Comparison of computed and measured particle velocities and erosion in water and air flows
Feedback control(反馈控制) 外文翻译
Feedback controlThe class of control problems to examined here is considerable engineering interest. We should consider systems with several input , some known as controls because they may be manipulated and others called external disturbances, which are quite unpredictable, For example , in an industrial furnace we may consider the fuel flow, the ambient temperature, and the loading of material into the furnace to be inputs . Of there , the fuel flow is accessible and can readily be controlled , While the latter two are usually unpredictable disturbances.In such situation , one aspect of the control problem is to determine how the controls should be manipulated so as to counteract the effects of the external disturbances on the state of the system . One possible approach to the solution of this problem is to use a continuous measurement of the disturbances, and from this and the known system equations to determine what the control inputs should be as functions of time to give appropriate control of the system state.A different approach is to construct a feedback system , that is , rather than measure the disturbances directly and then compute their effects on the system from the model or system equations , we compare direct and continuous measurements of the accessible system states with signals representing their “ desired values” to dorm an error signal , and use this signal to produce inputs to the system which will drive the erroras close to zero as possible .By some abuse of terminology , the former approach has come to be known as open loop control , and the tatter as closed-loop control .At first sight , the two approaches might appear to be essentially equivalent . Indeed, one might surmise that an open-loopControl scheme is preferable since it is not necessary to wait until the disturbances have produced an undesirable change in the system state before corrective inputs can be computed and applied.图27.1(a)图27.1(b)However, this advantage is more than outweighed by the disadvantages of open-loop control and the inherent advantages of feedback systems. First, in many cases the implementation of theopen-loop control suggested above would require a very sophisticated (and hence expensive)computing device to determine the inputs require to counteract the predicted disturbance effects. Second, a feedback system turns out to be inherently far less sensitive to the accuracy with which a mathematical model of the system has been determined. Put another way, a properly designed feedback system will still operate satisfactorily even when the internal properties of the system change by significant amounts.Another major advantage of the feedback approach is that by placing a “feedback loop” around a system which initially has quite unsatisfactory performance characteristics, one can in many case construct a system with satisfactory behavior. Consider, for example, a rocket in vertical flight. This is essentially an inverted pendulum, balancing on the gas jet produced by the engine, and inherently unstable(any deviation of the rocket axis from the vertical will cause the rocket to topple over). It can, however, be kept stable in vertical flight by appropriate changes in the direction of the direction of the exhaust jet, which may be achieving these variations in jet direction is to use a feedback strategy in which continuous planes cause a controller to make appropriate adjustments to the direction of the rocket engine. Stabilization of an inherently unstable system could not be achieved in practice by an open-loop control strategy.The mathematical tools required for the analysis and design offeedback system differ according to the structural complexity of the systems to be controlled and according to the objectives the feedback control is meant to achieve.In the simplest situation, one control a single plant state variable, called the output, by means of adjustments to a single plant input. The problem is to design a feedback loop around the system which will ensure that the output changes in response to certain specified time functions or trajectories with an acceptable degree of accuracy. In either case, the transients which are inevitably excited should not b e too “violent” or persist for too long.In a typical situation,, The problem is to design a feedback system around the plant consisting of (a) a device which produces a continuous measurement Ym of the output; (b) a comparator in which this signal is subtracted from a reference input(or set point, or desired output)Yr , representing the desired value of the output, to produce an error signal e; and(c)a controller which uses the error signal e to produce an appropriate input u to the plant. We shall call this configuration a single-loop feedback system, s term which is meant to convey the essential feature that just one of the plant states (the output y)is to be controlled using only one input. The objective of the feedback system is to make the output Y(t) follow its desired value Yr(t) as closely as possible even in the presence of nonzero disturbances d(t). The ability of a system to do so understeady-state condition is known as static accuracy.图27.2Frequently Yr is a constant , in which case we call the feedback system a regulator system. An example is the speed control system of a turbine-generator set in a power station, whose main purpose is to maintain the generator speed as nearly constant as possible. Sometimes Yr is a prescribed non-constant function of time, such as a ramp function;An example of this would be the control system for a radar antenna whose axis is to be kept aligned with the line of sight to an aircraft flying past with constant angular velocity, In this case, we refer to the system as a tracking system..Single-loop feedback systems with the structure of Fig.27.2 are often called servomechanisms because the controller usually includes a device giving considerable power amplification. For instance, in the control system of a hydroelectric turbine-generator set, the signals representing measured speed and desired speed might be voltages at a power level of milliwatts, while several hundred horsepower might be required tooperate the main turbine valve regulating the water flow. This example also illustrate an important engineering constraint in the design of feedback control system. In many applications, the plant and the activating device immediately preceding it operate at comparatively high power levels, and their dynamic properties, if unsatisfactory for some reason, can be changed only at the expense of a feedback system is preferably done in the low-power components of the feedback system, I,e., in the measuring elements and the controller。
三峡两坝间水田角河段航道整治三维水流数学模型应用研究冯小香;李建兵;樊建超【摘要】水田角河段水流湍急,流态紊乱,船舶航行较困难,是三峡两坝间河段急需整治的重点河段之一.基于平面正交坐标和立面σ坐标拟合河道平面形态、地形和自由水面的不规则分布,建立了三维紊流数学模型.采用物理模型实测的三维流速分布对模型进行验证,模拟的流速值与实测值吻合良好,将模型应用于水田角河段航道整治工程实施前、后的三维流场计算,给出了水田角河段的分层和断面二次流流速分布.分析结果表明,炸礁、抛填等整治措施的综合利用能有效调整河段流速分布,是有效的整治方案,可供设计参考.【期刊名称】《水道港口》【年(卷),期】2010(031)006【总页数】6页(P577-582)【关键词】航道整治;三维水流模型;数值模拟;水田角【作者】冯小香;李建兵;樊建超【作者单位】交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室,天津300456;清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,北京100084;交通部天津水运工程科学研究所工程泥沙交通行业重点实验室,天津300456;天津市引滦工程黎河管理处,遵化064200【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U617;O242.1长江三峡大坝至葛洲坝枢纽两坝间河段长约38 km,是长江黄金水道的咽喉地段,在长江航运中具有重要地位。
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Methods for Optimization: Matlab Codes/~ctk/matlab_darts.htmlMultiscale Shape Analysis (MSA) Matlab Toolbox Ecological & Oceanographic Data Analysis (FATHOM) From David Jones/personal/djones/glmlab (Generalized Linear Models in Spacial and Geometric Analysis (SaGA) toolboxInteresting audio links with FAQ, VC++, on the topicMATLAB Toolboxes(C) 2004 - SPMC / SoCCE / UoP。
Coupled heat and moisture transfer in multi-layer building materials
Time-dependent behavior of a new kind of precambered prestressed bridge deckfor the high speed lines in BelgiumStéphanie STAQUET Henri DETANDT Bernard ESPIONPhD Student, Bridge Department Manager ProfessorDepartment of Civil Engineering Bridge Department Department of Civil Engineering University of Brussels, Belgium Tucrail s.a., Belgium University of Brussels, Belgium SummaryA new kind of composite prefabricated prestressed and precambered bridge deck has been introduced in Belgium in the context of the construction of the railway High Speed Lines. The construction of this bridge deck is rather complex with precambering of steel girders, prestressingof a concrete slab and two-phases concreting. Large spans up to 26 m can be reached by using simultaneously precambered steel girders and prestressing forces with a construction depth of only 250 mm. In this paper, an instrumentation in situ is presented and the research carried out at University of Brussels on the time-dependent behavior of this structure is detailed. For a set of 36 decks, the long-term camber under permanent loading has been computed by two methods (the pseudo-elastic analysis used until now for the design and the step-by-step method) and has been compared with measurements taken one or two years after the construction of the bridge decks. At long-term, the camber computed by the step-by-step method shows a very good agreement with the measured camber.Keywords:shrinkage, creep, time-dependent behavior, prestressing, preflexion, composite, concrete, precast bridge deck, investigation in situ.1. Construction phasesA new kind of railway bridge deck has been developed recently in Belgium for the replacement ofold steel railway bridges with moderate spans and for the construction of multi-spans viaducts forthe new high speed lines. Up to now, these bridge decks have been used for simply supported spansup to 26 m. The bridge decks are prefabricated in workshops and transported by train to the construction site where they are placed on their supports by cranes. These composite prestressed and precambered structures belong to the trough type with U shaped cross section (Fig.1,e).These composite steel-concrete trough shaped structures have a width that is limited to 4m due to transport restrictions. Two hot-rolled or welded steel girders are bent at the mill or in plant to produce an initial camber (Fig.1, a). Then, they are placed in a special equipment at the workshop. The upper flanges are maintained in order to prevent lateral buckling. The first step is the elastification phase of the steel beams (removing of the residual stresses by successive loading/unloading cycles). To remove the residual stresses, two local loads are applied on each steel girder at ¼ and ¾ of the span and removed and applied again until the camber does not change any more. Then, the construction begins in the workshop by applying two local loads on each steel girder at ¼ and ¾ of the span in order to straighten them and to obtain at this stage a camber equalto zero (Fig.1, b). In all cases, the stress level in the steel girders during this preflexion phase is lower than 80% of the yield strength. These two girders will be parts of the webs of the bridge.Then, the bottom slab of the deck is constructed: reinforcing bars (transversally and longitudinally) with characteristic yield strength at 500MPa and naked tendons (longitudinally) are disposed (andthe tendons stressed) in the space that will be filled by the bottom slab (slab depth: 25 cm). No protection against corrosion is applied on the steel as it will be completely encased by concrete.Fig.1 Construction phases of a U-bridge deckThe bottom slab is then concreted (grade C60) some hours after the preflexion of the steel beams and the lower flanges of the girders are encased (Fig.1, c). The bridge decks prestressed at a very early age are heated at 45°C during the first day after casting. At 40 hours (for the decks with heat cure) or 62 hours (mainly for the non heated ones when the slab concrete strength is higher than 45MPa on 150 mm x 150 mm cubes) of age, the bottom slab is prestressed by releasing the preflexion of the girders and transferring the prestressing force from the tendons (Fig.1, d). On the following day, the remaining naked upper parts of the steel girders are enclosed in a 2nd phase concrete to complete the webs (Fig.1, e). This kind of deck has been designed, among other reasons, to minimize the construction depth and the erection time on site and also to enhance the fatigue strength.2. Computational methodsPrestressing is transferred at an early age (40 or 62 hours) and at high stress levels (around 0.5 f c, ) on high strength concrete (f c, cube = 45MPa at the age of transfer). The composite character of cubethe construction, with the association of the steel of the girders (S355), the steel of the prestressing tendons (grade 1840 MPa) and the two-phases concreting should also be noted. All this induces theoretically a significant time-dependent redistribution of internal stresses between steel and concrete. Nearly 400 of these bridge decks have now been constructed since ten years and seem to perform according to expectations [1,2]. Until now, this new kind of bridge deck has been designed with a simple classical computation method where the time-dependent effects are taken into account within the framework of a pseudo-elastic analysis with a variable modulus method. The modular ratios (m = steel modulus of elasticity/concrete modulus of elasticity) are computed according to an empirical formula given in the Belgian Standard NBN5 (1988): m = 5.59 after transfer of the prestressing force from the tendons (instantaneous value); m = 9.05 for permanent loads (long-term value) and m = 4.97 for variable loads (instantaneous value). Its application to this problem gives only approximate results. In this research, we have used the age adjusted effective modulus (AEMM) method and the step-by-step method [3] to evaluate the time-dependent behavior of the bridge decks. These methods take explicitly into account the creep and the shrinkage of theconcrete. In the numerical simulations with the AEMM method and the step-by-step method, the CEB-MC90 model for predicting the time-dependent deformations of concrete has been used. Actually, an extensive experimental program has been conducted in laboratory in order to evaluate finely the time-dependent properties of the concrete by means of creep and shrinkage tests. The concrete (grade C60) formulation is identical for both phases: sand (from Maas river, 0/5): 715 kg/m³; aggregates (crushed limestone, 7/14): 1140 kg/m³; Portland