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1. cobra pose (眼镜蛇式)
2. locust pose (蝗虫式)
3. full locust pose (全蝗虫式)
4. bow pose (弓式)
5. fixed firm pose (定型式)
6. half tortoise pose (半龟式)
7. camel pose (骆驼式)
8. rabbit pose (兔式)
9. head to knee pose with stretching pose (头至膝盖伸展式)
10. spine twisting pose (扭拧式)
11. blowing in firm pose (正坐)
12. pranayama breathing (pranayama 呼吸法)
13. half moon pose with hands to feet pose (半月式)
14. awkward pose (怪异式)
15. eagle pose (鹰式)
16. standing head to knee pose (头至膝盖站立式)
17. standing bow pulling pose (拉弓站立式)
18. balancing stick pose (平衡木式)
19. standing separate leg stretching pose (分腿站立伸展式)
20. triangle pose (三角式)
21. standing separate leg forehead to knee pose (双脚分开额头至膝盖)
22. tree pose (树式)
23. toe stand pose (脚尖站立式)
24. dead body pose (尸体放松式)
25. wind removing pose (风吹式)
26. sit up (仰卧式)
梵文 Sanskrit (英文 English) 中文 Chinese
The Standing Poses 站立姿
1. Tada asana (Mountain pose)山式
2. Urdhva Hasta asana (Raised Arm pose)举臂式
3. Vriksha asana (Tree pose)树式
4. Utkata asana (High-mighty pose)高力式﹝椅子式﹞
5. Garuda asana (Garuda pose)﹝神鸟式﹞
6. Utthita Trikona asana (Extended Triangle pose)扩大三角式
7. Parivritta Trikona asana (Twisted Triangle pose)扭转三角式
8. Utthita Parshva-kona asana (Stretched Side-angle pose)伸展侧角式
9. Parivritta Parshva-kona asana (Twisted Side-angle pose)扭转侧角式
10. Virabhadra asana 1 (Warrior-best pose 1)最佳勇士式 1
11. Virabhadra asana 2 (Warrior-best pose 2)最佳勇士式 2
12. Virabhadra asana 3 (Warrior-best pose 3)最佳勇士式 3
13. Ardha Chandra asana (Half Moon pose)半月式
14. Parshva-uttana asana (side intense- pull pose)侧边强拉式﹝鞠躬式﹞
15. Prasarita Pada Uttana asana (Spread Leg Intense-pull pose)张腿强拉式
The Sun-Salutation Poses 拜日姿
16. Uttana asana (Intense-pull pose)强拉式﹝弯腰式﹞
17. Chatur-anga Danda asana (Four-limbs Rod pose)四肢竿子式
18. Adho Mukha Shvana asana (Down Face Dog pose)狗脸朝下式
19. Urdhva Mukha Shvana asana (Upwards Face Dog pose)狗脸朝上式
The Inverted Poses 颠倒姿
20. Shirsha asana (Head pose)头顶式
21. Sarvanga asana (All-parts pose)全部式(肩立式)
22. Hala asana (Plough pose)犁式
23. Karna-pida asana (Ear-pressure pose)耳压式
24. Setu Bandha Sarvanga asana (Bridge Construction All-parts pose)拱桥式
25. Adho Mukha Vriksha asana (Down Face Tree pose)倒树式
The Cross-Legged Poses 双盘姿
