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(新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院老年医学中心新 疆 乌 鲁 木 齐 830000)
摘 要 目 的 :探究富马酸比索洛尔对老年慢性心力衰竭患者血清胆红素、N - 末 端 B 型 利 纳 肽 原 (N-Terminal pro-brain natriuretic p e p t i d e , N T - p r o B N P ) 及 运 动 耐 力 的 影 响 方 法 :选 择我院于2 0 1 7 年 1 月 ~ 2 0 2 0 年 1 月收治的老年慢性心力衰竭患者8 0 例 ,根据 入院顺序经随机数字表法分成两组,对 照 组 4 0 例患者仅采用常规治疗方案进行治疗,研 究 组 4 0 例患者在常规治疗基础上联合 富 马 酸 比 索 洛 尔 进 行 治 持 对 比 两 组 患 者 治 疗 总 有 效 率 、左心室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,L V E F )、心排量(cardiac o u t p u t , C O ) 、每搏输出量(stroke v o l u m e ,S V ) 、血 清 N T - p r o B N P 水 平 、6 m i n 步行测试距离、总胆红素、直 接 胆 红 素 水 平 结 果 :研究 组的治疗总有效率90.00 % , 显 著 高 于 对 照 组 72.50°/。(/3< 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗 前 ,两 组 的 1 ^ £ ? 、(:0 、5 ¥ 水平对比无差弃(尸> 0 . 0 5 );治疗 后 ,两 组 的 L V E F 、C O 、S V 水 平 均 升 高 ,且研究组更高(P C 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治 疗 前 ,两 组 的 N T - p r o B N P 水 平 及 6 m i n 步行测试距离对比无 显著性差异( P > 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治 疗 后 ,两 组 的 N T - p r o B N P 水平比治疗前均显著降低、6 m i n 步 行 测 试 距离比治疗前均显著升高,且研究 组更优( P C 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗前,两组的总胆红素、直接胆红素水平对比无差异( P > 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗后,两组的总胆红素、直接胆红素水平均 比治疗前显著降低,且研究组显著低于对照组( P < 0 . 0 5 ) _ . 结论:在常规治疗基础上联合富马酸比索洛尔治疗老年慢性心力衰竭的 临 床 效 果 显 著 ,其 可 有 效 改 善 患 者 心 功 能 及 运 动 耐 力 ,值得推荐至临床广泛应用 关 键 词 :富马酸比索洛尔;老年慢性心力衰竭患者;血清胆红素;N T - p r o B N P ;运动耐力 中图分类号:R 5 4 1 . 6 1 文 献 标识码:A 文章 编 号 :1673-6273(2021)11-2109-04
i/. —
1.2治疗方法 对照组采用血管紧张素酶抑制剂(ACEI)、利尿剂及血管
心力衰竭是由于心肌梗死、心肌病、血流动力学负荷过重、 扩张剂等常规治疗方案;观察组在常规治疗基础上采用富马酸
group w a s significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: O n the basis of conventional treatment, c o m b i n e d with
bisoprolol fumarate in the treatment o f elderly chronic heart failure has a significant effect, it can effectively improve the patient's heart function a n d exercise endurance, w h i c h is worth r e c o m m e n d i n g to clinical application.
