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Unit 2 The en vir onment
主体段落常用句型锤炼:the +比较级.••,the +比较级...
1. The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.

2. At first I thought I understood what my teacher said, but the more he explained, the more con fused I became.

3. The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you will make.

4. The higher you stand, the farther you will see.

5. The more you give to others ,the more you will get from them.

6. The more I read the book borrowed from him ,the more I like it.

1. 他越是这样想,就越是不开心。

The more he thought__like_ this, _the more _unhappy _he__ beca ______________
2. 一个人书读得越多就会变得越明智。

The more a pers on reads, the wiser he_ ill become. _________________
3. 你对孩子说得越多,他们听进去的就越少。

The more you talk to_the childre n, the less they will liste n. ________________________
Part 1 口主学习卞干知识I.重点单词一识记•联想•运用
1. debate n.& vi. 辩论;争论,讨论
2. recycle vt.& vi .回收利用
3. quantity n. 数量
4. willing adj .愿意的,乐意的
5. decrease vt .& vi .& n. 减少
6. measure n. 措施,方法;尺度
7. flood n. 洪水;大批,大量
vt.&vi .泛滥;淹没;大量涌入
8. range n.范围;一系列;山脉
vi .&vt.(在一定范围内)变化;包括;排列,排序
9. duty n. 责任,义务,本分
10. flow vi .流,流动;流畅地进行
〔.particular adj. 专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的
2. require vt. 要求;需要
3. raw adj . 原始的,未经加工或处理的
4. greedy adj . 贪婪的,贪心的
5. credit n. 赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分
6. arrest vt .& n. 逮捕
7. clap vi .& vt. 鼓掌,拍手
8. conflict vi .冲突,抵触
Part 1 口主学习卞干知识n. 冲突,矛盾
9. decade n.十年
1. co nsulta nt n.顾问宀con suit vt .& vi .查阅;请教;商议
2. production n.产量;生产〜produce vt.& vi .生产,制造宀product n.产品;产物
3. responsibility n.责任,职责宀responsible adj.应承担责任的
4. belief n.看法;信念宀believe vt.相信
5. environmentai adj .环境的environment n.环境
6.operate vt.& vi .经营;动手术operation n.操作;经营;手术operator n.操作员;
7. arrival n.到来,抵达;到达者arrive vi .到达
8.impress vt.使印象深刻impression n.印象〜impressive adj.给人印象深刻的
9.illegal adj .非法的legal adj.合法的illegally adv.非法地
10. appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感激;领会appreciation n.欣赏
11. electrical adj .电的,用电的electric adj.电的;用电的;能发电的electricity n. 电;电学;电流T electrician n.电工
12. consume vt.消耗,耗费;消费T consumer n.消费者,用户,顾客T consumption n.消费
13. absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注T absorbed adj.全神贯注的;一心一意的;被吸收
的T absorption n.专注;吸收
1. 前缀“re ―”动词集锦
①recycle 回收利用
②retell 复述
③recall 回忆起
④refresh 使恢复活力
⑤review 回顾;复习
⑥rebuild 重建
2. 可怕的“自然灾害”名词一览
①flood 洪水
②typhoo n 台风
③tsu nami 海啸
④torn ado 龙卷风
⑤san dstorm 沙尘暴
⑥earthquake 地震
⑦eruption ( 火山)喷发
⑧hurrica ne 飓风
3. 词根“―suit ”高频词
①con suit v. 查阅;请教
②con suita nt n. 顾问,咨询师
③in suit n. 侮辱(的言行)
④result n. 结果
4. 速记“环境”相关词
①environment n. 环境
②environmental adj . 环境的
③pollutio n n. 污染
④waste n. 废料,垃圾
⑤atmosphere n. 大气层
⑥natural adj . 自然的
⑦haze n. 雾霾
⑧fog n. 雾
5. 动词变名词的“不规则变化”
①con sume^ con sumptio n 消费