cement (CEM I 52.5 R LA, ASTM III and class 3 CEB-MC90): 380 kg/m³; total water: 137 liters/m³; water reducing admixture (Visco 4): 7 kg/m³. The creep and shrinkage curves recorded in the laboratory have been compared with predictions obtained by several models. For most of the creep and shrinkage tests, the prediction model from the CEB-MC90 [4] best represents the shrinkage and creep deformations of this particular concrete C60 [5]. The tension loss by relaxation in the tendons has been evaluated according to the method proposed by Ghali and Trevino [6].3. Instrumentation and comparison between computed and measured strainsA simply supported bridge deck with 26 m span and prestressed at 62 hours belonging to a viaduct constructed at the entrance of Brussels South Station has been instrumented at the third of the span and at mid span. Resistive strain gages have been bonded on the steel girders and vibrating wire gages have been embedded in the concrete. Strains have been recorded since the construction of the deck in June 2000. The reference of the strain measurements is taken just before the preflexion of both steel girders. The loading history proceeded as follows: concreting of the bottom slab took place between 6 and 9 hours after preflexion; prestressing occured at t = 2.5 days; concreting of the webs (2nd phase concrete) took place at t = 4 days; the deck was first stored in the prefabrication yard, then transported by rail near the construction site; the deck was placed on temporary supports (at 1/5, 4/5 of span) between t =10 and 45 days; the deck was placed on its final bearings at t = 45 days; the ballast was placed in two stages at t = 270 days and at t = 305 days; in June 2001, the viaduct was opened to service. Strains and stresses have been computed in the following situations: (a) just after preflexion of the steel girders, (b) just after transfer of the prestressing force from the tendons, (c) when the bridge deck is supported on temporary bearings, (d) when the bridge deck is supported on its final bearings, (e) after the placement of the ballast and (f) under self-weight and the weight of ballast at long-term. The strains and stresses computed by the classical design method (NBN5) are indicated by the black squares in figures 2 and 3. In figure 2, strains recorded by the vibrating wire gages (TS8 to TS11) are also indicated. The external relative humidity used in the computations is set to 80%.Figure 2 illustrates the strains in the 1st phase concrete in the slab at the third of the span. At long-term, strain values computed by the classical design method (NBN5) are quite different from the measurements whereas the values computed by the AEMM method and by the step-by-step method show a much better agreement with the measurements. In particular, the best agreement between strains measured on the instrumented bridge deck and the computed values is found with the step-by-step method. The step-by-step method evaluates more finely the time-dependent redistribution between steel and concrete than the age adjusted effective modulus method.However, after the placement of the deck on its final bearings (t>45 days), the time-dependent effects are overestimated by both methods (AEMM and step-by-step). One reason among others explaining this effect could be the hypothesis of a constant relative humidity assumed by both methods. In fact, the bridge deck undergoes a variable history concerning its waterproofing. After the placement on its final bearings, some parts of the slab and the webs are waterproofed. Therefore, the boundaries conditions for the desiccation change with time. In the parts where the internal relative humidity is the highest, the creep and shrinkage strains will be lower than the strains near non waterproofed surfaces.Figure 3 illustrates the computed stresses for the concrete in the slab. No tension appears neither with the simple classical computation method (NBN5) used until now for the design of these bridge decks nor with the more advanced analysis methods. But, the simple classical computation method underestimates the prestressing losses on the slab.4. Analysis of the camber at long-termHereafter, the comparison between cambers measured in situ and cambers computed by the step-by-step method and the classical design method (NBN5) for 36 typical railway bridge decks will be presented. The long-term cambers at mid-span of the 36 bridge decks have been computed under permanent loading conditions. They are compared with long-term cambers measured between 1 and 2 years (depending of the available data). Note that in this paper, camber means an upwards or negative permanent deflection. X1 is the relative difference between the long-term measured camber and the long-term camber computed by the NBN5 design method. The histogram given in Figure 4 shows the statistical distribution of the variable X1. The minimum, mean, maximum and standard deviation values of the distribution are respectively (in %): -67.68, -41.55, -16.66 and 11.62. Clearly, this computation method does not provide a good estimation of the long-term camber. The NBN5 method simply uses a variable modular ratio to take into account the time-dependent effects. At long-term, creep and shrinkage of concrete have a significant effect on the camber. It is necessary to evaluate more finely the time-dependent effects of concrete and specially the stress redistribution between concrete and steel to improve the accuracy of the predictions at long-term. For that purpose, we have selected the step-by-step method to compute the cambers at long-term.[(measured camber-computed camber by NBN5 method) / measured camber] (in %) [(measured camber-computed camber by step-by-step method) / measured camber] (in %)Fig. 4 Distribution of the statistical variable X1 Fig. 5 Distribution of the statistical variable X2 X2 is the relative difference between the long-term measured camber and the long-term camber computed by the step-by-step method. The histogram given in Figure 5 shows the statistical distribution of the variable X2. The minimum, mean, maximum and standard deviation values of the distribution are now respectively (in %): -15.86, -2.99, -10.81 and 5.09.A statistical analysis has confirmed that the type of girders, the age at prestressing and the type of cure has no significant influence on the variability of X2. In fact, at long-term, creep and shrinkage of concrete are the most significantly parameters affecting the value of the camber. It is necessary to choose the prediction model for creep and shrinkage that best represents the behavior of the actual concrete. In these simulations, the model has been selected on basis of test results made in laboratory. Moreover, the actual history of loading (taking into account temporary support conditions before placement of the bridge decks on their final supports) has been taken into account very accurately in the step-by-step method. At long-term, the step-by-step method provides a rather good agreement between the predicted values and the measurements.5. Conclusions and acknowledgementsWhen the extension and upgrading works of the Brussels South Station took place in the beginning of the 1990’s for the new high-speed lines, more than 3 km of viaducts with single track had to be built in an urban environment. Several specific requirements had to be taken into account for this project such as a minimal construction depth for the bridge decks. In order to meet them, an innovating solution was used: prefabricated prestressed precambered composite trough bridge decks for single track.For an instrumented bridge deck, we have seen that the measured strain values and the strain values computed within the framework of a rough pseudo-elastic analysis with a variable elastic modulus are quite different from measured strains, in particular 2½ years after construction. The values computed with the step-by-step method show a better agreement with the measured strains than the values computed with the age adjusted effective modulus method. The step-by-step method evaluates more finely the time-dependent redistribution between steel and concrete than the age adjusted effective modulus method. For a sample of 36 composite bridge decks, we have seen that one or two years after their construction, the step-by-step method provides a rather good agreement for the evaluation of the camber under permanent loading. However, these methods (AEMM and step-by-step) have some limitations. Among them, we would like to underline the average section behavior hypothesis in relation with the desiccation which implies that the relative humidity remains constant whereas the bridge deck goes through a variable history from the point of view of its waterproofing. This justifies our initial intention to evaluate more finely the time-dependent effects of concrete in such composite structures with variable loading history. The next part of this research will be a development of a numerical simulation that takes into account the local evolution of the bridge deck desiccation with time.Part of this research is financed by a grant funded by the Belgian National Foundation for Scientific Research, which is gratefully acknowledged. We also wish to thank our colleges O.Germain,C.Jadoul and the Companies RONVEAUX s.a. and TUC RAIL s.a. for their collaboration.6. References[1] COUCHARD I., DETANDT H., ‘‘Entrance of the high speed line in the Brussels SouthStation ’’, Proceedings of the 16th IABSE Congress, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2000.[2] VAN BOGAERT P., DE PAUW B., ‘‘Shear problems in precambered-prestressed bridgegirders ’’, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Short and Medium Span Bridges, P.H.Brett, N.Banthia & P.G.Buckland editors, Vancouver, Canada, 2002, pp.715-722.[3] GHALI A., FAVRE R., ELBADRY M., ‘‘Concrete structures: stresses and deformations’’,3rd ed., E&FN Spon, 2002.[4] CEB-FIP MODEL CODE 1990, Bulletin CEB, No. 213/214, Thomas Telford, 1993.[5] STAQUET S., DETANDT H., ESPION B., ‘‘Time-dependent behaviour of a railwayprestressed composite bridge deck ’’, Proceedings of the international conference Concreep-6@MIT, F.-J.Ulm, Z.P.Bažant & F.H.Wittmann editors, Elsevier, 2001, pp.373-378.[6] GHALI A., TREVINO J.,‘‘Relaxation of steel in prestressed concrete’’, PCI Journal,vol.30, n°5, 1985, pp.82-94.。
A battery ageing model used in stand alone PV systemsA.Cherif *,M.Jraidi,A.DhouibLaboratoire d'EnergeÂtique ENIT,Engineering Institute of Tunis,BP 37,Le Belve Âde Áre,1002Tunis,Tunisia Received 17J anuary 2002;received in revised form 15May 2002;accepted 27May 2002AbstractThe authors present a new model for the ageing of a lead-acid battery which is based on the initial model of Shepherd.The proposed modelallows to predict temporal variations of the Shepherd coef®cients and to control the deterioration of the battery parameters and performances.The model validation has been realised by the recursive least square (RLS)algorithm by using long-term measurements under several solicitations.This study will improve the storage section of stand-alone photovoltaic systems and reduce overloads and deep discharges.#2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.Keywords:Shepherd model;Recursive least square algorithm;Less battery storage system1.IntroductionThe electrochemical storage section constitute the weak point of photovoltaic stand alone PV plants due to their maintenance,life period and breakdowns.Thus,the improv-ing and the conception of new storage strategies constitute a promising research area of PV applications.In fact,we have presented in a previous study [1]two alternatives of PV systems.The ®rst one is the less battery storage system (LBSS)in which the electrical storage is substituted by hydraulic,thermal,eutectic or latent storage.Among its main applications,we can note PV pumping,desalination and refrigeration.These plants,which work to the thread of the sun,require more favourable climatic conditions and high ef®ciency of dc±dc and dc±ac converters.The second PV system is the battery storage system which uses a lead-acid battery,a dc±dc converter and a ®xed frequency self commutated inverter.These systems,which are,used in rural electri®cation and grid connected PV plants require optimal battery regulation and control by reducing the overloads and the high discharges.2.The storage battery modelThanks to their sturdiness and stability,the lead-acid batteries are the most used in rural PV electri®cation.Suchbattery is mainly characterised by the following three rela-tions:the relation between the state of charge (Q )and the charging current (I )[2,3],the variation of the voltage (V )according to the current and the state of charge (Q ),the capacity variation (C )in function of the current [4].The synoptic diagram of the battery model is presented in Fig.1.2.1.Presentation of the battery modelThe simulation model,which predicts the charge±dis-charge phenomena,is that proposed by Shepherd [5].This model presents the relation between voltage,current and the battery state of charge Q as follows:in discharge (I <0):U t U d Àg d It C R d I 1 M d ItC 1 C d ÀIt(1)in charge (I >0):U t U c Àg c 1ÀIt C R c I 1 M c ItCC c ÀIt(2)where U is the battery output voltage,g the coef®cient withcharacterise D U f (Q ),C the capacity,R the internal resistance,I the current,t the time,T the temperature,M the slope of the U f (t ,I ,Q )characteristic,SOC the state of charge (1À(Q /C )),DOD the deep of discharge (Q /C )and c ,d are the indices of charge and discharge,respectively.Journal of Power Sources 112(2002)49±53*Corresponding author.Tel.: 216-1-874700;fax: 216-1-872729.E-mail addresses:adnen2fr@, (A.Cherif).0378-7753/02/$±see front matter #2002Elsevier Science B.V .All rights reserved.PII:S 0378-7753(02)00341-52.2.Experimental tests and resultsTo validate the model of Shepherd,we have proceeded experimentally to the tests of charge and discharge of the battery with ®xed currents.The measured values enabled us to determine the model parameters (G d ,R d ,M d ,C d ,C c ,g c ,R c ,M c ,C c )relating to discharge and charge processes [6].The two parameters U d and G d are calculated according to the measured linear characteristic U f (t )obtained for I 0and 4.5A (Figs.2and 3).The discharge resistance R d is obtained for the origin value (t 0),as:R d U I 0 ÀU I 0 I À1(3)The parameters C d and M d can be deduced with the choice of experimental points.The model parameters of the charge process are computed with the same method.These parameters are deduced from empirical expressions obtained from a Tunisian battery,type