



免责声明本站点所列信息均来自网络,本站尊重其著作权!站内信息仅供学习,同时我们会尽力有出错的可能,如有异议,请以厂家自带的说明书为准,或咨询生产厂家!!!1.1 面板划分gsk980tda采用集成式操作面板,面板划分如下:篇二:广数980td操作手册(终极版) 目录第一章操作面板 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................51.1面板划分区 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................61.2 面板功能说明 ............................................................................. .. (6)1.2.1 lcd(液晶)显示区 ............................................................................. . (6) lcd............................................................................. . (6) 液晶画面的亮度调整 ............................................................................. .. (6)1.2.2 状态指示区 ............................................................................. . (7)1.2.3 编辑键盘区 ............................................................................. . (7)1.2.4 页面显示方式区 ............................................................................. .. (8)1.2.5 机床控制区 ............................................................................. . (9)1.2.6 附加面板(选配件) ........................................................................... (10)第二章页面显示及数据的修改与设置 ............................................................................. (10)2.1 位置显示 ............................................................................. ................................................................................102.1.1 位置页面显示的四种方式 ............................................................................. (10)2.1.2 加工时间、零件数、编程速度、倍率及实际速度等信息的显示 (12)2.1.3相对坐标清零 ............................................................................. .. (13)2.2 程序显示 ............................................................................. ................................................................................152.3 偏置显示、修改与设置 ............................................................................. .. (16)2.3.1 偏置显示 ............................................................................. (16)2.3.2 偏置值的修改、设置 ............................................................................. . (18)刀偏修改与设定 ............................................................................. (18)宏变量修改与设定 ............................................................................. .. (18)2.4 报警显示 ............................................................................. ................................................................................182.5 设置显示 ............................................................................. ................................................................................192.5.1 开关设置 ............................................................................. (19)2.5.2 图形功能 ............................................................................. (25)2.6 参数显示、修改与设置 ............................................................................. .. (26)2.6.1 参数显示 ............................................................................. (26)2.6.2 参数的修改与设置 ............................................................................. .. (28)2.7 诊断显示 ............................................................................. ................................................................................292.7.1 诊断数据显示 ............................................................................. . (29)2.7.2 机床面板(软键盘机床面板) ........................................................................... (30)2.7.3 plc信号状态 ............................................................................. . (31)2.7.4 plc数值诊断 ............................................................................. .. (32)2.7.5 系统版本信息 ............................................................................. . (34)第三章系统上电、关机及安全操作 ............................................................................. . (35)3.1 系统上电 ............................................................................. ................................................................................353.2 关机 ............................................................................. ................................................................................ .. (35)3.3 安全操作 ............................................................................. ................................................................................363.3.1 复位操作 ............................................................................. (36)3.3.2 急停 ............................................................................. ................................................................................363.3.3进给保持 ............................................................................. . (37)3.3.4 切断电源 ............................................................................. (37)3.4 循环启动与进给保持 ............................................................................. (37)3.5 超程防护 ............................................................................. ................................................................................383.5.2 软件超程防护 ............................................................................. . (38)3.5.3 超程报警的解除 ............................................................................. (39)第四章手动操作 ............................................................................. .. (39)4.1 坐标轴移动 ............................................................................. . (39)4.1.1 手动进给 ............................................................................. (40)4.1.2 手动快速移动 ............................................................................. . (40)4.1.3 手动进给及手动快速移动速度选择 ............................................................................. .. (40)4.2 主轴控制 ............................................................................. ................................................................................414.2.1 主轴正转 ............................................................................. (41)4.2.2 主轴反转 ............................................................................. (41)4.2.3 主轴停止 ............................................................................. (42)4.2.4 主轴点动 ............................................................................. (42)4.3 其他手动操作 ............................................................................. (42)4.3.1 冷却液控制 ............................................................................. .. (42)4.3.2 润滑控制 ............................................................................. (42)4.3.3 手动换刀 ............................................................................. (42)4.4 对刀操作 ............................................................................. ................................................................................424.4.1 定点对刀 ............................................................................. (43)4.4.2 试切对刀 ............................................................................. (43)4.4.3 回机械零点对刀 ............................................................................. (45)4.4.4 带刀补对刀 ............................................................................. .. (46)4.5 刀补值的修调 ............................................................................. (46)第五章自动操作 ............................................................................. .. (47)5.1 自动运行 ............................................................................. ................................................................................475.1.1 自动运行程序的选择 ............................................................................. . (47)5.1.2 自动运行的启动 ............................................................................. (48)5.1.3 自动运行的停止 ............................................................................. (48)5.1.4 从任意段自动运行 ............................................................................. .. (49)5.1.5 暂停或进给保持后的运行 ............................................................................. (49)5.1.6 空运行 ............................................................................. . (49)5.1.7 单段运行 ............................................................................. (50)5.1.8 全轴功能锁住运行 ............................................................................. .. (50)5.1.9 辅助功能锁住运行 ............................................................................. .. (50)5.1.10 自动运行中的进给、快速速度修调 ............................................................................. (51)5.1.11 自动运行中的主轴速度修调 ............................................................................. (51)5.1.12 自动运行中的冷却液控制 ............................................................................. . (52)5.2 mdi运行.............................................................................. ...............................................................................525.2.1 mdi指令段输入 ............................................................................. . (52)5.2.2 mdi指令段运行与停止 ............................................................................. . (54)5.2.3 mdi指令段字段值修改与清除 ............................................................................. . (54)5.2.4 mdi指令段运行时速度修调 ............................................................................. .. (54)第六章手轮/单步操作 ............................................................................. .. (55)6.1 单步进给 ............................................................................. ................................................................................556.1.1 移动量的选择 ............................................................................. . (56)6.1.2 移动轴及移动方向的选择 ............................................................................. (56)6.1.3 单步进给说明事项 ............................................................................. .. (56)6.2 手轮进给 ............................................................................. ................................................................................566.2.1 移动量的选择 ............................................................................. . (57)6.2.3 手轮进给说明事项 ............................................................................. .. (58)6.3 手轮/单步操作时辅助的控制 ............................................................................. .. (58)第七章回零操作 ............................................................................. .. (59)7.1 程序回零 ............................................................................. ................................................................................597.1.1 程序零点概念 ............................................................................. . (59)7.1.2 程序回零的操作步骤 ............................................................................. . (60)7.2 机械回零 ............................................................................. ................................................................................607.2.1 机械零点概念 ............................................................................. . (60)7.2.2 机械回零的操作步骤 ............................................................................. . (61)7.3 回零方式下的其它操作 ............................................................................. .. (61)第八章程序编辑与管理 ............................................................................. .. (62)8.1 程序的编辑 ............................................................................. . (62)8.1.1 程序的建立 ............................................................................. .. (63) 顺序号的自动生成 ............................................................................. . (63) 程序内容的输入 ............................................................................. .. (63) 顺序号、字的检索 ............................................................................. . (65) 光标的几种定位方法 ............................................................................. (66) 字的插入,删除、修改 ............................................................................. .. (67) 单个程序段的删除 ............................................................................. . (67) 多个程序段的删除 ............................................................................. . (68)8.1.2 单个程序的删除 ............................................................................. (68)8.1.3 全部程序的删除 ............................................................................. (68)8.1.4 程序的选择 ............................................................................. .. (68)8.1.5程序的复制 ............................................................................. (69)8.1.6 程序的改名 ............................................................................. .. (69)8.1.7 程序的检索 ............................................................................. .. (70)8.2 程序管理 ............................................................................. ................................................................................708.2.1 程序目录的检索 ............................................................................. (70)8.2.2 存储程序的数量 ............................................................................. (70)8.2.3 存储容量 ............................................................................. (70)8.2.4程序列表的查看 ............................................................................. . (71)8.2.5 程序的锁住 ............................................................................. .. (71)第九章通讯 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................729.1 通讯软件的安装 ............................................................................. .. (72)9.2 通讯软件的操作 ............................................................................. .. (72)9.3 串行口的设置 ............................................................................. (72)9.4 cnc对pc机数据的接收(pc→cnc) .......................................................................... .. (73)9.5 cnc数据对pc机的传送(cnc→pc) ........................................................................... . (73)9.5.1 cnc单个程序对pc机的传送 ............................................................................. .. (73)9.5.2 全部程序的输出 ............................................................................. (73)9.5.3 刀补的输出 ............................................................................. .. (74)9.5.4 螺补的输出 ............................................................................. .. (74)9.5.5 参数的输出 ............................................................................. .. (74)9.6 cnc对cnc数据的接收(cnc→cnc) .......................................................................... (74)9.7 cnc对cnc数据的发送(cnc→cnc) .......................................................................... (75)9.7.1 单个程序的输出 ............................................................................. (75)9.7.3 刀补的输出 ............................................................................. .. (76)9.7.4 螺补的输出 ............................................................................. .. (76)9.7.5 参数的输出 ............................................................................. .. (76)9.8 通讯说明 ............................................................................. ................................................................................769.8.1设备连接方式 ............................................................................. .. (76)9.8.2 通信前准备工作 ............................................................................. (77)9.8.3 通信过程中的状态显示.............................................................................. (77)第十章记忆型螺矩误差补偿功能(选配) ........................................................................... (78)10.1 功能说明 ............................................................................. ..............................................................................7810.2规格说明 ............................................................................. ...............................................................................7810.3 参数设定 ............................................................................. ..............................................................................7810.3.1 螺距误差补偿倍率 ............................................................................. (78)10.3.2 螺距误差参考点(原点) ........................................................................... (79)10.3.3 设定补偿间隔 ............................................................................. .. (79)10.3.4 设定补偿量 ............................................................................. (79)10.4 各种参数设定例子 ............................................................................. .. (79)10.5 补偿量的设定方法 ............................................................................. .. (81)第十一章编程操作实例 ............................................................................. .. (82)第十二章机床调试 ............................................................................. . (93)12.1电源接通前的准备工作 ............................................................................. (93)12.2 急停与限位 ............................................................................. . (93)12.3 驱动器设置 ............................................................................. . (93)12.4 齿轮比调整 ............................................................................. . (94)12.5 加减速特性调整 ............................................................................. .. (95)12.6机械零点调整 ............................................................................. . (96)12.7 主轴功能调整 ............................................................................. (98)12.7.1 主轴编码器 ............................................................................. (98)12.7.2 主轴制动 ............................................................................. . (98)12.7.3 主轴转速开关量控制.............................................................................. .. (98)12.6.4 主轴转速模拟电压控制 ............................................................................. .. (99)12.8 反向间隙补偿 ............................................................................. ..................................................................... 99 12.9 刀架调试 ............................................................................. (100)12.10 单步/手轮调整 ............................................................................. ............................................................... 101 12.11 其它调整 ............................................................................. ......................................................................... 101 附录一980td参数一览表 ............................................................................. ......................................................... 103 状态参数 ............................................................................. ................................................................................ ..... 103 数据参数 ............................................................................. ................................................................................ ...... 111 附录二出厂参数表 ............................................................................. ..................................................................... 124 附录三报警表 ............................................................................. ............................................................................... 128 附录四补充说明 ............................................................................. (131)第一章操作面板本系统采用铝合金立体操作面板,面板的整体外观如下图所示:篇三:gsk数控模拟软件(980tda)使用说明书gsk数控模拟软件(980tda)使用说明·模拟软件截图其视图部分主要分成以下几个部分:三维仿真视图、系统液晶显示屏幕窗口、系统编辑键盘窗口、系统机床面板窗口。


















