员工带薪年度假期管理办法1. 背景和目的本管理办法的目的是为了规范公司员工的带薪年度假期管理,确保员工享有合理的休假权益,并提高员工的工作积极性和创造力。
2. 适用范围本管理办法适用于公司所有员工。
3. 定义- 带薪年度假期:指员工在每个年度内根据公司政策享有的有薪休假天数。
- 年度:指从每年的1月1日起,到12月31日止的连续12个月的时间段,作为计算带薪年度假期的基准。
4. 带薪年度假期的计算和分配4.1 计算方法- 入职不满一年的员工,享有入职日起至年末剩余的月份的1/12带薪年度假期。
- 入职满一年的员工,从入职满一年之后的年初开始,每年享有公司规定的带薪年度假期。
4.2 分配原则- 所有员工在年初即可获得当年的带薪年度假期。
- 入职满一年的员工在首次计算带薪年度假期的时候,按照入职日计算。
4.3 带薪年度假期的累计- 全年度内未使用的带薪年度假期不得累计至下一年度。
- 未使用的带薪年度假期也不得以金钱形式进行补偿。
5. 带薪年度假期的申请和审批5.1 申请- 员工需提前向所在部门递交带薪年度假期申请,明确休假起止日期。
- 员工需在申请中注明希望使用的带薪年度假期的天数。
5.2 审批- 带薪年度假期的审批权由所在部门的直接上级拥有。
- 员工需等待所在部门审批结果,批准后方可享受带薪年度假期。
6. 带薪年度假期的使用和管理6.1 使用时间- 员工可以根据个人需要选择合适的时间段使用带薪年度假期。
- 如员工的带薪年度假期未被批准使用,员工不得擅自离岗。
6.2 假期顺延- 如员工因工作需求无法使用全部带薪年度假期,可以与所在部门协商安排,将剩余的带薪年度假期顺延到下一年度使用。
7. 异常情况处理7.1 辞职和解雇- 如员工在年度内提前辞职或被解雇,带薪年度假期将按照入职满一年的员工计算方式进行结算。
7.2 跨年假期- 如带薪年度假期的休假时间跨越两个年度,员工可以按照即将结束的年度的带薪年度假期计算方式来享受假期。
1.0总则1.0General Principles1.1 目的为规范公司员工休假管理,维护公司正常的工作秩序和生产经营活动,根据国家或地方政府有关规定制定本规定。
1.1 PurposeTo standardize HDTD employee leave & holiday management for companies smooth Operations. This Policy has been formulated in accordance with relevant provisions from local and national government.1.2 适用范围此规定适用于与公司签订劳动合同的全体员工。
1.2 Scope of ApplicationThis rule applies to all the HDTD Employees who have signed labor contract with HDTD. As for the Employee on load from Halliburton or SPT, they should perform their vacation according to the loan agreement they have signed with HDTD. For all seconded/loaned employees approval from reporting manager in HDTD is mandatory to avail any of the leaves.1.3 休假管理原则•各部门应充分做好员工休假的统筹安排,避免因员工休假对公司业务及生产经营活动产生不利影响。
•关注员工身心健康和生活质量,保障员工合理的休假权利•员工休假应全面履行休假手续,确保员工休假信息的准确、完整1.3 Leave Management Principles•All the departments should arrange the Vacation of their Employee in advance to avoid the negative influence for Company’s business andCompany’s normal production and operation•Company should pay attention to employee’s health and living quality, ensuring the right of Employees for reasonable Vacation application.•Employee should perform their Vacations on the condition of fulfilling the Vacation application process. The data of Employee Vacation must beaccurate and completed.2.0休假管理2.0Leave Management2.1 休假种类员工休假包括事假、病假、调休、婚假、产假/陪产假、丧假、年假、法定节假日、工伤假、外派境外员工回国例行休假、公司规定的其它休假等。
第三条定义1. 年休假:指根据员工的工作年限和公司政策,给予员工的带薪休假期间。
2. 工作年限:指员工在公司连续工作的年数,不包括因休假、停薪留职等原因中断的时间。
3. 年休假工资:指员工在年休假期间享受的带薪工资。
4. 年休假申请:指员工根据公司规定提出的带薪休假申请。
第二章年休假的计算和安排第四条年休假的计算根据员工的工作年限,年休假的计算如下:1. 工作满1年不满10年的员工,享受带薪年休假5天;2. 工作满10年不满20年的员工,享受带薪年休假10天;3. 工作满20年以上的员工,享受带薪年休假15天。
第五条年休假的安排1. 员工应提前向上级主管部门提交年休假申请,并经批准后安排休假时间。
2. 公司应合理安排年休假,尽量满足员工的休假需求,但需考虑公司业务情况和其他员工的休假安排。
3. 员工可以将年休假分成多次休假,但应提前与公司协商并得到批准。
第三章年休假的支付和结算第六条年休假工资的支付1. 员工在年休假期间,享受正常工作日的带薪工资。
2. 年休假期间的加班工资、绩效奖金等福利待遇,按照公司相关规定执行。
第七条年休假工资的结算1. 员工年休假工资应在休假前支付或结算。
2. 若员工未能享受完整年休假,剩余的年休假工资应在离职时结算。
第九条违约责任1. 若员工未经公司批准擅自休假,视为违约行为,公司有权依法采取相应的纪律处分措施。
2. 若公司未按规定安排年休假或未及时支付年休假工资,应向员工支付相应的经济补偿。
Article 3 Employees who have worked continuously for one year or more are entitled to paid annual leave.
Article 6 Home leave, marriage or funeral leave and maternity leave as given by the state as well as the period of suspension of work with reservation of salary due to work injury shall be additional to paid annual leave.
第一条 为了实施《职工带薪年休假条例》(以下简称条例),制定本实施办法。
Article 2 These Measures apply to the enterprises, private non-enterprise entities and individual industrial and commercial households hiring labor (hereinafter referred to as "employer") in the People's Republic of China and the employees having an employment relationship therewith.
