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Leningrad Mining Institute
Abstract:Estimation of present and future situation in technological schemes on coal mining at great depth applying highly productive mechanized complexes is presented here, Stis shown that the decrease both in operation concentration and the share of pillar mining at deep mines is connected with increasing difficulties in development working support behind the face as well as prevention of roof caving in face area.
Underground coal mining efficiency depends at Iarge extent on technical economic indices of deep mines, the level of their development being steadily increased. In transition to deeper levels specific expenditures increase parallel with the deterioration of geological conditions in coal seams mining. At mines of Donetsk basin where seams are mined at a depth of 500m ad more, the depth increase for every 100m results in production cost to 3-4%,here labour productivity of miners decreases in 6-8%[1].
One of the main effective ways to neutralize negative depth influence on under-round coal mining efficiency is to increase average daily face output on the basis of using complex mechanization in stopping.
At non-gassy mines the application of long pillar mining leads to face output in 1.2-1.65 times compared to average daily face output in longwall combined methods.
Even more effective appeared to be long pillar mining in stopping under condition characterized by increased gas emission in goaf.
In gassy mines the face output is determined taking into account the requirement of methane dilution up to permissible concentration, with methane emitting into ventilation current. In long wall and combined methods the intake air should enter the face along one of the development workings and the return air runs along the other development working. Maximum intake air quantity to the stope depends on both air current veloclty, regulated by safe security rules in working area and cross section area of the face which is free for air current passage. The factors mentioned above
being of non-regulated nature, if becomes practically impossible to increase the quantity of intake air to he panel. According to the reasons discussed at mines with increased methane emission the actual average daily face output in longwall and combined methods in 3-5 times less than the face output level which may be reached using in full modern highly productive methods of mining.
The application of long pillar mining permits prior to stopping to carry on some measures for seam degasification and use more effective schemes of panel ventilation.
Thus in applying both long pillar mining in the variant “face-sub-panel” and in shuttle scheme of panel ventilation relatively high face output (1000-1500t/day)may be reached at mines with relative gas emission up to 15m3/t, as well as at mines with higher gas emission when methane does not emit from the goaf.
In estimating the prospects of long pillar and longwall mining as the space and plan basis for technological schemes in stopping operations at great depths, it is also necessary to evaluate the following factors. With the increase of coal seams depth, the methane content both in workings and in seams changes according to hyperbolic curve approaching to some limited value. The stronger influence of depth is more evident in gassy zones associated with developed areas of coal-bearing deposits containing seams composed of coal marks, high collector properties of coal-earing measures and, hence ,the propogatlon of gas zone emission to greater depth are responsible for this. The mentioned regularity of methane-bearing capacity change in workings of Donetsk basin is also notieed at mines of Donetsk-Makeevsk, krasnoarmelsk, Almazno-Marjevsk,V oroshllov-gradsk and krasnodonsk geological and industrial regions.
In the regions where antracite groups 11A-12A occur lower than the zones of gas emission, natural gas content increases at first up to maximum and then decreases sharply in values typical for zones of gas ecmission [2]. Such character of natural gas content change marked for measures C of Torezsk-Snezhnyansk region and measures C of Bokovo-Chrustalsk geological-industrial region may be explained by the increase of metmorphism grade of antracite seams with the depth increase.
Practically speaking in donetsk basin methane content of seams is not traced onlyin its southeastern parts, where the seams up to a bepth of 1600 m are represented by high metamorntosed antracites. Therefore, in the nearest future gas factor influence on economic efficiency of underground coal mining will be increasing in the USSR.Taking into account good results achieved by known ways of preliminary seams gasitication, it should be assumed that the most negative influence of operation effioncy with wide use of long pillar mining will be in mines where gas emission in more can 15 m3 per ton of daily output. Donetsk basin illustrates the tendency of this factor with depth increase, there the number of highly categorized mines in 1940 was
17%, in 1970-45%, in 1980-60%, in the late 1987-68.8%, the average depth of coping during the period studied increased from 198 to 659.
The fact that gas emission from the developed area increases panel gas balance depth deserves special attention in estimating some prospects of longwall. Thus, in Donetsk basin a coal seam up to 600 m depth becomes the main source of gas emitting into stopes and development workings, methane emission from the coal seam is 40-50%and in some cases up to 20% of total gas emission volume in transltion of mining operations to a depth of 700-1000m. Besides at deep levels the preliminary degasification efficiency of measures on seam degasification by common methods is not more than 15-30% at great depths. However, the required decrease of gas emission in workings should be not less than 60-70%, here the restrictions on gas factors being lifted.
Thus gas emission from the developed area becomes the main factor determining maximum face output in seam mining at great depths. Under these conditions to solve the problem of panels ventilation only by seam degasification measures seems impossible.
In highly categorized mines with gas emission not more than 40% during stopping some restricting on ventilation can be overcome only be applying direct scheme of panel ventilation with return air freshing in goaf. But this scheme of ventilation is practically realized only in pillar mining.
The facts mentioned above indicate that the increased application of pillar mining combined with direct ventilation schemes should be considered as priomising and economically proved. It perfects deep mining when highly productive mechanized mechanized complexes are used.