26. Padma asana (Lotus pose)莲花式
27. Matsya asana (Fish pose)鱼式
28. Parvata asana (Mountain pose)山式
29. Tola asana (A-pair-of-scales pose)秤式
30. Simha asana (Lion pose)狮子式
31. Goraksha asana (Cow-protect pose)牧牛人式
32. Kukkuta asana (Cock pose)公鸡式
33. Baddha Padma asana (Tied Lotus pose)绑莲花式
34. Yoga Mudra asana (Yoga Sealing pose)瑜珈印式
The Forward Bending Pose 前弯姿
35. Danda asana (Rod pose)竿子式
36. Janu Shirsha asana (Knee Head pose)膝盖头式
37. Marichi asana 1 (Marichi pose 1)(圣人1)
38. Marichi asana 2 (Marichi pose 2)(圣人2)
39. Paschima uttana asana (Forward-bend intense-pull pose)前弯强拉式
40. Baddha Kona asana (Tied Angle pose)绑角式
41. Upavista Kona asana (Seated Angle pose)坐角式
42. Kurma asana (Tortoise pose)龟式
43. Supta Kurma asana (Sleeping Tortoise pose)睡龟式
The Twisting Poses 扭腰姿
44. Bharadvaja asana 1 (Bharadvaja pose 1)(上师1)
45. Bharadvaja asana 2 (Bharadvaja pose 2)(上师2)
46. Marichi asana 3 (Marichi pose 3)(圣人3)
47. Pasha asana (Noose pose)套索式
48. Ardha Matsyendra asana 1 (Half Fish-Lord pose 1)半鱼主式1
49. Ardha Matsyendra asana 2 (Half Fish-Lord pose 2)半鱼主式2
The Backward Bending Poese 后弯姿
52. Shalabha asana (Locust pose)蝗虫式
53. Makara asana (the Sea-creature pose)海兽式
54. Bhujanga asana (Snake pose)蛇式
55. Ushtra asana (Camel pose)骆驼式
56. Dhanur asana (Bow pose)弓式
57. Urdhva Dhanur asana (Upwards Bow pose)向上的弓式
58. Kapota asana (Pigeon pose)鸽子式
Miscellaneous Poses 其它各种姿势
59. Vira asana 1 (Warrior pose 1)勇士座1
60. Vira asana 2 (Warrior pose 2)勇士座2
61. Supta Vira asana (Sleeping Warrior pose)睡觉的勇士座
62. Go-mukha asana (Cow-mouth pose)牛嘴式
63. Lola asana (Swing pose)秋千式
64. Nava asana (Boat pose)船式
65. Ardha Nava asana (Half Boat pose)半船式
66. Urdhva Prasarita Pada asana (Upwards Spread Foot pose)向上伸展脚式
67. Bhuja-pida asana (Arms-pressure pose)手臂压力式
68. Ashta-vakra asana (Eight-bends pose)八弯式
69. Baka asana (Crane pose)鹤式
70. Bheka asana (Frog pose)青蛙式
71. Nakra asana (Crocodile pose)鳄鱼式
72. Chakra asana (Wheel pose)转轮式
73. Akarna Dhanur asana (Near-ear Bow pose)贴耳弓式
74. Ananta asana (Infinite pose)无限式
75. Shava asana (Corpse pose)摊尸式
•yoga nidra:deep relaxation,瑜伽休息术
•Samadhi:a state of joy and peace,快乐宁静的状态
•Bhagavad Gita:薄伽梵歌,每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书。

