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• 澳大利亚版《嘉人》杂志最新推选出完美女性形 象,从一些全球最著名的明星身上取出最美之处, 组合成令人不可思议的整体效果。 • ( 3月8日China Daily )
3、Putin wins back Russian presidency
• Vladimir Putin triumphed in Russia's presidential election on Sunday and, called his victory a turning point that had prevented the country falling into the hands of enemies. • 3月4号,弗拉基米尔•普京在俄罗斯总统大选中 胜出,他表示自己的胜利是避免国家落入敌人手 里的历史转折点。
(3月5日 China Daily)
4、Thousands stage Japan anti-nuclear protest
• Tens of thousands of people have rallied near Japan's crippled Fukushima plant demanding an end to nuclear power as the nation marked the first anniversary of a disastrous earthquake and tsunami.
(3月20日 China Daily)
9、The raised fuel prices
• China raised fuel prices for the second time this year,hiking gasoline and diesel by 6.5 percent to 7percent effective on Tuesday, amid rising world crude oil prices and falling domestic inflation。 • 国家发改委觉得20日起将汽柴油价每顿分别提高 600元。这次调价后,全国平均90号汽油和0号柴 油将分别提高0.44元和0.51元,折合成93号汽油, 价格将提高0.48元。调价后,93号汽油将从目前 的7.85元上调到8.33元。 • ( 3月20日 China Daily)
• 滕州警方击毙狼后,有一些市民对直接击毙大灰狼持有不 同看法。 • 枣庄市民刘先生认为,现在在世界范围内狼的数量越来越 少,尤其是野生狼,中国的情况也不容乐观。枣庄出现的 伤人狼,相关部门当场击毙的做法欠妥,最好是可以使用 麻醉枪或者其他工具,可以将狼活捉。
• 枣庄市林业局的相关负责人告诉记者,狼虽然是省重点保 护动物,但是保护级别低,只要是狼的出现威胁到了人的 生命财产安全,当场击毙并不违反相关法律规定。
• 日本大地震和海啸灾难发生一周年之际,数万名 日本民众聚集在废弃的福岛核电站前,要求停止 使用核能。
(3月12日 China Daily)
5、Web video leaders in surprise marriage
• Inc, the country's top online video provider, agreed to buy its main rival, Tudou Holdings Ltd, in a stock-for-stock transaction, the two companies said. • 国内最大的两个视频网站优酷和土豆于3月12日共 同宣布,双方已于3月11日签订最终协议,将以 100%换股的方式合并。合并后的新公司叫做“优 酷土豆有限公司”,但两个网站在前端仍分开运 营。
10、Wild wolf attack human-beings in Zaozhuang
山东枣庄有狼出没 百余警力追围击毙
• 据《齐鲁晚报》报道,19日下午4时40分左 右,警方在山东枣庄滕州击毙了一只大灰狼。 而在此前6天内,枣庄共发生了5起疑似狼伤 人事件。这只狼被击毙后,当地居民放起了 鞭炮。不过办案民警尚不能确定这只被击 毙的狼与伤人的狼为同一只。
(3月13日 China Daily)
6、Kony2012:campaigner’s meltdown brought on by stress says wife.
• After one of the charity's videos about Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army went viral across the internet, the organisation found itself at the centre of massive global attention.
8、Apple’s core product
• Earlier this month, Apple finally unveiled its thirdgeneration iPad with enhanced features. It’s not called iPad3 or iPadHD, but simply “new iPad”. The evolutionary changes still keep the tablet way ahead of its rivals. 本月初,苹果公司终于发布了功能强大的第三代 iPad。这次的产品不叫做“iPad3”或是“iPadHD”, 而仅仅称为“新iPad”。革命性的改变使得新iPad 遥遥领先于竞争对手。
Wild wolf attack human-beings
Wild wolf attack human-beings
• On March.19, Zaozhuang city in Shandong province, Tengzhou public security bureau received an alert from a local resident that a boy was attacked by a grey-colored, wolf-like animal in Chaihudian town. His neck, ears, and other parts of body are all injured, a woman was even killed from the attack. • • In recent days, many incidents of wolf haunting and attacking local people happened in Shanting District, Tengzhou, and other places in Zaozhuang city. As the media reports, at least six people were dead or injured. • • On the morning of Feb.14, an eight year-old boy was bitten to death on his way to school, and a girl was injured. • • On Feb 17, a five year-old girl was scratched by the wolf in Yinzhuang village, Shanting District. In the afternoon, another boy at the same village was also injured by the wolf.