Regulation on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees Decree [2007] No. 514 by the State CouncilThe Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees, adopted at the 198th executive meeting of the State Council on December 7, 2007 are hereby promulgated and shall become effective as of January 1, 2008.Wen JiabaoPrimer of the People’s Republic of ChinaRegulations on Paid Annual Leave of the Employees Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labour Law and the Civil Servants Law of the People’s Republic of China in order to protect the employees’ rights to rests and annual leaves, as well as to encourage the employees to actively carry out their working duties.Article 2 The employees of the government departments, social organizations, enterprises, public institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses that have been working for a consecutive period of more than one year shall be entitled to the paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). The employer shall guarantee that their employees may take the annual leaves. The employees taking annual leave shall be entitled to the same wage level of normal working days.Article 3Where an employee has provided service for a periodof one full year but less than ten years, he/she is entitled to fivedays of annual leave; where he/she has served for a period of ten full years but less than twenty years, the entitled annual leave shall be ten days; and for a service period over twenty years, the entitled annual leave shall be fifteen days.The statutory national holidays and rest days shall not be included in the annual leave.Article 4 An employee shall not be entitled to annual leave for the current year where he/she is under any of the following circumstances:(1) The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the laws and regulations, and the number of days of such vacations exceeds that of his/her annual leave;(2) The employee has accumulatively taken more than twenty days of casual leave and the employer has not reduced his/her wage level thereof in accordance with the regulations;(3) The employee with service period of one full year but less than ten years has accumulatively taken more than two months of sick leave;(4) The employee with service period of ten full years but less than twenty years has accumulatively taken more than three months of sick leave;(5) The employee with service period over twenty years has accumulatively taken more than four months of sick leave.Article 5 The employer shall, considering the specific conditions of production and work, as well as the individual preferences of the employees, coordinate and arrange the annual leave of its employees.Annual leave may be arranged in a concentrated period or in several periods of time within one year, but it generally shall not span beyond one year. The employers may make annual leavearrangement for their employees that span beyond one year where they need to make such arrangement due to their production and job specialties.Where the employers can not arrange annual leave for the employees due to production or working requirements, they may, with the consent of the concerned employees, not arrange annual leave. For the annual leave that should have been taken by the employees but otherwise, the employers shall pay remuneration for annual leave to the concerned employees rating 300% of the daily wage rate of such employees.Article 6The personnel administration departments and labour and social security administration departments of the People's Governments at county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of these Regulations by the employers as per their respective jurisdictions. The trade unions shall protect the employees’ rights to annual leave in accordance with the laws and regulations.Article 7 Where an employer fails to arrange annual leave for the employees and meanwhile refuses to pay remuneration for annual leave in accordance with these Regulations, the personnel departments or the labour and social security departments of the People's Governments at county level or above shall order rectification within a period of time as per their respective jurisdictions. In case that no rectification has been made within the time limit, such employer, in addition to the payment of remuneration for annual leave, shall be ordered to make compensation to the concerned employees rating the same amount with the remuneration for annual