高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other教案 牛津译林版选修6

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江苏省启东中学高中英语 Unit 3 Understanding each other教案牛
Try different ways to greet the students.
1. What are these sayings?
2. Why do people greet in different ways?
3. What feeling do you have when you see greetings different from yours?
4. How do you greet your parents / classmates / friends? Act it out for us.
1. Look at the pictures on page 33.
2. Questions:
1) What are the people in the six pictures doing
2) In which countries do people greet each other in the way people in each picture do?
3) Are these ways of greeting the same as the ways Chinese people greet each other?
4) What would you think if you saw Chinese people doing these in China?
5) Has anyone ever greeted you like these?
6) If someone greets you in these ways, what will you do then?
7) Have you ever greeted others like these?
1. Read the captions under the pictures, make sure to understand each picture. Then
match the following:
Country / Area Ways of greeting
Holland putting their hands together and bowing slightly Thailand kissing each other on one cheek and then the other The USA greeting each other by touching noses
South America hugging each other
The Middle East shaking hands with each other
Japan bowing to each other
1. Ask the students to talk about different greeting habits. For example:
People around the world have their own ways of greeting each other. Some of the ways are very familiar to ours while others are rather strange. For example, ……
2. What might happen if you are not familiar with greetings from other countries? (Maybe we would feel embarrassed; we might be involved in awkward situations like …)
3. Discuss the three questions on the page in groups of four, then give us you answer. Q1. In English-speaking countries, there are some formal greetings, such as “How do you do?”
“How have you been?” and “How are you?”. There are also some informal ways of greetings. For example, people often greet others that they know well with “Hi”, “Hi, there”, or “What’s up?” While in China, people tend to say, “Have you had your breakfast / lunch / supper?” or “Where are you going?”
Q2. There are various reasons for this question. First, there are cultural differences. People in the West countries might feel at a loss when they hear Chinese greet them by asking whether they have eaten or not. Second, people often use different greetings towards different people. How they greet their superiors is different from how they greet their peers.
Q3. One custom that is different in the West and in China is to receive gift. Another is to open the gift.
4. Turn to page 120 and 121. Read the two passages and finish answering the questions.
1. Search more information about different ways of greetings and some unique customs in some
2. Preview “Reading”.
Reading: Cultural differences
1. Greet the students in different ways: Thailand, South America, the Middle East,
the USA, Holland, Japan
2. Question: People in different places greet others in different ways. Why?
(Because of different cultures / cultural differences)
Do you want to learn some more cultural differences?
Today we will take up the reading “Cultural differences”.
1.Read this passage quickly and answer the three questions above. the reading.
Possible answers
a. He is from Brunei
b. He comes from the UK
c. No, they don’t. Only the Sultan and his family do.
2. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statements are true(T)
or false(F)
a. Ma Li gathers the information on cultural differences to write a report. (F)
b. The American and the British speak the same language, so they share the same culture.
c. Both the English and the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving.
d. To celebrate the first harvest, Americans eat turkeys with their families and
friends. (T)
e. Westerners open a present the moment they receive it to show politeness. (T)
f. In Italy, the newly-weds are expected to give presents to guests (T)
g. At Brunei wedding, only the newly-weds can wear yellow clothes.
h. It is universal to take off your shoes before going into someone’s house.
a. How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue? What are they?
(Five. They are: Brunei, China, the USA, the UK, Italy)
b. In the dialogue the three friends are talking about cultural differences. What
differences are they talking about?
(thanksgiving, present, wedding, gestures, color of clothing and shoes )
4. Talking
Please read the passage and talk about the discussed topics:
Only in the USA, on the 4th Thursday in Nov. Started about 300 years
Europeans settlers held Thanksgiving to celebrate the first good
