week (11)
阅读使人快乐,成长需要时间11周托业TOEIC复习计划以周为复习单位First Week(6.17-6.21):词汇本领书2nd(6.22-6.28):题库本领书3rd(6.29-7.5):听力1小时,词汇/语法1小时,周日真题;4th (7.6-7.12):听力1小时,阅读1小时,周日真题;5th (7.13-7.19):听力1小时,阅读1小时,周日真题;6th (7.20-7.26):听力1小时,词汇/语法1小时,周日真题;7th (7.27-8.2):听力1小时,阅读1小时,周日真题;8th (8.3-8.9):听力1小时,阅读1小时,周日真题;9th (8.10-8.16):听力1小时,词汇/语法1小时,周日真题;10th (8.17-8.23):听力1小时,阅读1小时,周日真题;11th (8.24-8.30):听力1小时,词汇/语法/阅读1小时,周日考试!PS:复习最佳学习法周循环学习法(一)周循环学习法:是把一周学习量提前做计划,并循环反复的学习方法。
常用英语缩写大全简单版一、人称代词 Pronouns1.I: 我2.you: 你3.he: 他4.she: 她5.we: 我们6.they: 他们二、时间 Time1. a.m.: 上午2.p.m.: 下午3.mth: 月(month)4.yr: 年(year)5.wk: 周(week)三、组织 Organizations1.UN: 联合国(United Nations)2.EU: 欧盟(European Union)3.BBC: 英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation)N: 美国有线新闻网(Cable News Network)四、其他 Others1.etc.: 等等(et cetera)2.DIY: 自己动手做(Do It Yourself)3.CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)4.VIP: 贵宾(Very Important Person)5.FAQ: 常见问题解答(Frequently Asked Questions)五、地点 LocationsA: 美国(United States of America): 英国(United Kingdom)3.NYC: 纽约市(New York City): 洛杉矶(Los Angeles)六、学术 Academic1.PhD: 博士学位(Doctor of Philosophy)2.BA: 文学学士(Bachelor of Arts)3.MA: 文学硕士(Master of Arts)4.etc.: 等等七、商业 Business1.CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)2.CFO: 首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)3.COO: 首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)4.B2B: 企业对企业(Business to Business)八、科技 Technology1.AI: 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)2.IT: 信息技术(Information Technology)3.www: 万维网(World Wide Web)4.App: 应用程序(Application)九、医学 Medicine1.DNA: 脱氧核糖核酸(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)2.AIDS: 艾滋病(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)3.CPR: 心肺复苏(Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)4.EMT: 应急医疗技术人员(Emergency Medical Technician)以上是常用英语缩写的简单版大全,希望能给您带来帮助。
PowerBI技巧之在Power BI中对数据进行排序(数据查询篇)
![PowerBI技巧之在Power BI中对数据进行排序(数据查询篇)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/29818d39700abb68a882fb4c.png)
有的时候表单中会有文本+数字类型的数据需要进行排序,例如Week 1 Week 2一直到Week 10, Week 11等这种情况。
由于Power BI默认会按照字母顺序对文本类型数据进行排序,这就会导致Week 1后面出现Week 10而不是我们实际中使用的Week 2。
要对这种数据进行排序,可以在Editor Query中进行,利用M语言在数据查询时就对其进行编辑,这样就可以使新增数据在倒入Power BI前就已经排序完毕,从而省去了在数据建模阶段再进行排序的麻烦。
因为产品序列号一般都是一些数字按照类似于XXXX.YY.ZZ这种格式组成,并不是标准的整数或者小数类型,无法进行类型转换,因此在Power BI 中就会被当做一般的Text数据类型进行处理,导致排序出现一些问题。
具体实现需要借用下面的M Script 。
要做这个操作需要调用一个M 函数,目前在Query Edit 中还无法直接进行。
Text 是要填充的文本,Length 指的是要填充后整个文本的长度,optional pad 指的是要填充的字符,如果不填写则使用空格。
华东师大版一课一练·三年级英语(N版 第二学期)(增强版)
![华东师大版一课一练·三年级英语(N版 第二学期)(增强版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/54221d12bb4cf7ec4afed0ed.png)
I. Read and choose (选出不同类单词)
( ) 1. A. bicycle
B. aeroplane C. sheep
D. bus
( ) 2. A. sweet
B. sour
C. salty
D. shop
( ) 3. A. hear
B. rough
A. No, it is hard. B. Here you are.
( ) 3. How do they feel?
C. Yes, I can.
( ) 4. Is it soft?
D. They are rough and soft.
( ) 5. May I have some milk, please? E. I can hear a dog.