leave. Where the employer refuses to make payment of remuneration for annual leave and compensation, and the personnel of such employer are public servants or administered in reference to the Civil Servants Law, theperson-in-charge that is held directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be penalized in accordance with the law, if such employer is categorized otherwise, the labour and social security department, the personnel department or the concerned employee shall apply for compulsory enforcement by a People's Court.Article 8 Where the employees and the employers confront disputes over annual leave, the relevant issues shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations of the State.Article 9 The personnel administration department and the labour and social security administration department of the State Council shall each formulate the implementing rules of the Regulations in accordance with their respective authorities.Article 10 These Regulations shall become effective as of January 1, 2008.(In case of any discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese text shall prevail. ---translator)职工带薪年休假条例中华人民共和国国务院令第514号《职工带薪年休假条例》已经2007年12月7日国务院第198次常务会议通过,现予公布,自2008年1月1日起施行。
《职工带薪年休假条例》(英文版)Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees发文日期12-14-2007内容分类Employment & Labor Law发文机关the State Council文号 Order of the State Council [2007] No. 514时效性Effective生效日期2008-01-01有效范围NationalAnnouncement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees Order of the State Council [2007] No. 514December 14, 2007The Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees adopted at the 198th General Meeting of the State Council on December 7, 2007 are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.Primer: Wen Jiabao,Appendix: Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of EmployeesArticle 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.Article 2 The employees of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses with employees that have been worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). Units shall guarantee that employees are entitled to annual leave. Employees taking annual leave are entitled to the wages of a normal working day.Article 3 Where an employee has served one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he has served 10 full years but less than 20 years, annual leave is 10 days. If he has served for 20 full years, annual leave is 20 days.Article 4 An employee is not entitled to annual leave for the current year if he is under any of the following circumstances:1. The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the law andthe number of days of such vacations is more than that of his annual leave;2. The employee has taken more than 20 days of casual leave accumulatively and his unit does not deduct wages in accordance with provisions;3. The employee has served one full year accumulatively but less than 10 years and has taken more than two months of sick leave accumulatively;4. The employee has served 10 full years accumulatively but less than 20 years and has taken more than three months of sick leave accumulatively;5. The employee has served more than 20 full years and has taken more than four months of sick leave accumulatively.Article 5 Units shall coordinate and arrange for the annual leave of employees on the basis of the specific conditions of production and work and the individual preference of employees.Annual leave may be centrally arranged within one year or in several periods and does not span more than one year in general. Units may make such arrangement that spans more than one year if they have a genuine need for such arrangement due to production and job specialties.Units that cannot arrange for annual leave for employees due to job requirements, they may not arrange for annual leave with the consent of such employees. In respect of the annual leave that should have been taken but otherwise, units shall pay wage remuneration to