阅读第二讲 大学英语四级快速阅读

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Words that show addition 补充性过渡词
Additional words signal added ideas. These words tell you a writer is presenting one or more ideas that continue along the same line of thought as a previous idea. Like all translations, addition words help writers organize their information that present it clearly to readers.
Additional words:
One First first of all For one thing To begin with Another Second also
In addition Next Moreover Furthermore Last Last of all finally
Authors use two common methods to show relationships and make their ideas clear. 1. transition 2. patterns of organization
Transitions are words or phrases that show the relationships between ideas. They are like signs on the road that guide travelers. Two major types of transitions are words that show addition and words that show time.
The time order pattern 时间顺序模式
Authors usually present events in the order in which they happen, resulting in the time order pattern of organization. In addition to the time transitions listed before, signals for the time order pattern include dates, times, and such words as stages, series, steps, and process. The two most common kinds of time order are 1) a series of events or stages and 2) a series of steps ( directions in how to do something).
Reading and Writing
Hubei Normal University
第二讲 快速阅读之 语句或段落间的关系
1. 快速阅读的命题思路 2. 快速阅读技巧 3. 快速阅读的步骤 4.
快速阅读之语句或段落间明的描述,原快速阅读部分变为 了“长篇阅读”。这个部分中,文章的长度 和难度并没有变化,只是题型考法发生了变 化:由原来的7道单选、3道填空,变为了10 道信息匹配题,每个题仍占1%分值。官方定 义:“篇章后附有 10 个句子,每句一题。每 句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考 生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。
The list of items pattern (Additional words are often used in this pattern of organization) The time order pattern (Time words are often used in this pattern of organization.) Noticing the transitions in a passage can often help you become aware of its pattern of organization. Transition can also help you locate the major supporting details.
While Next Soon After Later Eventually Finally last
Helpful Tips about Transitions
Tip 1 Some transition words have the same meaning. For example, also, moreover , and furthermore all mean “ in addition . ” Author typically use a variety of transitions to avoid repetition.
1. For many athletes, life after a sports career is a letdown. First , they are often not prepared for nonathletic careers. In addition, they… 2. A trip to a giant supermarket can be quite frustrating. First , you have trouble finding a parking space close to the store. Then…
1.Relationships that involve addition 2.Relationships that involve time 3.Relationships that involve illustration 4. Relationships that involve comparison and contrast 5.Relationships that involve cause and effect
3.搞清scanning和skimming的区别。 skimming(略读)是一个只见森林不见树木的过 程,这个过程是要识别句子中的main points,段 落中的important sentences,以及organization of the paragraph。所以,在略读时,是要理解重 要词汇的意思的。 scanning(查读)是一个只见树木不见森林的过程, 这个过程只需要查找定位词在原文中的位置,以便 确定原文中考点信息的位置,理解与scanning无关。 4.为了加快阅读速度,避免逐字阅读,要养成“成 组视读”(Phrase Reading)的习惯。有意义的语法 结构被称作“意群”(英语称作sense groups或 thought groups或meaningful mouthfuls)。
Addition words are often used in a list of items to tell us that other supporting points are being added to a point already mentioned. Textbook authors frequently organize material into lists of items, such as a list of types of economic systems, symptoms of heart disease, or reasons for teenage drinking.

文后的每个句子虽均能与原文段落中的 具体句子对应,但大都在原文用语上进行了 同义替换或改写,而并非照抄原文用词。这 给信息的匹配也带来了一定难度。不过,替 换和改写的模式与一般选择题中正确答案的 替换、改写方式一致。替换、改写一般也只 发生在语言层面,不涉及逻辑和推理。
新的长篇阅读对定位查找能力和文章速 读能力提出了更高的要求。不过,这两类能 力在之前的快速阅读中本就已经是考察的重 心,新考法也并没有提出全新的能力要求。 我们需要做的,是对已有的快速阅读文章类 型更加熟练、文章阅读技巧的训练要更加扎 实、题目定位要做得更加犀利。
Tip 2 In some cases the same word can serve as two different types of transitions, depending on how it is used. For example, the word first may be used as an addition word to show that the author is presenting a series of points, as in the following sentences:
大学英语限选课之 阅读与写作
The list of items pattern 要点罗列模式
List of Items Item 1 Item 2 Item 3
A list of items refers to a series of reasons, examples, or other points that support an idea. The items have no time order, but are listed in whatever order the author prefers.
Words that show time 表示时间的过渡词
Time words tell us when something happened in relation to when something else happened.
Time Words: Before Previously First Then Following During Now As when
三、快速阅读的解题步骤 1. 细读文章后十个句子题干,理解句子的意思, 并确定相应的关键词,划出该关键词。 2. 快速浏览全文前,要记住尽量少但最有效的 句中关键单词、短语。 3. 根据关键词到文章中查读,把没用的信息跳 过,找到与关键词相关的语句,通过比较、 判断,确定位置,先以下划线的方式标注出 来。 4. 每一段查读完之后,再对照文章后十个句子 标上对应的段落字母符号。

因此我们以前做快速阅读的那种题文同步、 看一题做一题的方法不再可行。对于文后的 10 个句子,必须仔细阅读,并明确标出句中 易于查找的细节,如数字、大写、核心名词、 态度词汇等。文章则需要在短时间内完成通 读,因此必须有较强的结构阅读和细节串联 能力。每个段落的首句、末句、段中转折处、 段落重要观点句是阅读重点 ;一边阅读,要一 边注意与之前看过的各题目的信息对应 。
二、快速阅读技巧 1.平时要养成泛读(Extensive Reading)的习 惯,泛读,就是广泛阅读大量涉及不同领域 的书籍,并且要读得快、理解和掌握书中的 主要内容即可。
2. 课余要养成计时阅读(Timed Reading)的 习惯,每次进行10-15分钟即可,不宜太长。 先记下“起读时间”(starting time),阅读 完毕记下“读完时间”(finishing time), 即可计算出本次阅读速度、随手记下,长期 坚持,必能收到明显的效果。
Patterns of Organization 材料组织模式
We have learned that transitions show the relationships between ideas in sentences. In the same way, patterns of organization show the relationships between supporting details in paragraphs, essays, and chapters. It helps to recognize the common patterns in which authors arrange information.