该方案的优点是:技术成熟,外围元器件少,保护功能较完善,调试简单,便于扩功等二.电路的设计I. 直流稳压电源电路本方案选用了±12V的V电压。



它是由电源变压器、四只整流二极管D1~4和负载电阻R L组成。



在u2的正半周,D1、D3导通,D2、D4截止,电流由T R次级上端经D1→R L→D3回到T R 次级下端,在负载R L上得到一半波整流电压。



毕业设计论文题目双声道音频功放器专业应用电子技术班级电子姓名 ***学号 ***指导教师 ****二○一零年摘要本文所介绍的TDA2822双电源立体音频放大器,具有操作方便,音质效果好,使用一只扬声器就可输出左右音频的特点。




关键词:TDA2822 LM317 音频放大器功率电源Abstract:This article introduced the dual-power stereo audio amplifier TDA2822, is easy to operate, good sound quality, the use of a speaker characteristics can be left and right audio output. Also, the audio amplifier to drive voltage range from 2V to 15V dual power supply can be used as TDA2822 stereo audio amplifier power supply, the amplifier uses two types of power supply technology, first used as a power supply AC220V, built-in AC DC loading device for the audio amplifier for providing a stable working voltage, this time mainly used for indoor stationary use, can also use the power that comes with USB power cable, boot the computer case, directly into the USB on the computer motherboard hole for the audio amplifier power supply. This situation allows the audio amplifier for outdoor activities. While the audio amplifier power supply is used AC220V, through the diode rectifier bridge rectifier, and then after 2200 F filter, LM317 voltage regulator, the final output voltage 0 ~ 12V, 5V power supply of the audio amplifier.Keywords: TDA2822 LM317 Audio Amplifiers Power Power目录双声道功率放大器 (1)第一章功率放大器简介 (1)1.1 功率放大器种类 (1)1.1.1 A类放大器 (1)1.1.2 B类放大器 (1)1.1.3 AB类放大器 (2)1.1.4 D类放大器 (2)1.1.5 T类放大器 (2)1.2功率放大器选购 (3)1.3功率放大器原理 (3)1.4功率放大器的性能指标 (5)1.4.1输出功率 (5)1.4.2频率响应 (6)1.4.3失真 (6)1.4.4动态范围 (6)1.4.5信噪比 (6)1.4.6输出阻抗和阻尼系数 (6)1.5功率放大器术语详解 (7)1.5.1工作范围 (7)1.5.2工作模式 (7)1.5.3传输增益 (7)1.5.4输出功率 (8)1.5.5接收增益 (8)1.6阻抗匹配及防护措施 (8)1.6.1功率放大器的阻抗匹配 (8)第二章概述 (9)2.1设计目的及要求 (9)2.2技术指标: (9)第三章总体方案设计 (10)3.1设计方案方框图 (10)3.2方案选择与论证 (10)3.2.1 电源 (10)3.2.2音频放大 (11)第四章单元模块的设计 (13)4.1电源部分 (13)4.1.1 +5V输出 (13)4.1.2整流桥: (13)4.1.3稳压电路:采用LM317稳压芯片 (14)4.1.4 元器件说明 (14)4.2 功放部分 (14)4.2.1信号处理过程 (15)4.2.2 直流工作情况 (15)4.2.3 元器件说明 (15)第五章TDA2822的简介 (17)5.1 TDA2822特点概述 (17)5.2 TDA2822中文资料 (17)5.3电特性 (17)第六章总结 (20)第七章致谢 (21)参考文献 (22)双声道功率放大器第一章功率放大器简介利用三极管的电流控制作用或场效应管的电压控制作用将电源的功率转换为按照输入信号变化的电流。



