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【摘要】Objective To explore the correlation between the area size of corpus callosum and the development of nerve movement in children with cerebral palsy (CP). Methods 63 patients with CP were selected as the study group, and 60 cases of normal children were treated as control group. Development of nerve movement was evaluated by the neuropsychological development scale of 0~6 years old children. The total and partition area size of corpus callosum were measured by MRI, and analyzed the correlation between the area of corpus callosum and the development of nerve movement. Results The total and partition area size of corpus callosum in the study group were less than those in control group, and the difference was statistically significant. There was a positive correlation between the total area of the corpus callosum and the neurological motor development score. The coarse motion and the adaptability were correlated significantly. Conclusion The development of CP area might be associated with cerebral palsy. The more severe clinical symptoms in children, the smaller the area of the corpus callosum, the head MRI can assess the severity of cerebral palsy and treatment effect.%目的探讨脑性瘫痪(CP)患儿胼胝体面积与神经运动发育之间的关系.方法选取脑性
【作者单位】安徽省儿童医院神经康复科,合肥 230051;安徽省儿童医院神经康复科,合肥 230051;安徽省儿童医院影像中心,合肥 230051;安徽省儿童医院神经康复科,合肥 230051;安徽省儿童医院神经康复科,合肥 230051
1.Carroll双上肢功能测试与Gesell发育量表中精细运动在脑性瘫痪患儿中的相关性研究 [J], 阳伟红
2.运动发育推拿法与神经发育疗法对小儿脑性瘫痪的疗效比较 [J], 陈冬冬;钟宁;黄华玉;史惟;施炳培
3.早产儿胼胝体生长率与神经运动发育关系的超声研究 [J], 刘皎然;刘芳;王菲;杜志方;曹士考;田庆波
4.神经运动发育与引导式教育结合对脑性瘫痪运动功能恢复的作用 [J], 黄苡苹
5.穴位注射鼠神经生长因子对脑性瘫痪患儿智力发育及运动功能的影响 [J], 张丽