②receive reception 接待
③describe description 扌苗述
④explain explanation 解释
⑤pronounce pronunciation 发音
⑥repeat repetition 重复
a desig ner
1. Before decorating your new house , you ' d better consult
con suita nt.(con sult)
2. Teachers have a respon sibility for the stude nts and are resp on sible for their growth.(resp on sible)
3」t is considered to be illegal to hunt wild animals illegally.So people should make sure what they do is legal.(legal)
4. The injured appreciated it when the soldiers came to their rescue and could hardly wait to express their appreciation .(appreciate)
5. Because of the snowstorm , the electricity was cut off and all the electrical machines couldn ' t work.So we had to phone the electrician.(electricity)
6. Many consumers told us that they would reduce the amount of red meat they consumed.(c on sume)
7.0n our arrival , we found all our friends had already arrived.(arrive)
8. This year, the compa nies that produce bicycles have to in crease their producti on , because more and more prefer to cycle to protect the environmen t.(produce)
9. The visitors were impressed with the beauty of the West Lake.They said the natural beauty left a deep impression on them.(impress)
10. We don ' t know how to operate the machine , so we asked the operator to stop it
when it was in operation .(operate)
1.open_ the_ floor 自由发言
2. cut back on 减少,削减,缩减
3. u se up 用尽
4.run out_(of) ____ 用完,耗尽
5.clea n up 打扫
up 排队等候
7.pick out 找出,挑选
der way 进行中
9.in/with regard to _ 关于,至于
10.let off 排放
11.in particular 尤其,特别
12.do one ' s part 尽自己的职责
13.result in
⑥in use 在使用中
1.If you cut back on fat and sugar , you 'l lose weight very quickly and be healthier.
2. We queued up outside the theatre and had to wait over an hour for our tickets.
3. Mother carefully picked out three ripe tomatoes from the basket.
把……归咎于…… 17.put...in dan ger 把 ... 置于危险之地
18.in use 在使用中
1.“ v . + up ” 短语面面观 ① turn up 出现,到场
② clea n up 打扫(或清除)干净 ③ pick up 捡起,拾起;学到 ④speed up 加速 ⑤ link up
⑥use up 用尽 2. let 短语集萃 ① let alone 不管;不打扰 ② let down 放下;使失望 ③ let out 放出;泄露;出租 ④ let off
3. “in + n ./ adj . ”短语小结 ①in particular 尤其,特别
②in turn 依次,反过来 ③ in com mon 共同,共用 ④ in detail 详细地
⑤ in gen eral
15.ask arou nd
14.rely on ...for...
4. The more cars there are on the road,the more carb on dioxide they are letting off. __________
5. The government is supposed to do__its__part to educate people on the importanee of protect ing the en viro nment.
6. You should begin work right now.With/In__regard__to your pay , we will talk about
it later.
7. We should eat more vegetables and fruit , for they contain all kinds of vitamins
Vitamin C in__articular.
8. The con structi on of the new gym is un der way and is expected to be completed in
half a year.
句型公式1完全倒装结构:处所或方位的“介词短语” +主语(名词)。