ASSAD/TV90(12V/90Ah)which is the most used in the photovoltaic applica-tions in Tunisia (such as PV electri®cation,pumping,refrig-eration,...).The measured values of the Shepherd parameters relatives to a battery element are presented in the following Table 1.3.Modelling of the battery ageingThe main reasons for the ageing process are the corrosion of the positive grid,the degradation of the active material and the sulfatation during long periods in low states of charge [6].These procedures increase the internal resis-tance,decrease the capacity and reduce the battery life period.However,the Shepherd model given by expressions (1)and (2)does not represent the ageing of the main parameters in function of the time.In order to take into account the dynamic behaviour of the battery,we will identify the temporal model of each parameter by using experimental input/output measurements under several soli-citations (I 0,1,4.5A,...)and state of charge Q (new,1month old,3months old,1year old,...).3.1.Procedure and experimental resultsFrom the measured results,we have calculated the para-meters values of the Shepherd model for each state of ageing.As application,we have operated tests of charge and discharge to the same type of the battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah for four various states of its ageing:new,4,13and 30months old.The obtained curves are presented by the Figs.2±4for the discharge and Figs.5±7for the charge.Table 2repre-sents the values of the same parameters for the other states ofageing.Fig.1.Synoptic diagram of the batterymodel.Fig.2.Discharge characteristic U f (t )with I 0A for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah).Fig.3.Discharge variation U f (t )with I 4:5A for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah).Table 1Experimental values of the Shepherd model parameters relatives to discharge and charge of the battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah (new state)Parameters Values U d (V) 2.175g d (V)0.21R d (O )0.0053M d 0.065C dÀ0.005U c (V) 2.205g c (V)0.25R c (O )0.011M c 0.55C c1.1550 A.Cherif et al./Journal of Power Sources 112(2002)49±533.2.Presentation of the model of ageingThus,the obtained model of ageing is the following [6]:in discharge:U U d Àg d It C R d I 1 M d ItC 1 C d ÀIt(4a)C d À0:005À0:0012t(4b)U d 2:175À0:0001D 2À0:036log 0:25t 1 (4c)M d 0:065 0:011log 0:75t 1 (4d)g d 0:210 0:0473log 0:33t 1(4e)R d 0:0053 0:0008D 20À0:5D 20À0:5D 2Àt 2q 0B @1CA(4f)in charge:U U c Àg c1ÀIt CR c I 1M c It CC c ÀIt(4a H )C c 1:15 0:0004t t 30(4b H )U c 2:01 0:00013D 2 0:0266t log t 1 (4c H )M c 0:55 0:053log 0:25t 1(4d H )g c 0:250À0:078log 0:125t 1(4e H )R c 0:011 0:001D expÀtt À20 0:5D(4f H )where D is the battery age (in months),t the time variable (in hours).The values at origin (t 0)indicate the new state of the battery.3.3.The life time reductionThe lifetime reduction depends on the daily cycles,the deep of discharge,the sulfatation and corrosion process.Hence,the lifetime reduction due to sulfatation can be expressed by the empirical expression [7]:X s C 0:6 0:1C(5)Fig.4.Variation of discharge resistance R d f (t )for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah).Fig.5.Charge characteristic U f (t )with I 0A for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah).Fig.6.Charge variation U f (t )with I 4:5A for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah).Fig.7.Variation of the charge resistance R c f (t )for four states of ageing (battery ASSAD12V/90Ah).A.Cherif et al./Journal of Power Sources 112(2002)49±5351Table 2Effect of the ageing on the battery parameters (battery ASSAD 12V/90Ah)Months U d (V)g d (V)R d (O )M d C d U c (V)g c (V)R c (O )M c C c4 2.150.1700.0080.080À0.01 2.1670.230.0140.58 1.1713 2.120.1300.0140.092À0.02 2.1300.170.0190.62 1.25302.100.0970.0250.100À0.042.1150.130.0300.651.80Fig.8.The validationalgorithm.Fig.9.Configuration of a photovoltaicplant.parison between measured and simulated energetic efficiency(with and without battery ageing PV 55Wcr,B 90Ah)parison between measured and simulated Ah efficiency (with and without battery ageing PV 55Wcr,B 90Ah).52 A.Cherif et al./Journal of Power Sources 112(2002)49±53Yet,the life period resulting from corrosion is:X c C 0:88 13:3C À3:4(6)The battery capacity for a discharge current (I )can be given by:C I C 01:661 0:66 I =I 0 0:9!1 0:005D T (7)where D T T b ÀT a (battery cell temperature Àambient temperature)and I 0 4:5A (discharge current with remark-able solicitation)(DOD 80%).3.4.ResultsThe capacity of the battery is the most sensitive parameter to ageing since its slope is raised and remarkable.The other parameters U d ,G d ,U c ,g c ,R d and R c decrease according to logarithmic,exponential and linear laws.C c and C d have an in¯uence on the speed of the end of charge and discharge processes,respectively.4.ValidationTo validate the model of the battery ageing,we have used the recursive least square algorithm of Fig.8which was integrated in the software environment (INSEL [8]).The experimental and simulated values are compared in order to minimise the quadratic error [9].Besides we have compared in Figs.9±11the measured and simulated ef®ciency and satis-faction rate of a domestic PV rural electri®cation system.This hardware platform which is illustrated by Fig.9is constituted by:a domestic PV electrification system fed by a 55power peak panel,a 90Ah battery and a load of 350WH per day (lighting 20W TV30W);a data acquisition system MODAS (16inputs)which collect the experimental voltages,currents,efficiencies,temperatures,solar radiation,....For example,we presented in the Figs.11and 12the experimental and simulated variation of the satisfaction rate and the energetic ef®ciency.These parameters were simu-lated by considering two cases of the battery behaviour with ageing and without ageing.We can observe how the ageing factor affects not only the battery parameters but also the PV system performances especially the satisfaction rate.5.ConclusionIn this paper,we have identi®ed the temporal model of a lead-acid battery.Moreover,we demonstrated how the battery ageing affects all parameters of the Shepherd model.This variation is most remarkable with dynamic solicitations (in current and load consumption).However,in nominal functioning conditions,the ageing affects slightly the output voltage and is not signi®cant before the ®rst year.To protect the battery from deep discharges and irrever-sible sulfatations,the load request and the power consump-tion must be limited and controlled.To avoid deep discharge,the voltage output must be ®xed in function of the discharge current.Finally,the battery regulator in insuf®cient to reduce ageing consequences and thus must be assisted by an optimal management and monitoring of the PV plant.References[1]A.Cherif,in:Proceedings of the Renewable Energy Congress on theEvaluation of Less Battery Storage System in Stand Alone PV Plants,Florenze,1998.[2]F.W.Anthony,Modelling and simulation of lead-acid batteries forphotovoltaic systems,Ph.D.Thesis,1983.[3]J.R.Wood,Mobil Solar Corp.,Personal Communication,Waltham,Mussachusetts,1980.[4]R.Wagdy,et a1.,in:Proceedings of the 5th European PhotovoltaicSolar Energy Conference,Athens,1983.[5]C.M.Shepherd,Design of primary and secondary cells,Anequationdescribing battery discharge,J.Electrochem.Soc.112(1965).[6]M.JraõÈdi,Contribution a Ála caracte Ârisation et a Ála mode Âlisation des systeÁmes photovoltaõÈques,DEA Thesis,ENIT,Tunis,1993.[7]F.Al Chenlo,in:Proceedings of the 12th EPSEC on Life Timeand Sizing of Batteries in Stand Alone PV Plants,Amsterdam,1994.[8]H.G.Bloos,On the validation of programs for the simulation ofPV-battery systems,Master Thesis,University of Oldenbourg,1989.[9]A.Cherif,ModeÂlisation dynamique d'une unite Âde refrigeration solaire,Doctorate Thesis,Tunis,1997.parison between measured and simulated satisfaction rate (with and without battery ageing PV 55Wcr,B 90Ah).A.Cherif et al./Journal of Power Sources 112(2002)49±5353。
水布垭面板堆石坝变形反馈分析王彭煦,宋文晶(11清华大学水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室,北京 100084)摘 要:根据水布垭面板坝实测变形,在试验参数基础上采用神经网络和遗传算法反馈得到堆石料的清华K 2G 模型参数,对大坝蓄水后的变形和应力进行分析。
关键词:水工结构;反演分析;神经网络;遗传算法;清华K 2G 模型;堆石坝中图分类号:TV 31文献标识码:ABack analysis on deformation of Shuibuya CFRDWA NG Pengxu,S ON G Wenjing(State Ke y Laboratory o f Hydroscie nce and Hydraulic Enginee ring ,Tsinghua U nive rsity ,Be ijing 100084)Abstract :The direct back 2analysis method combined with the neural networks and genetic algorithm is adopted to compute Tsinghua K 2G model para meters of Shuibuya concrete face rockfill da m(CFRD)according to the measured settle ment in D ec.2006.Tsinghua K 2G model is used for 32D FE M analysis to predic t def or mation and stresses w hen the water level reaches the nor mal high water level of 400m.The maximum computed settlement of rockfill dam is approximately 2139m,w hich is only 1%of the da m height.The max normal displacement of face slab is computed about 457mm,and the result of stress analysis indicates that the face slab is compressed in central and otherwise around abutment.The displacements of vertical and peripheral joints are less than 5cm within the capability of w aterstop strips.Key words :hydraulic structure;back 2analysis;neural netw orks;genetic algorithm;Tsinghua K 2G model;CFRD收稿日期:2007211219作者简介:王彭煦(1984)),男,硕士研究生,wangbx03@;宋文晶(1974))女,博士,助理研究员,s ongwj@1 工程概况水布垭水利枢纽位于湖北清江中游巴东县境内,以发电防洪为主,并兼顾其它效益。
文章编号:1000-6869(2005)03-0114-04弹性地基梁杆系有限元法在深大基坑工程支护设计中的应用张强勇(山东大学岩土与结构工程研究中心,山东济南250061)摘要:由于弹性地基梁法能够反映支挡结构与土的相互作用,并可有效考虑基坑开挖、回填过程中各种基本因素和复杂情况对支护结构内力和变形的影响,本文根据Winkler 弹性地基梁的计算原理和方法,编制了弹性杆系有限元计算程序,对深圳市民广场深大基坑桩锚支护结构进行了设计计算,获得了支护桩桩身位移和弯矩随开挖过程的分布变化规律,计算结果有效指导和优化了基坑支护设计,保证了基坑和邻近基坑的地铁区间隧道结构的安全,支护设计取得了显著的经济效益。
关键词:弹性地基梁;杆系有限元;桩锚支护设计;内力和变形;显著的经济效益中图分类号:T U431 文献标识码:AApplication of bar system FE M for beam on elastic foundationin supporting design for a deep and large foundation pit engineeringZH ANG Qiangy ong(G eotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Centre ,Shandong University ,Jinan 250061,China )Abstract :The interaction between supporting structure of s oldier pile and s oil mass can be reflected by the principle of beam on elastic foundation ,and at the same time ,it can effectively take into consideration the influences of various factors and com plex situation during the course of excavation and backfill for foundation pit on internal force and deformation of s oldier pile.S o according to the com putation principle and method of Winkler beam on elastic foundation ,a com puting program of elastic bar system FE M has been programmed.The program has been applied to com pute the internal force and deformation of anchored s oldier piles in a deep and large foundation pit of Shenzhen People ′s Square.The variation law of displacement and bending m oment of supporting s oldier pile during excavation has been obtained.The com puted results have efficiently guided and optimized supporting design ,and have guaranteed safety for the deep foundation pit and Shenzhen metro structure which is close to the foundation pit.Thus remarkable economic results have been achieved.K eyw ords :beam on elastic foundation ;bar system FE M ;supporting design for anchored s oldier pile ;internal force and deformation ;remarkable economic results基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(40272120)和山东省中青年科学家奖励基金资助项目(02BS120)。
A performance comparison of contemporary DRAM architectures
A Performance Comparison of Contemporary DRAM ArchitecturesVinodh Cuppu, Bruce Jacob Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park {ramvinod,blj}@ABSTRACT In response to the growing gap between memory access time and processor speed, DRAM manufacturers have created several new DRAM architectures. This paper presents a simulation-based performance study of a representative group, each evaluated in a small system organization. These small-system organizations correspond to workstation-class computers and use on the order of 10 DRAM chips. The study covers Fast Page Mode, Extended Data Out, Synchronous, Enhanced Synchronous, Synchronous Link, Rambus, and Direct Rambus designs. Our simulations reveal several things: (a) current advanced DRAM technologies are attacking the memory bandwidth problem but not the latency problem; (b) bus transmission speed will soon become a primary factor limiting memory-system performance; (c) the post-L2 address stream still contains significant locality, though it varies from application to application; and (d) as we move to wider buses, row access time becomes more prominent, making it important to investigate techniques to exploit the available locality to decrease access time. 1 INTRODUCTIONBrian Davis, Trevor Mudge Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science University of Michigan, Ann Arbor {btdavis,tnm}@• Where is time spent in the primary memory system (the memory system beyond the cache hierarchy, but not including secondary [disk] or tertiary [backup] storage)? What is the performance benefit of exploiting the page mode of contemporary DRAMs? For the newer DRAM designs, the time to extract the required data from the sense amps/row caches for transmission on the memory bus is the largest component in the average access time, though page mode allows this to be overlapped with column access and the time to transmit the data over the memory bus. • How much locality is there in the address stream that reaches the primary memory system? The stream of addresses that miss the L2 cache contains a significant amount of locality, as measured by the hit-rates in the DRAM row buffers. The hit rates for the applications studied range 8–95%, with a mean hit rate of 40% for a 1MB L2 cache. (This does not include hits to the row buffers when making multiple DRAM requests to read one cache-line.) We also make several observations. First, there is a one-time tradeoff between cost, bandwidth, and latency: to a point, latency can be decreased by ganging together multiple DRAMs into a wide structure. This trades dollars for bandwidth that reduces latency because a request size is typically much larger than the DRAM transfer width. Page mode and interleaving are similar optimizations that work because a request size is typically larger than the bus width. However, the latency benefits are limited by bus and DRAM speeds: to get further improvements, one must run the DRAM core and bus at faster speeds. Current memory busses are adequate for small systems but are likely inadequate for large ones. Embedded DRAM [5, 19, 37] is not a near-term solution, as its performance is poor on high-end workloads [3]. Faster buses are more likely solutions—witness