thanksgiving and showed their thanks to God and native Indians. Pumpkin pie
and roast turkey are traditional Thanksgiving food.
But in the UK, ………….
in the West (Italy, the UK), ………….. ; In China, ….
in China, …………….
in the West (Italy, UK)……………………...; in China, ………………..……
in Brunei, …………………………….……; in China, ……………………...
in some countries, …..
in Brunei, …..
in Brunei, …..
color of clothing
in ancient China, ….
in Brunei and some cities in China, …..
in Australia, …..
5. Fill in the blanks according to the reading:
Today I talked with two other students, from Brunei called Waled and the UK called
Peter. It was very interesting talking to them and analyzing some of the many cultural
differences between countries.
Even the UK and the USA seem to have different traditions. Americans have something
called Thanksgiving, a festival which celebrates the first good harvest of the
settlers who went from Europe. British people do not celebrate this and the British
teachers in Brunei did not understand what all the excitement was about for the
American teacher. The differences between wedding in different countries were also
discussed. It seems we need to understand culture differences to avoid mistakes in communication, which could be embarrassing. In other words, it is easy to misunderstand things, so we need to know what is appropriate. For example, Westerners coming to the East do not know that we do not open presents in front of the person who gives them to us. Waled told us that in Brunei it is rude to point with your first finger and so they use their thumbs instead.
Free talking:
More cultural differences between China and other countries.
1. Response to thankfulness:
a. — Thank you.
China: Never mind / No thanks.
West. My pleasure / You are welcome. / Not at all.
* Never mind is used when someone apologizes to you.
2. Privacy:
b. How old are you? / Are you married? / How much do you make every month? Where are you going? / Have you had breakfast / lunch / supper?
(To the English, these questions are privacy. It is very impolite to ask these questions.)
c. Your spoken English is quite goo
C: No, not really. I must work hard at it.
F: Thank you.
(Modesty is one of Chinese traditional virtues. But in cross-culture
communication, it will leads to a failure. When the appreciation is responded by something like “no, not really”, the foreigner may think th at they make a false judgment.)
d. This picture is quite beautiful.
C: No. / If you like it, I’ll give it to you.
F: Thank you. It’s a gift from my … / I bought it …./ It’s nice of you to say so.
4. Gestures
e. nodding or shaking one’s head
C: Yes or No
Some parts of Greece and Turkey: No or Yes.
South-east Asia: A polite way of saying, “I’ve heard you.”
f. thumbs up
China and most places: Very good / Every thing is OK.
Sardinia of Italy: It’s insulting. The gesture is never used.
1. What might happen if two people from different cultures meet and greet each other? (It might result in embarrassment or inconvenience)
Give a performance.
2. What should we do to live in harmony with people from other countries?
(Do as the Romans do)
Language focus
1. difference n.
1). 不同之处,差别(可数,不可数)difference between A and B
e.g. There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries.
There was no really much difference in their points of view.
tell the difference=distinguish
e.g. I can never tell the difference between the twins.
2). 差额,相差(多少)
e.g. There’s not mu ch difference in price between the two computers.
The difference in weight between the two packages was only half an ounce.
What’s the difference in temperature between the day and the night?
3). 分歧,争吵
e.g. They haven’t spoken since their difference last y ear.
Why don’t you settle your differences and be friends again?
make a /no/some difference (to/in---) 有一些(没有---)影响(关系)
e.g. The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.
What difference will it make if he knows or not?
make all the difference to sb / sth关系重大;大不相同
e.g. A few kind words at the right time make all the difference.
with a difference 引人注目,与众不同
e.g. The traditional backpack with a difference----it’s waterproo
2. native: adj. 出生地,儿时居住的
e.g. your native land/country/city你的故乡/祖国/故里
e.g. native Berliners/Taxans土生土长的柏林人/得克萨斯人
e.g. native peoples/traditions土著民族/土著人的习俗
e.g. the native plants of America
The tiger is native to India.
e.g. native wit/intelligence与生俱来的机智/才智
n. 出生于某国 / 某地的人或动物
e.g. a native of New York/Greece
The kangaroo is a native of Australia.
n. 本地人,当地人;土著居民
e.g. You can always tell the difference between the tourists and the natives.
The government of the island treated the natives badly.
3. accent:n. 口音、地方音,与in / with连用。