TDA1220BAM-FM QUALITY RADIOThe TDA1220B is a monolithic integrated circuit in a 16-lead dual in-line package.It is intended for quality receivers produced in large quantities.The functions incorporated are:AM SECTION–Preamplifier and double balanced mixer –One pin local oscillator–IF amplifier with internal AGC –Detector and audio preamplifierFM SECTION–IF amplifier and limiter –Quadrature detector –Audio preamplifierThe TDA1220B is suitable up to 30MHz AM and for FM bands (including 450KHz narrow band) and features:–Very constant characteristics (3V to 16V)–High sensitivity and low noise –Very low tweetMarch 1993–Sensitivity regulation facility (*)–High recovered audio signal suited for stereo decoders and radio recorders–Very simple DC switching of AM-FM –Low current drain –AFC facility(*) Maximum AM sensitivity can be reduced by means of a resistor (5 to 12K Ω) between pin 4 and ground.1/18ParameterThermal resistance junction-ambientmaxTHERMAL DATAPIN CONNECTION (T op view)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( T amb = 25 °C, V s = 9V unless otherwise specified, refer to test circuit)AM SECTION (f = 1 MHz; f = KHz)FM SECTION (f = 10.8 MHz; f = 1 KHz)Figure 1. Test circuitFigure 2. PC board and component layout (1:1 scale) of the test circuitFigure 3. Audio output, noise and tweet levels vs. input signal (AM section)Figure 4. Distortion vs. input signal and modulation index (AM section)Figure 5. Audio output voltage (AM section)Figure 6. Audio output and noise level vs. input signal (FM section)Figure 7. Distortion vs. input signal (FM section)Figure 8. Audio output voltage (FM section)Figure 9. Amplitude modu-lation rejection vs. input signal (FM section)Figure 10. ∆ DC output voltage (pin. 9) vs. frequency shift (FM section)Figure 11. ∆ DC output voltage (pin 9) vs. ambienttemperature (FM section)APPLICATION INFORMATIONAM SectionRF Amplifier and mixer stagesThe RF amplifier stage (pin 2) is connected directly to the secondary winding of the ferrite rod antenna or input tuned circuit. Bias is provided at pin 4 which must be adequately decoupled. The RF amplifier provides stable performance extending beyond 30 MHz.The Mixer employed is a double - balanced multiplier and the IF output at pin 3 is connected directly to the IF filter coil.Local oscillatorThe local oscillator is a cross coupled differential stage which oscillates at the frequency determined by the load on pin 1.The oscillator resonant circuit is transformer coupled to pin 1 to improve the Q factor and frequency stability. The oscillator level at pin 1 is about 100 mV rms and the performance extends beyond 30 MHz, however to enhance the stability and reduce to a minimum pulling effects of the AGC operation or supply voltage variations, a high C/L ratio should be used above 10 MHz.An external oscillator can be injected at pin 1. The level should be 50 mV rms and pin 1 should be connected to the supply via a 100W resistor.IF Amplifier DetectorThe IF amplifier is a wide band amplifier with a tuned output stage.The IF filters can be either LC or mixed LC/ceramic.AM detection occurs at pin 7. A detection capacitor is connected to pin 6 to reduce the radiation of spurious detector products.The Audio output is at pin 9 (for either AM or FM); the IF frequency is filtered by an external capacitor which is also used as the FM mono de-enphasis network. The audio output impedance is about 7KΩ and a high impedance load (~ 50KΩ) must be used.AGCAutomatic gain control operates in two ways.With weak signals it acts on the IF gain, maintaining the maximum S/N. For strong signals a second circuit intervenes which controls the entire chain and allows signal handling in excess of one volt (m = 0.8).At pin 8 there is a carrier envelope signal which is filtered by an external capacitor to remove the Audio and RF content and obtain a mean DC signal to drive the AGC circuit.APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)FM SectionIF Amplifier and limiterThe 10.7 MHz IF signal from the ceramic filter is amplified and limited by a chain of four differential stages. Pin 16 is the amplifier input and has a typical input impedance of 6.5 KW in parallel with 14 pF at 10.7 MHz. Bias for the first stage is available at pin 14 and provides 100% DC feedback for stable operating conditions. Pin 15 is the second input to the amplifier and is decoupled to pin 14, which is grounded by a 20 nF capacitor. An RLC network is connected to the amplifier output and gives a 90° phase shift (at the IF centre frequency) between pins 13 and 12. The signal level at pin 13 is about 150 mV rmsFM DetectorThe circuit uses a quadrature detector and the choise of component values is determined by the acceptable level of distortion at a given recovered audio level.With a double tuned network the linearity improves (distortion is reduced) and the phase shift can be optimized; however this leads to a reduction in the level of the recovered audio. A satisfactory compromise for most FM receiver applications is shown in the test circuit.Care shoul be taken with the physical layout.The main recommandations are:•Locate the phase shift coil as near as possible to pin 13.•Shunt pins 14 and 16 with a low value resistor (between 56Ω and 330Ω).•Ground the decoupling capacitor of pin 14 and the 10.7 MHz input filter at the same point.AM-FM SwitchingAM-FM switching is achieved by applying a DC voltage at pin 13, to switch the internal reference. Typical DC voltages (refer to the test circuit)APPLICATION SUGGESTIONReccomended values are referred to the test circuit of Fig. 2.(*) Only for test circuitAPPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) Figure 12. Portable AM/FM radioAPPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)Figure 13. PC board and component layout of the fig. 12 1 : 1 scaleAPPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)F1 - 10.7 MHz IF CoilF3 and F5 - 455 KHz IF CoilF4 - FM Detector CoilF6 - AM Oscillator CoilL5 - Antenna Coilf (KHz)796TOKO - FM1 - 10x10 mm.154 AN - 7A5965RTOKO - AM3 - 10x10 mm.RLC - 4A7525NTOKO - 10x10 mm.KACS - K586 HMTOKO - 10x10 mm.RWO + 6A6574NWIRE: LITZ - 15x0.05 mm.CORE: 10x80 mm.APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)Typical performance of the radio receiver of fig. 12 (V s = 9V)APPLICATION INFORMATION(continued)Figure 14. Low cost 27 MHz receiverFigure 17. Low cost 27 MHz receiver with external xtal oscillatorFigure 15. L2 Oscillator coilFigure 16. L1 Antenna CoilCoil support: T oko 10KPrimary winding: 10 Turns of enamelled cop-per wire 0.16 mm diameter (pins 3-1).Secondary winding: 4 Turns copper wire 0.16 mm diameter (pins 6-4)Coil support: T oko 10KPrimary winding: as L2 (pins 3-1)Secondary winding: 2 Turns copper wire 0.16 mm diameter (pins 6-4)13/18APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)Figure 18. 455 KHz FM narrow band IFFigure 18. P.C. board and component layout of the circuit of fig. 18APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued)Figure 20. Discriminator "S" curve response (circuit of fig. 18)Figure 21. Application in sound channel of multistandard TV or in parallel AM modulated sound channel (AM section only).ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V s = 12V)AM Section (f o = 39MHz; f m = 15KHz)FM Section (f o = 5.5MHz; f m = 1KHz)Note: AM performance at 39MHz can be improved by mean of a selective preamplifier stage.DIP16 PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.© 1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands - Singapore -Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thaliand - United Kingdom - U.S.A.。



部分电视机CPU型号及简单代换部分电视机CPU型号及简单代换8879CPBNG6V38 海信CPU8873CPBNG6U73 创维CPUTOSHIBA-HAY-22、8873CSCNG6PR6 通用CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI1115 SVA CPU13-TB73-TM1V001、LC863332A-5T25、LC863332A-5S97 夏华CPU88CS38N-3P48、TMP88PS38 夏华K2918、K2926,解码TB1251TDA9381PS/N3/2/1741 索尼CPUTDA9381PS/N2/3I0837 LG CPUTDA9381PS/N2/3I0975 三星CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0939(Haier9373-V2.0)Haier9373-V1.0 海尔CPU V1.0的可以换空白存储器,按遥控器数字8、V+ 进总线LC863324B-54M2、LC863324A-5W21、LC863324C-55M5 海信CPUOM8370-A-3NC、NOM8370-A-1NC 海信、西湖、夏华、彩星CP-2156TCL-M18V3PNICAN、TCL-M11V1P 王牌CPUH13V02-T0、8829CSNG5CJ2、H13V01-T0 TCL CPUTDA9370PS/N2/AI1429(4706-D93705-64)3P36、4P36 创维CPU 4706-D83702-64CH05T1501 长虹CHD2590M37210M3-551SP日立25M8C CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0911(A01V01-PH)TDA9373PS/N2/AI0996 TCL 2990UHD0401、S3F880AXZZ 创维(3S30/5S30/5S31)MN152811TJS 松下CPU 85元LC863524C-55L7、53P4、52Y7、TH-50J2 杂牌CPULC863524C-55L6、55Y5、55K8 杂牌CPU87CK38N-3647(TMP87CK38N-3675、1C48)澳柯玛、松王M37221M6-309S 厦华R2920 CPUTDA9380PS/N1/IS0380(TCL-UOC-V01)王牌CPU,用TDA9383PS代替要把60脚接地13-T00S23-03M01、8879CSBNG6K02 乐华25G6BCH08T2602(8873CSANG6JH8)长虹CPUOM8373PS/N3/2/1870(4706-D83732-64)创维短管机专用CPULC863328A-51J8 嘉华CPU8803CPAN-3PE8(8823CPNG4JR6)换存储器、39脚,C205换1UF,ST6378B1/FKF 4S02-3008 创维数码3008TMP47C434N-3526 通用王牌TCL M14VBC 王牌CPUST6367BB1/BFX 不详LC863324A-5N09 海信CPULC864512V-5C77 海信CPUM34300N4-565SPKY88C94 夏华CPUM34300N4-555SP 日立CPULC863328A-5S15 高路华、海信CPUMC8902A-5Y83 熊猫、高路华CPUMC8904A-5Z25 熊猫、高路华、海信、西湖CPUM37210M3-807SP 康力CPUT-P-16 8823CPNG5RH6 熊猫CPU SAA5647HL/M1 飞利蒲CPUOM8373PS/N3/A/1914(OM8373PS/N3/A/1854)康佳短管CPUTMP47C634AN RC18 厦华CPUHAIER1132S、HAIER1532S 海尔21T8D-S、21F9G-Shisense 8803-1(8803CPBNG3VG6)8823CPNG3PE8 海信TC2111A 换存储器、39脚,C205换1UF,OM8370PS/N3/1(HZ10V01)(TOUL 12-02M00)TCL CPUHAIER8829-V2.0(8829CPNG4PG3)海尔CPUCH0504、CH0503 长虹CPUM34302M8-612SP SONY CPUCH04T1306 长虹CPUNOM8370-A-11B 西湖CPUTCL-T00Y12-02M01(LA76931)、TOOY12-01M01 TCL CPUCKP1302S1(8829CPNG6FP6)CKP1302S 康佳CPUP88P8432N、S3C8849X13-AQB7 嘉华CPU OM8373-B-3NC 海信TF2507FLC863328C-55N6、5T45 康佳CPUTDA9373PS/N2/AI0889、4706-D93731-64 5P30 创维CPULC863328B-53P5、LC863328C-56M9、LC863328B-52E4、50J1 SVA CPUR2J10160G8-A12FP、R2J1016008-A06FP 数源S21A07 等13-TOOS13-08M01、8873CSBNG6N15 TCL CPU8873CPANG6HV9 数源TJ21A23 CPU87CM38N-1K45、87CM38N-1U87 夏华XT-259ATAVC139 三洋CPULC863320A-5N94、LC863320A-5N17(3Y01)创维CPUCH05T1604(TDA9370PS/N2/AI0848)长虹超级芯片CH05T1607(TDA9370PS/N2/AI1092)TDA9370PS 长虹超级芯片CH05T1606(TDA9373PS/N2/AI1087)TDA9373PS 长虹超级芯片CH05T1630、OM8373PS/N3/A/1842(CH05T1621)长虹,按键功能错乱,伴音失控。



n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. BCK AOR WS Vref DATA AOL GND VDD n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c.
n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. BCK AOR WS Vref DATA AOL GND VDD n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c.
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
C54 R49
10K NE5532
1UF 10K
R39 C43 15K 5600P
RT4 100K
10K C44 2.2
R45 15K
R63 12V
IC3A NE5532
Sheet of Drawn By:



电子竞赛作品设计报告作品名称:ADS-228苹果迷你小音箱放大器专业年级:2015级汽车电子二班学生姓名:费精忠学号: 201507581222指导教师:电子信息工程学院摘要随着电子技术的发展,音箱越来越受到人们的关注和使用。







主要:音响/TDA2822芯片/制作目录1 概述 (2)1.1 迷你音响的亮点 (2)1.2 迷你音响的发展 (2)1.3 音响的技术指标 (2)2 核心元器件介绍 (3)2.1 电阻电容和二极管的介绍 (3)2.2 TDA2822的介绍 (4)3 电路的整体结构 (4)3.1 电路的工作原理 (4)3.2 功率放大器的工作原理 (4)4 安装与调试 (5)4.1 对元器件的前期准备 (5)4.2 PCB的焊接与安装 (6)4.3 音乐的调试 (7)制作感言 (8)参考文献 (9)音响放大器的设计与制作第一部分概述1.1 迷你音响的亮点迷你音响一般使用方便,外观华丽。




tda 7850反馈电容

tda 7850反馈电容

tda 7850反馈电容一、什么是TDA 7850反馈电容?TDA 7850反馈电容是一种电子元件,它被广泛应用于音频放大器电路中。


二、TDA 7850反馈电容的工作原理TDA 7850反馈电容的工作原理与普通的电容相似,它可以在两个导体之间存储电荷。

当信号通过音频放大器时,它会被输入到反馈回路中,然后被传送到TDA 7850反馈电容。




三、TDA 7850反馈电容的参数1. 容量:TDA 7850反馈电容通常具有1uF或2.2uF的容量。

2. 工作温度:-40℃至+105℃。

3. 额定电压:50V至100V。

4. 封装类型:TDA 7850反馈电容通常采用SMD封装。

四、TDA 7850反馈电容的应用TDA 7850反馈电容广泛应用于音频放大器中,以提高放大器的性能和稳定性。


此外,TDA 7850反馈电容还可以在其他电路中使用,例如DC-DC转换器、LED驱动器等。

五、如何正确选择TDA 7850反馈电容?1. 容量:根据具体的应用需求选择合适的容量。

2. 工作温度:根据实际工作环境选择适合的工作温度范围。

3. 额定电压:根据实际工作电压选择适合的额定电压。

4. 封装类型:根据具体的使用场景选择适合的封装类型。

六、如何正确安装TDA 7850反馈电容?1. 在安装前,请检查TDA 7850反馈电容是否损坏或变形。

2. 在安装时,请注意极性,并将正极连接到正极端口,负极连接到负极端口。

3. 在焊接时,请使用正确的焊接工具和技术,并遵循正确的焊接流程。

4. 在安装后,请检查焊接点是否牢固,是否存在短路或开路等问题。



T1 (KX-TDA0187)
E1 (KX-TDA0188)
OPB3 (KX-TDA0190)
DPH2 (KX-TDA0162)
(KX-TDA0108/ KX-TDA0104/ KX-TDA0103)
务必用一个空白槽盖将未安装任选服务卡的各槽盖上。 务必用一个空闲槽盖将未装入任选服务 卡的各槽盖上,请参考安装手册 “2.2.7 安装 / 拆卸任选服务卡”中的 “盖上空白槽”。
2.4 安装中继卡
: LCOT16
附件 ( 包括 ):螺丝 × 2 用户自备部件 ( 不包括 ):电缆连接器
检查包装箱内容。 主机 ×1 CD-ROM ( 手册等 ) × 1
带铁氧体磁芯的 AC 线 * × 1
螺丝 A × 3 (KX-TDA100) × 4 (KX-TDA200)
螺丝 B ( 黑色 ) × 2 (KX-TDA100) × 6 (KX-TDA200)
锚定插塞 × 3 (KX-TDA100) × 4 (KX-TDA200)
: BRI8
TX2(-) RX1(-) RX2(+) TX1(+)
附件 ( 包括 ):无 用户自备部件 ( 不包括 ):RJ45 连接器
注 • LINE 5 至 LINE 8 仅用于 BRI8 卡。 • 应将这些任选服务卡通过 NT1 接至中继线;请勿直接与中继线相连接。 • 这些任选服务卡具有 100 的端子电阻。 为了使用点到多点的连接,必须将这些卡放置在

TDA7375-TDA7377-TDA7379 HIFI 2.1声道低音功放模块产品规格书

TDA7375-TDA7377-TDA7379 HIFI 2.1声道低音功放模块产品规格书

TDA7375、TDA7377、TDA7379 HIFI 2.1声道功放模块产品规格书浙江剑飞电子目录前言 (3)一、芯片兼容 (4)二、板载材料标准 (4)2.1产品PCB标准 (4)2.2主芯片(TDA7375/TDA7377/TDA7379) (5)2.3前级芯片(4558/5532/AD827) (5)2.4板载电容 (6)2.4.1黑金刚 (6)2.4.2红宝石( Rubycon) (6)2.4.3日本埃尔纳公司(ELNA) (7)2.4.4威马(WIMA) (7)2.4.5爱普科斯(EPCOS) (8)2.4.6 台湾立隆 (8)2.4.7电容板载 (8)2.5其它配件材料 (9)2.5.1电位器 (9)2.5.2整流桥 (10)2.5.3莲花接线座 (10)2.5.4接线端子 (10)2.5.5稳压模块 (10)三、电路设计 (10)3.1技术指标 (11)3.2布局和接线 (12)3.3音箱选配配置参考 (13)四、元器件清单 (14)五、HIFI 2.1成品模块图片 (15)前言TDA7375/TDA7377/TDA7379是ST公司(意法半导体公司全球第五大半导体公司服务所有电子细分市场的领先集成器件制造商)生产的双声道汽车专用IC这款芯片采用的是BTL的输出形式,外围原件极少但是音质极佳,安装也非常的方便,封装为15脚双列直插式。







机房设备摆放不 规范,可以集中 一个机框内 RC004-1DC, 每张插卡对应一 个客户端设备
三、PDH 光端机提供业务能力
厂家 烽火 帧网通
8M 16M ELAN800+M ELAN2000
RC802-30B RC802-30B-BL RC802-30B-FV
Ÿ 扩频通信 Ÿ 微波通信 Ÿ 卫星通信

一、PDH 光端机在网络中的哪里 二、常见的PDH光端机有哪些 三、PDH 光端机提供业务能力 四、PDH 光端机的简单维护
一、PDH 光端机在网络中的哪里
型号 EL-E1D-C75/120 EL-E1F-C75/120 EL-VD+-C EL-E1Q-C75/120 EL-S10S-C(2M)
ELAN2000 V V V V V
四、PDH 光端机的简单维护
4.2 帧网通ELAN800+M 的维护(续)
• 它的作用是接口与协议的转换 • 产生背景:早期各种通信网络(LAN、WAN、 PSTN等),由于发展时期与背景有所不同,从而 产生了很多标准不同的接口。
Ÿ 多模光纤(Multi-Mode) 在一定的工作波长下 (850nm/1300nm),有多个模式在光纤中传输,这种光 纤称之为多模光纤。由于色散或像差,因此,这种光 纤的传输性能较差,频带较窄,传输容量也比较小, 距离比较短。



率 70%,
收率也 99%以 。
发工 在
发器 发 油, 收 TDA。 2012 年, ” BASF
提出采用? 发工 收 油中 mCTDA 的工
利 mCTDA 的 发[15]。 中国专利
CN3339278OB[4]对薄膜蒸发工艺采用的薄膜蒸发 器及其操作进行了具体描述。经过薄膜蒸发浓缩
( 2)1NTDA 路径。 TDA 的 位异 体 2, 3N
TDA和3 5NDA,在DNT氢化催化剂表面的微区提
供的氧化环境中,邻位异构体可以脱水反应生成二 氨基-二甲基-吩嗪类物质,当然芳香环也可以被氢
。 反应,也会导致焦油的形成 匈牙利Misholc大学教
授?bu—m J与博苏化学公司合作研究,通过对反
#g> H:mNTDA M# 1NTDA M#[3]。

, 化的分离
温度200 C、压力4 kPa、转速参数34 Omin、进料
率 1 35 mL Lmnn,
分离 到34甲苯
二。 .论 夹

发工 , \b>





C .“水立方”采用的ETFE 膜(乙烯-四氟乙烯共聚物)是一种高分子材料,可通过加聚反应合成D .我国率先合成的全碳纳米材料石墨炔具有重要的应用前景,石墨炔与石墨烯互为同素异形体 8.设N A 为阿伏伽德罗常数的值,下列说法中正确的是A .12g 质量分数为25%的甲醛水溶液中含有氢原子数目为1.2N AB .常温下1molC 5H 10分子中含有σ键的数目为14N AC .pH=1的H 2SO 4溶液与足量的Zn 反应产生的氢气分子数目为0.05N AD .0.1mol FeI 2与0.1molCl 2 反应时,转移电子的数目为0.3N A9.丹参素(Salvianic acid A )是丹参水溶性成分中的主要药效成分之一,具有祛瘀、生新、活血等作用,其结构如图所示。

