
进出口贸易实务1. 法定重量(legal weight):纯商品的重量加上直接接触商品的包装材料,如内包装等的重量,即为法定重量。
2. 对等样品(counter sample):在实际业务中,如卖方认为买方来样供货没有切实把握,卖方可根据买方来样仿制或从现有货物中选择品质相近的样品提交买方。
3. 经销(distributorship):指出口企业与国外经销商达成书面协议,主要规定经销商品的种类、经销期限和地区范围,利用国外经销商就地推销商品的一种方式。
4. 公量(conditioned weight):在计算货物重量时,使用科学方法,抽去商品中所含水分,再加标准水分重量,求得的重量称为公量。
5. 仲裁(arbitration):指买卖双方达成协议,自愿将有关争议交给双方所同意的仲裁机构进行裁决(award),而这个裁决是终局的,对双方都有约束力,双方必须遵照执行。
6. 单独海损(particular average):指除共同海损以外的部分损失,即被保险货物遭遇海上风险损失后,其损失未达到全损程度,而且该损失应由受损方单独承担的部分损失。
7. 推定全损(constructive total loss):指被保险货物在运输途中受损后,实际全损已不可避免,或者为避免发生实际全损所支付的费用与继续将货物运抵目的地的费用之和超过保险价值,也就是恢复、修复受损货物并将其运送到原订目的地的费用将超过该目的地的货物价值。
8. 拼箱货(less than container load, LCL):指货量不足一整箱,需由承运人在集装箱货运站(container freight station, CFS)负责将不同发货人的货物拼装在一个集装箱内,货到目的港或目的地后,由承运人拆箱后分拨给各收货人。
9. 索赔(claim):指买卖合同的一方当事人因另一方当事人违约致使其遭受损失而向另一方当事人提出要求损害赔偿的行为。

国际贸易实务术语总结国际贸易实务术语总结一:贸易术语1. 出口(Export): 指将商品、服务或资本从一个国家出售到另一个国家。
2. 进口(Import): 指从一个国家购买并引入商品、服务或资本。
3.贸易逆差(Trade deficit): 当一个国家的进口超过其出口时,经济上出现贸易逆差。
4.贸易顺差(Trade surplus): 当一个国家的出口大于进口时,经济上出现贸易顺差。
5.关税(Tariff): 是对进出口商品征收的税费,可以用来控制进口、保护本国产业或增加收入。
6.关税配额(Tariff quota): 是限制特定商品进口数量的措施,通常在达到配额后需支付更高的关税。
7.非关税壁垒(Non-tariff barrier): 是指非关税形式的贸易限制,包括配额、进口许可、技术标准等。
8.自由贸易区(Free Trade Area): 是指一组国家通过降低或取消关税和非关税壁垒来促进自由贸易的区域。
9.关税同盟(Customs Union): 是自由贸易区的一种更深度的一体化形式,成员国在对外贸易时实行统一的关税政策。
10.最惠国待遇(Most Favoured Nation treatment): 是指一个国家给予其他国家的最优惠贸易条件,不能对某个国家给予更好的贸易待遇。
二:国际支付术语1.信用证(Letter of Credit): 是银行以买方为指示人,在购买商品后为卖方提供保付款项的文件。
2.跟单信用证(Documentary Letter of Credit): 除了支付任务,还要求卖方提供与货物相关的文件,如提单、装箱单等。
3.保函(Bank Guarantee): 是银行为了保证某人或企业履行合同、支付款项等义务而出具的书面保证。
4.电汇(Telegraphic Transfer): 是一种通过银行电子转账方式进行的国际支付。
5.托收(Collection): 是一种付款方式,出口商通过银行要求进口商支付,银行收取费用并帮助卖方收款。

FDI (对外直接投资):making a physical investment by building a factory in another country.Trade surplus( 贸易顺差)when the value of a country’s export is more than that of its imports. Trade deficit(贸易逆差)when the value of a country’s export is less than that of its imports. Barter(物物交换 ):buy or sell goods or services without the use of money. Duping (倾销) :sell the goods with a price lower than its cost or lower than its domestic price to a foreign market. Free trade (自由贸易): the movement of goods and services among nations without political or economic barriers. Export tax rebate (出口退税):government pays back the tax for the export commodities to encourage export. Export subsidies (出口补贴):payments given by the government to domestic companies to encourage export.Import quota(进口配额): a limit on the quantity of a certain import in a specific period. Trade Protectionism(贸易保护主义):the use of government regulations to limit the import of goods and services. Advocates of protectionism believe it allows domestic producers to survive, grow and produce jobs. Embargo(贸易禁运):a complete ban on the import or export of a certain product or the stopping of all trade with a particular country. Contract(合同): is an agreement signed by the seller and the buyer which regulates t he both parties’ right and obligation as well as the detailed information on the transaction. Time regulation of submitting the Documents: the original documents must be presented within 21 working days after the date of shipment, and before the expiry date of L/C in any case. Commission(佣金):commission is a payment given to the middleman for his service.Time charter (定期租船):rent a ship for a period of time. Time of shipment (发货时间):the time for loading the goods on board at the port of shipment. Partial shipment(分批运输):means goods in one contract would be shipped in more than one lot. Transshipment (转运):means the goods should be transferred to another ship during the transportation. Lay time (装卸时间):the time used for loading or unloading the goods. Demurrage(逾期费):the money paid by the charterer to the ship owner for the delay of loading or unloading .B/E (汇票):is a payment advice made by the exporter (drawer) to the importer (drawee),Drawee should pay the money to payee when he receive the B/E. Sight B/E(即期汇票):Drawee should pay money to the payee when he receives the B/E immediately. B/E(远期汇票):Drawee should pay money to payee in a specific date in future.Drawee should accept the time B/E. L/C(信用证):is a conditional written promise for payment of bank .L/C is issued by the bank to the seller. Sight L/C(即期信用证):the bank should pay the money immediately when the exporter provides the qualified documents . Usance L/C(远期信用证):bank would pay the money in a specific date in future. Collection (托收):The exporter authorizes the bank to collect the payment from the importer by drawing a draft. Packing list(装箱单):is adocument made by the exporter to indicate the detailed information on shipment. Pro forma invoice(形式发票):is an informal invoice made by exporter indicating the transaction information. Commercial invoice(商业发票)formal. Customs invoice(海关发票)is the invoice made by the exporter based on the special form regulated by the importer’s customs. B\E(汇票)is a payment advice made by the exporter to the importer. Drawee should pay the money to the payee when he receives the B\E.Bill of Lading(提单): Bill of Lading is a receipt from the shipping company giving detailed information about shipment issued by shipping company to shipper.Shipped BL(已装船提单): showing the goods have been shipped on board. Received BL(备运提单): showing the goods received by the shipping company but have not shipped on board. Endorsement(背书): The document would be transferred by its owner signing the name on the back of the document. Insurance Document(保险单据):It‘s the insurance contract made by the insurer and the insured:the insurer would take the insurance responsibility according to the insurance coverage. Certificate of Inspection(检验证书):It‘s a document certifying the result of commodity inspection insured by an inspection institution. Certificate of Origin(原产地证书):It‘s a document issued by governmental institution to certify the place where the goods have been produced.公式:insurance amount (保额)=CIF×(1+10%)Premium(保险费)=CIF×(1+10%)×premium rateCFR=CIF×(1-1,1×Premium rate)Net price =C-included price ×(1-commission rate)Commission=C-included price×commission rateFreight =W/M(choose the higher one )Total freight =unit price ×units×(1+surcharge)。