•Hatha Yoga:哈达瑜伽,瑜伽中的一支,是现今最流行亦最为人熟悉的瑜伽修炼方法。

•Power Yoga:力量瑜伽。

•Ashtanga Yoga:阿斯汤加瑜珈,又名Power Yoga,是哈达瑜伽中最讲求体力的。



•Integral Yoga:完整瑜伽。

•Iyengar Yoga:近年西方最为人熟悉的哈达瑜伽学派。

Iyengar Yoga 将瑜伽科学及医学化,借以改善个人生理及心理上的种种毛病。

•Jnana Yoga:智者瑜伽。






•vinyasa yoga:流瑜伽。

•Sun Salutation:拜日式。

•Sivananda Yoga:希瓦难陀瑜伽

take your legs apart
place the soles of your feet together
sit up tall
take your thumbs into the soles of your feet
flex your feet
spread you toes
open up the soles of your feet 将脚底打开
lift your chest
breath out
forward fold
keep a straight back
drop your head down
relax your arms
step your feet 3 to 4 feet apart
turn your right foot out
turn your left heel out slightly
bend your right knee
lift your arm
shoulders drop down
take your right elbow onto your right thigh
lift your arm over your left ear
sweep your left arm over your left ear
take your right hand to the inside of your right foot 将右手放在右脚上
straighten out your right knee
step to the center
align with your wrists
knees are level with the hips
leaning forward
tuck your tail bone all the way under
lift toward spine
round your back
take both legs out in front of you
take your right foot into your left inner thigh shift your chest over your leg
draw your shoulders down your back
hinge at your hips
hold onto your leg
lay all the way back
lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling rest your head down
grab onto your hips
drop your feet onto the ground
stand on your toes
release your arms from your back
interlock your fingers
1, belly ['beli]
n. 腹部;胃;食欲
vi. 涨满;鼓起
vt. 使鼓起
belly: 皮革肚边部位|腹部|肚子
belly ring: 环状肚脐饰品的|环状肚脐饰品|环状脐饰belly band: 脐带|围腰|安全带
2, limb [lim]
n. 肢,臂;分支;枝干
vt. 切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝
limb: 边缘|大枝|分度圈
artificial limb: 假肢|义肢|假肢,人工肢体
phantom limb: 幻肢|幽灵肢体|幽灵肢
3, ribcage ['ribkeid]
n. 胸腔;胸廓
ribcage: 胸廓|肋骨笼城|肋骨之笼
Seared Ribcage: 烧焦的胸腔
Plated Abomination Ribcage: 厌恶胸铠
4, spine [spain]
n. 脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊
spine: 脊骨|脊两个坡道背靠背放置又没有平台相连,则连接处形成一个“脊柱”。

dendritic spine: 树突棘|树突刺|树突小刺
commercial spine: 商业地带
5, chin [tin]
n. 下巴;聊天;引体向上动作
vt. 用下巴夹住;与…聊天;在单杠上作引体向上动作
vi. 闲谈;作引体向上动作
Chin: 切削击, 近穴击|钱/展|前展钱钱芊
Japanese Chin: 日本犬|日本犬(日本仲)|日本仲
Denny Chin: 陈卓光|法官丹尼·钦|法院法官丹尼·秦
6, toe [tu]
n. 脚趾;足尖
vt. 用脚尖走;以趾踏触
vi. 动脚尖;用足尖跳舞
toe: 脚趾|鞋头|卸载引擎
toe wall: 矮墙|脚墙|坝趾墙
steel toe: 钢头|钢包头
7, little finger
little finger: 小指/尾指|小拇指|小手指
halangitis little finger: 释义:冲要节
lift the little finger: 喝酒, 酗酒
8, middle finger
middle finger: 中指|中指:|中指:此指居中,与汉语说法也一致。

