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1. Which of th e foll owing underl ined p arts i s diff erent from o thers in pro nuncia tion?
A.wish ed
B.jump ed
C.kiss ed
D.wait ed √
wished,jump ed,ki ssed三个单词画线部分的发音均为//,wait ed画线部分的发音为/Id/。
2. Which of th e foll ence?
A.When I sta rted m nt.
B.When I sta rted m nt. √
C.When I sta rted m nt.
D.When I sta rted m nt.
3. All t he______in t
A.six-year-o lds √
C.six-year-o ld
si x-year-old相当于形容词;six-ye ar-old则为名词复数,表示同一类人。
4. The r isk of infec tion f or tha t pati ent ha sn't d iminis hed af ter th e oper ation.______, it h as inc reased.
A.On t he who le
B.On t he con trary√
C.On t he ave rage
D.On t he oth er han
on the whole“整体上”;on the contr ary“相反”,符合题意;o n the averag e“一般说来”;on the ot her ha nd“另一方面”。
5. Testi ng is still a usua l mean s______which stude nts' p rogres s is m easure d.
D.by √
6. Many people______in the proje ct at both r esearc h and editin g stag es and we wo uld li ke to thank them a ll her e.
A.have invol ved
B.have been involv ed √
C.havi ng inv olved
D.havi ng bee n invo lved
many peopl和in volve之间是被动关系,be involv ed in“参与,涉及”。
7. Only until very r ecentl y______possi ble th at gra mmaria ns are able to mak e accu rate s tateme nts ab out th e rule s of s ome la nguage s.
A.has it bee n √
B.it h as bee
C.was it
D.it w as
根据后半句中的are able to可知本句为现在时态,故排除、。
8. This is not______they h ad exp ected after years of pai nstaki ng res earch.
A.a re sult a s bad as
B.as a resul t as b ad
C.as b ad as a resu lt
D.as b ad a r esult as √
as…a意为“和……一样”,表示同级的比较,其基本结构为as+a dj./adv.冠词名词as。
9. Which of th e foll owing words is for med th rough deriva tion?
A.stud ents
B.shor ter
C.boug ht
D.insa nity √
题干:下面哪一个单词是通过派生法形成的派生法指在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词的方法,如uncon scious无意识的,nation aI(民族的都是通过派生法形成的。
10. The uttera nce "N ow, co rrect me if I'm wr ong ..." sug gests that p eople are li kely t o obse rve th e______Maxim in da
ily co nversa tions.
A.Quan tity
B.Qual ity √
C.Rele vance
D.Mann er
题干:在日常对话中,“如果我错了,现在请纠正我……”这个句子表明人们可能遵循什么准则?Qua ntity Maxim“数量准则”,Quali ty Max im“质量准则”,Re levanc e Maxi m“关系准则”,Man ner Ma xim“方式准则”。
11. When a tea cher a sks st udents to br ainsto rm wha t they will write about an unf orgett able t rip, h e/she mainly focus es on______.
A.idea s √
yo ut
D.feed back
ideas“思想,想法”,lay out“布局”,style“风格”,fe edback“成果,反馈”。
12. Whic h of t he fol lowing is a commun icativ e task
A.Read ing al oud th e dial ogue o n page 24.
B.Writ ing a party invita tion t o your frien ds. √
C.Tran slatin g the first paragr aph in to Chi nese.
D.Maki ng sen tences with the ex pressi ons gi ven.
commun icativ e acti vity即各种形式的交际性活动,在活动中学生通过完成目标任务,即真实的交际性任务,达到真正运用语言的目的。
13. What is be ing pr actise d if a teach er ask s stud ents t o read words like "cot, hot" a nd "do g, log"?
A.Spel ling a nd str ucture.
B.Stre ss and sound.
C.Mini mal pa irs. √
D.Phon etic s ymbols.
14. What teach ing me thod i s used by th e teac her if much of his/her c lass t ime is spent on dr illing sente nce pa tterns follo wed by exerc ises l ike re petiti on, me moriza tion, mimicr y, etc (分数:2.50)
A.The Natura l Appr oach.
B.The Commun icativ e Appr oach.
C.The Audio-lingua l Meth od. √
D.The Gramma r-tran slatio n Meth od.
15. Acco rding to the affec tive-f ilter hypoth esis, ______is NOT an af fectiv e fact or inf luenci ng lan guage learni ng.
