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cleara nces\i nstruct ions or stateme nts, there are four an swers marked a,b,c,a nd d, choose the most appropriate an swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .
1. Speed bird 125, go aroun d, I say aga in, go around, unknown vehicle is cross ing the run way.
Questio n: Why should speed bird 125 go around?
a. It can not cross the run way.
b. Ano ther aircraft is cross ing the run way.
c. The crew wants to know who is cross ing the run way.
d. The crew wants to go around.
An swer: b
2. Approach, SAS 345, turning on to 080, we ' d like to make or kawipasiieck.
Questio n: What might probably be the problem?
a. Hydraulic system failure.
b. Gen erator failure.
c. Landing gear malfu ncti on.
d. Air con diti oning problem.
An swer: c
3. Roger, wi nd 340, 8 knots, right turn after airborne, con tact 121.3, I am cleared. UAL 23
4. Questio n: What is the pilot doing?
a. Ready for take off.
b. Ready to approach.
c. Ready to lan
d. Ready to taxi.
An swer: a
4. Sabe na 334, we can n ot accept run way 27 in such a dow nwind. We wish to use run way 09.
Questi on: On which run way will the crew take off?
a. r/w 27.
b. r/w 09.
c. Either of the run way.
d. The crew will not takeoff.
An swer: b
5. Mansfield, G- VF, we ' ve nearly been hit by overtaking traffic on our left.
Questi on: What happe ned?
a. Airmiss.
b. Collisi on
c. Turbule nee
d. Bad separati on.
An swer: a
6. Luftha nsa 863, Lackhead, radar con tact lost due to ground clutter, will advise you when con tact rega ined, resume own n
avigati on to the Renton in tersectio n.
Questi on: What happe ned?
a. Radar con tact established.
b. Radar con tact lost.
c. End of radar vector.
d. Visual con tact established.
An swer: b
7. we re not getting any reception from the Charleston VOR, can you check whether it ' s on the ail Question: What is wrong with the NA VAID?
a. It is not worki ng.
b. It goes to air.
c. The stati on might be wrong.
d. It explodes.
An swer: c
8. American 76, No. 3 engine feathered, unable to continue climb, leveling at 190.
Questi on: What is the problem?
a. One of the engines dis in tegrated.
b. One of the engines failed.
c. One of the engines was struck.
d. One of the engines was hit.
An swer: b
9. Continental 456, we request an expeditious clearance as we are carrying a kidney from a donor, and it has to
be delivered within two hours.
Questio n: Why does the crew want to go earlier?
a. They are carry ing a kid ney donor.
b. They are carrying a donor ' s kidney.
c. They are carry ing a kid ney to a donor.
d. They are carry ing a donor with a kid ney.
An swer: b
10. Eastern 63, it looks like our windshield ' s iced over. Does the met confirm severe icing in the area?
Questi on: What happe ned.
a. Wind shear
b. Icing on the wi ng.
c. Icing on the wind scree n.
d. Icing on the engin
An swer: c
Section II
Directions: In this part you will hear five RTF exchanges between pilots and air traffic controllers, each exchange will be spoken only
once. A question will be asked after each exchange, there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate an
swer from the four choices accord ing to what you have heard .
1. C: 95 Tango, over MK VOR at 10, 9500 feet, VFR to Weston, estimating Baker at 51, underwood next.
P: 95 Tan go, roger, it looks like flight con diti ons are gett ing pretty rough in the West on area at the prese nt
time. We are getting cellings 8 octas 3300, visibility 12. I have got some reports, standby one.
Questi on: What is the con diti on?
a. pretty good.
b. Pretty bad.
c. Getti ng well.
d. No reports.
An swer: b
2. P: Indianapolis. Continental 245, maintaining flight level 350.
C: 245, roger, look for traffic at 12 o ' clock, about 18 miles eastbound, at 330.
P: He ' s behind cloud. 245.
Questi on: What is going on?
a. The pilot finds a traffic.
b. The pilot cannot see the traffi
c. The traffic is moving west boun
d. The crew can not maintain the altitud
An swer: b
3. C: Con ti nen tal 62, I have a British Caled onian coming in the opposite direct ion. Will you hold for him?
P: Affirmative. 62.