下列说法中错误的是A .丹参素的分子式为C 9H 10O 5B .丹参素与氢气加成后所得分子中有3个手性碳原子C .1mol 该有机物最多可消耗3molNa 2CO 3D .一定条件下丹参素可发生消去、氧化、酯化等反应10.根据操作及现象,下列结论中正确的是味气体生成。

其中Z 、W 同主族,简单离子Y 2-与Z 2+具有相同的电子结构。

下列叙述不正确的是A .原子半径:W >Z >X >YB .Z 单质可以与XY 2发生反应C .W 与X 可形成离子化合物D .氢化物的沸点:Y >X12.己知双极膜中的催化层可将水解离为H +和OH -,并实现其定向通过。




2.1 K/N系列2.1.1彩电配置一览表主要IC:超级芯片TDA9380或TDA93832.1.2总线调整方法机型:TDA9380掩膜后的型号为CKP1402SA,代表机型有:P2162K、T2168K、T2168N、P2179K、T2176N、T2176K等;TDA9383掩膜后的型号为CKP1403SA,代表机型有:T3468K、P3460K、P2960K、P2961K、P2962K、P2962K1、P2998K、T2975K、T2968K、T2976K、T2968N、P2562K、P2579K、T2568K、T2568N按MENU(菜单)键调出菜单显示(注:菜单显示时间为10s),在菜单未消失前连续按回看键5次便可进入工厂调整菜单。





检修提示:进入维修状态,在维修菜单5内设有伴音制式设定项目,其中SOUND FILTER 即是伴音滤波器选择设定项目,数据为"00"时,选择内部SIF电路处理全制式伴音信号;"01"时,选择外部电路处理6.5MHz伴音信号;"02"时,选择外部电路处理6.0MHz伴音信号;"03"时,选择外部电路处理全制式伴音信号。













关键字:集成功率放大器 TDA2822 音频放大器目录一、概述 (4)1.1 设计概述 (4)1.2 设计目标及要求 (4)1.3 技术指标 (4)二、TDA2822立体音频放大器的总体设计方案 (4)2.1 设计方案原理 (4)2.2 设计方案框图和电路图 (5)三、实际测试及结果分析 (7)3.1 直流测试 (7)3.2 交流测试 (7)四、所需元器件介绍 (7)五、芯片TDA2822介绍 (8)5.1、芯片概述 (8)5.2、芯片特点 (8)5.3、TDA2822功能框图 (9)5.4、TDA2822的引脚功能配置 (9)六、设计时遇到的问题 (10)七、设计心得体会 (10)八、参考文献 (11)一、概述1.1设计概述本文所介绍的TDA2822立体音频放大器,具有操作方便,音质效果好,使用一只扬声器就可输出左右音频的特点。