国际贸易实务名词翻译第一篇:国际贸易实务名词翻译Term translationChapter1 流动性过剩自给自足经济资源直接投资国际收支商品交换出口退税倾销出口型经济增长东道国贸易差额贸易顺差贸易逆差欧盟国际收支顺差国际收支逆差有形贸易无形贸易货物贸易服务贸易Chapter2 关税壁垒非关税壁垒从量税配额保护性关税市场失灵幼稚产业许可证制度财政关税政府采购贸易保护主义从价税最低限价本地采购规则增加内需domestic content red-tape barriers export subsidies binding quota absolute quotasexcess liquidity self-sufficient economic resources direct investment balance of payments barterexport tax rebate dumpingexport-driven economic growth host country balance of tradefavorable balance of trade unfavorable balance of trade European Unionfavorable balance of payments unfavorable balance of payments visible trade invisible trade trade in goods trade in servicestariff barriers non-tariff barriers specific duties quotaprotective tariff market failure infant industry licensing system revenue tariffgovernment procurement trade protectionism Ad Valorem Duties floor price“buy local” rules raise domestic demand 国内含量进口环节壁垒出口补贴绑定配额绝对配额Term translationVER tariff-rate quotas zero quota “buy local” rules Chapter3 trade bloc trade block open regionalism free trade area customs union common market economic union trade embargoes boycotts 歧视性关税经济制裁贸易弹性双边贸易协定多边贸易协定最惠国Chapter4 施惠国受惠国缔约国市场准入透明度紧急进口措施争端解决机制可持续发展特许经营Chapter5 装运港船上交货卸货费多式联运投保内陆水运清关象征性交货 VAT String sales自愿出口限制关税配额零配额本地采购原则贸易集团贸易禁运/ 封锁开放式区域主义自由贸易区关税联盟共同市场经济联盟贸易禁运抵制discriminatory tariffs economic sanction trade elasticitybilateral trade agreement multilateral trade agreements most favored nationPatronage nations Favored nations Contracting Parties market access transparencyUrgent Importing Measures dispute settlement mechanism sustainable development franchiseport of shipment FOBdischarge expense multimodal transport cover insurancemarine navigation on inland waterway customs clearance symbolic delivery 增值税 *连环贸易Term translationprocure the goods already so delivered*采购已交付货物place the goods at the disposal of the buyer *货物放置由买方处置Chapter6 毛重理论重量净重约定皮重公量单位重量含水量习惯皮重法定重量实际皮重从价税平均皮重货样不符副产品国家质量监督检验检疫总局Chapter7 油轮定程租船滚装船定期租船载驳轮光船租船船期表租船合同滞期费班轮运价表速遣费选卸附加费直航附加费转船附加费港口拥挤附加费运输代理包裹拼箱货结汇整装箱空运单集装箱货运站装运通知gross weighttheoretical weight net weight computed tareconditioned weight unit weight water capacity customary tare legal weight actual weight ad valorem duty average tare goods not equal to the sample by-productsGeneral Administration of Quality SupervisionOil tanker Voyage Charter Ro/Ro vessel Time CharterLASH(Light Aboard Ship)Bare Boat Charter(BBC)sailing schedule charter contract demurrage chargeliner freight rate schedule dispatch moneyoptional additional direct additionaltransshipment surcharge Port Congestion Surcharge transportation agent packageLCL(Less than container load)settlementFCL(Full container load)Air waybill container yard shipping noticeTerm translation处置权partial shipment partial transshipment bill of lading clean B/L order B/L combined transport B/L blank B/L straight B/L through B/L liner B/L ante-dated B/L advanced B/L consignment noteblank endorsement IATA combined transport documents FCL LCL Chapter8 投保人共同海损投保金额外来风险保险单推定全损海上风险施救费用救助费用意外事故承保人单独海损保险费航空运输货物战争险陆运险陆运一切险估损费用航空运输一切险Ocean marine insurance War risk Basic risks coverage Insured amount T.P.N.D.right of disposal 分批装船分批转运提单清洁提单指示提单联合运输提单空白提单记名提单联运提单班轮提单倒签提单预借提单陆运或铁路运输通知空白背书国际航空运输协会多式联运单据整箱货拼箱货insuredgeneral average insured amount extraneous risks insurance policy constructive average marine risks salvage charges sue and labor expenses misfortune insurerparticular average insurance premiumair transportation war risk land transportation risks land transportation all risks risk estimation chargesair transportation all risks charges 海运保险战争险基本险种投保金额偷盗、失窃、提货不着险Term translationTaint of odor Overland transportation insurance Parcel post insurance Free from particular average Additional risks coverage Fresh water and/or rain damage With particular average Chapter 9 Cost structure Cost of production Profit margin Selling cost Target costing Everyday low pricing(EDLP)total fixed costVariable cost Skimming price strategy Penetration strategy Floating exchange risk 以成本为基础的定价法损益两平定价法边际成本定价法损益两平点计价货币支付货币硬通货软通货汇率佣金折扣价款调整期货市场现货市场 Chapter10 信用状况远期信用证通知银行信用证有效期交付运单支付保障条款支付结算申请人与受益人国际保理串味险陆上运输保险邮寄包裹保险平安险附加险别淡水雨淋险水渍险成本构成生产成本边际利润销售成本目标成本法每日低价变动成本撇脂定价战略渗透定价战略浮动汇率风险pricing based on cost break-even pricing Marginal cost pricing break-even point money of account money of payment hard currency soft currency exchange rate commission discount price adjustment forward market spot marketcredit standardtime L/C, usance L/C advising bankthe maturity of L/C the maturity of L/C delivery of B/Lconfirmation of credit applicant and beneficiary international factoringTerm translation第二篇:国际贸易实务名词中英文对照1.InternationalSettlement国际结算2.International Customs国际惯例3.booklet of authorized signatures签字样本4.test key密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行6.SWIFT环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange汇票2.banker’s draft银行汇票3.commercial bill商业汇票4.banke r’s acceptance bill银行承兑汇票5.trader’s acceptance bill商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill跟单汇票7.clean bill光票8.sight draft,demand draft即期汇票9.time bill,usance bill远期汇票10.drawer,payee,drawee出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement背书12.acceptance承兑13.without recourse免于追索14.notice of dishonour拒付通知15.protest拒绝证书16.promissory note本票17.cheque / check支票18.cash cheque现金支票19.cheque for transfer转帐支票20.crossed check划线支票1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇4.O/A: Open Account,赊销交易5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现6.B/O:By order of,汇款人1.Remittance:汇款2.payment order:汇款委托书3.M/T advice:信汇委托书4.telegraphic transfer:电汇5.banker's demand draft:票汇6.mail transfer:信汇1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents商业单据3.Collection托收4.Principal委托人5.Remitting Bank托收行6.Collecting Bank代收行7.Clean Collection光票托收8.Documentary Collection跟单托收9.Documents against Payment付款交单10.Documents against Acceptance承兑交单11.Trust Receipt信托收据12.Outward Bills出口押汇13.Uniform Rules for Collection托收统一规则14.Documentary Bill for Collection跟单托收1.Documentary Credit跟单信用证2.Cover Letter或Bill of Purchase寄单面函3.Credit Opened by Mail信开本信用证4.Credit Opened by Teletransmission电开本信用证5.Operative Instrument有效文本6.Expiry Date and Place有效日期和地点7.Nominated Bank指定银行8.Partial Shipment分批装运9.Special Condition特别条款10.Discrepancy不符点11.Issuing Bank开证行12.Applicant申请人13.Advising Bank通知行14.Beneficiary受益人15.Negotiating Bank议付行16.Confirming Bank保兑行17.Reimbursing Bank偿付行18.Sight Payment Credit即期付款信用证19.Deferred Payment Credit迟期付款信用证20.Acceptance Credit承兑信用证21.Confirmed Credit保兑信用证22.Usance Credit Payable at Sight假远期信用证23.Anticipatory Credit预支信用证24.Transferable Credit可转让信用证25.Back to Back Credit背对背信用证26.Reciprocal Credit对开信用证27.Revolving Credit循环信用证28.Strict Compliance严格相符29.Substantial Compliance实质相符30.Fraud Exception Principle欺诈例外原则五、将下列英文译成中文1.Independentguarantee:独立性保函2.Accessory Guarantee:从属性保函3. reissuingbank:转开行4. counter-guarantor:反担保人5.Standby letter of credit:备用信用证六、将下列英文译成中文1.International Factoring国际保理2.Credit Control信用销售控制3.Collection of Receivables带收账款4.Financed Factoring融资保理5.Non-Financed Factoring非融资保理6.Maturity Factoring到期保理7.Non-Recoursed Factoring无追索权保理8.Recoursed Factoring有追索权保理9.Disclosed Factoring10.Undisclosed Factoring11.Two Factor System12.Single Factor System 13.Maintenance of Sales Ledger14.Protection for buyer's Credit15.Export Trade Finance16.Application for a Credit Approval1.Commercial Invoice2.Transport Documents3.Insurance Documents4.Receipt Invoice5.Shipping Mark6.Ocean Bill of Lading7.Shipped B/L8.Received for Shipment B/L9.Transshipment B/L10.Through B/L11.Direct B/L12.Order B/L13.Anti-dated B/L14.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill15.Air Waybill16.Master Air Waybill17.Cargo Receipt,C/R18.Parcel Post Receipt19.Insurance Policy20.Multimodal Transport Document21.Insurance Certificate22.Open Policy23.Insurance Declaration24.Cover Note, Binder25.Certificate of Origin26.Inspection Certificate公开型保理隐蔽型保理双保理商保理型式单保理商保理型式销售账务管理信用担保贸易融资信用额度申请表商业发票运输单据保险单据收妥发票唛头海运提单已装船提单备运提单转船提单联运提单直达提单指示提单倒签提单不可转让海运单空运运单主运单承运货物收据邮包收据正式保险单多式运输单据保险凭证预约保险单保险声明暂保单原产地证明书检验证明书第三篇:常用国际贸易实务术语缩写翻译40‘HQ:40尺高柜 EXW:工厂交货S.S.:蒸汽船40’GP:40尺普柜F.I.:管卸不管装A.W.B:航空运单F.O.:船方管装不管卸 S.W.B:海运单F.T.:运费吨ACCEPTANCE:承兑或接受FAS:装运港船边交货APL:美国总统班轮船务公司FCA:货交承运人AW:全程水运FCL:整箱货BAF:燃油附加费FOB:装运港船上交货BV:法国船级社 FPA:平安险CAF:货币贬值附加费 FREIGHT PREPAID:运费预付CATELOGUE:样品本FREIGHT TO COLLECT:运费到付CCIC:中国国际商会G.A.:共同海损CCPIT:中国国际经济贸易促进委员会G.W.:毛重CFR:成本加运费 GSP FORM A:普惠制A格式原产地证CFS:集装箱货运站H.S.CODE:关税税则号CFS-CFS:货运站到货运站HACCP:风险关键控制点CIC:中国保险条款 HANJIN:韩国韩进船务公司CIETAC:中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会HUYNDAI:韩国现代商船公司CIF:成本、运费加保费ICC:伦敦货物协会保险条款CIP:运费、保险费付至IMP.:进口CIQ:中国出入境检验检疫局INCOTERMS:《贸易术语解释通则》CISG:《联合国货物销售合同公约》 ISBP:《关于审核跟单信用证项下单据的国CISS:全面进口监督计划际标准银行实务》CMA-CGM:法国达飞船务有限公司ISP98 :《国际备用信用证惯例》CNF:成本加运费LAC:托运人装箱点数COD:交货付现LCL:拼箱货CONTRACT:合同MAERSK-SEALAND:马士基海陆船务公司COSCO:中国远洋运输集团公司MSC:地中海航运公司CPT:运费付至MT(M/T):公吨CRF:清洁报告书MTD:多式联运单据CTN:纸箱N.W.:净重CWO:随定单付现NEGOTIATE:议付或转让CY:集装箱堆场NVOCC:无船承运人 CY-CY:堆场到堆场NYKK:日本邮轮船务公司DAF:边境交货OCP:内陆公共点DDP完税交货OEM、贴牌或原始设备制造商DDU:未完税交货OFFER:发盘DEPOSIT:定金OMIC:日本海外货物检查株式会社DEQ:目的港码头交货OOCL:东方海外货柜公司DES:目的港船上交货OPEN POLICY:预约保单 DOC:单据 ORC:产地接货费DOZ:打ORDER:抬头EDI:电子数据交换 PCS:件EMP.:出口 PICC:中国人民保险公司ENDORSE:背书PRICELIST:价目单 ENQUIRY:询盘PSI:装船前预检验 ETA:预计抵港日期 PSS:旺季附加费ETD:预计开航日期QC:品质控制(品管)EVERGREEN:长荣海运REIMBURESE:偿付SA8000:社会责任标准体系SAMPLE:样品SGS:瑞士通用公证行SINOTRANS:中国对外贸易运输集团公司STC:据托运人称SWIFT:环球银行金融电讯协会TAX REFOND:出口退税TELEXRELEASE:电放 TEU:标准箱THC:码头操作费TO ORDER:空白抬头UCP600:《跟单信用证统一惯例》(600号)UL:美国担保人实验室UNIGLORY:立荣海运URC522:《跟单托收统一惯例》WA:水渍险WESTUNION:西联汇款ZIM:以色列以星船务公司B/E:汇票B/L:提单B/N:托单或定舱委托书C/O:一般原产地证C/R:铁路货物收据D/A:承兑交单D/D:票汇D/O:提货单或小提单D/P.T/R:付款交单凭信托收据借单 D/P:付款交单D/R:场站收据FCL/FCL:整箱交/整箱接H B/L:货代提单或分提单L/C:信用证LCL/LCL:拼箱交/拆箱接M B/L:船公司提单(船东单)M/R:大副收据M/T:信汇MT(M/T):公吨N/M:无唛头N/N B/L:不可转让提单或副本提单 P/I:形式发票P/L:装箱单P/O:购货定单S/C:销售确认书S/O:装货单或关单 T/T:电汇W/T:转运W/W CLAUSE:仓至仓条款第四篇:国际贸易用名词(___ __)国际贸易用名词(수출입명사)FOB:装船+出口报关(본선에상품을선적, 수출통관까지해야함)CFR: FOB价格+海运费(FOB가격+해상운임)CIF:CFR价格+海运保险(CFR가격+항해도중에위험부담까지(해상보험에참가해야함))合同:Contract(수출입계약) 订单:Order(주문)协议书:Agreement(협정서)贸易伙伴:Partner(파트너,거래선)클레임: Claim손해배상买家,客户:고객:Buyer내국신용장:Local(L/C)样品:견본,샘플:Sample发票:INVOICE装箱单:PACKING LIST提单:B/L入仓号:S/O NO第五篇:名词翻译Wokers compensation plan 员工补偿计划Incontestable provision 不可抗辩条款Grace period provision 宽限期条款Reinstatement provision 复效条款Misstatement of age provision 年龄误告条款Suicide clause 自杀条款Policy loan provision 贷款条款Automatic premium loan provisions 自动垫缴保费条款None-forfeiture provision 不丧失的现金价值条款Policy assignment clause 保单转让条款Beneficiary clause 受益人条款Non-forfeiture benefits option clause 不丧失权益选择权条款Cash surrender value non-forfeiture option 退保金不丧失选择权Reduced paid-up insurance non-forfeiture option 减额交清保险不丧失选择权 Extended term insurance non-forfeiture option 展期保险不丧失选择权 Dividend option clause 红利选择权条款Cash Dividend option 现金红利选择权Premium reduction dividend option 抵减保费红利选择权Accumulation at interest dividend option 累积利息红利选择权Paid-up additional insurance dividend option 增额缴清保险红利选择权 Additional term insurance dividend option 增额定期保险红利选择权 Settlement option provision 保险金给付选择权条款Premium payment option clause 保费交付选择权条款Term life insurance 定期寿险Level Term life insurance 定额定期寿险Decreasing Term life insurance 减额定期寿险Increasing Term life insurance增额定期寿险Whole life insurance 终身寿险Endowment insurance 两全保险Waiver of premium for disability benefit 残疾免缴保费给付Waiver of premium for payer benefit 投保人免缴保费给付Disability income benefit 残疾收入给付Accelerated death benefit 寿险提前给付Terminal illness benefit 终末疾病给付Dread disease benefit 重大疾病给付Long-term care benefit 长期护理给付Annuity 年金Single premium Annuity 趸交年金Periodical premium Annuity 期缴年金Immediate Annuity 即期年金Deferred Annuity 延期年金Life Annuity 终身年金Straight life Annuity 纯粹终身年金Life income Annuity with period certain 固定期间终身年金Life income with refund Annuity 全额偿还终身年金Annuity certain 确定年金Temporary life Annuity 限期生存年金Personal Annuity 个人年金Joint Annuity联合年金Fixed benefit Annuity 定额年金Variable Annuity 变额年金Participating contracts 分红保险Cash dividend approach 现金红利法Additions to benefits approach 增额红利法Variable life insurance 变额保险Universal life insurance 万能寿险Medical expense coverage 医疗保险Disease coverage 疾病保险Disability income coverage 残疾收入保险Deductible clause 免赔额条款Coinsurance provision 共保条款Critical illness insurance 重大疾病保Long term care insurance 长期护理保险Group insurance 团体保险Master contract 总保单(团体保险)Manual rating 手册费率法Experience rating 经验费率法Office premium 营业保费Gross premium 毛保费Net premium 纯保费Loading 附加保费Level premium 均衡保费Mortality table 生命表Simple interest 单利Compound interest 复利Retrospective method 过去法Prospective method 未来法FPT 一年期定期修正法。

