英文演讲 C5 speech 2

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演讲点评 1. 术业专攻,类比贯穿全篇 Steven Spielberg作为著作等身的国际知名导演,其专业 性毋庸置疑,有目共睹。从自身从事电影业的角度切入, 既有说服力,又新颖独到。他谈及自己的电影事业开端, “I began college in my teens, but sophomore year, I was offered my dream job at Universal Studios, so I dropped out. I told my parents if my movie career didn’t go well, I’d reenroll. It went all right.”随后,他提出了整篇演讲的关键 概念“character-defining moments”,表示“Now in a two-hour movie, you get a handful of character-defining moments, but in real life, you face them every day.
5. Speak up for those who can’t and speak up for those who may be shouting but aren’t being heard. Let your conscience shout as loud as it wants if you’re using it in the service of others.
7. Because today you start down the path of becoming the generation on which the next generation stands. And I’ve imagined many possible futures in my films, but you will determine the actual future. And I hope that it’s filled with justice and peace.
பைடு நூலகம்
演讲者简介 Steven Allan Spielberg (born December 18, 1946) is an American director, producer, and screenwriter. He is considered as one of the founding pioneers of the New Hollywood era, as well as being viewed as one of the most popular directors and producers in film history. He is also one of the co-founders of DreamWorks Studios. In a career spanning more than four decades, Spielberg’s films have spanned many themes and genres. His personal net worth is estimated to be more than $3 billion. He is also known for his long-standing associations with several actors, producers, and technicians.
2. 内容全面,实用与深度并存 此篇演讲篇幅较长,遣词造句考究,内容深刻,需要反 复揣摩。Spielberg从不同的角度给出了他对于毕业生的 建议。无论是坚持自我,鼓励学生听从自己的直觉, “And I want to be clear that your intuition is different from your conscience. They work in tandem, but here’s the distinction: Your conscience shouts, ‘here’s what you should do,’ while your intuition whispers, ‘here’s what you could do.’ Listen to that voice that tells you what you could do.”
抑或是提及“二战”牺牲的先辈,告诫学生们要铭记那 些为国家服务献身的英雄和精神,“Seventy years later, this message still holds true. Because their sacrifice is not a debt that can be repaid in a single generation. It must be repaid with every generation. Just as we must never forget the atrocities, we must never forget those who fought for freedom.”再谈到希望学生放下手机,与身边的人相对视, 感受真实世界的温度。Steven Spielberg演讲所涉及的内 容从宏观到微观,既有国家层面的价值观,又有细微生 活的动人之处,思想兼顾厚度与广度,值得大家学习。
Movie Is a Miniature of Real Life Thank you, thank you, President Faust, and Paul Choi, thank you so much. It¡¯ s an honor and a thrill to address this group of distinguished alumni and supportive friends and kvelling parents. We¡¯ve a ll ga t her ed t o s har ei n t he j oy o f th i s day , so please join me in congratulating Harvard¡¯s C l ass o f 2016 . I can remember my own college graduation, which is easy, since it was only 14 years ago. How many of you took 37 years to graduate? Because, like most of you, I began college in my teens, but sophomore year, I was offered my dream job at Universal Studios , so I dropped out. I told my parents if my movie career didn¡¯ t go w e ll, I¡ ¯ d re- enro ll . It went all right.
3. In your defining moments, do not let your morals be swayed by convenience or expediency. Sticking to your character requires a lot of courage. And to be courageous, you’re going to need a lot of support.
6. Just as we must never forget the atrocities, we must never forget those who fought for freedom. So as you leave this college and head out into the world, continue please to “reflect the radiance of their deeds”.
演讲背景 哈佛大学的毕业典礼,历来都邀请各界名人来致辞,这 次选择了大导演斯皮尔伯格。他的演讲十分独特,将想 要传达给观众的信息通过他执导的电影展现出来。演讲 中,他将拍电影和现实生活做了类比,内容涉及爱、勇 气、梦想等等。这种方式不落窠臼,引人注目。
演讲视频链接: /html/download/speech/20160530/115635.html
Speech Two: Movie Is a Miniature of Real Life
My job is to create a world that lasts two hours. Your job is to create a world that lasts forever.
——Steven Spielberg
Discuss the following questions with your partners before you learn this speech. 1. Have you ever been impressed by any Spielberg’s movie? 2. Do you agree that movie can guide real life somewhat and why?
4. Love, support, courage, intuition. All of these things are in your hero’s quiver, but still, a hero needs one more thing: A hero needs a villain to vanquish. And you’re all in luck. This world is full of monsters. And there’s racism, homophobia, ethnic hatred, class hatred, there’s political hatred, and there’s religious hatred.
Life is one strong, long string of character-defining moments.”也是全文最精彩的类比,戏如人生,要追寻 自我,聆听直觉。在后文,Spielberg又借助电影中不同 的人物经历,阐释了如何实现自我价值,如“you remember that movie, It’s a Wonderful Life? Clarence the Angel inscribes a book with this: ‘No man is a failure who has friends.’ And I hope you hang on to the friendships you’ve made here at Harvard. And among your friends, I hope you find someone you want to share your life with.” Spielberg将电影与现实生活联系起来,从角色到思想到 价值观进行类比,既容易让听众感同身受,代入感极强, 又能将深刻的道理娓娓道来。
金句背诵 1. Because for the first 25 years of our lives, we are trained to listen to voices that are not our own. Parents and professors fill our heads with wisdom and information, and then employers and mentors take their place and explain how this world really works. 2. And at first, the internal voice I needed to listen to was hardly audible, and it was hardly noticeable—kind of like me in high school. But then I started paying more attention, and my intuition kicked in.