lesson 6 口译笔记的特点和结构安排

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弗朗加利先生 Mr. Francesco Frangialli
常务副秘书长 Deputy Secretary General
布莱切特女士 Mrs. Louise Frechette
各位代表 all delegates
旅游资源 tourism resource
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各人做笔记时会采用不同的文字、符号,也会根据自己记忆 的弱点选择需要记录的信息,因此,在笔记训练中没有标准 的笔记供效仿,而只有一些示范和建议。大家应针对自己的 实际情况选择适当的记录方法。
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5.5 Modernization and preservation
演播室 studio 目睹 witness
At a enormous rate 快速地
Angle 角度 Alleyway 小巷
Back-streets 小街
即时—— 指的是译员只需在翻译该段讲话的当时能辨认出记录的 内容并结合短时记忆将整段内容译出即可。
3 Presentation Title / Name / Date
由于口译受时间所限,译员的理解、分析、记忆、译出等 活动又同时占用有限的脑力资源,因此,口译笔记只能是 简短的,也就是尽量用最少的纪录来表示最丰富的内容, 弥补记忆的局限性。
Language tips
it is vested by the United Nations with a central and decisive role in promoting the development of tourism. 它受联合国委托, 在各国 旅游业的宣传和发展工作中起着核心的作用。 universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. “universal” can be put into Chinese as 普遍的, which actually means 不分种族的、性别、语言或宗教信仰according to the context.
Skills practice
Instructions: 请根据口译笔记的特点和机构安排做笔记,然后借助笔记 用原语复述。 5.1 随团旅游知识 5.2 tour the White House
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提示: 请先熟悉列出的词汇与短语后再听录音,并在录音停顿时开始口译。
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5.4 World tourism organization (WTO)
词汇与短语 Intergovernmental organization 政府间的组织 Operational sector (旅游)经营 部门 Be vested by … with 受。。。委 托进行。。。工作 Universal 普遍的
Lesson 6 口译笔记的特点和结构安排 Feature and layout of the interpreter’s notes
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即itle / Name / Date
旖旎秀美 picturesque 博大精深 long history and extensive culture 民族风情 folk customs 世界文化遗产地 World Cultural Heritage sites 世界自然遗产地 World Natural Heritage sites 风采神韵 glory
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2. of course your prosperity is very important to you, and to me too,: 当然,繁荣与发展对你们来说是很重要的,对我们也是很重要的( or, 你们认为发展是很重要的,我也是这么想的。) 3.It tends to make you blind to the need to preserve something of the past, … once you have destroyed that heritage, you can’t get it back. : 你们似乎忽略了对以前事物保护的重要,……文化遗产一旦遭到 破坏,你们是无法挽回这种损失的。
11 Presentation Title / Name / Date
2. 十月的北京, 天高气爽,秋色宜人,世界旅游组织第15届全体大会今 天在这里隆重开幕。
This kind of expressions are commonly used at the beginning of a Chinese speech. We should tell students not to translate word by word, but the meaning of describing the nice weather and speaker’s happy feeling to deliver the speech. So this expression can be put into English as “At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery in the freshest air and clearest weather, the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here”.
Full member 正式成员
Associate member 联系成员 Affiliate member 附属 成员 Sovereign state 主权国家 Territory 地区 External relations 外交事务
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Language tips
1. 世界旅游组织:World Tourism Organization (WTO)
Most students are familiar with the “WTO” which are the initials of the World Trade Organization (世界贸易组织), but may not know that “WTO” are also the initials of World Tourism Organization 世界 旅游组织 and the World Toilet . so we should remind students to be careful when interpreting initials or short forms which might have several meanings.
5.3 温家宝总理在世界旅游组织第15届全体大会开幕式上的发言
词汇与短语 世界旅游组织 the World Tourism Organization 秘书长 Secretary General 天高气爽、秋色宜人 charming autumn scenery with fresh air and clear skies 全体大会 the General Assembly Session 文明古国 a country with a long history and civilization 充满时代生机 full of modern vitality 得天独厚 unique
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矛盾 contradiction Be blind to 对。。。熟视无睹
协调 coordinate, harmonize
15 Presentation Title / Name / Date
Language tips:
1. 现代化与保护的问题,这是一对矛盾,一个城市的空间是有限的,要发 展的话,就必须要改造旧的城区,那么建起的旧的高楼大厦,它其实代表 并记录着一个城市的发展,这样做有什么不好呢?: There is a contradiction between modernization and preservation. The space of a city is limited, the old part of the city should be reconstructed, and in fact the new buildings the symbols of the prosperity of a city. Isn’t this a good thing.
蓬勃英姿 boom
交相辉映 add radiance and charm to each other 小康社会 a well-off society
可持续发展 sustainable development
繁荣与发展 prosperity and development 起到重要的推动作用 give a major push to
译员必须做到“脑记”和“手记”的相互协调,优化脑力资 源的分配,保证口译的成功。
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口译笔记的结构一般采用纵向、阶梯式缩进结构; 结构要宽松,多分行;
左右留出一定边距用来补充信息或标注信息逻辑关系并用横 线表示一层意义的结束。
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