Shave this position with a razor blade at a 45°angle to form a notch with 0.23cm ~0.3 cm length and check if the blood can effuse freely. Collect the blood by allowing it to drop into a sterilized tube. If the blood clot on the cut before the desired amount is collected, wipe the ear with warm clean water and continue to collect. The blood flow can be stopped by gently pressure to the cut with a sterile piece of gauze. Apply pressure for 10 to 20 seconds and then check to be sure the flow has stopped.
⑵Take the collected blood and place at 37°C for 30 minutes, place the tube at 4°C overnight to contract. Loosen the clot from the tube wall with a spatula and decant the blood into a plastic centrifuge tube. Centrifuge at 4°C 10,000g for 10 minutes, decant or pipet off the supernatant. This is the antiserum, it can be stored for many years at -20°C.
Check the result of this experiment by using Western-blotting or immuno-precitpitation method.
II Purification of Antibody with Affinity Chromatography
As shown in the figure, the affinity chromatography is the most powerful technique for protein purification since its high selectivity can, in principle, allow purification of a single protein of low abundance from a crude mixture of proteins at higher concentration. Secondly, if the affinity of the ligand for the protein is sufficiently high, the technique offers simultaneous concentration from a
large volume.
Although for many purposes it is not necessary to purify the antibodies away from other serum proteins, if desired this is best accomplished by Protein A affinity chromatography. Protein A found from Staphylococcus aureus can bind to the Fc region of immunoglobulins through interactions with the heavy chain. The Binding of Protein A has been documented for IgG from a variety of mammalian species and for some IgM and IgA as well. So, If couple Protein A with a matrix, such as sepharose CL-4B, this kind of resin can be a powerful tool to isolate and purify classes, subclasses and fragments of immunoglobulins from biological fluids and serum.
【Materials 】
⒈ Apparatus
Protein A column (10 ml or 5 ml of packed beads); pump; Centrifuge tubes and microcentrifuge tubes; preparative centrifuge and microcentrifuge; pH strips; Microtiter plate reader with 600 nm filter; Glass Columns.
⒉ Reagent
⑴ Tris-buffered saline (TBS): Add 6.06g Tris (50 mM), 8.78g NaCl (150 mM)以及0.5gNaN 3(0.05%) to 1L distilled water and adjust pH to 7.4 with HCl.
⑵ Neutralization Buffer (NB): Add 121.2g Tris (1 M), 87.8g NaCl (1.5 M), 0.37g EDTA (1mM) and 5g NaN 3 (0.5%) to L distilled water and adjust pH to 8.0 with HCl..
⑶ Elution Buffer (pH 2.7): Add 3.75g Glycine (50 mM) to 1L distilled water and adjust pH to
2.7 with HCl.
⑷ Elution Buffer (pH 1.9): Add 3.75g Glycine (50 mM) to 1L distilled water and adjust pH to
1.9 with HCl. +
1. Couple ligand with a matrix
2. Specifically bind with target protein
3. Separate binding protein
The procedure of affinity chromatography
⒈Preparation of a Protein A sepharose CL-4B Affinity Column
Typically, columns containing 5 ml or 10 ml of packed protein A sepharose CL-4B are prepared. Use a pipette to transfer the desired volume of a 50% protein A sepharose CL-4B slurry to a vacuum flask, place a stopper in the vacuum flask and apply vacuum for at least 15 minutes at room temperature. This step removes gas from the sepharose CL-4B and is necessary to prevent bubble formation in the column that would reduce the column's capacity and resolution. Slowly add the degassed protein A sepharose CL-4B to a glass column, pack the column at a flow rate of about 1-2 ml per min. Do not let the column run dry!Flow rate may be controlled by using a pump. Wash the column with 10 bed volumes of ice-cold TBS. This step chills the column, which reduces nonspecific binding of proteins and slows the metabolism of any remaining viable microbes.
⒉Preparation of Antiserum
Thaw the antiserum in ice water or the refrigerator overnight to prevent aggregation of proteins. Any protein aggregate that forms during thawing may be dissolved by briefly warming the thawed antiserum to 37°C. Add sodium azide to a final concentration of 0.05%. Clarify the antiserum by centrifugation at 15,000 x g for 5 minutes at 4°C and remove the clarified antiserum that lies between the floating lipid and the pellet. Additional filtration may be required to remove residual lipid.