Week 1 Module 1 Unit 1 /1 Week 2 Module 1 Unit 2 /7 Week 3 Module 1 Unit 3 /11 Week 4 模块提高 1 /16 Week 5 Module 2 Unit 1 /21 Week 6 Module 2 Unit 2 /26 Week 7 Module 2 Unit 3 /31 Week 8 模块提高 2 /36 期中测评 /41 Week 9 Module 3 Unit 1 /47 Week 10 Module 3 Unit 2 /53 Week 11 Module 3 Unit 3 /59 Week 12 模块提高 3 /65 Week 13 Module 4 Unit 1 /71 Week 14 Module 4 Unit 2 /76 Week 15 Module 4 Unit 3 /82 Week 16 模块提高 4 /88 期末测评 /94 参考答案和听力文本 /101
日一二三四五六123456元旦节廿一廿二廿三廿四小寒78910111213廿六廿七廿八廿九12月大初二初三14151617181920初四初五初六初七腊八节初九大寒21222324252627十一十二十三十四十五十六十七28293031世界麻风日十九二十廿一01 | 202402 | 2024Week1Week2Week3Week4Week5日一二三四五六123廿二小年廿四45678910立春廿六廿七廿八廿九除夕春节11121314151617春节春节初四情人节初六初七初八18192021222324初九雨水十一十二十三十四元宵节2526272829十六十七十八十九二十日一二三四五六12Week5Week9Week6Week7Week8Week903 | 2024国际海豹日廿二3456789全国爱耳日廿四学雷锋纪...廿六廿七妇女节廿九101112131415162月大初二植树节 ...初四国际警察日消费者权...初七17181920212223中国国医...初九初十春分世界森林...世界水日世界气象日24252627282930十五十六十七十八十九二十廿一31廿二日一二三四五六123456愚人节廿四廿五清明节廿七廿八Week13Week14Week9Week1404 | 2024Week10Week11Week1278910111213世界卫生日三十3月小初二初三初四初五14151617181920初六初七初八初九初十谷雨十二21222324252627十三世界地球日世界图书...十六十七十八十九282930二十廿一廿二日一二三四五六1234劳动节劳动节假日劳动节假日青年节567891011Week16Week17Week1805 | 2024Week18Week19Week15碘缺乏病...廿八廿九世界红十...初二初三初四12131415161718国际护士...初六初七国际家庭日初九国际电信日国际博物...19202122232425全国助残日全国学生...十四十五国际牛奶日十七十八262728293031十九二十廿一廿二廿三世界无烟日日一二三四五六1国际儿童节2345678廿六廿七廿八芒种节全国爱眼日初二初三9101112131415初四端午节初六初七初八初九初十Week22Week23Week2406 | 2024Week19Week20Week21Week2216171819202122父亲节十二十三十四十五夏至节十七23242526272829十八十九全国土地日国际禁毒日廿二廿三廿四30廿五日一二三四五六123456香港回归...国际体育...廿八廿九三十小暑78910111213抗日战争...初三初四初五世界人口日初七初八14151617181920初九初十十一十二十三十四十五Week2707 | 2024Week27Week28Week29Week25Week2621222324252627十六大暑十八十九二十廿一廿二28293031廿三火把节火把节火把节日一二三四五六123建军节廿八廿九456789107月大初二初三立秋初五初六七夕情人节11121314151617初八初九初十十一十二十三十四18192021222324Week33Week34Week31Week32Week30Week3108 | 2024中元节十六十七十八十九处暑廿一25262728293031廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八日一二三四五六234567三十8月大初二初三初四白露891011121314国际扫盲...毛泽东逝...中国教师节初九初十黑色星期五世界清洁...15161718192021十三国际臭氧...中秋节九·一八...十七国际爱牙日十九22232425262728国际聋人...廿一廿二廿三廿四世界旅游日孔子诞辰Week34Week3509 | 2024Week36Week37Week38Week3912930世界海事日廿八日一二三四五六12345国庆节 ...国庆节假...国庆节假日世界动物日初三6789101112老人节国际住房日全国高血...世界邮政...辛亥革命...重阳节初十13141516171819世界保健...世界标准日国际盲人...世界粮食日世界消除...十六十七20212223242526十八十九世界传统...霜降联合国日廿三廿四2728293031廿五廿六廿七廿八世界勤俭日Week40Week41Week42Week43Week4410 | 2024Week40日一二三四五六1210月大初二3456789初三初四初五初六十月社会...中国记者日全国消防...10111213141516世界青年节国际科学...孙中山诞...十三世界糖尿...十五十六17181920212223国际大学...十八十九彝族年彝族年 ...彝族年廿三24252627282930廿四廿五廿六廿七感恩节国际声援...三十Week45Week46Week47Week4812 | 202411 | 2024Week44日一二三四五六234567初二世界残疾...初四国际经济...大雪初七891011121314国际儿童...世界足球日世界人权日十一西安事变...南京大屠...十四15161718192021十五十六十七十八十九澳门回归...冬至节22232425262728廿二廿三平安夜圣诞节毛泽东诞...廿七廿八293031廿九三十12月小Week531Week49Week50Week51Week52。
Sex, Markets, and PowerPolitical Science 427Monday/Wednesday 10:30-11:45Frances Rosenbluth304 Brewster Hall432-5256Course Description: This course considers how women’s socio-economic status and political power has varied across time (in historical perspective) and place (in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas). We will employ three analytical lenses to help us interpret what we see: biology, markets, and power. These lenses will help us understand how issues specific to women relate to debates in mainstream political economy. How does the sex with which you were born matter, and why? How do different forms of economic production affect the distribution of resources between men and women? What generates and sustains power structures that are relatively patriarchal or matriarchal or mixed? We will examine a range of substantive issues that concern women in a wide range of societies to gauge which kinds of explanations are the most persuasive. Course Requirements:1. 3 short (3-5 page) papers, handed in at the beginning of any three weeks of thecourse, that grapple with the question posed in the syllabus.2. A one-hour in-class midterm exam (30% of grade).3. An 8-page take home exam.Course Schedule and Readings:Part I: Theoretical LensesWeek 1. Introduction: Sex, Markets, and PowerWeek 2. Why Sex MattersQ: What is the strongest case for the argument that biology matters for human behavior? What is the strongest case you can make that it does not?• Deborah Blum. 1997. Sex on the Brain: The Biological Differences Between Men and Women. New York: Penguin Books. Introduction, chapters 4, 6, 7, 9.• Melvin Konner. 1999. “Darwin’s Truth, Jefferson’s Vision,” The American Prospect Online.Week 3. MarketsQ: What is good about economic division of labor? What are the costs, and who bears them? How should we evaluate the costs and benefits?• Gary Becker. 1981. “Human Capital, Effort, and the Sexual Division of Labor,”in A Treatise on the Family. Harvard University Press. pp. 54-79.• Gary Becker. 1974. “A Theory of Marriage: Part II,” Journal of Political Economy.