C: Continen tal 62, whe n he is by, taxi to run way one four left.
P: Hold. 62.
Questio n: What will the pilot do?
a. hold, the n taxi.
b. Taxi, the n hold.
c. Ready to line up.
d. Pass ano ther traffic.
An swer: a
4. P: Con trol, KLM 546, our fuel en dura nee is only 50 minu tes. We ' d like to refuel at Rock.
C: KLM 546, you ' d better proceed todMsfield in stead, because the ground han dli ng pers onnel at Rock are on strike. Advise if able.
Questio n: Can KLM 546 refuel at Rock?
a. Yes.
b. No.
c. Hard to say.
d. None of abov
An swer: c
5. P: Denver Control, UAL 29, we ' re being hijacked. The hijacker wants us to land in Los Angeles, but we
have to refuel at Denver Airport. Request immediate desce nt.
C: Roger, descend flight level 150. Any message we can pass on to LA?
Questio n: What happe ned to UAL 29?
a. Hijacker wants the crew to land at Denver.
b. The aircraft does not have eno ugh fuel.
c. The crew refused to fly to LA.
d. Hijack wants to refuel at Denver.
An swer: b
Section III
Directions: In this sect ion you will hear two passages. each passage will be spoke n only once. After each passage five questions will be asked, for each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d, choose the most appropriate an swer from the four choices
accord ing to what you have heard .
Passage I
Trusti ng each other's judgme nt is n ecessary. Without it, how can the crew work together? The Capta in must be able to trust that his crew are performing their duties properly and vise/versa. Besides having authority the Captain is also the leader. He is the one who pulls the crew together to work as a team whe n emerge ncy situati ons occur even when they don't know each other. A true leader is willing to listen to others, be respectful and be able to take comma nd. The Capta in is the comma nder on board but this does n't mean he can't liste n to other member of the "team" is interdependent on one another. Sometimes in aviation the Captain is thought of as "god", you don't dare approach him or questi on him. A lot of cab in and flight crews are afraid to approach the Captai n about a safety concern for fear of how he'll react. Slowly this attitude has bee n cha nging. How can a cockpit be effectively run if the Capta in's own crew can not work together?
The follow ing questi ons are based on the passage you have just heard?
1. What will happe n in an emerge ncy situati on?
a. Each crew member is in depe ndent.
b. The capta in pulls the team together.
c. The captain can ' t listen to other ' s advice.
d. The flight crews are afraid to approach the capta in.
An swer: b
2. What will happe n if the crews are afraid to approach the capta in?
a. The cockpit will not be effectively run.
b. The crews fear the capta in ' s react ion.
c. The captain ' s attitude will change.
d. The capta in will take the comma nd.
An swer: a
3. How can trust be established in cockpit?
a. The capta in trusts the crews.
b. The crews trust the capta in.
c. Both of a and b.
d. The crew members are in depe ndent.
An swer: c
4. What happe ns if the capta in is thought of god?
a. Others will feel hard to offer advice.
b. The captain will listen to other ' s advice.
c. The capta in will fear others.
d. Others will give advic
An swer: a
5. What is the best title of the passage?
a. Trust can enhance frien dship.
b. Trust helps cockpit run effectively.
c. The crews don ' t know each other.
d. Cockpit will not run if crews don ' t know each other.
An swer: b
Passage II
Commun icatio n is one of the most importa nt aspects of flyin g. It is com muni cati on that in sures that the flow of aviati on traffic moves in a coord in ated way. ATC keeps aircraft from running into each other, they help pilots
n avigate, they help pilots set up for approaches and they also help with weather issues. ATC can also be a trouble. The pers on can probably be frustrated by the too much distract ion that is sometimes required by the radio. If you are busy with cockpit workload and ATC is con sta ntly havi ng you cha nge speed, altitude, head ing, freque ncies etc. it can be very frustrat ing to say the least.
The follow ing questi ons are based on the passage you have just heard.
1. How does ATC keep aircraft from running into each other?
a. By help ing pilots n avigate.
b. By help ing pilots sett ing up for approaches.
c. By help ing pilots with weather issues.
d. All of a, b and c.