国际贸易实务常用术语翻译装运港船上交货(Free on Board,FOB)装运港船边交货(Free Alongside Ship,FAS)货交承运人(Free Carrier,FCA)成本加运费(Cost and Freight,CFR)成本加保险费、运费(Cost,Insurance and Freight ,CIF)运费付至(Carriage Paid To,CPT)运费、保险费付至(Carriage and Insurance Paid To,CIP)边境交货(Delivered At Frontier,DAF)目的港船上交货(Delivered EX Ship,DES)目的港码头交货(Delivered EX Quay,DEQ)未完税交货(Delivered Duty Unpaid,DDU)完税后交货(Delivered Duty Paid,DDP)象征性交货( Symbolic Delivery )实际交货( Physical Delivery )班轮运输( Liner Transport )租船运输( Shipping by Chartering )班轮条件( Gross Terms;Liner Terms;Berth Terms )集装箱( Container )整箱货( Full Container Load,FCL )良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality,FAQ)对等样品;回样(Counter Sample)拼箱货(Less than Container Load,LCL )国际多式联运(International Multimodal Transport 或International Combined Transport,美国也称International Intermodal Transport )“OCP”即“陆路共通点”(Over Common Points )货物经美国西海岸港口转运分批发运(Partial Shipment )海运提单(Bill of Lading,B/L )清洁提单(Clean B/L )提示提单(Order B/L )单独海损(Particular Average,PA)共同海损(General Averages,GA)平安险(Free from Particular Average,FPA )水渍险(With Average or With Particular Average,WA or WPA )一切险(All Risks)“仓至仓”条款(Warehouse to Warehouse Clause )汇票(Bill of Exchange;Draft )本票(Promissory Note )支票(Cheque;Check )承兑(Acceptance )背书(Endorsement )空白背书(Blank Endorsement)托收(Collection )付款交单(Documents against Payment,D/P )承兑交单(Documents against Acceptance,D/A )信用证(Letter of Credit,L/C )跟单信用证(Documentary Credit)不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable Letter O f Credit)保兑信用证(Confirmed Letter of Credit)开证申请人(Applicant)开证行(Issuing Bank )通知行(Advising Bank)受益人(Beneficiary )议付银行(Negotiating Bank )不可抗力(Force Majeure )仲裁(Arbitration )询盘(Inquiry )发盘(Offer )还盘(Counter Offer )接受(Acceptance )保险单(Insurance Policy )独家经销(Sole Distribution )产地说明书(Certificate of Origin )招标(Invitation to Tender)投标(Submission of Tender)。

