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【摘要 】 目的 探 讨急性重症胰腺 炎的临床 护理 方法。方法 选取急性重症胰腺 炎患者 150例 ,随机分 为两组 。其 中对照组 72例 ,观察组 78例 。对照组患者 实施 常规 护理 ,观察组 患者在 对照组基 础上 实施 人性化护 理干预 。对 两组 患 者 治 疗 效果 、住 院 时 间 、心 理 状 况 以及 护 理 满 意 度 进 行评 价 。 结 果 96.15% 的 观 察 组 患 者 治愈 ,明 显 高 于 对照 组 的 84. 72% ;观 察 组住 院 时 间 和 SAS得 分 分 别 为 (13.57±1.28)d和 (45.96±3.88)分 ,对 照 组 分 别 为 (20.14±1.35)d和 (52.38 ±6.74)分 ,观 察组患者明显少于对照组 ;分别有 66.67%和 97.44%的观察组患者对护理 感到非 常满意和满 意者 ,明显 多 于对照组的 83.33%和 54.17%。上述 比较 两组差异 明显 ,有统计 学意 义(P<0.05)。结论 对 急性 重症胰腺 炎患者 实施 人一t ̄_4J6护理 ,可 以提 高治疗效果 ,促进 患者的 身心康复 ,改善护 患关 系,是一种科 学的护理模式 。
with severe acute pancrcatitis were chosen. And they were randomly divided into two groups. 72 patients were in the control group and 78 cases in the observation group.The control group was taken with routine care,patients in the observation g r oup was with the implementation of hum anistic nursing intervention on the basis of the control group.The effect of treatm ent,hospitalization time, psychological status and nursing satisfaction of the two groups of patients were evaluated.Results 96.15% in the observation group was cured,signif icantly higher than the 84.72% in the control group.The hospitalization time and SAS score in the obser—
33% and 54.17% .The differences between the two groups were compared,and there was statistically significant(P<0.05).
Conclusion The implementation of humanistic nursing on the patients with severe acute pancreatitis,can improve the therapeutic efect,prom ote the rehabilitation of patients,im prove the nurse—patient relationship,and it is a scientific nursing mode.
【关键词 】 急性 重症胰腺 炎;人 性化 护理 ;治疗 【中图分类号 】 R 657.5 l 【文献标识码 】 A 【文章编号 】 l004-0501(2013)04-0627-02
The analysis of the application of nursing intervention in the treatm ent of patients with severe acute pancreatitis.LUO
vation group were(13.57±1.28)d and(45.96±3.88),the control group were(20.14±1.35)d and (52.38±6.74),pa-
tients in the observation group Was significantly less than the control group:there were respectively 66.67% and 97.44% of the patients in the obser v ation gr oup was very satisfied and satisfaction on nursing,signif icantly more than the control group of 83.
【Key words】 acute severe pancreatitis;humanistic nursing;treatment
四川医学 2013年 4月第 34卷 (第 4期 ) SichuanMedical Journal,2013,Vo1
护 理 干预在 急性 重 症胰腺 炎 患者 治疗 中的应 用分 析
骆 艳 丽 (攀枝花市第 二人 民医院消化科 ,四川 攀枝 花 617068)
lean—li.The Second People's Hospital ofPanzhihua,Panzhihua,Sichuan 617068,China 【Abstract】 0bjective To study the clinical nursing methods of severe acute pancreatitis.Methods 1 50 cases of patients