• Siv Gustafsson. 1997. “Feminist Neo-Classical Economics: Some Examples,” in Geske Dijkstra and Janneke Plantenga, eds., Gender and Economics: A European Perspective. Routledge. pp. 36-53.• Elissa Braunstein and Nancy Folbre. 2001. “To Honor and Obey: Efficiency, Inequality, and Patriarchal Property Rights,” Feminist Economics 7/1: 25-44.• Xinyan Jiang. 2000. “The Dilemma Faced by Chinese Feminists,” in Hypatia 15,3:140-60.Week 4. PowerQ: What does it mean to be politically powerful? How can women achieve political power?• Evelyn Kessler, 1976. “Social and Political Organization,” in Women: An Anthropological View. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Pp. 52-69.• Rick Geddes and Dean Lueck. 2001. “The Gains from Self-Ownership and the Expansion of Women’s Rights,” American Economic Review.• Seth Koven and Sonya Michel. “Womanly Duties: Maternalist Politics and the Origins of Welfare States in France, Germany, Great Britain, and the UnitedStates, 18880-1920,” 1076-1108.Part II: Substantive IssuesWeek 5. Hunter-GatherersQ. What can we learn about ourselves by knowing more about hunter-gatherers?• Ann Zihlman. 1981. “Women as Shapers of Human Adaptation,” in Frances Dahlberg, Women the Gatherer. Yale University Press. 75-119.• Eleanor Leackock. 1978. “Women’s Status in Egalitarian Society,” Current Anthropology. 19,2: 225-59.• Ellen Goodman. 1997. Meno-Positive” Lexis Nexis.Week 6. Sex and SocietyQ: What accounts for the similarities across cultures in sexual stereotyping and gender roles? What accounts for the differences?• “Evolution Revolution” 1999 in Texas Magazine carried by Lexis-Nexis.• Aloysius Siow. 1998. Differential Fecundity, Markets, and Gender Roles,”Journal of Political Economy 196,2: 334-54.• Radhika Balakrishnan. 1994. “The Social Context of Sex Selection and the Politics of Abortion in India.” Harvard School of Public Health.• Gerry Mackie. 1996. “Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account,” American Sociological Review, 61:999-1018.Week 7. Marriage and Family StructureQ: Generations of feminists, inspired by the work of Friedrich Engels, have viewed marriage as a woman’s ball and chain. Evaluate this claim.• Nancy Levine and Joan Silk. 1997. “Why Polyandry Fails: Sources of Instability in Polyandrous Marriages,” Current Anthropology. 38,3: 375-98.• William Safire. 1996. “A Case for Polyandry”• Shelly Lundberg and Robert Pollak. 1996. “Bargaining and Distribution in Marriage,” Journal of Economic Perspectives. 10,4: 139-58.• Tom Sylvester. 2002. “The Marriage Trap: Why Feminists Won’t Talk About Dad,” in National Review Online.• Janet Gornick and James Q. Wilson. 2002. “Is the Marriage Debate Over?” The American Prospect online.Week 8. Motherhood Note: Midterm exam this week.Q: How and to what extent does sex affect parenting style? Does it matter?• Muriel Jolivet. 1997. Japan: The Childless Society? New York: Routledge.Pp.5-37.• Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. 1999. Mother Nature. New York: Pantheon. Pp. 205-317, 383-417.Week 9. Woman and DevelopmentQ: Is economic development good or bad for women? What is the case on both sides?• World Bank. 2001. Gendering Development. Pp. 1-69, 181-228.• Amartya Sen. 1990. “Gender and Cooperative Conflicts,” in Irene Tinker, eds., Persistent Inequalities: Women and World Development (Oxford), pp. 123-149.Week 10. Woman and the Labor MarketQ: Where does gender wage inequality come from? What can be done about it? Evaluate the consequences of different solutions.• Mary Brinton. 2001. “Married Women’s Labor in East Asian Economies,” in Brinton, ed., Women’s Working Lives in East Asia (Stanford), pp. 1-37.• Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn. 1996. Wage Inequality (AEI), pp. 1-26.• Geske Kijkstra. 1997. “Women in Central and Eastern Europe: A Labour Market in Transition,” in Kijkstra and Plantenga, eds., Gender and Economics: AEuropean Perspective. Routledge. Pp. 118-35.• Laurie Occhipinti. 1996. “Two Steps Back? Anti Feminism in Eastern Europe,”Anthropology Today 12/6: 13-18.• Margarita Estevez-Abe. 2002. “Gendering Varieties of Capitalism”.Week 11. Women and PoliticsQ: Why are women underrepresented in formal political institutions? What difference does it make?• Bang-Soon Yoon. 2001. “Democratization and Gender Politics in South Korea,”in Kelly, Bayes, Hawkesworth, and Young, eds., Gender, Globalization, andDemocratization (Rowan and Littleman), chapter 10.• Maria Carrilho. 2000. “Men and Women in Political Leadership,” in Mino Vianello and Gwen Moore, Gendering Elites: Economic and Political Leadership in 27 Industrialised Societies (Macmillan), chapter 6.• Tiana Norgren (1998), “Abortion Before Birth Control: The Interest Group Politics Behind Postwar Japanese Reproduction Policy,” Journal of JapaneseStudies 24,1: 59-94Week 12. Women in the Global EconomyQ: How does global economic integration affect women and men differently?• Yassine Fall. 2001. “Gender and Social Implications of Globalization: An African Perspective,” in Kelly, Bayes, Hawkesworth, and Young, eds., chapter 4.• Mario Osava. 1999. “Labour: Women Trade Unionists Put Globalization in the Dock,” World News.• Frances Rosenbluth, Matthew Light, and Claudia Schrag. 2002. “The Politics of Low Fertility.” Yale ms.Week 13. Policy Prescriptions and Wrap upQ: What are the trade-offs among different policy options? Devise a set of government policies and evaluate their distributional consequences.。