An swer: d
2. How can an ATC be a trouble?
a. It is hard to com muni cate while con trolli ng sometimes.
b. ATC don ' t talk to pilot due to workload.
c. ATC keep ask ing cha nge of freque ncies.
d. Pilots prefer to con trol the aircraft.
An swer: a
3. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true?
a. Communi cati on is most importa nt.
b. Con trolli ng the aircraft is most importa nt.
c. Communi cati on should be put aside whe n busy.
d. Sometimes com muni cati on adds more workload.
An swer: d
4. What con clusi on can you draw from the passage?
a. Pilots don ' t like to com muni cate with ATC.
b. ATC don ' t like to communicate with pilots.
c. Commun icati on is the same importa nt.
d. Commun icati on is always igno red.
An swer: c
5. What do you think is the best title for the passage?
a. Bala nee betwee n com mun icati on and con trol
b. Commun icati on can be igno red.
c. How to com mun icate.
d. How to con trol while com muni cati ng.
An swer: a
Section IV
Directions: In this sect ion there are some in struct ions or pilot 'reports\requests. These above
words are spoke n only once. In each spoke n part some words are miss ing. Liste n carefully and fill the bla nks with what you have just heard.
1. Egyptair 909 continue climb and ____________ of the large aircraft cfimto path until turning clear of his
wake. Be alert any __________ t akeoff situati on.
2. N356AC after departure direct to OXI VMC climbing from level _____________________ report weather
3. American 461 desce nd now to flight level ___ to by DOP. Hold at DOP FL320 in bou nd track ____ right
Page 5
hand patter n, report at DOP.
4. Tango 5-PP Fokker 100 25 miles east of the airport. Heading 280 __________ VFR from P to T estimating
Tango at 2125 request joining cleara nee of _______ .
5. Easter n 809 your flight pla n __ and was can celled because proposed time was eha nged. So, you call your
eompany and ask them to send us ______ again please.
1. Egyptair 909 continue climb and stay upwind of the large aircraft ' s climb path until turning clear of I
Be alert any critical takeoff situation.
2. N356AC after departure direct to OXI VMC climbi ng from level 150 to FL190 report weather on the way
3. American 461 descend now to flight level 320 to by DOP. Hold at DOP FL320 inbound track 210 right hand patter n, report at
4. Tango 5-PP Fokker 100 25 miles east of the airport. Heading 280 at 8000ft VFR from Papa to Tango, estimating Tango at 2125
request joining clearance of Amber 212.
5. Easter n 809 your flight pla n overdue and was can celled because proposed time was cha nged. So., you call your compa ny and
ask the to send us the flight pla n aga in please.
Section V
Directions: In this sect ion there is an excha nge betwee n pilots and con trollers, the excha nge will be spoke n only on ce. Liste n carefully and the n complete the table below.
1. The place for Streamli ne 300 started departure was ___
2. The location of LIB807 when it contacted A TC initially was ___
3. The SID for LIB807 was ____________
4. LIB807 should not line up until _______ .
5. The aircraft on short final was ______________ .
1. The place for Streamli ne 300 started departure was in tersect ion 18.
2. The location of LIB807 when it contacted A TC initially was on the runway 28.
3. The SID for LIB807 was Eagle 8A
4. LIB807 should not line up until 737 landing.
5. The aircraft on short final was737.
Part II Oral in teract ion
Secti on One: Normal Procedure
Directions: In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsign is ABCDE. Your flight is from Bluenard to Greenard , alternate is Blackyard Complete your communication with ATC according to the controllers in struct ions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded whe n you see a micropho ne on the scree n.
A. Pre-flight 14
(Whe n you walk around the a/c, you found there was fuel leakage in the actuator of left elevator, mecha nics are repairi ng, call Blueyard Delivery delay your departure.)
P: Blueyard Delivery, ABCDE , there was fuel leakage in the actuator of left elevator, mecha nics are repairi ng, our flight will be delayed.
C: ADE Blueyard Delivery , how long do you think it will be?
(you n eed 30 minu tes.)
P: we n eed 30 minu tes, ADE .
C: ADE, if you need half an hour, your departure time will be 0945. If more than 30 minutes, I will allocate new slot time for you.
