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Abstract The major challenge to cell cryopreservation is intracellular ice formation ( IIF) ꎬ which cቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn be reduced by controlling ice nu ̄
cleation. In this reviewꎬ the influence of ice nucleation on super ̄cooling and damage zone was analyzed. Physicalꎬ chemicalꎬ and biologi ̄
第 41 卷 第 2 期
2020 年 4 月
Vol. 41ꎬ No. 2
Aprilꎬ 2020
文章编号:0253- 4339(2020) 02- 0159- 08
doi:10 3969 / j issn 0253- 4339 2020 02 159
cal methods have been applied to control ice nucleation during cryopreservation. The mechanisms of these methods were summarized and
the influence of these methods on cell cryopreservation were discussed. Then it was proposed that biological and chemical methods should
面临的巨大难题ꎬ全世界每年有超过 50 000 个造血
干细胞和 100 800 个实体器官移植手术
疫排斥反应ꎬ术后病患的痊愈情况并不理想ꎮ 与此同
中图分类号:TB61 + 1ꎻ R318.52
文献标识码: A
Ice Nucleation during Cell Cryopreservation: A Review
Jiang Pei1 Huo Xiaoyue1 Liu Baolin1 Liu Wei1 Liang Wei2
(1. Institute of Biothermal and Techonologyꎬ University of Shanghai for Science and Technologyꎬ Shanghaiꎬ 200093ꎬ
基金项目:国家自然科学基金( 51776130) 资助项目ꎮ ( The project was
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No.
的生成量及形态不同ꎮ 玻璃化保存是最理想的保存
元的位置ꎬ因此并未破坏细胞功能 [3] ꎬ但目前很难达
properlyꎬ and then the incidence of IIF is reduced. The direction of ice seeding applied in the cell cryopreservation was pointed out.
Keywords cryopreservationꎻ intracellular ice damageꎻ ice nucleationꎻ suppressed nucleationꎻ ice seeding
蒋 沛1 火晓越1 刘宝林1 刘 威1 梁 玮2
(1 上海理工大学生物系统热科学研究所 上海 200093ꎻ 2 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 环境
与儿童健康教育部和上海市重点实验室 上海 200092)
摘 要 细胞低温保存过程中ꎬ胞内冰损伤是其主要损伤因素之一ꎬ这可以通过控制冰晶成核来降低ꎮ 本文总结了物理、化学及
Chinaꎻ 2. Ministry of Education and Shanghai Key Laboratory of Children′s Environmental Healthꎬ Xinhua Hospital
Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicineꎬ Shanghaiꎬ 200092ꎬ China)
制成核方法较为优异ꎮ 并提出最佳成核温度的概念ꎬ在该温度下ꎬ胞外冰产生且引导细胞适当脱水ꎬ减少胞内自由水ꎬ降低胞内
关键词 低温保存ꎻ胞内冰损伤ꎻ冰晶成核ꎻ抑制成核ꎻ置核
如图 1 所示慢速冷冻保存( 图 1 ̄Ⅰ ~ 图 1 ̄Ⅵ) 和玻璃
化保存( 图 1 ̄Ⅶ) 是低温保存的两种方式ꎬ其胞内冰
be superior methods of controlling ice nucleation. Additionallyꎬ the best ice seeding temperature was further proposed. At this temperatureꎬ
ice crystals are initiated in the extracellular solutionꎬ which could result in minimal cell volume by reducing intracellularly active water