Project Management-Ch2
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So,where we start? answer thatbeiore canundertake activities a do The is we any on project thinking placing project behind mugtbe ght.Thisinvolves it the the and it5 consideration the rightstructureg. purpose structures frameworks to in The of and is provide means think aboutprojects a to and structures helpwith theirdelivery. to Thisis the firststage gaining in undelstanding ofwhatcanbe highly complex underprevertthe inevitable takings and vitally reinventing various of wheels that takes place, pafticularly duringthe earlystages a project. of Thechapterstafts a basicmodelofaproject a whole. with as Thisis thenbroken project intothe fourmainphases oFthe life-cycle. issues The manager that a project will haveto dealwithin eachphasearethen considered usingthe 7-Sframewo*. Howeachof theseissuesis developed determined the proiect is by environment (oneaspect ofwhich is the project complexity) thesearethe nexttwo issues and considered.will be shown lt thatthe nature ofthe project management is deteF tagk years lmportant minedby this complexity. developments recent in include provi the 'bodiesof knowledge' profes5ional sion of documented by instituteg. These are outlined points and ofreFerencewith bookare this identified.
24 |structues lramwos and
Bythetimeyouhave completed chapter, should ableto: you this be . Applybasic models helpunderstand proiect to process; the . Determinethe inputs, constraints, project; outputs mechanismsfora and . Recognise phases a proiect the diffrent the of and activities carried in each out Dhase: . ldenti6/the maior proiect issues facing managersi . Provide basicmeasure a ofthe complexity proiect showits implications ofa and forthe managementtaski . Recognise PMIandAPlrlbodies knowledge theirinplications prothe of and for managers. iect
The desireto develop a new baglessvacuum cleanerwas the starting point for product range.The proiect did not start with successful JamesDyson'smassively any {ormalisation,iust a want or needto developa product that would not suffer tuomthe drawbacks associated with a paperbag beingthe 6lter for parricles passing througha vacuumcleaner.'? For many organisations, needwill be encapsulated a brr'el- a document this into describingthe nature oI the work to be undenaken,before the resources will be released do eventhe most preliminarywork. For the projectmanager, to therewill be both explicitlystatedrequirements (originalneeds) and thosethat emerge during the courseof the projectdue ro the custom/schanging needs perceptions (emer: or gent needs). Suchemergent needs cause considerable angstto the projectmanager, and need to be managed(seethe discussionon scope maragenent in Ch^pter 4 arrd changeconftol / configuration ,runagenent in Chapter 71),
Having a model to baseour thinking around is the firsr srepin gaining ar understandingof the processes projectsand the accompanying o{ managing that we will suggest shouldbe taking place.For many years, most basicmodelofanv operat, the ing sy*em hasbeenrhe input-ourpur model. This apptie\wett herea, rhe basrc unit of analysis ofproject adivities. Tle project is viewedas a conve$ion or transformarionof someform of inDut inroan ourput. under ,cr of ron*raint. and .er ot make a a ro the proiect happen.As Fig. 2.1 shows,the inputs are someform of want or need $ hi(h i, \ari\6ed rhrougn proces. rhe Theproiecr rakeptace wilt under \er of cona tlols or constraints thoseelements generally from ourside projectwhich either the provide the basisfor any assumptionsor limit the projecr. Th mechanisms are thoseresources makerheftansformationprocess that possible.
r-:; .1i,il, :,'";,;;:,T:l:,T:i:i:: l:;:::";;illtiJ",il',li ;j,il !l
;'j:T::x.:*:ilT',;,,:*:i :i;t1'xfil.:ig[h{u:y;:*
** rr.*" u. ;Байду номын сангаас;;:;:,;ili';l: *;rr ,;ppr. '::.f:..'i:ffi.':,Tf j"Jil. Lff:ji
S t r u . t u r ea n df G h e w o r k s 2 5 s
The briefwill also setout the constrainrs. wl
nly;.r*l* nq1:**hi:nTll.:fi:;t_, :,
i:T:,;'iff fi':,::*:[il]il,:";;;i*' *'s'irain'f pr:c'iice,or,en rn i, is
In addition ro these thrce, the following constrarntscan prove trmiring on rhe
' i:ift';#?,ii:::::i/J,.Jj]t ::ffi;:f, :.".JJ,i;*flf;:r.;:": :t:lt
. eth,c,rl .r mri^r Jrei f,,r mrny orcanrs
cost the vatLte timing ofGnancialresourccs and rcquiredto carry out the projet
bnth n'oau.t output treproc,ss) th. (the or and [:"i1il;i5::i 1ilt;.t',f,]ij.h
il:,?:t::ffl :j:l:iil.*.: l:'i"iff iil::il:i li -ffi'#i;fiJlff .