1、FOBFOB-是Free On Board(…named port of shipment)的简写,即船上交货(…指定装运港),习惯称为装运港船上交货。
FOB 是国际贸易中最常用的贸易术语之一。
2、CIFCIF,英文全称为Cost ,Insurance and Freight (….named port of des tination),即成本加保险费、运费(….指定目的港),指卖方须将货物按照合同规定装上船并负责运输和保险及其费用;与FOB术语一样,CIF 亦是只适用于水上运输,也是国际贸易中最常用的贸易术语之一。

合同的标的至货物的交付商品的名称name of commodity凭买方样品买卖sale by seller’s sample凭买方样品买卖sale by buyer’s sample代表性样品representative sample=原样original sample =标准样品type sample复样duplicate sample=留样keep sample对等样品counter sample=回样return sample色彩样品color sample花样款式样品pattern sample参考样品reference sample免费样品free sample推销样品selling sample装运样品shipping sample ,shipment sample到货样品outturn sample检验用样品sample for test凭文字说明买卖sale by description凭规格买卖sale by specification凭等级买卖sale by grade凭标准买卖sale by standard良好平均品质Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller仅供参考For Reference Only质量公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net净重net weight按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare按平均皮重average tare按习惯皮重customary tare按约定皮重computed tare按公量计重conditioned weight按理论重量计重theoretical weight法定重量legal weight净净重net net weight溢短装条款more or less clause散装货物bulk cargo , cargo in bulk运输包装transport packing大包装,外包装outer packing板条箱crate瓦楞纸箱corrugated carton纸箱carton漏孔箱skeleton case桶drum,cask包bundle ,bale运输标志,唛头shipping mark指示性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark商品条码bar code for commodities中性包装neutral packing贸易术语trade termsLoad the goods on board the vessel关键点critical points风险划分点point for division of risk =交货点point of delivery装运合同shipment contract到货合同arrival contract空仓费dead freight滞期费demurrage单据买卖 a sale of documents象征性交货symbolic delivery单价unit price外汇保值条款exchange clause佣金commission经纪人middleman;broker代理人agent折扣discount销售佣金selling commission累计佣金accumulative commission 数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount含佣价price including commission 净价net price交货delivery装运shipment收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt 收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in charge迅速装运prompt shipment立即装运immediate shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible以获取舱位为准subject to shipping space available获得出口许可证为准subject to approval of export license 分批装运shipment by installments转运transshipment班轮运输liner transport租船运输charter transport定程租船voyage charter ; trip charter定期租船time charter光船租船bare boat charter单程航次租船single trip charter来回程航次租船return trip charter连续航次租船consecutive voyages航次期租time charter on trip basis , TCT重量吨weight ton尺码吨measurement ton从价运费 A.V. or ad val.按货物重量或尺码从高征收W/M临时议定运价open rate燃油附加费bunker adjustment factor , BAF货币贬值附加费currency adjustment factor CAF超重附加费heavy lift additional超长附加费long length additional直航附加费direct additional转航附加费transshipment surcharge港口附加费port surcharge港口拥挤附加费port congestion surcharge选择港附加费optional surcharge变更卸货港附加费alteration surcharge整船包价slump-sum fright班轮条件gross terms; liner terms; berth terms船方管装不管卸free out , F.O.船方管卸不管装free in, F.I.船方装和卸均不管free in and out, F.I.O.工作日working days按晴天工作日weather working days货物所有权凭证document of title货物收据receipt for the goods运输合同的证明evidence of the contract of carriage 已装船提单on board B/L; shipped B/L备运提单received for shipment B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transshipment B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L正本提单original B/L副本提单copy B/L过期提单stale B/L甲板提单on deck B/L整箱货full container load, FCL拼箱货less than container load, LCL集装箱堆场container yard, CY集装箱货运站container freight station,CFS 被保险人the insured =投保人applicant保险人insurer =承保人underwriter保险标的subject matter insured保险利益insurable interest最大诚信utmost good faith保证warranty补偿原则principle of indemnity近因原则principle of proximate cause海上风险perils of the sea自然灾害natural calamity意外事故fortuitous accidents外来风险extraneous risks推定全损constructive total loss共同海损general average单独海损particular average施救费用sue and labor expenses救助费用salvage charges平安险free from particular average, FPA水渍险with average, with particular average WA, WPA一切险all risks仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause , W/W Clause 一般附加险general additional risk砰损、破碎险clash and breakage串味险taint of odor淡水雨淋险fresh water and/or rain damage偷窃,提货不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery ,TNPD 短量险shortage渗漏险leakage混杂、玷污险intermixture and contamination钩损险hook damage受潮受热险sweet and heating锈损险rust包装破裂险breakage of packing 特殊附加险special additional risk 战争险war risks罢工险strike risks黄曲霉素险aflatoxin交货不到险failure to delivery舱面险on deck进口关税险import duty拒收险rejection保险单insurance policy保险凭证insurance certificate预约保单open policy批单endorsement相对免赔率franchise绝对免赔率deductible代位追索权right of subrogation 汇票bill of exchange, draft, bill即期汇票sight draft, demand draft。