Lesson 11、playground操场2、sport运动3、love爱4、grandfather爷爷,外公(口grandpa)5、grandmother奶奶,外婆(口grandma)6、next下一个7、week礼拜8、classroom 教室9、centre中心10、 ping-pong乒乓球11、 tennis网球12、 play football踢足球13、 play ping-pong打乒乓球14、 have a match竞赛Lesson 21、may能够2、park公园;泊车3、grass 草4、thing东西,事情5、seat座位6、next time 下一次优选文库7、I see我知道了8、That’sall right没关系Lesson 31、TV电视机2、every每一个3、 tall高的4、ear 耳朵5、eye眼睛6、mouth嘴7、hand手8、write写9、email电子邮件10、 keyboard键盘11、 mouse鼠,鼠标12、 every 每日Lesson 41、card卡片2、sometimes有时3、 often常常4、 well健康的;好5、skate 溜冰6、 play basketball打篮球优选文库7、go fishing去垂钓Lesson 51、listen听2、music音乐3、film电影4、always老是5、only 只是,只6、everyone每一个7、enjoy喜爱,享受8、listen to music听音乐9、see films看电影10、 watch TV看电视Lesson 61、take拿2、take a look看一看Lesson 71、shop商铺2、buy买3、drink喝;饮料4、tea茶5、juice果汁6、feel感觉优选文库7、much对,特别8、something某事(物)9、would将要10、 bottle瓶子11、 carrot胡萝卜12、 would like想要13、 a cup of一杯14、 a bottle of一瓶Lesson 81、vegetable蔬菜2、potato土豆3、tomato西红柿4、train火车5、 arm手臂6、cry哭,嗨7、wrong错误的8、worry担忧9、could能够10、 money钱11、 ticket票12、 What’s wrong?怎么了?Lesson 9优选文库1、chicken鸡,鸡肉2、half一半3、twenty二十4、fruit水果5、know知道6、clever聪慧的7、anything任何事物8、else其余的9、kilo千克10、 show展现11、 how much多少(钱)12、 What can I do for you?我能帮你做什么吗?Lesson 101、child小孩(复children)2、small小的3、food食品4、back向后;背5、its它的6、forest丛林7、village农村,农村8、other其余,其余的优选文库9、in front of在⋯⋯前方10、 say goodbye to向⋯⋯道Lesson 111、tell告2、story故事3、hear听4、fridge冰箱5、either也不6、hometown家,故7、island8、sea海9、piano琴10、 sound声音11、 everywhere到12、 go shopping物13、 lots of多,大批Lesson 111、ice cream冰激凌2、milk牛奶3、police警察4、stay逗留5、thief优选文库6、knock敲7、by the way随意问一下。
完整)六年级英语上册单词默写-黑体优学教育六年级上册英语单词默写一、XXX:Unit 11.科学____________________2.博物馆_______________3.邮局____________________4.书店__________________5.电影院___________________6.医院__________________7.十字路口________________8.转弯__________________9.左______________________10.笔直地_______________11.右____________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 21.步行___________________2.乘____________________3.公共汽车_______________4.飞机__________________5.出租汽车_______________6.(大)船______________7.地铁___________________8.火车__________________9.放慢速度;慢的__________10.减少;降低____________11.慢下来________________12.停下__________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 31.拜访___________________2.电影___________________3.看电影_________________4.旅行___________________5.去旅行_________________6.超市___________________1优学教育7.早晨;薄暮_____________8.在今晚_________________9.来日诰日___________________10.下周__________________11.辞书__________________12.风趣的________________13.连环画册______________14.单词__________________15.单词书________________16.明信片________________工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________Unit 41.进修___________________2.谜_____________________3.郊游___________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 51.工厂____________________2.工人___________________3.邮递员__________________4.商人;企业家____________5.警察____________________6.渔民___________________7.科学家__________________8.飞行员_________________9.教练____________________工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________Unit 61.生机的___________________2.畏惧__________________3.难熬的___________________4.忧郁的;忧愁的________5.兴奋的___________________6.看病__________________7.穿_______________________8.更多的________________2优学教育9.深的_____________________10.呼吸_________________11.深深吸一口吻_____________12.数数_________________13.数到十___________________ 时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________二、英译汉:Unit 11.science _________________2.museum _________________3.post office _______________4.bookstore________________5.cinema_________________6.hospital _________________7.crossing _________________8.turn ____________________9.left_____________________10.straight ________________11.right ___________________工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________Unit 21.on foot ___________________2.by _____________________3.bus ______________________4.plane __________________5.taxi ______________________6.ship ___________________7.subway ___________________8.train __________________9.slow ______________________10.down _________________11.slow down ________________12.