A.atti tude
B.moti vation
C.inte rest
D.inte lligen ce √
in tellig ence“智力”不属于该范畴。
16. What does his/he r feed back f ocus o n if a teach er's c omment is "J ohn, i t woul d be m uch be tter i f you have g iven m ore de tails!" ?
A.Cont ent. √
ng uage.
C.Atti tude.
D.Apti tude.
17. Whic h of t he fol lowing is a refere ntial questi on?
A.Wher e was Yang L iwei b orn?
B.Who is the first Chine se ast ronaut
C.Why do you think Yang Liwei is a g rea t a strona ut? √
D.When did Y ang Li wei be gin hi s hist oric s pace t ravel?
题干:下面哪一个是参考性问题课堂问题可分为展示性问题(di splay questi ons)和参考性问题(r eferen tial q uestio ns)。
18. Havi ng liv ed in China for a long t ime, J ohn co uld fu lly un dersta nd the cultu ral sh ocks e xperie nced b y his Chines e stud ents. Which of the follo wing t raits does J ohn ha ve in this i nstanc e?
A.Avoi dance.
B.Empa thy. √
C.Extr oversi on.
D.Intr oversi on.
19. When the t eacher asks studen ts to read a text for th e main idea, he/sh e inte nds to devel op stu dents' skill of______.
A.rete lling
B.pred icting
C.skim ming √
D.scan ning
20. Whic h of t he fol lowing is ba sed on the c ommuni cative view of lan guage?
A.Stru ctural sylla bus.
B.Skil l-base d syll abus.
C.Genr e-base d syll abus.
D.Func tional-notio nal sy llabus. √
21. 简述形成性评价(f ormati ve ass essmen t)的含义(4分,列举两种形成性评价的方法或手段(8分,并提出实施中应该注意的两个问题分。
________________________________________________________________ __________________________
正确答案:( (1形成性评价的含义:
22. 下面是某教师一节听说课听前环节的教学实录,单元话题为My fav ourite Anima。
:Today we’l l talk about anima ls.Do you l ike an imals?
:I lik e anim als,oo.Pl ease g uess w hat my favou rite a
nimal is.
Ss:Dog!Monkey!Panda s!Elep hant!
:Look!教师拿出一个毛绒兔子)My favou rite a nimal is a r abbit.It is lovel y and cute.Please read after me:cu te.教师在黑板上写出cut,学生跟读
:Now r ead af ter me:chic ken,lephan,gir affe,lion,monkey,panda,peng uin,heep,tiger, zebra.教师在PP上呈现听力材料中涉及的所有动物词汇,逐一领读
________________________________________________________________ __________________________
正确答案:( (1该听前教学活动的两个优点:
①该教师让学生猜自己最喜欢的动物,从而引出本节听说课的主题My f avouri te ani mal,并为后面学生运用“W hat is your favour ite an imal?”的句型做了铺垫。
①从前面学生的回答中,可知学生已掌握了monkey,pand,ele phant这几个单词。
此外,根据材料可判断出本节课的听说重点应该围绕“What i s your favou rite a nimal?And wh y?”进行。
23. 设计任务:
-teachin g obje ctives
-teachin g cont ents
-key and diffi cult p oints
-major s teps a nd tim e allo cation
-activit ies an d just ificat ions
Ms Li: H ello, my nam e is L i Fang. I'm your t eacher and y ou are my st udents. I'm Chines e. I'm from Wuhan. What's your name?
Lingling: My n ame is Wang Lingli ng.
Ms Li: N ice to meet you, L inglin g. Whe re are you f rom?
Lingling: I'm from B eijing. I'm Chines e.
Ms Li: H ow old are y ou?
Lingling: I'm thirte en yea rs old.
Ms Li: G ood. H ello, what a bout y ou?
Daming: Hello, Ms Li, my n ame is Li Da rning and I'm from Beiji ng, to o. I'm twelv e year s old.
Ms Li: T hanks. Hello, are you fr om Ame rica?
Tony: No, I'm not. I'm fro m Engl and. I'm Ton y Smit h.
Ms Li: N ice to meet you, T ony. H i, are you E nglish, too?
Betty: N o, I'm not. I'm Am erican and m y name is Be tty Ki ng.
Lingling: Tony and B etty a re our frien ds.
Ms Li: G ood! W elcome to Cl ass 4 Grade 7!
________________________________________________________________ __________________________
正确答案:(Tea ching Conten ts:
This mat erial is a d ialogu e betw een a teache r and four s tudent s, whi ch is mainly about where they are fr om and how o ld the y are.
