How-Reading-changed-my-life PPT

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Novels? Newspapers? Or magazines? 2: Do you read just for pleasure or do you
read with some special purpose? 3: What can we do to change the situation
that people read less nowadays?
Anna Quindlen tells us with her own experiences how reading can change one’s life. She wandered the world and learned about people through books. Despite the decline of reading, Anna in the end of the essay tells us that there are still bookworms like her among ordinary people.
然而,纵使经历了生活的艰苦,斯嘉丽对艾希礼的感情仍 然没有改变。艾希礼妻子梅兰的去世,给了斯嘉丽一个机 会,一边是深爱自己的丈夫瑞德,一边是心心念念多年的 艾希礼?斯嘉丽会给自己怎样一个不一样的明天?
(para2)I went to Victorian England in the pages of Middlemarch and A little Princess,and Saint Petersburg before the fall of the tsar with Anna Karenina.
Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
Warm-up questions 1:What do you usually read? Short stories?
(Para 1)We walked to school, wandered wild in the summer
wander wild: the adjective “wild” is used here as a subject complement. Also:
At the age of 80, her mind began to wander free. A miser is a person who lives poor so as to die rich.
She has written five best-selling novels, three of which have been made into movies. One True Thing was made into a feature film in 1998 . Black and Blue and Blessings were made into television movies in 1999 and 2003 respectively.
Lesson Two
How Reading Changed My Life
Proverbs,sayings and quotations about reading and books
Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.
到头来,原来她父亲死后还留下了一大笔遗产, 他的朋友经过许多周折,终于找到了她。萨拉一 下子又是位“小公主”,被接走了,使米切尔小 姐恼丧不已。这本书既刻画了心地善良、不怕困 苦的萨拉,使人对她又是同情又是佩服,又对米 切尔小姐那种势利小人作了淋漓尽致的讽刺。
30年代好莱坞曾把这部小说拍成电影,扮演 萨拉·克鲁的就是当时最受欢迎的美国童星秀 兰·邓波儿。后来这本小说又不止一次拍成电影 。
Author Anna Marie Quindlen
Anna Marie Quindlen (born July 8, 1952) is an American author, journalist, and she won the Pulitzer Prize for Commentary in 1992.
可是后来,就在她生日那天,传来了一个坏消息——萨拉的父 亲已经破产身亡了。顿时,米切尔小姐对她的态度完全改变, 把她从“小公主”变成了低贱的侍女,从原来漂亮的房间赶到 寒冷简陋的阁楼上去栖身。但是在她生活困难时,还是不忘帮 助别人。萨拉尽管遭到变故,只能暗中想念父亲,但是最困难 的时候始终坚强地生活下去,不卑不亢,和过着同样日子的女 伴贝琪相濡以沫,互相支持。
安娜.卡列尼娜 Anna Karenina
女主人翁安娜,年青时和丈夫亚历山大.卡列宁 结合,本婚 姻美满,育有一子。卡列宁在仕途上成功,安娜亦于交际场 上光茫四射。
故事始于奥布朗斯基公爵和英国家庭女教师恋爱,与妻子道 丽闹翻,求助于其妺安娜。安娜从圣.彼得堡到莫斯科替二 人调解,在车站认识了年轻军官佛伦斯基。并在莫斯科一次 舞会中和佛伦斯基发生致命的恋情,自此不能自拔 。佛伦斯 基为求得美人,追随安娜至圣彼得堡,最后两人陷入热恋。 他俩频频幽会,最后安娜怀孕,并向丈夫承认了私情。卡列 宁一度想与妻子分居,但为存面子,拒绝离婚并要求妻子终 止恋情。然而安娜分娩时几乎难产而濒临死亡,在死亡面前, 卡列宁原谅了她
A Little Princess (小公主) Frances Hodgson Burnett(弗朗西斯·霍奇森·伯内特)
《小公主》是一部灰姑娘式的儿童小说,写的是19世纪的故事。 小主人公,英国女孩萨拉·克鲁,刚生下来母亲就去世,父亲克 鲁上尉在印度,十分富有。她之前住在印度,在她七岁的时候, 她被父亲送回伦敦,在米切尔小姐办的一所女子贵族学校寄宿 住读。她刚入学时,待遇就像小公主一般。萨拉特别爱幻想。
Gone with the wind Margaret Mitchell

美国南北战争前夕,南方农场塔拉庄园的千金斯嘉丽(费 •雯丽 饰)爱上了另一个农场主的儿子艾希礼,遭到了拒 绝,为了报复,她嫁给了自己不爱的男人,艾希礼妻子梅 兰的弟弟查尔斯。
战争期间,斯嘉丽成为寡妇,失去母亲,挑起生活的重担, 不再是当初的千金小姐;战争结束后,她又两度为人妻, 嫁给了爱她多年的投机商人瑞德。
move around in an area or go from place to place without any special purpose or destination; roam 游 荡;闲逛;漫游;漫步
She was wandering aimlessly up and down the road. 她在路上来回遛达. :
1. a range irty miles 三十哩的范围 2. extent of space or time(空间的)范围; 连续的
一段时间: a spread of 100 years 100年的时间.