__________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________3优学教诲Unit 31.visit ________________________2.film ___________________3.seeafilm____________________4.trip__ __________________5.take a trip ____________________6.supermarket ____________7.evening ______________________8.tonight________________9.tomorrow _____________________10.next week _____________11.nary ____________________ic ________________ic book ___________________14.word _________________15.work book ____________________16.postcard _____________工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________Unit 41.studies ______________________2.puzzle _________________3.hiking _____________________ 时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 51.factory _____________________2.worker _________________3.postman____________________4.businessman ____________5.police officer _________________6.fisherman ______________7.scientist _____________________8.pilot ___________________9.coach _______________________ 工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________4优学教育Unit 61.angry ________________________2.afraid _________________3.sad__________________________4.worried_______________5.happy ________________________6.see a doctor ___________7.wear _____________________8.more _________________9.deep _____________________10.breath ________________11.take a deep breath _________12.count ________________13.count to ten _______________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________三、花样记单词:Unit 11.sci ____________________科学2.博物馆__________________3.post __________________邮局4.book _________________书店5.电影院___________________6.___________pital医院7.十字路口________________8.turn _____________________9.left _______________________10.笔直地_________________11.ri___ht右时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 21.步行______________________2.by______________________3.bus _______________________4.飞机____________________ 5优学教育5.t____i出租汽车6.(大)船__________________7.sub ________地铁8.火车__________________9.放慢速度;慢的_____________10.down _________________11.慢下来____________________12.__________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 31._______sit拜访2.电影__________________3.看电影______________________4.trip ___________________5.去旅行______________________6.super ____________超市7.even__________晚上;傍晚8.tonight ________________9.明天________________________10.next week n_____词典12.滑稽的_____________13.连环画册____________________14.word________________15.单词书______________________16.post ______明信片时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 41.stud ____study的第三人称单数方式2.谜__________________3.郊游_________________________ 工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________Unit 51.工厂_______________________2.________er工人3.postman _____________________4.贩子;企业家__________6优学教诲5.差人________________________6.___________man渔民7.sci____tist科学家8.飞翔员______________9.锻练________________________时间:___________错误:___________家长签名:__________Unit 61.an_________生机的2.畏惧_________________3.sad__________________________4.忧郁的;忧愁的________5.happy_________________________6._________doctor看病7.穿___________________________8.more__________________9.de ep_________________________10.呼吸________________11.take a ___________深深吸一口吻12.数数______________13.count_________数到十工夫:___________毛病:___________家长署名:__________参考谜底:Unit 1一、XXX:1.science2.museum3.XXXleft10.straight11.rightUnit 21.XXXUnit 37优学教育1.visit2.film3.see a film4.trip5.take a trip6.XXX10.next ic book14.word15.work book16.postcardUnit 41.ies2.puzzle3.hikingUnit 51.XXXUnit 6XXX。
week 11山科大研究生英语翻译
![week 11山科大研究生英语翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/16ddb1a50029bd64783e2c13.png)
Translation Practice
1. Astonishment and even horror oppressed him. 他感到惊讶甚至恐惧。
2. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 我兴奋的什么都说不出来
3. The sight of the big tree always reminds me of my childhood.我一看到那棵大树就想起了童年的情景
4. She is the best hater I’ve ever known. 我所认识的人中数她最会记仇
5. There is a crying need for a new remedy. 现在急需想出新办法
6. It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal要不是我能干重活,早就被辞退了
7. If you don’t compare, you’re in the dark, but the moment you do, you get a shock. 不比不知道,一比吓一跳
8. As Tom has failed to come due to his sudden illness, we have to ask you to take his place.
4. 你上周六去了动物园吗?
_______ you ________ to the zoo last Saturday?
5. 我去年不喜欢学数学。
I _________ like learning math last year.
① 句中有明确的表示过去的时间状语,表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或情况。如:
Ⅱ 6. were 7. read 8. did, do, went 9. helped 10. didn’t write
Ⅲ 11. didn’t do 12. Did, find any 13. How long did, stay 14. Was there 15. was
当然,刚才提到的都是规则动词的构成,我们还学过许多不规则动词的过去式形式。如:am – was, are – were, put – put, see – saw, eat – ate等,这些可需要去时态小练习
want arrive enjoy shop
is _ see _ are _ eat
Ⅱ 指出下列句中的一处错误,并改正。
15. Li Ming is at school now. (用yesterday 改写句子)
Li Ming _______ at school yesterday.
Ⅰ1. had 2. was 3. watched 4. went 5. studied
6. 你昨天在哪儿呢?
Where ________ you yesterday?