such employees at the rate of 300% of the daily wage income of such employees.Article 6 The personnel department and the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of these Regulations by units in accordance with their authority.Labor organizations shall protect the rights to annual leave of employees in accordance with the law.Article 7 Where a unit fails to arrange for annual leave for employees and pay wage remuneration on annual leave in accordance with the Regulations, the personnel department or the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall order rectification within a time limit. If no rectification is made within the time limit, such unit shall be ordered payment of wage remuneration on annual leave and also make additional compensation to employees on the basis of the amount of the wage remuneration of annual leave. Where no wage remuneration on annual leave or compensation is made, and the personnel of such units are public servants or administered with reference to the Public Servants Law, the person-in-charge that is directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law, if such unit belongs to other categories, the labor security department, the personnel department or the employee shall apply for compulsory implementation by a people's court.Article 8 Where employees and units have dispute over annual leave, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.Article 9 The personnel department of the State Council and the labor security department of the State Council shall formulate implementing procedures of the Regulations respectively in accordance with their respective authority.Article 10 The Regulations shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.。
《企业员工带薪年度休假实施办法》发布施行 全文
![《企业员工带薪年度休假实施办法》发布施行 全文](
第三条年度休假的计划和安排1. 企业应提前制定年度休假计划,并通知员工。
2. 年度休假可根据员工的实际情况和合理需求进行安排,有助于员工的身心健康和工作效率提升。
第四条员工带薪年度休假的申请和批准1. 员工有权依照年度休假计划向企业提出休假申请。
2. 企业应合理安排员工的休假时间,并及时批准休假申请。
第五条年度休假的工资待遇1. 员工在年度休假期间,享受与正常工作期间相同的工资待遇。
2. 年度休假期间,员工不得因休假而减少任何法定福利和权益。
第七条附则1. 本办法自发布之日起施行,并适用于企业员工。
2. 企业可根据实际情况制定更为细化的年度休假管理办法,但不得违背本办法的规定。
> 注:本办法的解释权和修改权归企业所有。
附录一:相应法律法规- 《中华人民共和国劳动法》- 其他相关法律法规附录二:相关解释- 企业员工:指在企业内部从事劳动的员工,不包括聘用临时工和劳务派遣人员。
- 年度休假:指员工每年享有的带薪休假时间,时间根据员工的工作年限等条件而定。
- 休假申请:指员工向企业提出希望休假的申请。
- 工资待遇:指员工在休假期间依然享受的工资和相关福利待遇。
第一条员工带薪年休假的定义与范围1.1 员工带薪年休假是指公司根据员工的工作年限或者其他相关规定,向员工提供的有薪休假机会。
1.2 员工带薪年休假的范围包括但不限于休假期限、工资待遇、休假安排等事项。
第二条员工带薪年休假的申请与审批2.1 员工应提前提交带薪年休假申请,以便公司进行合理安排。
2.2 公司人力资源部门应及时处理员工的带薪年休假申请,并在规定时间内给予审批结果。
第三条员工带薪年休假的享受条件3.1 员工应在公司规定的服务年限内才能享受带薪年休假。
3.2 员工应先满足公司规定的基本工作要求,并达到规定的绩效考核标准,方可申请带薪年休假。
第四条员工带薪年休假的休假期限与工资待遇4.1 员工的带薪年休假期限根据公司规定进行调整,具体休假期限以公司官方公布的规定为准。
4.2 在员工带薪年休假期间,公司将按照员工的合同约定支付相应的工资待遇。
4.3 员工在休假期间享受的工资待遇不低于其正常工作期间的收入。
第五条员工带薪年休假的安排5.1 具体员工带薪年休假的安排由公司人力资源部门进行规划并通知员工。
5.2 公司人力资源部门应根据公司的实际情况和员工的需求,合理安排员工的带薪年休假时间,以确保生产运营的正常进行。
第六条员工带薪年休假的管理与监督6.1 公司将建立带薪年休假档案,记录员工的休假情况,并及时进行更新和管理。
6.2 公司将进行带薪年休假的相关统计分析,并及时向相关部门进行汇报。
第七条其他事项7.1 公司有权根据实际情况对本暂行办法进行修改和调整,并通过适当方式通知到所有员工。
7.2 本暂行办法自发布之日起生效,具体施行细则由公司人力资源部门制定并公布。
【最新2018】带薪年假条例word版本 (3页)
![【最新2018】带薪年假条例word版本 (3页)](
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==带薪年假条例Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of EmployeesOrder of the State Council [201X] No. 514December 14, 201XThe Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees adopted at the 198th General Meeting of the State Council on December 7, 201X are hereby promulgated and shall be effective as of January 1, 201X.Primer: Wen Jiabao,Appendix: Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees带薪年休假条例Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.Article 2 The employees of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterpriseunits and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses with employees that have been worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to asArticle 3 Where an employee has served one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he has served 10 full years but less than 20 years, annual leave is 10 days. If he has