the elimination of the slow intermediate memory bus in future systems [12]. Another solution is to internally bank the memory array into many small arrays so that each can be accessed very quickly, as in the MoSys Multibank DRAM architecture [39]. Second, widening buses will present new optimization opportunities. Each application exhibits a different degree of locality and therefore benefits from page mode to a different degree. As buses widen, this effect becomes more pronounced, to the extent that different applications can have average access times that differ by 50%. This is a minor issue considering current bus technology. However, future bus technologies will expose the row access as the primary performance bottleneck, justifying the exploration of mechanisms to exploit locality to guarantee hits in the DRAM row buffers: e.g. rowbuffer victim caches, prediction mechanisms, etc. Third, while buses as wide as the L2 cache yield the best memory latency, they cannot halve the latency of a bus half as wide. Page mode overlaps the components of DRAM access when making multiple requests to the same row. If the bus is as wide as a request, oneIn response to the growing gap between memory access time and processor speed, DRAM manufacturers have created several new DRAM architectures. This paper presents a simulation-based performance study of a representative group, evaluating each in terms of its effect on total execution time. We simulate the performance of seven DRAM architectures: Fast Page Mode [35], Extended Data Out [16], Synchronous [17], Enhanced Synchronous [10], Synchronous Link [38], Rambus [31], and Direct Rambus [32]. While there are a number of academic proposals for new DRAM designs, space limits us to covering only existent commercial parts. To obtain accurate memory-request timing for an aggressive out-of-order processor, we integrate our code into the SimpleScalar tool set [4]. This paper presents a baseline study of a small-system DRAM organization: these are systems with only a handful of DRAM chips (0.1–1GB). We do not consider large-system DRAM organizations with many gigabytes of storage that are highly interleaved. The study asks and answers the following questions: • What is the effect of improvements in DRAM technology on the memory latency and bandwidth problems? Contemporary techniques for improving processor performance and tolerating memory latency are exacerbating the memory bandwidth problem [5]. Our results show that current DRAM architectures are attacking exactly this problem: the most recent technologies (SDRAM, ESDRAM, and Rambus) have reduced the stall time due to limited bandwidth by a factor of three compared to earlier DRAM architectures. However, the memory-latency component of overhead has not improved.Copyright © 1999 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, May 2-4, 1999, in Atlanta GA, USA. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE. Contact: Manager, Copyrights and Permissions / IEEE Service Center / 445 Hoes Lane / P.O. Box 1331 / Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA. Telephone: + Intl. 908-562-3966. 1Data rd/wr ras casData In/Out Buffers Column Decoder Sense Amps/Word DriversRASData Transfer Data Transfer Overlap Column Access Row AccessClock & Refresh CktryColumn Address Buffer... Bit Lines ...CASRow Decoder....addressRow Address BufferMemory ArrayAddress Row Address Column Address Column Address Column AddressFigure 1: Conventional DRAM block diagram. The conventional DRAM uses a split addressing mechanism still found in most DRAMs today.DQValid DataoutValid DataoutValid Dataoutcannot exploit this overlap. For cost considerations, having at most an N/2-bit bus, N being the L2 cache width, might be a good choice. Fourth, critical-word-first does not mix well with burst mode. Critical-word-first is a strategy that requests a block of data potentially out of address-order; burst mode delivers data in a fixed but redefinable order. A burst-mode DRAM can thus can have longer latencies in real systems, even if its end-to-end latency is low. Finally, the choice of refresh mechanism can significantly alter the average memory access time. For some benchmarks and some refresh organizations, the amount of time spent waiting for a DRAM in refresh mode accounted for 50% of the total latency. As one might expect, our results and conclusions are dependent on our system specifications, which we chose to be representative of mid- to high-end workstations: a 100MHz 128-bit memory bus, an eight-way superscalar out-of-order CPU, lockup-free caches, and a small-system DRAM organization with ~10 DRAM chips. 2 RELATED WORKFigure 2: FPM Read Timing. Fast page mode allows the DRAM controller to hold a row constant and receive multiple columns in rapid succession.varying several CPU-level parameters such as issue width, cache size & organization, number of processors, etc. This study focuses on the performance behavior of different DRAM architectures. 3 BACKGROUNDBurger, Goodman, and Kagi quantified the effect on memory behavior of high-performance latency-reducing or latency-tolerating techniques such as lockup-free caches, out-of-order execution, prefetching, speculative loads, etc. [5]. They concluded that to hide memory latency, these techniques often increase demands on memory bandwidth. They classify memory stall cycles into two types: those due to lack of available memory bandwidth, and those due purely to latency. This is a useful classification, and we use it in our study. This study differs from theirs in that we focus on the access time of only the primary memory system, while their study combines all memory access time, including the L1 and L2 caches. Their study focuses on the behavior of latency-hiding techniques, while this study focuses on the behavior of different DRAM architectures. Several marketing studies compare the memory latency and bandwidth available from different DRAM architectures [7, 29, 30]. This paper builds on these studies by looking at a larger assortment of DRAM architectures, measuring DRAM impact on total application performance, decomposing the memory access time into different components, and measuring the hit rates in the row buffers. Finally, there are many studies that measure system-wide performance, including that of the primary memory system [1, 2, 9, 18, 23, 24, 33, 34]. Our results resemble theirs, in that we obtain similar figures for the fraction of time spent in the primary memory system. However, these studies have different goals from ours, in that they are concerned with measuring the effects on total execution time ofA Random Access Memory (RAM) that uses a single transistorcapacitor pair for each binary value (bit) is referred to as a Dynamic Random Access Memory or DRAM. This circuit is dynamic because leakage requires that the capacitor be periodically refreshed for information retention. Initially, DRAMs had minimal I/O pin counts because the manufacturing cost was dominated by the number of I/O pins in the package. Due largely to a desire to use standardized parts, the initial constraints limiting the I/O pins have had a long-term effect on DRAM architecture: the address pins for most DRAMs are still multiplexed, potentially limiting performance. As the standard DRAM interface has become a performance bottleneck, a number of “revolutionary” proposals [26] have been made. In most cases, the revolutionary portion is the interface or access mechanism, while the DRAM core remains essentially unchanged. 3.1 The Conventional DRAMThe addressing mechanism of early DRAM architectures is still utilized, with minor changes, in many of the DRAMs produced today. In this interface, shown in Figure 1, the address bus is multiplexed between row and column components. The multiplexed address bus uses two control signals—the row and column address strobe signals, RAS and CAS respectively—which cause the DRAM to latch the address components. The row address causes a complete row in the memory array to propagate down the bit lines to the sense amps. The column address selects the appropriate data subset from the sense amps and causes it to be driven to the output pins. 3.2 Fast Page Mode DRAM (FPM DRAM)Fast-Page Mode DRAM implements page mode, an improvement on conventional DRAM in which the row-address is held constant and data from multiple columns is read from the sense amplifiers. The data held in the sense amps form an “open page” that can be accessed relatively quickly. This speeds up successive accesses to2Data rd/wr ras casData In/Out BuffersQ DClockData Transfer Data Transfer OverlapRASClock & Refresh CktryColumn Decoder Sense Amps/Word Drivers ... Bit Lines...Address Row Address Column Address CASColumn Access Row AccessColumn Address BufferRow Decoder....addressRow Address BufferMemory ArrayDQValid DataoutValid DataoutValid DataoutFigure 5: SDRAM Read Operation Clock Diagram. SDRAM contains a writable register for the request length, allowing high-speed column access. Figure 3: Extended Data Out (EDO) DRAM block diagram. EDO adds a latch on the output that allows CAS to cycle more quickly than in FPM.4 cyclesData Transfer Transfer OverlapRASData Transfer Transfer OverlapAddressColumn AccessCol Col ColRow AccessCASColumn Access Row AccessCommand ACTV/ READ Read Strobe Read TermAddress Row Address Column Address Column Address Column AddressDQBank/ RowDoutDoutDoutDQValid DataoutValid DataoutValid DataoutFigure 6: Rambus DRAM Read Operation. Rambus DRAMs transfer on both edges of a fast clock and can handle multiple simultaneous requests.Figure 4: EDO Read Timing. The output latch in EDO DRAM allows more overlap between column access and data transfer than in FPM.3.5Enhanced Synchronous DRAM (ESDRAM)the same row of the DRAM core. Figure 2 gives the timing for FPM reads. The labels show the categories to which the portions of time are assigned in our simulations. Note that page mode is supported in all the DRAM architectures in this study. 3.3 Extended Data Out DRAM (EDO DRAM)Extended Data Out DRAM, sometimes referred to as hyper-page mode DRAM, adds a latch between the sense-amps and the output pins of the DRAM, shown in Figure 3. This latch holds output pin state and permits the CAS to rapidly de-assert, allowing the memory array to begin precharging sooner. In addition, the latch in the output path also implies that the data on the outputs of the DRAM circuit remain valid longer into the next clock phase. Figure 4 gives the timing for an EDO read. 3.4 Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM)Enhanced Synchronous DRAM is an incremental modification to Synchronous DRAM that parallels the differences between FPM and EDO DRAM. First, the internal timing parameters of the ESDRAM core are faster than SDRAM. Second, SRAM row-caches have been added at the sense-amps of each bank. These caches provide the kind of improved intra-row performance observed with EDO DRAM, allowing requests to the last accessed row to be satisfied even when subsequent refreshes, precharges, or activates are taking place. 3.6 Synchronous Link DRAM (SLDRAM)Conventional, FPM, and EDO DRAM are controlled asynchronously by the processor or the memory controller; the memory latency is thus some fractional number of CPU clock cycles. An alternative is to make the DRAM interface synchronous such that the DRAM latches information to and from the controller based on a clock signal. A timing diagram is shown in Figure 5. SDRAM devices typically have a programmable register that holds a bytesper-request value. SDRAM may therefore return many bytes over several cycles per request. The advantages include the elimination of the timing strobes and the availability of data from the DRAM each clock cycle. The underlying architecture of the SDRAM core is the same as in a conventional DRAM.RamLink is the IEEE standard (P1596.4) for a bus architecture for devices. Synchronous Link (SLDRAM) is an adaptation of RamLink for DRAM, and is another IEEE standard (P1596.7). Both are adaptations of the Scalable Coherent Interface (SCI). The SLDRAM specification is therefore an open standard allowing for use by vendors without licensing fees. SLDRAM uses a packet-based split request/response protocol. Its bus interface is designed to run at clock speeds of 200-600 MHz and has a two-byte-wide datapath. SLDRAM supports multiple concurrent transactions, provided all transactions reference unique internal banks. The 64Mbit SLDRAM devices contain 8 banks per device. 3.7 Rambus DRAMs (RDRAM)Rambus DRAMs use a one-byte-wide multiplexed address/data bus to connect the memory controller to the RDRAM devices. The bus runs at 300 Mhz and transfers on both clock edges to achieve a theoretical peak of 600 Mbytes/s. Physically, each 64-Mbit RDRAM is3Table 1: DRAM Specifications used in simulationsDRAM type FPMDRAM EDODRAM SDRAM ESDRAM SLDRAM RDRAM DRDRAM Size 64Mbit 64Mbit 64Mbit 64Mbit 64Mbit 64Mbit 64Mbit Rows 4096 4096 4096 4096 1024 1024 512 Columns 1024 1024 256 256 128 256 64 Transfer Width 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 16 bits 64 bits 64 bits 128 bits Row Buffer 16K bits 16K bits 4K bits 4K bits 8K bits 16K bits 4K bits Internal Banks 1 1 4 4 8 4 16 Speed – – 100MHz 100MHz 200MHz 300MHz 400MHz Precharge 40ns 40ns 20ns 20ns 30ns 26.66ns 20/40ns Row Access 15ns 12ns 30ns 20ns 40ns 40ns 17.5ns Column Access 30ns 30ns 30ns 20ns 40ns 23.33ns 30ns Data Transfer 15ns 15ns 10ns 10ns 10ns 13.33ns 10nsTable 2: Time components in primary memory systemComponent Row Access Time Column Access Time Data Transfer Time Data Transfer Time Overlap Description The time to (possibly) precharge the row buffers, present the row address, latch the row address, and read the data from the memory array into the sense amps The time to present the column address at the address pins and latch the value The time to transfer the data from the sense amps through the column muxes to the data-out pins The amount of time spent performing both column access and data transfer simultaneously (when using page mode, a column access can overlap with the previous data transfer for the same row) Note that, since determining the amount of overlap between column address and data transfer can be tricky in the interleaved examples, for those cases we simply call all time between the start of the first data transfer and the termination of the last column access Data Transfer Time Overlap (see Figure 8). Refresh Time Bus Wait Time Bus Transmission Time Amount of time spent waiting for a refresh cycle to finish Amount of time spent waiting to synchronize with the 100MHz memory bus The portion of time to transmit a request over the memory bus to & from the DRAM system that is not overlapped with Column Access Time or Data Transfer Timedivided into 4 banks, each with its own row buffer, and hence up to 4 rows remain active or open1. Transactions occur on the bus using a split request/response protocol. Because the bus is multiplexed between address and data, only one transaction may use the bus during any 4 clock cycle period, referred to as an octcycle. The protocol uses packet transactions; first an address packet is driven, then the data. Different transactions can require different numbers of octcycles, depending on the transaction type, location of the data within the device, number of devices on the channel, etc. Figure 6 gives a timing diagram for a read transaction. 