Teaching Objec tives:
(1) Know ledge object ives
① Stude nts ca n unde rstand the m eaning of th e spea king m ateria l.
② Stude nts ca n mast er the sente nce pa tterns:
What is your n ame? M y name is ...
Where ar e you from? I'm fr om ... I'm a/an ...
How old are yo u? I'm ...
(2) Abil ity ob jectiv es
① Stude nts ca n impr ove th eir sp eaking and l isteni ng abi
lities throu gh the group work.
② Stude nts ca n flue ntly i ntrodu ce the mselve s to o thers.
(3) Emot ional object ive
Students can f oster their intere st and desir e of l earnin g Engl ish, a nd can be fo nd of taking part in cla ss act ivitie s.
Teaching Key a nd Dif ficult Point s:
(1) Teac hing k ey poi nt
Students can u nderst and an d use the se ntence patte rns to talk with o thers.
(2) Teac hing d ifficu lt poi nt
Students can f oster the in terest of le arning Engli sh and apply the s entenc es int o dail y life.
Major St eps:
Step 1 P resent ation (6 min utes)
life a nd ask stude nts to guess what the di alogue is ma inly a bout. After two mi nutes, invit e two studen ts to share their answer s with the w hole c lass.
(2) Ask studen ts to listen to th e conv ersati on to get th e main idea, and t hen to fill in the chart.
(Justifi cation: The pictur e can help s tudent s gues s the main i dea. L isteni ng and filli ng in the ch art ca n help stude nts se ize de tails of the conve rsatio n and develo p thei r list ening abilit y.)
Activity 1 :
Divide s tudent s into group s of f our, a nd ask them to pra ctise the co nversa tion. Then i nvite severa l grou ps to act ou t the conver sation in th e fron t of t he cla ssroom.
Ask stud ents t o make a sur vey an d fini sh the table. Afte nutes, invit e seve ral re presen tative s to m ake a report for t he who le cla ss.
senten ce pat terns and fo ster t heir i nteres t of l earnin g Engl ish. B esides, thei r abil ities of spe aking and co operat ing wi th oth ers ca n be i mprove d.)
Ask stud ents t o have a rol e-play in gr oups o f four. Ask them t o play roles of in ternat ional studen ts fro m Amer ica, F rance, Engla nd, Ca nada ... The y meet each other for th e firs t time and w ant to make friend s. Stu dents should think about what the y should say a nd wha t info rmatio n they expec t to g et fro m othe rs.
When stu dents are pe rformi ng, th e teac her sh ould o bserve stude nts' p erform ance, give h elp an d give posit ive ev aluati ons.
Then vol unteer group s will have the ch ance t o perf orm in the f ront o f the classr oom.
(Justifi cation: Thro ugh th e prac tise, studen ts can gradu ally b ecome profic ient i n usin g the senten ce pat terns they h ave le arned and ap ply th em int o dail y life. In a dditio n, the ir con fidenc e of s peakin g and learni ng Eng lish c an be cultiv ated.)
24. Ther e are two ki nds of motiv e for engagi ng in any ac tivity: inte rnal a nd ins trumen tal. I f a sc ientis t cond ucts r esearc h beca use sh e want s to d iscove r impo rtant facts about the wo rld, t hat's an int ernal motive, sinc e disc overin g fact s is i nhe rently r elated to th e acti vity o f rese arch. If she condu cts re search becau se she wants to ac hieve schola rly re nown, that's an in strume ntal m otive, since the r elatio n betw een fa me and resea rch is not s o inhe rent. Often, peopl e have both for do ing things.
What mix of mo tives—inter nal or instr umenta l or b oth—s most condu cive t o succ ess? Y ou mig ht sup pose t hat a scient ist mo tivate d by a desir e to d iscove r fact s and by a d esire to ach ieve r enown will d o bett er wor k than a sci entist motiv ated b y j ust one of tho se des ires. Surely two m otives are b etter than o ne. Bu t as w e and our co lleagu es arg ue in a pape r newl y publ ished in the Proce edings of th e Nati onal A cademy of Sc iences, inst rument al mot ives a re not alway s an a sset a nd can actua lly be coun terpro ductiv e to s uccess.
We analy zed da ta dra wn fro m 11, 320 ca dets i n nine enter ing cl asses at the Unite d Stat es Mil itary Academ y at W est Po int, a ll of whom r ated h ow muc h each of a set of motiv es inf luence d thei r deci sion t o atte nd the acade my. Th e moti ves in cluded th ings lik e a de sire t o get a good job l ater i n life and a desir e to b e trai ned as a lea der in the U nited States Army.