7. 詹妮喜欢看书。昨晚她看了一本英语书。
week SunMonTueWedThuFriSatweek 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六121234561234512元旦节廿三小年廿四廿五立春廿七廿八廿三廿四廿五廿六惊蛰廿四廿五34567897891011121367891011123456789廿四廿五廿六小寒廿八廿九三十除夕春节初二初三初四初五初六廿八廿九妇女节2月小初二初三植树节廿六清明节廿八廿九3月大初二初三1011121314151614151617181920131415161718191011121314151612月小初二初三初四初五初六初七情人节初八初九初十十一雨水十三初五初六初七初八初九初十十一初四初五初六初七初八初九初十17181920212223212223242526272021222324252617181920212223腊八节初九初十大寒十二十三十四十四元宵节十六十七十八十九二十春分十三十四十五十六十七十八十一十二谷雨十四十五十六十七242526272829302829272829303124252627282930十五十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿一廿二十九二十廿一廿二廿三十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四31廿二week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六1234567123412123456劳动节廿六廿七青年节立夏三十4月小儿童节廿七廿八廿九建党节廿八建军节三十7月小初二初三初四891011121314567891011345678978910111213母亲节初三初四初五初六初七初八芒种初二初三初四端午节初六初七廿九6月大初二初三小暑初五初六立秋初六七夕节初八初九初十十一15161718192021121314151617181011121314151614151617181920初九初十十一十二十三小满十五初八初九初十十一十二十三十四初七初八初九初十十一十二十三十二十三十四中元节十六十七十八22232425262728192021222324251718192021222321222324252627十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿二父亲节十六夏至十八十九二十廿一十四十五十六十七十八大暑二十十九二十处暑廿二廿三廿四廿五29303126272829302425262728293028293031廿三廿四廿五廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿六廿七廿八廿九31廿八week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六week 日一二三四五六1231123451238月大初二初三国庆节初二初三初四初五初六初三初四初五456789102345678678910111245678910初四初五初六白露初八初九教师节国庆节国庆节初四初五初六初七寒露初七立冬初九初十十一十二十三初六初七大雪初九初十十一十二1112131415161791011121314151314151617181911121314151617十一十二十三十四中秋节十六十七重阳节初十十一十二十三十四十五十四十五十六十七十八十九二十十三十四十五十六十七十八十九18192021222324161718192021222021222324252618192021222324十八十九二十廿一秋分廿三廿四十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿二廿一廿二小雪廿四廿五廿六廿七二十廿一廿二冬至廿四廿五廿六252627282930232425262728292728293025262728293031廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九三十霜降廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九廿八廿九11月大初二圣诞节廿八廿九三十12月大初二初三3031三十10月小February3637383933343536202122232829303115161718193261011121314101425262727232446324512345678953404041424344NovemberDecember4547484949505152JanuaryMaySeptember2016CalendarMarchAprilJuneJulyAugustQctober。
英语完形填空练习:一对双胞胎的故事Martin Henfield talks about some of his experience(经历) as a twin: when we were small my mother dressed us __1_ the same clothes. That was bad enough and we didn’t like it. But we went on our first camping trip, it was even __2__. We were only ten years old, and while __3_ went into their sleeping bags for the _4__, we were not happy to snuggle(偎依) inside a double sleeping bag my mother made for us.At school our classmates __5__us Henfield One and Henfield Two, so people ___6__ even see our difference according to our initials because __7__ of us were M.O. It was only when I went to _8___ and began to have my ownfriends that I started to feel my own freedom of identity(身份).Before I went to college, during my secondary school__9__, I __10__ to a job on a building site. My twin brother, Mike Henfield, didn’t work. One day I asked my boss, “Can I have a week _11__?” “Certainly,” he said, “but you won’t have the job when you 12__ back.” I didn’t want to __13__ the job. So on Monday morning, Mike went there in my _14__, jacket and hat and he worked for me for one week __15___ of them knew the difference.1. A. in B. for C. on D. with2. A. badder B. worse C. good D. better3. A. all boys B. another boyC. all the other boysD. all the boys4. A. day B. holiday C. night D. mid-night5. A. called B. knew C. told D. made6. A. didn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t7. A. very B. each C. both D. all8. A. middle school B. college C. high school D. school9. A. holidays B. week C. weekend D. holiday10. A. received B. got C. find D. made11. A. off B. free C. on D. back12. A. came B. will get C. got D. are13. A. miss B. lose C. lost D. losing14. A. coat B. shirt C. shoes D. trousers15. A. None B. Nobody C. All D. Each。
星期二 3 10 17 24
星期二 31 7 14 21 休假 28
星期二 5
休假 12 19
星期一 28 5 12 19 26
Week32 Week33 Week34 Week35
星期一 2 9 16 23
Week36 Week37 Week38 Week39 Week40
星期一 30
20 休假 27
Week41 Week42 Week43
星期一 4
休假 11
星期二 1 8 15 22
星期日 5 12 19 26
星期一 29
5 休假 12
Week19 Week20 Week21
星期一 3
休假 10
5 12 19 26
星期二 2 9 16 23
星期二 2 9 16 23
星期二 30 6 13 20 27
星期二 4
休假 11 18
星期五 1
财务会计专业英语 (9)
![财务会计专业英语 (9)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6ee6e75926fff705cd170a49.png)
3 practice
Below is the Valentine Variety Store work sheet for the year ended December 31, 2002. Sort the adjusted trial balance amounts into the proper financial statement columns and finish the work sheet. The December 31, 2002, inventory is $15,000.
Pesido sold $300,000 of laser equipment on August 1, 2014, and retains only an insignificant risk of ownership. On October 15, 2014, $10,000 in equipment was returned. At December 31, 2014, based on prior experience, Pesido estimates that returns on the remaining balance will be 4 percent.
week 11 income statement
1 sales returns 1. Alpha Pty Ltd buys 2000 items of inventory at $5 each on credit on 1 March. On 10 March it sells 1000 of these items on credit for $8 each. 2. In the example above, the customer returns 100 of the items they purchased and asks for a credit.
2020会计助理实习周记(11周)10篇Accounting Assistant Internship week 2020 (11 weeks)汇报人:JinTai College2020会计助理实习周记(11周)10篇前言:报告是按照上级部署或工作计划,每完成一项任务,一般都要向上级写报告,反映工作中的基本情况、工作中取得的经验教训、存在的问题以及今后工作设想等,以取得上级领导部门的指导。
华东师大版一课一练·二年级英语(N版 第二学期)(增强版)
![华东师大版一课一练·二年级英语(N版 第二学期)(增强版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3b28924aa417866fb84a8e40.png)
A. red
B. yellow
C. blue
( )4. — is the orange? — It’s orange.