国际贸易实务英⽂名词解释(英to英)国际贸易实务英⽂名词解释(英to英)What’s International Trade?The international trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services producedin another country.EXPORTINGExporting is the process of earning money by providing the right product at the right price at the right time in the right place beyond your home boundary. The ultimate goal is to make sure that the exporter is to be paid for the goods he sells.EXWEXW means the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises (法定地址) or another named place. The seller doesn’t not declare the goods for export and he needn’t load goods on any collecting vehicle.FASFree alongside ship means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of the goods from that moment.FOBFree on Board means the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all the costs and risks from that point. The FOB terms require the seller to clear the goods for export. CFRCost and freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass ship’s rail at the named port of shipmentCIFCIF means that the seller bears the same obligations as under CFR. In additional that he has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pay the insurance premium.FCA, Free carrier (…Named place)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the custody of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose within the place or range stipulated where the carrier shall take charge of the goods. When, according to commercial practices, the seller’s assistance is required in making the con tract with the carrier, the seller may act at the buyer’s risk and expenses.CPT, Carriage paid to (…named place of destination) 运费付⾄(…指定⽬的地)It means that the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the named destination, the risk of, loss of, or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered to the carrier, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered into the custody of the carrier.CIP, Carriage and insurance paid to (…named place of destination) 运费保险费付⾄(…指定⽬的地)It means that the seller has the same obligations as under CPT but with the addition that the seller has to procure cargo insurance against the buyer’s risk of, loss of, or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.DES, Delivered Ex Ship(…named port of destination) 船上交货(…指定⽬的港)It means that the seller shall make the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the destination named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full cost and risks involved in bringing the goods there.DEQ, Delivered ex Quay(…names port of destination) 码头交货(…指定⽬的港)It means that the seller makes the goodsavailable to the buyer on the quay at the destination named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full cost and risks involved on bringing the goods there.DDU, Delivered Duty Unpaid (…named place of destination) 未完税交货(…指定⽬的地)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods there, as well as the cost and risk of carrying out customs formalities for export. The buyer has to pay any additional costs and bear any risks caused by his failure to clear the goods for import in time.DDP,Delivered Duty Paid(…named place of destination)完税后交货(…指定⽬的地)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. The seller has to bear all the risks and costs including duties, taxes and other charges for delivering the goods, clearing for importation. It represents the maximum obligation borne by the seller.DAF, Delivered At Frontier (…named place) 边境交货(…指定地点)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available, cleared for export, at the named point of place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the country named in the sales contract.Quality of goodsThe quality of goods refers to the outward appearance and the essential quality of the goods, such as shape, structure, color, flavors well as chemical composition, physical and mechanical property, biological feature, etc.In international trade, quality of the goods not only concerns the value in use and the price of the goods, but also concerns the sales of the goods and credit standing of the manufacturer.Sale by samples.The sample refers to the article which can be used to represent the quality of the whole lot. Sale by sample includes tree cases, i.e., sale by the seller’s sample and sale, sale by the buyer’s sample a nd sale by counter sampleSale by actual quality:(以实际品质交货)In this case, the buyer or his agent examines the goods at seller’s place at first. After they conclude a deal, the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined.Sale by description:(以说明表⽰)In international business, most commodities are suitable to sale by description which can be subdivided into 7 kindsSale by specification:(凭规格买卖)The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc.Sale by grade: (凭等级买卖)The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the commodity of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities, weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc. Sale by standard: (凭标准买卖)The standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce, etc.F.A.Q.: (良好平均品质)In the international agricultural and by-product market, there is a commonly adopted standard, i.e., fair average quality. F.A.Q. refers to the average level of the export commodity within a certain period of time.Sale by brand name or trademark: 凭商标品牌买卖As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.(奔驰汽车)Sale by name of origin: 凭产地名称买卖There are some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world.Sale by description: 凭说明书和图样买卖The quality of some commodities, such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. can not be simply indicated by quality indexes, instead it is quite necessary to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as method of operation. If necessary, pictures, photos, etc. must also be provided.Quality Tolerance品质公差The quality tolerance is used in the trade of industrial products, which means that the quality of the goods delivered by the seller is allowed to have certain differences within a certain range since such differences are usually unavoidable and commonly accepted as the usage of the same special trade. Quality tolerance is mainly used for industrial productsQuality latitude 品质机动幅度The quality latitude means that the quality indexes of the goods delivered by the seller may be controlled flexibly within a certain latitude.The packing of goodsIn international trade packing is one of the essential component parts of commodity production. Generally speaking, only packed commodities can enter into the circulation field, and attain the commercial value and use value of the goods. Packing can protect commodity and keep it good in quality and intact in quantity in the circulation process.Neutral packing and brand designated by the buyer 中性包装和定牌It means that there is neither a name of the origin, nor a name of the factory, nor a trade mark, a brand, or even any words on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. It includes two kinds: packing with trade mark designated by the buyer but without the mark of the manufacturers and origins packing and without trade mark and origins as well as the mark of the manufacturersBrand designated by the buyer:It means that the seller addresses the trade mark or brand on the package of the commodity or the commodity itself as buyer’s request.定牌是指卖⽅按买⽅要求在其出售的商品或包装上标明买⽅指定的商标或品牌,这种做法叫定牌⽣产。

既无固定的船期表,又无固定的航线和停靠港口,有关船舶的航线和停靠港口,运输货物的种类以及航行时间等,都按承租人的要求…10.集装箱: 指具有一定规格强度的专为周转使用的金属货箱.11.集装箱运输: 以集装箱作为运输单位进行货物运输的方式. 装卸效率高,船舶周转快,货运成本低,手续简便等优点.12.国际多式联运: 以集装箱为媒介,把海陆空各种传统的单一运输方式有机地结合起来,组成一个国际的连贯运输.13.滞期费: 未按规定的装卸时间和装卸率完成装卸任务,延误了船期,则应向船方支付一定金额的罚款.14.速遣费: 如果按照规定的装卸时间和装卸率,提前完成装卸任务,使船方节省了船舶在港的费用开支,船方将其获取的利益的一部分给租船人作为奖励.15.海运提单:是船方或其代理人在收到其承运的货物时签发给托运人的货物收据,也是承运人与托运人之间的运输契约的证明。

