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∗基金 项 目: 深 圳 市 科 技 计 划 ( 知 识 创 新 ) 基 础 研 究 项 目ꎬ 编 号:
JCYJ20180302173733977ꎻ深圳市“ 医疗卫生三名工程” 引
作者简介:吕子山(1993 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ2017 级针灸推拿学专业硕士研究生ꎮ
the control group( P < 0. 05) . There were 21 cured cases and 11 markedly effective cases in the observation
group. The total effective rate of the observation group was 92. 5% (37 / 40 ) ꎬ which was significantly higher
JCAM. Jun. 2020ꎬVol. 36ꎬNO. 6
36Leabharlann 临 床 报 道针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠临床观察 ∗
吕子山1 ꎬ陈旭航1 ꎬ梁兰天1 ꎬ吴永刚2△
(1. 广州中医药大学第四临床医学院ꎬ广东 广州 510006ꎻ2. 深圳市中医院ꎬ广东 深圳 518033)
popularization and application.
Key words:Anxiety insomniaꎻ Ghost pointsꎻ Scalp acupunctureꎻ Acupuncture therapy
失眠症是以入睡和( 或) 睡眠维持困难所致的睡
LYU Zishan1 ꎬCHEN Xuhang1 ꎬLIANG Lantian1 ꎬWU Yonggang2△
(1. The Fourth Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicineꎬ Guangzhou 510006ꎬ Chinaꎻ
than 86. 8% (33 / 38) of the control group ( P < 0. 05 ) . Conclusion: Needling ghost points has a significant
clinical effect on anxiety insomniaꎬ which is superior to conventional scalp acupunctureꎬ and is worthy of further
2. Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicineꎬ Shenzhen 518033ꎬ China)
Abstract:Objective: To observe the clinical effect of needling ghost points in the treatment of anxiety insom ̄
组治疗后 PSQI 及 HAMA 评分均较治疗前改善ꎻ观察组治疗后 PSQI、HAMA 评分改善优于对照组ꎬ差异
具有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) ꎻ观察组痊愈 21 例、显效 11 例ꎬ总有效率 92. 5% (37 / 40) ꎬ高于对照组的
86. 8% (33 / 38) ꎬ差异具有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) ꎮ 结论:针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠临床疗效显著ꎬ
中图分类号:R246. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005 - 0779(2020)06 - 0036 - 03
Clinical Study on the Treatment of Anxiety Insomnia by Needling Ghost Points
was compared between the two groups. Results:The scores of PSQI and HAMA were improved after the treat ̄
ment in the two groupsꎬ the improvements were more significant in the observation group compared to those in
nia. Methods:80 patients with anxiety insomnia were randomly divided into the observation group( n = 40) and
the control group( n = 40) . The observation group was treated with needling ghost pointsꎬ whereas the control
摘 要:目的:观察针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠的临床疗效ꎮ 方法:将 80 例焦虑性失眠患者随机分为
观察组与对照组ꎬ各 40 例ꎮ 观察组予针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗ꎬ对照组予头针常规治疗ꎮ 观察两组患者治疗前
后匹兹堡睡眠质量指数( PSQI) 、汉密尔顿焦虑量表( HAMA) 变化ꎬ观察并比较两组疗效差别ꎮ 结果:两
group was treated with conventional scalp acupuncture. The scores of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI)
and Hamilton Anxiety Scale( HAMA) were observed before and after the treatmentꎬ and the clinical efficacy
△通讯作者:吴永刚(1963 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ主任医师ꎬ教授ꎬ从事针灸治疗神经
能的一种主观体验 [1] ꎮ 在失眠群体中有相当比例患
JCYJ20180302173733977ꎻ深圳市“ 医疗卫生三名工程” 引
作者简介:吕子山(1993 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ2017 级针灸推拿学专业硕士研究生ꎮ
the control group( P < 0. 05) . There were 21 cured cases and 11 markedly effective cases in the observation
group. The total effective rate of the observation group was 92. 5% (37 / 40 ) ꎬ which was significantly higher
JCAM. Jun. 2020ꎬVol. 36ꎬNO. 6
36Leabharlann 临 床 报 道针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠临床观察 ∗
吕子山1 ꎬ陈旭航1 ꎬ梁兰天1 ꎬ吴永刚2△
(1. 广州中医药大学第四临床医学院ꎬ广东 广州 510006ꎻ2. 深圳市中医院ꎬ广东 深圳 518033)
popularization and application.
Key words:Anxiety insomniaꎻ Ghost pointsꎻ Scalp acupunctureꎻ Acupuncture therapy
失眠症是以入睡和( 或) 睡眠维持困难所致的睡
LYU Zishan1 ꎬCHEN Xuhang1 ꎬLIANG Lantian1 ꎬWU Yonggang2△
(1. The Fourth Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicineꎬ Guangzhou 510006ꎬ Chinaꎻ
than 86. 8% (33 / 38) of the control group ( P < 0. 05 ) . Conclusion: Needling ghost points has a significant
clinical effect on anxiety insomniaꎬ which is superior to conventional scalp acupunctureꎬ and is worthy of further
2. Shenzhen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicineꎬ Shenzhen 518033ꎬ China)
Abstract:Objective: To observe the clinical effect of needling ghost points in the treatment of anxiety insom ̄
组治疗后 PSQI 及 HAMA 评分均较治疗前改善ꎻ观察组治疗后 PSQI、HAMA 评分改善优于对照组ꎬ差异
具有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) ꎻ观察组痊愈 21 例、显效 11 例ꎬ总有效率 92. 5% (37 / 40) ꎬ高于对照组的
86. 8% (33 / 38) ꎬ差异具有统计学意义( P < 0. 05) ꎮ 结论:针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠临床疗效显著ꎬ
中图分类号:R246. 1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005 - 0779(2020)06 - 0036 - 03
Clinical Study on the Treatment of Anxiety Insomnia by Needling Ghost Points
was compared between the two groups. Results:The scores of PSQI and HAMA were improved after the treat ̄
ment in the two groupsꎬ the improvements were more significant in the observation group compared to those in
nia. Methods:80 patients with anxiety insomnia were randomly divided into the observation group( n = 40) and
the control group( n = 40) . The observation group was treated with needling ghost pointsꎬ whereas the control
摘 要:目的:观察针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗焦虑性失眠的临床疗效ꎮ 方法:将 80 例焦虑性失眠患者随机分为
观察组与对照组ꎬ各 40 例ꎮ 观察组予针刺“ 鬼穴” 治疗ꎬ对照组予头针常规治疗ꎮ 观察两组患者治疗前
后匹兹堡睡眠质量指数( PSQI) 、汉密尔顿焦虑量表( HAMA) 变化ꎬ观察并比较两组疗效差别ꎮ 结果:两
group was treated with conventional scalp acupuncture. The scores of Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index ( PSQI)
and Hamilton Anxiety Scale( HAMA) were observed before and after the treatmentꎬ and the clinical efficacy
△通讯作者:吴永刚(1963 - ) ꎬ男ꎬ主任医师ꎬ教授ꎬ从事针灸治疗神经
能的一种主观体验 [1] ꎮ 在失眠群体中有相当比例患