PANASONIC TDA600 交换机标准招标文件6:55 PM目录1.总体技术规范1.1.供应商的资质1.1.1.语音交换机生产商必须在国内有实体公司,如合资公司,在国内开展业务2年以上.1.1.2.语音交换机生产厂家或其代理在国内具有很强的售后服务能力,最好能提供原厂商的直接服务.1.1.3.语音交换机供应商及其产品应在国内具有案例,并成功运行一年以上.1.1.4.语音交换机的设备制造商必须具有ISO9001质量体系认证书. 1.2.语音交换机的资质1.2.1.语音交换机需要提供国家强制性质量认证,即3C认证. 1.2.2.语音交换机需要提供信息产业部交换机入网证.1.2.3.语音交换机需要提供信息产业部ISDN入网证2.语音交换机基本技术要求2.1.语音交换机体系结构要求2.1.1.语音交换机应是提供传统语音交换与IP通信的基础平台,同时作为当前信息化建设的基础平台,满足当前企事业单位传统业务与多媒体业务的需求.同时作为新型的IP基础平台,作为底层分组交换网络与上层IP应用服务器的载体,语音交换机需内置IP多媒体通讯相关设备.2.1.2.系统体系结构需满足当前流行的NGN技术发展趋势.系统提供纯IP通信支持,同时兼容传统的TDM交换网络,支持IP与TDM融合式的语音通信体系结构.2.2.语音交换机硬件结构要求2.2.1.语音交换机采用分布式控制结构,即每块功能板卡都有独立的CPU用于功能板卡的呼叫控制处理,系统主处理器CPU非外接服务器采用32位主频在200M以上处理芯片,外存采用现行流行的可移动存储介质如:SD卡,以提供系统在稳定运行后,对系统数据的热备份.2.2.2.语音交换机的硬件遵循数字时分无阻塞的交换体系结构,. 2.2.3.系统提供数字专用分机板卡,同时提供普通分机板卡,各类板卡端口数可按要求配置8路、16路.2.2.4.系统各功能板卡集成网络控制、DTMF等资源.2.2.5.语音交换机的各机架槽位无时隙限制.即:系统板卡可以插在机架内的任意槽位,且各类板卡如:PRI/E1等只占用一个槽位.2.2.6.系统在无须附加硬件的前提下,分机端口支持追加端口功能,数字分机端口支持数字追加端口功能,即使用两芯线可以同时连接两个独立的数字分机.2.2.7.语音交换机的支持多种组网硬件板卡E&M 、E1、PRI、T1. 2.2.8.语音交换机提供多种外部接口如:1个以上寻呼广播接口,1个以上外部音乐源接口,1个高速USB接口用于系统编程或CTI接口,1个RS232接口用于计费或编程.2.2.9.CTI接口采用业界流行的USB接口,或LAN接口,系统提供本品牌原厂的PMS接口.2.3.语音交换机软件结构要求2.3.1.语音交换机系统软件支持所有的通信终端,包括:模拟电话,数字电话,IP电话,终端,DECT话机,2.4G话机.2.3.2.系统软件提供各类开放式CTI接口协议如:CSTA III、TAPI,以基于此平台开发适应于企业运作流程的通信应用软件.2.3.3. CTI接口支持USB接口协议或TCP/IP协议.2.3.4.语音交换机软件支持传统PBX所有的电话功能,同时又支持IP 应用的电话功能,并支持无绳电话的应用功能.2.3.5.语音交换机软件可支持本地以太网TCP/IP通信连接,系统IP地址是可管理的.2.3.6.语音交换机软件系统及板卡升级操作简单,系统所有的程序软件及系统数据都可以存储在移动存储媒体内.通过更新移动存储媒体内的数据即可实现系统的升级.系统升级要求不需要进行任何硬件设备的修改和插拨,也不需要中止系统的工作.2.4.语音交换机可靠性要求2.4.1.语音交换机采用高集成电路元器件,所有功能板卡采用4层电路板设计.2.4.2.语音交换机所有功能板卡支持热插拨,在系统部分功能板卡故障时,无须开关机既可更换功能板卡.2.4.3.语音交换机电源内置后备电池充放电路,无须外接开关电源或充放电适配器,当系统电源故障时,通过充放电路所连接的后备电池供电. 2.5.语音交换机IP语音服务质量要求2.5.1.语音交换机VOIP通信应是系统内置模块,且支持自动消侧音回波技术2.5.2.语音交换机应支持基于目前业界标准的QOS服务:优先排队TOS、区别服务Diffserv、QOS优先级的IEEE 标准2.5.3.语音交换机VOIP通信模块应具JITTER缓冲技术,以缓和由于IP网络传输带来的抖动、延时、包丢失对通话质量的影响.2.5.4.语音交换机VOIP通信模块语音编码应支持G.729a / . 2.5.5.语音交换机VOIP通信模块应支持传真发送,且支持DTMF信号音传送功能.2.5.6.语音交换机VOIP通信模块应支持VLAN功能隔离LAN的端口. 2.5.7.语音交换机VOIP通信模块应支持RTP头的压缩RTP header compression.2.6.语音交换机性能指标要求2.6.1.语音交换机最大忙时呼叫完成数BHCC值不低于万,最大忙时呼叫处理能力BHCA值不低于万.2.6.2.语音交换机平均无故障间隔MTBF大于年,平均修复时间MTTR 小于小时.2.6.3.单台呼叫处理器最大用户容量大于1008门,多台呼叫处理并行工作最大用户容量大于门.2.6.4.单台呼叫处理器最大中继容量大于640条.多条呼叫处理器并行工作不少于15000条.2.6.5.单台呼叫处理器最大同时登录的座席数量大于400个,多台呼叫处理器并行工作不少于个.2.6.6.模拟用户板支持留言灯功能,模拟分机支持来电显示功能2.6.7.模拟用户板单板数量不低于16路,数字用户板单板支持终端连接数量不低于30路,IP用户板单板数量不低于50路.3.语音交换机电话功能要求3.1.基本电话功能自动设定ISDNBRI自动路径选择ARS / 节费路由LCR背景音乐预算管理Budget Management弹性群组忙线设定Busy on Busy计算机电话整合CTI来话驻留及显示功能同群代接来话号码显示DTMF/FSK服务等级线路保密延迟振铃外线多点振铃直入分机DID直拨分机DISA门口机 / 开门锁回音消除功能分机上锁紧急电话数字及模拟功能话机兼容KX-T72 / 74 / 73 / 77系列外部背景音乐外部侦测信输入/外部继电器信号输出弹性分机编码1~4码混编浮动分机接待语录制大型交换机介接操作码搜寻群来话紧急转接来话分配群截听路由-忙线或勿打扰截听路由-无应答外线截听点MPRMain Processing、卡片、基地台软件下载功能管理者功能多语言支持在线系统诊断快速设定远程告警通知经由DISA远程控制分机状态遥控分机上锁响铃群特殊固网接取码详细分机记费系统内存扩充租赁服务闹铃设定服务时段设定日间/夜间/午间/午茶长途拨号限制外线群组平均话务分配UCD使用者群组VIP Call来话分机号码显示总机功能计算机值机台PC Console / 计算机电话PC Phone计算机程序设定广群群自动交递功能Automatic Handover耳机插孔来话及发话号码纪录无线并接模式震动功能语音信箱自动架构快速设定来话跟随至语音信箱来电者号码纪录至留言信箱截听路由至语音信箱在线留言监听 LCS情报收集服务经语音信箱遥控交换机设定语音信箱转接回叫语音信箱队列功能语音信箱整合数字/DTMF语音信箱群组语音信箱留言转发双向录音双向录音转发预付话费服务电话保留发话方号码不显示CLIR发话方号码示CLIPCCBS受话方号码显示COLP受话方号码不显示COLR直入分机DDI来话跟随无条件/无应答/.忙线ISDN来话转接ISDN分机恶意来话身份辨识MCID多重子号服务MSN不在讯息设定帐码输入自动重拨老板/秘书功能来话跟随无条件跟随、忙线时、忙线或无应答、跟随我、来话群组跟随电话保留同群代接直接代接拒绝代接电话转接监控电话转接不监控单键转接转接回叫三方会议电话八方会议电话拨号型式选择Pulse/DTMF数字额外扩充分机DXDP二部数字话机共享一数位分机端口直接单键应答勿打扰DND中继台DSS忙线插话分机电话簿通话时间限制分机至外线外部功能操作EFA弹性功能键全双工免持扩音功能免持听筒操作耳机/话筒设定选择超大显示屏及背景灯登入/注销留言点灯留言点灯加留言讯息显示多国语言显示多阶来话跟随功能4阶保留音乐复线通话单键速拨广播拒绝广播、转接广播强制广播、紧急广播预录语音并接话机数字/模拟功能话机+单机、数字功能话机/单机 +无线手机末码重拨遥控分机控制持殊固网接取码系统速拨个人速拨日期时间显示Tone / Pulse 信号转换广播振铃 TAFAS移动服务等级密语复线通话整理时间设定Wrap up配合UCD群组设定额外扩充分机端口XDP3.2.特殊功能最经济路由选择:自动根据时间段选择最优惠的IP线路主处理MPR、任选板卡的软件及数据下载系统内存扩充VIP通话:系统自动识别公司主要客户,优先处理其的来电小型呼叫中心功能:来电分配群:提供响铃、UCD、优先搜索三种分配类型来话排队功能溢出功能群前转功能收转功能wrap up:系统自动预留话务员接听电话后的资料处理时间注册/注销功能来话平均分配UCD:可将进入群组的电话平均分配给每个话务员来电搜索群:提供循环、终止两种群内搜索类型及溢出功能多方会议:系统最多支持10个三方会议至8个4方会议的扩展.多次呼叫转送:最多可达4次DXDP功能:一个数字端口可连接2个数字话机VOIP组网功能QSIG组网功能外线来电截取到外线3.3.增值电话服务3.3.1.外部传呼机呼叫中继线应答:当收到一个来电呼叫时,通过外部广播机发送一个振铃音.任何分机用户都可应答该呼叫.3.3.2.ISDN自动设置Automatic Setup:系统有以下两个自动设置功能:1 ISDN 自动配置:ISDN BRI端口配置可以通过系统编程自动设定.使用为每个ISDN BRI端口分配的用户号码,通过打电话和接听电话将设定以下各项:a L1 主动方式; b L2 数据链路方式; c 接入方式点对点/ 点对多点; d TEI 分配方式固定00 - 63/ 自动2时间自动调整:可以通过可带时间的来电显示调整时间,也可以定时设置夏令时时间3.3.3.呼叫寄存:分机用户能将保持的呼叫放入集团电话的一个普通寄存区.该呼叫寄存功能可以用作一个转移功能;该功能使用户不用理会寄存呼叫去完成别的操作.寄存呼叫可由任何分机用户恢复.3.3.4.呼叫线路识别分配:当来电的识别号码例如:来电显示与系统预先设定号码匹配时,将一个中继线电话直接发到目的终端.每个来电显示号码如果已经编程设置可以有它自己的目的地.3.3.5.数据线安全:一旦在一部分机上设置了数据线路安全,分机与对方之间的通信就受到保护,免受各种信号如呼叫等待,保持重呼和主管遇忙优先插入的干扰.与数据装置例如:传真机相接的的分机可以设定此功能,以便在通信过程中保持数据安全传送,免受其他分机信号音的干扰或中断,同时也防止电磁等干扰因素对呼叫的影响.3.3.6.来电群:发到一个来电呼叫分配群的来电呼叫通过使用分配方法,被分配到群中的成员分机.当群中的预编程分机号码占线时,来电呼叫就可以排队等候.为了处理来电呼叫,根据需要,每个来电呼叫分配群和成员分机都可以编程.打到该群的电话可以用一部分配为管理员管理员分机的分机监听.以下为来电群功能要求示意图.3.3.7.监控话机:空闲:用户/中继/中继组空闲固定的可视通告:用户/中继/中继组忙短期或长期振铃通知的短暂可视通告:用户/中继/中继组被呼叫监督人可以应答被监督对象的进来的呼叫,使用监督键直接呼叫相关用户或从被监督的中继/中继组进行呼叫.3.3.8.远程用户话机控制:用户可以通过PSTN或其它呼入线路,远程改变功能设定例如:FWD以及从集团电话内外改变他自己分机的定时服务方式.3.3.9.分机迁移可移动分机:对于移动办公人员,没有指定的办公电话,他可以使用任何分机,当他把分机迁移到新的位置时,仍可使用分配在先前分机上的同样功能.可以在新分机上保留之前的设置,如分机号码、单键拨号储存、呼叫转移设定、功能键设定等.3.3.10.系统故障告警:当发生集团电话故障而且集团电话检测到它时,在预先设置的功能话机上的系统警报键灯的红灯点亮.按该键将在显示上显示故障号.如果发生多种故障,故障编号将按最高优先顺序至最低优先顺序显示.在显示了所有的故障编号后,系统警报键灯自动熄灭.3.3.11.多运营商选择:最廉路由功能将允许每个呼叫直接或间接接入到最具成本效益的运营商.这个服务对用户是透明的,并且不考虑物理的运营商连接.目的电话号码必须被修改以适应运营商编号方式方案通过增加、消除或转换数字,但是被拨的号码和被修改的号码必须都被存储在收费记录单中.3.3.12.摘机呼叫通知:分机用户可以通过被叫方功能话机的机内扬声器和麦克风与一部占线分机通话.如果现有电话正在使用话筒,使用电话扬声器和麦克风可以进行第二个通话,这样,被叫分机就能与双方通话.方广播会议:功能话机用户可以呼叫分配为群成员的多方,以便发布语音通知.一个成员应答呼叫后,来电者就可以开始发布会议.其它成员的电话将继续振铃,每一个成员都可通过应答呼叫听取会议.系统至少允许30方会议成员加入.每次有成员应答呼叫时,来电者将听到一个确认音.发布通知过程中,不会听到成员的声音.但是,来电者可以允许特定的成员发言,其他成员可以听到这个通话.3.4.酒店部分:。








三、TDA7828功放芯片引脚定义1. 电源引脚1.1 VCC:正电源输入引脚,建议输入电压范围为9V至18V。

1.2 GND:负电源输入引脚。

2. 输入引脚2.1 INL+:左声道正极输入引脚。

2.2 INL-:左声道负极输入引脚。

2.3 INR+:右声道正极输入引脚。

2.4 INR-:右声道负极输入引脚。

3. 输出引脚3.1 OUTL+:左声道正极输出引脚。

3.2 OUTL-:左声道负极输出引脚。

3.3 OUTR+:右声道正极输出引脚。

3.4 OUTR-:右声道负极输出引脚。

4. 控制引脚4.1 STBY:待机控制引脚,当该引脚电平为低电平时,芯片处于待机状态;当该引脚电平为高电平时,芯片处于工作状态。

4.2 MUTE:静音控制引脚,当该引脚电平为低电平时,芯片处于静音状态;当该引脚电平为高电平时,芯片处于非静音状态。















拓扑数据分析在生物医学数据分析、社交网络分析、图像处理、材料科学等领域的应用研究摘要:拓扑数据分析 (TDA) 是一种新兴的数据分析方法,它利用拓扑学原理来揭示数据的内在结构和几何特征。

近年来,TDA 在生物医学数据分析、社交网络分析、图像处理和材料科学等领域展现出巨大潜力,并取得了显著成果。

本文将深入探讨 TDA 在这些领域的应用研究进展,分析其优势、局限性和未来发展方向。

关键词:拓扑数据分析,持久同调,生物医学数据分析,社交网络分析,图像处理,材料科学1. 拓扑数据分析概述1.1 拓扑数据分析的基本概念拓扑数据分析 (TDA) 是一种基于拓扑学原理的分析方法,主要用于提取数据中的全局结构信息。