3.8 Direct Rambus (DRDRAM)buffers, compared to 16 full row buffers. A critical difference between RDRAM and DRDRAM is that because DRDRAM partitions the bus into different components, three transactions can simultaneously utilize the different portions of the DRDRAM interface. 4 EXPERIMENTAL METHODOLOGYDirect Rambus DRAMs use a 400 Mhz 3-byte-wide channel (2 for data, 1 for addresses/commands). Like the Rambus parts, Direct Rambus parts transfer at both clock edges, implying a maximum bandwidth of 1.6 Gbytes/s. DRDRAMs are divided into 16 banks with 17 half-row buffers2. Each half-row buffer is shared between adjacent banks, which implies that adjacent banks cannot be active simultaneously. This organization has the result of increasing the row-buffer miss rate as compared to having one open row per bank, but it reduces the cost by reducing the die area occupied by the row1. In this study, we model 64-Mbit Rambus parts, which have 4 banks and 4 open rows. Earlier 16-Mbit Rambus organizations had 2 banks and 2 open pages, and future 256-Mbit organizations may have even more. 2. As with the previous part, we model 64-Mbit Direct Rambus, which has this organization. Future (256-Mbit) organizations may look different.For accurate timing of memory requests in a dynamically reordered instruction stream, we integrated our code into SimpleScalar, an execution-driven simulator of an aggressive out-of-order processor [4]. We calculate the DRAM access time, much of which is overlapped with instruction execution. To determine the degree of overlap, and to separate out memory stalls due to bandwidth limitations vs. latency limitations, we run two other simulations—one with perfect primary memory (zero access time) and one with a perfect bus (as wide as an L2 cache line). Following the methodology in [5], we partition the total application execution time into three components: TP TL and TB which correspond to time spent processing, time spent stalling for memory due to latency, and time spent stalling for memory due to limited bandwidth. In this paper, time spent “processing” includes all activity above the primary memory system, i.e. it contains all processor execution time and L1 and L2 cache activity. Let T be the total execution time for the realistic simulation; let TU be the execution time assuming unlimited bandwidth—the results from the simulation that models cacheline-wide buses. Then TP is the time given by the simulation that models a perfect primary memory system, and we calculate TL and TB: TL = TU – TP and TB = T – TU. In addition, we consider one more component: the degree to which the processor is able to overlap memory access time with processing4x16 DRAM x16 DRAM x16 DRAM x16 DRAM CPU and caches 128-bit 100MHz bus Memory Controller x16 DRAM x16 DRAM x16 DRAM x16 DRAM (a) Configuration used for non-interleaved FPMDRAM, EDODRAM, SDRAM, and ESDRAMCPU and caches128-bit 100MHz busMemory Controller(b) Configuration used for SLDRAM, RDRAM, and DRDRAM...(c) (Strawman) configuration used for parallel-channel SLDRAM & Rambus performanceFigure 7: DRAM bus configurations. The DRAM/bus organizations used in (a) the non-interleaved FPM, EDO, SDRAM, and ESDRAM simulations; (b) the SLDRAM and Rambus simulations; and (c) the parallel-channel SLDRAM and Rambus performance numbers in Figure 11. Due to differences in bus design, the only bus overhead included in the simulations is that of the bus that is common to all organizations: the 100MHz 128-bit memory bus.DRAMDRAMCPU and caches128-bit 100MHz busMemory Controllernization fails to take advantage of some of the newer DRAM parts that can handle multiple concurrent requests. 100MHz 128-bit buses are common for high-end machines, so this is the bus configuration that we model. We assume that the communication overhead is only one 10ns cycle in each direction. The DRAM/bus configurations simulated are shown in Figure 7. For DRAMs other than Rambus and SLDRAM, eight DRAMs are arranged in parallel in a DIMM-like organization to obtain a 128-bit bus. We assume that the memory controller has no overhead delay. SLDRAM, RDRAM, and DRDRAM utilize narrower, but higher speed busses. These DRAM architectures can be arranged in parallel channels, but we study them here in the context of a single-width DRAM bus, which is the simplest configuration. This yields some latency penalties for these architectures, as our simulations require that the controller coalesce bus packets into 128-bit chunks to be transmitted over the 100MHz 128-bit memory bus. To put the designs on even footing, we ignore the transmission time over the narrow DRAM channel. Because of this organization, transfer rate comparisons may also be deceptive, as we are transferring data from eight conventional DRAM (FPM, EDO, SDRAM, ESDRAM) concurrently, versus only a single device in the case of the narrow bus architectures (SLDRAM, RDRAM, DRDRAM). The simulator models a synchronous memory interface: the processor’s interface to the memory controller has a clock signal. This is typically simpler to implement and debug than a fully asynchronous interface. If the processor executes at a faster clock rate than the memory bus (as is likely), the processor may have to stall for several cycles to synchronize with the bus before transmitting the request. We account for the number of stall cycles in Bus Wait Time. The simulator models several different refresh organizations, as described in Section 5. The amount of time (on average) spent stalling due to a memory reference arriving during a refresh cycle is accounted for in the time component labeled Refresh Time. 4.2 InterleavingDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMDRAMtime. We call this overlapped component TO, and if TM is the total time spent in the primary memory system (the time returned by our DRAM simulator), then TO = TP – (T – TM). This is the portion of TP that is overlapped with memory access. 4.1 DRAM Simulator OverviewThe DRAM simulator models the internal state of the following DRAM architectures: Fast Page Mode [35], Extended Data Out [16], Synchronous [17], Enhanced Synchronous [10, 17], Synchronous Link [38], Rambus [31], and Direct Rambus [32]. The timing parameters for the different DRAM architectures are given in Table 1. Since we could not find a 64Mbit part specification for ESDRAM, we extrapolated based on the most recent SDRAM and ESDRAM datasheets. To measure DRAM behavior in systems of differing performance, we varied the speed at which requests arrive at the DRAM. We ran the L2 cache at speeds of 100ns, 10ns, and 1ns, and for each L2 access-time we scaled the main processor’s speed accordingly (the CPU runs at 10x the L2 cache speed). We wanted a model of a typical workstation, so the processor is eight-way superscalar, out-of-order, with lockup-free L1 caches. L1 caches are split 64KB/64KB, 2-way set associative, with 64-byte linesizes. The L2 cache is unified 1MB, 4-way set associative, writeback, and has a 128-byte linesize. The L2 cache is lockup-free but only allows one outstanding DRAM request at a time; note this orga-For the 100MHz 128-bit bus configuration, the transfer size is eight times the request size; therefore each DRAM access is a pipelined operation that takes advantage of page mode. For the faster DRAM parts, this pipeline keeps the memory bus completely occupied. However, for the slower DRAM parts (FPM and EDO), the timing looks like that shown in Figure 8(a). While the address bus may be fully occupied, the memory bus is not, which puts the slower DRAMs at a disadvantage compared to the faster parts. For comparison, we model the FPM and EDO parts as interleaved as well (shown in Figure 8(b)). The degree of interleaving is that required to occupy the memory data bus as fully as possible. This may actually over-occupy the address bus, in which case we assume that there are more than one address buses between the controller and the DRAM parts. FPM DRAM specifies a 40ns CAS period and is four-way interleaved; EDO DRAM specifies a 25ns CAS period and is twoway interleaved. Both are interleaved at a bus-width granularity. 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSFor most graphs, the performance of several DRAM organizations is given: FPM1, FPM2, FPM3, EDO1, EDO2, SDRAM, ESDRAM, SLDRAM, RDRAM, and DRDRAM. The first two configurations (FPM1 and FPM2) show the difference between always keeping the row buffer open (thereby avoiding a precharge overhead if the next access is to the same row) and never keeping the row buffer open. FPM1 is the pessimistic strategy of closing the row buffer after every access and precharging immediately; FPM2 is the optimistic strategy of keeping the row buffer open and delaying precharge. The dif-5。
SWAN在台湾海峡台风浪场数值模拟中的应用研究姬厚德;蓝尹余;赵东波【摘要】The development of wave model and characteristics of several third-generation energy spectrum wave models were briefly introduced. In order to study the characteristic of typhoon waves in Taiwan Strait, taking 0903 Typhoon Linfa for example, typhoon waves were simulated by SWAN model which considered bottom friction, wind-wave interaction, white capping dissipation,nonlinear wave-wave interaction and wave breaking. Compared with the measured data, the result of simulation has a good correlation, which proves the numerical simulation of typhoon waves in this area by SWAN is credible.% 简要介绍了波浪模式的发展及应用较为广泛的几种第三代能量谱海浪模式的特点。
将模拟结果与实测波浪、风资料对比分析,结果表明风速、有效波高计算值与实际值符合性较好, SWAN模式在海域的适应性良好。
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基于定量CT 身体组分、18F-FDG PET/CT 显像预测手术联合新辅助化疗治疗早期乳腺癌预后的价值白丽,苏雪娟,陈体南阳市第二人民医院放射科,河南南阳473000【摘要】目的分析定量CT (QCT)身体组分、18F -氟脱氧葡萄糖正电子发射型计算机断层显像(18F-FDGPET-CT)对手术联合新辅助化疗(NAC)治疗早期乳腺癌患者预后的预测效能,为临床治疗提供参考。
方法选取2020年3月至2022年10月于南阳市第二人民医院接受手术联合NAC 治疗的82例早期乳腺癌患者纳入研究,在NAC 前和化疗1、3个周期后检测记录QCT 参数[L 1、L 2水平的皮下脂肪面积(SFA)、内脏脂肪面积(VFA)、骨密度(BMD)、L 3水平的椎旁肌肉面积(TMA)]、18F-FDG PET/CT 显像的最大标准摄取值(SUV max )、肿瘤代谢体积(MTV)。
NAC 结束后进行手术,随访12个月(失访2例),依据有无复发转移分为预后良好组43例和预后不良组37例,比较不同预后患者的QCT 参数、18F-FDG PET/CT 显像指标,采用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线获取曲线下面积(AUC)分析其对早期乳腺癌患者预后的预测效能。
结果化疗1个周期后,预后良好组患者的SFA 、BMD 、VFA 、MA 水平分别为(45.23±4.07)cm 2、(128.97±26.53)mg/m 2、(78.07±6.69)cm 2、(37.36±5.74)cm 2,明显高于预后不良组的(42.52±3.32)cm 2、(112.54±25.82)mg/m 2、(73.73±7.25)cm 2、(32.94±5.31)cm 2,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);化疗3个周期后,预后良好组患者的SFA 、BMD 、VFA 、MA 水平分别为(40.95±3.92)cm 2、(113.55±15.87)mg/m 2、(73.59±6.17)cm 2、(32.67±4.98)cm 2,明显高于预后不良组的(37.51±3.56)cm 2、(95.18±17.45)mg/m 2、(70.30±5.14)cm 2、(28.52±4.42)cm 2,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);化疗1个周期后,预后良好组患者的SUV max 、MTV 分别为5.43±1.25、(3.86±0.87)×104mm ,明显低于预后不良组的6.04±1.07、(4.27±0.85)×104mm ,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);化疗3个周期后,预后良好组患者的SUV max 、MTV 分别为3.94±1.06、(2.61±0.70)×104mm ,明显低于预后不良组的4.73±1.21、(3.05±0.93)×104mm ,差异均有统计学意义(P <0.05);经ROC 曲线分析结果显示,SFA 、BMD 、VFA 、MA 、SUV max 、MTV 联合预测手术联合NAC 治疗早期乳腺癌患者预后的AUC 分别为0.898(95%CI :0.809~0.954)、0.919(95%CI :0.836~0.968)。
FLUENT 模型R erosion =∑m p C(d p )f(α)v b(v)A faceN particlesp=1单位:Kg/(s ·m 2)其中,C(d p )为颗粒粒径的函数,f(α)为影响角函数,b(v)为颗粒相对速度函数。
α为颗粒轨迹与壁面的影响角,v 是颗粒的相对速度,m p 为撞击在壁面上的颗粒的质量流量(kg/s )。
A face 为网格面积。
如下图所示,磨损模型中,可以更改的有f(α),C(d p ),b(v)。
因此,在写UDF 时,可以把一些公式分在这3类中。
Neilson 公式()()222211cos 22,sin PM M W V K VVααφεαα-=+≤-()222cos 12,1sin 2M W MV V K ααφεαα=+>-∅表示切削系数Zhang 公式,(comparison of computed and measured particle velocities and erosion in water and air flow ) 布氏硬度ER =C (BH )−0.59F S V P nF(θ),单位(kg/kg )F (θ)=∑A i 5i=1θiS ER =2.17e −7∗0.53∗178.92/156−0.59V P 2.41F (θ)=0.05391/0.05845e −7V P 2.41F (θ)Mansouri 公式,(a combines CFD/experimental methodology for erosion prediction)布氏硬度ER=C(BH)−0.59F S V P n F(θ),单位(kg/kg)F(θ)=A(sin(θ))n1(1+Hv n3(1−sin (θ)))2F(θ)=0.6947∗(sinθ)0.2(1+1.83/1.610.65(1−sinθ))2=0.6947∗(sinθ)0.2(1+1.48113/1.3628(1−sinθ))2f(θ)=(sinθ)0.2(1+1.48113/1.3628(1−sinθ))2ER=7.749/8.402e−9V P2.41f(θ)布氏硬度(BH)与韦氏硬度(Hv)的转化关系?Oka 公式(2005),E(α)=g(α)E90,单位(mm3/kg),所以要乘上壁面材料的密度(7850kg/m3)*10e-9g(α)=(sinα)n1(1+H V(1−sinα)n2E90=K(H V)k1(V PV∗)k2(D PD∗)k3n1=s1(Hv)q1n2=s2(Hv)q20.038韦氏硬度(GPa),暂时认为硬度为1.83/1.61GPag(α)=(sinα)0.7397/0.759(1+1.83/1.61(1−sinα)1.822774/1.53E(α)=g(α)E90=0.001039/0.00111VP2.353428/2.342F(θ),ER=e−9∗ρw∗E(α)=8.15574/8.73e−9V P2.353428/2.342F(θ)Y. Ben-Ami公式(2016) (modelling the particles impingement angle to produce maximum erosion)∆Q m p =C̃DρP0.42δ1.25(V P sinα)2.83+C̃C(1+f)∗(1−exp(−200α2))ρP(1−f)/2d p1−fδ(1−f)/2V P3−f cos2(α)sin1−f(α)Huang 单位(mm3/kg ),所以要乘上壁面材料的密度(7850kg/m3)*10e -9 小攻角E(α)=DρP 0.1875d p 0.5V P 2.375(cos α)2(sin α)0.375,ER =5.58e −8V P 2.375(cos α)2(sin α)0.375R erosion =∑m p C(d p )f(α)v b(v)A faceN particlesp=1单位:Kg/(s ·m 2)其中,C(d p )为颗粒粒径的函数,f(α)为影响角函数,b(v)为颗粒相对速度函数。
Numerical simulation of steel ingot solidification process
1. Introduction Macrostructure forming is a process, which depends on the conditions and type of solidification. Optimization of this parameter decreases level of structure heterogeneity. However, theoretical analysis of crystallization, often cannot give the answer to real relationship between casting parameters and structure morphology. This correlation was defined by modeling of the solidification process. The results of this simulation are compared with experimental results [1–3]. Although good agreement with experiments achieved, many models are relied on many approximations, and theirs application to multicomponent steel ingot solidification has been very limited. More recently, solidification models have been formulated that relay on fully coupled numerical solutions of mass, momentum, energy, and species conservation equation for a solid/liquid mixture [4,5]. Vannier and Combnau [6] attempted to extend recent binary alloy solidification models that couple mass, momentum, and energy conservation in all regions (solid, mush, and bulk liquid) to model steel solidification considering only buoyancy driven flow.