合同的标的至货物的交付商品的名称name of commodity凭买方样品买卖sale by seller’s sample凭买方样品买卖sale by buyer’s sample代表性样品representative sample=原样original sample =标准样品type sample复样duplicate sample=留样keep sample对等样品counter sample=回样return sample色彩样品color sample花样款式样品pattern sample参考样品reference sample免费样品free sample推销样品selling sample装运样品shipping sample ,shipment sample到货样品outturn sample检验用样品sample for test凭文字说明买卖sale by description凭规格买卖sale by specification凭等级买卖sale by grade凭标准买卖sale by standard良好平均品质Fair Average Quality 或F.A.Q凭产地名称或凭地理标志买卖sale by name of origin , or sale by geographical indication凭说明书和图样买卖sale by description and illustration Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller仅供参考For Reference Only质量公差quality tolerance毛重gross weight以毛作净gross for net净重net weight按实际皮重real tare , or actual tare按平均皮重average tare按习惯皮重customary tare按约定皮重computed tare按公量计重conditioned weight按理论重量计重theoretical weight法定重量legal weight净净重net net weight溢短装条款more or less clause散装货物bulk cargo , cargo in bulk运输包装transport packing大包装,外包装outer packing板条箱crate瓦楞纸箱corrugated carton纸箱carton漏孔箱skeleton case桶drum,cask包bundle ,bale运输标志,唛头shipping mark指示性标志indicative mark警告性标志warning mark商品条码bar code for commodities中性包装neutral packing贸易术语trade termsLoad the goods on board the vessel关键点critical points风险划分点point for division of risk =交货点point of delivery装运合同shipment contract到货合同arrival contract空仓费dead freight滞期费demurrage单据买卖 a sale of documents象征性交货symbolic delivery单价unit price外汇保值条款exchange clause佣金commission经纪人middleman;broker代理人agent折扣discount销售佣金selling commission累计佣金accumulative commission 数量折扣quantity discount特别折扣special discount含佣价price including commission 净价net price交货delivery装运shipment收妥待运accepted for carriage邮局收据日期date of post receipt 收货日期date of pick-up接受监管taking in charge迅速装运prompt shipment立即装运immediate shipment尽快装运shipment as soon as possible以获取舱位为准subject to shipping space available获得出口许可证为准subject to approval of export license 分批装运shipment by installments转运transshipment班轮运输liner transport租船运输charter transport定程租船voyage charter ; trip charter定期租船time charter光船租船bare boat charter单程航次租船single trip charter来回程航次租船return trip charter连续航次租船consecutive voyages航次期租time charter on trip basis , TCT重量吨weight ton尺码吨measurement ton从价运费 A.V. or ad val.按货物重量或尺码从高征收W/M临时议定运价open rate燃油附加费bunker adjustment factor , BAF货币贬值附加费currency adjustment factor CAF超重附加费heavy lift additional超长附加费long length additional直航附加费direct additional转航附加费transshipment surcharge港口附加费port surcharge港口拥挤附加费port congestion surcharge选择港附加费optional surcharge变更卸货港附加费alteration surcharge整船包价slump-sum fright班轮条件gross terms; liner terms; berth terms船方管装不管卸free out , F.O.船方管卸不管装free in, F.I.船方装和卸均不管free in and out, F.I.O.工作日working days按晴天工作日weather working days货物所有权凭证document of title货物收据receipt for the goods运输合同的证明evidence of the contract of carriage 已装船提单on board B/L; shipped B/L备运提单received for shipment B/L记名提单straight B/L不记名提单bearer B/L指示提单order B/L直达提单direct B/L转船提单transshipment B/L联运提单through B/L班轮提单liner B/L正本提单original B/L副本提单copy B/L过期提单stale B/L甲板提单on deck B/L整箱货full container load, FCL拼箱货less than container load, LCL集装箱堆场container yard, CY集装箱货运站container freight station,CFS 被保险人the insured =投保人applicant保险人insurer =承保人underwriter保险标的subject matter insured保险利益insurable interest最大诚信utmost good faith保证warranty补偿原则principle of indemnity近因原则principle of proximate cause海上风险perils of the sea自然灾害natural calamity意外事故fortuitous accidents外来风险extraneous risks推定全损constructive total loss共同海损general average单独海损particular average施救费用sue and labor expenses救助费用salvage charges平安险free from particular average, FPA水渍险with average, with particular average WA, WPA一切险all risks仓至仓条款warehouse to warehouse clause , W/W Clause 一般附加险general additional risk砰损、破碎险clash and breakage串味险taint of odor淡水雨淋险fresh water and/or rain damage偷窃,提货不着险theft, pilferage and non-delivery ,TNPD 短量险shortage渗漏险leakage混杂、玷污险intermixture and contamination钩损险hook damage受潮受热险sweet and heating锈损险rust包装破裂险breakage of packing 特殊附加险special additional risk 战争险war risks罢工险strike risks黄曲霉素险aflatoxin交货不到险failure to delivery舱面险on deck进口关税险import duty拒收险rejection保险单insurance policy保险凭证insurance certificate预约保单open policy批单endorsement相对免赔率franchise绝对免赔率deductible代位追索权right of subrogation 汇票bill of exchange, draft, bill即期汇票sight draft, demand draft。

1.International Settlement 国际结算2.International Customs 国际惯例3.booklet of authorized signatures 签字样本4.test key 密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行6.SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange 汇票2.b anker’s draft 银行汇票3.commercial bill 商业汇票4.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票5.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill 跟单汇票7.clean bill 光票8.sight draft,demand draft 即期汇票9.time bill,usance bill 远期汇票10.drawer,payee,drawee 出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement 背书12.acceptance 承兑13.without recourse 免于追索14.notice of dishonour 拒付通知15.protest 拒绝证书16.promissory note 本票17.cheque / check 支票18.cash cheque 现金支票19.cheque for transfer 转帐支票20.crossed check 划线支票1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇4.O/A:Open Account,赊销交易5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现6.B/O:By order of,汇款人1.Remittance:汇款2.payment order:汇款委托书3.M/T advice:信汇委托书4.telegraphic transfer:电汇5.banker's demand draft:票汇6.mail transfer:信汇1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents 商业单据3.Collection 托收4.Principal 委托人5.Remitting Bank 托收行6.Collecting Bank 代收行7.Clean Collection光票托收8.Documentary C ollection 跟单托收9.Documents against Payment 付款交单10.Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单11.Trust Receipt 信托收据12.Outward Bills 出口押汇13.Uniform Rules for Collection 托收统一规则14.Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收1.Documentary Credit 跟单信用证2.Cover Letter或Bill of Purchase 寄单面函3.Credit Opened by Mail 信开本信用证4.Credit Opened by Teletransmission 电开本信用证5.Operative Instrument 有效文本6.Expiry Date and Plac e 有效日期和地点7.Nominated Bank 指定银行8.Partial Shipment 分批装运9.Special Condition 特别条款10.Discrepancy 不符点11.Issuing Bank 开证行12.Applicant 申请人13.Advising Bank 通知行14.Beneficiary 受益人15.Negotiating Bank 议付行16.Confirming Bank 保兑行17.Reimbursing Bank 偿付行18.Sight Payment Credit 即期付款信用证19.Deferred Payment Credit 迟期付款信用证20.Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证21.Confirmed Credit 保兑信用证22.Usance Credit Payable at Sight 假远期信用证23.Anticipatory Credit 预支信用证24.Transferable Credit 可转让信用证25.Back to Back Credit 背对背信用证26.Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证27.Revolving Credit 循环信用证28.Strict Compliance 严格相符29.Substantial Compliance 实质相符30.Fraud Exception Principle 欺诈例外原则五、将下列英文译成中文1.Independent guarantee:独立性保函2.Accessory Guarantee:从属性保函3.reissuing bank:转开行4.counter-guarantor:反担保人5.Standby letter of credit:备用信用证六、将下列英文译成中文1.International Factoring 国际保理2.Credit Control 信用销售控制3.Collection of Receivables 带收账款4.Financed Factoring 融资保理5.Non-Financed Factoring非融资保理6.Maturity Factoring 到期保理7.Non-Recoursed Factoring无追索权保理8.Recoursed Factoring 有追索权保理9.Disclosed Factoring公开型保理10.Undisclosed Factoring 隐蔽型保理11.Two Factor System双保理商保理型式12.Single Factor System 单保理商保理型式13.Maintenance of Sales Ledger 销售账务管理14.Protection for buyer's Credit 信用担保15.Export Trade Finance 贸易融资16.Application for a Credit Approval 信用额度申请表1.Commercial Invoice 商业发票2.Transport Documents 运输单据3.Insurance Documents 保险单据4.Receipt Invoice 收妥发票5.Shipping Mark 唛头6.Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单7.Shipped B/L 已装船提单8.Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单9.Transshipment B/L 转船提单10.Through B/L 联运提单11.Direct B/L 直达提单12.Order B/L 指示提单13.Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单14.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 不可转让海运单15.Air Waybill 空运运单16.Master Air Waybill 主运单17.Cargo Receipt,C/R 承运货物收据18.Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据19.Insurance Policy 正式保险单20.Multimodal Transport Document 多式运输单据21.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证22.Open Policy 预约保险单23.Insurance Declaration 保险声明24.Cover Note, Binder 暂保单25.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书26.Inspection Certificate 检验证明书学习好资料欢迎下载。