pustule middle segment finger: 释义:手指节发
exercise pinching the middle middle finger: 释义:捏中指中节法
9, ring finger
ring finger: 无名指|环指|无名指:
Ring (finger): 戒指
ring, finger ring: 戒指
10, thumb [θm]
n. 拇指
vi. 用拇指翻书页;竖起拇指要求搭车
vt. 翻阅;以拇指拨弄;作搭车手势;笨拙地摆弄thumb: 大拇指|拇指|大母指
green thumb: 园艺才能|园艺好手|绿拇指
Thumb rule: 安培右手定则|经验法则|经验规则11, index finger
index finger: 食指|示指|指针
palmar surface index finger: 释义:食指掌面artery radial index finger: 释义:食指桡侧动脉12, fingertip ['fiɡtip]
n. 指尖;指套
fingertip: 指尖|指尖, 指套|指套
fingertip vanish: 指间消失法
middle fingertip: 中指指尖
13, palm [pɑ:m]
n. 手掌;棕榈树;掌状物
vt. 将…藏于掌中
Palm: 奔迈|手掌|棕榈树
Palm Springs: 棕榈泉|棕榈泉市|棕泉市Palm Green: 玉花岗
14, knee [ni:]
n. 膝盖,膝
vt. 用膝盖碰
knee: 膝盖|膝围|压限器拐点
Soft knee: 软拐点(压限器)|软拐点
beam knee: 横梁肘板|梁肘板|梁肘
15, hip [hip]
n. 臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁
adj. 熟悉内情的;非常时尚的
HIP: 坐围|臀部|热等静压
HIP POCKET: 后袋|裤后袋|后袋服装部位英语hip bone: 髋骨|髀骨|髋骨?
16, pelvis ['pelvis]
n. 骨盆
pelvis: 骨盆|盆骨|骨盘
android pelvis: 男人型骨盆|男性样骨盆|释义:男子型骨盆,男性骨盆
flat pelvis: 扁平骨盆|扁骨盆,扁平骨盆|释义:扁骨盆,扁平骨盆
17, shin [in]
n. 胫骨
vt. 爬;攀
vi. 攀;快步走
shin: 小腿骨|信乐团|苏见信
Shin Splints: 胫纤维发炎|外胫夹|胫骨疼痛
Shin Hyesung: 申彗星|申慧星|郑弼教
18, groin [ɡrin]
n. 腹股沟;交叉拱
vt. 使成穹棱
groin: 腹股沟|鼠蹊|丁坝
hooked groin: 钩形坝
groin flap: 腹股沟皮瓣|释义:腹股沟皮瓣
19, sole [sul]
n. 鞋底;脚底;基础;鳎目鱼
adj. 唯一的;单独的;仅有的
vt. 触底;上鞋底
sole: 鞋底|舌鳎|底部
sole agent: 总代理商|独家代理|总代理sole edge: 底边缘|底边|底边-
20, elbow ['elbu]
n. 肘部;弯头;扶手
vt. 推挤;用手肘推开
elbow: 弯头|手肘|电加热器
twin elbow: 双弯弯管|双弯头|双肘管elbow drop: 肘部坠击|肘击落下
21, tail bone
tail bone: 尾骨|尾巴骨
tail bone fracture: 尾骨骨折
22, wrist [rist]
n. 手腕;腕关节
vt. 用腕力移动
wrist: 腕部|手腕|腕关节
wrist watch: 手表|手表图片|我买过的最差的东西wrist pin: 肘节销|活塞销|肘节销活塞销十字头销23, chest [test]
n. 胸,胸部;衣柜;箱子;金库
chest: 胸部|箱子|柜子
pigeon chest: 鸡胸|鸡胸,胸骨凸出畸形|胸骨凸出畸形chest piece: 胸衬
24, neck [nek]
n. 脖子;衣领;海峡
vi. [口]搂著脖子亲吻;变狭窄
vt. 使变细;[口]与…搂著脖子亲吻
neck: 脖子|领窝|颈部皮革
neck scarf: 围巾
25, shoulder ['uld]
n. 肩,肩膀;肩部
vt. 肩负,承担
vi. 用肩推挤,用肩顶
SHOULDER: 肩宽|肩部皮革|路肩
Shoulder Chops: 肩肉|肩头肉
SHOULDER PAD: 肩棉, 肩垫|膊头棉,肩棉肩垫,垫肩|肩垫,肩棉,[粤]膊头棉
瑜伽 yoga / 酸奶yogurt['jgt]
柔韧度 nimbleness['nimbl]
自控力 self-control
意志力 resistance
namaste[nɑ:'mɑ:ste] 瑜伽中的问好
瑜伽练习者 yoga practitioner
练习 practice
熟能生巧 practice makes perfect
瑜伽服 yoga wear
瑜伽垫 yoga mat
入乡随俗 when in Rome, do as Romans do.
显摆得瑟 show off
出丑 make a scene
热身训练 warm-up
姿势 pose
直角式 right angle pose
牛面式 cow's face pose
吸气 inhale
呼气 exhale
不劳而获 no pain, no gain
stretch your arms 伸直手臂
bend forward 前倾
keep your knees straight 伸直膝盖
look upward 向上看
lie flat on the back 仰卧
lie flat on the stomach 俯卧
pay attention to your breath 关注呼吸
pay attention to your bteathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.关注呼吸能够帮助你充分的伸.
neck rolls 颈旋转
relax 放松
repeat 反复
leg stretches 腿部伸展
shoulder rotation 肩旋转
look back as far as possible 尽可能地向后看
drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口
As our knowledge of health and fitness increases, people are becoming more and more interested in not only taking care of themselves physically, but mentally and spiritually as well. Yoga’s origins lie in Hidu philosophy, which was developed thousands of years ago in India. There are eight schools of yoga, each varying in its area of emphasis.