TDA 的核心概念是持久同调 (persistent homology),它能够描述数据在不同尺度下的拓扑结构,并以持久性图 (persistence diagram)的形式展示出来。


1.2 拓扑数据分析的优势与传统的分析方法相比,TDA 具有以下优势:*对噪声和数据维度不敏感: TDA 可以有效地处理高维数据和含有噪声的数据,并揭示数据的内在结构。

*提供全局信息: TDA 可以揭示数据中的全局结构信息,而不是仅仅关注局部特征。

*可视化: TDA 提供了直观的持久性图来可视化数据的拓扑结构,便于理解和解释。

*应用广泛: TDA 可以应用于各种领域,包括生物医学数据分析、社交网络分析、图像处理、材料科学等。

1.3 拓扑数据分析的局限性尽管 TDA 具有许多优势,但它也存在一些局限性:*计算复杂度: TDA 的计算过程可能比较复杂,特别是对于大规模数据,需要高效的算法和硬件支持。

*模型解释: TDA 的结果需要专业的知识和经验来解释,目前缺乏通用的解释框架。

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TDA-Thread Dump AnalyzerTDA-Thread Dump Analyzer Published September,2008Copyright©2006-2008Ingo Rockel<irockel@>Table of Contents1.General (1)1.1.Request Thread Dumps (2)1.2.Thread Dump Parsing (2)1.3.Regular Expression For Time Stamps (6)ing Filters (7)ing Categories (8)1.6.Deadlocks (8)1.7.Sessions (9)1.8.Long Running Threads (9)1.9.Heavy Load Analysis (10)1.10.JConsole Plugin (10)1.11.VisualVM Plugin (11)2.Analyzing production environments (13)2.1.Dumping Information about running threads (13)2.2.Long running thread detection on Solaris (15)2.3.Analyzing the heap profile (15)3.Application Analysis using JConsole (16)3.1.Remote application access (16)3.2.Requesting Dumps (16)3.3.Plugins For JConsole (16)A.References (17)List of Figures1.1.Welcome Screen (1)rmation about the selected dump (3)1.3.Thread Dump View (4)1.4.Monitors used by threads (5)1.5.Class Histogram of selected dump (6)1.6.A filter filtering jgroups threads (7)1.7.A Custom Category (8)1.8.Long running threads detection (9)1.9.TDA JConsole Plugin (11)1.10.TDA VisualVM Plugin (12)2.1.TDA giving hints about selected dump (14)2.2.Long running threads detection (15)1General This chapter gives an introduction on how to use the TDA-Thread Dump Analyzer.TDA parses your log files and displays all found thread dumps and class histograms reported from a Sun JVM1.4.x or better,SAP VM or HP-UX VM.Class Histograms are not included in the thread dumps by default but need a special JVM-Flag to be dumped with the thread dump(see below). As TDA does everything offline and thread dumps have very low impact on the VM(including the class histogram option),it can be used for production environments.Figure1.1.Welcome ScreenTDA can also be used as plugin in JConsole or VisualVM for requesting thread dumps from a remote virtual machine using JMX.See JConsole Plugin for further information on using it as JConsole Plugin and see VisualVM Plugin for information concerning VisualVM..1.1.Request Thread DumpsThere are different methods to request a thread dump from a running applications,either using a kill Signal on UNIX,using a little tool on windows,since Java1.5using jstack or via Java Management Extensions(JMX).Using a kill-Signal.For requesting a thread dump,you need to send a kill-QUIT-Signal to the Java VM.For this you the PID of the VM is required and then do a kill-QUIT<PID>in a Unix Environment.On Windows there is a special tool for ac-complishing this,e.g.SendSignal.See the References for a link to the homepage of this tool.It does the same like kill-QUIT on Unix.Note though,if you're using the remote connection on windows,you need to start the connection with mstsc.exe /console otherwise you won't have sufficient rights to use the tool.The JDK will write the thread-dump to standard-out. E.g.if your application is running in a tomcat,this would be catalina.out in a default tomcat installation.In other situations this might just be the console where the application was started from.Using Java Management Extensions(JMX).Since Sun's Java Version1.5JMX is bundled with the JDK.The JDK also in-cludes a small JMX client application JConsole,which can be used to connect to a running application using JMX.TDA is available as a plugin for JConsole.JMX is also available with VisualVM,a new troubleshooting tool.included in recent Java 1.6JVM's.See Application Analysis using JConsole for detailed information on how to use JConsole with the TDA Plugin. Using jstack.Also starting with Sun's JDK1.5you can also request a thread dump using the JVM utility jstack.jstack prints the thread dump into the shell window where you called it.To use the dump in TDA,pipe the output into a log file and open this file.To analyze multiple dumps just append them to the log file.jstack also allows you to get thread dumps from javacore-files,either dumped on an OutOfMemoryError or using the JVM tool jmap.On the windows platform this tool is available starting with JDK1.6.It is not available at all on the linux-ia64platform.1.2.Thread Dump ParsingOpen the log file you want to analyse,TDA will search for all thread dumps in this log file and displays them in a tree.Up to Sun's JDK1.5the VM doesn't log any date information when the dump was requested,you can provide a regular expression in the Preferences which is then used for parsing the lines before the thread dump to get a time stamp(see below for an example). In JDK1.6a time stamp is logged just before the dump,the default regular expression is set up to parse this time stamp.In Regular Expression For Time Stamps you will find information about how to set up your own regular expression for time stamp parsing.rmation about the selected dumpFor each thread dump TDA sums up all found threads and all monitors found in the threads,it also groups threads waiting on, for and locking monitors.Clicking on the dump nodes itself will provide you with information about the dump.If there is something special about it,TDA will give you some hints about what it found and what to do next.Figure1.3.Thread Dump ViewIf you want to focus on a lock found in a thread you can just click on the monitor,TDA will then expand the Monitor node of the thread dump and focuses the clicked monitor.It will also give you information about the monitor,if there is something spe-cial about, has no obvious thread locking the monitor but others waiting for it.Starting here you can easily see if a thread is hanging and holding a lock which a lot of other threads are waiting for.If there aren't any locking threads but only waiting threads it is very likely the garbage collector is locking the monitor currently.In this case you will get a hint telling you about this.Figure1.4.Monitors used by threadsIf you added the-XX:+PrintClassHistogram to the VM-Parameters you will also see the class histogram for a thread dump, presented as node of the dump.Here you can examine all objects in the heap at the time of the thread dump.You can sort this view and filter it using the Filter Expression.IMPORTANTThere is a bug in early1.5.x releases preventing the class histogram to be printed if any other than the concurrentmark sweep garbage collector is used.Figure1.5.Class Histogram of selected dumpIf you use the loggc option with your VM to log the garbage collection information into a different log file,the class histogram will go into this log file instead of standard out and the TDA will not find it by default.To add the class histogram from a log-gc file you need to use Open loggc the popup menu of the thread dump pane.TDA will then parse this file backward and adds the found class histograms to the thread dumps starting with the last dump.You can added multiple loggc-files,TDA will then continue after the last one where it added a class histogram with the last loggc-logfile or uses the dump you clicked on.If your log file contains a lot of thread dumps done during one session of the VM,you can use Find long running threads in the tools menu to extract long running threads from the thread dumps.Currently this does also show waiting threads,so you need to search for threads actually doing e appropriate filters to filter out all idle and uninteresting threads from the result.1.3.Regular Expression For Time StampsBecause the Sun JDK(<=1.5.x)doesn't provide any time information when dumping threads,a regular expression time stamp parsing for each line in the log file is included.TDA matches every line to the regular expression given in the preferences and stores the first matching group if the regular expression matches the line.It then takes the last match found as time stamp for the next thread dump to get a time stamp nearest to the thread dump.An example for such a regular expression is(\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d).*This expression matches lines like06/02/1414:54:04at TDA takes the first capturing group of the expression as time stamp.In this example the\d is for digits and the capturing group is included in the brackets and matches<i>06/02/1414:54:04</i>.This is stored as timestamp for the next thread dump.Starting with JDK1.6the SUN JDKs print out a time stamp in the line before the dump.There is a default regular expression which recognizes this time stamp.If the timestamp is stored in milliseconds since1970there is a checkbox in the preferences Parsed timestamp is a long repres-enting msecs since1970to tell TDA to convert the parsed time stamp from milliseconds into a human readable time stamp.See References for detailed information about the regular expressions in FiltersTo filter out sleeping and uninteresting threads in your view you can use filters to just ignore these threads.For example if you use jgroups in your application and don't want to see als the STACKs and QUEUEs of jgroups you can specify something like that seen in the next screenshot.Figure1.6.A filter filtering jgroups threadsThe status bar will provide information about the number of filtered threads and how many are remaining.Note that changes to the filters only apply after you changed a view.The filter changes will not be applied to the currently displayed thread view. Filters can be used to match different parts of the thread information.You can match or search in stack,title and you can check for the thread state the thread is in.Filters can be including or excluding.The example above is a excluding filter which checksif org.jgroups is in the stack information of a thread.If a specified filter should be applied to all displayed categories,the Default checkbox needs to be checked.Filters which aren't applied to all categories can be used in custom CategoriesIf you have special groups of threads in your application or application environment,e.g.request pool threads,you can define custom thread dump categories for grouping these threads so you can easier access them if you want to check for specific data in these threads.Figure1.7.A Custom CategoryThe Screenshot shows a custom category grouping all pool threads in an application using Java NIO as API to parse input stream data.A category consist of at least one filter.For this category a filter JCSNioFilter was defined which filters all these threads and which is inactive as default filter so it isn't applied to the other categories(default and custom ones).If a category doesn't contain any threads it is automatically hidden.1.6.DeadlocksIf the JVM finds a java level deadlock in your