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(1)Two groups of syndromes:integral before treatment,two groups of patients syndromes there was no significant difference
between the integral(P>0.05),not significant.After treatment,
eosinophilic secrete(P<0.01),the group also has similar effects,
more obvious in treatment group,two groups after treatment,
di fference i s very significant(P<0.01).
(3)Two groups of patients after treatment nasal secretions
eosinophils change before tth
rhinal secretion smear see more eosinophilic infiltrate.Can significantly reduce the jianpi Tongqiao pill on allergic
spleen and no obvious adverse reaction:Jianpi Tongqiao pills and toxicity,safety and overall effect XinOin particles Key words:
AI Iergic rhinitis:dificiency of both the spIenic and puImonary OI:Jianpi Tongqiao Pi I I:ICM therapy
cl inical experience,a self-made herbal preparations——】ianpi
Tongqiao pill,treatment dificiency of both the splenic and pulmonary QI al lergic rhinitis and has good curative effect.This subject adopts the method of cl inical randomized Jianpi Tongqiao pill compared with XinQin particles treatment of lienal lung qi difficiency and type the cl inical curative effect of allergic rhinitiS were observed before and after treatment,clinical symptoms of nasal secretions points,eosinophils,Jianpi Tongqiao pill treatment dificiency of both the splenic and pulmonary QI allergic rhinitiS and validation of the clinical curative effect of allergic rhinitiS. Research Methods:
健脾通窍丸能明显降低脾肺气虚型变应性患者证候积分,改善临床症 状;能明显减少嗜酸性粒细胞分泌,并且健脾通窍丸无明显不良反应及毒 副作用,安全性较好,且总体疗效优于辛芩颗粒。 主题词
The CI inicaI observation of the aI Iergic rhinitiS with dificiency of spIenic and puImonary QI treated by the
Th i s case study from October 2008 January 20 1 0 in wuhan,TCM hospi tal outpat i ents,COCO conforms to 1997(haikou)nat ional conference of the science of allergic rhinitiS diagnosiS standard revision,and choose the traditional teaching,the science of nasal
(3)治疗前后两组患者鼻分泌物嗜酸性粒细胞变化的比较:治疗前, 抽检患者的鼻腔分泌物涂片见有较多嗜酸性粒细胞浸润。健脾通窍丸能明 显减少嗜酸性粒细胞分泌(P<o.01),对照组也有相似的作用,治疗组 作用更明显,两组治疗后比较,差异非常显著(P<0.01)。
(4)安全性观测:两组患者均没有出现明显不良反应,患者能够耐 受,两组患者均完成实验,没有病例因为严重不良反应而中断治疗。通过 治疗前后血常规、尿常规、大便常规、肝肾功能及心电图检查,结果显示, 在治疗期间,两组患者肝肾功能,血细胞分析均在正常范围,未发现有异 常变化。 研究结论
本研究病例来自2008年10B至2010年1月湖北省武汉市中医医院耳 鼻喉科门诊病人,均符合1997年(海口)全国鼻科学学术会议修订的变应 性鼻炎诊断标准,并选择符合五版教材《中医耳鼻喉科学》中鼻鼽脾虚型 诊断标准的变应性鼻炎患者52例,随机分为两组,治疗组(健脾通窍丸组) 2 7例,健脾通窍丸方水煎剂,2 00ml,每日2#J;对照组(辛芩颗粒组)2 5 例,辛芩颗粒,5mg/袋,每次1袋,每日3次。两组均连续治疗1个月,观 察两组患者治疗前后的临床症状积分、鼻分泌物嗜酸性粒细胞的变化。 研究结果
(4)Safety observation:two groups of patients without obvious adverse reactions,patients could tolerate,two groups of patients, and no case finish the experiment because seriOUS adverse reactions and discontinuing treatment.Through the treatment of routine blood, urine and kidney function,defecate and cardiogram,the results show that the two groups during treatment,patients with liver funct ion,blood analys i S in the normal range,had not been found abnormal changes. Conclusions:
Jianpi Tongqiao Pi I I SpeciaI ity:TraditionaI Chinese InternaI Bedicine
Yong Li
Tutor:Pro.Guoyun Li
Abstract Research purposes:
Allergic rhinitis is ent common disease,frequently—occurring disease.LiGuoYun director doctor tutor in traditional ot01aryngology clinical more than 30 years, accumulated the rich
Qiu diagnostic criteria deficiency of the splenic type fifty——two rhinitis,randomly divided into two groups,The treatment group
(group)Jianpi Tongqiao pills in 27 patients,jianpi Tongqiao pill
Jianpi Tongqiao pill can obviously reduce dificiency of both the splenic and pulmonary QI allergic patients,improve the clinical
symptoms, Eosinophils can significantly reduce the secretion of
square water decoction,200ml per day,XinQin particle group
(group),XinQin particles in 25 patients,each one bag,three times
a day.Both groups for 1 month,2 pat i ent s before and after the treatment of cl inical symptoms of nasal secretions scoring, eosinophi 1 ic changes. The results:
(2)Two groups of clinical curative effect comparison:treatment group and example,cl inical 19 cases were 6 cases,effect ive,the total effect ive rate in 2 cases,92.59%,25 cases of control group, and 14 cases,effect ive in 6 cases,5 cases fai lure:the total effective ecological.The X2 inspection,P<0.05,two groups was statistically significant iS efficient.
(1)两组证候积分比较:治疗前,两组患者证候积分之间差异无显 著性(P>0.05),不具有统计学意义。治疗后,两组患者证候积分较治疗 前均明显下降,有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);治疗组患者证候积分较对 照组有显著性差异(P<0.05)。
(2)两组临床疗效比较:治疗组2 7例,临床显效19例,有效6例,无 效2例,总有效率92.59%;对照组25例,临床显效14例,有效6例,无效5 例,总有效率80.00%。经x2检验,P<0.05,两组有效率比较有统计学意 义。
湖北中医药大学 硕士学位论文 健脾通窍丸治疗脾肺气虚型变应性鼻炎临床观察 姓名:李勇 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中医内科学 指导教师:李国云
健脾通窍丸治疗脾肺气虚型变应性鼻炎l隘床观察 中文摘要
研究目的 变应性鼻炎为耳鼻喉科常见病、多发病。导师李国云主任医师从事
中医耳鼻喉科临床30余载,积累了丰富的临床经验,采用自制的中药复方 制剂——-健脾通窍丸,治疗脾肺气虚型变应性鼻炎,取得了较好的临床疗 效。本课题采用临床随机对照的方法比较健脾通窍丸与辛芩颗粒治疗脾肺 气虚型变应性鼻炎的临床疗效差别,观察治疗前后临床症状积分、鼻分泌 物嗜酸性粒细胞变化,验证健脾通窍丸治疗脾肺气虚型变应性鼻炎的临床 疗效。 研究方法
two groups of patients was integral syndrome were obviously
decreased,have very significant difference(P<0.01),In
treatment group than controls integral syndrome patients with significant difference(P<0.05).