[教材原句]With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing ,from the Green Society ,and Mr Qian Liwei a bus in ess developme nt con sulta nt.

[句型仿写]In front__of _gpr house__stands__a_ tall_ tree with a history of 1
000 years ,which is protected by the government now.
在我们房子的前面有一棵 1 000年树龄的大树,现在已经被政府保护起来了。

句型公式2:倍数表达法:倍数+ what从句
[教材原句]The world ' s p opulation has grown by six times what it was in 1800

[句型仿写]The new building now is four_times what it was in the past. ___________ ____

句型公式3: like it + when从句
[教材原句]I liked it when you told that joke.

[句型仿写]I don ' t like it when she tells me how to do things.

句型公式4:“ the +比较级...,the +比较级...”,表示“越........... ,越 .... ”。

[教材原句]Therefore , the more petrol and electricity we con sume , the more carb on we are letting off. 因此,我们消耗的汽油和电越多,排放的碳就越多。

[句型仿写]The__more__careful you are , the__fewer__mistakes you ' II make.

IV .语段改错一回顾•修正•热诵


James Long, the TV host , introduces two sides of the debate on the topic “The economy or the environment —must we choose ?” People are allowed to opening the floor for discussi on.
Lin Shuiqing , a spokeswomanfrom the Green Society thinks that chemical waste is damaging to the world , caused a lot of pollution , killing plants and animals
and making people sick.Fish are caught before laying eggs , that will result in
a smaller number f ish left.The world ' s population has grown by six times that it was in 18OO.She suggests people must reduce production and recycle the
waste.People should be educated to live in an environmen tal frien dly way.
The other expert is Qian Liwei , a bus in ess developme nt con sulta nt.His views
are as follows.A healthy environment and development should possible at the same time.Jobs will be lost if product ion is cut back on .People are much importa nt than fish and trees.
He approves of maki ng things from recycled materials in stead of raw on es.Those factories which pollute the environment should pay higher taxes.
the “James Long, ' TV host , introduces two sides of the debate on the topic The
economy or the environment —must we choose ? People are allowed to the
ope n
floor for discussi on.
Lin Shuiqing , a spokeswomanfrom the Green Society thinks that chemical waste
, 、caused
is damaging to the world , caus i n g a lot of pollution , killing plants and animals
that and making people sick.Fish are caught before laying eggs, 川曲 will result in
must 亠
it was in 18OO.She suggests people
或 must reduce product ion and recycle
1. operate vt .经营,管理;操作 vi .动手术;运转;见效,起作用 ("operate on = give/perform an operati on on 给 .. 动手术
(2) operati on n. 运作;经营;手术 bring/put...into operation 使 .. 运作 / 转;实施 come/go into operatio n 实施,开始生效
in operation
(3) operator n . 操作人员;技工
① The people operating (operate)these factories are deeply concerned about the environment.(教材原句)

② The doctor said that the patient had to be operated on__at once , which made us all worried. 医生说这个病人必须立刻做手术,这使我们都非常担心。

③ It ' s reported that the new law will be brought/put into operatio n next mon th.

2. quantity
n .数量
a smaller nu mber fish left.The world
s population has grown by six times that what
the waste.People should
be educated environmen tal to live in an
en viro nmen tally
way. The other expert is
Qian Liwei , a bus in ess developme nt con sulta nt.His views are as follows.A healthy
environment and development should be
at the
same time.Jobs will be lost if
product ion is cut back on .People are
much 、 航或
more importa nt tha n fish and trees.
He approves of making things from recycled materials
in stead of raw on es.Those factories which pollute the environment should pay higher taxes.
Part 2
a large/small qua ntity of 大/少量的
(large) qua ntities of 大量的
in qua ntity = in large amounts = in large qua ntities 大量地
①He found that qua ntities of food were__left (leave) on the table.

② A large quantity of air conditioners has__been sold (sell) since the summer came. 今夏以来,已有大量的空调被销售出去。

③Cutt ing off the trees ran domly in qua ntity_should be forbidde n.

[名师指津]quantity作主语时,其谓语动词与quantity 的单复数保持一致。

3. impress vt.使印象深刻;盖印;使铭记,使牢记
("impress sb with sth 某事给某人留下印象
impress sth on/upon sb/one ' s memory 使某人铭记某事
be impressed with/at/by... 对 .. 有深刻印象
(2)impressi on n. 印象;印记
leave/make a(n )...impressi on on sb 给某人留下... 的印象
⑶impressive adj . 给人深刻印象的;感人的
①Mount Huang impressed almost all the tourists with its beauty.

②The professor impressed the importanee of having a sense of humor on his students. 教授让学生们铭记拥有幽默感的重要性。

③The first time she visited Guilin , she was deeply impressed by/with/at the seenery there.

④It is especially importa nt to make a good first impressi on (impress) at a job
in terview.

4. decrease vt .& vi .& n.减少
(1) decrease to 减少到
decrease by 减少了
(2)on the decrease 在减少
(a) decrease in sth 某物减少
①Compared with last year , the price of wheat has decreased by__15%.
②The number of students going abroad for further study is on the_ decrease no wadays.