served for 20 full years, annual leave is 15 days.Article 4 An employee is not entitled to annual leave for the current year if he is under any of the following circumstances:1. The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the law and the number of days of such vacations is more than that of his annual leave;2. The employee has taken more than 20 days of casual leave accumulatively and his unit does not deduct wages in accordance with provisions;3. The employee has served one full year accumulatively but less than 10 years and has taken more than two months of sick leave accumulatively;4. The employee has served 10 full years accumulatively but less than 20 years and has taken more than three months of sick leave accumulatively;5. The employee has served more than 20 full years and has taken more than four months of sick leave accumulatively.Article 5 Units shall coordinate and arrange for the annual leave of employees on the basis of the specific conditions of production and work and the individual preference of employees.Annual leave may be centrally arranged within one year or in several periods and does not span more than one year in general. Units may make such arrangement that spans more than one year if they have a genuine need for such arrangement due to production and job specialties.Units that cannot arrange for annual leave for employees due to job requirements, they may not arrange for annual leave with the consent of such employees. In respect of the annual leave that should have been taken but otherwise, units shall pay wage remuneration to such employees at the rate of 300% of the daily wage income of such employees.Article 6 The personnel department and the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on the implementation of these Regulations by units in accordance with their authority.Labor organizations shall protect the rights to annual leave of employees in accordance with the law.。
Announcement of the State Council on the Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of EmployeesArticle 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Labor Law and the Public Servants Law in order to protect the rights to rest days and annual leave of employees and deploy employees to actively discharge their duties.Article 2 The employees of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial businesses with employees that have been worked continuously for more than one year are entitled to paid annual leave (hereinafter referred to as "annual leave"). Units shall guarantee that employees are entitled to annual leave. Employees taking annual leave are entitled to the wages of a normal working day.Article 3 Where an employee has served one full year but less than 10 years accumulatively, he is entitled to five days of annual leave. If he has served 10 full years but less than 20 years, annual leave is 10 days. If he has served for 20 full years, annual leave is 20 days.Article 4 An employee is not entitled to annual leave for the current year if he is under any of the following circumstances:1. The employee is entitled to summer and winter vacations in accordance with the law and the number of days of such vacations is more than that of his annual leave;2. The employee has taken more than 20 days of casual leave accumulatively and his unit does not deduct wages in accordance with provisions;3. The employee has served one full year accumulatively but less than 10 years and has taken more than two months of sick leave accumulatively;4. The employee has served 10 full years accumulatively but less than 20 years and has taken more than three months of sick leave accumulatively;5. The employee has served more than 20 full years and has taken more than four months of sick leave accumulatively.Article 5 Units shall coordinate and arrange for the annual leave of employees on the basis of the specific conditions of production and work and the individual preference of employees.Annual leave may be centrally arranged