colonials: houses built in the style of the 18th century during the colonial period of American history 殖民地时代风格的建筑
婚后的多萝西亚十分孤独,威尔与她谈得投机,爱上了她, 结果被卡苏朋禁止踏入家门。布鲁克要参加选举,要拉威尔 办报造势。詹姆士爵士同西莉亚结婚生子。后卡苏朋突然逝 世,威尔留在米德尔马契。最后多萝西亚放弃财产与威尔结 合,利德盖特则因无法实现抱负,50岁去世。
《米德尔马契》一书有两条主线。其一是理想主 义少女多萝西娅的灾难性婚姻与理想的破灭,其 二是青年医生利德盖特可悲的婚姻与事业的失败。 作者运用对比、对称、平行和重复等手法,把这 两条主线巧妙地交织在一起,把众多人物写了进 去,成功地表现了“社会挫败人”这样一个幻灭 主题。
Middlemarch (《米德尔马契》) George Eliot(乔治·艾略特)
《米德尔马契》是英国女作家乔治·艾略特的长篇小说。 小说的题目米德尔马契是作者虚构的英国省城。省城附近的
庄园住着布鲁克先生的侄女西莉亚和多萝西亚。多萝西亚希 望找到学者型丈夫,于是不顾众人反对,和比她年长27岁的 牧师卡苏朋订了婚,并预见卡苏朋的侄儿威尔·拉迪斯拉夫。 与此同时,27岁的利德盖特来到米德尔马契,创立新医院, 倡导医疗改革。改革触动了当地医生的利益,利德盖特被迫 娶了米德尔马契市长之女罗莎蒙德为妻,被她套取大量钱财。
Queen Victoria (1819 –1901) was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 20 June 1837 until her death.
She inherited the throne at the age of 18.
安娜病后无法压抑自己对佛伦斯基的爱,终于离家出走。佛 伦斯基带着安娜前往意大利旅行,这时安娜感到无比的幸福。 其后回到俄罗斯,于儿子生日时,按捺不住偷偷会见自己的 儿子。却无法见容于俄国社会,上流社会把安娜看作堕落的 女人,断绝和她的往来。安娜只得移居乡下,靠写作打发时 间。
二人共处日久,佛伦斯基和安娜在生活上的不信任日增。安 娜感到很难过,认为情人为前途名誉离她而去,沮丧失望之 下,安娜为处罚佛伦斯基,在火车驶近时跳下火车月台自杀。 葬礼之后,亚历山大·卡列宁带走她的女儿,佛伦斯基受到良 心的谴责,大病一场,后来志愿从军,前往巴尔干参战,但 求一死。
PartⅢ(Paras.16-18): Despite the decline of reading , there are still bookworms like me.
Detailed reading:Language Focus
(Para1 )...a small but satisfying spread of centerhall colonials, old roses, and quiet roads.
Structure PartⅠ(Para.1): A brief introduction of the quiet
and lovely place where I spent my childhood.
PartⅡ(Paras.2-15): I developed a good habit of reading in childhood and still keep the habit in adulthood.
It was a period of industrial, cultural, political, scientific, and military change within the United Kingdom, and was marked by a great expansion of the British Empire .
I've spent two years wandering the world. 我用了两年时间周游世界.
(Para2)I had nowhere to go and no imaginable reason on earth why I should......
on earth 究竟, 到底 Who on earth is that woman he's with? 跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁? Where on earth did you find that pen? 你究竟在哪儿找到那只笔的?