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ABV Above
AC Alternating Current
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACE Actuator Control Electronics
ACP Audio Control Panel
ADC Air Data Computer
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADM Air Data Module
AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer
AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System
A/G Air/Ground
AI Anti–Ice
AIL Aileron
AIMS Airplane Information Management System
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMI Airline Modifiable Information
ANP Actual Navigational Performance
APL Airplane
ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (美国)航空无线电公司ARPT Airport
ASA Auto land Status Annunciate ATA Actual Time of Arrival AVAIL Available
ABN abnormal
A/C aircraft
ACT auxiliary central tank
ADR air data reference
ADV advice
AEVC 电子设备通风控制
AIDS 飞机综合数据系统
AIME 独立的整体监控外推法
AIU 音频接口组件
AMU 音频管理组件
AOC airlines operation control APPR approach APPU 不对称位置传感器组件
ASP audio select panel
ATE auto test equipment 自动检测设备A/THR 自动推力ATS auto thrust system
ATSU air traffic service unit
B/C Back Course
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BKR Breaker
BLD Bleed
BTL Bottle
BCL battery charge limit
BCDS 自测中央数据系统
BITE 内装测试设备/自测设备
BIU 自测接口组件
BFE 买方提供设备
BMC bleed monitor computer
BNR 二进制的
BRG 方位、轴承
BSCU 刹车转弯控制组件
BTC 汇流条连接接口
C Captain
CAP Capture
CANC/RCL Cancel/Recall
CCD Cursor Control Device
CDS comprehensive display system 共用显示系统CHR Chronograph
CHKL Checklist
CKT Circuit
CL Close
CO Company
COMM Communication
COMP Comparator
COMPT Compartment
CON Continuous
CONT Control
CRS Course
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CTL Control
CTR Center
CBMS circuit breaker monitor system CFDIU 中央故障数据接口组件
CFDS 中央故障数据系统
CHG change
CIDS 客舱内部通讯数据系统
C/L checklist
CM_ crew member__
CPCU cabin pressure control unit CRC 连续重复谐音
CRG cargo
CSEU 货舱烟雾控制组件
DDG Dispatch Deviations Guide
DEPR Depressurize
DEU display electronic unit
DISC Disconnect
DK Deck
DN Down
DSP Display Select Panel
DA drift angle
DAR 数字试飞机综合数据系统记录器
DCDU data link control display unit
DDRMI digital distance radio magnetic indicator DFA delay flap approach
DFDR digital flight data recorder
DITS digital information transfer system
DIV 转向器
DMC display management computer
DMU data management unit
DSDL 专业串行数据链
E/E Electrical/Electronic
EFI Electronic Flight Instruments
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System ELEC Electrical
EMER Emergency
ENT Entry
EO Engine Out
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio
EQPT or EQUIP Equipment
EVAC Evacuation
EXT Extend or External
EXEC Execute
ECB electronic control box(APU)
ECM engine condition monitor
ECP ECAM control panel
ECS environment control system
ECU engine control unit
EDP engine driven pump
EFCS electronic flying control system
EFOB estimate fuel on board
EIU 发动机接口组件
EIS 电子仪表系统
ELAC elevator aileron computer
ESS 重要的
EVMU engine vibration monitor unit
E/WD engine warring display
F Fahrenheit
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control FCTL Flight Control
FD, F/D or FLT DIR Flight Director
FILT Filter
FL CH or FLCH Flight Level Change
FLPRN Flaperon
FPA Flight Path Angle
F/S Fast/Slow
FWSOV Fire Wall Shut Off Valve
FAC 飞机增稳计算机
FADEC 全权数字试发动机控制
FAV fan air valve
F/C flight crew
FCDC 飞机操纵数据集中器
FDIU 飞行数据接口组件
FDU fire detect unit
FGC flying guide computer
FIDS fault isolate detect system
FMA flight mode annunciate
FMGC 飞行管理引导计算机
FMGS 飞行管理引导系统
FPPU 反馈位置采集组件
FQI/FQU fuel quantity indicator /unit FRV 燃油回流活门FWC fly warring computer
FWS fly warring system
GCU generator control unit
GLC 发动机线路接触器
GPCU ground power control unit
GRP geography reference point
GRVTY gravity
H hours/ hot
HLD Hold
HPSOV High Pressure Shut Off Valve
HDG REF Heading Reference
HPA Hectopascals
HC 肩带接口
HCU hydraulic control unit
HDL handle
HMS heat manage system
HMU hydraulic mechanic unit