within one year or in several periods and does not span more than one year in general. Units may make such arrangement that spans more than one year if they have a genuine need for such arrangement due to production and job specialties.Units that cannot arrange for annual leave for employees due to job requirements, they may not arrange for annual leave with the consent of such employees. In respect of the annual leave that should have been taken but otherwise, units shall pay wage remuneration to such employees at the rate of 300% of the daily wage income of such employees.Article 6 The personnel department and the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall actively conduct supervision and examination on theimplementation of these Regulations by units in accordance with their authority.Labor organizations shall protect the rights to annual leave of employees in accordance with the law.Article 7 Where a unit fails to arrange for annual leave for employees and pay wage remuneration on annual leave in accordance with the Regulations, the personnel department or the labor security department of people's governments at the county level or above shall order rectification within a time limit. If no rectification is made within the time limit, such unit shall be ordered payment of wage remuneration on annual leave and also make additional compensation to employees on the basis of the amount of the wage remuneration of annual leave. Where no wage remuneration on annual leave or compensation is made, and the personnel of such units are public servants or administered with reference to the Public Servants Law, the person-in-charge that is directly responsible and other directly responsible personnel shall be punished in accordance with the law, if such unit belongs to other categories, the labor security department, the personnel department or the employee shall apply for compulsory implementation by a people's court.Article 8 Where employees and units have dispute over annual leave, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations of the state.Article 9 The personnel department of the State Council and the labor security department of the State Council shall formulate implementing procedures of the Regulations respectively in accordance with their respective authority.Article 10 The Regulations shall be effective as of January 1, 2008.。
职工考勤休假制度(中英文版)第一篇:职工考勤休假制度(中英文版)职工考勤休假制度工作时间及地点WORKING HOURS AND WORKING PLACES1.1.工作时间的开始及结束Commencement and Cessation of Working Hours 工作时间Working Hours: 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,员工每周工作时间为40小时(不包括用餐时间)。
In accordance with the Labor Law of PRC, the working hours shall be forty(40)hours(excluding meal hours)per week.Two rest days per week will be offered to the employees.具体工作时间: 周一至周五 : 9:00 5:30 p.m.Work Time: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 5:30 p.m.公司有权根据业务需要对作息时间进行调整。
Due to the nature of work and business needs, the working hours may be different or changed from the standard work hours.1.2.工作时间的控制Control of Working Time 为确保业务活动顺利有效地开展,所有员工必须准时报到工作,按时履行职责,未经员工所在部门主管同意,员工不得缺勤、迟到或早退。
Every employee must go to work on time and fulfill his obligations and absence, late-coming or early off-duty is not accepted if there is no prior approval of the supervisor.1.2.1 每个员工在每天上下班时,必须刷考勤卡以备公司考核。
第七条员工有下列情形之一的,不享受当年的年休假:(一)员工请事假累计 20 天以上且单位不扣工资的;(二)累计工作满 1 年不满 10 年的职工,请病假累计 2 个月以上的;(三)累计工作满 10 年不满 20 年的职工,请病假累计 3 个月以上的;(四)累计工作满 20 年以上的职工,请病假累计 4 个月以上的。
第八条员工累计工作已满 1 年不满 10 年的,年休假 5 天;已满 10 年不满 20 年的,年休假 10 天;已满 20 年的,年休假 15 天。
第十一条每年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日为一个休假年度,年休假在 1 个年度内可集中安排,也可以分段安排,一般不跨年度安排。
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企业职工带薪年休假实施办法(英文版)Implementation Measures for Paid Annual Leave for Employees of Enterprises企业职工带薪年休假实施办法Article 1 These Measures are formulated for the purpose of implementing the Regulation on Paid Annual Leave for Employees (hereinafter referred to as Regulation).第一条为了实施《职工带薪年休假条例》(以下简称条例),制定本实施办法。
