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南京师范大学2012-2013学年 第Ⅰ学期
课程期末试卷(A 卷)
班 级: 任课教师: 学 号: 姓 名:
1、定量数据(quantitative data )
2、数据类型(types of data )
3、统计假设(statistical hypothesis )
4、处理(treatment )
5、众值(mode )
专业: 班级: 学号: 姓名:
10、标准差(standard deviation)
1、变异系数及其应用(the coefficient of variation and its applications)
2、参数分析须满足的三个假设(three assumptions for parametric analyses)
3、第一类和第二类统计错误(type I statistical error and type II statistical error)
4、试述统计分析的重要性(why statistical analyses so important)
填写不同季节不同性别鸟类丰度的期望值;(2)用卡方好适度检测和对数似然比例检测不同季节雌雄两性鸟类的丰度是否一致[Consider the following data for the abundance of a certain species of bird. You are asked: (1) to show the expected frequencies (E), and (2) to decide the trueness of the null hypothesis (H0) using Chi-square goodness of fit (Chi-square test) and log-likelihood ratio (G-test). Please note that the critical value is 7.815 when P = 0.05 and df = 3]
2、请填写以下未完成的表格并用Mann-Whitney U检验由两个助教指导的学生是否具有相同的学业表现(Please fill the following uncompleted form and then use Mann-Whitney U test to examine if the performance of students is the
3、左表是某两种昆虫翼长的抽样数据,试分别用t-检验、Mann-Whitney 秩检验和单因子方差分析检测两种鸟的翼长是否存在差异 [Here is a dataset (see the left table) of wing length (mm) of two hypothetical species of insects. Please use S tudent’s t -test, Mann-Whitney U-test and one-way ANOV A to examine if there two species differ in wing length] 结果:
请使用单因子方差分析和Kruskal-Wallis 法(H 法)检验不同月份的食物消耗量是否相同 [The following data are weights of food (in kilograms) consummed per day by adult deer collected at different times of the year. Test the null hypothesis that food consumption is the same for all the months tested using one-way ANOV A and Kruskal-Wallis test (H test)]
Species A Species B 31.6 42.2 33.4 44.0 34.2 42.2 35.9 44.0 37.2 42.2 40.0 44.0 36.2 42.2 43.4 44.0 44.2 45.5 44.3 48.1
49.0 51.3
要求将该组数据粘贴到统计软件包,以便于做以下统计分析[The appendix is a dataset on the effects of incubation temperature on incubating eggs and hatchling traits of effects of temperature on incubating eggs and hatchling traits of a hypothetic ectothermic animal. You are asked to paste this dataset into the statistical package so that you are able to do the following statistical analyses]
1、试用G-检验检测27 ︒C孵出的幼体性比是否偏离1:1 [Please use G-test to examine if the sex ratio of hatchlings from the incubation temperature of 27 ︒C differs from equality (namely females: males = 1: 1). The critical value of G at df = 1 and α = 0.05 is equal to 3.841] (4分)
2、试用以孵化热环境和性别为因子的双因子方差分析分别显示不同孵化热环境温度、不同性别,以及孵化热环境与性别的交互作用对孵化时间(DINC)的影响[Please use two-factor ANOV A with incubation temperature (TEMP) and sex (SEX) as the factors to examine the effects of incubation temperature, sex and temperature ⨯sex interaction on incubation length (days of incubation)] (8分)
结果:Two-ANOV A分析显示:温度对孵化期有显著影响(F3, 120 = 788.74, P < 0.0001),不同性别的个体孵化期无显著差异(F1, 120 = 0.10, P = 0.75),温度和性别两因子无交互作用(F3, 120 = 0.51, P = 0.67)。
3、填充下表,随后用恰当的统计方法比较四个温度处理下的入孵卵重的平均值是否存在差异[Please fill the following table and then compare the mean values of initial egg mass between the four temperature treatments using a suitable statistical method] (8分)
结果:四个温度下的入孵卵重无显著差异(One-way ANOV A, F3, 124 = 0.35, P = 0.79)。
4、请以初生卵重为协变量、孵化热环境为因子的单因子协方差分析填充以下表格,并检验孵化温度是否显著影响表中三个幼体变量[Please use one-factor ANCOV A (with incubation temperature as the factor and initial egg mass as the covariate) to fill the following table, and then examine whether incubation temperature significantly affected the three hatchling variables in the table] (8分)
结果:设置入孵卵重为2.35 g,24、27、30和波动孵化温度孵出幼体的体长分别为129.00、125.76、119.87和124.98 g,30度孵出幼体体长最短。
设置入孵卵重为2.35 g,24、27、30和波动孵化温度孵出幼体的体重分别为1.71、1.70、1.56和1.65 g,30度孵出幼体体重最轻。
5、试用偏相关分析27 ︒C处理下的体长(SVL)、幼体干重(HDM)和躯干干重(CDM)之间的关系(Please use a partial correlation analysis to analyze the following relationships in the 27 ︒C treatment: SVL vs HDM, SVL vs CDM, and HDW vs CDM)(8分)
固定SVL,HDM和CDM存在显著的偏相关关系(r= 0.83, t= 8.35, df= 32, P < 0.0001)
附录(Appendix):孵化温度对某种卵生蛇卵孵化和孵出幼体特征的影响(The effects of temperature on incubating eggs and hatchling traits of a hypothetic ectothermic animal)
缩写和注释(Abbreviations and notes)
TEMP: 孵化温度(Incubation temperature); 1=波动温度(Fluctuating temperature), 24 = 24 ℃, 27 = 27 ℃and 30 = 30 ℃
SEX: 孵出幼体性别(The sexual phenotype of hatchlings); 1 = female and 2 = male
DINC: 孵化时间(Days of incubation)
IEM: 入孵卵重(Initial egg mass)in gram
SVL: 幼体体长(Hatchling snout-vent length)
HWM: 幼体湿重(Hatchling wet mass)in gram
TL: 幼体头长(Hatchling tail length)
HDM: 幼体干重(Hatchling dry mass)in gram
CDM: 幼体躯干重(Hatchling carcass dry mass)in gram