计量的比较法的英文Comparative Methods in MeasurementMeasurement is a fundamental aspect of scientific inquiry and technological advancement. It allows us to quantify the physical world around us, enabling us to understand and manipulate the various phenomena we encounter. However, the process of measurement itself can be complex and subject to various sources of error. One approach to addressing these challenges is the use of comparative methods in measurement.Comparative methods in measurement involve the comparison of a quantity or property of interest to a known reference or standard. This approach provides a systematic way to assess the accuracy and precision of measurements, as well as to identify and mitigate potential sources of error. By comparing the measurement of interest to a reliable reference, researchers and engineers can gain a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the system or phenomenon under investigation.One of the primary advantages of comparative methods in measurement is the ability to improve the reliability and consistencyof measurements. When a measurement is compared to a known reference, any discrepancies or deviations can be identified and addressed. This allows for the identification and correction of systematic errors, such as those caused by instrument calibration, environmental conditions, or operator bias. By addressing these sources of error, the overall accuracy and precision of the measurement can be enhanced.Another key benefit of comparative methods in measurement is the ability to establish traceability. Traceability refers to the ability to link a measurement result to a recognized reference or standard, typically through an unbroken chain of comparisons. This is crucial in many scientific and industrial applications, where the reliability and reproducibility of measurements are of utmost importance. By establishing traceability, researchers and practitioners can ensure that their measurements are consistent with accepted standards and can be compared to measurements made by others in the same or different contexts.Comparative methods in measurement can take various forms, depending on the specific application and the nature of the quantity or property being measured. Some common examples include:1. Calibration: This involves the comparison of a measurement instrument or device to a known reference standard to ensure itsaccuracy and precision. Calibration is essential for maintaining the reliability of measurement equipment and is a fundamental aspect of quality assurance in many industries.2. Interlaboratory comparisons: In this approach, multiple laboratories or research groups measure the same quantity or property and compare their results. This allows for the identification of systematic biases or inconsistencies between different measurement methods or protocols, and can help to establish consensus on the true value of the measured quantity.3. Proficiency testing: Proficiency testing involves the distribution ofa known reference material or sample to multiple laboratories or individuals, who then measure the relevant properties and compare their results. This approach is commonly used in fields such as analytical chemistry, environmental monitoring, and clinical diagnostics to assess the competence and reliability of measurement practices.4. Reference materials: The use of well-characterized reference materials, such as certified reference materials (CRMs) or standard reference materials (SRMs), provides a reliable basis for comparison in measurement. By comparing the measurement of a sample to the known value of a reference material, researchers and practitioners can evaluate the accuracy and precision of their own measurementmethods.The application of comparative methods in measurement extends across a wide range of scientific and technological domains, from physics and chemistry to engineering and medicine. In each of these fields, the ability to make accurate and reliable measurements is crucial for advancing our understanding of the world and developing innovative solutions to complex problems.For example, in the field of materials science, comparative methods are used to characterize the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of various materials. By comparing the measurements of a material sample to known reference standards, researchers can assess the quality, performance, and suitability of the material for specific applications. This information is essential for the development of new materials and the optimization of manufacturing processes.In the healthcare sector, comparative methods in measurement are critical for ensuring the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic tests and medical devices. Clinical laboratories, for instance, routinely participate in proficiency testing programs to verify the accuracy of their analytical methods and instruments. Similarly, medical imaging technologies, such as X-ray and MRI, rely on comparative methods to calibrate and validate the performance of their imaging systems,ensuring that the resulting images provide a reliable representation of the patient's anatomy and physiology.In the field of environmental monitoring, comparative methods are used to assess the quality and purity of various environmental media, such as air, water, and soil. By comparing the measurements of environmental samples to known reference standards, regulatory agencies and research organizations can evaluate the extent of environmental pollution, the effectiveness of remediation efforts, and the overall health of the ecosystem.Overall, the use of comparative methods in measurement is a crucial aspect of scientific and technological advancement. By providing a systematic approach to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of measurements, these methods contribute to the advancement of knowledge, the development of innovative solutions, and the protection of human health and the environment. As our understanding of the world continues to evolve, the importance of comparative methods in measurement will only grow, driving further progress and discovery across a wide range of disciplines.。
不同垂直骨面型患者的上颌第一磨牙根尖与上颌窦底间关系陈月明; 李业荣; 柯俊羽; 王斌【期刊名称】《《口腔疾病防治》》【年(卷),期】2018(026)010【总页数】5页(P644-648)【关键词】锥形束CT; 上颌窦底; 上颌第一磨牙; 垂直骨面型【作者】陈月明; 李业荣; 柯俊羽; 王斌【作者单位】佛山市禅城区人民医院口腔正畸科广东佛山528000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R782.2上颌窦位于双侧上颌骨内,左右各一,是人体最大的鼻旁窦腔。
锥形束CT(cone beam computedtomogra⁃phy,CBCT)是口腔形态学研究的常见手段,具有扫描速度快,辐射量低,伪影少等特点[5]。
1 资料和方法1.1 研究对象选取2016年9月—2018年3月于佛山市禅城区人民医院就诊患者120例,青少年与成人患者各60例,男女比例1∶1,拍摄CBCT获取颅颌面三维图像。
1.2 选择标准纳入标准:青少年10~18岁,成人19~38岁;面部基本对称,无明显的颌骨形态异常;研究区域(上颌)恒牙列完整(第三磨牙除外),无乳牙滞留,牙齿无根尖周疾病;牙周组织健康,无牙龈退缩及牙槽骨吸收;无偏侧咀嚼习惯;无上颌窦病变,如炎症、囊肿或肿瘤;图像清晰。
• 424 •口腔医学2021年5月第41卷第5期不同垂直面型骨性m类患者切牙牙槽骨骨量的研究朱伟豪,娄姝,潘永初[摘要]目的通过CBCT数据测量不同垂直面型骨性III类错骀畸形患者的切牙根周牙槽骨面积、根尖区牙槽骨厚度和牙槽嵴高度,评估牙槽骨骨量的差异方法选取110例骨性丨1丨类错聆畸形患#的CBCT资料,根据下颌平面角(GOGN-SN)和面高比(FHI)将患者分为3组:长面型组(23例),均面型组(51例)和短面型组(36例)分別测量各组上下切牙根周颊侧和舌侧牙槽骨面积(BA/LA)、根尖颊侧和古侧牙槽骨厚度(BW/丨AV)以及颊侧和舌侧牙槽嵴高度(BH/LH),并对测量数据进行统计分析、结果长面型组BA和BW小于均面型组和短面型组(/^O.OOl ),而LW在3组中最大(PcO.OOl) BA和BW与GOGN-SN呈负相关,而与FHI呈正相关,LW与GOGN-SN呈正相关,与FHI呈负相关。
结论不同垂直面型骨性D1类患者上下切牙根周牙槽骨骨量有差异,长面型患者的上下切牙颊侧牙槽骨面积和根尖颊侧牙槽骨厚度均较小,而根尖舌侧牙槽骨厚度较大,此差异与下颌平面角和面高比存在显著相关性[关键词]骨性D1类;切牙;牙槽骨;CBCT[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1003-9872(2021)05-0424-06[doi] 10.13591 /j. cnki. kqyx. 2021.05.008Alveolar bone in upper and lower incisor's region of patients with different vertical facial types of skeletal III malocclusion/H U Weihao, LOU Shu, PAN Yongchu. { Jidngsu Key Laboratory of Oral Disease, Nanjing Medical University, Department o f Orthodontics^ Affiliated ll(>s/>ital o f Stomatology Ndnjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China)Abstract :Objective To investigate differences in alveolar hone of patients with different vertical facial typ^s of skeletal 111malocclusion through measuring alveolar l)〇ne area around root, apical alveolar hone thickness and alveolar crest height in inc isors, region basing on CBCT data. Methods One hundred and ten CBCT scans of skeletal I I I malocclusion with different vertical fac ial types were selected. Patients were categorized into three groups based on vertical facial types ( GOGN-SN and FTII) : long-face group (23 patients) ,average-face group (51 patients) and short-face group (36 patients). Buccal and lingual alveolar hone area around root ( BA/ LA),l)uc-cal and lingual alveolar hone thickness ( BW/LW) at apical region and bucc al and lingual height of alveolar crest ( F^H/LH) were measured and used for statistical analysis. Results In long-face group, BA and BW were significantly smaller than those in average-face group and short-face group (P<().()()1 ) , and LW was largest among three groups ( P<0.001 ). BA and BW were negatively correlated with GOGN-SN, but positively correlated with FHI. LW were positively correlated with GOGN-SN, but negatively correlated with FHI. Conclusion There are differences in the amount ol alveolar bone around root in the upper and lower incisors* region in patients of skeletal U l malocclusion with different vertical facial types. Long-face patients with skeletal I D malocclusion have smaller buccal alveolar bone area of root, smaller buccal alveolar bone thickness at apex and bigger lingual alveolar bone thickness at apex in upper and lower incisors region. These differences are significantly forrelated with the mandibular plane angle and face-height ratio.Key words:skeletal 111malocclusion; incisor;alveolar hone;CBCTStomatology, 2021 ,41 ( 5):424-429骨性in类错聆是临床诊疗中较常见的错聆畸 形,对面部美观、咀嚼功能和心理健康有严重的影 响。
关键词:图像匹配;相似性度量;匹配性能中图分类号:TP391 文献标志码:AComparisonofmatchingcapabilitiesinsiilarityentsCHENWei2(DepartmentofElectronicEngineering,NNantongJ226007,China)Abstract:Imagematchingreal2eonhowtochoosesimilaritymeasurementmethodofimagetot opicin2depth,thepapercarriedoutaseriesofsimulationexperimentsonoffoursimilaritymeasurements(NProd,PC,MSDandequalizationMSD)throu ghonimagedistortions.Theimagedistortionsincludepictureorientation,imagescalech ange,illuminationintensitychange,cloudscover,andsoon.Theexperimentalresultswer ecomparedwiththosefromthematchingperformance,adaptivecapacityandreal2timecapab ility.Analysisandtheoreticaldemonstrationoftheresultswerealsogiven.Keywords:imagematching;similaritymeasurement;matchingperformance0 引言景象匹配技术在飞行器制导定位等领域一直是人们研究的热门课题,具有广泛的应用前景。
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Wear263(2007)330–338Comparison of computed and measured particle velocitiesand erosion in water and airflowsY.Zhang∗,E.P.Reuterfors,B.S.McLaury,S.A.Shirazi,E.F.RybickiThe University of Tulsa,Department of Mechanical Engineering,600South College Avenue,Tulsa,OK74104,USAReceived15August2006;received in revised form7December2006;accepted8December2006Available online23May2007AbstractErosion equations are usually obtained from controlled experimental tests for solid particles carried in a gas or liquidflow.These equations are then applied to estimate the erosion damage resulting from solid particle impacts for cases of practical interest.It is well known that the particle impact speed and impact angle affect the erosion process and are used as parameters in most erosion equations.For a simple geometry with gas as the carrierfluid,the particle impact speed and impact angle can be accurately estimated,since the particles do not deviate greatly from their initial path.However,for complex geometries,very small particles with liquid as the carrierfluid,the particle trajectories can change significantly and determining the impact velocities can be more challenging.Furthermore,a lot of work has addressed solid particle erosion in gasflows.Many important applications in the oil and gas industry are liquidflows in complex geometries.There is a need for(1)erosion equations for liquidflow with sand and(2)a methodology for predicting erosion for complexflow geometries with liquid and putational Fluid Dynamics(CFD), particle tracking programs and erosion equations are often used together as a tool to help predict erosion damage.However,the accuracy of the CFD based erosion modeling is yet to be determined.In the present work,the velocities of particles entrained in water approaching a target are measured using a laser Doppler velocimeter(LDV).CFD simulations of the experiments were then carried out and the predicted particle velocities match the data very well,implying that CFD is a practical way to estimate the particle impact information.In this work,erosion damage offlat specimens in water or airflow and90◦standard elbows in airflow is also measured using a sensitive electrical-resistance(ER)probe under varying flow conditions.An erosion equation generated from data and several other erosion equations from the literature are applied in the CFD simulations. Predicted erosion rates from the simulations were then compared with the ER probe data.Good agreement between data and CFD predictions is demonstrated by applying a newly generated erosion equation as well as another published equation.