⒊Affinity Chromatography
Dilute Antibody1:5 with Binding Buffer and filter through a 0.22 filter. Then, add the diluted antiserum to the column at a flow rate of 0.5 ml per minute. Pass the antiserum through the column twice and save the flow through in case the antibody did not bind to the column. Wash column with TBS until Aλ280nm<0.008 and add Elution Buffer pH 2.7 to column at a rate of 0.5ml/min until all protein has been eluted from the column checking with spectrometer. Collect eluted antibody with 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes which have been added 100 ul of Neutralization Buffer (NB) and mix each tub immediately and place on ice to prevent denaturation of the IgG.
Add 10 ml of Elution Buffer pH 1.9 to the column; collect, mix, and save fractions as described in step above. Continue to collect protein until Aλ280nm<0.008.
Wash the column with 200 ml of TBS with 0.05% sodium azide and store the column at 2°C.~8°C. Use pH paper to check the pH of the combined fractions. If the pH is less than 7.0, use NB to adjust the pH to approximately 7.4. Use spectrophotometer to determine the concentration of the antibody in the combined fractions. Add glycerol to 10% of the total volume if the antibody concentration of the combined fractions is less than 0.5 mg/ml. Aliquot and store the purified antibody at 2-8°C.
Check the purity of eluted protein with SDS/PAGE and identify the titer of purified antibody with immune electrophoresis.
⒈Since sodium azide is toxic, wear gloves and handle the stock solution with care.
⒉During purification,ice-cold TBS is used to reduce nonspecific binding of proteins and slows the metabolism of any remaining viable microbes.
III Immunoelectrophoresis
Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP), also called gamma globulin electrophoresis, or immunoglobulin electrophoresis, is a method of determining the blood levels of three major immunoglobulins: immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin G (IgG), and immunoglobulin A (IgA). In this technology, the proteins are first separated by horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis on the basis of their different charge-to-mass ratios. The antibodies to the proteins are introduced into narrow troughs parallel to the separated antigens. Diffusion of both antigen and antibody takes place and, if solution of antigen and antibody are mixed in different ratios, it is found that at a specific ration, known as the equivalence point, the binding is maximized and a precipitate of antigen-antibody complex is formed. Diffusion can be halted by rinsing the plate in 0.85% saline. Unbound protein is washing from the plate by the saline and the antigen/antibody precipitin arcs can be stained with a protein sensitive stain.
IEP is used for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathies when using serum and urine specimens, this method is also used for a number of other purposes, including screening for circulating immune complexes, characterization of cryoglobulinemia and pyroglobulinemia, recognition and characterization of the various forms of dysgammaglobulinemias. IEP is a reliable and accurate method for routine protein evaluation, detecting both structural abnormalities and concentration changes.
Horizontal electrophoresis apparatus; Drilling equipment; Glass plate; Razor blade; Power supply; Waterbath (55°C); Distilled water; Beaker (400-600ml); Micropipette and tips (5 ul
⑴Purified antibody; protein mixture; 1% agarose.
⑵Tris-ethylbarbital buffer: 2.24g ethylbarbital acid, 4.43g Tris, 0.053g Ca2+ saline of lactate,
0.065g sodium azide, in 100ml distilled water.
⑶Electrophoresis buffer: 1:4 dilute Tris- ethylbarbital buffer with distilled water
⒈Preparation of agarose gel
Mix agarose power with electrophoresis buffer and heat in 90°C water bath until dissolve to make 1% agarose gel. Spread gel in horizontal glass plate before freeze. After the gel cool to room temperature, puncture pores with 4mm internal diameter drilling equipment and make the trough with razor according the figure.
Add 4%-5% antigen, which is diluted with electrophoresis buffer into the small holes with glass pipette and put the agar plate in the electrophoresis chamber. Communicate two ends of plate to the buffer in the camber with wetted filter paper and put the cover on the chamber. Connect power supply, electrophorese at the 6V/cm for 1hr with a migration distance of 35mm and the distance can be verified by observing the position of marker.
Remove the agar plate from the chamber and put it on a flat surface. Get rid of the buffer in trough with filter paper and apply appropriate amount of antibody (0.2-0.25ml) in the trough, Severe overfilling may cause contamination. Stack the plate in a humidity chamber containing sodium azide, incubate the plate at 30°C water bath for at least 10 hours. Transfer the plate to 0.85% saline, which can stop the diffusion and wash out unbound proteins.
Observe the precipitation line which is formed by antigen combining with antibody.
⒈What is antigen and antibody? What is the characteristic of their combination with each other?
⒉What is the basic theory of immunoelectrophoresis?。
