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【摘要】Notch信号通路是一种高度进化保守的信号通路,它通过受体配体的相互作用转导细胞信号,可影响从无脊椎动物到哺乳动物等多个物种的发育过程,调节细胞的定向分化、组织和器官的发育.近年来的研究,发现Notch信号通路在细胞的老化过程中也起着重要作用,抑制此信号通路可导致细胞在形态、代谢相关酶水平以及基因水平上均产生与正常细胞不同的表现.该文就Notch信号通路与细胞老化关系的研究作一综述.%The Notch signaling pathway is a highly conservative transduction system which consists of re-ceptors, ligands and DNA-binding protein in the nucleus. Signas induced by ligand binding are transmitted at the in-tracellular part of the receptor, in a process involving interactions with cytoplasmic and nuclear proteins. And Notch signaling is involved in phenomena as diverse as differentiation, apoptosis and cell proliferation, thus controlling organ formation and morphogenesis. Recent studies show that Notch signaling pathway plays an important role in the senescence of cells. Inhibition of this pathway would result in changes of cell morphology, proliferation ability and expression level of associated genes.
1.Notch信号通路与急性肺损伤关系的研究进展 [J], 黄旺业;赵志梅
2.Notch信号通路与支气管哮喘关系的研究进展 [J], 姚意恩;李超乾
3.微小RNA-140与Notch信号通路及骨关节炎关系的研究进展 [J], 梁晓南;肖渊铭;蓝翔
4.Notch信号通路与肿瘤微环境的关系 [J], 王晓孜;李杰;薛丽英
5.Notch信号通路与肝癌细胞凋亡关系的研究进展 [J], 崔普泽;胡彦建;贺旺;胡彦华