• After the incidents, hundreds of polices were sent to catch this wolf. On March 19, after several hours of searching, the police managed to capture and shoot the wolf.
• 在野狼被击毙的第二天,枣庄市市中区 齐村镇的部分村民称,又看到了疑似狼 的动物在村子附近活动。为确保村民 安全,21日上午9点,齐村镇组织民警、 村民等组成打狼队兵分两路上山搜寻 狼的踪迹。
Now, let's discuss the problems
• Should we kill the wolf? • Why the Children are more easy to be attacked by the wild wolf? • Why did those wolves attack human again and again? • Do we have a better solution to avoid wolves attack human?
1、The draft amendment of “CPL”
A draft amendment to the nation’s criminal procedural law,which came under fire for permitting detention without informing family in some cases,has added the principle of protecting human nights to its general provisions,a spokesman said. 刑事诉讼案修正案草案8日提请十一届全国人大五 次会议审议,该法自去年启动第二次大修之后, 业已经过全国人大常委会两次会议,据人大会议 发言人李肇星日前透漏,草案将“尊重和保障人 权”写入刑事诉讼法总则第二条,同时草案在多 项具体规定中都注意体现这一原则。
(3月8日 China Daily)
2、The face of “ideal woman” according to plastic surgeons’ most来自popular requests.
• Australia's Marie Claire magazine has come up with their image of the ideal woman, plucking the best features of some of the world's most famous celebrities and composing them into one, strangely recognisable, ensemble.
• 前段时间在网络上疯传的视频《科尼2012》的制 作人杰森•鲁塞尔上周四因在道路上裸奔并扰乱交 通而被圣地亚哥警方拘留,后被送往医院。杰森 的妻子表示,他的此番行为并不是酒精或药物作 用,而是因为那段30分钟的视频引起了太多关注 • (3月19日 China Daily)
7、Law firm fires 14 employees for wearing orange shirts
• Dressing in an orange shirt is apparently enough to get fired at one Florida law firm, where 14 workers were unceremoniously let go last Friday. • 上周五,美国佛罗里达州一家律师事务所的14名 员工因同时穿着橙色衬衫而被解雇,公司老板认 为他们集体穿同样颜色的衣服是对公司管理层的 抗议行为。 • (3月20日 China Daily)
3、Putin wins back Russian presidency
• Vladimir Putin triumphed in Russia's presidential election on Sunday and, called his victory a turning point that had prevented the country falling into the hands of enemies. • 3月4号,弗拉基米尔•普京在俄罗斯总统大选中 胜出,他表示自己的胜利是避免国家落入敌人手 里的历史转折点。
(3月5日 China Daily)
4、Thousands stage Japan anti-nuclear protest
• Tens of thousands of people have rallied near Japan's crippled Fukushima plant demanding an end to nuclear power as the nation marked the first anniversary of a disastrous earthquake and tsunami.
(3月20日 China Daily)
9、The raised fuel prices
• China raised fuel prices for the second time this year,hiking gasoline and diesel by 6.5 percent to 7percent effective on Tuesday, amid rising world crude oil prices and falling domestic inflation。 • 国家发改委觉得20日起将汽柴油价每顿分别提高 600元。这次调价后,全国平均90号汽油和0号柴 油将分别提高0.44元和0.51元,折合成93号汽油, 价格将提高0.48元。调价后,93号汽油将从目前 的7.85元上调到8.33元。 • ( 3月20日 China Daily)
• 滕州警方击毙狼后,有一些市民对直接击毙大灰狼持有不 同看法。 • 枣庄市民刘先生认为,现在在世界范围内狼的数量越来越 少,尤其是野生狼,中国的情况也不容乐观。枣庄出现的 伤人狼,相关部门当场击毙的做法欠妥,最好是可以使用 麻醉枪或者其他工具,可以将狼活捉。
• 枣庄市林业局的相关负责人告诉记者,狼虽然是省重点保 护动物,但是保护级别低,只要是狼的出现威胁到了人的 生命财产安全,当场击毙并不违反相关法律规定。
• 日本大地震和海啸灾难发生一周年之际,数万名 日本民众聚集在废弃的福岛核电站前,要求停止 使用核能。
(3月12日 China Daily)
5、Web video leaders in surprise marriage
• Inc, the country's top online video provider, agreed to buy its main rival, Tudou Holdings Ltd, in a stock-for-stock transaction, the two companies said. • 国内最大的两个视频网站优酷和土豆于3月12日共 同宣布,双方已于3月11日签订最终协议,将以 100%换股的方式合并。合并后的新公司叫做“优 酷土豆有限公司”,但两个网站在前端仍分开运 营。
10、Wild wolf attack human-beings in Zaozhuang
山东枣庄有狼出没 百余警力追围击毙
• 据《齐鲁晚报》报道,19日下午4时40分左 右,警方在山东枣庄滕州击毙了一只大灰狼。 而在此前6天内,枣庄共发生了5起疑似狼伤 人事件。这只狼被击毙后,当地居民放起了 鞭炮。不过办案民警尚不能确定这只被击 毙的狼与伤人的狼为同一只。
(3月13日 China Daily)
6、Kony2012:campaigner’s meltdown brought on by stress says wife.