③There has bee n a sharp decrease in pollut[o n si nee the law was in troduced.

[名师指津]decrease to后接数字,表示"下降到....... ”;decrease by后接分数、百分数
或其他表示数量的词,表示"下降了.... ",有同样用法的词还有grow及in crease 。

5. measure n.措施,方法;尺度vt.测量;估量,判定linking verb (指尺寸、长、宽、高
be measured by/in 用........ 来衡量
make...to one ' s measure 按某人的尺寸做.......
take measures (to do sth) 采取措施(做某事)
①My mother used to make new clothes to_ my own measure with Spring Festival coming.

②Measures have bee n take n to __ lve (solve)traffic problems in big cities.


作动词表示"有....... 长/宽

③The new bridge , measuring (measure) twice as long as the old one , is due to be completed n ext mon th.

6. range n.(变动)范围,幅度;一系列;分类;射程;山脉vt.& vi .(在一定范围内)变化;
(1)i n/within range of 在... 范围内
a large/small qua ntity of 大/少量的
beyond/out of range (of) 超出/ 不在(.... 的)范围
a wide range of 许多
(2) range from...to... 从到变化/ 不等
range betwee n...a nd... 在... 之间变动
①Most of the sound is beyond__the__range__of huma n ear.

② A lot of products are sold in the market,ranging (range) from television to computer software. 该市场有大量产品出售,包括从电视到计算机软件的各类产品。

③In addition to these traditional activities ,we have 空wide] range_ of choices
such as travelli ng.

7. appreciate vt.欣赏,赞赏;感谢;领会,理解
(1) 1 will/would appreciate it if... 如果... ,我将非常感激
appreciate (one' s/sb) doing sth 感激(某人)做某事
(2) appreciation n.欣赏;感谢
express/c on vey/show...appreciati on to sb 对某人表达 ... 的感谢
①The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much—loved river will_
be__appreciated (appreciate) for years to come.

②To sum up , I would appreciate it if I can have a good result.

③I would like to convey my sincere appreciation (appreciate) to you for your kind
assista nee in my En glish lear ning.
T I would like to sin cerely appreciate your assist ing (assist) me in my En glish

& particular adj.专指的,特指的;特别的;讲究的,挑剔的
(1)be particular about 对... 讲究/ 挑剔
in particular 尤其,特另U
⑵particularly adv.尤其,特别
① She seems to be very particular about what she wears. 她似乎对衣着很讲究。

② We are particularly (particular ) grateful to him for his timely help. 我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。

9. absorb vt .吸收(气体、液体、热、光等);理解;使全神贯注 ("absorb knowledge/information 掌握知识 / 信息
absorb one ' s attention 吸弓I 某人的注意
on the brain.

② He was absorbed in watching TV and didn ' t notice me enter.

10. responsibility
n .责任,职责
(1)have the responsibility to do... 有责任 /有义务做 ... bear/take the respon sibility for 承担对 ... 的责任,为 .. 负责
a sense of respon sibility
adj .
有责任的,应负责任的 be respon sible for
应对 .. 负责; 对 .. 有责任
① You should take/bear the resp on sibility for what you did.
T You should b __responsible for what you did.

② Paren thood brings a huge sen se of resp on sibility. 为人父母意味着要有高度的责任感。

11. cut back on 减少,削减,缩减 cut dow n on 削减,减少,缩减
absorb.」nto... (2)absorbed adj . get/be absorbed in … be absorbed in
把……吸入…… 被吸引住的,入迷的
① Alcohol
may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream
and start
cut off 切断(供应);中断(电话通话等)
cut dow n 砍倒
cut out 删除;裁剪
cut up 切碎;伤心
①It is our duty to try to __cut__back__on product ion and reduce the amount of thi ngs we make and buy.

②She was really cut up whe n all her friends refused to help her.

③When you give a speech ,you' d better cut out unimportant details.

④Deserts are also created because people cut dow n trees and dig up grass.