application it logs this into the thread dump.This information will be displayed in the deadlock node of the dump.There is also a hint concerning the found deadlock(s)in the dump summary.Note though,it doesn't have any deadlock detection for java level deadlocks itself,it relies on the deadlock detection of the VM.TDA also tries to find deadlocks which might be caused by some external resources or some remote communication and can'tbe found by the Java VM.If there are indication for such a deadlock,TDA will display information concerning this in the dump summury and gives you hints what to do next.1.7.SessionsIf you opened several logfiles and you want to quit TDA and go back to this logfiles later,you can store the open logfiles to a session file.The logfile tree then is dumped into a session file for later usage.You must keep the logfiles if you want to be able to browse them again.For the tree navigation they are not necessary.Note that session are only supported for one version of TDA,they are not exchangeable between different versions.1.8.Long Running ThreadsA common usecase for thread dump analysis is the long running thread detection.TDA offers some help for finding these long running threads.The"Find long running threads"option in the tools menu or from the popup menu in the main tree checks for long running threads in marked thread dumps in the main tree.Figure1.8.Long running threads detectionThe analysis is quite simple though,it just compares the thread names and if they match adds the thread to the result.A regular expression can be specified for filtering just the interesting threads.The usual filters are also applied to the result view of the analysis to filter out uninteresting threads.For a useful result appropriate filters should be specified to filter out all sleeping and uninteresting threads.HINTThe long running threads detection is a bit picky about the selected nodes for the detection.You should only se-lect thread dump root nodes otherwise the detection might through an exception as it doesn't know what to dowith the selected nodes.You also always should select nodes from one VM run,otherwise you might get quiteweird results because the detection matched threads from different VM runs.1.9.Heavy Load AnalysisIf a system is under heavy load,several thread dumps should be taken(e.g.every two minutes over a short period).The threads all have a thread id which can be mapped to real process ID on Linux/Solaris Systems.TDA parses the ID and displays it as "Native ID"in the thread ing top in light-weight-process view on Linux and prstat on Solaris with the process id of the java process where the thread dumps came from you can match this native ID to the threads in the dump.This way it is easy to identify threads which produce heavy load as the thread view in top and prstat shows the cpu load of each single thread. 1.10.JConsole PluginTDA can be used as plugin in the JVM utility e the following to start JConsole with TDA as plugin:jconsole-pluginpath./tda.jarThe javahelp jar jhall.jar needs to be in the same directory as the tda.jar or in the subdirectory lib,otherwise clicking the help button would lead to an exception.The Plugin offers requesting thread dumps from a remote Virtual Machine through JMX. The Dumps areparsed and can be analyzed just like running as standalone-application.The upper-right-frame showing the dump tree has a popup menu offering the plugin features.1https://Figure 1.9.TDA JConsole PluginThe toolbar is also available for convenience,it can be switched off using the popup menu.The requested Thread Dumps can also be stored as Logfile for later offline analysis.The plugin supports requesting thread dumps from 1.5and 1.6VMs.The ex-tended informations from 1.6are not parsed yet though (rmations about locked synchronizers).But they are saved to the logfile also.1.11.VisualVM PluginTDA can also be included into VisualVM 1.It is available as plugin from the VisualVM Plugin Center.Note though,if you use jvisualvm from recent Sun JDK's you wont find it in the plugin center but you can still download it manually from the TDA Website from the Document and Files section.All three files available for download need to be installed.Figure1.10.TDA VisualVM PluginThe Plugin attaches itself to the thread dump feature in VVM and offers a TDA View of the application thread dumps and the navigation tree offers a Logfile section,where you can add logfiles containing thread dumps.The TDA help is only available as a limited subset of the full help because VisualVM doesn't include JavaHelp.To get the full help,either download the documentation from the TDA Website or start TDA stand-alone.2 Analyzing production environmentsStarting with Sun's JDK1.5it is quite easy to get information about a badly behaving application in a production environment using the JVM tools jmap and jstack.Jmap fetches a heap dump from the VM the application is running in and jstack fetches the thread dumps.These information can be taken from the server the application server is running on and analyzed offline. Even without remote access to the server you still can get these dumps from your customer.Many Monitoring tools usually need some kind of remote access.Imagine a customer's web application with a lot of concurrent users accessing the system and the system is under heavy load. The system is only accessed during office hours.But you have noticed the load of the system stays high in the night although nobody is accessing it.What can you do?2.1.Dumping Information about running threadsFirst of all you can fetch several thread dumps either using jstack or using kill-QUIT if you're using an older VM -ing these dumps you can easily detect long running(looping?)threads which might cause the load.You should fetch about five dumps and wait several seconds between fetching,lets say20seconds.The command line with jstack then looks something like thisjstack<pid>>dump.logfor the first dump andjstack>>dump.logfor the additional dumps.You then can use the TDA-Thread Dump Analyzer to analyze the thread dumps to get an idea what is currently happening in your application.TDA will try to give you some hints about what might be wrong in the dumps(e.g.a lot of threads are waiting for the garbage collector)like in the screenshot below.Figure2.1.TDA giving hints about selected dumpHigh load without anybody accessing the application usually either means the garbage collector is running endlessly because the application is very low on memory and the garbage collector is unable to free enough memory(TDA will give you a hint on this)or there are some threads(or just one)looping and running endlessly.TDA tries to filter out all idle threads to make it easier for you to find really running threads which are either running or are waiting for some external resources(it will give you a hint regarding the last issue).You need to enable these filters in the filter settings.You might also have a look at the TDA help for additional information.For letting TDA search for long running threads mark the threads dumps you want to analyze and choose the"Find long run-ning"threads option.TDA will then search for threads it finds in the dumps at least n-times,whereas you define n in the setting dialog for the detection.It will then present the result added to the dump tree.You should enable the idle-threads filter to filter out unimportant threads.In the screenshot below you can see a long running thread which is running in an endless loop.Figure2.2.Long running threads detection2.2.Long running thread detection on SolarisIf your application is running on Solaris and you have remote access to the machine you can even determine directly the thread which might be looping by using prstat-p<app-server-vm-pid>.prstat will show you all threads running in your application and how much CPU time each of them is consuming.The pids shown there(in decimal)can be matched to the nids(in hexa-decimal)in the thread dumps.2.3.Analyzing the heap profileI use the YourKit Profiler(commercial but free eval-license for15days)to analyze the heap profiles.The tool has the quite handy"Find big objects"option which makes it very easy to find stuff which consumes a lot of memory and shouldn't be there or at least not that big.If you don't want to spend the money though,you can use the JVM tool jhat which starts a small web server,where you can connect to and analyze the heap profile.For a small overview you can also use the class histogram feature of the TDA e either jstack to fetch a class histogram from your application VM or use the VM-option-XX:+PrintClassHistogram to have it dumped when requesting a thread dump if you are on an1.4.x VM.Refer to the TDA help for further information.3 Application Analysis using JConsoleWith JDK1.5Sun introduced JConsole,a swing based tool for instrumentalizing the new JMX MBeans for VM analysis in1.5 and to provide easy remote access to all other JMX MBeans offered( the application server or an application).With the release of JDK1.6Sun enhanced the utility to also support plugins and simplified access to the applications to analyze.With JConsole it is quite easy to do some application analysis without critical impact on the application.3.1.Remote application accessFor enabling remote access to an application using JConsole you need an open port from the machine the application is running on and start the application with this port.To connect to a remote application running with JDK1.5you need to specify something like have done this for connecting to an Oracle Application Server10.1.3.2instance.Note:this is not the recommended setting for an production environment as is insecure.Read the jconsole documentation on how to set up a secure connection to a JVM. 3.2.Requesting DumpsSince the1.6release it is also quite easy to request heap and thread dumps.These Dumps then can be parsed by tools like the SAP Memory Analyzer to analyze heap dumps and tools like Samurai or my TDA for thread dumps.3.3.Plugins For JConsoleOne interesting plugin currently available publically is an enhanced JTop Plugin(based on a demo plugin from the jdk samples).JConsole doesn't display any information about the cpu usage of the threads running in a JVM,it only displays a graph about the overall cpu usage.The JTop plugin shows enhanced information about the cpu utilization of all threads run-ning in a JVM just like top does for processes on unix plattforms.The enhanced JTop plugin can be downloaded from Peter Doornbosch's Blog.1/gcviewer.html 2/3/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/management/jconsole.html 4/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/index.html 5/projects/2003/sendSignal/6/dumpsterAppendix A.References i.GC-Viewer1ii.VisualVM2iii .JConsole3iv .Java API Specification 1.4.24(for regular expressions look for Pattern class.)v.SendSignal5vi .Dumpster (my blog)617。
