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(9)Anything is possible. (李宁服饰) 一切皆有可能。 (10)Tide’s in, dirt’s out. (汰渍洗衣粉) 有汰渍,没污渍。
4ord costs 5ive% le$$ (Ford) 福特为您省5%
中国丝绸,如微风一样轻盈,似彩云一般 温柔。
It happens at the Hilton. (希尔顿酒店) 希尔顿酒店有求必应。 Connecting People (诺基亚) 科技以人为本
《泰晤士报》的广告语: We take no pride in prejudice. 舆论的导向,公正的保障。
Come to where the flavor is.
Your everyday life is very busy, Our LongCard can make it easy.
For the Road Ahead. (Honda本田) 康庄大道。
For 25 years, we've been flying to only one destination-EXCELLENCE.(航空业广告)
质地松脆,清香可口。 Xikou Qianceng Cake, with numerous
clear sheets in it, is finely made in a traditional way. It is tasty and crisp.
(3)Rejoice: start ahead(飘柔洗发水) 飘柔:成功之路,从头开始。 (4)Elegance is an attitude. (浪琴表) 优雅态度,真我性格。
adding important information; conforming to the conventions of the target
(四)创译法 (creative translation)
(1)国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。 Good and vigorous spirit. (2)Intel Pentium: Intel Inside. 英特尔奔腾:给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。
3.5 Translation techniques
直译:基本依照原文的语言形式,保持原文 意义。
Shanghai silk underwear shares perfection with you.
(4)Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.
青岛啤酒: 不同的肤色,共同的选择。
People’s skin colors are different — far and near,
but their choice can be the same — for Qingdao Beer.
Taking the lead in a Digital World (三星公 司)
五)套译法(loan translation)
套译法: 套用中英文的固有表达模式、俗语、谚语、
Come to Marlboro Country.— Marlboro
万宝路香烟:追寻牛仔风度 —— 西部潇洒走 一回。
difference in culture; difference in conventions of ads; difference in language.
Chinese silk is light as a breeze and soft as cloud.
皮张之厚无以复加;利润之薄无以复减。 (上海鹤鸣皮鞋)
The leather shoes made here are thick enough; the profit that’s obtained is slight enough.
Ad of Maotai: 茅台一开,满室生香; 国酒茅台,渊源流长。
Maotai — a vintage liquor A VIP treat which diffuses the finest
aroma A national favor that won a 1915
(1)Ericsson: make yourself heard.爱立信 理解就是沟通。
(4)To me, the past is black and whቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱte, but the future is always colorful. (轩尼诗 酒)
对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却 是绚烂缤纷。
When should we use free translation? difference in sentence structures; difference in ad features;
(1)Maxwell: good to the last drop 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。 (2)溪口千层饼采用传统工艺,制作精细,
卓尔不群- 25年不变的追求 To love, to laugh, to understand each other. 《娱乐世界》广告
They feel right, work right and sell right. 它们触感舒适,性能卓越,价格合理。
When can we translate literally? No cultural barrier; similar structures in Chinese and English; full conveyance of meaning.
(二)意译法 (free translation)