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【摘要】Aiming at the high precision and low consumption data transmitting requirement possessed by wireless sensor network of microgrid,a compressed sensing algorithm based on load balancing is proposed in this paper,which has considered the energy balance of nodes as well as the reconstruction performance so that it can prevent a single node from exhausting energy. The proposed algorithm will select the re-quired observation vectors by not only calculating entropy of the original signal,but also considering the residue energy of each node. Therefore,the algorithm can reduce the overall data transmission quantity and meanwhile balance the loads of various nodes in WSN,thus extending the network lifetime. Accord-ing to the simulation result,in wireless sensor network of microgrid,compared with traditional algorithm, algorithm of this paper has been obviously improved in both network lifetime and network convergence per-formance.%针对微电网数据传输过程中无线传感器网络所面临的数据过载和传输路径单一所导致的个别节点能耗过快的问题,对传统压缩感知算法进行了改进,提出将节点能量也作为传输路径选择的判定因素并作为判定参数加入其信息熵值的计算过程中,从而避免算法由于重复选择相同的传输路径造成网络中个别节点由于能量消耗过快而停止工作的情况出现.在微电网仿真模
【作者单位】西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳 621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳 621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳 621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳 621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院四川绵阳 621010
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