△ 通讯作者:古丽班努(1977-),女,硕士研究生,副主任医师,研究方向:老年医学,电话:13899887632,E-mail:丨8379310 4 3 @ q q . c o m (收稿日期:2 0 2 0 - 0 9 - 2 3 接受日期:2020-10-18 )
• 2110 •
现 物 医 学 Progress in Modern Biomedicine VoL21 NO.ll JUN*2021
05). Before treatment, there w a s n o significant difference in L V E F , C O , an d S V levels b e t w e e n the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05); after treatment, the L V E F , C O , an d S V levels of the t w o groups of patients increased, a n d the study group w a s higher (P<0.05). Before treatment, there w a s n o significant difference in N T - p r o B N P level an d 6-minute walking test distance b e t ween the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05). After treatment, the N T - p r o B N P levels of the t w o groups of patients w e r e significantly lower than before treatment, the 6-minute walking test distance w a s significantly higher than before treatment, a n d the study group w a s better (P<0.05). Before treatment, there w a s no significant difference in total bilirubin and direct bilirubin levels b e tween the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05). After treatment, the levels o f total bilirubin a n d direct bilirubin in the t w o groups w e r e significantly lower than before treatment, a n d the study
现代生物医学进展 Progress in Modern Biomedicine VoL2i: 10.13241/j .cnki.pmb.2021.11.024
富马酸比索洛尔对老年慢性心力衰竭患者血清胆红素、 NT-proBNP及运动耐力的影响*
Keywords:Bisoprolol fumarate; Elderly patients with chronic heart failure; S e r u m bilirubin; N T - p r o B N P ; Exercise tolerance Chinese Library Classification(CLC):R541.61 Document code: A Article ID:1673-6273(2021)11-2109-04 * 基金项目:新璐维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目(2019 D 0 1C 155) 作者简介:毛菊丹•阿扎提U 989-),女,硕士研究生,主治医师,研究方向:老年医学,电话:18699102382, E-mail:maojudanazhati@l
Xinjiang U y g u r A u t o n o m o u s Re g i o n People's Hospital from January 2 0 1 7 to January 2020, w e r e selected as the research subjects and w e r e rand o m l y divided into t w o groups according to the order of admission. T h e 4 0 patients in the control group w e r e only treated with conventional treatment, a n d the 4 0 patients in the study group w e r e treated with bisoprolol fumarate based o n the conventional treatment. T h e total treatment efficiency, left ventricular ejection fraction ( L V EF), cardiac output (CO), stroke v o l u m e (SV), s e r u m N T - p r o B N P
Effects of Bisoprolol Fumarate on Serum Bilirubin, NT-proBNP and Exercise Tolerance in Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure*
MaoJudan •Azati, SLJ Ting, MA Yong-hua, M ukedasi•Abulitifu, Gulibanni^ ( Geriatric Medicine Center o f Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Hospital, Urumqi, Xinjiang, 830000, China ) ABSTRACT Objective:丁o investigate the effect of bisoprolol flimarate o n s e r u m bilirubin,N 丁- p r o B N P an d exercise tolerance in elderly patients with chronic heart failure. Methods: A total of eighty elderly patients with chronic heart failure, w h o w e r e admitted to
level, 6-minute walking test distance, total bilirubin, a n d direct bilirubin levels w e r e c o m p a r e d b e t w e e n the t w o groups. Results:T h e total effective rate of treatment in the study group w a s 90.00 % , w h i c h w a s significantly higher than that in the control group (72.50%, P<0.
(新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院老年医学中心新 疆 乌 鲁 木 齐 830000)
摘 要 目 的 :探究富马酸比索洛尔对老年慢性心力衰竭患者血清胆红素、N - 末 端 B 型 利 纳 肽 原 (N-Terminal pro-brain natriuretic p e p t i d e , N T - p r o B N P ) 及 运 动 耐 力 的 影 响 方 法 :选 择我院于2 0 1 7 年 1 月 ~ 2 0 2 0 年 1 月收治的老年慢性心力衰竭患者8 0 例 ,根据 入院顺序经随机数字表法分成两组,对 照 组 4 0 例患者仅采用常规治疗方案进行治疗,研 究 组 4 0 例患者在常规治疗基础上联合 富 马 酸 比 索 洛 尔 进 行 治 持 对 比 两 组 患 者 治 疗 总 有 效 率 、左心室射血分数(left ventricular ejection fraction,L V E F )、心排量(cardiac o u t p u t , C O ) 、每搏输出量(stroke v o l u m e ,S V ) 、血 清 N T - p r o B N P 水 平 、6 m i n 步行测试距离、总胆红素、直 接 胆 红 素 水 平 结 果 :研究 组的治疗总有效率90.00 % , 显 著 高 于 对 照 组 72.50°/。(/3< 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗 前 ,两 组 的 1 ^ £ ? 、(:0 、5 ¥ 水平对比无差弃(尸> 0 . 0 5 );治疗 后 ,两 组 的 L V E F 、C O 、S V 水 平 均 升 高 ,且研究组更高(P C 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治 疗 前 ,两 组 的 N T - p r o B N P 水 平 及 6 m i n 步行测试距离对比无 显著性差异( P > 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治 疗 后 ,两 组 的 N T - p r o B N P 水平比治疗前均显著降低、6 m i n 步 行 测 试 距离比治疗前均显著升高,且研究 组更优( P C 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗前,两组的总胆红素、直接胆红素水平对比无差异( P > 0 . 0 5 ) ; 治疗后,两组的总胆红素、直接胆红素水平均 比治疗前显著降低,且研究组显著低于对照组( P < 0 . 0 5 ) _ . 结论:在常规治疗基础上联合富马酸比索洛尔治疗老年慢性心力衰竭的 临 床 效 果 显 著 ,其 可 有 效 改 善 患 者 心 功 能 及 运 动 耐 力 ,值得推荐至临床广泛应用 关 键 词 :富马酸比索洛尔;老年慢性心力衰竭患者;血清胆红素;N T - p r o B N P ;运动耐力 中图分类号:R 5 4 1 . 6 1 文 献 标识码:A 文章 编 号 :1673-6273(2021)11-2109-04
i/. —
1.2治疗方法 对照组采用血管紧张素酶抑制剂(ACEI)、利尿剂及血管
心力衰竭是由于心肌梗死、心肌病、血流动力学负荷过重、 扩张剂等常规治疗方案;观察组在常规治疗基础上采用富马酸
group w a s significantly lower than the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion: O n the basis of conventional treatment, c o m b i n e d with
bisoprolol fumarate in the treatment o f elderly chronic heart failure has a significant effect, it can effectively improve the patient's heart function a n d exercise endurance, w h i c h is worth r e c o m m e n d i n g to clinical application.