国际贸易实务英文名词解释英to英国际贸易实务英文名词解释英to英1. 货物品质:货物本质性的质量和外观形态。
2. 凭样品买卖:买卖双方约定以样品作为交货品质依据的买卖方式。
3. 品质条款的基本内容:货物品名、规格、等级、标准或商标、牌名或产地等。
4. 溢短装条款:在买卖合同中的数量条款中明确可以增减的百分比,但增减幅度以不超过数量的百分比为限。
5%(国际贸易规定)5. 约量:在交货数量前加“约”字的规定机动幅度方式。
6. 中性包装:指在商品包装上和商品本身,不注明生产国别和原产地的商品包装。
7. 定牌:指按买方要求在出口商品和包装上使用买方指定的商标或牌名的做法。
8. 国际贸易术语:是指用一个简短的概念或简短的外文缩写字母表明货物价格的构成和买卖双方各自承担的责任、费用和保险,交货方式和地点。
9. FOB:卖方在合同规定的日期或期间内,在指定的装运港将货物装到买方派来的船上,并负责办理出口清关手续。
10. CIF:卖方在合同规定的时间内租船订舱支付运费并负责支付保险费,在指定装运港运至指定目的港。
11. 背书:即签字,标志着货物所有权转移及保险权利的转移。
12. CFR:卖方在合同规定的期限内负责租船订舱支付运费,买方负责办理货物运输保险,卖方在合同规定的装运港,将货物装船运至指定目的港。
13. FCA:指卖方在合同规定的交货期间内将货物交给买方指定的承运人接管,卖方负责出口清关手续,风险转移以货物在起运地交给承运人接管为止。
14. CPT:指卖方在合同规定的交货期间内,同承运人签订运输合同并在指定的交货地点,将货物交给承运人接管,卖方负责办理出口、进口手续。
15. CIP:是指卖方在合同规定的期间内同承运人签订运输合同,并将货物交给承运人接管,卖方负责办理货物运输保险。
16. 佣金(C):中间商因介绍买卖而取得的报酬。
17. 折扣(R):卖方按原价格给买方一定比例的减让。

1.International Settlement 国际结算2.International Customs 国际惯例3.booklet of authorized signatures 签字样本4.test key 密押5.Correspondent Bank代理行6.SWIFT 环球银行金融电讯协会1.bill of exchange 汇票2.b anker’s draft 银行汇票3.commercial bill 商业汇票4.banker’s acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票5.trader’s acceptance bill 商业承兑汇票6.documentary bill 跟单汇票7.clean bill 光票8.sight draft,demand draft 即期汇票9.time bill,usance bill 远期汇票10.drawer,payee,drawee 出票人,收款人,付款人;11.endorsement 背书12.acceptance 承兑13.without recourse 免于追索14.notice of dishonour 拒付通知15.protest 拒绝证书16.promissory note 本票17.cheque / check 支票18.cash cheque 现金支票19.cheque for transfer 转帐支票20.crossed check 划线支票1.T/T:Telegraphic Transfer,电汇2.M/T:Mail Transfer,信汇3.D/D:Banker's Demand Draft,票汇4.O/A:Open Account,赊销交易5.CAD:Cash against documents,交单付现6.B/O:By order of,汇款人1.Remittance:汇款2.payment order:汇款委托书3.M/T advice:信汇委托书4.telegraphic transfer:电汇5.banker's demand draft:票汇6.mail transfer:信汇1.Financial Documents金融单据2.Commercial Documents 商业单据3.Collection 托收4.Principal 委托人5.Remitting Bank 托收行6.Collecting Bank 代收行7.Clean Collection光票托收8.Documentary C ollection 跟单托收9.Documents against Payment 付款交单10.Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单11.Trust Receipt 信托收据12.Outward Bills 出口押汇13.Uniform Rules for Collection 托收统一规则14.Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收1.Documentary Credit 跟单信用证2.Cover Letter或Bill of Purchase 寄单面函3.Credit Opened by Mail 信开本信用证4.Credit Opened by Teletransmission 电开本信用证5.Operative Instrument 有效文本6.Expiry Date and Plac e 有效日期和地点7.Nominated Bank 指定银行8.Partial Shipment 分批装运9.Special Condition 特别条款10.Discrepancy 不符点11.Issuing Bank 开证行12.Applicant 申请人13.Advising Bank 通知行14.Beneficiary 受益人15.Negotiating Bank 议付行16.Confirming Bank 保兑行17.Reimbursing Bank 偿付行18.Sight Payment Credit 即期付款信用证19.Deferred Payment Credit 迟期付款信用证20.Acceptance Credit 承兑信用证21.Confirmed Credit 保兑信用证22.Usance Credit Payable at Sight 假远期信用证23.Anticipatory Credit 预支信用证24.Transferable Credit 可转让信用证25.Back to Back Credit 背对背信用证26.Reciprocal Credit 对开信用证27.Revolving Credit 循环信用证28.Strict Compliance 严格相符29.Substantial Compliance 实质相符30.Fraud Exception Principle 欺诈例外原则五、将下列英文译成中文1.Independent guarantee:独立性保函2.Accessory Guarantee:从属性保函3.reissuing bank:转开行4.counter-guarantor:反担保人5.Standby letter of credit:备用信用证六、将下列英文译成中文1.International Factoring 国际保理2.Credit Control 信用销售控制3.Collection of Receivables 带收账款4.Financed Factoring 融资保理5.Non-Financed Factoring非融资保理6.Maturity Factoring 到期保理7.Non-Recoursed Factoring无追索权保理8.Recoursed Factoring 有追索权保理9.Disclosed Factoring公开型保理10.Undisclosed Factoring 隐蔽型保理11.Two Factor System双保理商保理型式12.Single Factor System 单保理商保理型式13.Maintenance of Sales Ledger 销售账务管理14.Protection for buyer's Credit 信用担保15.Export Trade Finance 贸易融资16.Application for a Credit Approval 信用额度申请表1.Commercial Invoice 商业发票2.Transport Documents 运输单据3.Insurance Documents 保险单据4.Receipt Invoice 收妥发票5.Shipping Mark 唛头6.Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单7.Shipped B/L 已装船提单8.Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单9.Transshipment B/L 转船提单10.Through B/L 联运提单11.Direct B/L 直达提单12.Order B/L 指示提单13.Anti-dated B/L 倒签提单14.Non-negotiable Sea Waybill 不可转让海运单15.Air Waybill 空运运单16.Master Air Waybill 主运单17.Cargo Receipt,C/R 承运货物收据18.Parcel Post Receipt 邮包收据19.Insurance Policy 正式保险单20.Multimodal Transport Document 多式运输单据21.Insurance Certificate 保险凭证22.Open Policy 预约保险单23.Insurance Declaration 保险声明24.Cover Note, Binder 暂保单25.Certificate of Origin 原产地证明书26.Inspection Certificate 检验证明书。

国际贸易实务常用术语翻译装运港船上交货( Free on Board , FOB)装运港船边交货( Free Alongside Ship , FAS)货交承运人( Free Carrier , FCA)成本加运费( Cost and Freight , CFR)成本加保险费、运费( Cost , Insurance and Freight ,CIF)运费付至( Carriage Paid To , CPT)运费、保险费付至( Carriage and Insurance Paid To ,CIP)边境交货( Delivered At Frontier , DAF)目的港船上交货( Delivered EX Ship , DES)目的港码头交货( Delivered EX Quay , DEQ)未完税交货( Delivered Duty Unpaid , DDU)完税后交货( Delivered Duty Paid , DDP)象征性交货 ( Symbolic Delivery )实际交货 ( Physical Delivery )班轮运输 ( Liner Transport )租船运输 ( Shipping by Chartering )班轮条件 ( Gross Terms;Liner Terms;Berth Terms )集装箱 ( Container )整箱货 ( Full Container Load,FCL )良好平均品质( Fair Average Quality,FAQ )对等样品;回样( Counter Sample )拼箱货( Less than Container Load,LCL )国际多式联运( International Multimodal Transport 或International Combined Transport ,美国也称International Intermodal Transport )“ OCP”即“陆路共通点”( Over Common Points )货物经美国西海岸港口转运分批发运( Partial Shipment )海运提单( Bill of Lading , B/L )清洁提单( Clean B/L )提示提单( Order B/L )单独海损( Particular Average , PA)共同海损( General Averages , GA)平安险( Free from Particular Average,FPA )水渍险( With Average or With Particular Average,WA or WPA )一切险( All Risks )“仓至仓”条款( Warehouse to Warehouse Clause )汇票( Bill of Exchange ; Draft )本票( Promissory Note )支票( Cheque ; Check )承兑( Acceptance )背书( Endorsement )空白背书( Blank Endorsement )托收(Collection )付款交单( Documents against Payment , D/P )承兑交单( Documents against Acceptance , D/A )信用证( Letter of Credit,L/C )跟单信用证( Documentary Credit )不可撤销信用证( Irrevocable Letter O f Credit )保兑信用证( Confirmed Letter of Credit )开证申请人( Applicant )开证行( Issuing Bank )通知行( Advising Bank )受益人( Beneficiary )议付银行( Negotiating Bank )不可抗力( Force Majeure )仲裁(Arbitration )询盘(Inquiry )发盘(Offer )还盘(Counter Offer )接受(Acceptance )保险单(Insurance Policy)独家经销(Sole Distribution)产地说明书(Certificate of Origin)招标(Invitation to Tender)投标( Submission of Tender)富不贵只能是土豪,你可以一夜暴富,但是贵气却需要三代以上的培养。
国际贸易实务 名词解释