12. run out (of)用完,耗尽
run short of 缺乏;快用完
run into 撞进;遭遇;达到
run across 偶然遇至穿过
run after 追求;追赶;追逐
①The boy ' s money ran out so he had to ask his parents for help.
T The boy r __out of his money so he had to ask his pare nts for help.

②I un expectedly ran across him in the street the other day. 前几天我在街上出乎意料地遇见了他。

③If you run after two hares , you ' ll catch neither.

[易混辨析] run out , run out of , give out , use up
④According to the rule of the competition , we have to use__up all the items before
the time runs__out.However , it is a long and tiring process.As a result , that day , long before I ran__out__of the time given by the judge , mystrength had given__out.What a disappo in tme nt!
13. pick out 找出,挑选;辨认出,区分;领会,弄明白
①She was picked_ out from doze ns of applica nts for the job.

②The window curtains are _picked__out in blue against the white walls.

pick up 拿起,捡起;收拾,整理;(偶然)学会;用车接;收听到;好转;感染
pick off 摘掉;摘下来
[一词多义]写出下列句中pick up的含义
③We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. 收听到
④I will pick you up at the next corner at three this afternoon. 用车接
⑤When the finan cial crisis was over ,his bus in ess gradually picked up .好转
⑥The childre n have picked up the local acce nt.(偶然)学会
1.1 liked it when you told that joke.


it , 当

2. Therefore , the__more petrol and electricity we con sume , the__more carb on we are
lett ing off.

句中运用了 “the +比较级.••,the +比较级...”结构。

(1) 意为“越……,就越……”,主、从句的两个谓语是同时进行的, 表示一方随另一方程度
(2) 从结构上看,第一个“ the +比较级”是表示条件的状语从句 (在表示将来意义时,从句用
一般现在时表示将来);第二个“the +比较级”是主句 (3) 本结构可以用省略形式
① The__more you know , the_ more you will realize how little you know. 知道得越多,越会体会到自己知道得多么有限。

② The more__difficult (difficult) the questions are , the less likely(likely) he is
able to an swer them.

1. Today there is a debate (
争论)in Sin gapore about which variety of En glish is the
然后再加宾语从句, 这样的动词有: appreciate ,enjoy ,like ,dislike
,love ,hate ,prefer (2) 一些动词短语后面也常用 it 作形式宾语然后加宾语从句, 常见的动词短语有:depe nd on .
rely on ,see to ( 确保)等
① Teen agers hate __it when their pare nts go through their things. 青少年讨厌家长翻

② People dislike it when you throw rubbish everywhere.