©2007Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:CFD;Erosion;Erosion modeling;Erosion equation;LDV;Particle velocity1.IntroductionIn the oil and gas production industry,sand is commonly entrained in thefluid produced from the well.These sand par-ticles,though only150microns in size,can impinge the inner walls of piping,chokes,valves,and otherfixtures and cause extensive erosion damage.Erosion of oil and gasfield piping and equipment is very complex and many factors,such as produc-tionflow rates,multiphaseflow regimes,fluid properties,sand production rates,sand properties,sand shape,sand size distri-bution,equipment and piping wall materials,and geometry of the equipment,can determine the severity of erosion damage.∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+19186312755;fax:+19186312397.E-mail address:yongli-zhang@(Y.Zhang).In order to determine pipe size and allowable wellflow rates,an erosion prediction method accounting for these main factors is needed.This will help optimize the production rate while keep-ing the piping system operating safely and minimize the loss caused by solid particle erosion.A wide variety of erosion equations or models has been devel-oped by many investigators.Meng and Ludema[1]examined various erosion models and equations in the literature.They con-cluded that no single erosion model is general and accurate for practical and general use.Based on the literature survey,they concluded that there are four primary mechanisms for which solid particle erosion occurs.These mechanisms are,namely, (1)cuttings wear(which is defined as indentation of a mate-rial surface by a sharp solid particle and followed by fracture of materials)and plastic deformation(perhaps referring to defor-mation beyond the elastic deformation and followed by fracture0043-1648/$–see front matter©2007Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.wear.2006.12.048Y.Zhang et al./Wear263(2007)330–338331of materials),(2)cyclic fatigue,(3)brittle fracture(“non-cyclic failure”)and(4)melting of the materials.Obviously,the ero-sion equations discussed above do not consider all factors that contribute to solid particle erosion in oil/gasfield piping and equipment.Besides variations of solid particle erosion mechanisms, many investigators,including the present authors,found that particle velocity at impact instead offlow stream or slurry velocity should be used to determine erosion characteristics. Investigators also observed that the slurry“velocity exponent”in erosion equations can vary significantly with particle size when continuousflows of liquid containing sand or slugs of liquid and sand were studied in erosion tests.One major rea-son for the variation of the“velocity exponent”with particle size is that when particles are entrained in liquids,the particle impact velocity with a target or a pipe wall can be significantly different from the carrierfluid velocity.Thus,it is very impor-tant to clearly identify experimental conditions when particle erosion data are considered.For example,carrierfluid proper-ties affect particle impact velocity and also can affect frictional forces between particles and the material surface.In addition,fluid density and viscosity may also affect particle rebound and energy dissipation characteristics.The effects of these factors are yet to be determined in a quantitative manner.Besides all these complex factors,many investigators agree that the severity of erosion highly depends on the speed and incoming angle of the impacting particles.Many erosion equa-tions,which take into account these two parameters as well as some other effects,have been proposed in the literature[2–10]. In order to develop an impact angle dependence function,ero-sion tests are usually conducted with particles entrained in gas flow impacting a target wall,since the impact speed and angle are similar to the values in theflow stream.However,in liq-uidflow,the paths of entrained particles can deviate greatly from their carrierfluid path,with impact angles varying greatly. In addition,most erosion experiments are conducted with rel-atively large particles at high velocities and very little erosion data is available forfine particles at low velocities.For some applications with particles moving in liquid,the particle impact speed is commonly very small compared to theflow speed.In addition,sand particles encountered in some applications in oil and gas industries could have average size as low as20m.All of the uncertainties discussed above in erosion mech-anisms and erosion models have not stopped engineers from using these tools in predicting erosion in a variety of applica-tions.The present authors,as well as many other investigators, have used Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)along with erosion equations to examine erosion in a variety of geometries [11–14].At the University of Tulsa,CFD erosion modeling as well as an extensive erosion database has been used to develop simplified models for predicting erosion in practical geometries, such as elbows,plugged tees,sudden contractions and sudden expansions,for gas,liquid and even multi-phaseflows.CFD based erosion modeling consists of three primary steps:flow modeling,particle tracking and applying erosion equations. In these types of calculations,it is assumed that the solid par-ticle concentration is very low and solid particles do not affect the velocity of thefluids.To determine particle impact velocity at the pipe wall,the particle trajectory is determined by integrat-ing the force balance on the particle.This force balance equates the particle inertia with the forces acting on the particle(New-ton’s Second Law).In order to obtain a reasonable statistical distribution and to reduce scatter in erosion predictions,a large number of particles are normally required to perform the particle tracking.During particle trajectory calculations,the particle-wall interaction information such as impact speed,impact angle, impact location,and impact intensity are stored.This informa-tion is then applied to the appropriate erosion equations,which predict the amount of erosion at the specific location.Although the CFD based erosion modeling is very powerful and can be applied to predict erosion in many complex geome-tries,its accuracy has been questionable for many applications. In the present work,CFD,particle velocity measurements and erosion test data are used to validate and determine if CFD based erosion modeling is a viable and accurate method for predicting solid particle ser Doppler velocimeter(LDV)data are used to validate thefluid velocityfield predicted by the CFD soft-ware for a direct impact test section.The benefits of using LDV measurements,which do not interfere with theflow,include the ability to obtain localizedflow measurements,and the abil-ity to measure a wide range of velocities.In addition tofluid velocity,the LDV is also used to measure particle velocities in the direct impact test section and thus to validate the particle tracking procedure in CFD erosion modeling.High sensitivity electrical-resistance(ER)probes are used to measure erosion rates in addition to traditional weight loss measurements.The LDV and erosion experiments are conducted using sand parti-cles carried in streams of air and waterflow impacting target specimens.Additionalflow geometries(90◦standard elbows) are then simulated to verify and further examine the accuracy of CFD based erosion modeling.2.Description of the experimental facilityA direct impact test facility has been designed for obtaining experimental erosion data for particles traveling at low velocities (<30m/s).The constructed facility makes it possible to measure particle velocities leaving a nozzle and approaching a target in both liquid and gas mediums.This is done using the LDV.For the same measured nozzle exit velocity,erosion measurements can be made in the same facility using an electrical-resistance(ER) probe.A schematic of the test section is shown in Fig.1.The tank is made of acrylic to permit LDV measurements.In addition,the test section was designed so that both LDV measurements and ER probe erosion measurements could be made under identi-cal conditions during the tests.This is done by incorporating two targets into the tank;one for LDV measurements and one for the ER probe measurements.The ER probe is imbedded in a piece of acrylic to imitate the target used for LDV velocity measurements.The nozzle is installed on a pair of tracks so that it can move from the LDV target to the ER probe target and rotate from15to90◦relative to the target surface or to the ER probe.For liquid-sandflow,sand and liquid are mixed in a reser-voir tank and pumped through the nozzle,which is submerged332Y.Zhang et al./Wear263(2007)330–338Fig.1.Schematic of direct impact the liquid/sand mixture in the test tank.For gas–sandflow, however,a special nozzle was designed that incorporates a con-traction followed by a sudden expansion.Suction is created near the expansion that draws in the sand particles from a feeder and injects them into the nozzle.In order to make LDV measurements,it is necessary to have impurities present in theflow.To measure the velocity of the carrierfluid(water or air),silicon carbide(SiC)particles pro-vided by TSI Inc.,Shoreview,MN,USA are used to seed the flow.These particles have a mean diameter of2m,density of3200kg/m3,and a high reflectivity which results in a very high data mercially available am625aluminum par-ticles with high reflectivity have been chosen to represent the erodent during LDV measurements.The am625aluminum par-ticles were provided by Ampal Inc.,Flemington,NJ,USA and have a density of2700kg/m3and mean diameter of120m, close to that of sand in oil and gas production.The LDV measurement locations are all on the symmetrical plane and are shown in Fig.2.In the direct impact test,the nozzle inner diameter is8mm and the distance from the nozzle exit to the target is12.7mm.The measurement locations are arranged in a matrix,with r=0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10,12mm and d=1,2,4, 6,8,9,10,11,11.4,11.8,12,12.2,12.3mm,where r is the radial distance from the nozzle center line and d is the axial distance from the nozzle exit.Both axial and radial velocity components offluid and sand particles are measured at all117positions.In this study,a Cormon Ltd.ER probe with diameter equal-ing25.4mm(Fig.3)is used to measure the erosion on the target wall.The probe is composed of two electrically conductive ele-ments namely the sample element and reference element,both of which are made of Inconel625which has Vickers hardness of3.43GPa and density of8200kg/m3.The coil-shaped sample element is exposed to theflow and a reference element that sits behind the sample element is protected from theflow by anepoxyFig.2.LDV measurement locations.coating.As particles impact the sample element,the element experiences metal loss and the electrical resistance is changed. Erosion on the probe surface is then determined by comparing the sample element resistance with the reference element resis-tance.These ER probes have high sensitivity and are capable of measuring erosion in the range of nanometers.In addition to metal loss readings,the probes also measure temperature,a useful process parameter which is also used when compensat-ing for the effects of temperature change on the measurement. The calculation and compensation are performed automatically in the instrumentation.This capability prevents the reporting of false erosion events caused by temperature changes in the process stream and is far more efficient and effective than the use of separate temperature sensor information.The tempera-ture value forms part of the instrument output and serves the additional purpose of providing a health check on the probe.A series of direct impact tests were carried out under differ-entflow conditions,including four slurry(sand/water)and two air-borne(sand/air)erosion tests.In addition to the directimpact Fig.3.Surface of the electrical resistance probe(diameter25.4mm).Y.Zhang et al./Wear263(2007)330–338333Fig.4.ER probe installed on the elbow.test,some air-borne(sand/air)erosion data on elbows with ID equaling50.8mm have also been collected using an ER probe [15].The ER probe isflush installed in the middle of the outer bend of the elbow at45◦,as shown in Fig.4.Some key parame-ters,such asfluid type,flow velocity,sand average size and sand volume fraction for each case are listed in Table1.Silicaflour with average size of25m,density of2650kg/m3,and angular shape was used in Case4,while OK#1sand with average size of150m,density of2650kg/m3,and semi-rounded shape was used in the other eight cases.The silicaflour and OK#1sand were provided by Halliburton Energy Services,Duncan,OK, USA.3.Validation of CFDflow simulationIn order to validate theflow simulations using CFD,bothfluid and sand velocities are obtained using LDV and the direct impact test facility.The mixture of water and silicon carbide particles with a mean diameter of2mflows through the nozzle at an average axial velocity of12m/s.The silicon carbide is veryfine so that there is almost no slip between the particle andfluid and the particle velocity can be used to represent thefluid velocity.A commercially available CFD code,FLUENT6[16],is then used to simulate theflow.In the CFD simulations,a3D submerged jetflow with a wall placed12.7mm away from the nozzle exit represents theflow in the testing tank.The LDV measuredfluid velocity profile at the exit of the nozzle is applied as the boundary condition in the simulation.The simulated geometry consists of about400,000hexahedral elements,with most of the elements in the jetflow region,generating a meshfine enough to numerically resolve theflowfield.The second order Reynolds stress turbulent model is employed.Several rebound models including the Grant and Tabakoff[17]and Forder et al.