Article 2 These Measures apply to the enterprises, private non-enterprise entities and individual industrial and commercial households hiring labor (hereinafter referred to as "employer") in the People's Republic of China and the employees having an employment relationship therewith.第二条中华人民共和国境内的企业、民办非企业单位、有雇工的个体工商户等单位(以下称用人单位)和与其建立劳动关系的职工,适用本办法。
Article 3 Employees who have worked continuously for one year or more are entitled to paid annual leave.第三条职工连续工作满12个月以上的,享受带薪年休假(以下简称年休假)。
Article 4 The days of annual leave which may be taken by an employee shall be determined according to the employees accumulative working time which shall cover the employees working time in the same or different employers and the hours deemed as working time by any law, administrative regulation or State Council provisions.第四条年休假天数根据职工累计工作时间确定。
Article 5 The days of annual leave which may be taken by a new employee who satisfies the requirement of Article 3 in the current year shall be calculated according to the number of days from the time when he is employed by this employer to the end of the calendar year, and if the result is less than one day, he shall not enjoy annul leave this year.第五条职工新进用人单位且符合本办法第三条规定的,当年度年休假天数,按照在本单位剩余日历天数折算确定,折算后不足1整天的部分不享受年休假。
The calculation formula is: the number of days from the time when he is employed by this employer to the end of the calendar year/365 ×the days of annual leave he is entitled to if he works for this employer for 12 months in the current year.前款规定的折算方法为:(当年度在本单位剩余日历天数÷365天)×职工本人全年应当享受的年休假天数。
Article 6 Home leave, marriage or funeral leave and maternity leave as given by the state as well as the period of suspension of work with reservation of salary due to work injury shall be additional to paid annual leave.第六条职工依法享受的探亲假、婚丧假、产假等国家规定的假期以及因工伤停工留薪期间不计入年休假假期。
Article 7 An employee who has taken winter and summer vacations more than the due annual leave in a year is not entitled to the annual leave of the year. If the days of winter and summer vacations taken by the employee are less than the days of paid annual leave, for work reasons, the employer he works for shall grant to him the untaken annual leave days.第七条职工享受寒暑假天数多于其年休假天数的,不享受当年的年休假。
Article 8 If an employee falls under any of the circumstances prescribed in Article 4 (2), (3), (4) and (5) of the Regulation in the year after taking the annual paid leave of that year, he shall not be entitled to the paid annual leave of the next year.第八条职工已享受当年的年休假,年度内又出现条例第四条第(二)、(三)、(四)、(五)项规定情形之一的,不享受下一年度的年休假。
Article 9 An employer may, in light of the actual production and work situation, plan the annual leave of its employees as a whole on the basis of employees own wills. Where an employer cannot give annual leave to an employee or decides to postpone the annual leave to the next year due to work needs, it shall get the consent of the employee.第九条用人单位根据生产、工作的具体情况,并考虑职工本人意愿,统筹安排年休假。
Article 10 Where an employer does not give annual leave to an employee or gives him days of annual leave less than the days of annual leave due upon the consent of the employee, it shall pay the employee 300% of his daily wage income for each day of the annual leave due and not taken in the year, which includes the wage income to be paid by the employer to the employee per day in normal working days.第十条用人单位经职工同意不安排年休假或者安排职工休假天数少于应休年休假天数的,应当在本年度内对职工应休未休年休假天数,按照其日工资收入的300%支付未休年休假工资报酬,其中包含用人单位支付职工正常工作期间的工资收入。
An employer shall give annual leave to its employees, but if any employee gives a writing notice of not taking annual leave on his own will, the employer is allowed to pay for the employees’ normal working days.用人单位安排职工休年休假,但是职工因本人原因且书面提出不休年休假的,用人单位可以只支付其正常工作期间的工资收入。
Article 11 The formula for calculating the daily wage income of an employee which is used for calculating the payment for his annual leave time due but not taken shall be dividing the monthly wage income of the employee into the working days (21.75days.) 第十一条计算未休年休假工资报酬的日工资收入按照职工本人的月工资除以月计薪天数(21.75天)进行折算。