• After one of the charity's videos about Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army went viral across the internet, the organisation found itself at the centre of massive global attention.
8、Apple’s core product
• Earlier this month, Apple finally unveiled its thirdgeneration iPad with enhanced features. It’s not called iPad3 or iPadHD, but simply “new iPad”. The evolutionary changes still keep the tablet way ahead of its rivals. 本月初,苹果公司终于发布了功能强大的第三代 iPad。这次的产品不叫做“iPad3”或是“iPadHD”, 而仅仅称为“新iPad”。革命性的改变使得新iPad 遥遥领先于竞争对手。
Wild wolf attack human-beings
Wild wolf attack human-beings
• On March.19, Zaozhuang city in Shandong province, Tengzhou public security bureau received an alert from a local resident that a boy was attacked by a grey-colored, wolf-like animal in Chaihudian town. His neck, ears, and other parts of body are all injured, a woman was even killed from the attack. • • In recent days, many incidents of wolf haunting and attacking local people happened in Shanting District, Tengzhou, and other places in Zaozhuang city. As the media reports, at least six people were dead or injured. • • On the morning of Feb.14, an eight year-old boy was bitten to death on his way to school, and a girl was injured. • • On Feb 17, a five year-old girl was scratched by the wolf in Yinzhuang village, Shanting District. In the afternoon, another boy at the same village was also injured by the wolf.
• After the incidents, hundreds of polices were sent to catch this wolf. On March 19, after several hours of searching, the police managed to capture and shoot the wolf.
• 在野狼被击毙的第二天,枣庄市市中区 齐村镇的部分村民称,又看到了疑似狼 的动物在村子附近活动。为确保村民 安全,21日上午9点,齐村镇组织民警、 村民等组成打狼队兵分两路上山搜寻 狼的踪迹。
Now, let's discuss the problems
• Should we kill the wolf? • Why the Children are more easy to be attacked by the wild wolf? • Why did those wolves attack human again and again? • Do we have a better solution to avoid wolves attack human?
1、The draft amendment of “CPL”
A draft amendment to the nation’s criminal procedural law,which came under fire for permitting detention without informing family in some cases,has added the principle of protecting human nights to its general provisions,a spokesman said. 刑事诉讼案修正案草案8日提请十一届全国人大五 次会议审议,该法自去年启动第二次大修之后, 业已经过全国人大常委会两次会议,据人大会议 发言人李肇星日前透漏,草案将“尊重和保障人 权”写入刑事诉讼法总则第二条,同时草案在多 项具体规定中都注意体现这一原则。
(3月8日 China Daily)
2、The face of “ideal woman” according to plastic surgeons’ most来自popular requests.
• Australia's Marie Claire magazine has come up with their image of the ideal woman, plucking the best features of some of the world's most famous celebrities and composing them into one, strangely recognisable, ensemble.
• 前段时间在网络上疯传的视频《科尼2012》的制 作人杰森•鲁塞尔上周四因在道路上裸奔并扰乱交 通而被圣地亚哥警方拘留,后被送往医院。杰森 的妻子表示,他的此番行为并不是酒精或药物作 用,而是因为那段30分钟的视频引起了太多关注 • (3月19日 China Daily)
7、Law firm fires 14 employees for wearing orange shirts
• Dressing in an orange shirt is apparently enough to get fired at one Florida law firm, where 14 workers were unceremoniously let go last Friday. • 上周五,美国佛罗里达州一家律师事务所的14名 员工因同时穿着橙色衬衫而被解雇,公司老板认 为他们集体穿同样颜色的衣服是对公司管理层的 抗议行为。 • (3月20日 China Daily)