③ Please see to it that you bring eno ugh money whe n you travel. Part 3
2. He stated his belie ___ 信念)that evoluti on occurred through n atural select ion.
3. N on —ren ewable en ergy has bee n decreasing (减少),so sav ing en ergy is so urge nt and importa nt.
4.lf we recycled (回收禾U用)more waste , there wouldn ' t be so much pollution.
5. His arrival (至U来)brought complete silenee to the classroom.
6. Most people have come to accept the need for conservation (_________ 保护)of natural resources.
7. Many companies have to reduce their production(产量)because of the economy crisis.
8. A tree fell yesterday morning , cutting off the traffic flow( _____ 流畅进行)for three hours.
9. Upon arriving at the building on fire , the firefighters rapidly pumped ( 用泵扌由
水)water to put out the fire.
10.1 don ' t have any cash; can I pay this by credit ( 信用)card?
1. When the machine is in operation (operate) , keep away from it.
2. Because of water pollution , some fishes have been on the decrease.
3. This hall to be built is four times what it was two years ago.
4.She has already tried her best.Plea se don ' t be too particular about her job.
5.0n arrival (arrive) at the hotel , please call me as soon as possible.
6.She has had a number of different jobs , ranging (range) from chef to swimming
in structor.
7. The food prices are going up , so we will cut back on the_use of some expensive vegetables.
8. Large quantities of water are needed (need) for cooling purpose , which we all know.
9. The water supply has bee n cut off temporarily because the workers are repairi ng
one of the main pipes.
10. D on ' t worry .If any thi ng goes wrong , I ' ll take respon sibility for it. _____
1.1 don ' t like when she shows herself off.like_ ___ 后力口it
2.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall , some measured over 90 meters.measured measuring
3.Some factories are reported to have stopped production , having run out raw materials.out 后加of
4.1 believe that the more books I read , the much more knowledge I learn. 去掉much
5.Absorbing in her work , she didn ' t realize it was time for her to pick up her daughter.Absorb ing
IV .句型转换
1.It was so dark in the cin ema that I could hardly recog nize my friend.
T It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly make out my friend. ___
T It was so dark in the cin ema that I could hardly pick out my friend.
2. My father impressed me with the value of hon esty.
T My father impressed on/up on me the value of hon esty.
T My father made me keep/bear the value of hon esty in mind.
3. We must adopt preve ntive ways to reduce crime in the area.
T We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area.
4.1 would appreciate your tur ning dow n the music.
T I would appreciate it if you would tur n dow n the music.
5.If you sell more tickets , you' ll get more money.
T The more tickets you sell , the more money you ' ll get.
I .单词拼写
1. People had to sta nd in a queue (_ 行歹U) for hours to buy a ticket.
2. The government has confiscated the illegally( ______ 非法地)imported goods.
3. The kind grandmother lent us some soft orange blankets (_____ 毯子).
4. The two stories conflicted (__ 冲突),so I did not know what to believe.
5.It is known that the British are rather particular ( _________ 讲究的)about table manners.
6.It is believed that social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts
7.If you decide to do bus in ess abroad ,you should first find out about the tax ( __ 税)situatio n.
8. The applicati on of the new tech no logy can greatly reduce raw (未经加工的)material con sumpti on.
1. Traffic is bad , particularly (particular) in the city centre.
2. You ' d better go home before your money runs out. _____
3.1 ' d appreciate it if you could tell me more about the activity.
4. The little boy impressed me with his big , bright eyes the first time I saw him.
5. Because she is under age, her parents still take the responsibility (responsible)
for her.
6.1 really appreciate my teacher helpi ng (help) me with math in his spare time.
7. The patie nt was in great dan ger , so the doctors decided to operate on him immediately.
8. We are told that the con struct ion of the suspe nsion bridge ( 吊桥)is un der way. 川.选词填空
queue up , set up , under way , let off , open the floor , pick out
1. The yearly campaig n to raise funds for the Red Cross is already un der way. ______ ____
2. The gover nment has set_ up a worki ng party to look in to the problem of drug abuse.
3. He was lucky eno ugh to be picked_out= to atte nd the importa nt meeti ng.
4. We opened_ the__floor to the different suggestions that they had made at the meet ing.
5. The worker let off some steam because the pressure was too high.
6. Pare nts should tell kids they have to queue__up when taking a bus.
IV .完成句子
t no tice her son leave
I.She was= so_ absorbed, in__her _housework that she didn the room.

2. I don ' t like, it__when the weather gets too hot.

3.1 __front of the classroom is _a playground where we do morning exercises every morni ng. 教室的前面是一个操场,我们每天早上在那里做早操。