How did the ca dets f are, y ears l ater? How di d thei r prog ress r elate to the ir ori ginal motive s for attend ing We st Poi nt?
We found, unsu rprisi ngly, that t he str onger their intern al rea sons w ere to atten d West Point, the more l ikely cadets were to gra duate and be come c ommiss ioned office rs. Al so uns urpris ingly, cadet s with inter nal mo tives did be tter i n the milita ry (as evid enced by ear ly pro motion recom mendat ions) than d id tho se wit hout i nterna l moti ves an d were also more l ikely to sta y in t he mil itary after their five y ears o f mand atory servic e.
Remarkab ly, ca dets w ith st rong i nterna l and strong instr umenta l moti ves fo r atte nding West P oint p erform ed wor se on every measur e than did t hose w ith st rong i nterna l moti ves bu t weak instr umenta l ones. They were less l ikely to gra
duate, less out standing as mi litary offic ers an d less commi tted t o stay ing in the m ilitar y.
Our stud y sugg ests t hat ef forts should be ma de to struct ure ac tiviti es so that i nstrum ental conseq uences do no t beco me mot ives. Helpin g peop le foc us on the me aning and im pact o f thei r work, rath er tha n on, say, t he fin ancial retur ns it will b rin g, may b e the best w ay to improv e not only t he qua lity o f thei r work but a lso th eir fi nancia l succ ess.
There is a tem ptatio n amon g educ ators and in struct ors to use w hateve r moti vation al too ls are avail able t o recr uit pa rticip ants o r impr ove pe rforma nce. I f the desire for m ilitar y exce llence and s ervice to co untry fails to att ract a ll the recru its that th e Army needs, then perha ps app eals t o "mon ey for colle ge," "career train ing" o r "see ing th e worl d" wil l do t he job. Whil e this strat egy ma y lure more recrui ts, it may a lso yi eld wo rse so ldiers. Simi larly, for s tudent s unin terest ed in lea rning, f inanci al inc entive s for good a ttenda nce or pizza parti es for high perfor mance may pr ompt t hem to parti cipate, but it may resul t in l ess we ll-edu cated studen ts.(分数: 3.50)
(1). Acc ording to th e pass age, w hich o f the follow ing is an in ternal motiv e for a newl y recr uited soldie r?(分数:2.70)
A.To s erve t he cou ntry.√
B.To r eceive caree r trai ning.
C.To e arn mo ney fo r coll ege.
D.To b roaden their scope of vi sion.
文章最后一段提到“If the de sir e for milita ry exc ellenc e and servic e to c ountry fails to at tract all th e recr uits t hat th e Army needs,then perha ps…wi ll do the jo b.”即如果追求军事卓越和为国家服务的渴望不能吸引新兵服役,那么也许可以用“赚大学费用”“职业培训”或“增长见识”来吸引新兵。
(2). Whi ch of the fo llowin g is c losest in me aning to the under lined word "cadets" in P aragra ph 3?(分数:2.70)
A.In-s ervice soldi ers.
i tary r esearc hers.
i tary o fficer s.
i tary t rainee s. √
根据题干关键词“ca dets”定位到原文第三段中的“We analy zed da ta dra wn fro m 11,320 ca dets i n nine enter ing cl asses at the Unite d Stat es Mil itary Academ y at W est Po int…”由此可知cad ets指美国军事学院西点军校的学员。
(3). Acc ording to th e pass age, w hich o f the follow ing is condu cive t o care er suc cess?(分数:2.70)
A.Stro ng int ernal and st rong i nstrum ental motive s.
B.Stro ng int ernal and we ak ins trumen tal mo tives.√
C.Weak inter nal an d stro ng ins trumen tal mo tives.
D.Weak inter nal an d weak instr umenta l moti ves.
根据第六段中的“…cadets with strong inter nal an d stro ng ins trumen tal mo tives for at tendin g West Point perfo rmed w orse o n ever y meas ure th an did those with strong inter nal mo tives but we ak ins trumen tal on es.”可知,拥有较高内部动机和较低功利性动机更有助于事业的成功。
(4). Wha t do t he wri ters d isappr ove co ncerni ng the curre nt sit uation of at tracti ng rec ruits?(分数:2.70)
A.Taki ng int o acco unt ap plican ts' in ternal motiv es.
B.Maki ng the m focu s on t he mea ning o f thei r work.
C.Rely ing on whate ver mo tivati onal t ools a vailab le. √。