A. How
B. What
C. What colour
( )5. — What colour are the peaches? — pink.
Week 1 Module 1 Unit 1 /1 Week 2 Module 1 Unit 2 /6 Week 3 Module 1 Unit 3 /11 Week 4 模块提高 1 /15 Week 5 Module 2 Unit 1 /19 Week 6 Module 2 Unit 2 /23 Week 7 Module 2 Unit 3 /27 Week 8 模块提高 2 /31 期中测评 /35 Week 9 Module 3 Unit 1 /41 Week 10 Module 3 Unit 2 /46 Week 11 Module 3 Unit 3 /51 Week 12 模块提高 3 /55 Week 13 Module 4 Unit 1 /59 Week 14 Module 4 Unit 2 /63 Week 15 Module 4 Unit 3 /67 Week 16 模块提高 4 /70 期末测评 /74 参考答案和听力文本 /80
一、 词汇和短语 1. watch / wCtF / n. 手表 2. bag / bAg / n. 书包 3. soft / sCft / adj. 柔软的 4. hard / hB:d / adj. 硬的 5. rough / rQf / adj. 粗糙的 6. smooth / smu:T / adj. 光滑的 7. birthday / 5b\:PdeI / n. 生日 8. guess / ges / v. 猜 9. gift / gIft / n. 礼物 10. candle / 5kAnd(E)l / n. 蜡烛 11. touch / tQtF / v. 摸 12. feel / fi:l / v. 感觉
写长法Week 11
![写长法Week 11](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e4b553ccda38376baf1faed3.png)
A comparison
加利福尼亚州南部阳光充足,气候宜人, 是拍摄影片的理想场所。 The constant sunshine and mild climate of southern California made it an ideal site for shooting motion pictures. Write a sentence with the similar structure in class. conclusion: The meaning remains. The structure changes. The driving force: a new verb.
词语的句法语义信息 The syntactic-semantic information of lexicon items
不同语言的语义表述手段不同 Languages differ in the ways to convey meaning. 语义表述的关键是选择最恰当、合适的词 语,选择最恰当、合适的词语组合规则, 最终形成交际需要的句子。 It is essential to select the most suitable words/word combination rules in making a sentence needed in communication.
The change of the key word drives the change of the sentence structure.
在巴黎,名目繁多的 酒会,冷餐会是广交 朋友的好机会。 In Paris, cocktail parties and buffet receptions of different kinds offer great opportunities for making friends.
week的用法2:“两星期”的表示方法英式英语用fortnight,而美式英语用two weeks。
week的用法4:this day week指从某日起算七天前或七天后的一天。
week的用法5:tomorrow week指一星期后的明天, yesterday week指一星期前的昨天。
the week of the 22nd指从22号开始的一星期。
week的用法例句:1. We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.我们往往每周共进一次午餐。
2. Somalia, pop. 7.9 million, income per head about £1.60 a week.索马里,人口790万,人均收入大约每周1.60英镑。
3. He will be attending next week's American Grammy Awards in feverish anticipation.他将带着紧张兴奋的期待出席下周的美国格莱美奖颁奖。
4. The news programme goes out four times a week at peak time.这档新闻节目每周在黄金时段播出4次。
5. The volunteers kept a record of everything they ate for aweek.志愿者记录下他们一周所吃的所有食物。
周一到周末英语单词星期一(Monday):1. Morning(早上)- The time between sunrise and noon.2. Alarm(闹钟)- A device used to wake a person up at a specific time.3. Commute(通勤)- The act of traveling from home to work and vice versa.4. Work(工作)- Activities performed to produce goods or provide services.5. Productivity(生产力)- The measure of how efficiently resources are used to achieve a task or goal.6. Deadline(截止日期)- The date or time by which something needs to be completed.7. Lunch(午餐)- A meal eaten in the middle of the day.8. Afternoon(下午)- The time between noon and evening.9. Meeting(会议)- An organized gathering of people to discuss a specific topic or make decisions.10. Collaboration(合作)- Working together with others to achieve a common goal.星期二(Tuesday):1. Breakfast(早餐)- The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.2. Email(电子邮件)- A digital message sent and received through an electronic communication system.3. Presentation(演示)- A visual or verbal display of information or ideas.4. Training(培训)- The process of teaching and learning specific skills or knowledge.5. Project(项目)- A planned undertaking with specific goals and timelines.6. Deadline(截止日期)- The date or time by which something needs to be completed.7. Teamwork(团队合作)- The collaborative effort of a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.8. Efficiency(效率)- The ability to accomplish a task with minimum time and effort.9. Problem-solving(解决问题)- The process of finding solutions to difficulties or challenges.10. Happy hour(欢乐时光)- A period of time, usually in the late afternoon or early evening, where drinks are offered at discounted prices.星期三(Wednesday):1. Meeting(会议)- An organized gathering of people to discuss a specific topic or make decisions.2. Agenda(议程)- A list of items to be discussed or acted upon during a meeting.3. Presentation(演示)- A visual or verbal display of information or ideas.4. Discussion(讨论)- The act of exchanging opinions or ideas among a group of people.5. Deadline(截止日期)- The date or time by which something needs to be completed.6. Break(休息)- A short period of time during which a person pauses from work or other activities.7. Planning(规划)- The process of determining the course of action to achieve specific goals.8. Decision(决策)- A choice made between different options or possibilities.9. Delegation(委托)- The transfer of authority or responsibility to another person.10. Time management(时间管理)- The process of planning and organizing one's time effectively.