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Whe n it e s to t he iss ue of
________________or___________________, dif ferent peopl e have diffe rent o pinion s. Som e argu e that __________________, hil e othe rs mai ntainthat ___________________.Those ho ho ld the first opini on bel ieve t hat _____________________. Onthe on e hand, _____________________. On th e othe r hand,
________________. In o ntrast, thos e ho h old th e seon d viethinkthat ______________________. F or one thing,_______________.For an other, ___________________.Inm opin ion, I prefe r
______________________beause_________________________. As a res ult, _________________________.
Whi h is i mporta nt: Co mpitio n or o operat ion?
陈述不同观点的原因;:W.LW lM.OM
Wh en ites tothe is sue of pitio n
or o operat ion, d iffere nt peo ple ha ve dif ferent opini ons. S ome ar gue th at pit ion is impor tant.Whileothers maint ain th at oop eratio n is o f grea t sign ifiane.Those ho ho ld the first opini on bel ieve t hat pi tion h ad got a fre e ride in our soial life, suh a s hunt ing fo r a jo b or p lainga game. On t he one hand,ithou t piti ve not ion, i t is i mpossi ble fo r us t o in a plaein the orld. On th e othe r hand, piti on isone of the m otivefores(动力)fo r thedevelo pmentof ind ividua ls and soi.In ont rast,thoseho hol d theseondvie th ink th at e a n seld om peithout ooper ation. For o ne thi ng, agood o operat ion it h othe rs fai litate s(有助于) us to makea sues s. For anoth er, th e spir it ofteam o rk isthe so ure of poer, and f osters our so ial ab ilitie s.In m
opini on, Istik t o both sides of aoin be ause n othing is to be ar ried t o extr emes.As a r esult, onl p itiontogher
ith o operat ion an helpus dra matial l to a hieveout go als.