P: departure time 0945, tha nk you, ADE.
(you are on sta nd B4 con tact Blueyard Delivery for ATC cleara nee)
P: Blueyard Delivery, ADE : stand B4, request A TC clearance.
C: ABCDE is cleared to Greenard via filed flight plan, climb to 3000ft initially, Coly1D departure, request level cha nge en route, squawk 5132.
P: cleared to Greenard via filed flight plan, climb to 3000什initially, Coly1D departure, request level change en route, squawk 5132 ABCDE .
C: ADE, readback correct. Con tact ground on 121.8.
P: 121.8, ADE
(call Ground you want to push back and start up)
P: Blueyard Ground ABCDE sta nd B4 request push back and start up, in formati on K.
P: push back approved sta nd by for start up ADE
C: ADE start up approved expect r/w26R Coly1 departure squawk 5132
P: start up approved expect r/w26R Coly1 departure squawk 5132 ADE
C: A DE that ' s correct call me back when ready for taxi
(you want to taxi)
巳 Ground, ABCDE, ready for taxi.
C: ADE, taxi via taxiway S, A and A9 to holding point r/w26R.
P: taxiway S, A and A9 to holding point r/w26R, ADE
P: Ground ABCDE, there ' s a group of people on the taxiway about 200 meters ahead of us.
C: ADE, they ' re doing maintenance work on the taxiway lighting, but you ' ll turn right before you reach t P: roger, ADE.
B. Departure
(you ' ve comme need Coly1D departure con tact departure)
P: Departure ABCDE comme need Coly1D departure
C: ABCDE cancel SID climb to 2500ft on prese nt head ing then turn left direct to Coly , report reachi ng 2500ft
P: cancel SID climb to 2500ft on prese nt headi ng left turn direct to Coly, wilco ABCDE
P: Con trol ABCDE reach ing 2500ft
C: A DE climb to 9000ft
P: climbing to 9000ft A DE
(you are at 9000ft)
P: Ground ABCDE, level at 9000ft.
C: ADE, mai nta in this level, con tact Blueyard con trol on 131.75, good day.
P: maintaining this level, 131.75, good day.
C: En route
(call Blueyard con trol)
巳 Blueyard control, ABCDE, good morning
C: ABCDE Blueyard control, what ' s your flight planned level?
(Say 290)
P:FL290, ADE
C: ADE, maintain FL90 until past FVL, expect further climb after FVL.
(You request immediate climb to FL290, you are 15 minutes behind schedule.)
P: request immediate climb to FL290, we are 15 minutes behind schedule. ADE
C: ADE, sta ndby.
P: sta nding by, ADE
C: ADE climb to FL220, report pass ing FL200.
P: climbi ng to FL220, report passi ng FL200, ADE.
C: ADE, stop climb at FL190, due to converging traffic 10 o ' clock, 15 miles, 1000ft above.
P: main tai ning FL190, ADE.
(you found weather in dicati on on your weather radar, request circu mn avigate 30 km right of track to avoid the
thun derstorm.)
P: Con trol ABCDE We have weather in dicati on on the weather radar, request circu mn avigate 30 km right of track
to avoid the thu nderstorm.
C: ADE, negative to go round the thunderstorm to the right due to the prohibited area. Cleared to avoid to the left.
P: track out to the left, ADE.
(you are now cleared of weather)
P* control ADE cleared of weather
C: A DE turn right heading 280 come back on track
P: right turn heading280 A DE
(you are now back on track request FL290)
P: Con trol ABCDE we are back on track request FL290
C: ADE Climb to FL290.
P: Climbi ng to FL290, ADE
(you are experie ncing moderate turbule nee at this level)
P: Con trol ADE we are experie ncing moderate turbule nee at this level
C: ADE roger keep us advised.
P: roger A DE
D. Desce nd and Approach 6
(Co ntact Gree nard approach you are at TM time 30 at FL150 ETO PC45 in formation B)
P: Greenard approach ABCDE TM30 at FL150 ETO PC45 in formati on B
C: ABCDE desce nd to FL100 hold between TM and PC at FL100 right turns
P: Desce nding FL100 hold betwee n TM and PC at FL100 right tur ns ABCDE
P: Squawk ing 5423 ADE
C: ADE cleared ILS approach r/w 35R, , desce nd to 6000ft, QNH 1013
P: ILS 即proach r/w 35R, , desce nd to 6000ft, QNH 1013, ADE.