星期四(Thursday):1. Morning(早上)- The time between sunrise and noon.2. Deadline(截止日期)- The date or time by which something needs to be completed.3. Report(报告)- A written or spoken account of an event, situation, or investigation.4. Analysis(分析)- The process of examining something in detail to understand its components or structure.5. Feedback(反馈)- Information given to a person about their performance or behavior.6. Progress(进展)- The forward movement towards achieving a goal or objective.7. Lunch(午餐)- A meal eaten in the middle of the day.8. Afternoon(下午)- The time between noon and evening.9. Presentation(演示)- A visual or verbal display of information or ideas.10. Collaboration(合作)- Working together with others to achieve a common goal.星期五(Friday):1. Morning(早上)- The time between sunrise and noon.2. Meeting(会议)- An organized gathering of people to discuss a specific topic or make decisions.3. Brainstorm(集思广益)- The process of generating creative ideas or solutions through group discussion.4. Creativity(创造力)- The ability to think and generate original ideas or solutions.5. Break(休息)- A short period of time during which a person pauses from work or other activities.6. Networking(社交)- The act of connecting and building relationships with people for professional or social purposes.7. Afternoon(下午)- The time between noon and evening.8. Prioritization(优先级排序)- The process of determining the order in which tasks or goals should be addressed.9. Relaxation(放松)- The act of taking a break or engaging in activities that reduce stress or promote well-being.10. Weekend(周末)- The period of time between Friday evening and Sunday night, typically used for leisure and recreation.星期六和星期天(Saturday and Sunday):1. Weekend(周末)- The period of time between Friday evening and Sunday night, typically used for leisure and recreation.2. Relaxation(放松)- The act of taking a break or engaging in activities that reduce stress or promote well-being.3. Family(家庭)- A group consisting of parents and their children, living together as a unit.4. Friends(朋友)- People whom one knows, likes, and trusts.5. Hobbies(爱好)- Activities done during one's free time for enjoyment or relaxation.6. Rest(休息)- The act of ceasing work or activity to regain strength or energy.7. Netflix(在线视频平台)- A streaming service that offers a wide variety of movies, TV shows, and documentaries.8. Reading(阅读)- The act of interpreting written or printed material.9. Nature(大自然)- The physical world and its phenomena, including plants, animals, and landscapes.10. Recharge(充电)- The act of replenishing or restoring energy or vitality.。
2025年日历 含周期 Week
![2025年日历 含周期 Week](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bb583c1fb207e87101f69e3143323968011cf485.png)
27 29 30
初五 初六
建党节 初八 初九 初十 十一
28 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
十二 小暑 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八
29 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五
十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四
15 16 17 18 19 20
廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十 初一
22 23 24 25 26 27
初三 初四 平安夜 圣诞节 初七 初八
29 30 31
初十 十一 十二
8 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
十九 二十 雨水 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五
9 23 24 25 26 27 28
廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十 初一
10 2
11 9
12 16
13 23
14 30 初二
一二三四五 六
34567 8
初四 初五 惊蛰 初七 初八 初九
30 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
廿六 廿七 大暑 廿九 三十 初一 初二
31 27 28 29 30 31
初三 初四 初五 初六 初七
建军节 初九
32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
初十 十一 十二 十三 立秋 十五 十六
33 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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Family Life Cycle
• Bachelor stage: young, single people • Young married couples with no children • Full nest 1:young married couples with children • Full nest 2: old married couples still with dependent children • Empty nest: old married couples with no children living with them • Old single people, still working or retired
• 本章操作及综合练习题 • (1)分析当今大学生的消费特点 ①大学生消费与其他消费群体的区别有哪些? ②影响大学生购买行为的主要因素有哪些? • (2)购买以下产品或服务的决策过程有何不 同? ①一本市场营销学书籍; ②任何价值超过3000元的产品或服务;
• 松下,日立,夏普,荣事达,水仙,小 鸭,海尔,小天鹅……. • 日立,夏普,荣事达,水仙,小鸭 • 夏普,荣事达,水仙 • 荣事达,水仙 • ?
Evaluate the alternatives
• 评价可行方案:消费者希望获得尽大可 能的让渡价值
Decision-choice made
• 制定采购决策 • 在消费者决定进行购买以后,他还会在执行购 买的问题上进行一些决策: 去哪里买 买多少 什么时候去买 买什么款式,颜色和规格 支付方式
Psychological Influence
• • • • Motives Perception Learning experiences Attitudes & beliefs
The Buying Decision Process
• • • • • Recognition of a (unsatisfied) need Identification of alternatives Evaluate the alternatives Decision-choice made Post-purchase behavior
Recognition of a (unsatisfied) need
• 确认某种需要:购买过程是从消费者对 某一问题的认识开始,内在或外在的刺 激都有可能引起这种需求
Identification of alternatives
• 搜寻可行方案: 个人来源 商业来源 公共来源 经验来源
Post-purcha品被购买以后营销人员的工 作还没有结束
Types of buyer behavior
• • • • Complex buying behavior Dissonance-reducing behavior Variety seeking behavior Habitual buying behavior
Organizational Buyer Market
• 组织市场是指工商企业为从事生产,销 售等业务以及政府部门和非营利团体为 履行职责而购买产品和服务构成的市场, 它是以某种组织为购买单位的购买者所 构成的法人市场
• 一般包括:生产者市场,中间商市场, 非营利团体市场
• • • • • small-quantity, large-scale Concentrated purchasing Derived demand Inelastic Widely fluctuating
Social Forces
• • • • Social class reference group Household types Role and status
Individual Factors
• • • • Age and stages in life cycle Occupation Economic circumstances Lifestyle