Though in Donetsk mines the problem concerning the average daily face output increase is acute, the share of pillar mining comprises not more than 43%, including about 10% of pillar mining with direct panel ventilation. Moreover, with depth there is a strong tendency of decreasing the number of faces developed by pillar mining. Thus in “Makeevugol” m ines the share of pillar mining decreased from 60 to 35% during the period of 1975-1985. The average depth of mining during this period increased in 276m, being 860m in 1985.
As a whole in Donetsk basin the share of pillar mining in mines extracting seams at depths up to 600m is 48.2%, at depths of 600-1000m it is 40.2% and at depths more than 1000m it is not more than 19%.Now at deep levels long wall and combined methods of mining in the so-called “single face” variety are widely used.
Long wall and combined (in the shape of) methods prevail in deep mines of FRG. In the late 1985 their share in the number of faces was more than 65%, as to their share in the overall mining of commercial coal it was 62.2%[3].
Taking into account that at large depths seams are mined in new or reconstructed mines the share of pillar mining decreases with depth. Thus, this fact reflects the tendency to change the technological schemes of mines with transition of mining to deeper levels. This tendency is in contradiction with progressive directions of underground coal mining technology preventing negative rock pressure manifestation.
The investigations carried out showed that the decrease of pillar methods in deep mines is caused mainly by the following reasons. When mining at deeper levels there appeared more difficulties to maintain district development working at deeper seams at depths of 800-1200m expenditures on sub-level maintenance in pillar mining are 1.5-2.5 times more than these in longwall mining. In pillar mining reliable means of safety and support providing stability in development workings behind the longwall face are absent. And in a number of deep-mines this fact became the main reason to refuse from previously accepted in the projects of these mines pillar mining with return air freshing in coal. With depth during pillar mining the solution of problems connected with the prevention of roof caving in face area becomes more difficult than in longwall mining. At deep levels in pillar mining as a result of caving the idle time in face is 20-35% more than that of in longwall mining, Such a differene in idle time as to the factor considered is mainly explained by different roof control in face ends adjacent to development workings. In pillar mining and non-pillar measures of development workings protection in face ends with total length not more than 20-25% that of the length the caving comprises up to 45% of whole roof caving. In longwall mining this magnitude does not exceed 5-7%.
In non-pillar seam mining the use of longwall systems produces means to increase the number of faces adjacent to one inclination and thus to reduce the length of main development workings that should be supported, markedly decreasing the application of pillar mining in deep Donetsk mines. Therefore, in panel mine development at longwall mining in the variety “face-level” it becomes possible to develop two faces as well as to prepare simultaneously another two faces within the two-sided panel. In pillar mining this becomes possible only in driving additional flanking workings.
1.At great depth of mining characterized by great gas emission in goaf it becomes possible to increase greatly daily average face output only by using pillar mining. This system allows to use direct panel ventilation schemes with return air freshing in goaf.
2.The decrease of pillar mining with depth increase is mainly connected with the absence of supports and means of safety at miner’s disposal that should provide workings stability behind the face during pillar recovery when swelling
rocks occur in the seam bottom, as well as the ways of rock pressure control that eliminate rock caving in face ends.
1.Grinko N.K. Some problems in deep mines. Coal, 1989,N 9,p.p.21-2
2.Brizanev A.M. Methane distribution regularity in Donetsk Basin. M.Ugol,iss. 6,1986,p, 3
3.Clas F.Faift P.The state of panels in FRG coal industry by l985. Glückauf, 1985,N24,P.P.19-2
在顿涅茨克煤田的很多矿井中,煤层埋藏深度已超过500 m,开采深度每增加100 m,生产费用就增加3~4%,工人的劳动生产率就下降6~8%。
这样,当矿井中相对瓦斯涌出量达到15 m3/t,或当采空区中尚无甲烷涌出而矿井中瓦斯当量较高时,无论是在不同的“工作面——子盘区”系统中还是在往复式盘区通风方式中,应用长壁开采法都可能取得相对较高的工作面产量(1000~1500 t/d)。
这种自然瓦斯含量变化的特征已在Torezsk-Rovenetsky 地区C32煤层中测出,在Bokovo-Chrustalsk地质工业区的C52煤层中也已测出这种特征可以用随着无烟煤埋藏深度的增加其变质程度也随之增加来进行解释。
实际上,在顿茨克煤田煤层中甲烷含量仅仅在煤田东南部分未被测到,在那时,煤层深达1600 m,为高度变质的无烟煤。
考虑到现有的原始煤层排放瓦斯的方法取得的良好效果,可以假定,矿井中广泛采用长壁开采时,对于开采效益最大的负影响发生在瓦斯涌出量超过15 m3/t。
在此期间平均开采深度从198 m增至659 m。
在顿涅茨克煤田,某一煤层埋藏至600 m深时,便成为涌入工作面及开采区的瓦斯的主要来源。
从该煤层中排放的甲烷含量为40~50%,在某些情况下可升至瓦斯总涌出量的20%,此时开采深度为700~1000 m。
同期平均开采深度增加了276 m,即
达到1985年的860 m。
在整个顿涅茨克煤田,用柱式开采法开采的煤层所占的比例,当深度600时为48.2%,深度600~000 m时为40.2%,深度超过1000 m时不超过19%。
因此,在深度为800~1200 m的矿井中开拓煤层时用于分水平的维护费用,柱式开采法为长壁开采法的1.5~2.5倍。