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Contractor Safety
The purpose of this standard is to establish Safety requirements for Contractors.
The standard covers Safety rules that applies to the Contractors, Sub-contractors and their employees working within SABIC and its affiliate facilities.
3.1Contractor Employees: Personnel who are supplied by Contractor or subcontractor to work at the Affiliate
site on full or part-time basis.
3.2Prime Contractors: Companies or individuals contracted to perform work in the facility, but not included
under the SABIC or it’s Affiliates organizational structure. Contractors can be hired to construct or modify
process facilities, perform maintenance work on process equipment, and in some cases operate the
3.3Shall: Signifies mandatory requirements.
3.4Should: Signifies recommended/optional requirements.
3.5Sub-contractors: Contractors hired by and responsible to Prime Contractors for all activities.
3.6Worksite: The facilities of SABIC or its affiliate in which work is to be performed.
SABIC and its affiliates shall develop procedures and programs that meets the following requirements on Contractor Safety:
SABIC Industrial Security shall be consulted for any clarification to this standard. The clarification given by SABIC Industrial Security shall be complied with and considered final.
4.1Affiliate Contractor Coordinator:
4.1.1Affiliates shall nominate a person to coordinate the activities of the Contractors. The person
nominated as Contractor Coordinator shall ensure that all the requirements of this standard is complied
with by all the Contractors selected to work at his company.
4.2Contractor Selection:
4.2.1Consideration shall be given to the contractor’s safe ty performance, results of survey/audits of
previous jobs assigned to them and their accident prevention program during selection of the
4.2.2It shall be ensured that the contractor employees are trained and qualified to carryout the
assigned task.
4.2.3Selected Contractors shall be provided with a copy of Affiliates applicable procedures that is
developed to meet the requirements of this standard.
4.2.4Selected Contractor shall be provided with the copies of the Safety procedures that are related
to the work assigned to him.
4.3General Rules:
4.3.1Contractor shall designate and identify a representative responsible for on-site safety
4.3.2All equipment, tools, crane, vehicle etc. brought by the contractor shall be inspected to ensure
compliance with the applicable SABIC Safety Standard and Affiliates requirements. Only those
equipment, tools, crane, vehicle etc that meets the requirements and are approved by the
concerned Affiliate shall be permitted to be used.
4.3.3Contractor employees shall comply with the concerned Affiliate’s Safety rules and procedures.
4.3.4Contractor employees shall follow Safety precautions and procedures concerning specific
operations and jobs. Work or task shall be performed according to established procedure and
with the designated tools and equipment.
4.3.5Contractor employees shall not start work until authorized by the concerned Affiliate.
4.3.6Contractor employees shall only carryout the assigned task
under a work permit issued by the Authorized Work permit
issuer of the area where work is to be performed.
4.3.7Contractor employees shall bring only intrinsically safe Pagers inside the Operating plants.
4.3.8Contractor employees shall not bring Radios, Mobile phones, Firearms, ammunitions, lighters,
matches, or any other form of ignition sources within the operating Plant. Such items shall be deposited with the Security Guard at the Main Gate.
4.3.9Contractor employees shall not carryout photography or use video camera within the
operating plants without written approval of Industrial Security management.
4.3.10Contractor employees shall be communicated of areas where smoking is permitted. Contractor
shall provide smoking shelters that are equipped with lighters, ashtrays and Fire
extinguisher at the worksite, if asked by the Affiliate management.
4.3.11All temporary buildings of Contractors shall be located in an area approved by the Affiliate
Contractor Coordinator.
4.3.12Horseplay, fighting, gambling, possessions of firearms or explosives, use of regulated drugs or
alcohol, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, theft, vandalism, sabotage, and
distribution of unauthorized literature shall not be permitted, Those involved in such
activities shall be removed from the worksite and shall be liable for punishment by
applicable law.
4.3.13All temporary offices, office wiring including accessories installed therein shall be subjected to
inspection and approval of Affiliate Contractor Coordinator. Any changes to approved wiring
or installation of new electrical accessories shall be submitted to Affiliate Contractor
Coordinator for review and approval prior to implementation on site.
4.3.14Contractor shall ensure that construction areas, site fabrication shop, corridors, offices
material storage area, etc. have adequate natural or artificial lighting.
4.3.15Contractor shall furnish adequate clean supply of portable water, containers and disposable
cups to Contractor employees for drinking water.
4.3.16Contractor shall furnish adequate portable toilet facilities for his employees. All portable toilets
shall be kept clean and located in an easily accessible area. If they are to be used at night, the
area shall have adequate illumination.
4.3.17Contractor shall properly secure, transport, and use compressed gas cylinders. Cylinders not in
use shall be capped.
4.3.18Contractor shall fuel vehicles from pump and hose, or from approved safety cans.
4.3.19Contractor shall not perform any of the following jobs without the specific permission of the
concerned area Supervisor:
•Make repairs or changes to existing equipment
•Operate any valve, switch, or instrument control device.