[18]rebound models were implemented into FLUENT6and examined in this work.Both axial and radial velocity components of thefluid at the positions shown in Fig.2are extracted after the simulation is converged. The measured and predictedfluid velocityfield is plotted in a contour form shown in Figs.5and6,for axial and radial components,respectively.For this case,the average velocity of water at the inlet is approximately12m/s.In thesefigures, the upper portion is the contour of the velocity created from the LDV data while the lower portion is the CFD result.Very good agreement between the LDV data and the CFD simulation results was obtained for the axialfluid velocity,as shown in Fig.5.For the radialfluid velocity,the simulation also provides accurate predictions in most areas,especially in the region close to the target surface.In other regions,the actual geometry of the confined tank that is not considered in the simulations may be contributing to the differences between the predictions and the measurements.In addition tofluid velocity,particle velocity components are also collected at the same locations as the velocity measure-ments discussed above using LDV.The sameflow conditions are maintained.Instead of the2m silicon carbide particles,am625 aluminum particles with a mean diameter of120m are used toTable1Erosion testing conditions and comparison of measured and predicted erosionFluid Flow velocity(m/s)Sand size(m)Sand volumefraction(%)ER probe data(m/kg)Erosion predicted using CFD(m/kg)E/CRC erosion model Oka et al.[9]erosion modelDirect impact tests(ER probe at12.7mm away from the nozzle exit)Case1Water101500.59.3×10−8 4.8×10−8 6.8×10−8Case2Water51500.5 1.8×10−87.3×10−9 1.2×10−8Case3Water 2.51500.5 1.3×10−9 1.5×10−9 2.3×10−9Case4Water10250.5 3.4×10−8 1.7×10−8 2.0×10−8Case5Air24.81500.0026 1.1×10−6 1.7×10−6 2.6×10−6Case6Air10.21500.013 1.1×10−7 2.0×10−7 3.0×10−7Elbow erosion tests(ER probeflush installed on the elbow,see Fig.4)Case7Air281500.000617.7×10−7 6.2×10−79.4×10−7Case8Air191500.00051 3.5×10−7 2.4×10−7 3.6×10−7Case9Air121500.00026 1.2×10−78.4×10−8 1.3×10−7Notes:The unit of erosion in this table is m/kg,representing the average thickness loss in meters over the ER probe surface per kilogram of sand impacting the probe surface.The sensing element of ER probe used in all nine cases is Inconel625,which has Vickers hardness of3.43GPa and density of8200kg/m3.Silicaflour with angular shape is used in Case4and OK#1sand with semi-rounded shape is used in the other cases.Both have density of2650kg/m3.Water and air in all cases are nearly at standard conditions.Theflow velocity is the average value at the nozzle exit for Cases1–6and in the elbow for Cases7–9.334Y.Zhang et al./Wear 263(2007)330–338Fig.5.Axial fluid velocity,LDV data vs.CFD result.seed the flow.In the CFD simulations,am625aluminum parti-cles are introduced into the flow field after the flow simulation,assuming dilute flow without particle interaction.The measured and predicted particle velocity components in axial and radial directions are plotted in a contour form shown in Figs.7and 8,respectively.The CFD results match the LDV data very well,in both axial and radial directions.In solid particle erosion prediction,the particle impact speed and impact angle are important parameters.The measured and predicted particle velocity components at positionswithFig.6.Radial fluid velocity,LDV data vs.CFDresult.Fig.7.Axial particle velocity,LDV data vs.CFD result.d =12.3mm,namely 0.4mm away from the target surface,are manipulated to give the particle speed and particle incident angle relative to the target surface.The comparison of particle speed and particle incident angle between LDV data and CFD results are shown in Figs.9and 10,respectively.Since the data points are very close the target surface,they are referred to as impact speed and impact angle in these figures.Fig.9indicates that the predicted particle impact speed matches the data very well.Both LDV data and CFD predic-tions follow the same trend and show that particles neartheFig.8.Radial particle velocity,LDV data vs.CFD result.Y.Zhang et al./Wear 263(2007)330–338335Fig.9.Particle impact speed,LDV data vs.CFD line impact the target surface at the lowest speed due to thestagnant fluid in this region.The highest particle impact speed occurs about 6–8mm from the center line.The CFD simulation also shows excellent agreement of the particle impact angle as shown in Fig.10.Again,because of the stagnation zone around the center line,the particle impact angle is close to 90◦in this region and decreases away from the center line.The comparison of fluid and particle velocities between LDV data and CFD results states clearly that the CFD simulation in this case is reliable and accurate.It is then reasonable to apply the particle impact information to calculate erosion using ero-sion equations.Therefore,erosion equations can be validated by comparing predicted erosion with erosion data collected using the ER probe.4.Validation of erosion equationsSeveral erosion equations were examined during this inves-tigation,including Finne erosion model [4],Hashish and Bitter erosion model [3,6],the Erosion–Corrosion Research Center (E/CRC)erosion model for carbon steel with dry or wet surface [7],E/CRC erosion model for Inconel 718and the Oka et al.erosion model [9,10].In the off-the-shelf version of FLUENT 6,only one erosion equation can be used to calculate erosion when particles hit the wall.In this study,another User Defined Func-tion (UDF)is developed to account for several erosion equations.Therefore,the erosion values calculated by differenterosionFig.10.Particle impact angle,LDV data vs.CFD result.Table 2Values of A i in Eq.(2)A 1A 2A 3A 4A 55.40−10.1110.93−6.331.42equations are based on the same set of particle impingements on the wall.All cases listed in Table 1are then simulated.By comparing the predicted erosion with the ER probe erosion data,it turns out that the E/CRC erosion model and the Oka et al.erosion model give very good results.These two erosion models are discussed below.The E/CRC erosion model is given in Eqs.(1)and (2),ER =C (BH)−0.59F s V np F (θ)(1)F (θ)=5 i =1A i θi(2)where ER is the erosion ratio,defined as the amount of mass lostby the wall material due to particle impacts divided by the mass of particles impacting;BH is the Brinell hardness of the wall material;F s is the particle shape coefficient;F s =1.0for sharp (angular),0.53for semi-rounded,or 0.2for fully rounded sand particles;V p is the particle impact speed in m/s;θis the impact angle in radians;n =2.41and C =2.17×10−7are empirical constants.Values of A i for i =1–5are listed in Table 2.In this model,Eq.(2)is based on a series of direct impact tests of Inconel 718conducted by researchers at the E/CRC and Baker Oil Tools (BOT)[19].In these tests,sand particles with a mean size of 150m are injected into high velocity airflows at different incident angles relative to the target.Erosion data are collected for one impact speed,which was measured to be 68m/s using the LDV .The velocity exponent,n,is determined based on published work in the literature (see,for example,Forder et al.[18]and Oka et al.[9,10]).The hardness dependent function in Eq.(1)was determined based on earlier studies conducted by investigators at the E/CRC.The erosion model of Oka et al.[9,10]is presented below:E (θ)=g (θ)E 90(3)g (θ)=(sin θ)n 1(1+Hv(1−sin θ))n 2(4)E 90=K (Hv)k 1V p V k 2 D pD k 3(5)n 1=s 1(Hv)q 1,n 2=s 2(Hv)q 2,k 2=2.3(Hv)0.038(6)where E (θ)is the erosion damage (mm 3/kg)at an arbitraryimpact angle θ;E90is the erosion damage at normal impact angle;Hv is the Vickers number in GPa,indicating the wall material hardness;V p and V (m/s)are the particle impact speed and the reference impact speed,respectively;D p and D (m)are the particle diameter and the reference diameter,respectively;for336Y.Zhang et al./Wear 263(2007)330–338Fig.11.Impact angle functions.sand particle,s 1=0.71,s 2=2.4,q 1=0.14,q 2=−0.94,K =65,k 1=−0.12,k 3=0.19,V =104m/s and D =326m.In order to compare these two erosion models,the erosion damage given by the Oka et al.erosion model is converted to erosion ratio by multiplying the wall material density ρw (kg/m 3),ER (Oka)=1.0×10−9ρw E (θ)(7)Fig.11shows a comparison of impact angle functions F (θ)and g (θ)for Inconel 718(Hv =3.43GPa).Values of these two func-tions are very close to each other and both indicate that the maximum erosion occurs for an impact angle of about 50◦.The wall material dependence functions of these two erosion models are also compared over a wide range of wall material hardness values (BH =110–750,Hv =1.15–8.04GPa)and plot-ted in Fig.12.In this figure,the wall material hardness effect in g (θ)of the Oka et al.erosion model is not considered.For this range of wall material hardness values,the value of k 2ranges from 2.31to 2.49.Since V p can be any reasonable value and k 2resides in a relatively narrow range,the particle impact speedterm (V k 2p)is also not considered in the comparison.Fig.12shows that the trend of these two functions have almost the same shape,differing by a constant factor about 2778which is balanced by the empirical constant coefficients in both models.For all nine cases listed in Table 1,the ER probe erosion data,as well as the erosion predicted by using the present E/CRC erosion model and the Oka et al.erosion model are providedinFig.12.Wall material hardness dependence (C =2778in f(Hv)).the same table.Both erosion models predict erosion very well for all cases,with the ratio of prediction to data ranging from 0.6to 2.7for the Oka et al.erosion model and 0.4–1.8for the E/CRC erosion model.5.DiscussionFor all cases studied in this work,CFD erosion modeling results are comparable to data for a wide range of erosion data changing from 1.3×10−9to 1.1×10−6m/kg sand.This shows that CFD based erosion modeling can be used to predict solid particle erosion in flow systems.In order to apply this erosion prediction method successfully,experience has shown that many factors have to be considered.Some of these factors are discussed below.5.1.Flow modelingIn CFD erosion modeling,reliable results can only be obtained if accurate results are obtained during the first step,flow modeling.Solid particles cannot be accurately tracked in a poorly resolved flow field.Without accurate calculation of parti-cle trajectories and particle impact information,it is not possible to produce a reasonable erosion prediction.Just like other CFD applications,great care must be taken in modeling the flow field.First of all,a high quality mesh is necessary,especially for complex geometries.In CFD erosion modeling,computational mesh in the boundary layers have to be treated carefully and several layers of hexahedral or prism elements are recommended to be placed next to the wall.Tetrahe-dral elements are commonly used everywhere to mesh complex geometries,however it is advisable to use a hexahedral element near the walls to provide a more accurate numerical solution near wall.This is important because regions next to wall are where particle impingements occur.Secondly,the turbulence model and turbulence boundary conditions should be set-up wisely in simulations.In certain cases,the turbulence field may have sig-nificant influence on particle trajectory calculations and thus erosion prediction.5.2.Particle trackingIn order to obtain a reasonable statistical distribution and to reduce scatter in erosion predictions,a large number of par-ticles are normally required to perform the particle tracking.Particle–particle interactions are usually neglected in practical CFD applications since it’s unreasonable to capture all inter-particle collisions with the large number of particles present in the flow field with current computational capabilities.At low solid particle concentrations,the presence of the solid particles does not have a significant effect on the continuous phase so that particle tracking can be performed after flow modeling.How-ever,for high solid particle concentration flows,the influence of phase coupling must be considered so the flow modeling and particle tracking are performed simultaneously.During solid particle–wall interaction,the particle’s momen-tum is changed and this change is usually accounted for by。