e.g. Mao Ze-dong spoke in a strong Hunan accent.
My English teacher speaks with a slight Scotch accent.
From your accent, I can guess you are from the south.
4. when / if it comes to …:谈到……、涉及到……,引导时间状语从句。

e.g. When it comes to mathematics, I’m completely at sea.
If it comes to building, Tom can tell you a lot.
She is poor in maths, but when it comes to English, she is the best in the class.
come to:来到、总计、恢复知觉
5. in celebration of …:to celebrate
c.f. in honor of :为纪念,
in memory of:为纪念
Tell me as many phrases as you can with “ in ….of”.
6. It’s rude for sb. (not) to do sth.
7. serve:服务,serve sb.
服勤、服刑、供职as / in,
e.g. serve two terms as president / serve a sentence / serve ten years in the Cabinet. (对……人)有用,足够……的份额
e.g. The old bicycle serves me well
Is this money enough to serve your needs?
The cake serves ten people.
vt. 端、盛、伺候
e.g. They usually serve tea at three.
Does this hotel serve breakfast?
Wait a minute. I’ll serve dishes soon.
serve sb. sth. = serve sb. with sth.:拿……款待……
Are you being served?
serve a person right:给某人应得的报应
8. adjust:vt. 配合、调节、校正, adjust …to …:根据……调整……
e.g. You can adjust the desk to the height of any child.
I have to had the brakes of my bike adjusted.
Will you please adjust the clock?
Adjust the telescope and you’ll see the moon clearly.
vt. 适应、顺应,adjust (oneself) to …:使自己适应……
e.g. She soon adjusted herself to his new way of life.
As a new comer, you’d better adjust yourself to the life here.
It took some time for him to adjust himself to the new system.
9. participate:参与、参加,participate in sth.
1. Learn the language focus by heart.
2. Preview “Word power”.
Word power
1. Ask students about different customs on: Thanksgiving, presents, wedding, gestures,
color of clothing and shoes
2. To test some words, phrases and language focus.
1. Question: What do you think is the most difficult part in studying English?
(Grammar, vocabulary, because there are so many words and some words have so many meaning)
2. Discuss in groups of four: How to learn and remember English words?
a. Remember the spelling of a word by its pronunciation.
b. Remember the spelling of a word by analyzing the formation of the word.
c. Remember the spelling of a word by making a sentence with it.
d. Remember the meaning of a word by studying the origin of the word.
3. Ask students how they remember words
4. English is one of the most widely-spoken languages in the world and it is used
as the international working language in many places throughout the world.
a. Where do the English language and its words come from?
b. Who invented so many new words?
c. Is it possible that English borrowed words from other languages?
d. Can you give me some examples? Please have a discussion and then tell m
Vocabulary learning:
English borrowed many words from other languages, such as French, German, Italian, Arabic, Chinese and so on.
1. Words borrowed from French: dentist, ballet, visa, finance, fiacee, salon, soup,
café, picnic, message, garment, mutton, menu, garage, pigeon, surgeon, chef, …
2. Words borrowed from German: exercise, hamburger, clock, rocket, student,
kindergarten, noodle, iceberg, …
3. Words from Italian: colonel, confetti, opera, …
4. Words from Arabic: coffee, zero, alcohol, almanac, …
5. Words from Japanese: Judo, karaoke, Tsunami, …
6. Words from Chinese: kung fu, Taiji, tofu, typhoon, tycoon, kowtow, Confucius, …
1. Turn to page 38 and read part A and part B. Remember the words in blue in part
A and all the words in part B.
2. Turn to page 39 and fill in the blanks with the words that have just been read. (Possible answers: 1. Italian, 2. Arabic,
3. food,
4. restaurant,
5. jobs,
6. ballet,
7. confetti, 8. colonel, 9, clock, 10. rocket, 11. German, 12. hamburger, 13.
alcohol, 14. zero )
English idioms
1. In English, there many idioms that connect a characteristic with animal or thing. Read part D on page 39 and fill in the blanks with proper idioms.
A possible answer:
1. I slept like a log.
2. She is always as cool as a cucumber.
3. Now he is as poor as a church mouse.
4. She is always as busy as a bee.
5. He is as strong as a horse.
2. More idioms with “as …as …”, try to guess their meanings:
1. as black as coal
2. as blind as a bat
3. as bright as a button
4. as cunning as a fox
5. as like as two peas
6. as proud as a peacock
7. as brave as a lion
3. English idioms that connect an animal or thing
1. see the elephant 大开眼界
2. white elephant 沉重的负担,无用而累赘的东西
3. talk horse 吹牛
4. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意时
5. Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌
6. Teach fish to swim. 班门弄斧
7. Dog doesn‘t eat dog.同行不相妒
8. kill two birds with one stone 一石双鸟,一箭双雕
9. a snake in the grass 潜伏的危险或敌人,阴险而伪善的朋友
10. a black sheep 害群之马,败家子
11. like a cat on hot brick 坐立不安,心急如焚
12. let the cat out of the bag 泄露秘密
13. rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
14. a dark horse 实力难测的竞争者
15. crocodile tears 假慈悲
Homework: 1. Remember the words we learned today. 2. Remember the idioms.
Grammar: Subjunctive mood
1) “混合虚拟条件句”或“错综时间条件句”