△ 通讯作者:古丽班努(1977-),女,硕士研究生,副主任医师,研究方向:老年医学,电话:13899887632,E-mail:丨8379310 4 3 @ q q . c o m (收稿日期:2 0 2 0 - 0 9 - 2 3 接受日期:2020-10-18 )
• 2110 •
现 物 医 学 Progress in Modern Biomedicine VoL21 NO.ll JUN*2021
05). Before treatment, there w a s n o significant difference in L V E F , C O , an d S V levels b e t w e e n the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05); after treatment, the L V E F , C O , an d S V levels of the t w o groups of patients increased, a n d the study group w a s higher (P<0.05). Before treatment, there w a s n o significant difference in N T - p r o B N P level an d 6-minute walking test distance b e t ween the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05). After treatment, the N T - p r o B N P levels of the t w o groups of patients w e r e significantly lower than before treatment, the 6-minute walking test distance w a s significantly higher than before treatment, a n d the study group w a s better (P<0.05). Before treatment, there w a s no significant difference in total bilirubin and direct bilirubin levels b e tween the t w o groups of patients (P>0.05). After treatment, the levels o f total bilirubin a n d direct bilirubin in the t w o groups w e r e significantly lower than before treatment, a n d the study
现代生物医学进展 Progress in Modern Biomedicine VoL2i: 10.13241/j .cnki.pmb.2021.11.024
富马酸比索洛尔对老年慢性心力衰竭患者血清胆红素、 NT-proBNP及运动耐力的影响*
Keywords:Bisoprolol fumarate; Elderly patients with chronic heart failure; S e r u m bilirubin; N T - p r o B N P ; Exercise tolerance Chinese Library Classification(CLC):R541.61 Document code: A Article ID:1673-6273(2021)11-2109-04 * 基金项目:新璐维吾尔自治区自然科学基金项目(2019 D 0 1C 155) 作者简介:毛菊丹•阿扎提U 989-),女,硕士研究生,主治医师,研究方向:老年医学,电话:18699102382, E-mail:maojudanazhati@l
Xinjiang U y g u r A u t o n o m o u s Re g i o n People's Hospital from January 2 0 1 7 to January 2020, w e r e selected as the research subjects and w e r e rand o m l y divided into t w o groups according to the order of admission. T h e 4 0 patients in the control group w e r e only treated with conventional treatment, a n d the 4 0 patients in the study group w e r e treated with bisoprolol fumarate based o n the conventional treatment. T h e total treatment efficiency, left ventricular ejection fraction ( L V EF), cardiac output (CO), stroke v o l u m e (SV), s e r u m N T - p r o B N P
Effects of Bisoprolol Fumarate on Serum Bilirubin, NT-proBNP and Exercise Tolerance in Elderly Patients with Chronic Heart Failure*
MaoJudan •Azati, SLJ Ting, MA Yong-hua, M ukedasi•Abulitifu, Gulibanni^ ( Geriatric Medicine Center o f Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region People's Hospital, Urumqi, Xinjiang, 830000, China ) ABSTRACT Objective:丁o investigate the effect of bisoprolol flimarate o n s e r u m bilirubin,N 丁- p r o B N P an d exercise tolerance in elderly patients with chronic heart failure. Methods: A total of eighty elderly patients with chronic heart failure, w h o w e r e admitted to
level, 6-minute walking test distance, total bilirubin, a n d direct bilirubin levels w e r e c o m p a r e d b e t w e e n the t w o groups. Results:T h e total effective rate of treatment in the study group w a s 90.00 % , w h i c h w a s significantly higher than that in the control group (72.50%, P<0.