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1.a tariff is a duty or fee levied on goods being imported into a country .according to the time of collection ,duties can be divided into import duty and export duty .
2.Non -tariff barriers:quota,import license,foreign exchange control,state monopoly of import and export ,government procurement policy .
3.Shipping marks are used for identification of shipment during transit to ensure smooth and prompt delivery .
4.a liner is a passenger or cargo vessel that operates over a regular route according to an advertised time -table .
5.A tramp is a freight carrier that does not operate regularly ,but can pick up cargoes for almost any port .
6.a time charter is the hire of a ship for a definite period of time from a few months up to 20 years .
7.A bill of lading is a shipping document that serves as a reception from the shipping company for shippers 's goods ,a title document to the goods shipped ,and an evidence of the contract of carriage between the shipping company and the shipper .
8.More or less clause :it is sometimes difficult to ship the exact quantity of the commodity ,then a "more or less clause "can be used to allow some tolerance in the quantity .
9.Containerization is a method of distributing merchandise in a unitized form .it is best known kind of cargo unitization.
10.foreign exchange is the currency of any foreign country which is the authorized instrument of settlement and the basis for record keeping in that country .
11.Foreign exchange rate is the price relationship between the currencies of two countries or the price of one currency in terms of the other .
12.Direct quotation is the home currency price of one unit of foreign currency .
13.Indirect quotation is the foreign currency price of one unit of home currency .
14.An offer means submitting or furnishing details including prices ,conditions and other related items needed for a contract .
15.A definite offer is one that clearly expresses the offerer's willingness in concluding a contract .
16.An indefinite offer is one that has not expressed the offerer's clear willingness to conclude a contract .
17.An acceptance is a statement made by the offeree indicating assent to an offer .silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance .
18.A draft or bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer )requesting a second party (drawee /payer )to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party (payee )
19.A promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person (the maker )to another (the payee /the holder )signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum of money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer . 20.A check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer (drawer )to a bank (drawee )signed by the customer authorizing the bank to pay on demanding a specified sum of money to or to the order of named person or to bearer (payee )
21.Documentary credit :in simple terms ,a documentary credit is a conditional bank undertaking or guarantee of payment .expressed more fully ,it is a written undertaking by a bank given to the seller at the request ,and in accordance with the instructions ,of the buyer to effect payment up to a stated
sum of money ,within a prescribed time limit and against stipulated documents .
22.D/P sight :documents against payment means documents can only be released to the buyer when he has paid the amount on the draft .
23.D/P after sight :after sight means the buyer will pay the draft amount a specified number days after the draft is presented and accepted .
24.D/A:documents against appearance is different from D/P in that the documents representing the title to the goods will be released to the buyer once the buyer has accepted the draft .
25.Partial loss means the total loss of part of the insured cargo (eg ,the loss of one case out of a shipment of ten )or the damage to all or part of the insured cargo .
26.Total loss can be classified into actual total loss or constructive total loss .actual total loss means the non-existence of the insured cargo in value .
27.Premium is generally based on the value of goods covered and the statistical probability of loss .
28.a force majeure event is one that can generally be neither anticipated nor brought under control .
29.Arbitration is the settling of a dispute by a person or persons chosen by the parties in controversy .not all disputes can be settled by arbitration .arbitration agreement can be made before or after disputes arise .
mercial invoice :a commercial invoice gives details of the goods ,the value in particular .on the basis of this invoice ,duty will be assessed .it is issued by the exporter with the prescribed number of copies .
31.Bill of lading :it is a shipping document that serves as a proof of delivery of goods to the carrier ,a means of transferring rights to the goods by the transfer of the paper document to another party ,and an evidence of the contract of carriage between the shipping company and the shipper .
32.Bill of exchange:this is an unconditional order in writing signed by one party (drawer )requesting a second party (drawee /payer )to make payment in lawful money immediately or at a determinable future time to a third party (payee )
1.Adam Smith :the wealth of nations (1776)
David Ricardo :principle of political economy (1871)
2.A tariff is a duty or fee levied on goods being imported into a country .
Kinds :import /export duty ;import surtax ;specific duty ;countervailing duty ;ad valorem duty ;anti-dumping duty ;mix /compound duty .
3.CIF(cost ,insurance and freight ) FOB(Free on board) CFR(cost and freight ) FAS(Free alongside ship )CIP(carriage and insurance paid to )DES(delivered ex ship ) DAF(delivered at frontier ) DEQ(delivered ex quay )
4.types of packing :bale ,bags ,barrel /drum ,box /case ,glass container ,carton ,crate /skeleton case
5.Factors to consider in the stowage of cargo :the best possible use of the available dead weight or cubic capacity to keep broken stowage to minimum ;prevention of damage to transport vehicles ;proper segregation of cargoes ;proper segregation of consignments .
6.Types of B/L:shipped /on board B/L;received for shipment B/L;clean B/L;dirty /foul /unclean B/L;straight B/L;open /bearer /blank B/L;order B/L;direct B/L
7.The majority of containers used are built to ISO specifications .the basic container is most commonly built of steel or aluminium .
Cross section :2.60m*2.45m 2.45m*2.45m
Length :3.05m(10ft) 6.10m(20ft)# 9.15m(30ft) 10.70(35ft) 12.20(40ft)#
8.Requirements for an acceptance :by the right party ;unconditional ;in time ;by correct means
9.Type of draft :Sight draft ;time /usance draft ;clean draft ;documentary draft
10.Types of L/C:revocable L/C&irrevocable L/C;unconfirmed L/C&confirmed L/C;sight L/C&time L/C;transferable L/C&untransferable L/C;back-to-back L/C;red clause L/C;standby L/C
11.two types of risks are perils of the sea that include both natural calamities and fortuitous accidents ,and extraneous risks .
12.Fundamental principles of cargo insurance :insurable interest ;utmost good faith ;indemnity ; Proximate cause and principle of subrogation
13.main categories of general cargo insurance :free from particular average (FPA);with average /with particular average (WA/WPA);all risks
14.Major types of policy :time policy ;voyage policy ;mixed policy ;floating policy ;open policy
15.place and time of inspection :shipping quantity and weight ;landed quality and weight ; Inspection at the port of shipment and reinspection
16.types of inspection agencies :state commodity inspection agency ;notary public run by Professional associations ;manufacturer and user .
17.force majeure freatures :it happens after the contract is signed ;it is not due to the negligence of the buyer or the seller ;neither the buyer nor the seller can control the situation .
18.import procedure :import license ;sales contract ;L/C;shipment
and insurance ;document Examination and payment ;customs clearance ;taking delivery
and reinspection ;settlement of disputes
19.export procedures:export license ;sales contract ;L/C;getting goods ready for shipment ;export Declaration and customs clearance ;shipment ;insurance ;documentation and payment .。