If you had taken my advice just now, you would be better now.
2) if 省略句。

在条件句中,可省略if, 把were, had, should提到句首,变为倒装句式。

Were I you, I would seize the chance to go abroad.
3) 含蓄条件句
A) with, without, but for 等介词短语代替条件句
e.g. But for the rain, the crops would have died. (= If it hadn’t been for the rain)
B) 其他手段
e.g. I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meeting.(副词)
He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, or I would have known nothing
about it.
I might have given you more help, but I was too busy. (连词)(连词)
Given more time, we could have done it better. (分词短语)
It would be a mistake not to help him.(动词不定式)
形式为( should ) + v.

一个坚持(insist),两个命令(order, command), 三条建议(advise, suggest, propose),四项要求(demand, require, request, ask).还有prefer等词。

e.g. The smile on his face suggested that he was satisfied with our work.(“暗示”“表明”)
The man insisted that he had never stolen the money.
2)这类动词的名词形式后的表语从句和同位语从句中也要用(should ) + v.形式。

另外,还有plan, idea等词。

It is necessary / important / strange / natural / a pity / a shame / no wonder … that….
eg. It is strange that he should have acted towards his parents like that.
1. 宾语从句中
wish , would rather后, 但would rather后所跟句子跟现在、将来相反用过去时,跟过去时间相反使用过去完成时。


e.g. I would rather you came tomorrow instead of today.我宁愿你明天而不是今天来。

2. as if ( though)引导的从句中
as if 后的从句当表示真实情况时,用陈述语气。

e.g. It looks as if it is going to rain. / He talks as if he had been to America, 3.It is (high ) time that ….. 过去时/ should + v.
4. 用于if only 引导的感叹句中“但愿,要是…就好了”
Language focus
1. broken adj. 出毛病的;破损的;不连续的;衰弱的;不流利的
e.g. How did this dish get broken?
a broken marriage/engagement破裂的婚姻/解除了的婚约
a night of broken sleep睡得不塌实的一夜
He was a broken man after the failure of his business.生意失败后他变得心灰意懒。

