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01 2000年

Do you know the word brunch In the west, many people like to have brunch --- late breakfast or early lun ch. People (81) u __________________ have brunch betwee n 10 . and 2 .

on Sun day because they (82)p ________ to get up late after a (83) w __________ hard

work or want to enjoy brunch with their pare nts, childre n, or frie nds. That is a relaxing( 放松)and interesting way of eating for most (84)f __________________________ .

Today, brunch has become most (85) p _________ in big hotels ( 旅馆).0 ne can either ask for or (86)c ___________ it himself. To make it look like (87)b _______________ breakfast and lunch, people choose to have (88)l _________ of dishes( 菜).You can often see the (89)f _________ food on the table: meat, eggs, fruit, (90)v ________________ , orange juice, tea and bac on.

02 2001 年

Here's a story about Mi ng's life on the waters. Ming has lived all his life on a wide

r _______ (59)in China. His homeis a large house-boat with a roof, one of hundreds that

move up and dow n. For about six years he has not once bee n on I ______ (60), but he

is never Ionely. He is a strong swimmer. In fact, he could swim before he could walk. When he wan ts to play with his f ______________ (61), he just swims across to their boats or

asks them to v _______ (62)him.

Min g's father is a fish man but he n ever u ___________ (63)a li ne or a n et(网). Great black birds called cormora nts do the fish ing for him. Rin gs( 圈)have bee n put around the birds' n ________ (64) so that they cannot eat the fish they catch. They have been taught

to b _______ (65) the fish to people. And the n people reward ( 奖励)them with a fine

big fish as soon as their work is f _______ (66). Mi ng loves watch ing the cormora nts,

but better still he likes going s _______ (67) with his mother. The shops, of course,

are boats very like his o _______ (68).

03 2002年

Do you have a pet Are you i (101) in tak ing care of ani mals Girls and boys who

like animals maywant to study to be animal doctors. They're often c (102) "vets". Many of them work in ani mal h (103). Others may work on farms or at a z

(104). Somestudy animal diseases(疾病)and try to find w (105) to keep the animals from gett ing i ___ 06). They do studies in m (107) for animals. Vets liste n to an _____ animals '

h (108). They check (检查)its ears, eyes, mouth, and blood. They o (109 ) on animals when they need to. They maygive the animals shots(注射)and tell the pets' o (110) what food is best.

04 2003年

British Milkma n Steve Leech saved some shops and 公寓)with milk and won a