: LT#:l.'J,;::'-'ilj"::ilJ,":::1ff, can :' "c,jvi,vbesin;
Fisurc,2.1 describes outpur as a .satisficd the neer:I,. This wili usualtybe in the
Leal,'ins objecnues 2.1 The projcrmodl 2.2 The four phases ofproject management 2.3 The 7-Sof proiectmanagenent 2.4 The project environrnent 2.5 The cornpleJrity projects of 2.6 The structurcs ofthebodies of knowledge 2.7 Summary Proie.t tharlagetnentifl pncticet SttrctuJes for an improvernentproject - the Permancnt Way Company Project maxagement ilt prartice: Strtctnir,g a.personalproiect Reuiel! qrestions d,td futther exercises Further iflfotmanofl
24 |structues lramwos and
Bythetimeyouhave completed chapter, should ableto: you this be . Applybasic models helpunderstand proiect to process; the . Determinethe inputs, constraints, project; outputs mechanismsfora and . Recognise phases a proiect the diffrent the of and activities carried in each out Dhase: . ldenti6/the maior proiect issues facing managersi . Provide basicmeasure a ofthe complexity proiect showits implications ofa and forthe managementtaski . Recognise PMIandAPlrlbodies knowledge theirinplications prothe of and for managers. iect
The desireto develop a new baglessvacuum cleanerwas the starting point for product range.The proiect did not start with successful JamesDyson'smassively any {ormalisation,iust a want or needto developa product that would not suffer tuomthe drawbacks associated with a paperbag beingthe 6lter for parricles passing througha vacuumcleaner.'? For many organisations, needwill be encapsulated a brr'el- a document this into describingthe nature oI the work to be undenaken,before the resources will be released do eventhe most preliminarywork. For the projectmanager, to therewill be both explicitlystatedrequirements (originalneeds) and thosethat emerge during the courseof the projectdue ro the custom/schanging needs perceptions (emer: or gent needs). Suchemergent needs cause considerable angstto the projectmanager, and need to be managed(seethe discussionon scope maragenent in Ch^pter 4 arrd changeconftol / configuration ,runagenent in Chapter 71),
Having a model to baseour thinking around is the firsr srepin gaining ar understandingof the processes projectsand the accompanying o{ managing that we will suggest shouldbe taking place.For many years, most basicmodelofanv operat, the ing sy*em hasbeenrhe input-ourpur model. This apptie\wett herea, rhe basrc unit of analysis ofproject adivities. Tle project is viewedas a conve$ion or transformarionof someform of inDut inroan ourput. under ,cr of ron*raint. and .er ot make a a ro the proiect happen.As Fig. 2.1 shows,the inputs are someform of want or need $ hi(h i, \ari\6ed rhrougn proces. rhe Theproiecr rakeptace wilt under \er of cona tlols or constraints thoseelements generally from ourside projectwhich either the provide the basisfor any assumptionsor limit the projecr. Th mechanisms are thoseresources makerheftansformationprocess that possible.
r-:; .1i,il, :,'";,;;:,T:l:,T:i:i:: l:;:::";;illtiJ",il',li ;j,il !l
;'j:T::x.:*:ilT',;,,:*:i :i;t1'xfil.:ig[h{u:y;:*
** rr.*" u. ;Байду номын сангаас;;:;:,;ili';l: *;rr ,;ppr. '::.f:..'i:ffi.':,Tf j"Jil. Lff:ji
S t r u . t u r ea n df G h e w o r k s 2 5 s
The briefwill also setout the constrainrs. wl
nly;.r*l* nq1:**hi:nTll.:fi:;t_, :,
i:T:,;'iff fi':,::*:[il]il,:";;;i*' *'s'irain'f pr:c'iice,or,en rn i, is
In addition ro these thrce, the following constrarntscan prove trmiring on rhe
' i:ift';#?,ii:::::i/J,.Jj]t ::ffi;:f, :.".JJ,i;*flf;:r.;:": :t:lt
. eth,c,rl .r mri^r Jrei f,,r mrny orcanrs
cost the vatLte timing ofGnancialresourccs and rcquiredto carry out the projet
bnth n'oau.t output treproc,ss) th. (the or and [:"i1il;i5::i 1ilt;.t',f,]ij.h
il:,?:t::ffl :j:l:iil.*.: l:'i"iff iil::il:i li -ffi'#i;fiJlff .
: LT#:l.'J,;::'-'ilj"::ilJ,":::1ff, can :' "c,jvi,vbesin;
Fisurc,2.1 describes outpur as a .satisficd the neer:I,. This wili usualtybe in the
Leal,'ins objecnues 2.1 The projcrmodl 2.2 The four phases ofproject management 2.3 The 7-Sof proiectmanagenent 2.4 The project environrnent 2.5 The cornpleJrity projects of 2.6 The structurcs ofthebodies of knowledge 2.7 Summary Proie.t tharlagetnentifl pncticet SttrctuJes for an improvernentproject - the Permancnt Way Company Project maxagement ilt prartice: Strtctnir,g a.personalproiect Reuiel! qrestions d,td futther exercises Further iflfotmanofl