Part 1
A: You are always keeping up with the changes in fashion. I hear now you are warming up to yoga. How is it?
B: Marvelous! It's fun! And I especially enjoy the headstands and handstands.
A: But to the best of my knowledge, most enthusiasts are women.
B: Yes, that's true. At the beginning, women go in for it mainly. But as its popularity grows, men are becoming more receptive to the idea. As a boy, I liked to stand on my head. When my wife started taking yoga four years ago, I thought I should try it.
A: Why did you want to have a go?
B: Because my back was so stiff I couldn't sleep on my stomach anymore.
A: It cannot be a thing to easy start, right?
B: sure, the first few classes were tough, but I stuck with it. The first major effect I noticed was that I'd feel very relaxed after a class. I become stronger, more flexible and my posture improved.
A: You must be used to it now.
B: I still find the physical side of yoga challenging; I also like the contemplative side.
A: It sounds beneficial. And it calls for a great perseverance.
B: You are right. However hard it may be, a number of men are exercising “mind-fully”, including many athletes-the Yankee’s Orlando Hernandez, known as E1 Duque, practices yoga, and tiger woods does another holistic exercise method called Pilates. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in holistic fitness techniques
like yoga, pilates, tai chi and the Feldenkrais Method.
1 keep up with…紧随 keep up with the changes in fashion就
是紧随着潮流的变化,紧跟时尚的脚步.在英语中还有一个习语,keep up with the Jones’, 跟隔壁Jones一家比比高低,表示左右攀比,不甘落后。

2 warm up to…热衷于某事.Warm up to yoga, 热衷于练习瑜伽.从
字面上很好理解,warm up, 热身起来,投入到运动中来.Become enthusiastic of something or some kind of sports.
e.g: Lately many young people are warming up to bungee jumping, a risk to challenge their nerves.
3 Marvelous! It’s fun! 棒极了!真有趣!在听到对方陈述自己的
者羡慕之情,这个时候往往就要用到一些词语,它们是:Marvelous! Great!
Fantastic! Amazing! (意思相近,都是“了不起!,棒极了!太让人惊叹了!类似的含义。

4 especially enjoy…. B说到他感到瑜伽练习很有趣,他尤其喜欢
头支撑倒立和手支撑倒立,I especially enjoy headstand and handstand.
也就是 among all yoga exercises I prefer headstand and handstand, 或
者I love headstand and handstand most among all yoga exercises.
5 to the best of my knowledge. 就我所知, 相当于so far as I know…这样的一些短语并没有实际的含义,通常都用在句首,说话人要表达的观点,态度都在后面。

e.g: To the best of my knowledge, few Chinese movies are competitive in the world’s movie festivals.
6 sb become more receptive to sth…某人开始逐渐接受某物。

Westerners have gradually accepted acupuncture, a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. 或者说:Westerners have become more receptive to acupuncture, a branch of traditional Chinese medicine.
7 want to have a go 试一试。


8 sleep on my stomach, 趴着睡。


B 说因为我的背Stiff, 僵硬得很,所以不能趴着

9 A问起了B练习瑜伽的感受怎么样,B 说开始的时候感觉比较困难,tough, 艰难,难耐。

但是后来终于坚持下来了,Stuck with it=go on with it, not giving up halfway.
10 there has been increasing interest in sth。


e.g: there has been increasing interest in volunteering work related to Beijing 2008 Olympic games. 越来越多的人热情高涨地参与到北京2008奥运会志愿者的行动中来了。

Useful expressions 脱口而出:
you are always keeping up with the changes in fashion.

Marvelous! It’s fun!
Do you want a go?
It calls for great perseverance[,p:si:'virns].