1、FOBFOB-是Free On Board(…named port of shipment)的简写,即船上交货(…指定装运港),习惯称为装运港船上交货。
FOB 是国际贸易中最常用的贸易术语之一。
2、CIFCIF,英文全称为Cost ,Insurance and Freight (….named port of des tination),即成本加保险费、运费(….指定目的港),指卖方须将货物按照合同规定装上船并负责运输和保险及其费用;与FOB术语一样,CIF 亦是只适用于水上运输,也是国际贸易中最常用的贸易术语之一。

2 、不清洁提单:是指承运人收到货物之后,在提单上加注了货物外表状况不良或货物存在缺陷或包装破损的提单。
一、FOB术语FOB术语是free on board的英文缩写略语,意思是船上交货(指定装运港),是海上运输最早出现的国际贸易术语。
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国际贸易实务英文名词解释(英to英)What’s International Trade?The international trade is the exchange of goods and services produced in one country for goods and services producedin another country.EXPORTINGExporting is the process of earning money by providing the right product at the right price at the right time in the right place beyond your home boundary. The ultimate goal is to make sure that the exporter is to be paid for the goods he sells.EXWEXW means the seller delivers when he places the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the seller’s premises (法定地址) or another named place. The seller doesn’t not declare the goods for export and he needn’t load goods on any collecting vehicle.FASFree alongside ship means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside the vessel at named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of the goods from that moment.FOBFree on Board means the seller delivers when the goods pass the ship’s rail at the named port of shipment. This means that the buyer has to bear all the costs and risks from that point. The FOB terms require the seller to clear the goods for export.CFRCost and freight means that the seller delivers when the goods pass ship’s rail at the named port of shipmentCIFCIF means that the seller bears the same obligations as under CFR. In additional that he has to procure marine insurance against the buyer’s risk of loss or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pay the insurance premium.FCA, Free carrier (…Named place)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the custody of the carrier named by the buyer at the named place or point. If no precise point is indicated by the buyer, the seller may choose within the place or range stipulated where the carrier shall take charge of the goods. When, according to commercial practices, the seller’s assistance is required in making the contract with the carrie r, the seller may act at the buyer’s risk and expenses.CPT, Carriage paid to (…named place of destination) 运费付至(…指定目的地)It means that the seller pays the freight for the carriage of the goods to the named destination, the risk of, loss of, or damage to the goods, as well as any additional costs due to events occurring after the time the goods have been delivered to the carrier, is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods have been delivered into the custody of the carrier.CIP, Carriage and insurance paid to (…named place of destination) 运费保险费付至(…指定目的地)It means that the seller has the same obligations as under CPT but with the addition that the seller has to procure cargo insurance against the buyer’s risk of, loss of, or damage to the goods during the carriage. The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.DES, Delivered Ex Ship(…named port of destination) 船上交货(…指定目的港)It means that the seller shall make the goods available to the buyer on board the ship at the destination named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full cost and risks involved in bringing the goods there.DEQ, Delivered ex Quay(…names port of destination) 码头交货(…指定目的港)It means that the seller makes the goods available to the buyer on the quay at the destination named in the sales contract. The seller has to bear the full cost and risks involved on bringing the goods there.DDU, Delivered Duty Unpaid (…named place of destination) 未完税交货(…指定目的地)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. The seller has to bear all the costs and risks involved in bringing the goods there, as well as the cost and risk of carrying out customs formalities for export. The buyer has to pay any additional costs and bear any risks caused by his failure to clear the goods for import in time.DDP,Delivered Duty Paid(…named place of destination)完税后交货(…指定目的地)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available at the named place in the country of importation. The seller has to bear all the risks and costs including duties, taxes and other charges for delivering the goods, clearing for importation. It represents the maximum obligation borne by the seller.DAF, Delivered At Frontier (…named place) 边境交货(…指定地点)It means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have been made available, cleared for export, at the named point of place at the frontier, but before the customs border of the country named in the sales contract.Quality of goodsThe quality of goods refers to the outward appearance and the essential quality of the goods, such as shape, structure, color, flavors well as chemical composition, physical and mechanical property, biological feature, etc.In international trade, quality of the goods not only concerns the value in use and the price of the goods, but also concerns the sales of the goods and credit standing of the manufacturer.Sale by samples.The sample refers to the article which can be used to represent the quality of the whole lot. Sale by sample includes tree cases, i.e., sale by the seller’s sample and sale, sale by t he buyer’s sample and sale by counter sampleSale by actual quality:(以实际品质交货)In this case, the buyer or his agent examines the goods at seller’s place at first. After they conclude a deal, the seller shall deliver the goods according to the goods examined.Sale by description:(以说明表示)In international business, most commodities are suitable to sale by description which can be subdivided into 7 kindsSale by specification:(凭规格买卖)The specification of the goods refers to certain main indicators which indicate the quality of the goods, such as composition, content, purity, size, length, etc.Sale by grade: (凭等级买卖)The grade of the goods refers to the classifications of the commodity of the goods which is indicated by words, numbers or symbols. The classifications are usually decided by different qualities, weights, compositions, appearances, properties, etc.Sale by standard: (凭标准买卖)The standard refers to the specifications or grades which are stipulated and announced by the government or the chambers of commerce, etc.F.A.Q.: (良好平均品质)In the international agricultural and by-product market, there is a commonly adopted standard, i.e., fair average quality. F.A.Q. refers to the average level of the export commodity within a certain period of time.Sale by brand name or trademark: 凭商标品牌买卖As to the goods whose quality is stable, reputation is sound and with which the customers are quite familiar, we may sell it by brand name or trade mark.(奔驰汽车)Sale by name of origin: 凭产地名称买卖There are some agricultural products and by-products whose origins are well- known all over the world.Sale by description: 凭说明书和图样买卖The quality of some commodities, such as technological instruments, electric machines, etc. can not be simply indicated by quality indexes, instead it is quite necessary to explain in detail the structure, material, performance as well as method of operation. If necessary, pictures, photos, etc. must also be provided.Quality Tolerance品质公差The quality tolerance is used in the trade of industrial products, which means that the quality of the goods delivered by the seller is allowed to have certain differences within a certain range since such differences are usually unavoidable and commonly accepted as the usage of the same special trade. Quality tolerance is mainly used for industrial productsQuality latitude 品质机动幅度The quality latitude means that the quality indexes of the goods delivered by the seller may be controlled flexibly within a certain latitude.The packing of goodsIn international trade packing is one of the essential component parts of commodity production. Generally speaking, only packed commodities can enter into the circulation field, and attain the commercial value and use value of the goods. Packing can protect commodity and keep it good in quality and intact in quantity in the circulation process.Neutral packing and brand designated by the buyer 中性包装和定牌It means that there is neither a name of the origin, nor a name of the factory, nor a trade mark, a brand, or even any words on the packing of the commodity and the commodity itself. It includes two kinds: packing with trade mark designated by the buyer but without the mark of the manufacturers and origins packing and without trade mark and origins as well as the mark of the manufacturersBrand designated by the buyer:It means that the seller addresses the trade mark or brand on the package of the commodity or the commodity itself as buyer’s request.定牌是指卖方按买方要求在其出售的商品或包装上标明买方指定的商标或品牌,这种做法叫定牌生产。