•Operate any utility services such as electricity, water, air, nitrogen, etc.
•Connect into existing pipelines
•Connect into existing sewers
•Connect into existing electrical system or electrically operated equipment
•Operate electrical equipment or electrical switches
•Enter any closed vessel, tank, container, pit, excavations, or other confined space
•Perform work involving ionization radiation
•Use company pipelines, electrical conduits, handrails, or structures as supports for loads, ladders, or scaffolds
•Use company structure, pipe or other equipment for attaching blocks, lines, or other services which apply loads on the equipment
•Install guy lines across electrical lines
•Operate cranes or derricks near electrical lines
•Make excavations without adequate protection to prevent sloughing and without fencing to prevent personnel from failing into them
•Operate electrical equipment without grounding or GFCI protection
•Move suspended loads without securing load to prevent swinging
•Operate any metal-wheeled equipment without adequate protection for the street paving.
•Dispose any material at SABIC or its affiliates sites.
•Use plant air for cleaning lines or sewers, or for breathing purposes.
•Work on any machinery while it is in operation.
4.3.20Contractor shall follow Affiliate’s procedures for safe handling, storage and disposal of
materials from the Worksite.
4.3.21Contractor shall comply with the Royal Commission, KFIP and Saudi Arabian government rules
and regulations for disposal of debris, waste material including hazardous, toxic chemicals.
4.3.22Contractor shall provide signs, posters, warning lights, barricades, and other
devices/equipment necessary for any special situations or temporary hazards created by the
contractors work activity.
4.3.23All excavations made by the contractor shall be adequately protected to prevent sloughing of
earth, by shoring or sloping and shall be protected against personnel slipping or falling into
the excavation. Contractor personnel shall not enter the excavation to a depth where the
person’s head is below the surface of the ground without a permit (Refer to SABIC Safety
Standard SF-134 on Excavation Safety).
4.3.24Contractor shall guard or place appropriate barricades around temporary openings in floor,
temporary impairments to handrails, stairways, or walkways. Existing machinery or
equipment guards shall not be modified or altered.
4.3.25Work on electrical systems shall be conducted in accordance with tag-out, lockout, and permit
4.3.26When it is necessary for a contractor to operate cranes or lifting operations within 4 meters of
the vicinity of energized electrical lines, the contractor shall review the hazards and
precautions with the concerned area Supervisor to determine whether the lines can be de-
energized. If the lines are to remain energized, the contractor is responsible to install suitable
guards to prevent an electrical arc or accidental circuit condition.
4.3.27Contractor supervisory personnel shall develop method/system and implement it to ensure
that all safety procedures are understood and followed. Contractor supervisory personnel
shall, at all times, set a good safety example.
4.3.28Contractors shall be accountable for their employees, compliance with the facility safety rules.
4.3.29Where it is apparent that contractor employees are not following prescribed plant safety
regulations, policies, or procedures, the person observing such situations should notify the
Affiliate Contractor Coordinator, who will take the necessary action to ensure that safe work
conditions are maintained.
4.4Training and Orientation:
4.4.1Contractor employees shall not be permitted to work at the worksite without formally being
given orientation on Safety rules and regulations, and emergency response of the concerned
4.4.2Contractor shall be responsible for all of his employees to receive the Safety orientation prior
to beginning the work.
4.4.3Contractor shall formally inform the concerned Affiliate of any deficiency or unique hazards
associated with the way he will carryout the assigned task.
4.4.4The contractor employees shall be communicated of potential process hazards associated
with the assigned task, applicable facility safety rules, emergency response provisions, and
any potential fire, explosive, or toxic hazards that may be encountered during the contractors
work in the unit.
4.4.5Contractors shall be informed of hazard control measures and how to secure additional
4.4.6Contractor should conduct daily toolbox meeting and weekly safety meeting with his
employees. These meetings shall be used to communicate the hazard associated with the
assigned work and specific precautions to be taken.
4.4.7Contractor employees shall be trained and monitored at least to the same levels as the facility
employees who would be doing the same job. Responsibility for conducting the training,
documenting the training, and verifying its effectiveness shall be confirmed during the pre-
job safety orientation meeting between the SABIC Affiliate and the Contractor Supervision
4.4.8Records of Safety orientation shall be maintained, till the assigned task is completed.
4.5Plant entry and Security Regulation:
4.5.1Contractor employee’s entry into the facility shall be restricted and controlled. Identification
(ID) Card shall be issued to the contractor employees who are permitted to enter the facilities.
Identification Card should be issued to the contractor employees only after they have
received the Safety orientation.
4.5.2Entry of Contractor employees and vehicle to the Operating Plant shall be restricted and
4.5.3All tools and materials, other than trash, that the Contractor removes from the Plant shall be
accompanied by a Gate Pass, obtained from authorized personnel from the concerned
4.5.4Contractor shall be responsible for his equipment and material.
4.6Incident Reporting Emergency medical care and emergency response:
4.6.1Contractor employees shall immediately report all incidents, accidents, injuries, any hazard
observed and damages to the property, to the area supervisor.