to speak in broken English说着一口结结巴巴的英语
broken-down很差的;出故障的a broken-down old car
break短语:break away (from):从……逃走;break down:坏、出毛病; break in:打岔、闯入; break into:闯入、= burst into + laughter / tears; break off:
break out:爆发; break through:突破、破云而出; break up:拆散、分
解、破裂; break with:绝交
1. I could have called you for help, but I ____ your number.
A. couldn’t have remembered
B. didn’t remember
C. should have remembered
D. hadn’t remembered
2. She suggested to the police in the police station that Mr. Smith ____.
A. stole the necklace
B. should steal the necklace
C. had stolen the necklace
D. steal the necklace
3. ____ it would stop snowing !
A. If only
B. Only if
C. Even if
D. But for
4. My advice is that he ___ so much.
A. not smoke b. doesn’t smoke C. won’t smoke D. must not smoke
5. How I wish I ____ that! Everybody present was angry with me.
A. didn’t do
B. hadn’t done
C. wouldn’t do
D. wasn’t doing
6. ___ it to clear up tomorrow, the tourists would climb to the top of the mountain
to wait for the sun ____.
A. If; to raise
B. Were; to rise
C. Should; to rise
D. Because; raising
7. ____the expense, I ___to Italy.
A. If it were not; go
B. Were it not for ; I would go
C. Weren’t it for; will go
D. If it hadn’t been; would have gone
8. His illness was too serious; otherwise he ______ saved.
A.could be
B., couldn’t have been c. could have D. could have been
9. --- I have great difficulty working out this problem.
--- ___ to me, you ____ less difficulty with such problems.
A. If you had listened , would have had
B. If you listened, would have
C. Had you listened, would have
D. If you listen, will have
10. ---- Would you have called her up had it been possible?
---Yes, but I ___ busy doing my homework.
A. was
B. were
C. had been
D. would be
11. ___the fog, we should have reached the top of the hill.
A.In spite of
B. If there were no
C. But for
D. Because of
12. Tom insisted what he said ____ true and we insisted that he ____ and have a look.
A. be; should go
B. should be; would go
C. was ; go
D. was ; would go
13. He acts as if he _______the owner of the house.
A. will be
B. has been
C. is
D. were
14. It’s about time that you _____to study English.
A. begin
B. will begin
C. have begun
D. began
15. How I wish it____! If it ___in a few days, the crops would be saved.
A. will rain; rained
B. would rain; should rain
C. should rain; rains
D. would rain; had rained
1. Fill in the blanks on page 40.
2. Preview ‘Task’.
1. Review subjunctive mood rules
2. Translate some sentences
1. Turn to page 42 and read the instructions out to make sure that the Ss know the four tips about what they should do before or after they listen to a passage. Questions
1) What is the first thing we need to do before listening? Why?
(We should read the text first so that we will know about the subject of the text.)
2) What should we do next?
(Try to guess what the missing words are. Sometimes, we can infer the missing words from the context)
3) How can we decide what the missing words probably are?
(Look for the clues in the sentences according to the context.)
4) What is the fourth point about?
(Try to decide if the missing words are content words or grammar words)
5) What do you think we should do after we have finished a passage?
(Proofread it to ensure that it makes sense and check whether there are any mistakes in it, including any spelling mistakes)
Step 1 Listening
1.Read the diary and try to guess what each of the missing words is by using the
methods they have just learned. If you cannot guess the word, you can tell what part of speech the
missing word should be. Discuss and them share your result.
2.Listen to this part and check the answers.
3.Questions on this reading
1) Which tourist attractions did the two students show the three foreigners around?
(The Forbidden City and the Summer Palace)
2) Why did the writer feel strange about Mr. Singh?
(Because he looked very upset when the writer held out his hand to shake hands with him)
3) Where is Mr. Singh from? (India)
4) Where is Mr. Takashi from? (Japan)
5) Do you think the OK sign made by Mr. Takashi means ‘very good’ or ‘great’?
6) Why wouldn’t Mr. Hudson get on the boat?
(He thought it was too crowded.)
nguage focus
1) show:show sb. around a place / show sb. in / out / to … / show off:
show up:突出、显现: Several white hairs show up on her head.
show sb. the door:赶出去 / show sb. to the door:把……送到门口
show:n. on show / talk show