HP high pressure
HPV high pressure valve
IFE In-Flight Entertainment System
IN Inches
IND LTS Indicator Lights
INIT Initialization
IND Indicator
INT or INTPH Interphone
INTC Intercept
INTC CRS Intercept Course
ISFD integrated standby display 综合备用飞行显示ISLN Isolation
IDG 整体驱动发电机
IMM immediately
INB inbound
INR 内的
I/P input
IP 中间压力
IPC 中间压力单向活门
IPPU 仪表设备位置采集组件
ISDU IRS display unit
K or KTS Knots
L Left
LBS Pounds
LD Load
LDA Localizer-Type Directional Aid LE Leading Edge
LKD Locked
LT Light
LWR CTR Lower Center
LWR DSPL Lower Display
LAF 减载功能
LATREV lateral revise
LCN 载荷等级编号
LGCIU 起落架控制接口组件LGPIU 起落架位置指示组件LIS 航向台惯性校准
LK lock
LL longitude and latitude LLS 左行选键
LRRA 低范围无线电高度表LRU 航线可更换件
LSK 行选键
M Mach
MAG Magnetic
MAN Manual
MEL Minimum Equipment List MMO Maximum Mach
Operating Speed
MSG Message
MFD Multifunction Display MCT max continua thrust MCDU 多功能CDU
MCU 模块概念组件
MDDU 多功能光盘驱动组件
MFA memory fault annunciates
MN 马赫数
MRIU 维护及记录接口组件
MSU mode select unit (IRS)
MTBF 平均故障时间
N Normal
NAV RAD Navigation Radio
N1 Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N2 High Pressure Rotor Speed (Pratt & Whitney
engines)Intermediate Pressure Rotor Speed(Rolls–Royce engines)
N3 High Pressure Rotor Speed (Rolls–Royce engines)
ND Navigation Display
NCD 非计算的数据
ND navigation display
NW nose wheel
OHU overhead unit 头顶组件
OP Open
OVHT Overheat
OVRD Override
OBRM 机载可更换组件
OFF/R off and reset
OPP opposite
OPT optional
OUTB 外国的、输出的,
OUTR 外面的
PC Personal Computer
PCP Pilot Call Panel
PERF Performance
PES Pitch Enhancement System PFC Primary Flight Computers PFD Primary Flight Display PNL Panel
PREV Previous
PRI primary
P/RST Push T o Reset
PROX Proximity
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve PSI Pounds Per Square Inch POS INIT Position Initialization PTH Path
PTT Push To Talk
PWS predictive wind shear system P-ALT profile altitude PB 按扭
P-CLB profile climb
PDU pilot display unit
PHC probe heat computer
POB 无液压时的位置锁定
PPU 位置传感组件
PROC procedure
PROCT procedure turn
PROF profile
PSUU 乘客服务组件
PVI 平视指示器
Q Quantity
QFU 跑道航向
R Right
RAD Radio
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator REC Recorder
RECIR or RECIRC Recalculation
REF Reference
RET Retract
REV Reverse
RF Refill
RNP Required Navigational Performance RNV Area Navigation (RNAV)
RST Reset
RSVR Reservoir
R/T Radio Transmit
RACC 转子主动间隙控制
RAIM 接收机独立整体监控
RAT 冲压空气涡轮
RCDR recorder
RCL recall
RCVR receiver
REAC reaction
REL release
RH right hand
R/I radio/inertial
RLSK 右行选键
RMP radio manage panel
RNG range
RPTG 重复的
RTOW regular TOW
SAARU Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit SB Service Bulletin
S/C Step Climb
SDF Simplified Directional Facility
SELCAL Selective Calling
SENS Sensitivity
SERV Service
STA Station
STAT Status
S 收缝翼速度
SC 单谐音
S/C step climb
SD system display
S/D step descent
SDAC 系统数据获取收集器
SDCD 烟雾探测控制组件
SEC 扰流板升降舵计算机
SFCC slot/flap control computer
SFE 卖方提供的设备
SRS speed reference system
STS status
SW switch
TAC Thrust Asymmetry Compensation
T or TRU True
T or TK or TRK Track
TAI Thermal Anti–Ice
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System TDZE touch down zone elevation
TE Trailing Edge
TFR Transfer
TACT 战术的
TAU 切入时间
TBD 待定
TFTS 地球飞行电报系统
TGT target
THS 可配平的水平安定面
TK tank
TKE track error
TLA throttle level angle
T-P turning point
TPIS tire pressure indicate system T-R transmitter receiver TRK track
TRU 变压整流组件
TTG 剩下时间
TVMC 最小控制速度温度
UNSCHD or UNSCHED Unscheduled
USB Upper Side Band
UTIL Utility
UFD 组件故障数据
ULB underwater locate beacon
VAL Valve
VERT Vertical
VLV Valve
V2 Scheduled Takeoff Target Speed VBV 可变旁通活门
VC 修正空速
V1 V2
Vfe max flap extension speed
Vfen next flap extension speed Vfto final take off speed Vm manuverse speed
Vmca min control speed(air)
Vmcg min control speed (ground) Vmin min operation speed Vmo max operation speed
Vmu 最小起飞速度
Vr rotate speed
Vref reference speed
VHV very high volts
VSV 可变静止叶片
VD 目视组件。