4.6.2Contractor shall maintain an incident investigating and reporting system for incide nts on
SABIC or it’s Affiliate’s facilities. The report shall clearly describe the incident, the causes,
and contain all recommended measures to prevent it from recurring. Near-miss incidents
that have potential for serious consequences are also to be reported and investigated.
4.6.3Contractor shall participate in investigation, if required by the concerned Affiliate.
4.6.4Contractors shall be responsible to develop, implement, and maintain a fire prevention
program specific to the work being done. The fire prevention program shall include
identification and control of potential ignition sources, temporary fuel supply situations,
electrical wiring practices, and portable fire extinguishers (and their inspection and
maintenance). SABIC Affiliate fire and emergency response equipment and systems shall not
be used for nonemergency activities and shall not be impaired (restricted access) by
contractor work activity.
4.6.5Contractor shall provide emergency medical care facilities at worksite for their employees
as per the Government regulation, prior to the start of the job. The contractor emergency
medical care shall also include provision/arrangement for emergency transportation.
4.6.6Contractor shall make prior arrangement to ensure immediate transportation and further
treatment to his employees, if required.
4.7Personnel Protective Equipment:
4.7.1Contractor employees entering the operating plant shall comply with dress and personnel
Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements.
4.7.2Contractor employees shall wear either an overall or long trousers and long or short sleeve
shirts/jackets. Loose clothing shall not be worn, and long hair shall be covered when work is
performed around machinery with exposed moving parts.
4.7.3Contractor employees shall wear hard hats, safety shoes and safety glasses / goggles to enter
the operating plant area. Other Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE), as required because
of the hazard associated with the work performed, and those suggested by the Work permit
Issuer shall be used.
4.8Tools and Equipment:
4.8.1Contractor shall not use defective tools or machinery. The Tools and Equipment brought by
the Contractor shall meet the applicable SABIC Safety Standard.
4.8.2All lifting equipment brought into the operating plants by the contractor shall have current
certifications of examination and testing by a competent examination body.
4.8.3Contractor equipment brought onto company property shall be in safe operating condition.
Contractors shall ensure that the tools and equipment are inspected and approved as per
section 4.3.2.
4.8.4Contractor shall construct Scaffoldings that meets the requirements of SABIC Safety
Standard SF-192.
4.8.5Ladders used by the contractor shall meet the requirements of SABIC Safety Standard SF-
4.8.6All hand and power operated tools and similar equipment, whether supplied by Contractor
or by SABIC or its affiliates shall be maintained in safe operating condition. Damaged tools
shall be immediately repaired or replaced. Tools shall be used only for the purpose for which
they were designed.
4.8.7All electrical tools shall meet requirements of SABIC Standard on Electrical Safety SF-160.
4.9Mobile equipment and Traffic Safety:
4.9.1Contractor employees driving vehicles shall be required to have a valid Saudi Arabian
Driving License for the class of vehicle being driven.
4.9.2All vehicles brought by the contractor shall conform to Saudi Arabian Traffic Law regarding
roadworthiness, licensing, insurance, spares, and safety equipment.
4.9.3Wearing of Seat belts shall be mandatory for the Driver and the front seat passengers of all
the contractor vehicles driven within SABIC or it’s Affiliates facilities.
4.9.4Contractor employees driving vehicle shall comply with all posted traffic signs, signals, and
4.9.5Forklifts, cranes, and special lifting motorized self-propelled equipment shall only be
operated by trained personnel and only with authorization from the concerned area
4.9.6Contractor shall obtain the travel route for their mobile equipment and vehicle and shall
strictly follow the designated route.
4.9.7Contractors’ mobile equipment and vehicle shall be parked atleast 5 meters away from any
hydrant. Also, the vehicle shall not block any street, roadway, emergency vehicle, or
emergency exit unless authorized by the concerned area work Permit Issuer, as required for
work to be carried out.
4.9.8Movement of trailer-type equipment shall be done using a properly approved hitch.
4.9.9Contractor shall be responsible for the safe operation when using vehicle or hoisting
equipment. Only competent, trained and authorized operators shall operate such equipment.
Contractor shall provide the Affiliate,s Contractor Coordinator a copy of operators resume,
which includes qualification and experience of the operator.
Contractor shall, at all times, keep job site (and adjoining premises, driveways, walkways) clean and free from accumulated debris, trash, and rubbish. Working and walking surfaces shall be kept in a safe condition. Protruding nails in boards shall be bent down or otherwise guarded. At the conclusion of the job, contractor shall be responsible to remove all remaining materials, supplies, and trash and leave the area safe, clean and ready for use.
Periodic spot checks and field audits shall be carried out for each task being carried out by the
contractor for ensuring that the work practices and conditions meets the requirements of this standard.
4.12.1Records of Safety survey/audit for each job shall be maintained for at least five years.
4.12.2Record of Safety incidents, accidents and injuries for each contractor shall be maintained for
at least five years.。