be caught in a shower
2) give out:分发,放出、发出(声音、光线、气味),筋疲力尽
3) hold up:举起、阻止、延误
e.g. We were held up on the way to the airport.
hold短语:hold back:阻止、隐瞒, hold on:继续、坚持、不挂断, hold on to:抓住、固守, hold out:伸出、继续、维持、坚持到最后, catch hold of
1. What does taboo mean in a. Chinese b. English?
2. Turn to page 43 and read the article about taboos. Find out what may be taboos in part B
Possible answers:
P. 2. …if you are from India, you may not eat beef because of you religion P. 3. a) In India, it is impolite to shake hands or give someone something with your left hand.
b) Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet
others and get upset if people do not look at the cards carefully. So remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.
3. Language focus
1) origin: n. 起源, 发源, 根源, 出处,(of)…的
e.g. the origin of civilization:文明的起源
the origin of the human race:人类的起源
What’s the origin of this word?
be of ….origin = be … in origin:起源于……
e.g. Some Japanese words are of Chinese origin.
Some Japanese words are Chinese in origin.
have one’s origin in ….:起源于……
e.g. This word has its origin in Africa.
The custom has its origin in the Middle East.
2) contact:n. (用手段与人)接触、联系, 与(人)有联系= touch,
be in contact with sb.:与某人有来往
get into ~ with sb.:与……取得联系
keep in contact with sb.:与……保持联络
e.g. Have you been in contact with him recently?
I got into contact with her through the Internet.
They keep in contact with each other by writing letters.
make contact with …:联络某人
vt. (用电话等方式)与人接触
e.g. How can I contact you then?
I shall contact you by telephone on Friday.
3) interact:相互影响、互动, interact with sb.:与某人互动、相互影响
4) while:虽然,引导让步状语从句
e.g. While I admit he is a good student, I don’t like him.
While the film is interesting, I can’t understand the language, though.
Ask questions
1. How to ask questions in different ways:
a. Do you know….?
b. Could you please tell me if / whether …?
c. Please tell me if / whether ….
d. Who is …?
e. When / Where did … ?
f. How did ….?
g. Why did …?
h. Can you tell me the reason why ….?
2. Turn to page 44 and read the guidelines
3. Ask questions according to the words in Step 2
1. How to write a letter? How many parts should a letter include
2. Write a letter of apology.
1. Check the homework exercise:A letter of apology.
2. Sentence translate:Language focus in ‘Task’.
1. Every country has some or many ethnic groups. How many ethnic groups do we have
in China?
2. Do you know any different cultures and customs between these groups? What about
the ethnic groups in other countries in the world?
3. If you are to do some research on the cultures, traditions, customs and way of life of different minorities, which minority group will you focus on?
4. Do you know where you can find the information you need?
Language focus
1. tour:n. 旅行、游览, make / go on / have a tour of …:游览……
e.g. a good-will tour:友好访问; a party tour:团体旅游;
a round-the-world tour:环球旅游; a sightseeing tour:观光旅游
go on a tour of France:去法国旅游;
I took / made a tour around / of the Great Britain.
2. account:n. 说明, 解释
e.g. He gave me a full account of his plan.
Today’s paper gave an exciting account of the game.
n. 银行的账户, open an account
n. 理由
on account of:为……的理由、缘故= because of
e.g. The train was delayed on account of the snow.
account for:explain:解释、说明
e.g. How can you account for the accident?
His words accounted for my being late.
3. govern:rule:统治、治理、控制
e.g. govern a city / a country / a school / your temper
4. hunt for / after:搜索、寻找:look for
e.g. The dogs are hunting for weapons buried somewhere.
I hunted for a job for a long time.
hunt A for B:在A地找B
e.g. I hunted the room for the glasses.
She hunted (in) her bag for the keys.
vt. 狩猎, hunt sth.:~ foxes / lions ….
Hunter / huntress
5. belong to:vt. 属于,‘to’ is prep.
e.g. The mine belongs to the people.
Does this book belong to you?
The book belonging to Tom is very interesting.
The future belongs to the youth.
You belong to a younger generation.
e.g. Pack up your belongings and leave.
6. have power over:控制、支配
e.g. Nature has power over man.
Man has power over nature.
A teacher should have power over the class.
power 短语:
in power:当权、执政;
in one’s power:try one’s best e.g. I’ll solve the problem in my power.
come into power:上台执政
7. peace:和平
war and peace:战争与和平;
at peace:和平的、平静的:Her mind is at peace.
in peace:平静的、安心的
make peace (with):讲和
1. Workbook: page 116-119.
2. Review the whole unit.
1. youth不可数名词,表示“青年(少年)时代”“初期”;还可表示“年轻”“朝气”“活力”
e.g. He spent his youth in the USA.
She lost her youth.
e.g. The youth of the nation is/are polite in general.
2. wage 意为工资, 通常按周发给体力劳动者
e.g. Wages are paid on Friday.
Her wages are 300 dollars a week.
e.g. He was fortunate enough to have a good income.
My income isn’t enough to support my family.
e.g. She lives on a small salary.
Should doctors’ salaries be higher?
pay 指雇主定期付给的工资,薪金
e.g. He doesn’t like the job, but the pay is good.
3. some day意为有一天,总有一天,用于将来时态
e.g. I hope to visit Paris some day.
Maybe some day I’ll be rich.
one day 意为有一天,某一天,既可用于过去时,也可用于将来时
e.g. We have lost 100 times, but one day we shall win!
One day while I was walking to school, I heard someone calling me.
the other day 意为不久前,前几天
e.g. They visited the Summer Palace the other day.
another day 意为改天
e.g. If you can’t see clearly today, you can try again another day.
all day (long)=all the day 一整天
by day日间;白天里
by the day按日计算;论日
day after day日复一日; 天天
day by day一天天地;逐日
every other day每隔一天
from day to day逐日;天天
these days近来;这些天
to the day一天不差地;恰好;刚好
to this day到目前为止。