(at 1000ft, you established on the ILS r/w35R, you got windshear information from PFD, and then it has a voice warning “ go around win dshear win dshear, ” you go aroun d.)
P: Approach, ADE, going around. We got windshear information from PFD, then it has a voice warning “ go around windshear ahead ”.
C: ADE sta ndard missed approach procedure.
P: sta ndard procedure, ADE
Secti on Two: Abno rmal Procedure
Directions: .In this part, you are a pilot. Your aircraft callsig n is ABCDE. Complete your com muni cati on with ATC according to the controllers instructions and the prompt. Your voice will be recorded when you see a microph one on the scree n.
Item 1
(A passe nger on board got a heart attack, call Blueyard Con trol for medical assista nee)
PIL: Blueyard Con trol, ABCDE, a passe nger on board had a heart attack, could you provide assista nee?
CTL: Roger, ADE, I ' ll claeidkcall you back
CTL: ADE, Blueyard airport has no hospital, you ' d better divert to Readot
PIL: (Ask for Redot direct) Roger, ADE. Can we proceed to Redot direct?
CTL: Affirm. Descend to FL 320. I ' ll make all the arrangements with Redot.
PIL: (Read back and tha nks) ADE, desce nding to FL320. Thank you for your help.
Item 2
(You are ready to take off)
CTL: ABCDE, cleared to take off, wind 300 degree 15 knots
PIL: Cleared to take off, ADE
PIL: (Duri ng tak ing off, you have a tyre blow-out, abort take off and report): ADE, take-off aborted due to tyre ____
CTL: ADE, taxi off run way ahead.
PIL: (Read back and report your aircraft slid off the run way a little): Roger. Taxi off runway. But we slid off the runway slightly. CTL: ADE, are you able to taxi off the run way without assista nee?
PLI: (Say you can not manage.Your left gear is bogged down, you need steps and buses to take passengers back): Negative, the left gear is bogged dow n. Request passe ngers steps and buses to take the passe ngers back to the termi nal.
CTL: Roger, ADE. We ' ll also get a tug to you soon..
Item 3
CTL : ABCDE. The health service are ask ing whether all the passe nger have got cholera vacci nati on certificates. PIL: (Say you will check and call back) W e' II make a quick check and call you lack
PIL: (Call back to tell that 2 passe ngers certificates not valid) ADE, We have 2 passe ngers whose certificates are no Ion ger valid. CTL: Tell them they ' ll have to report to the health service on landing.
PIL: Wilco. ADE
Part III Oral resp on ses
Narrati on
Directions: In this part, you are going to listen to two accident narratives, after each narrative three questions will be asked, make your an swer be recorded whe n you see a micropho ne on the scree n.
Accide nt n arrative
September 25, 1996 a Dutch Dakota Aassociatio n (DDA) DC-3 (PH-DDA) was scheduled to fly from Texel airport to Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport. The DC-3 took off from the isla nd of Texel at 16:28 for a retur n trip to Amsterdam. Engine problems were reported at 16:33 to texel Radio. The crew switched over to NAS De Kooy Approach and told De Kooy they wan ted to make an emerge ncy landing. At that time they were flying at 600 feet, 11nm NE of NAS De Kooy. The crew tried to feather the no. 1 prop, but part of the feathering-mechanism failed. The prop started win dmilli ng, caus ing drag. The aircraft desce nded and con trol was lost at 180m whe n the speed had dropped below minimum control speed. The DC-3 crashed onto a mud-flat. According to investigation, the accident was initiated by a combined failure of the left engine and the left feathering system. The accident became in evitable whe n the flight crew allowed the speed to decrease below stall speed and lost con trol of the aircraft at an altitude from which recovery was not possible.
Questi on 1:Accord ing to the passage, what are the causes of the accide nt?
Questi on 2: Retell the accide nt in your own words.
Questi on 3: If you were the pilot, how could you possibly avoid the accide nt?。