4. The car factory can produce three times what it did five years ago.

5. The more you eat ,the fatter you will be.

(2018 •贵州省普通高等学校招生适应性考试)
Xu Xiaomin enjoys the un spoilt beauty of this Zhejia ng Province
scenic forests , fields and lakes.
It was not well known just a decade ago
, but Deqing County in Zhejiang
Provinee is quickly growing into a popular vacation spot
, thanks to its remote
and well — protected environment as well as its rich cultural heritage.
Located in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta and neighboring Hangzhou ,
Deqing County will surprise even veteran travelers with its breathtaking views.
It boasts rolling hills , bamboo forests , fairyland — like fields as well as
streams and lakes.Most importantly
, it is not overdeveloped and crowded.
Here , you can still hear birds singing rather than the blare from the loudspeakers .In short
, the place has all the eleme nts of a typical Chin ese
traditional painting — hills , bamboo, lakes , historic sites and fresh air — which cannot be done justice by a mere painting.
Mount Moganis the most well — known in the county , but Deqing has other spots worth visit ing.
The Xiazhu Lake and its wetland is a must — see , a good place for summerhikes
home to
or boating trips.
The lake , the fifth largest in the provinee or visible islands and wild reed patches , mazes, making the lake a huge labyrinth ( n avigate.
The wetland is home to various wild birds
The lake is best viewed on a slightly rainy day a huge mirror ,has hun dreds of small hidde n
which divide the water into convoluted 迷
宫)which only veteran boatmen can
,ani mals and fish.
,whe n it is as peaceful as
,un til lighted upon by one or two birds flying over your head
your presenee
singing as if compla ining that
The ancient tow n of Xin shi is a picture has disturbed the perfect picture. —perfect East Chi na water tow n.
The place used to be an important dock , home to busy trade and
C.reside ntial
river , giving birth to exquisite architecture such as Ming — and —Qing — style houses , temples and stone bridges.
People who like village life but are unwilling to endure its deprivations can stay in yangjiale
, luxury resorts and hotels developed by foreigners such
as Le Passage Mohka n Shan and Naked Retreats.
Here you can enjoy the county life and the first bird singing in the early morning along with modern facilities to keep you fresh and comfortable.
【语篇导读】 德清是最佳旅游生态县、未被过度开发的文化生态旅游最佳目的地,这里有 江南最大湿地风景区下渚湖、千年水乡古镇新市及闻名遐迩的莫干山,吸引着成千上万的中 外游客。

1. What could be the best title for this passage? A. Enj oying the county life B. Explori ng the charms of Deqing C. Some popular vacatio n spots D. Deqing was rated the most livable city
答案 B [标题判断题。

本文介绍了浙江省德清县的莫干山、下渚湖和千年水乡古镇新市等 风景名胜,吸引人们去探索德清的魅力。

B 。

2. According to the passage ,why can Deqing County quickly grow into a popular vacation spot?
A. Because it ' s remote and well — protected and has rich cultural heritage.
B. Because you can enjoy the county life and the first bird singing in the early morni ng.
C. Because the place has all the elements of a typical
Chinese traditional painting.
D. Because it ' s located in the core area of the Yangtze River Delta and neighboring
Han gzhou.
答案 A [细节理解题。

由文章第二段中的"thanks to its remote and well — protected environment as well
tran sportati on.For hun dreds of years
,local residents built houses along the
as its rich cultural heritage
”可知,本题选 A 项。

3. The underlined word “exquisite ” in the
passage most pro bably means “ __________________________________________________ ” A. domestic
答案 D [词义猜测题。

住宅、庙宇和石桥等精美的建筑”可知, 本题应选D 项。

A. “国内的”;B. “原始的”;C “住 宅区的”。

4. ________________________________ T he Xiazhu Lake is best visited . A. on quite sunny days B. on slightly rainy days C. on cloudy days D. on windy days
答案 B [细节理解题。

由文章倒数第五段中的“ The lake is best viewed on a slightly rainy day ”可知,本题选
B 项。

W .完形填空
(2018 •兰州市高考诊断考试 )There was once a little ragged girl who lived with her widowed mother.She had few clothes to wear and those that she had were old and __1_.However , her mother made sure that she was clean and _2一.Even though , her schoolmates always __3__her.
One day before Christmas , she saw two boys __4__ on her way home.One of the
boys hit the other boy hard , took the coat off his back and ran off with it.The other boy __5__ to run after him but fell down.The ragged girl ran up to the boy on the __6__.She was surprised to find it was the __7__ boy who had always made fun of her at school.__8_ _
, she took off her coat and gave it to the boy.Then
she walked the boy to his __9__. _
After hearing what had happened , the boy ' s mother was very __10 _______ o the little girl for her help and gave her a brand new coat. “I had bought that coat
for my niece for Christmas ,
I think you deserve it much more,” she said.
Then the mother drove the little ragged girl to her own front door.The little
B.origi nal。
